South Africa Science Forum Posters_Liechtenstein School of Architecture

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citizens of this continent to respond to these critical conditions with appropriate and agile solutions. We must explore radical new tools, strategies and ways of thinking on how to address rapid urbanisation with care and intentionality, in order to make African urban in a sustainable, just and equitable way. This contribution to the 2024 South African Science Forum describes how design-research work can be conducted with these objectives in mind, by bridging countries and institutions. These panels show how three colleagues have come together across geographies and disciplines, using tools and methods from the social sciences and architecture, to centre people and their social realities in urban design and development. Working

Contemporary African cities are experiencing rampant urbanisation processes, occurring at unprecedented scales and speeds. Particularly since the 2020 pandemic, these phenomena have increasingly had a negative impact on urban life: from housing shortages to austerity policies, from fraying of the social fabric to environmental damage and rising inequality, the urban crisis resonates across nations and generations in places like South Africa. Yet while the urgency of shaping these complicated urban environments is widely recognised, the skill set required to do so is often far removed from the educational training of built environment professionals. Planners, designers and policymakers have a responsibility to the

The African City of today is one of pronounced individuality and agency, marked by constant negotiation and the volatility of people’s social realities. And in South Africa, the challenges faced far outnumber the resources and capacities of the state. The abundant technical expertise of highly trained professionals cannot be effectively employed, so people take matters into their own hands. There is a massive degree of complexity, and plethora of activities, that conventional research methods are illequipped to grasp. It takes meticulous, engaged and long-term urban research to uncover the forces that are shaping South African cities and regions –and provide the insight necessary to formulate effective policy responses.

“Is there an alternative to seeing the formal and the informal as competing forces in our cities? What are useful ways in which these can be brought into the framing of legitimate city futures?”

“There is a need for scale-sensitivity to enable our analysis to calibrate between the extreme scales of urban geography (where townships connect to the inner city and centres of opportunities), neighbourhood dynamics and the micro-context of people, practices and objects.”

Many of our projects over the years have uncovered a problematic investment in large-scale infrastructure projects, an insufficient understanding of the value of social networks and social capital, and inability of the state and markets to fully address the pressing problems with which cities and regions are confronted. We are convinced that urban research methods – from mapping to qualitative research methods and participatory processes – have a great potential to better inform policy, value science, and include people in shaping vibrant and imaginative urban futures. We seek to find concrete applications for our research, as well as moments of reciprocity between research and the participants we engage with. Yet

these are not skills that have been traditionally taught in architectural and urban design education. One of the key issues we therefore face in our teaching, both in South Africa and Switzerland, is transmitting the value of understanding broader social, political, and economic forces for design work, and developing the methods with which to assess this with and for students.

Urban research increasingly indicates the importance of connecting theory with real experiences, of establishing an active dynamic between deciphering the world around us and conveying what we discover, as something both distinctly tangible and broadly generalizable. Just as we aim to bring tools from research

and design practice into collective teaching, we also seek to determine the value our tools can have for policy. In doing so, we soon reach the precipice of what we know, and reach over the edge into what we are only beginning to comprehend.

Africa has much to teach the world in regard to shaping more equitable urban systems. To actively address this enormous task, we must engage a diversity of actors across multiple places. In our teaching and research, we have developed methods to reconcile thes cultural and geographical fault lines through a set of tools. These are broadly described as: Immersion, Conversation, Storytelling, Data and Imagination.

