Welcome Presentation WS 24_25

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Welcome Days September 2024

Welcome by the Rector



- a former spinning mill

• Built in 1882-83 as a cotton spinning mill by Johann Jakob Spoerry

• Symbol of the first wave of industrialisation in Liechtenstein

• 1992 Closure of the spinning mill

• Reconstruction with major interventions in the building fabric, but preservation of the external appearance

• Used by the University of Liechtenstein since 2002

Kurzpräsentation Universität Liechtenstein


1961 founded as the Abendtechnikum Vaduz

– Support from the state and business organisations

– Department of Mechanical Engineering and, from 1963, Architecture and Civil Engineering

2011 further development into the University of Liechtenstein

– Independent foundation under public law – Performance agreement with the government

What we do …

Consecutive education

Bachelor's, Master's and doctoral programmes in economics, architecture and spatial development and business law


Internationally recognised and excellent basic and applied research in the fields of architecture, economics and law

Continuing education

Continuing education programmes tailored to the interests of the regional location, such as executive master's programmes, certificate and diploma courses, intensive courses, conferences and in-house continuing education

Knowledge and technology transfer

In cooperation with companies, associations, the municipalities, the Principality of Liechtenstein and other stakeholders, the university makes a contribution to the living and economic environment.

Public dialogue

The knowledge gained from the research is made accessible to different target groups in the form of public lectures and events

Kurzpräsentation Universität Liechtenstein

Key figures (2023)

Consecutive programmes

• 600 students from 45 countries

• 2 BSc, 4 MSc and 3 PhD programmes in Business, Architecture and Business Law

• 1:11 supervision ratio (ratio of internal academic staff to students)

Continuing education

• 5 Master's programmes (LL.M. and MBA), 1 diploma programme, 7 certificate programmes

• 196 students, 70 of them on Master's programmes

• 75 events and 2353 participants in all programmes


• 135 employees (FTE)

• 100 partner universities

• Revenue of 25.6 million Swiss francs per year

Kurzpräsentation Universität Liechtenstein

Three Schools – various topics

School of Architecture

• Urbanisation & Spatial Development

• Urbanisation, Architecture & Society

• Craft & Structure

• Sustainable building

• Heritage & Upcycling

Business School Business Law School

Finance & Economics

• Banking and financial market law

• Financial Economics, Risk Management & Pension

• Innovative & Digital Finance

• Sustainable Finance and Investments

• Center for Economics

Information Systems & Computer Science

• Computer Security

• Information Systems & Digital Innovation

• Process Science & Digital Transformation

• Data Science & Artificial Intelligence

Entrepreneurship & Management

• Strategie

• Technologie und Innovation

• Leadership

• Company, foundation and trust law

• Business taxation and tax law

• Commercial criminal law and cyber criminal law

• Philanthropy

Kurzpräsentation Universität Liechtenstein

National and international quality standards

Bologna conformity was in 1999/2000: among other things, this includes the European guidelines for Bachelor's, Master's and PhD levels, the application of the ECTS system and international mobility

The University of Liechtenstein is required by law to undergo national accreditation every 6 years. The University was last accredited in 2021/2022 in cooperation with the AAQ agency in accordance with Swiss accreditation standards (HFKG).

International accreditations:

AACSB: The Business School and the Business Law School have been accredited by the renowned AACSB agency in a multi-year process in 2023.

RIBA: The School of Architecture was accredited by the renowned RIBA agency for architecture universities in 2018 and was successfully re-accredited in 2024.

Kurzpräsentation Universität Liechtenstein

Why studying at the University of Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein as country

• Highly dynamic economic area

• Very good job prospects

• High political stability

• International networking

• Attractive living space

University of Liechtenstein

• Unique supervision relationship

• Familiar character

• Attractive campus life

• Broad range of partner universities

• High international quality standards

• Close partnership with industry

• Flexible study structures

Study programmes

• Innovative study programmes geared to the needs of business and society

• Research-based teaching with strong practical relevance

• Sustainability, digitalisation and innovation as core topics

Kurzpräsentation Universität Liechtenstein




Academic Head of Undergraduate & Graduate Studies

Liechtenstein Undergraduate & Graduate School

Sebastian Stöckl

Academic Head

Andreas Wolfrum

Operational Head

Liechtenstein Undergraduate & Graduate School

• Organizes all consecutive study programmes (Bsc, Msc, PhD)

