Mafi katalog 2017

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mafi produziert Naturholzböden seit Generationen ausschließlich in Österreich, vollkommen ökologisch, maßgeschneidert für jeden Kunden, auf Basis der Natur, mit mehr Menschen als Maschinen und innerhalb von vier Tagen.


Dadurch sind wir ausgesprochen flexibel und dürfen ehrliche Unikate produzieren. Der gezielte Einsatz von Handwerk gibt unseren Böden die so wichtige persönliche Note und Aussehen. Gepaart mit präzisem Maschineneinsatz und dem richtigen Holz entstehen unsere formstabilen und authentischen Naturholzböden. mafi has been producing natural wood floors for generations, exclusively in Austria. Each floor is completely organic and individually tailor-made for each client, made with more hands than machines and within four days. As a result we are very flexible and produce incredibly unique items. The targeted use of craftsmen gives our floors that very important personal touch and look. Coupled with a precise use of machinery and carefully selected wood we create our dimensionally stable and authentic natural wood floors.

Vater und Sohn: in der Mitte unser aktueller CEO Friedrich Fillafer zu Kinderzeiten neben mafi Gründer Friedrich Fillafer Senior ganz rechts. | Father and Son: a childhood photo of our current CEO Friedrich Fillafer and the mafi founder Friedrich Fillafer Senior on the far right.

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Nachhaltigkeit bedeutet für uns einen verantwortungsvollen, gelebten Umgang mit der Ressource Holz, weit über die Materialbeschaffung hinaus. mafi verwendet den gesamten Baum, kreiert aus dieser Prämisse heraus einzigartige und zukunftsweisende Produktdesigns, stets mit Blick auf die optimale Ressourcennutzung. Eine derart nachhaltige Leitidee bedingt Innovationen in allen Bereichen zwischen Einkauf, Produktion, Vermarktung und Verkauf. Wir setzen dabei auf Langlebigkeit anstelle von Austauschbarkeit.


For us, sustainibility involves dealing responsibly and actively with our wood resources, which goes far beyond sourcing the materials. mafi uses the entire tree and from this premise, we create unique and innovative product designs, whilst focusing on the optimal use of resources. Such a sustainable idea requires innovation in all areas from purchasing and production to marketing and sales. We rely on durability rather than replaceability.

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Wir entwickelten uns als mafi in den letzten 100 Jahren vom Sägewerk, über eine kunstvolle Holzdeckenproduktion hin zu einer innovativen Naturholzbodenmanufaktur. mafi befindet sich im Herzen Europas am Rande des Kobernaußerwaldes, der mit dem Hausruckwald eines der größten zusammenhängenden Waldgebiete Mitteleuropas bildet. Unsere beiden Werke liegen innerhalb von 12 km und teilen sich die Aufgaben. In Steindorf steht die Aufarbeitung des Baumstammes zu Lamellen im Fokus und in Schneegattern die Verarbeitung der Lamellen zu unseren Dielen. Wir produzieren ausschließlich in Österreich und setzten auf Regionalität, sei es als Arbeitgeber, in der Produktion oder im Vertrieb. We evolved as mafi over the last 100 years from a simple sawmill, via an ornate wood ceiling producer and into an innovative natural wood floor manufacturer. mafi is located in the heart of Europe on the edge of the Kobernausser Forest, which together with the Hausruck Forest forms one of the largest connected forest areas in Central Europe. Our two factories lie within 12 km of each other and divide the tasks. In Steindorf, the tree trunk is processed into slats, while in Schneegattern these slates are then processed into our planks. We produce exclusively in Austria and focus on regionalism, both as an employer, in the production and distribution.

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[Otl Aicher, Designer] . Gute Kunst inspiriert, gutes Design motiviert. . Good art inspires, good design motivates.

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American Career College, West Coast University - Los Angeles, America

[EIT0BKN] . Tiger EICHE schwarz | gebürstet | natur geölt . Tiger OAK black | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Tiger nero | spazzolato | olio naturale

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

. CHÊNE Tigre noir | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Tigre negro | cepillado | aceitado natural .

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Private - Klosterneuburg, Austria

[EIT0BKN] . Tiger EICHE schwarz | gebürstet | natur geölt . Tiger OAK black | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Tiger nero | spazzolato | olio naturale

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

. CHÊNE Tigre noir | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Tigre negro | cepillado | aceitado natural .

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Cookina EBK Wohndesign GmbH - Graz, Austria

[EIT0BKN] . Tiger EICHE schwarz | gebürstet | natur geölt . Tiger OAK black | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Tiger nero | spazzolato | olio naturale

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

. CHÊNE Tigre noir | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Tigre negro | cepillado | aceitado natural .

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Private - Brisbane, Australia

[EIT1BKN] . Tiger EICHE weiß | gebürstet | natur geölt . Tiger OAK white | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Tiger bianco | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Tigre blanc | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Tigre blanco | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©

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Boutique Christina's - Solothurn, Switzerland

[EIT2BKN] . Tiger EICHE gold | gebürstet | natur geölt . Tiger OAK gold | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Tiger oro | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

Tigre doré | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Tigre oro | cepillado | aceitado natural .