Tanya Zack and Kirsten Harrison Building an Understanding of the Informal Space Economy in the City of Johannesburg Urban Forum
Urban Mechanics: Conversation of workshop revealing the formal and informal institutional mechanics and the spatial situations they produce, revealing opportunities of intervention through observations, dialogues, immersion and speculation (Tanya Zack and UrbanWorks, 2019).
Andrew Charman, Leif Petersen and Thireshen Govender Township Economy: People, Spaces and Practices
Prof. Dr. Lindsay Blair Howe Professor of Architecture and Society University of Liechtenstein Thireshen Govender
Livelihoods Foundation, South Africa
Dr. Tanya Zack University of the Witwatersrand Chair of Spatial Analysis and City Planning


Mind map of everyday mobilities by a participant in the 2019 study entitled “Families


Delving into everyday life reveals the ways in which citizens navigate and negotiate the circumstances of place. If we deeply involve ourselves in their rhythms and movements, their experiences and struggles, we understand cities and regions in a completely different way. These understandings can be documented in a range of possibilities, each with its own biases and nuances.

Lindsay Blair Howe utilises the methods of participant observation from the social

sciences, combined with ethnographic interviews and mobility tracking with volunteered geographic information (VGI), to comprehend and visualise everyday spatial practices.

Thireshen Govender adds to the idea of conducting “immersions” as a method of urban research through ethnographic drawings of shebeens. He illustrates his observations of people and sites through drawings and sketches: methods conceived for architects and urban designers. His in-situ observations

about the daily rituals, occupations and infrastructures within a space come to life through visual methodologies. They reveal the relational dynamics between people, spaces and the social contracts that emerge to produce a specific typology within South African townships. Collectively, these immersions use scientific methods to capture empirical evidence about how our cities work. Taken together, such fragments can provide deep insight into the relational whole of urban systems.

30 participants carried smartphones for 30 days to reveal micro-scale movements of urban life in 2016.
Heat maps of participants in the series of follow-up studies with Margot Rubin and Alex Parker in 2019.
in the City”.

Interactive communication and active listening between people and researchers is paramount to the field of ethnography, as well as the social sciences more broadly. Furthermore, expressing thoughts, feelings and ideas requires trust.

Tanya Zack submerses herself in her sites of research by connecting with people on a human level, learning their stories and interpreting them for urban research. Through these engagements,

highly nuanced and often hidden ways of life can emerge. This provides us with insightful new clues as to how our cities are produced, and how they are experienced by a diversity of users. Her subjects have varying degrees of legitimacy in regard to existing policy, which is often regressive in the face of the challenges facing urban areas today. Furthermore, her work suggests that there are tensions, disjunctures and ruptures in our urban systems. If

we can identify them, then we can invite responses in the form of programs, policy or infrastructure interventions. Often, the practices and experiences from these engagements provide significant value to the emergent cultural assets within our cities. They include new actors, languages, practices and spatial relations that would otherwise remain anonymous, unrevealed and subject to undetermined conditions that cannot adequately be captured with other methods.

Tony Martins creates a palace. Image by Mark Lewis in: Wake Up, This Is Joburg (2023).
Chopping cowheads in Kazerne parking garage. Image by Mark Lewis in: Wake Up, This Is Joburg (2023).


It is trite but true that a picture is sometimes worth a thousand words. Visual representation is an important tool for capturing urban life and the people who create it. Mark Lewis’s photography transports us into sensitive, intimate spaces that can only be accessed through trust-building, and expresses vulnerabilities that must be treated with great care. It allows us to communicate beyond the constraints of linguistic precision and delineation. These visual records also assist us in understanding,

firsthand, the lived realities of citizens, their spaces of operation, their relations and experiences of place.

Photography necessitates nuanced forms of recording – managing the ethics and power relations between photographer and subject. This is especially relevant in the complex social setting of South Africa. As a result, new methods of immersing oneself into lived sites through the lens of a camera becomes necessary. Altering methods, and questioning the

relationship between subject and object, is explored through the discipline of photographic documentation.

While planning and design professionals often utilise photography as a tool to quickly capture their impressions of a site, the artistic dimensions of connecting between people and spaces is often lost. Mark Lewis’s photographs convey an intimacy of space and person otherwise difficult to capture if not approaching this medium as an art form.

