FGHT UTM Undergraduate Handbook 2013/2014

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Undergraduate Handbook 2013/2014

Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate

ATTENTION: The content of this book is true and accurate at the time of publication. The Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate UTM reserves the right to change any information contained herewith.

Please forward any enquiry to: The Dean Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor. Telephone : Telefax : Website :

07-553 0802 07-556 6163 www.geoinfo.utm.my


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i ii-iv v-vi


1 2 3 4-5 6-13




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DEPARTMENT OF GEOINFORMATION BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING (GEOMATIC) PROGRAMME 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Programme Name and Conferment 3.0 Programme Recognition 4.0 Programme Goal 5.0 Programme Objectives 6.0 Entry Requirements 7.0 Learning Outcome 8.0 Programme Implementation 9.0 Programme Structure 10.0 Laboratory Facilities 11.0 Career Opportunities 12.0 List of Courses 13.0 Courses Synopsis



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22 22 22 23 23 23-25 25-29 29 30 31 32 32-35 36-43

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BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (GEOINFORMATICS) PROGRAMME 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Programme Name and Conferment 3.0 Programme Recognition 4.0 Aim of Programme 5.0 Programme Objectives 6.0 Entry Requirements 7.0 Learning Outcome 8.0 Programme Implementation 9.0 Programme Structure 10.0 Laboratory Facilities 11.0 The Unique Characteristics of Programme 12.0 Career Prospects 13.0 List of Courses 14.0 Courses Synopsis DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (PROPERTY MANAGEMENT) PROGRAMME 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Programme Name and Conferment 3.0 Programme Recognition 4.0 Programme Goal 5.0 Programme Objectives 6.0 Entry Requirements 7.0 Learning Outcome 8.0 Programme Implementation 9.0 Programme Structure 10.0 Laboratory Facilities 11.0 Career Opportunities 12.0 List of Courses 13.0 Courses Synopsis


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44 44 44 44 45 45-47 48-49 50 50-51 52 52 53 54-56 57-66 67 68 68 69 69 69 70-71 72-74 75 75 76 76 77-80 81-89

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (LAND ADMINISTRATION AND DEVELOPMENT) PROGRAMME 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Programme Name and Conferment 3.0 Programme Recognition 4.0 Aim of Programme 5.0 Programme Objectives 6.0 Entry Requirements 7.0 Learning Outcome 8.0 Programme Implementation 9.0 Programme Structure 10.0 Laboratory Facilities 11.0 Career Opportunities 12.0 List of Courses 13.0 Courses Synopsis

90 90 91 91 91 92-93 94-96 96 97 98 99 100-102 103-109


110-113 114


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The university was established on 14th March 1972 under the name of Institute Teknologi Kebangsaan which was later changed to Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) on 1st. April 1975. The university had its humble beginning as a class for technical studies in Kuala Lumpur in 1904. In 1906, the class was upgraded into a Technical School. In 1941, it was recommended that the Technical School be upgraded to the status of a college.

However, due to the Second World War, the suggestion could only be implemented in 1946 during which the institution became known as the Technical College, Kuala Lumpur. The Technical College then offered three-year Diploma courses in Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Town and Country Planning, Land Surveying and Quantity Surveying. At present UTM’s main campus is in Skudai, Johor and consists of 12 faculties namely, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical and Natural Resources Engineering, Geoinformation Science, Education, Computer Science and Engineering, Build Environment, Science, Education, Computer Science and Information System, Faculty of Management and Human Resource Development, Bioscience & Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering & Health Science. The university offers courses leading to a Diploma, Bachelor, Master and Ph.D degrees.


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Philosophy The divine law of Allah is the foundation for science and technology. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia strives with total and uni ed effort to develop excellence in science and technology for universal peace and prosperity, in accordance with His will.

Vision To be recognised as a world-class centre of academic and technological excellence

Mission To be a leader in the development of human capital and innovative technologies that will contribute to the nation’s wealth creation.



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Message from the Dean


to the Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). We focus on education and research for undergraduate as well as for postgraduate programs in the related disciplines such as geomatic engineering, property management, geoinformatic, remote sensing and land administration & development. We strive to be a leading academic center in geoinformation and real estate in this region. Our graduates and alumni form major strong professional societies and work force in the related industry. Many of our graduates end up with good jobs not just in Malaysia but also in other countries (Asian, Middle East, Africa and Europe). The strong team and knowledgeable academic members in this faculty provide excellent ingredients for the success of the programs (i.e. with the relevant and up-to-date curriculum and syllabus). We are continuously working to provide and offer rst-class geoinformation and real estate education and research in the country and be on par with other leading institutions in other parts of the globe.

Thank you.

DEAN Professor Sr Dr. Miswan @ Abdul Hakim bin Mohammed, Hj. B.Sc. (Quantity Surveying) (UTM) M.Sc. (Construction) (Loughborough University of Technology, UK) Ph.D (Construction Strategic Management) (University of London, UK) MRISM Registered Valuer


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INTRODUCTION Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate was established on 14 Mac 1972 (originally known as Faculty of Surveying) comprising of two academic departments: • •

Department of Geoinformation Department of Real Estate

The Faculty is currently offering four undergraduate programmes: • • • •

Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor Bachelor

of of of of

Engineering (Geomatic) Science (Geoinformatic) Science (Property Management) Science (Land Administration and Development)

The Faculty also offers Postgraduate Programmes (M.Sc and Ph.D) in the following disciplines:


Master Master Master Master Master Master Master

of of of of of of of

Science Science Science Science Science Science Science

(Geomatic Engineering) (Geoinformatic) (Remote Sensing) (Land Administration and Development) (Real Estate) (Remote Sensing) (Asset and Facilities Management)

MASTER OF SCIENCE (M.Sc) AND DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Ph.D) BY RESEARCH Areas of Research • • • • • • • • • •

Geomatic Engineering Geoinformatics Remote Sensing Satellite Surveying Satellite Navigation Industrial Surveying Hydrography Real Estate Land Administration and Development Facilities Management FACULTY OF GEOINFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE

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Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate


DEAN Prof. Sr Dr. Miswan @ Abdul Hakim Bin Mohammed

DEPUTY DEAN (DEVELOPMENT) Assoc. Prof. Mohamad Nor bin Said

DEPUTY DEAN (ACADEMIC) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hishamuddin bin Mohd Ali



Assoc. Prof Sr. Dr. Baharin bin Ahmad

Assoc. Prof Dr. Zulkepli bin Majid

Program Coordinator (Undergraduate)



Assoc. Prof. Sr. Kamaludin bin Hj Mohd Omar

Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Jaafar

LAB MANAGER Sr. Dr. Abdullah Hisam bin Omar


IT MANAGER Dr. Muhammad Zulkarnain bin Abdul Rahman

Mr. Kamsaini bin Kamaruddin

Program Coordinator (Postgraduate)

Sr. Dr. Janice Lee Yim Mei

Dr. Choong Weng Wai

Mr. Rusli Othman

Dr. Mat Naim Abdullah

Mr. Mohamad Ghazali Hashim

Dr. Robiah Suratman

ASSISTANT REGISTRAR Mr. Mohamad Redha bin Md Dali

Dr. Khairulnizam M.Idris Mr. Wan Hazli Wan Kadir Mr. Abd Wahid Rasib Mrs. Ainur Zaireen Zainuddin

Mr. Shahabuddin Amerudin


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THE LIST OF THE ADMINISTRATORS ARE AS BELOW: DEAN Professor Sr Dr. Miswan @ Abdul Hakim bin Mohammed, Hj. B.Sc. (Quantity Surveying) (UTM) M.Sc. (Construction) (Loughborough University of Technology, UK) Ph.D (Construction Strategic Management) (University of London, UK) MRISM Registered Valuer DEPUTY DEAN (ACADEMIC) Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Hishamuddin bin Mohd Ali B.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM) M.Sc. (Financial Decision Analysis) (Portsmouth, UK) Ph.D (Property Investment & Finance) (Salford, UK) MRISM DEPUTY DEAN (DEVELOPMENT) Assoc. Prof. Sr. Mohamad Nor bin Said B.Sc. Surv. and Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.App. Sc. Surv. & Map. (Curtin, Australia) MRISM, MRICS HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (GEOINFORMATION) Assoc. Prof. Sr Kamaludin bin Hj. Mohd Omar B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. Geodetic Science and Surveying (Ohio State, USA) MRISM HEAD OF DEPARTMENT (REAL ESTATE) Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Jaafar B.Surv. (Hons) Property Management (UTM) M.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM) Ph.D (Development Science) (UKM) UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME MANAGER Assoc. Prof. Sr. Dr. Baharin bin Ahmad B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. Sc. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK) Post Grad. Dip. in Surv. & Mapp. (Curtin, Australia) M.Sc. (Surveying & Mapping) (Curtin, Australia) Ph.D (Geography) (New South Wales, Australia) MRISM