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Medical Office Dr. Bernhard Lindner - Salzburg, Austria

[EITCBKN] . Tiger EICHE CC | gebürstet | natur geölt . Tiger OAK CC | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Tiger CC | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Tigre CC | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Tigre CC | cepillado | aceitado natural .

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[Antoni GaudĂ­, Architect] . Farbe in der Architektur muss intensiv und logisch sein. . Colour in architecture must be intense and logical.

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Bakery Bangerter - Basel, Switzerland

[ECC0BKG] . Korallen EICHE schwarz | gebürstet | grau geölt . Coral OAK black | brushed | grey oil . ROVERE Corallo nero | spazzolato | olio grigio . CHÊNE Corail noir | brossé | huilé gris . ROBLE Coral negro | cepillado | aceitado gris .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/


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Private - Neumarkt am Wallersee, Austria

[ECC0BKW] . Korallen EICHE schwarz | gebürstet | weiß geölt . Coral OAK black | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Corallo nero | spazzolato | olio bianco

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

. CHÊNE Corail noir | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Coral negro | cepillado | aceitado blanco .


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Genussdorf Gmachl - Bergheim, Austria

[ECC1BKW] . Korallen EICHE weiß | gebürstet | weiß geölt . Coral OAK white | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Corallo bianco | spazzolato | olio bianco

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

. CHÊNE Corail blanc | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Coral blanco | cepillado | aceitado blanco .


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Private - Istanbul, Turkey

[ECC2BKN] . Korallen EICHE gold | gebürstet | natur geölt . Coral OAK gold | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Corallo oro | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Corail doré | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Coral oro | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Mustafa Nurdoğdu/


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Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[ECC3BKG] . Korallen EICHE silber | gebürstet | grau geölt . Coral OAK silver | brushed | grey oil . ROVERE Corallo argento | spazzolato | olio grigio . CHÊNE Corail argenté | brossé | huilé gris . ROBLE Coral plata | cepillado | aceitado gris .


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Motel One Vienna Staatsoper - Vienna, Austria

[ECK0BKN] . Korallen EICHE Vulcano schwarz | gebürstet | natur geölt . Coral OAK Vulcano black | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Corallo Vulcano nero . ROBLE Coral Vulcano negro | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

| spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Corail Vulcano noir | brossé | huilé nature . 36 | 37

Optician Sattler - Graz, Austria

[ECK1BKN] . Korallen EICHE Vulcano weiß | gebürstet | natur geölt . Coral OAK Vulcano white | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Corallo Vulcano bianco . ROBLE Coral Vulcano blanco | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

| spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Corail Vulcano blanc | brossé | huilé nature . 38 | 39

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[ECK2BKN] . Korallen EICHE Vulcano gold | gebürstet | natur geölt . Coral OAK Vulcano gold | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Corallo Vulcano oro | . ROBLE Coral Vulcano oro | cepillado | aceitado natural .

spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Corail Vulcano doré | brossé | huilé nature . 40 | 41


[Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Writer] . Alles, was uns imponieren soll, muss Charakter haben. . If something is to impress us, it must have character.

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Hotel Trofana Royal - Ischgl, Austria

[ECM0HKG] . Zauber EICHE Breitdiele schwarz | handgehobelt | grau geölt . Magic OAK Wide-Plank black | hand-planed | grey oil . ROVERE Magia ROBLE Mágico Tablones Anchos negro | tallado a mano | aceitado gris

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Listone Largo nero | piallato a mano | olio grigio . CHÊNE Magique Lame Large noir | raboté à la main | huilé gris . 44 | 45

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[ECM3HKW] . Zauber EICHE silber | handgehobelt | weiß geölt . Magic OAK silver | hand-planed | white oil . ROVERE Magia argento | piallato a mano ROBLE Mágico plata | tallado a mano | aceitado blanco .

| olio bianco . CHÊNE Magique argenté | raboté à la main | huilé blanc . 46 | 47

mafi flagshipstore - Vienna, Austria

[ECZ3HKW] . Zauber EICHE Vulcano Breitdiele silber | handgehobelt | weiß geölt . Magic OAK Vulcano Wide-Plank silver | hand-planed | white oil . ROVERE CHÊNE Magique Vulcano Lame Large argenté | raboté à la main | huilé blanc . ROBLE Mágico Vulcano plata | tallado a mano | aceitado blanco

Photo: ©Nadine Poncioni/

Magia Vulcano Listone Largo argento | piallato a mano | olio bianco . 48 | 49


[Le Corbusier, Architect] . Die Grundlage ist das Fundament der Basis. . The groundwork is the foundation of the basis.

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O2 Live Concept Store - Berlin, Germany

[EAEBBKN] . EICHE Astrein | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Clear | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©André Müller/

Sans Noeuds | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Sin Nudos | cepillado | aceitado natural .


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Gensler Architects - Los Angeles, America

[EAEBBKW] . EICHE Astrein | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Clear | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Sans

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Noeuds | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Sin Nudos | cepillado | aceitado blanco .