Crafting meaning out of research is not only a matter of collecting information, facts or statistics. Working with data also requires deep understanding of places and people. This is particularly true when engaging with environments like South African townships, where people may be conducting the activities of their everyday lives in transversal or even illegal ways.

Thireshen Govender collects data to provide a long-term view essential to grasping these liminal spaces that

actually generate a significant portion of the South African economy. Data assists in measuring the consequences of our deliberate or unconscious actions. Through critical reflection of looking at this data, we are able to develop anticipatory insights as to how urban systems would work, based on real evidence. This reading and evidence allows for more acute feedback to shaping policy for a rapidly urbanising continent. Capturing and synthesising

data in a nuanced and spatial manner creates new readings of how spaces work and reveal (both legal and illegal) hidden systems of how our urban environments are produced. The documentation of these systems is done using architectural and ethnographic tools, which assist us in defining anatomical elements of the system –creating opportunities to recreate these situations more deliberately.

Once we comprehend people, the challenges they face in their lives, and how they shape their surroundings as they go about them, we have the information necessary to begin devising ways to elicit change. Methods from the fields of architecture and urban design, from drawing and model-making to collaging and rendering, provide students and practitioners alike with the tools to visualise how their imaginations strive to engender the positive transformation of urban environments.

In a context where the capacity to imagine can be compromised by your level of precarity, imagination becomes politicised. Drawings then become instruments to build consensus, stimulate the imagination and provoke discussion as to what is possible.

The interventions that are contemplated sometimes need to be conceptualised and implemented without having consensus. When this is the case, the idea of an indeterminate infrastructure

allows for users to co-produce their desires onto this framework, creating an outcome that is beyond the imagination of the authors of the infrastructure.

In rapidly urbanising Africa, clues to our future are often embedded within the logics of emergent urbanism. Through a careful and rigorous study of these patterns and relations, the possibility of imagining urban futures based on these systems promises a resilient and inventive set of urban conditions.

Each semester, Lindsay Blair Howe leads a design studio engaging with methods of urban research for the Liechtenstein School of Architecture (LSA). Every fall semester, she brings a cohort of students to Johannesburg, in order to simultaneously advance research pursuits and the education of young, primarily European, architecture students. The expectation is for students to conceive of a project based on utilising the qualitative, primarily ethnographic, research methods our posters describe.

They are invited to participate in a “seminar week”, in which they travel from their home base in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, to Johannesburg, South Africa. They are expected to use urban research methods to grasp how people shape their own environments. What fosters the creative adaptation of space? How can it be supported and expanded?

For two semsters, we have engaged with the centrally-located neighbourhood of Bertrams, east of the famous Ellis Park Stadium. “Makers Valley” was our

particular focus for the 2023 and 2024 semesters that spanned across our collaboration.

In this space, artists, practitioners, urban gardeners, carpenters, shoemakers, designers, and many others, live and work. We engaged with its evolving community culture, identifying forms of creativity, sharing, giving, learning, participation and positive change – and imagined how we might translate this into urban and architectural design.

Site map of all project interventions developed across two semesters of teaching collaborations between Lindsay Blair Howe, Thireshen Govender and Tanya Zack
Domitilla Mancini



Physical immersions in the study area afford students from abroad a visceral sense of South African neighbourhoods. Through guided and unstructured walking nuances and particularise of a place emerge – almost impossible to gauge from a distance. These immersions are facilitated by actors that have strong institutional knowledge of Bertrams, allowing students to gain a reasonable understanding during a very short period of time. These insights ground their thinking and approach to their designs.

Commentated walks through Bertrams and Lorentzville, guided by Hector Dibakoane, an artist and key stakeholder in Maker’s Valley



Tanya Zack and Thireshen Govender have deep knowledge of Johannesburg from a policy, social and spatial perspective. As collaborators on this exercise, they provided a sharp framing of the site relative to the teaching outcomes. Specific aspects to design and policy were grounded in reality by using the site as an urban lab. This specialist collaboration allowed the students to gain insightful knowledge very quickly and (re) framed their approach and perspective

as to how to engage with their proposals in Bertrams. The engagement allowed for a refined conversation as to what is possible within the architectural and urbanism tools available.

