What course formats are available? MOODLE DOCUMENTATION A course format describes how the resources and activities you provide your students will be organized in the middle column of your course page. Moodle allows you to switch between course formats, so feel free to experiment to find which format you prefer. There are several different ways that your course content can be organized:
Topics Format: Here your course will be formatted into a number of topic groups that you specify. You then add resources and activities to each topic section. This format is a good choice if your course is concept-oriented, where students will work through a series of topics but not necessarily according to a fixed weekly schedule. This is the default setting for a new course in Moodle.
Weekly Format: Here your course will be formatted chronologically by week. You will need to specify the start date and number of weeks the course will run and Moodle will create a section for each week of your course. The current week will be highlighted for students. This is a good choice if you will provide resources and activities in a particular sequence, and you want to encourage students to work on the same material at the same time.
Weekly Format – CSS/No tables : This is the same as Weekly Format above, but uses more efficient Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) instead of (older) HTML tables to control the layout. We recommend that you choose this setting over Weekly Format.
Social Format: Here your entire course will be based around a single discussion forum. This format is not recommended for a formal course, but could be useful for other uses like an off-subject student discussion area.
Page Format: This format allows for a three column layout with tab based navigation. Pages within Moodle can be created and published for students to see.
NOTE Changing your format to Page Format can make it difficult to change back to a different format: Add the Administration block so you can go back into the Settings area and change back to another format.
There are other course format options including LAMS course format and SCORM format, but these are advanced, specialized formats and will not be explained here. To find out how to change the format of your course, please refer to the Changing your Course Settings document.
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