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Private - Vienna, Austria

[EABDBKW] . EICHE Astrein Breitdiele | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Clear Wide-Plank | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Sans Noeuds Lame Large | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Sin Nudos Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

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BMW Brand Store - Brussels, Belgium

[EAEBXKW] . EICHE Astrein | stark gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Clear | heavily brushed | white oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi | spazzolato profondo | olio . ROBLE Sin Nudos | cepillado fuerte | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©

bianco . CHÊNE Sans Noeuds | fortement brossé | huilé blanc . 58 | 59

Private - Kiev, Ukraine

[EABDBKX] . EICHE Astrein Breitdiele | gebürstet | extrem weiß geölt . OAK Clear Wide-Plank | brushed | extreme white oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi ROBLE Sin Nudos Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado blanco extremo .

Photo: ©Andrey Avdeenko/

Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio bianco extrem . CHÊNE Sans Noeuds Lame Large | brossé | extrêment huilé blanc . 60 | 61

Parkhotel Igls - Igls, Austria

[EAEBBKG] . EICHE Astrein | gebürstet | grau geölt . OAK Clear | brushed | grey oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi | spazzolato | olio grigio . CHÊNE Sans

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Noeuds | brossé | huilé gris . ROBLE Sin Nudos | cepillado | aceitado gris .


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Photo: ©

[EAEFBKW] . EICHE Astrein Fischgrät 90° | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Clear Herringbone 90° | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi posa a spina ROBLE Sin Nudos Espiga 90° | cepillado | aceitado blanco

di pesce 90° | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Sans Noeuds Bâtons rompus 90° | brossé | huilé blanc . 64 | 65

Depot 1899 Wirtshaus - Frankfurt, Germany

[EIEBBKN] . EICHE Astig | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Character | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Con Nodi | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Avec Noeuds | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Con Nudos | cepillado | aceitado natural .


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Cottage Lunkowitz - Brand, Austria

[EIEBXKN] . EICHE Astig | stark gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Character | heavily brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Con Nodi | spazzolato profondo | olio . ROBLE Con Nudos | cepillado fuerte | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Benjamin Butschell/

naturale . CHÊNE Avec Noeuds | fortement brossé | huilé nature . 68 | 69

Private - Münsingen, Switzerland

[EIBDBKW] . EICHE Astig Breitdiele | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Character Wide-Plank | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Con Nodi Listone Largo | . ROBLE Con Nudos Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Avec Noeuds Lame Large | brossé | huilé blanc . 70 | 71

bulthaup im neunten - Vienna, Austria

[EIBDBKM] . EICHE Astig Breitdiele | gebürstet | 1x natur geölt 1x weiß geölt . OAK Character Wide-Plank | brushed | 1x natural oil 1x white oil . ROVERE brossé | 1x huilé nature 1x huilé blanc . ROBLE Con Nudos Tablones Anchos | cepillado | 1x aceitado natural 1x aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Christina Häusler/

Con Nodi Listone Largo | spazzolato | 1x olio naturale 1x olio bianco . CHÊNE Avec Noeuds Lame Large | 72 | 73

Medical Office Dr. Ulrike Schulz - Vienna, Austria

[EIEBBKX] . EICHE Astig | gebürstet | extrem weiß geölt . OAK Character | brushed | extreme white oil . ROVERE Con Nodi | spazzolato | olio bianco . ROBLE Con Nudos | cepillado | aceitado blanco extremo .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

extrem . CHÊNE Avec Noeuds | brossé | extrêment huilé blanc . 74 | 75

Döllerer's Genusswelten - Golling, Austria

[EIEBBKG] . EICHE Astig | gebürstet | grau geölt . OAK Character | brushed | grey oil . ROVERE Con Nodi | spazzolato | olio grigio . CHÊNE Avec

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Noeuds | brossé | huilé gris . ROBLE Con Nudos | cepillado | aceitado gris .


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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[EIEBBKB] . EICHE Astig | gebürstet | basalt grau geölt . OAK Character | brushed | basalt grey oil . ROVERE Con Nodi | spazzolato | olio grigio basalto

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

. CHÊNE Avec Noeuds | brossé | huilé gris basalte . ROBLE Con Nudos | cepillado | aceitado gris basalto .


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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[ECB5BKW] . EICHE Sand Breitdiele | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Sand Wide-Plank | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Sand Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Sand Lame Large | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Sand Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

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Private - Lohnsburg, Austria

[ECEBBKN] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Country | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado natural .


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Private - Naples, America

[ECEBBKN] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Giovanni Photography/

Country | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado natural .


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Private - Melbourne, Australia

[ECEBBKN] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Ben Wrigley/

Country | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado natural .


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Stiegl booth, Gast 2016 - Salzburg, Austria

[ECEBXKN] . EICHE Country | stark gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country | heavily brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato profondo | olio

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

naturale . CHÊNE Country | fortement brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Country | cepillado fuerte | aceitado natural .


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Private - Davos, Switzerland

[ECBDBKN] . EICHE Country Breitdiele | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country Wide-Plank | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Country Lame Large | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Country Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

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Private - Melbourne, Australia

[ECEBBKW] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Country | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE

Photo: ©John Wheatley/

Country | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado blanco .