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POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMME MANAGER Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zulkepli bin Majid B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land Surveying) (UTM) M.Surv. Sc. (UTM) Ph.D (UTM) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGER Dr. Muhammad Zulkarnain bin Ab. Rahman Dip. Computer Science (IT) (UTM) B.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) M.Sc. (Earth Observation & GIS) (ITC, Netherlands) Ph.D (Remote Sensing) Delft, Netherlands LABORATORY MANAGER Sr. Dr. Abdullah Hisam bin Omar B.Surv. (Hons.) (UTM) M.Sc. (Land Survey) (UTM) Ph.D (Geomatic Engineering) (UTM) MRISM DEPUTY REGISTRAR Kamsaini bin Kamaruddin Dip. (Hotel & Catering Management) (UiTM) Bachelor (Corporate Administration) (Company Secretary) (UiTM) M.Sc (Technology Management) (Human Resource Development) (UTM) ASSISTANT REGISTRAR Mohamad Redha bin Md Dali Dip. (Technology Management) (UTM) B.Sc. (Human Resource Development) (UTM)


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ACADEMIC MANAGER FOR EXTERNAL PROGRAMME Sr. Zulkarnaini bin Mat Amin, Hj. B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. Sc. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK) Post Grad. Dip. in Surv. & Mapp. (Curtin, Australia) M.Sc. (Surveying & Mapping) (Curtin, Australia) MRISM

Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Md. Reba B.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) M.Sc. (Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics) (Stuttgart, Germany) DEA (Theory Signal & Communications) (UPC, Barcelona, Spain) Ph.D (Theory Signal & Communications) (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)

CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE DIRECTOR OF INSTITUTE FOR GEOSPATIAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (INSTEG) Professor Dr. Sr Mazlan bin Hashim, Hj. B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. Eng. (Remote Sensing) (UNB, Canada) Ph.D (Remote Sensing) (Stirling, UK) MRISM

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Dr. Ab. Latif bin Ibrahim B.A (Geography ) (UM) M. Sc (Planning) (USM) Ph.D (Agroclimatology) (UM)

CONTRACT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Dr. Maged Mahmoud Marghany B.Sc. Physical Oceanography (Egypt) M.Sc. Physical Oceanography (UPM) Ph.D (UPM)

DIRECTOR OF CENTER FOR REAL ESTATE STUDIES (CRES) Assoc. Prof. Sr Dr. Maizan bin Baba, Hj. B.Sc. (Quantity Surveying) (UTM) M.Sc. (Facilities Management) (Strathclyde, UK) Ph.D (Facilities management) (UTM) MRISM Registered Quantity Surveyor Dr. Maimunah binti Sapri Dip. (Estate Management) (ITM) B.Surv. (Hons.) Property Management (UTM) M.Sc. (Facilities Management) (UTM) Ph.D (Herriot-Watt University, UK) Dr. Izran Sarrazin Bin Mohammad Dip. (Urban and Regional Planning) (UTM) B.Sc. (Hons) Geoinformatics (UTM) M.Sc. (Facilities Management) (UTM) Ph.D (UTM)

CONTRACT SENIOR LECTURER Dr. Chitrakala Muthuveerappan B.Sc. (Mathematics) (Bharathidasan University, India) M.Sc. (Computer Apps) (Bharathidasan University, India) Ph.D (Facilities Management) (UTM


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Sr Dr. Sahrum bin Ses B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Phil. (Geodesy) (The University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) Ph.D (Geodesy) (South Australia) MRISM

Sr Dr. Md. Nor bin Kamarudin B.Surv. (Hons) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. Geodetic Science and Surveying (Ohio State, USA) Ph.D (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK) FRISM

Sr Dr. Halim bin Setan B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. and Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK), M.Sc. Geodetic Science and Surveying (Ohio State, USA) Ph.D (City, United Kingdom) MRISM

Dr. Mustafa Din bin Subari, Hj. ** B.Surv. (Hons) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geodetic Science and Surveying) (Ohio State, USA) Ph.D (GPS Surveying) (UNSW, Australia)

Sr Dr. Mohd Razali bin Mahmud, Hj. B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. & Map. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.Phil. Surv. Sc. (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) Ph.D (Surv.) (UCL, UK ) MRISM

Sr Kamaludin bin Hj. Mohd Omar B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geodetic Science and Surveying) (Ohio State, USA) MRISM

Sr Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah, Hj. ** B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Eng. (U.N.B.. Canada) Ph.D (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) MRISM

Sr Dr. Baharin bin Ahmad B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. Sc. (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) Post Grad. Dip. (Surv. & Mapp.) (Curtin, Australia) M.Sc. (Surveying & Mapping) (Curtin, Australia) Ph.D (Geography) (New South Wales, Australia) MRISM

Sr Dr. Alias bin Abdul Rahman, Hj. B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. & Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) Post Grad. Dipl. Geoinfo. Prod. (ITC, Holland) M.Sc. Geoinfo. Prod. (ITC, Holland) Ph.D (Glasgow, UK) FRISM

Sr Dr. Anuar bin Hj. Ahmad, Hj. B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. Sc. (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) M.Phil (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) Ph.D (UTM) MRSIM

Sr Dr. Mazlan bin Hashim, Hj.** B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. Eng. (Remote Sensing) (UNB, Canada) Ph.D (Remote Sensing) (Stirling, UK) MRISM FACULTY OF GEOINFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE

Ghazali bin Desa P.M.P B. App. Sc. (RMIT, Australia) MSCE (Washington, USA)

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Sr Mohamad Nor bin Said B.Sc. Surv. and Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.App. Sc. Surv. & Map. (Curtin, Australia), MRISM, MRICS Mohd Sa e bin Mohd. B.Sc. (Hons.), Surv. & Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) Post Grad.Cartography (ITC, Holland) M.Sc. Cartography (ITC, Holland) Dr. Zulkepli bin Majid B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land Surveying) (UTM) M.Surv. Sc. (UTM) Ph.D (UTM) Dr. Ab. Latif bin Ibrahim** B.A (Geography ) (UM) M. Sc (Planning) (USM) Ph.D (Agroclimatology) (UM)

CONTRACT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Dr. Benny N. Peter M.Sc. (Oceanography) (Cochin University of Science & Technology, IND) Ph.D (Physical Oceanography)(Cochin University of Science & Technology, IND)

SENIOR LECTURERS Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Md. Reba ** B.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) M.Sc. (Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics) (Stuttgart, Germany) DEA (Theory Signal & Communications) (UPC, Barcelona, Spain) Ph.D (Theory Signal & Communications) (UPC, Barcelona, Spain)


Sr Dr. Harun Shah bin Mat Zin, Hj. B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. (Eng. Surv.) (Nott., UK) GDip. in Hydro. Surv. (Tasmania) Ph.D (St. Andrews, Scotland) MRISM Sr Dr. Abdullah Hisam bin Omar B.Surv. (Hons.) (UTM) M.Sc. (Land Survey) (UTM) Ph.D (Geomatic Engineering) (UTM) MRISM Sr Dr. Tajul Arif n bin Musa B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. (Land) (UTM) Ph.D (Satellite Navigation Positioning)(UNSW, Sydney) MRISM Dr. Mohd Farid bin Mohd Ariff B.Eng (Hons) (Geomatic Enginering) (UTM) M.sc (Geomatic Engineering) (UTM) PhD. (Geomatic Engineering) (UTM) Dr Khairulnizam Bin M.Idris B.Eng (Hons) (Geomatic) (UTM) M.Sc (Industry Survey) (UTM) Ph.D (Industry Survey) (UTM) Shaharuddin bin Mohd Said, Hj. B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) Post Grad. Dip in Surv. (UCL, UK) M.Surv. (Mapping Sc.) (Qld., Australia) Mohamad Saupi bin Che Awang, Hj. B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. and Map. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.Sc. Geodetic Science and Surveying (Ohio State, USA) PSFM

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Sr Zulkarnaini bin Mat Amin, Hj. B.Sc. (Hons.) Surv. Sc. (Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK) Post Grad. Dip. in Surv. & Mapp. (Curtin, Australia) M.Sc. (Surveying & Mapping) (Curtin, Australia) MRISM Sr Ahmad Shahlan bin Mardi B.Sc. Surv. & Map. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.Phil. (Surveying Science, Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK) Hydro I (Cat B FIG/IHO) Hydro II (Cat A FIG/IHO) Cert. Phy. Oceanography (Japan) MRISM Sr Zainal Abidin bin Md. Som B.Sc. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Sc. (UTM) MRISM Usmuni bin Din B.Sc. Surv. & Map. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) Post Grad. Dip. in Surv. & Mapp. (Curtin, Australia) M.Sc. (Surveying & Mapping) (Curtin, Australia) Sr Rusli bin Othman B.Sc. Surv. & Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.Sc. (UTM) MRISM Dr. Shahidah binti Mohd Ariff, Hjh. B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land Survey) (UTM) Post Grad. Dip. (Computer Science) (UTM) M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.) (UTM) Ph.D (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK) Sr Dr. Muhammad Zulkarnain bin Ab. Rahman Dip. Computer Science (IT) (UTM) B.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) M.Sc. (Earth Observation & GIS) (ITC, Netherlands) Ph.D (Remote Sensing) Delft, Netherlands MRISM