• Responsible for cross-faculty electives & language courses

• Student Advising Center

• Career:service

• International Office (if you want to study abroad)

Andreas Wolfrum Operational Head
Sebastian Stöckl Academic Head

Liechtenstein Undergraduate and Graduate School

Study Programs and Contacts

Our Students Qualities

University USPs

Liechtenstein's Economy and Industry

Academic Calendar & Lecture-Free Days

Employment as a student assistant

Open Floor for Questions

Study Programs and Contact

Study Programs and Contact

School of Architecture

BSc Architecture

Business School

Business Law School

MSc Architecture

PhD Architecture and Planning

BSc Business Administration

MSc Innovative Finance

MSc Entrepreneurship & Management

MSc Information Systems

PhD Business Economics

PhD Business Law

Study Programs and Contact

Study Programs and Contact

Bianca Aust

BSc Business


Nadine Hasler

BSc Business


Jasmin Kozlica

BSc Architecture

Andreas Lehner

BSc/MSc Architecture

Tamara Kessler

MSc Architecture

Study Programs and Contact

Alina Sonea

MSc Architecture

Tobias Fitz MSc Entrepreneurship & Management

Daniel Knapp MSc Information Systems

Patrick Krause MSc Finance / PhD Business Econ. / PhD Law of Financial Services

Julia Tenschert PhD Architecture & Planning

Student Advising Center

• You are thinking about future studies?

• You feel you have difficulties with your studies?

• You are having questions about the right way to start your career?

We are here to help you!

https://www.uni.li/studienberatung / https://www.uni.li/study-advice or via email @ studienberatung@uni.li

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Student Advising Center

• You are thinking about future studies?

• You feel you have difficulties with your studies?

• You are having questions about the right way to start your career?

We are here to help you!

https://www.uni.li/studienberatung / https://www.uni.li/study-advice or via email @ studienberatung@uni.li

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Cross Faculty Electives

To fulfill the University’s Vision/Mission that wants our graduates to not only have specialist knowledge but also – Cognitive & communication skills – Knowledge in humanities & social sciences our study programs contain cross-faculty electives

We do offer more than 40 courses per year.

New cooperation with Coursera.com.

Contact: Kirsten Steinhofer

Our Students Qualities

Curious: Always eager to learn and explore new concepts

Open-Minded: Ready to consider various perspectives and ideas

Motivated: Self-driven with a strong desire to excel

Resilient: Persistent in overcoming challenges

Ethical: Demonstrates integrity and responsibility

Critical Thinker: Skilled in analyzing and forming reasoned judgments

Communicative: Effective in expressing ideas and listening to others

University USPs

Prime European Location: Located at the heart of Europe, facilitating diverse cultural and academic interactions.

Business Integration: Strong ties to the local business community with career opportunities and networking events.

Small Class Sizes: Personalized attention and a tight-knit learning community.

Inclusive Atmosphere: Encourages diversity and embraces mistakes as chances for growth, fostering innovation and creativity.

In the heart of Europe

Liechtenstein's Economy and Industry

Every sixth frozen pizza consumed in Germany is produced by the Ospelt Group.

The Principality of Liechtenstein is the world‘s largest producer of false teeth!

The Principality of Liechtenstein is the No. 1 in the construction of roller coasters!

Academic Calendar & Lecture-Free Days 2024

Academic Calendar & Lecture-Free Days 2025

Employment as student assistant

What: Motivated students to support faculty/staff in teaching, research or organizational matters

Where: Vacancies are advertised (jobs.uni.li)

How much: Payment in accordance with university regulations

How much: Workload will be agreed with the Head of Human Resources (usually at least 20%)

Support: The supervisor is obliged to deploy the student employees according to their abilities within the scope of the employment relationship. When assigning tasks and determining working hours, consideration is given to study deadlines and possible care obligations

Support: Involvement in university activities and participation and assistance in university events.