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Private - Topanga, America

[ECEBBKW] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Country | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE

Photo: ©James Ray Spahn/

Country | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado blanco .


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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[ECEBBKW] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Country | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Country | brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado blanco .


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Private - Bern, Switzerland

[ECEBBKX] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | extrem weiß geölt . OAK Country | brushed | extreme white oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio bianco

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

extrem . CHÊNE Country | brossé | extrêment huilé blanc . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado blanco extremo .


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Café Kubus - Kuchl, Austria

[ECEBBKG] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | grau geölt . OAK Country | brushed | grey oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio grigio . CHÊNE Country

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

| brossé | huilé gris . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado gris .


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Private - Sydney, Australia

[ECEBBKG] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | grau geölt . OAK Country | brushed | grey oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio grigio . CHÊNE Country

Photo: ©Caroline McCredie/

| brossé | huilé gris . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado gris .


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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[ECEBBKA] . EICHE Country | gebürstet | graphit grau geölt . OAK Country | brushed | graphite grey oil . ROVERE Country | spazzolato | olio grigio

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

grafite . CHÊNE Country | brossé | huilé gris graphite . ROBLE Country | cepillado | aceitado gris grafito .


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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[EIEMBKW] . EICHE Molto | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Molto | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Molto | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Molto |

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Molto | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

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Restaurant Franz Hotel Gmachl - Bergheim, Austria

[EWEBXKN] . EICHE Wild | stark gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Wild | heavily brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Wild | spazzolato profondo | olio naturale

Photo: ©Hotel Gmachl GmbH/

. CHÊNE Wild | fortement brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Wild | cepillado fuerte | aceitado natural .

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Romantik Hotel Weisses Rössl - St. Wolfgang, Austria

[EIVUBKN] . EICHE Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Vulcano | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural .


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Private - Gent, Belgium

[EIVUBKN] . EICHE Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Vulcano | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE

Photo: ©

Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural .


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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[ECVUBKN] . EICHE Country Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country Vulcano | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Country Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . . ROBLE Country Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[ECVBBKW] . EICHE Country Vulcano Breitdiele | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Country Vulcano Wide-Plank | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Country ROBLE Country Vulcano Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

Vulcano Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Country Vulcano Lame Large | brossé | huilé blanc . 116 | 117

Private - Straßwalchen, Austria

[EHVUBKN] . EICHE Vulcano Medium | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Vulcano Medium | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Vulcano Medio | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Vulcano Medium | brossé | huilé nature . . ROBLE Vulcano Medio | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

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Cafe Bakery Heinzl - Friedburg, Austria

[EKVUBKN] . EICHE Country Vulcano Medium | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country Vulcano Medium | brushed | natur oil . ROVERE Country Vulcano . ROBLE Country Vulcano Medio | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Medio | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Country Vulcano Medium | brossé | huilé nature . 120 | 121

Private - St. Gilgen, Austria

[EKVUBKW] . EICHE Country Vulcano Medium | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Country Vulcano Medium | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Country Vulcano . ROBLE Country Vulcano Medio | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Medio | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Country Vulcano Medium | brossé | huilé blanc . 122 | 123

Private - Graz, Austria

[EIVMBKN] . EICHE Molto Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Molto Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Molto Vulcano | spazzolato | olio

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

naturale . CHÊNE Molto Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Molto Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural .

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M.A.N.D.U. Lifestyleworkout - Hallein, Austria

[VNVUBKN] . Nero EICHE Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . Nero OAK Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . Nero ROVERE Vulcano | spazzolato | olio naturale

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

. Nero CHÊNE Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . Nero ROBLE Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural .

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[Karl Friedrich Schinkel, Architect and Painter] . Die Architektur ist die Fortsetzung der Natur in ihrer konstruktiven Tätigkeit. . Architecture is the continuation

of nature in its constructive activity.

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Private - Salzburg, Austria

[R002BKN] . EICHE Country Riva Mezzo | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country Riva Mezzo | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country Riva Mezzo | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Country Riva Mezzo | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Country Riva Mezzo | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

130 | 131

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[R002BKN] . EICHE Country Riva Mezzo | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country Riva Mezzo | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country Riva Mezzo | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Country Riva Mezzo | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Country Riva Mezzo | cepillado | aceitado natural .

132 | 133

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[R011BKN] . EICHE Country Vulcano Riva Mezzo | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Country Vulcano Riva Mezzo | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Country ROBLE Country Vulcano Riva Mezzo | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Vulcano Riva Mezzo | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Country Vulcano Riva Mezzo | brossé | huilé nature . 134 | 135


[Antiphon, Philosopher] . Die Umgebung, in der der Mensch sich den größten Teil des Tages aufhält, bestimmt seinen Charakter. . The environment in which a

human spends the greater part of his day determines his character.

136 | 137

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[ZIEBBKN] . ZIRBEL-KIEFER | gebürstet | natur geölt . SWISS STONE PINE | brushed | natural oil . PINO CEMBRO | spazzolato | olio naturale . PIN CEMBRO | brossé | huilé nature . PINO CEMBRA | cepillado | aceitado natural .

