1 minute read


by Miguel Ángel García Martínez

Being creative means taking advantage of the capabilities and resources we were given and making the best out of them.

Being human does not only mean having the ability to reason our actions or thinking, it goes even further. It is being able to be as spontaneous as possible, constantly surpassing the limits of ourselves, determining our own qualities as well as strengths, and changing our weaknesses or fears. Everything is possible, the only absolute truth is that we can all find different ways to achieve it.

“Life finds a way” is perhaps one of the greatest truths, which does not apply only in a literal sense, but also in the vast majority of our lives. The need exceeds the desire, and the need itself is what allows the flowering of human creativity, which leads us to not only resolve situations, but also to grow as a person.

There are multiple ways to express our creativity, in fact, in recent years, this can be seen in the acceptance of different types of intelligence and that there is always a way to create something innovative, to paint something new, to build with a new style, to sing a new song.

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. Imagine what you want, pursue what you imagine and finally, create what you pursue”.

George Bernard Shaw

Our first enemy is the comfort zone since we tend to underestimate our true capabilities, and we must remember that these can extend themselves indefinitely. Some start early, others later, but we can all reach an expert level whatever it is that we do. Creativity will determine how much we want to achieve something. Let’s take advantage of the Mexican inventiveness to achieve everything we set out to do. Let’s be creative not by being lazy, but by nature.

Everything already exists in its respective space and time, but it is up to us to discover it. As Steve Jobs said: “Creativity is simply connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty, because they really did not, they just saw something. Something that after a while, it seemed obvious to them”.

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