Zamri bin Ismail B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land Survey) (UTM) M.Surv. Sc. (UTM) Sr Dr. Alvin Lau Meng Shin B.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) M.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) Ph.D (Remote Sensing) (UTM) MRISM Dr. Kasturi Devi a/p Kanniah B.A. (Hons.) (Geography) (UM) M.Phil (GIS & Remote Sensing)(Cambridge, UK) Ph.D (Climate, Remote Sensing), Monash University, AUS) Abd. Razak bin Mohd Yusoff B.Sc. Surv. and Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.Sc. (App. Remote Sensing) (Cran eld, UK) Sr Samsudin bin Ahmad** B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) Post Grad. Dip. (Computer Science) (UTM) M.Surv. Sc. (Remote Sensing ) (UTM) MRISM

CONTRACT SENIOR LECTURER DR. Pawel Boguslawski M.Sc. (Computer Sciences) (Bialystok Technical University, Poland) Ph.D (University of Glamorgan, UK) Dr. Behnam Alizadehashra B.Sc. (Applied Mathematics) (SHAHED University, Tehran) M.Sc. (Computer Engineering) (AZAD University, Tehran) M.Sc. (Photogrammetry & Geoinformatics)(University of Applied Science Stuggart, Germany) Ph.D (Geoinformatics) (UTM)

Mohamad Ghazali bin Hashim, Hj. B.Sc. Surv. & Mapp. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) Post Grad. Dip. Surv. and Mapp. (Curtin, Australia) M.Surv. Sc. (UTM) FACULTY OF GEOINFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE

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Sr. Ami Hassan bin Md Din * Bachelor of Engineering (Geomatic) M.Sc. (Geomatic Engineering, Satellite Altimetry) (UTM)

LECTURER Azman bin Arif n B.Eng. (Geoinformatics) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geographical Information) (Nottingham, UK)

Mohd. Faisal bin Abdul Khanan * B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM) M.Sc. (GIS) Curtin University, Australia.

Ivin Amri bin Musliman B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM) M.Sc. (Photogrammetry and Geoinformatics) (Stuttgart, Germany)

Muhamad Uznir bin Ujang* B.Sc. (Hons) in Geoinformatics (UTM) M.Sc. (Geoinformatics - 3DGIS) (UTM)

Muhammad Imzan bin Hassan B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM), M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (ITC, The Netherlands)

Mohammad Zakri bin Tarmidi* B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM) M.Sc. (IT-Management) (UTM)

Shahabuddin bin Amerudin Dip. (UTM), B. Sc. (Geoinformatik) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geographical Information) (Nottingham, UK)

Norhakim bin Yusof * B.Sc. (Geoinformatik) (UTM) M.Sc. (Environmental Science - Environmental Analysis and Modelling) (UPM)

Nurul Hawani binti Idris B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM)

Nurul Hazrina binti Idris * B.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) M.Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM)

Abd. Wahid bin Rasib B.Surv. (Hons.) (Land) (UTM) M.Surv. Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM) Wan Hazli bin Wan Kadir B.Sc. (Marine Science) (UPM) M.Surv. Sc. (Remote Sensing) (UTM)

* Study Leave ** Seconded to UTM/Government/Industry Sector

Shaparas binti Daliman * B.Eng. Electrical (UKM) M.Eng. Electrical (UTM)

TUTOR Mohd Ha z bin Yahya B.Eng (Geomatic Engineering) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geomatic Engineering, Satellite Surveying) (UTM) Noor Anim Zanariah binti Yahaya* B.Eng (Geomatic Engineering) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geomatic Engineering) (UTM)


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HANDBOOK 2013-2014

DEPARTMENT OF REAL ESTATE Sr Dr. Miswan @ Abdul Hakim bin Mohammed, Hj. B.Sc. (Quantity Surveying) (UTM) M.Sc. (Construction) (Loughborough University of Technology, UK) Ph.D (Construction Strategic Management) (University of London, UK) MRISM Registered Valuer Sr Dr. Megat Mohd. Ghazali bin Megat Abd. Rahman, Hj. ** B.Surv. (Hons.) (Property Management) (UTM) M.Sc. (Town Planning) (UWIST, Cardiff Wales, UK) Ph.D (Loughborough, UK) MRISM Registered Valuer

ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Liutenant Colonel Dr. Ahmad Arif an bin Bujang B.Surv. (Hons.) (Property Management) (UTM) Post Grad. Dip. (Land Economic) (Aberdeen, UK) M.Sc. (Urban & Regional Planning) (UTM) Ph.D (Housing) (Universiti Malaya) Registered Valuer

Sr Dr. Maizan bin Baba, Hj. B.Sc. (Quantity Surveying) (UTM) M.Sc. (Facilities Management) (Strathclyde, UK) Ph.D (Facilities management) (UTM) MRISM Registered Quantity Surveyor

Dr. Buang bin Alias B.Sc. (Land Economy) (C.N.A.A, UK) Master (Land Economy) (Aberdeen, UK) Ph.D (Real Estate) (UTM)

Dzurllkanian @ Zulkarnain bin Daud, Hj. * B.Sc. (Hons.) (Estate Management) (Heriot-Watt, UK) Post Grad. Dip. (Computer Science) (UTM) M.Sc. (Comp. Sc.) (UTM)

Sr Dr. Hishamuddin bin Mohd Ali B.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM) M.Sc. (Financial Decision Analysis) (Portsmouth, UK) Ph.D (Property Investment & Finance) (Salford, UK) MRISM

Dr. Ismail bin Omar, Hj. B.Sc. (Estate Management) (Heriot-Watt, UK) Master (Business Property) (South Australia) Ph.D (Land Economy) (Aberdeen, UK)

Sr Dr. Norhaya binti Kamaruddin, Hjh. B.Surv. (Property Management) (UTM) Master (Land Economy) (Aberdeen, UK) Ph.D (Property) (UTM) MRISM


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HANDBOOK 2013-2014

CONTRACT ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR Dr. Mohammad Tahir Sabit Haji Mohammad LLB (IIUM), MCL (IIUM) Ph.D (Comparative Jurisprudence) (IIUM)

SENIOR LECTURER Sr Dr. Choong Weng Wai B.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM) Ph.D (Facilities Management) (UTM) MRISM Sr Dr. Ibrahim @ Atan bin Sipan, Hj. B.Surv. (Property Management) (UTM) Master (Business in Property) (Uni. South Australia) Ph.D (Real Estate) (UTM) MRISM Dr. Maimunah binti Sapri ** Dip. (Estate Management) (ITM) B.Surv. (Hons.) (Property Management) (UTM) M.Sc. (Facilities Management) (UTM) Ph.D (Herriot-Watt University, UK) Dr. Mohd Nadzri bin Jaafar B.Surv. (Hons) Property Management (UTM) M.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM) Ph.D (Development Science) (UKM) Sr Dr. Janice Lee Yim Mei B.Sc. Land Management (UK) Master (Business Administration) (Australia) Ph.D (Business Administration) (UKM) MRISM Dr. Khadijah binti Hussin Advanced Dip. (Law and Admin. Studies) (ITM) LLM (Legal Informatics) (Strathclyde, UK) Ph.D (Apartment Law) (Aberdeen, UK)


Dr. Robiah binti Suratman B. (Regional Planning) (UTM) M.Sc. (Land Surveying) (UTM) Ph.D (Urban & Regional Planning) (UTM) Dr. Mat Naim bin Abdullah @ Mohd. Asmoni Diploma (Quantity Surveying) (UTM) B.Sc. (Quantity Surveying) (Glasgow Caledonian University) M.Eng. (Construction) (UTM) Ph.D (Facilities Management) (UTM) Dr. Izran Sarrazin Bin Mohammad** Dip. (Urban and Regional Planning) (UTM) B.Sc. (Hons) Geoinformatics (UTM) M.Sc. (Facilities Management) (UTM) Ph.D (UTM Sr Hasmah binti Abu Zarin B.Sc. (Real Estate) (USA) Master (Land Economy) (Aberdeen, UK) MRISM Razani bin Ab Rahim LLB (Hons.) (East Anglia) LLM (Commercial Law) (Bristol, UK) Rosadah binti Mahamud, Hjh. B.Surv. (Hons.) (Property Management) (UTM) Post Grad. Dip (Construction Management) (Building) (Heriott-Watt, UK) M.Sc. in Project Management (USM) MRISM Kamaruzaman bin Abd. Rasid B.Sc. Surv. and Map. Sc. (C.N.A.A., UK) M.Surv. Sc. Land Surv. (UTM), MISM Major Wan Ibrisam Fikry bin Hj. Wan Ismail Hj. B.A. (Urban & Regional Planning) (University of Southwestern, Louisiana, USA) Master (Regional & Community Planning) (Kansas State University, USA) | 12 | U N D E R G R A D U AT E