138 | 139

Private - Attersee, Austria

[ZIEBBKW] . ZIRBEL-KIEFER | gebürstet | weiß geölt . SWISS STONE PINE | brushed | white oil . PINO CEMBRO | spazzolato | olio bianco . PIN

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

CEMBRO | brossé | huilé blanc . PINO CEMBRA | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

140 | 141

Bio-Hotel Stanglwirt - Going am Wilden Kaiser, Austria

[LABDBKN] . LÄRCHE Breitdiele | gebürstet | natur geölt . LARCH Wide-Plank | brushed | natural oil . LARICE Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio naturale

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

. MÉLÈZE Lame Large | brossé | huilé nature . ALERCE Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado natural .

142 | 143

Hotel Gasthof Post - Lech, Austria

[LABDBKW] . LÄRCHE Breitdiele | gebürstet | weiß geölt . LARCH Wide-Plank | brushed | white oil . LARICE Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio bianco . MÉLÈZE Lame Large | brossé | huilé blanc . ALERCE Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

144 | 145

Private - Ponto Valentino, Switzerland

[LABDBLW] . LÄRCHE Breitdiele | gebürstet | gelaugt | weiß geölt . LARCH Wide-Plank | brushed | lye treated | white oil . LARICE Listone Largo | spazzolato | lisciviato | olio bianco . MÉLÈZE Lame Large | brossé | lessivé | huilé blanc . ALERCE Tablones Anchos | cepillado | tratado con lejía | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

146 | 147

Hotel Steirereck am Pogusch - Turnau, Austria

[LCBDBKN] . LÄRCHE Country Breitdiele | gebürstet | natur geölt . LARCH Country Wide-Plank | brushed | natural oil . LARICE Country Listone Largo | Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

spazzolato | olio naturale . MÉLÈZE Country Lame Large | brossé | huilé nature . ALERCE Country 148 | 149

Hotel Steirereck am Pogusch - Turnau, Austria

[LCBDBKN] . LÄRCHE Country Breitdiele | gebürstet | natur geölt . LARCH Country Vulcano Wide-Plank | brushed | natural oil . LARICE Country Vulcano ALERCE Country Vulcano Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio naturale . MÉLÈZE Country Vulcano Lame Large | brossé | huilé nature . 150 | 151

Hotel Elisabeth - Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria

[LAVBBKN] . LÄRCHE Vulcano Breitdiele | gebürstet | natur geölt . LARCH Vulcano Wide-Plank | brushed | natural oil . LARICE Vulcano Listone Largo | ALERCE Vulcano Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

spazzolato | olio naturale . MÉLÈZE Vulcano Lame Large | brossé | huilé nature . 152 | 153

VITAZEN Vitalcenter - Salzburg, Austria

[LAVUBKW] . LÄRCHE Vulcano | gebürstet | weiß geölt . LARCH Vulcano | brushed | white oil . LARICE Vulcano | spazzolato | olio bianco . MÉLÈZE

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Lame Large | brossé | huilé blanc . ALERCE Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado blanco .


154 | 155

Hotel Kitzhof - Kitzbühel, Austria

[LCVBBKN] . LÄRCHE Country Vulcano Breitdiele | gebürstet | natur geölt . LARCH Country Vulcano Wide-Plank | brushed | natural oil . LARICE Country ALERCE Country Vulcano Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

Vulcano Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio naturale . MÉLÈZE Country Vulcano Lame Large | brossé | huilé nature . 156 | 157

Kempinski Hotel - Kitzbühel, Austria

[TABDBKW] . TANNE Breitdiele | gebürstet | weiß geölt . FIR Wide-Plank | brushed | white oil . ABETE BIANCO Listone Largo | spazzolato | olio bianco . SAPIN Lame Large | brossé | huilé blanc . ABETO Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

158 | 159

Private - Elixhausen, Austria

[TABDBLW] . TANNE Breitdiele | gebürstet | gelaugt | weiß geölt . FIR Wide-Plank | brushed | lye treated | white oil . ABETE BIANCO Listone Largo | spazzolato | lisciviato | olio bianco . SAPIN Lame Large | brossé | lessivé | huilé blanc . ABETO Tablones Anchos | cepillado | tratado con lejía | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

160 | 161

Private - Salzburg, Austria

[DOBDBKN] . DOUGLASIE Breitdiele | gebürstet | natur geölt . DOUGLAS FIR Wide-Plank | brushed | natural oil . DOUGLASIA Listone Largo | spazzolato

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

| olio naturale . PIN DOUGLAS Lame Large | brossé | huilé nature . ABETO DOUGLAS Tablones Anchos | cepillado | aceitado natural .

162 | 163

Private - Salzburg, Austria

[DOBDBLW] . DOUGLASIE Breitdiele | gebürstet | gelaugt | weiß geölt . DOUGLAS FIR Wide-Plank | brushed | lye treated | white oil . DOUGLASIA ABETO DOUGLAS Tablones Anchos | cepillado | tratado con lejía | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Listone Largo | spazzolato | lisciviato | olio bianco . PIN DOUGLAS Lame Large | brossé | lessivé | huilé blanc . 164 | 165


[Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Architect] . Jeder Stoff ist nur das wert, was wir aus ihm machen. . We must remember that everything depends on how we use a

material, not on the material itself.