Open Floor for Questions

Welcome by the Spinnerei, ULSV and student initiatives

Spinnerei - Campus life

Lennart Krebs, M.Sc.,

Denis Roland Martin, B.Sc.,

Julia Reiter



Office Room: C. 132 Communication & Marketing

The Team

Goodie Bag

• Red Bull

• Apple juice & Appenzeller Biber

• Pencil, pen, writing pad

• QR-Code Hand Booklet

• QR-Code Regio Booklet

• QR-Code Library Information

• QR-Code house rules

• Public Transportation LieMobil

• Goodies Aha Liechtenstein

• Goodies Liechtenstein Marketing

• Liechtenstein Art Society

• Welcome Days Programm

• Cafeteria Menu Pass & Coupon for lunch


We have 3 surprises for you, hidden in a total of 3 goodie bags are notes with the text: Hoodie, Water bootle or Cap.

If you have one of these, you've won!

Contact us ad you can collect your prize.

What are we doing?

• Supporting ideas of students

• Cooperating with Student Organisations

• Red Cube Student Bar

• Uni Sports

• Events & Partys

Get in touch with us

Red Cube Student Bar

• Our Campus Bar (We will get a new one)

• Every second week

• hosted by student organisations, study courses, employees and YOU!

• drinks, networking, entertainment, music,...

We are excited to share our first drink with you!

Red Cube

MO 02.09. 10:30 - 12:30 Welcome Week Red Cube

MO 19.09. Red Cube by Start Vaduz

DO 03.10. Red Cube by ESN & Nexus

16. or 17.10. Studio Bar Architecture

DO 24.10. Architecture Midterm presentation Red Cube x Spinnerei

DO 14.11. Red Cube by Sport Recruiting

DO 28.11. Red Cube by Uni Vision

DO 05.12. Alumni Red Cube

DO 19.12. Architecture Master Thesis Red Cube x Spinnerei

Mini Events

MI 11.09. Lime Event: Red Cube with Andra – nutrition topic

MO 14.10. Sing & Celebrate: Karaoke Oktoberfest (with traditional food and beer)

MI 30.10. Coffee Bliss, Halloween: Coffee, matcha & wellness event

MI 06.11. Mix & Shake: Cocktail-Workshop

MI 20.11. Cinema Night, Drinks, Sweets, Snacks

DO 12.12. Vino Veritas: Wine tasting & mulled wine

Overview Events


MO 02.09. 10:30 - 12:30 Welcome Week Red Cube

MI 11.09. Lime Event: Red Cube with Andra – nutrition topic

MO 19.09. Red Cube by Start Vaduz

DO 03.10. Red Cube by ESN & Nexus

MO 14.10. Sing & Celebrate: Karaoke Oktoberfest (with traditional food and beer)

16. or 17.10. Studio Bar Architecture

DO 24.10. Architecture Midterm presentation Red Cube x Spinnerei

MI 30.10. Coffee Bliss, Halloween: Coffee, matcha & wellness event

MI 06.11. Mix & Shake: Cocktail-Workshop

DO 14.11. Red Cube by Sport Recruiting

MI 20.11. Cinema Night, Drinks, Sweets, Snacks

DO 28.11. Red Cube by Uni Vision

DO 05.12. Alumni Red Cube

DO 12.12. Vino Veritas: Wine tasting & mulled wine

DO 19.12. Architecture Master Thesis Red Cube x Spinnerei


• 28.09.2024 at Club Krempel (Buchs, CH)

• Start at 10 pm

• Price: CHF 15

• Shuttle service after the party to Schaan & Feldkirch

• International dutch DJ wedamnz

• Genre: EDM

Uni Sport


Monday, 8:30 – 10 pm at Primary school Ebenholz


Wednesday, 7:30 – 9 pm at Primary school Ebenholz


Tuesday, 7:30 – 10 pm at Primary school Ebenholz

Dancing, Yoga, Fitness

Monday, 5:30 pm at Primary school Ebenholz

Soon Dancing Class with Diana!

• Starting on September 23rd, there will be a weekly running, pilates, fitness and yoga mix class every Monday at 5:30 pm.

Volleyball with Mykola

• We will train every Monday between 8:30 and 10 pm.

Basketball with George

Weekly Basketball Training every Tuesday at 7:30 – 10 pm.