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Salfarina binti Samsudin B.Sc. (Land Administration and Development) (UTM) M.Sc. (Housing) (USM)

TUTOR Ainur Zaireen binti Zainudin B.Sc. (Land Administration and Development)(UTM) M.Soc.Sc. (Development Science) (UKM)

Shahabudin bin Abdullah B.Surv. (Hons) (Property Management) (UTM) Master of Business (Property) (University of South Australia)

Sr Noorsidi Aizuddin bin Mat Noor * B.(Hons) Est. Mgmt. (UM) M.Sc. (Real Estate) (UTM) MRISM

CONTRACT SENIOR LECTURER Farahiyah binti Fadzil B.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM)

Dr. Uche Godwin Aliagha B.Sc. (Geography) ABSU, Nigeria M.Sc. (Urban & Regional Planning (UTM) PhD. (Environmental Resources Management) (NTU, Singapore)

Nurul Hana binti Adi Maimun* B.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM) M.Sc (Property Management) (UTM)


Nordaliza binti Zulki i * B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM) M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) (UTM)

Sr. Kamalahasan a/l Achu B.Sc. (Hons) (Real Estate Management) (UTM) M.Sc. (Urban Real Estate Management and Development) (Heriot-Watt, UK) MRISM

Norhidayah binti Md Yunus * B.Sc. (Land Administration and Development) (UTM) M.Sc. (Land Administration and Development) (UTM)

Abd. Halim bin Hamzah B.Sc. (Land Administration and Development) (UTM) M.Sc. (Housing) (USM) Mustafa bin Omar B.Sc. (Property Management) (UTM) M.Sc. (Estate Valuation and Mass Appraisal) (UTM)

* Study Leave ** Seconded to UTM/Government/Industry Sector

Muhammad Najib bin Mohamad Razali * B.Surv. (Hons) (Property Management) (UTM) M.Sc. (IT Management) (UTM) Maslinda binti Abdul Latiff * B.Sc. HBP (Construction Management) (USM) M.Sc. (Project Management) (USM)


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INSTITUTE & CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE The Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate has established two Centres of Excellence to enhance research capability of the faculty. They have state-of-the-art facilities and equipments which can be utilized to support graduate student’s research. The centres are: i) Institute of Geospatial Science and Technology (INSTEG) ii) Centre of Real Estate Studies (CRES)

Area of research activities carried out in the faculty are as follows: • • • • • • • • • • • •

GNSS & Geodynamics 3D GIS NaTRIM (Natural Tropical Resources Information and Mapping) Photogrammetry & Laser Scanning Industry Asset & Facilities Management Real Estate Valuation and Investment Real Estate Economics LAnDS Precise Surveying and Geodetic Metrology Remote Sensing/Geosensing Land Information Management and Cadastre (LIMC) Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)


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FACILITIES AT THE FACULTY The Faculty is equipped with various facilities for conducive teaching & learning environment. Currently, the faculty has 18 laboratories, computer laboratories, resource centres, 7 smart classrooms & various specialised laboratories for post graduate research activities. The laboratories are: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Astronomy and Geodesy Laboratory Cadastre and Surveying Engineering Laboratory Hydrographic Laboratory Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geodynamic Laboratory Land Information System (LIS) Laboratory Industry Surveying Laboratory Facilities Management Laboratory Geographic Information System (GIS) Laboratory Digital Cartography Laboratory Digital Photogrammetry Laboratory Land Administration & Development Laboratory Remote Sensing Field Data Collection Laboratory Basic Remote Sensing Laboratory Advanced Remote Sensing Laboratory Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory Remote Sensing Research Lab (Modelling and Simulation) Remote Sensing Sampling Analysis Laboratory Remote Sensing Satellite Earth Observation Station Room

Students societies are also set up to encourage interactions among students and staff to inculcate positive generic skills among students. The societies are: • •

Land Surveying Society Property Management Society


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ACADEMIC ADVISOR An Academic Advisor is assigned to students to assist them in their programmes and career planning, to interpret degree requirements and options, to advice on academic policies and procedures and to help them reach their academic goals. Advisor’s Responsibilities • • • •

To be accessible to students throughout the year during designated of ce hours. Names of alternate advisors should be posted during extended absence of an advisor from campus. To set aside designated times for registration and individual discussions. To be knowledgeable about curriculum requirements, academic policies and procedures, referrals and resources on campus, and career opportunities. To guide students through academic programmes that will complement their personal, educational and professional interests.

Student’s Responsibilities • • •

To know the advisor’s of ce hours and advising schedule. To make a appointments with advisor for registration of subjects and other academic matters e.g pre-requisite. To be aware of academic requirements and to seek assistance when needed.


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SKUDAI 1 - 2 September 2013

Registration for New Students

2 - 8 September 2013

Student Transformation Week

5 - 6 September 2013

Registration of Courses for First Semester 1 2013/2014 Academic Session

9 September 2013 -


9 February 2014 (22 weeks)

9 Sept. - 3 Nov. 2013

Semester I Lectures (Part One) (8 weeks)

2 Oct 2013

Senate Meeting

26 - 29 Oct. 2013

UTM 51th. Convocation Ceremony

4-10 Nov. 2013

Mid-Semester I Break (1 week)

6 Oct. 2013

Senate Meeting

11 Nov – 22 Dec. 2013

Continuation of Semester I Lectures (Part Two) (6 weeks)

4 Dec. 2013

Senate Meeting

9 - 20 Dec. 2013

Pre-Registrations of Course 2013/2014 (2 weeks)

23 Dec. - 29 Dec. 2013

Revision Day (1 week)

30 Dec 2013 - 19 Jan 2014

Final Examination for Semester I (3 weeks)




8 Jan. 2014

Senate Meeting

20. Jan - 9 Feb. 2014

Final Break for Semester I (3 weeks)

3 Feb. – 4 Feb. 2014

Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Examination/ Results for Semester 1, 2013/2014 Session

5 Feb. 2014

Senate Meeting

6 Feb.- 7 Feb. 2014

Registration of Courses for Semester II, 2013/2014 Session

10 Feb. – 21 Feb 2014

Special Examination for Semester I


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10 February – 31 August 2014 (29 weeks)


10 Feb. – 30 March. 2014

Semester II Lectures (Part One) ( 7 weeks)

5 Mar 2014

Senate Meeting

28 Mar 2014

Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Special Examinations/Results for Semester 1, 2013/2014 Session

31 March - 6 April 2014

Mid-Semester II Break (1 week)

2 April 2014

Senate Meeting

7 April - 25 May 2014

Semester II Lectures (Part Two) (7 weeks)

7 May 2014

Senate Meeting

12 May – 23 May 2014

Pre-Registrations of Course 2014/2015 Session (2 weeks)

24 May – 26 May 2014

UTM 52th Convocation Ceremony

26 May – 1 June 2014

Revision Week ( 1 week)

2 June – 22 June 2014

Final Examination for Semester II (3 weeks)

4 June 2014

Senate Meeting

23 June – 31 August 2014

Final Semester Long Vacation (10 weeks)

9 July 2014

Senate Meeting

22 July – 23 July 2014

Meeting of Senate’s Standing Committee on Special Examinations/Results of Semester II, 2013/2014 Session

4 Aug – 15 Aug 2014

Special Examinations for Semester II

6 Aug 2014

Senate Meeting

22 August 2014

Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Examinations/ Results for Short Semester 2013/2014 Session




3 Sept 2014

Senate Meeting

4 Sept – 5 Sept 2014

Registration of Courses for Semester I, 2014/2015 Session SHORT SEMESTER

22 Feb – 23 May 2014

Registrations Course for Short Semester 2013/2014 Session

23 June – 29 August 2014

Lectures for Short Semester

11 Sept. 2014

Meeting of Senate Standing Committee on Examinations/ Results for Short Semester 2013/2014 Session


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REGULATIONS AND ACADEMIC SYSTEM GUIDELINES The University adopts the semester system. The Academic Year is divided into two normal semesters namely Semester I and Semester II. The breakdown of the semester is shown in Table 1. Beside two normal semesters, the University also runs a Short Semester, which is held during the vacation period at the end of Semester II. This semester is not taken into account in the maximum study duration stipulated for a particular programme.