166 | 167

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[AHEBSKW] . AHORN Europa | geschliffen | weiß geölt . MAPLE Europe | sanded | white oil . ACERO Europa | levigato | olio bianco . ÉRABLE

Europe | poncé | huilé blanc . ARCE Europa | lijado | aceitado blanco .

168 | 169

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[AHVUSKN] . AHORN Vulcano | geschliffen | natur geölt . MAPLE Vulcano | sanded | natural oil . ACERO Vulcano | levigato | olio naturale . ÉRABLE

Vulcano | poncé | huilé nature . ARCE Vulcano | lijado | aceitado natural .

170 | 171

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

Private - London, England

Photo: ©

Private - London, England

Photo: ©

art gallery - London, England

[AKVUBKN] . AKAZIE Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . ACACIA Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . ACACIA Vulcano | spazzolato | olio naturale . ACACIA Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . ACACIA Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©

172 | 173

Private - Hallwang, Austria

[EMVUBKN] . ESCHE Vulcano Medium | gebürstet | natur geölt . ASH Vulcano Medium | brushed | natural oil . FRASSINO Vulcano Medio | spazzolato

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

| olio naturale . FRÊNE Vulcano Medium | brossé | huilé nature . FRESNO Vulcano Medio | cepillado | aceitado natural .

174 | 175

Perfumery Penhaligon's London - Singapore, Singapore

[EDVUBKN] . ESCHE Vulcano Dunkel | gebürstet | natur geölt . ASH Vulcano Dark | brushed | natural oil . FRASSINO Vulcano Scuro | spazzolato |

Perfumery Penhaligon's London - London, England

olio naturale . FRÊNE Vulcano Foncé | brossé | huilé nature . FRESNO Vulcano Oscura | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Michael Franke/

176 | 177

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[NSSESKN] . NUSS USA | geschliffen | natur geölt . WALNUT USA | sanded | natural oil . NOCE USA | levigato | olio naturale . NOYER USA | poncé

| huilé nature . NOGAL USA | lijado | aceitado natural .

178 | 179

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[BRVUBKN] . ROSSO Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . ROSSO Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . ROSSO Vulcano | spazzolato | olio naturale . ROSSO

Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . ROSSO Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural .

180 | 181


[Charles Eames, Architect and Designer] . Bedürfnisse erkennen zu können ist die Hauptvoraussetzung für die praktische Arbeit des Designers. . The recognition

and understanding of the need is the primary condition of the creative act.

182 | 183

Restaurant Ceconi's - Salzburg, Austria

[EA2PBKN] . EICHE Astarm Piccolino | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Few Knots Piccolino | brushed | natural oil . ROVERE Pochi Nodi Piccolino | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Avec Peu De Noeuds Piccolino | brossé | huilé nature . ROBLE Con Pocos Nudos Piccolino | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

184 | 185

Private - Germany

[EA2PBKW] . EICHE Astarm Piccolino | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Few Knots Piccolino | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Pochi Nodi Piccolino | spazzolato ROBLE Con Pocos Nudos Piccolino | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©

| olio bianco . CHÊNE Avec Peu De Noeuds Piccolino | brossé | huilé blanc . 186 | 187

Private - Mondsee, Austria

[NS2PSKN] . NUSS USA Piccolino | geschliffen | natur geölt . WALNUT USA Piccolino | sanded | natural oil . NOCE USA Piccolino | levigato | olio

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

naturale . NOYER USA Piccolino | poncé | huilé nature . NOGAL USA Piccolino | lijado | aceitado natural .

188 | 189


[Tony Stark, Iron Man] . Manchmal muss man rennen, bevor man laufen kann. . Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk.

190 | 191

Hotel Alpine Palace - Saalbach, Austria

Photo: ©Ideenwerk/

[F500FKN] . BUCHE Vulcano Fresco Duna | gefräst | natur geölt . BEECH Vulcano Fresco Duna | milled | natural oil . FAGGIO Vulcano Fresco Duna | fresato | olio naturale . HÊTRE Vulcano Fresco Duna | fraisage | huilé nature . HAYA Vulcano Fresco Duna | molido | aceitado natural

192 | 193

Hotel Auersperg - Salzburg, Austria

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

[F500FKN] . BUCHE Vulcano Fresco Duna | gefräst | natur geölt . BEECH Vulcano Fresco Duna | milled | natural oil . FAGGIO Vulcano Fresco Duna | fresato | olio naturale . HÊTRE Vulcano Fresco Duna | fraisage | huilé nature . HAYA Vulcano Fresco Duna | molido | aceitado natural

194 | 195

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[F501FKN] . BUCHE Vulcano Fresco Rombo | gefräst | natur geölt . BEECH Vulcano Fresco Rombo | milled | natural oil . FAGGIO Vulcano Fresco Rombo

| fresato | olio naturale . HÊTRE Vulcano Fresco Rombo | fraisage | huilé nature . HAYA Vulcano Fresco Rombo | molido | aceitado natural

196 | 197

Villa Oberfeld - Los Angeles, America

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

[F502FKW] . BUCHE Vulcano Fresco Punto | gefräst | weiß geölt . BEECH Vulcano Fresco Punto | milled | white oil . FAGGIO Vulcano Fresco Punto | fresato | olio bianco . HÊTRE Vulcano Fresco Punto | fraisage | huilé blanc . HAYA Vulcano Fresco Punto | molido | aceitado blanco

198 | 199

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

[F505FKW] . BUCHE Vulcano Fresco Arco | gefräst | weiß handgeölt . BEECH Vulcano Fresco Arco | milled | white hand oiled . FAGGIO Vulcano Fresco HAYA Vulcano Fresco Arco | molido | aceitado a mano blanco

Arco | fresato | olio bianco a mano . HÊTRE Vulcano Fresco Arco | fraisage | huilé à la main blanc . 200 | 201

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[F505FKG] . BUCHE Vulcano Fresco Arco | gefräst | grau handgeölt . BEECH Vulcano Fresco Arco | milled | grey hand oiled . FAGGIO Vulcano Fresco HAYA Vulcano Fresco Arco | molido | aceitado a mano gris

Arco | fresato | olio grigio a mano . HÊTRE Vulcano Fresco Arco | fraisage | huilé à la main gris . 202 | 203


[Victor Hugo, Writer] . Nichts auf der Welt ist so mächtig wie eine Idee, deren Zeit gekommen ist. . All the forces in the world are not as powerful as an idea

whose time has come.

204 | 205

Private, Golf Resort Serengeti - Johannesburg, South Africa

[C001BKW] . Carving Grunge I | gebürstet | weiß geölt . Carving Grunge I | brushed | white oil . Carving Grunge I | spazzolato | olio bianco . Carving

Photo: ©Jurgen Marx-Badenhorst/

Grunge I | brossé | huilé blanc . Carving Grunge I | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

206 | 207

Salesroom - Vienna, Austria

[C500BKW] . Carving Nana I | gebürstet | weiß geölt . Carving Nana I | brushed | white oil . Carving Nana I | spazzolato | olio bianco . Carving

Photo: ©Günther Egger/

Nana I | brossé | huilé blanc . Carving Nana I | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

208 | 209

Photo: ©Maurizio Marcato/

[C503BKG] . Carving Club I | gebürstet | grau geölt . Carving Club I | brushed | grey oil . Carving Club I | spazzolato | olio grigio . Carving Club I

| brossé | huilé gris . Carving Club I | cepillado | aceitado gris .


210 | 211

Private - Esch, Austria

[C013BKW] . EICHE Country Carving Check I | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Country Carving Check I | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Country Carving ROBLE Country Carving Check I | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Check I | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Country Carving Check I | brossé | huilé blanc . 212 | 213

Photo: ©

[C014BKW] . EICHE Country Vulcano Medium Carving Check I | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Country Vulcano Medium Carving Check I | brushed | white brossé | huilé blanc . ROBLE Country Vulcano Medio Carving Check I | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

oil . ROVERE Country Vulcano Medio Carving Check I | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Country Vulcano Medium Carving Check I | 214 | 215

mafi flagshipstore - Salzburg, Austria

[C020BKN] . EICHE Vulcano Medium Carving Chevron I | gebürstet | natur geölt . OAK Vulcano Medium Carving Chevron I | brushed | natural oil . ROBLE Vulcano Medio Carving Chevron I | cepillado | aceitado natural .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

ROVERE Vulcano Medio Carving Chevron I | spazzolato | olio naturale . CHÊNE Vulcano Medium Carving Chevron I | brossé | huilé nature . 216 | 217

mafi flagshipstore - Salzburg, Austria

[C025BKW] . EICHE Astrein Carving Lipso I | gebürstet | weiß geölt . OAK Clear Carving Lipso I | brushed | white oil . ROVERE Senza Nodi Carving ROBLE Sin Nudos Carving Lipso I | cepillado | aceitado blanco .

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

Lipso I | spazzolato | olio bianco . CHÊNE Sans Noeuds Carving Lipso I | brossé | huilé blanc . 218 | 219


[Vincent van Gogh, Painter] . Es sind Harmonien und Kontraste in den Farben verborgen, die ganz von selbst zusammenwirken. . Harmony and contrast are

hidden in the colours and interact all by themselves.

220 | 221

25hours Hotel - Vienna, Austria

[LADOSKN] . Domino LÄRCHE Vulcano | geschliffen | natur geölt . Domino LARCH Vulcano | sanded | natural oil . Domino LARICE Vulcano | levigato

Photo: ©Mathias Lixl/

| olio naturale . Domino MÉLÈZE Vulcano | poncé | huilé nature . Domino ALERCE Vulcano | lijado | aceitado natural

222 | 223

Tenowo GmbH - Hof, Germany

[LADOBKN] . Domino LÄRCHE Vulcano | gebürstet | natur geölt . Domino LARCH Vulcano | brushed | natural oil . Domino LARICE Vulcano | spazzolato


| olio naturale . Domino MÉLÈZE Vulcano | brossé | huilé nature . Domino ALERCE Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado natural

224 | 225

Private - Tres Marias, Mexico

[LADOSKN] . Domino LÄRCHE Vulcano | geschliffen | natur geölt . Domino LARCH Vulcano | sanded | natural oil . Domino LARICE Vulcano | levigato

Photo: ©

| olio naturale . Domino MÉLÈZE Vulcano | poncé | huilé nature . Domino ALERCE Vulcano | lijado | aceitado natural

226 | 227

Art publishing company Other Criteria Ltd. - London, England

[LADOBKW] . Domino LÄRCHE Vulcano | gebürstet | weiß geölt . Domino LARCH Vulcano | brushed | white oil . Domino LARICE Vulcano | spazzolato | olio bianco . Domino MÉLÈZE Vulcano | brossé | huilé blanc . Domino ALERCE Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado blanco

Photo: ©James Harris/

228 | 229

Rothaus Shop - State brewery Rothaus AG - Grafenhausen, Germany

[EDDOBKW] . Domino ESCHE Vulcano | gebürstet | weiß geölt . Domino ASH Vulcano | brushed | white oil . Domino FRASSINO Vulcano | spazzolato

Photo: ©Joachim Grothus/

| olio bianco . Domino FRÊNE Vulcano | brossé | huilé blanc . Domino FRESNO Vulcano | cepillado | aceitado blanco

230 | 231

Inhalt | Content



Erläuterung | Comment

10 – 23 24 – 41 42 – 49 50 – 127 128 – 135 136 – 165 166 – 181 182 – 189 190 – 203 204 – 219 220 – 231

Auch als Breitdiele erhältlich. | Also available as Wide-Plank.

Die neue Verarbeitungstechnologie FLEX ermöglicht das Biegen von Dielen. | The new FLEX processing technology enables the bending of planks.

Custom Colour: Für Ihren maßgeschneiderten mafi Naturholzboden können Sie anhand des RAL Codes Ihre gewünschte Farbe für den Kitt bestimmen. | Custom Colour: for your individually tailored mafi natural wood floor, you can choose the filler colour from the RAL colour system.

232 | 233

Referenzkategorien | Reference Categories

Gastronomie | Gastronomy 26, 66, 76, 88, 100, 108, 120, 152, 156, 184, 206 Shops | Shops 16, 20, 38, 48, 52, 58, 72, 154, 176, 208, 218, 228, 230 Hotels | Hotels 30, 36, 44, 62, 110, 142, 144, 148, 150, 152, 156, 158, 192, 194, 222 Bad, Wellness | Bathroom, Wellness 57, 110, 130, 138, 141, 150, 189, 192, 194, 196, 210, 212 Küche | Kitchen 72, 80, 82, 84, 92, 98, 112, 114, 118, 123, 125, 146, 162, 188, 214, 224 Stiegen | Stairs 15, 21, 29, 37, 38, 72, 78, 82, 86, 91, 95, 96, 114, 122, 124, 147, 175, 187, 195, 229 Wände, Türen, Decken | Walls, Doors, Ceilings 16, 18, 48, 52, 86, 88, 92, 102, 116, 124, 130, 138, 140, 155, 175, 195, 208, 218, 226 Hinweise | Notes

Die Bilder in unserem Katalog dienen zur Veranschaulichung unserer Naturholzböden als verlegte Fläche. Die Aufnahmen spiegeln immer nur einen Teil der gesamten Fläche wider und bewegen sich innerhalb des Spektrums unserer technischen Produktbeschreibung. Auf können alle Datenblätter direkt beim Produkt heruntergeladen werden. Diese Datenblätter, und nicht einzelne Bilder, dienen der Festlegung der unterschiedlichen Ausprägungen der Produkte. Die Website bietet zudem laufend neue Referenzen und aktuelle Produktbilder. | The images in our catalogue serve to illustrate our natural wood floors as installed surfaces. These images always reflect only a part of the total surface and fall within the spectrum of our technical product description. On all data sheets can be downloaded directly from the product page. These data sheets, not the individual images, are used to define the different characteristics of the products. Our website also constantly provides new references and current product images. Struktur- und Farbunterschiede liegen in der Natur des Holzes. Drucktechnisch bedingte Farbunterschiede sind nicht ganz auszuschließen. Holzstruktur, Holzfarbe und eventueller Splintanteil variieren aufgrund der Rohmaterialverfügbarkeit ständig. Für genauere Informationen wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Team. | Variations in structure and colour are characteristics of wood. Variations due to the printing process may also exist. The wood´s structure, its colour and the percentage of any sapwood always vary due to the raw material available. For detailed information please contact our team. Copyright © 2017 bei mafi Naturholzboden GmbH und den Autoren. Alle enthaltenen Beiträge und Abbildungen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Jede Verwendung außerhalb der Grenzen des Urheberrechts ist ohne Zustimmung des Herausgebers unzulässig und strafbar. | Copyright © 2017 mafi Naturholzboden GmbH and associated authors. All articles and images contained herein are protected by copyright. Any use outside the limits of international copyright law, without the consent of the publisher, is strictly prohibited and may lead to prosecution.

mafi is FSC ® certified. Products with FSC ® certification are available on request.

mafi Naturholzboden GmbH . Utzweihstraße 21+25 . A - 5212 Schneegattern . +43 [0]7746 2711 . .

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