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Trains Trains are really interesting. They help you move from one place to another, and usually you can carry large quantities of things. These days, trains are very common in Europe and North America. In Europe, most trains are very fast and can carry a lot of people from one city to another.

Trains are very old, they have been working for a long time now. Railways have been part of our world for a lot of years, and they have been a very important part of the industrial revolution almost a century ago. They weren’t always made of metal. Before the 1940s, the trains worked with steam and the railways were made of another material that could support the weight of heavier trains that run with steam. During the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, the ideas to start a machine that worked with steam started developing. James Watt’s engines were very heavy, even if they worked with steam, they weren’t suitable for trains. In 1804, Richard Trevithick used a high-pressure steam that could work for trains and locomotives.

In Britain, the story of steam railways is very important. The first successful train was created by John Blenkinsop in 1811. Then, in 1825, George Stephenson built the Locomotion and in 1829 he built the Rocket, both of them were suited for the Stockton and Darlington Railway.

One of the most important trains was the Orient Express. It was a luxury train that traveled long distances and the route changed a lot.

As for fast trains, there is the Flying Scotsman. It could travel up to 100 miles per hour. It didn’t stop for passengers along the way.

On the other hand, the Trans-Siberian Express was a network that connected Moscow with the rest of Russia. It is the longest railway line in the world. It even connects branches such as Mongolia, China, and North Korea. It started working in 1916. In 1970 was created the TGV. It is a train that goes at a very fast speed. It can reach a speed of 357 miles per hour or 574 kilometers per hour. It connects the main cities across France and in adjacent countries. To connect France and Britain, the Eurotunnel was created. It has connections with the two terminals and the respective national railway networks. The latest innovation in trains is called Maglev. It is a magnetic levitation train that runs in China. It could cover a distance of 30.5 km in 8 minutes. They move very smooth and very quiet. It could reach up to 430 km/h.

Trains By Justyn Illingworth

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