Table 1 :

The Academic Year*

Orientation Week for new students

1 Week

(Within the Duration for End of Academic Year Vacation) Semester 1 Lectures

8 Weeks

Mid Semester Break

4 Days


7 Weeks

Revision Week

5 Days

End of Semester Examination

3 Weeks


19 Weeks 2 Days

End of Semester Vacation Semester 2 Lectures

7 Weeks

Mid Semester Break

1 Week


7 Weeks

Revision Week

1 Week

End of Semester Examination

3 Weeks


19 Weeks

End of Academic Year Vacation

10 Weeks


52 Weeks

End of Academic Year Vacation

1 Week


8 Weeks | 19 | U N D E R G R A D U AT E

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HANDBOOK 2013-2014




Introduction Geomatic Engineering is an area of technology for measuring, managing, presentation and analising the geospatial data relating the earth. Geospatial data are obtained from various sources including observation of satellites orbiting the earth, sensors that are in the air, sea and terrestrial instruments. These data are processed and manipulated using computer and latest softwares. Also included in the area of geospatial are the computer mapping, remote sensing for monitoring the environment and positioning as well as precise navigation using Global Positioning System (GPS). Bachelor of Engineering (Geomatic) programme in the Department of Geomatic Engineering, Faculty of Geoinformation and Real Estate, Universiti Technologi Malaysia is one of the oldest programme in Malaysia. Before 1994 the programme is known as Bachelor of Surveying (Land). This programme obtained full accreditation from the Board of Land Surveyor for Peninsular Malaysia and also from the Public Services Department of Malaysia.


Programme Name and Conferment a) Programme Name Bachelor of Engineering (Geomatic) b) Conferment Bachelor of Engineering (Geomatic)


Programme Recognition Full recognition obtained from i) Board of Land Surveyor for Peninsular Malaysia ii) Public Services Department of Malaysia


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Programme Goal The goal of the programme is to produce graduate that is knowledgeable, expert and skillful in the eld of geomatic engineering as well as capable of managing, administrating, updating geospatial data professionally.


Programme Objectives To produce graduates that have: i)

In-depth knowledge in geomatic engineering, competent and skillful in managing geomatic engineering projects. ii) Ability to use techniques, skills and modern geomatic engineering tools to solve geomatic engineering and related problems creatively. iii) Ability to analyze, maintain, update and synthesis geo-spatial data for speci c purposes and in compliance with the relevant laws. iv) Innovative attitude and initiatives towards creating an effective and ef cient geomatic profession.


Entry Requirements Candidates needs to ful ll both general entry requirements of UTM and the programme speci c re quirements as described below: University General Requirements Possessed Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia or credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia July Paper. and Obtained Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with at least: •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in General Paper

and •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in two (2) other subjects

and Obtain at least Band 1 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET).


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Programme Speci c Requirements A.

Minimum Quali cation of Ministry of Education (MOE) Matriculation/Universiti Malaya (UM) Foundation Studies in Science/Integral of UiTM Minimum Grade C (CPA > 2.67) at matriculation level in any two (2) of the following subjects: • Mathematics/Engineering Mathematics and Either one of the following subjects: • Physics/Engineering Physics • Chemistry/Engineering Chemistry • Computer Science/Engineering Computing


Minimum Quali cation Candidates of Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) applicant: Obtained at least Grade C (CPA > 2.67) at STPM level in any two (2) of the following subjects: • Mathematics T, and • Physics/Chemistry/Geography and Obtained at least credit at SPM level in the following subject: • Mathematics


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Academic Quali cation Candidate with Diploma/Equivalent Obtained Diploma in Land Surveying/Geomatic from UTM/Equivalent with at least CPA 2.70 or Candidates with CPA less than 2.70 but with at least 2 years working experience in the related elds are eligible to apply. Obtained at least credit at SPM level or equivalent in Mathematics or obtained at least Grade C in any one of the Mathematics subjects at Diploma programme. A candidate must send in full Diploma examination transcripts (all semesters) to UTM. Candidate is also required to submit a copy of the Diploma certi cate and of cial study con rmation letter. Notes:


The actual entry year and duration of study are subject to the credits transferred/ exempted as approved by UTM.

Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) Graduates that have successfully completed the program could have the following outcome: • • • • • • • • •

Understand the theoretical and practical aspects related to surveying sciences and mapping Planning and carry out the surveying work and mapping using the latest technology Maintain and updating geospatial data Professional attitude in line with the ethic and profession of a professional land surveyor Understanding and appreciating other related professions such as GIS and Remote Sensing Analysis geospatial data for particular purposes and abiding with the related laws Teamworking with other disciplines Able to communicate ef ciently Able to use the relevant information technology


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(a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) PO1 Knowledge of science and geomatic engineering principles

PO2 Ability to use techniques, skills and modern geomatic, engineering tools to solve geomatic engineering and related problems creatively

PO3 Ability to manage geospatial data

Intended Leaning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Method


Ability to plan and conduct survey and mapping works using the most appropriate tools and procedures.

Lecture, tutorials, eld work, lab work, assignment, survey camp, industrial training, individual study, demonstration, coaching, nal year project.

Quiz, examination, work script, eld report (individual & group), lab report (individual & group), assignment report, project report, topical report, technical report, learning portfolio, thesis, question & answer.

Use techniques, skills and modern geomatic engineering tools to solve geomatic engineering and related problems creatively.

Lecture, tutorials, eld work, lab work, survey camp, industrial training, demonstration, personal tuition, coaching, nal year project, problembased-learning.

Field report (individual & group), lab report (individual & group), observation assignment report, project report, student log book, seminar presentation, topical report, learning portfolio, thesis, question & answer, technical report.

Analyze and synthesis geospatial data for speci c purposes and in compliance with the relevant laws.

Lecture, tutorials, lab work, assignment, nal year project, problembases-learning.

Field report (individual & group), lab report (individual & group), project report, seminar presentation, thesis, technical report.

Management of geo-spatial Lab work, survey camp, data. industrial training, nal year project.


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Field report (individual & group), lab report (individual & group), observation, assignment report, project report, question & answer.

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(b) Generic Skills Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) P04 Ability to communicate effectively

P05 Ability to think critically and solve problem effectively

P06 Ability to function effectively in a multidisciplinary team

Intended Leaning Outcomes

Communicate effectively and use information and communication (ICT) technology aptly.

Teaching and Learning Method


Lecture, tutorials, eld work (group), lab work (group), assignment, survey camp, industrial training, individual study, demonstration, nal year project, problem-basedlearning.

Examination, eld report (individual & group), lab report (individual & group), observation, assignment report, project report, technical report, seminar presentation, topical report, learning portfolio, thesis, interview, question & answer.

Ability to identify, analyze, Lectures, tutorials, led formulate and solve problem work (group) lab work scienti cally. (group), assignment, survey camp, industrial training, individual study, demonstration, nal year project, problem-basedlearning.

Examination, eld report (individual & group), lab report (individual & group), observation, assignment report, project report, technical report, seminar presentation, topical report, learning portfolio, thesis, interview, question & answer.

Work effectively in disciplinary team.

Field report (individual & group), lab report (individual & group), observation, project report, technical report, student log book, learning portfolio, thesis, survey.

multi- Field work (group), lab work (group), survey camp, industrial training, demonstration, problembased-learning.


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Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) P07 Ability to perpetually seek and acquire contemporary knowledge and adapting to new technology

Intended Leaning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Method


Assignment, survey camp, industrial training, individual study, nal year project, problembased-learning.

Assignment report, project report, student log book, topical report, learning portfolio, thesis, technical report.

Ability to identify business Assignment, industrial opportunities. training, individual study, nal year project, problem-based-learning.

Assignment report, project report, student log book, topical report, learning portfolio, thesis, technical report.

Able to demonstrate basic Assignment, survey knowledge of leadership. camp, industrial training, Ability to lead. individual study, nal year project, problembased-learning.

Assignment report, project report, technical report and oral presentation.

Able to learn independently and understand new concepts in geomatic engineering and adapting new geomatic technology.

P08 Ability to analyse situations and recognize opportunities to use one’s knowledge and skills for business opportunities P09 Leadership incorporates knowledge of the basic principles of leadership and application of the traits of leadership in one’s interaction with others


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Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) PO10 Ability to apply high ethical standard in professional practice and social interactions PO11 Global and current issues


Intended Leaning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Method


Able to act ethically and Seminar and colloqium, Report and with a high sense of social assignment, survey presentation. camp, industrial training, responsibility. academic visit.