In addition, this asks local experts to contemplate more specifically what new methods and tools need to be devised to respond to the concerns of the neighbourhood. A network of other institutions and partners were

made available to complement existing insight. Students where able to make sense of how the policy and institutional arrangements of the state inform lived realities in Bertrams. This experience collapsed the more traditional site of learning, instead expanding the classroom into boardrooms, streets, yards and kitchens. We argue that, in order to develop new methods and policies, we also need to invent new forms of teaching and research.

German students Felix Schmerold and Simon Benz visit appropriated housing and conduct interviews in Bertrams accompanied by Dr. Tanya Tack



Through the immersions, subjective impressions from the field were captured photographically. In this method, we set a limit of 24 images per participant, encouraging them to devise an intent as to what is being observed. This visual record was printed in the studio to form an archival repository of elements from Bertrams. Each image was given a name to build a vocabulary of terms emanating from the field visit. Students were able to read their subjectivity and biases

amongst each other, further refining their criticality as visitors to a foreign site. The exercise was generative in stimulating a rich set of conversations about how to read a place and reconcile tensions between policy, data and lived realities. It also further refined the limits and possibilities of how to think about an approach to a design proposal. These images were arranged into various categories of Practices, Places and People: the primary framework for

thinking about design interventions. Collectively this repository became the baseline for imagination – an imagination that is firmly grounded in the tangible everyday experiences of Bertrams. Invited to develop a proposition, the students used the collective images to support their argument visually and spatially. These propositions were discussed and refined in a group providing a critical and grounded framing of their imagination.

Workshop in Johannesburg whereby all field documentation is processed and explored in terms of their meaning and possibility.
Image harvesting and processing in the studio
Production of collages using tangible insights from the field to imagine new proposals


Through collage, fragments of observations from the field are arranged in relation to each other, thereby creating radically new relations and spatial arrangements. These new configurations suggest novel attitudes and possibilities for Bertrams, reconciling the students’ interests and the realities from the field. The exercise attempts to stimulate bold imaginative possibilities in a grounded and informed manner.

Collage illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience
Collage series illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience.
Collage illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience.
Collage series illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience.
Collage illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience.
Collage series illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience.
Collage illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience.
Collage series illustrating the juxtaposition of various urban fragments from Bertrams rearranged to form a new imagined urban experience.
The architecture and design studio in Vaduz, Liechtenstein.
Student proposals refined using these insights and experience of the Bertrams immersion to inform design approaches.
Student presentation of proposals for the Bertrams Studio in Vaduz, Liechtenstein
Student presentation of proposals for the Bertrams Studio in Vaduz, Liechtenstein






Reflections and applications for science and policy

Today, from recessions to pandemics and life-altering climate events, we are confronted with multi-dimensional aspects of inequality in the urban fabric as never before. Urban research increasingly indicates the importance of connecting science and policy with real experiences, of establishing an active dynamic between deciphering the world around us and conveying what we discover, as something both distinctly tangible and broadly generalizable. In doing so, we soon reach identify the limits of what we know, and can begin to engage with possible futures.

In reflecting on our positionality, Achille Mbembe provides us with two useful distinctions in his 2021 publication Out of the Dark Night: Essays on Decolonization. First, he notes that there is no predominant consensus in Africa “about what is ‘African’ and what is not”. Second, he states:

“It is one thing to make a normative and outside judgement on African objects without taking into account their history, their heterogeneity, or the enigma of which they are the expression. It is another to seek to grasp, through their distinctive properties, their substance and their functions, the ways of being and seeing of Africans, or gain, tathem as an intermediary, to want to learn about the metaphysical kernel on the basis of the world authored by Africans made sense to them”.

Countering the tendency to treat “Africa” as an object of study, but not of knowledge production –which remains pervasive at universities of the West – is an aim of our collaborations. The broader findings of the work we do together has also led us to question what we term the “myth of infrastructure”: the blanket provision of capital-intensive and globally-oriented projects. Instead,

we purport conceiving of policies and programmes through a deep understanding of people’s everyday lives and choices, which we find by observing how they navigate and negotiate the urban.

We believe that meaningful collaboration across the Global North and South is possible, if we base our methods and approaches in such everyday social realities. All of our findings pose a chance to make life better – or make life worse – for real people. Understanding people and places is therefore paramount to the successful implementation of development policies and programmes, as is cross-cultural collaboration and interaction. It is only by coming together that we can tackle the most urgent problems of making an urban Africa.

How is the existing infrastructure that makes urban life possible being maintained?

Who is doing this labour?

What are the ethics of care in our cities?

How can we better value these “soft” forms of infrastructure and social capital?

What we can learn from Johannesburg is that there is no singular “African” city – just ordinary places that can provide us with generative ideas about the alignments, entanglements, encounters and negotiations that produce what we call the urban. Places that aimed to break free of the former colonial systems that repressed them, yet were fated to build something anew, as a co-constitution with the systems and cultures and sometimes even the “settlers” themselves that remained and cannot be disentangled. And people’s stories in these places, as our design research work shows, are often quite extraordinary.


Whether or not studio designs can actually inform policy is up for debate. They are often too removed from reality, simply put forth as propositions for the kind of change we would like to see in the world. But we do know that the process of conducting research and design can shape couragous and empathetic future built environment

As our manifold crises are likely to increase in the future, it will remain critically important for scholars, designers and anyone involved in the creation and maintenance of our built environment to enable these kinds of complex conversations between science, policy and the public.

The rampant nature of urbanisation in Africa reminds us that we simply do not have the imagination and technical capacity to be ahead of its production. In lieu of this, policy will become a primary lever to inform this rapid urban transformation. To shape policy, we will need to understand the nuances of both existing and emergent systems, and calibrate them to more desirable outcomes. We need to find inventive ways to examine, document and communicate research to influence policymakers. To do this will require an immersive cunning, and criticality, to shape a coherent argument based on evidence, couple with a bold imagination of its consequences.

Architecture & Society Unit (UASU) is offering an advanced studio for a small cohort of students passionate about understanding how people shape their own environments. What fosters the creative adaptation of space? How can it be supported and expanded?

In the studio, we will delve into one of Africa’s most vibrant urban places: Johannesburg, South Africa. “Makers Valley” - located in the heart of the city - will be our particular area of focus. Artists, cultural practitioners, artisans, urban gardeners, carpenters, shoemakers, metal and woodworkers, clothing designers, and many others, live and work in Makers Valley. We will analyze its evolving community culture, identifying forms of creativity, sharing, giving, learning, participation, and positive change - and how we might translate this into urban and/or architectural design.

WHEN Wednesdays & Thurdays // 8.30 - 16.30

START 4 September


Special thanks are extended to the Embassy of Switzerland in South Africa and University of Liechtenstein School of Architecture (LSA) for their support in the development and production of this work.

COLLABORATORS Thireshen Govender (UrbanWorks) & Tanya Zack (Wits) GOOD TO KNOW The semester is being supported by the Liechtenstein-Swiss Embassy. We will exhibit the results of our design studio, along with any associated independent study or research semester projects, at the Swiss-South African Science Days in December 2024 and at the Swiss Residence beginning in January 2025.

CONTACT Lindsay //

Convening of City of Cape Town policymakers discussing the implications of the ‘Spatiality of Shebeens Exhibition’ arranged within the shebeens of Delft, Cape Town
Broad location of shebeens across a settlement Immersive

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