Soccer - Self-Organized

• We play soccer every Wednesday, 7:30 – 9 pm.

Uni Sport

• We also have partnerships with the tennis clubs in Vaduz and Eschen

• There is also the opportunity to play squash at the Squashhouse Vaduz

• There is a partnership with the fitness studio “Update Fitness Vaduz” (Mühleholz).

Further Activities

• Ski resort Malbun

• Swimming lake in Gamprin (Bild)

• Mühleholz swimming pool in Vaduz

• Hiking in Liechtenstein




Vaduz, the capital of Liechtenstein. Situated on a hill overlooking the city, Vaduz Castle dates back to the 12th century and is a royal family residence.


Werdenberg, a charming small town, known for its picturesque old town and historical significance. The town features a wellpreserved medieval castle.


Feldkirch has one of the bestpreserved medieval townscapes in Vorarlberg. The town was built around 1200 at the same time as Schattenburg Castle.

Student Organisations

Current cooperation partners

Weekend-Programme Friday

Date: September 6th, 2024

Time: 9:00 PM

Location: Bunt Bar Feldkirch (Marktgasse 1, 6800 Feldkirch)

One drink for free!

Bring good vibes and make new friends!

We look forward to have a drink with you!

Weekend-Programme Saturday

Date: September 7th, 2024

Time: 2:00 PM

Location: Campus Uni Liechtenstein

Meet UniVison and Start Vaduz, have fun and get to know the people behind these organizations better.

Weekend-Programme Sunday

Date: September 8th, 2024

Time: 2 pm

Location: Rheinparkstadion Vaduz

Feel free to join us!

Let’s play Volleyball together!

Weekend-Programme Sunday

Date: September 8th, 2024

Time: 7:00 PM

Location: Common room in the dormitory (outdoors in the garden if the weather is nice)

Movie: Avengers Endgame

Drinks will be provided! Bring your good mood and your favourite blanket to make yourself comfortable.

We look forward to a wonderful evening with you!

Student Assistant “Campus Life” 20 % (m/f/d)

Communication & Marketing

Your tasks:

• Planning, creation, organization and implementation of excursions (domestic and international) approx. 3 - 4 excursions per semester (festivals, fairs, sporting events, sightseeing,...)

• Supporting events as part of campus life (RedCube and mini-events)

• Promotion of campus life and all events organized by students

• Support for university events (e.g. Welcome Days, graduation ceremonies, etc.)

• Maintenance and administration of the Google event calendar

• Support with administrative tasks


All those living in Liechtenstein should please go to the APA Session at 10:30 am in H3

Plan after the presentation

- Student Fair

- With the voucher you can get a free meal for lunch at the Red Cube.

Jeyakumar Master in Entrepreneurship & Management
Sophie Breitruck Master in Architecture
Haage Bachelor in Business Administration
Hanna Kaluza Bachelor in Architecture

What do we do?


Your Opportunity to Gain Practical Experience and Valuable Connections.

Who Are We?

We are a student consulting firm focusing on business administration and architecture

What we do?

Challenging Projects in business and architectural projects in various design related topics

Trainings and Workshops by industry experts and coaches to develop your personal skill set

Networking and Teambuilding with interesting partners, expand your network and enhance a good team spirit

Our Goals

1. Gain practical experience in real projects

2. Build valuable connections

3. Develop team spirit and friendships


What we do?





Sunday 8 September at 2 pm all


“Always reach for the stars but keep your feet on the ground.”

What we do Part 1


Solidarity work in FL


Cooperation with AHA

Get to know FL by Liechtenstein People

What we do Part 2

- Visit Events

- Make Interviews

- Write Articles

Lead and develop the new campus magazine

Introduction to ESN Liechtenstein

Board members of

Anita Omasta Jessica Albrecht
Lynn Weisker President

What we stand for?

Students helping Students

Sunday Brunch

St. Gallen Night Out

Next generation of ESN Liechtenstein is needed!

• Board members

• Supporters

Why should you join ESN Liechtenstein?

• Be part of the community

• Leadership experience

• Organizational skills

• Travel worldwide

Thank you for your attention!

Ideas for Campus Life or for a Student Organization?

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