Inculcate the awareness of Seminar and colloqium, Report and global and current issues. assignment, survey presentation. camp, industrial training, academic visit.


Programme Implementation Bachelor of Engineering (Geomatic) is a 4 year full time programme, carried out for a duration of 8 semesters in the Department of Geomatic Engineering. Each semester, students are offered to register between 12-18 credits of academic load with a total of 133 credits to complete the programme. Sixty percent of the total credits are core subjects such as Geodesy, Cadastre, GPS, Hydrography and Photogrammetry while 25% are elective courses. Fifteen percent are courses related to humanity and general university courses.


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Programme Structure Students who are registered to this programme are requested to enroll for 133 credit points throughout 4 years (8 semesters) of full time study. Students will undergo practical training for two weeks known as Survey Camp programme (SGHU 2901) during long holiday period, and have to attend Industrial Training for one semester. During the Industrial Training, students will be stationed at the Department of Survey and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM) and Licensed Land Surveyors Company for 1 semester (i.e 15 weeks). Students will be exposed to several surveying and mapping activities. Final year students will be required to accomplish Final Year Project, which is equivalent to 6 credits. The distribution of credit points are as follows: No.

Course Category

Credit Total

Percentage (%)


Core Programme




Elective Subjects




University Subjects







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10.0 Laboratory Facilities The Department of Geomatic Engineering is well equipped with the latest technology equipments for the following areas:

• • • • •

Engineering and Cadastral Survey Hydrography Geodesy and Astronomy Land Information System Industrial Surveying


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11.0 Career Opportunities Geomatic Engineering covers wide area of disciplines and many graduates joint land development and management companies that provide the survey for land ownership. Some graduates involved in land resource management, remote sensing for environment, engineering survey for construction, deformation monitoring, hydrographic survey for oil & gas exploration, and also in geographic information system (GIS).

12.0 List of Courses

YEAR 1 SEMESTER I SGHU 1012 SGHU 1013 SGHU 1093 SGHU 1412 SSE 1523 UICI 1012 UHAS 1152 Total Credits:

Introduction to Geomatic Fundamental of Survey and Mapping Computer Programming Computer Aided Design for Surveyors Mathematic for Surveyors Islamic and Asian Civilization Ethnic Relations/UHAS 1162 - Malaysia Dynamics (Dinamika Malaysia) 17

SEMESTER II SGHU 1043 SGHU 1203 SGHU 1452 SGHU 1502 SSE 1442 ULAB 1112 UHAS 2112 UKQ* 1**1 Total Credits:

Engineering Survey Field Astronomy Photogrammetry I Cartography Statistic for Surveyors English for Academic Communication Critical and Creative Thinking Co-Curriculum I 17


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YEAR 2 SEMESTER I SGHU 2043 SGHU 2452 SGHU 2513 SGHU 2552 SGHU 2602 SGHU 2922 UICI 2022 UHAS 2**2 OR UHA 1012 Total Credits: SEMESTER II SGHU 2252 SGHU 2313 SGHU 2412 SGHU 2613 SGHU 2901 SGHU 2**3 ULAB 2112 UKQ* 1**1 Total Credits:

Engineering Survey Technology Photogrammetry II Hydrographic Surveying Introduction to Geographic Information System Geodesy I Technical Writing Human, Technology and Science UHAS Elective Malay Language Communication (For International Student) 18

Satellite Positioning Cadastral Survey Introduction to Adjustment Computation Geodesy II Survey Camp Elective I Advanced English for Academic Communication Co-Curriculum II 17

YEAR 3 SEMESTER I SGHU 3**3 SGHU 3**3 SGHU 3**3 SGHU 3**3 SGHU 2403 SGHU 4313 Total Credits:

Elective 2 Elective 3 Elective 4 Elective 5 Introduction to Remote Sensing Land Law and Survey Regulation 18

SEMESTER II SGHU 3903 SGHU 3909 Total Credits:

Industrial Training - Seminar Industrial Training - Field 12


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YEAR 4 SEMESTER I SGHU 3**3 SGHU 4**3 SGHU 4**3 SGHU 4**3 SGHU 4332 SGHU ULAB 3**2 Total Credits:

Elective 6 Elective 7 Elective 8 Elective 9 Land Administration 4942 Undergraduate Project I ULAB English (Elective) 18

SEMESTER II SGHU 4**3 SGHU 4**3 SGHU 4342 SGHU 4372 SGHU 4944 UHAS 3012 Total Credits:

Elective 10 Elective 11 Professional Practice Project Management for Surveyors Undergraduate Project II Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development 16

Overall Total:

133 Credits


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2523 3253 3283 3553 3723 3743 3763 4133 4273 4313 4323 4663 4803 4823 4833 4843 4853 4863 4873 4893

Hydrographic Surveying Technology Global Navigation Satellite System Least Squres Estimation Land Information System Falak Syarie Physical Oceanography LIS Database Management Topographic Mapping Using Remotely Sensed Data Utility Mapping Land Law and Survey Regulation Cadastre Survey Practice Port & Coastal Engineering Deformation Survey Tidal Processing & Analysis Digital Imaging Photogrammetry and Application Environmental Studies Development & Implementation of LIS Industrial Survey Law of the Sea Map Projection

Minimum Semester : Maximum Semester :

8 Semesters 12 Semes


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13.0 Courses Synopsis SGHU 1012 - Introduction to Geomatic This course covers the fundamental knowledge of Geomatic Engineering and equip students with both theoretical for wider exposure and better understanding of the subject matters. With this, students can get a wider imagination and view of the activities in geomatic elds that include integrating the acquisition, processing, analysis, display and management of spatial information. Basic introduction include traditional disciplines of photogrammetry and remote sensing, land and engineering surveying, geographic information systems, cartography, geodesy, hydrography, cadastral surveying, land information management and satellite surveying are delivered in this course. SGHU 1013 - Fundamental of Survey and Mapping This course introduces students to fundamental aspects of surveying and mapping. The basic surveying and mapping techniques as well as equipments will be introduced and students will get the opportunities in using these equipments. SGHU 1093 - Computer Programming To provide knowledge in computer programming, which is essential for geomatic engineers. This course will help to solve many geomatics related problems such as surveying computation, graphical analysis with multimedia elements that sometimes are not offered by geomatic commercial software. The teaching concentration will be given to the concept, skills and techniques of problem solving using an appropriate programming language. A commercial programming language will be used in this course. The programming exercises are designed to solve problems in geomatic engineering. SGHU 1412 - Computer Aided Design for Surveyors This course provides both a theoretical introduction to computer modelling and visualization in surveying, and opportunity to develop skills through intensive practical work. Student will possess land survey drawing skills with entry level skills in computer assisted drafting. Student also will be able to nd entry-level employment in job using CAD. The primary goal of this course is to nurture and develop student’s ability to use computer modelling applications to explore ideas, analyze spatial data, and present design concept electronically. SSE 1523 - Mathematic for Surveyors This course presents the essential mathematics topics to support the needs of Geomatic Engineer. The course features extensively use of computer software to solve mathematical examples that are related to Geomatic needs. SGHU 1043 - Engineering Survey This course is designed to introduce the theory and principles of different types of engineering surveys achieved chie y by the use of carefully selected worked examples and problems to enable a basic understanding of each topic to be gained. Particular emphasis has been placed on problems of a practical nature that are likely to be accounted on engineering sites.


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SGHU 1203 - Field Astronomy This course introduces the principles and procedures of eld astronomy for the determination of azimuth, latitude and longitude of control stations used in cadastral surveying, geodesy and falak syarie (Islamic astronomy). SGHU 1452 - Photogrammetry I This is one of the core courses designed to provide an understanding of the principles, theory and methodology for the production of topographic map, plan, digital terrain model (DTM), orthophoto and recti ed photo using aerial photographs. It emphasises on the procedure of producing map using analogue and analytical methods. This course features extensive use of photogrammetric instruments and software in producing map through group as well as individual laboratory works. This course also features the concept, methodology and application of close range photogrammetry. SGHU 1502 - Cartography Introduction to Cartography: De nition, concept, role of maps to people. Data and information: data sources, data capture, criteria, measurement, data gathering, data selection and processing. Principle, procedure, data transformation technique for information. Generalisation: principle. Data manipulation and processing using manual and computerized technique. Types of map, map element, topographical & thematic maps, charts, plans, large and small scale maps. Cartographic communication: Introduction to cartographic communication model. Map design: procedures and layout, symbolization and their uses. Map production: Principle, process, equipment and planning, photography, duplicating and printing. Introduction to computer cartography: system and software. SSE 1442 - Statistic for Surveyors This course presents the essential statistical topics to support the need of geomatic engineer. The goal of this course is to develop skills with a range of exercises and programs for geomatic data analysis. The focus will be on practical geomatic problems such as selecting the appropriate analysis, data preparation and input & output interpretation. The course features extensive use of computer software and writing to solve statistical problems that are related to geomatic needs. SGHU 2043 - Engineering Survey Technology Instrument systems and procedures for engineering surveys: precise levels, high-precision theodolites, electronic distance and angle measurement instruments. EDM; basic principles; basic features of instruments; testing, adjustment and calibration of instruments; measurement procedures; accuracies. Introduction to advance electronic surveying equipments. Introduction to data collection & processing via computer software. In addition, review is made of Digital Terrain Model and associated earthworks and road design. Throughout the course, emphasis is placed on automation of data collection, processing and analysis. SGHU 2452 - Photogrammetry II This course teaches students on the concept and application of the photogrammetry as the extension of Photogrammetry I. The students are exposed to the theory and practical of relevant instruments and software. The course features familiarisation with the system through group as well as individual project works.


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SGHU 2513 - Hydrographic Survey Introduction to hydrography, nautical chart and hydrographic chart. Tides, depth and position determination. Planning, processing and plotting. SGHU 2552 - Introduction to Geographic Information System The course is designed to give the student a basic understanding of Geographic Information System or Land Information System. All related philosophies, theories and methodologies of GIS/LIS will be explained. Terminology, History of GIS/LIS, Basic concepts, Components of GIS/LIS, Database, Application and Recent issues will be covered. SGHU 2602 - Geodesy I This course deals with basic concept and knowledge of geodesy. This will include history on determination of size and shape of the earth, fundamental principle of the geoid, sphere, ellipsoidal geometry, curves of the ellipsoid’s surface, computation of geodetic coordinates, direct and inverse geodetic problems, geodetic datums (local and global datums), de ections of vertical. The coordinate systems and datum transformation. Coordinate systems used in Malaysia. Geodetic practice in Malaysia to improve student knowledge and skills on geodesy for positioning, mapping and other geomatics related applications. SGHU 2922 - Technical Writing The purpose of this course is to equip students with technical communication skills. With this skill the students will be able to explain geomatic technology and its related ideas to technical and non-technical audiences. Good technical writing clari es technical jargon; that is, it presents useful information that is clear and easy to understand for the intended audience. SGHU 2252 - Satellite Positioning This course takes a basic look on student knowledge and skills on satellite based technology for positioning, mapping and other geomatic related applications. SGHU 2252 contents will consider basic theory, methods and data processing techniques for satellite-based positioning on GPS/GNSS. SGHU 2313 - Cadastral Survey Introduction to the course of cadastral survey. 2009 Cadastral Survey Regulations. Role of the Survey Department, Land Of ce and Land Surveyors Board for Peninsular Malaysia. Coordinate systems and azimuth observations. Use and calibration of equipment. Cadastral classi cation. Survey datum. Measurement and booking for bearing and distance. Traverse survey and techniques to extend the line. Short lines measurement. Border demarcation. Types of boundary marks. Calculation for the reservation. Traverse bearing adjustment (c and m). Preparation of nal calculation sheet. Certi ed plan drawings. Updating for standard sheet or cadastral map. Re xation. Working procedures at Survey Department and CALS System. SGHU 2412 - Introduction to Adjustment Computation This course presents the principles and methodology for least squares estimation (LSE) or least squares adjustment of spatial data. In particular, it emphasises on the key elements of LSE which include errors in measurement, random variables, weight, error propagation, observation equation, condition equation, linear model and introduction to non-linear model. The course features use of MATLAB software as computational tool through group as well as individual project works.


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SGHU 2613 - Geodesy II This course deals with advance geodesy. The contents will consider theory, methods and data processing techniques. This subject will focus more on geodetic practice in Malaysia. Establishment of horizontal and vertical control using GPS and precise levelling respectively. Details about map projection and coordinate systems are used in Malaysia. SGHU 2901 - Survey Camp The objective of this survey camp is to train student in the main aspect of land survey profession. This include: - Engineering Survey - GPS Control Survey - Hydrographic Surveying Engineering survey covers EDM traversing, ordinary levelling, precise levelling and detail surveys. Students are required to ful ll the standard procedures and regulations as applied by the private survey rms. GPS surveys involves static surveying, real time and post processing using my RTKnet infrastructure. Different GPS receivers are used throughout the survey such as LEICA and TRIMBLE. Hydrographic survey activities involve the establishment of sounding datum (LSD/CHART Datum), establishment of horizontal control point for DGPS positioning and bathymetric surveys. Total Station and DGPS positioning system are used for positioning and water depth are measured using single beam echo sounder. SGHU 2403 - Introduction to Remote Sensing Digital image concept. Remote Sensing data. Image data processing. processing information.

Image classi cation.

Output and

SGHU 4313 - Land Law and Survey Regulation The main objective of this course is to equip students with knowledge on land laws such as the National Land Code, Strata Title Act, Group Settlement Act, Malay Reserve Enactment, Survey Regulations and others which are being practised presently by professional land surveyors in Malaysia. SGHU 3903 - Industrial Training - Seminar In this seminar, the students will share their experience and knowledge learnt throughout their industrial attachment. The seminar will run for 3 weeks after the student completed their 15 weeks of attachment. The students who completed their internship program are expected to identify some related case studies, produce a report and the student’s analysis of the situation. The students are also required to perform a presentation on their training assessment attributes such as: • Site and operational overview • Job content and quality of work • Supervisor and co-workers • Learning experience


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SGHU 3909 - Industrial Training - Field This industrial training program is designed to provide the students an opportunity to complement their formal education with career related experience. This training program is aimed at ensuring that the graduates are equipped with skills and experiences related to their eld of study. The new course content also re ected the new requirements imposed by the Ministry of Higher Education on their newly established policy on public higher education institutes internship program. SGHU 4332 - Land Administration Introduction to Land Administration in Malaysia, Land Resources Concept, State and Federal Land Management, Land Registration and Title, National Land Code, Cadastral Concept and Torrens System, Cadastre System History, Land Administration Related Institutions and Agencies, Land Administration in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak, Computerised Land Registration System, Land Administration issues and future trends. SGHU 4942 - Undergraduate Project I The primary aim of this course is to produce a research thesis on a topic that interests students, and for which adequate resources are available. The secondary aim is to develop the skills needed for the presentation of the research results to a varied audience, and for evaluating other research projects. The rst aim is largely met by intensive collaboration with a research supervisor and individual work, and the second aim by the use of presentations and by a panel of lecturers to comment on the drafts of thesis materials. SGHU 4342 - Professional Practices II The main objective of this course is to equip students with knowledge of the laws and regulations pertaining to professional land surveyor practices, registration, professional service contracts and related legal entities. SGHU 4372 - Project Management for Surveyors This subject introduces students to the discipline of planning, organizing, and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of speci c goals and objectives in Geomatic project. These include project initiation stage, project planning or design (estimating time and cost for project activities; developing the schedule; developing the budget; risk planning), project implementation, project monitoring and controlling system (the element of a project that keeps it on-track/time and within budget). Also the students will learn about the role of project manager, project variables, corrective actions identi cation, risk factors, etc), project output/delivery and cost-bene t analyses. At the end of this course, students will be able to understand the process ow of geomatic project management. SGHU 4944 - Undergraduate Project II The primary aim of this course is to produce a research thesis on a topic that interests students, and for which adequate resources are available. The secondary aim is to develop the skills needed for the presentation of the research results to a varied audience, and for evaluating other research projects. The rst aim is largely met by intensive collaboration with a research supervisor and individual work, and the second aim by the use of presentations and by a panel of lecturers to comment upon drafts of thesis materials.


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Elective Courses SGHU 2523 - Hydrographic Surveying Technology This subject is intended to give additional knowledge to the student in terms of various technologies and techniques as well as to highlight the needs of hydrography survey products or results for various applications. In particular, the study will emphasises on the understanding of various technologies or product used in hydrographic surveying nowadays, principles of the measurement, preparation for eld survey, system con guration and speci cation, procedures of data acquisition, elements of data processing and data presentation. In brief, the topics of the subject consists of development in hydrographic surveying, Differential Global Positioning System, automation in hydrographic surveying, electronic chart, side scan sonar survey, multi-beam and multitranducer seabed mapping, introduction to seismic survey, the role of hydrographer in oil industry, the needs of hydrographic survey in port development and introduction to the law of the sea. SGHU 3253 - Global Navigation Satellite System This course takes a systematic and advanced look at all aspects of the GNSS/GPS in uencing user accuracy. SGHU 3253 contents will consider methods and techniques mitigating the impact of the various error contributors for high precision positioning. This includes system augmentation techniques employing real-time correction data links. SGHU 3283 - Least Squares Estimation This course presents the comprehensive principles, methodology and implementation of least squares estimation (LSE or least squares adjustment) of spatial data. In particular, it emphasises on the relevant topics of LSE which include non-linear LSE, statistical analysis, quality of LSE, LSE and STARNET software, traverse adjustment, combined model, pre-analysis, solution of normal equation, and sequential LSE. The course features extensive use of MATLAB and STARNET software as computational tool through group as well as individual project works. SGHU 3553 - Land Information System Introduction to data LIS and LIS database systems, LIS le-based system, database approach, database management system, database environment, Architectural scheme in LIS. Database language: DDL & DML, data models, relational model, structure query l and commands, data manipulation, database planning, analysis and design techniques, entity relationship modelling, types, relationships, attributes, normalization purpose and database design methodology for LIS. Conceptual database design for LIS, logical database design methodology for LIS relational model, physical database design. SGHU 3723 - Falak Syarie This subject introduces principles and contemporary astronomical techniques that are being adopted by the Islamic Religious Authorities in Malaysia as well as Islamic countries in the world in the preparation of Islamic calendar, the determination of Islamic daily prayer times, and the determination of direction of Qiblah. SGHU 3743 - Physical Oceanography This course presents the physical properties of sea water and marine circulation dynamics which based on its types and effect of friction. Besides, this course also provides general circulation of the oceans and wind-waves and swells. Moreover, this course also includes wave propagation, oceanographic measurement and oceanographic instruments. FACULTY OF GEOINFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE

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SGHU 3763 - LIS Database Management Introduction to data and database systems, le-based system, database approach, database management system, database environment, three level ANSI-SPARC Architecture, database language: DDL & DML, data models, relational model, relational algebra, and calculus, structure query language objectives and commands, data manipulation, database planning, analysis and design techniques, entity relationship modeling, types, relationships, attributes, normalization purpose and process, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF, database design methodology, conceptual database design methodology, logical database design methodology for relational model, physical database design methodology for relational model. SGHU 4133 - Topographic Mapping Using Remotely Sensed Data Introduction to digital photogrammetry, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry & LIDAR. Fundamental concepts: using cameras/sensors/scanners. Geometric corrections/radiometric corrections. 3D surface generation, height points and orthophoto/output product generation. Features and contours extraction. Implementation of the current systems/software. SGHU 4273 - Utility Mapping Introduction to utility survey and mapping: de nition, scope of works, local authorities, Utility survey and mapping requirements, Sub-surface utilities, Techniques for utility surveying, Flow of work and safety, record and coding, Data adjustment and reduction, Introduction to utility database and data management, Output: requirements for related authorities including best practice/standards. SGHU 4313 - Land Law and Survey Regulation The main objective of this course is to equip students with knowledge on land laws such as the National Land Code, Strata Title Act, Group Settlement Act, Malay Reserve Enactment, Survey Regulations and others which are being practised presently by professional land surveyors in Malaysia. SGHU 4323 - Cadastre Survey Practice Introduction. Land Survey according to National Land Code. Title ownership. Survey for reservation. Party wall survey. Subsdivision. Partition. Amalgamation. Surrender and realienation. Land acquisition. Strata survey. SGHU 4663 - Port and Coastal Engineering The framework of coastal engineering. Marine structure and design. Port planning. Surveying for wharf and dredging process. Surveying for hydraulic model. Pollution control and demarcation of navigation route. SGHU 4803 - Deformation Survey The main objective of this course is to give an exposure on the aspects of environmental science, emerging issues and management which have to be concerned by a professional land surveyor. SGHU 4823 - Tidal Processing & Analysis The primary purpose of this course is to give deeper knowledge of tide which is the main element that in uenced ocean behaviour. This information is related with shipping navigation, forecast behaviour, bathymetry measurement, hydro-dynamic, coast and seabed changes study, geoid or vertical datum determination.


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SGHU 4833 - Digital Imaging Photogrammetry and Application Fundamentals concepts of digital photogrammetry. Digital image capture. Image scanners. Geometric transformation. Image compression and classi cation. Point, edge and feature extraction. Image segmentation. Area, edge and relational matching. Image and model orientation, area and elevation model measurement and three-dimensional object reconstruction for topographic and non-topographic applications.Digital terrain and surface model. Orthophoto generation. Basic elements of the digital photogrammetric systems (DPS). Application using DPS. The fundamental of DVP-GS System. SGHU 4843 - Environmental Studies The main objective of this course is to give an exposure on the aspects of environmental science, emerging issues and management which have to be concerned by a professional land surveyor. SGHU 4853 - Development & Implementation of LIS This course provides guidance in selecting and implementing a GIS. It presents descriptions of products offered by the top GIS software developers. It also discusses the use of a GIS consultant to help in selecting and implement a GIS, as well as GIS staf ng issues. SGHU 4863 - Industrial Survey Introduction. High precision measuring system. Measuring technique. The application of high precision measurement for industry. Technique of visual metrology and image based technique. Combine analysis of geodetic and geotechnique. SGHU 4873 - Law of the Sea The objective is to provide students with a broad but thorough knowledge of the law of the sea with particular focus on understanding the nature and rami cations of the various regimes established by the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and its implementing agreements. SGHU 4893 - Map Projection This subject introduces principles and concepts in map projections and its applications in surveying and mapping. Reviewing the reference surfaces and its relationship with projection surfaces. The elements of Intrinsic and Extrinsic problems in map projection. The main contents of map projections is intended to be useful to geomatic students whereby the emphasis is on describing the principles, basic mapping equations for plane (azimuthal), conical and cylindrical projections, geometrical characteristics of the projections, elements of distortions in map projections, and how it is used. Development of Gaussian Distortion Equations and Indicatrix Tissot for speci c projections (equivalent, conformality, equidistant, etc). Coordinate systems and 2D and 3D transformation modules. Coordinate system and projections used for surveying and mapping in Malaysia (RSO, Cassini, WGS84, GDM2000).


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Introduction Geoinformatics is the art and science of gathering, processing, manipulating, managing, disseminating and applying geospatial data. The B.Sc. (Geoinformatics) programme is intended to produce professionals who are capable of using information technology (IT) to handle geospatial information for the economic, social and physical development of the country. Since its inception, as many as 556 graduates had successfully completed this programme.



Programme Name and Conferment a)

Programme Name Bachelor in Geoinformatics


Conferment Bachelor of Science (Geoinformatics)

Programme Recognition The programme, approved and recognized by the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and the Public Services Department (PSD), was rst offered in the academic year of 1993/94. The extract of the letter from the PSD [JPA(L)S.130/2/1 Jld.4(97)] in recognizing the programme is as follows: “The Permanent Committee of Evaluation and Quali cation Recognition (JTPPK) in its 79th meeting on July 2nd 2002 chaired by The Honorable Education Minister of Malaysia had recognized the degree of Bachelor of Science (Geoinformatics) of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia as equivalent to the Bachelor of Science with Honours from other local Higher Learning Institutions for any appointment to the Public Services, Malaysia�.


Aim of Programme The aim of the programme is to produce graduates that have sound knowledge in geoinformation science, competent in handling geospatial information as well as being ethical and able to contribute to the development of the country.


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Programme Objective The objective of this programme is to produce graduates who are: i)

able to apply their knowledge and skills in the planning, analysis, design and supervision of works related to the geoinformatics discipline ii) technically competent in solving problems logically, analytically and creatively based on sound facts and ideas iii) capable of possessing a good leadership quality, ethical and professionally contribute towards the development of the nation iv) able to work collectively in societies of diverse backgrounds to achieve common goals v) able to communicate effectively across a range of contexts and audiences vi) able to manage geoinformatics issues for the development and betterment of the nation and mankind vii) willing to embark on business and provide job opportunities viii) aware of the current local and global issues


Entry Requirements Candidates need to ful ll both general entry requirements of UTM and the programme speci c requirements as described below:

University General Requirements Possess Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia or credit in Bahasa Melayu/ Bahasa Malaysia July Paper. and Obtain Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with at least: •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in General Paper

and •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in two (2) other subjects

and Obtain at least Band 1 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET).


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Programme Speci c Requirements

A. Minimum quali cation of Ministry of Education (MOE) Matriculation/Univeristi Malaya (UM) Foundation Studies in Science/Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Foundation Studies in Law applicant: A • • • • • • •

pass with at least Grade C (2.67) in Mathematics and one of the following subjects: Physics Chemistry Biology Computer Science Information Technology Accounting Economy

and A pass with credit in Mathematics in the SPM or equivalent exam.

B. Minimum Quali cation of Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) applicant: A pass with at least Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in Mathematics S or Mathematics T or Further Mathematics T, and one of the following subjects: • Physics • Chemistry • