Welcome Presentation SS2022

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Welcome to the University of Liechtenstein.

Welcome Days Programme February 3 - 4


Regulations during Welcome Days

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Please always wear a medical mask on Campus! Cafeteria: Try to eat outside, maintain a the distance of 1.5 meters Desinfect your hands We rely on your support!

Your Welcome Team

Manuel Beck

Gabriela Cortes

Megha Shrestha

Organizer Welcome Days & „Student Engagement“

Manager Accommodation & Living

ESN Erasmus Student President Erasmus Network


Mirjana Schädler

Hilde Zimmermann

ESN (Leonard, Anita, Zoe) Study Specific Supporters

Study Abroad Advisor Guest Students

Study Abroad Advisor Guest Students


Welcome Days Programme SS2022

Goodie Bag APA Documents (residence FL) • Personal Data Documents • IT Document • IT Brochure • Study specific programme • Regio Booklet • Library Information • (Handbook is online) • Public Transportation • Goodies

Student ID Card & Batch

• Student ID card / International student ID card is offered for download on the personal intranet website (at http://my.uni.li) for download • Each student receives a "key" or a batch, which gives access to the university facilities and to which money can be uploaded for print jobs and the cafeteria (More Info: Your Study Programme Manager)

Bus payment • → Student Fair • Students up to their 25th birthday: Annual Pass CHF 280.Monthly Pass CHF 42.Weekly Pass CHF 21.Day Pass CHF 12.-

25 and older: 370.72.36.-

You will get 50% back of your annual pass at the town hall in Vaduz (if you live in Vaduz). Same in Schaan and Triesen.

• Eschen, Mauren, Balzers, Triesenberg refund CHF 80.-/60.-

Parking @ Campus • • • • • • •

Monday to Friday: 7.00 am - 5.00 pm Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays are free of charge Parking fees in Cash (only CHF) or www.parkingpay.ch www.parkingpay.ch cheaper for frequent parkers (register your vehicle number) Due to actual situation write an email to info@uni.li with your Name and your Plate number. Or organize car pooling Or take the bike, think of the climate ☺

Any Questions left?

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Welcome Week: welcome@uni.li Study Specific: Study Manager Living: Gabriela Cortes Study Abroad: International Office Erasmus Student Network: Megha Shrestha Visum: Carina Siegenthaler


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Supporting Ideas of Students (infrastructure, …) Cooperating with Student Organizations Red Cube Bar Uni Sports Supporting Welcome Days


Get in touch…




Ideas for Campuslife or for a Student Organization? Spinnerei supports you. (spinnerei@uni.li)

Student Initiatives

Sports Academy Association

*more information today @ Student Fair

We are ULSV

Jonas Heindorf

Lukas Müller

Kilian Klösel

Valerie Winkelmann


MSc Finance

PhD Student

BSc Architecture


Council & Course Representatives

Share our news with your fellow students

Let us know about ideas/concerns/problems

Be the communication interface

ULSV – what do we do? Support



• Student Initiatives

• For your matters

• Internal Politics

• Students • Ideas

• Committees

// Take action and share your idea

// Help shape students’ life // Come forward to us with issues, ideas, suggestions!


Unity in Diversity

Introduction to ESN Liechtenstein

What we stand for? Students helping Students

What we do? •

The “Buddy Program”: connect local students with international students

Local Events: cultural evenings, parties, charity events, BBQ

Online Events: photo challenges

Participate in international Erasmus Events: General Assembly (GA), Erasmus Games (IEG)

Thank you for your attention!


University of Liechtenstein Library Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse 9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein

Phone +423 265 12 60 Email library@uni.li

General Information

• Academic library for students and university staff • Open library for individual users from the area Liechtenstein • Branch library of the Liechtenstein National Library Network

• Central location (glass building) and archive




Opening hours in SoSe 2022

• Monday to Friday • Saturday

9 am – 5 pm 9 am – 1 pm

The library team is available during opening hours on the information desk, by e-mail library@uni.li and by phone +423 265 12 60




What do we offer? all electronic media are available on campus and outside the campus via Citrix

• • • • •

About 22’000 books and journal volumes More than 60 scientific print journals Around 70’000 e-books 24 data bases 8 electronic collections luxuz: / photocase.de




Where can you search? Primo Search – Discovery Tool • All print documents, licensed eBooks and eJournals, databases and open access content • Library search with advanced search for all items and specialised search for eJournals 2 Searching Tools = 1 User Account

Complete Catalogue Liechtenstein • The media collection of our library is listed in the Complete Catalogue Liechtenstein • Various books and some e-books, print journals




Locations: Library COVID-19 MEASURES Face masks are generally mandatory in the library!

• Information and circulation desk • Self check out terminal does not work at the moment • Open shelfs, free access to items, no reservation is possible

• Temporary Reserve Collection for current courses (use in COVID-19 library MEASURES only) The number of work and study spaces is currently limited periodicals •• 8Print study spaces for virtual learning • 6Textbooks individual working spaces for learning in the library • 1 search terminal with computer • Work and study spaces Registration can be made in person at the information desk • Research terminal




Library Team General enquiries Email: library@uni.li Tel: +423 265 12 60

The Library Team is here to help support your study, teaching and research Information Desk, Journals and Data Bases Tel: +423 265 12 57 Email: philipp.trottmann@uni.li

Inter-library loans advice Email: document.delivery@uni.li Book acquisition Tel: +423 265 12 58 Email: yasaman.atighi@uni.li 03.02.2022


head of library Tel: +423 265 12 61 Email: ekaterina.vardanyan@uni.li

Cataloging and Subject librarian Tel: +423 265 12 71 Email: cornelia.schuster@uni.li



University of Liechtenstein Library Fürst-Franz-Josef-Strasse 9490 Vaduz Liechtenstein

Phone +423 265 12 60 Email library@uni.li

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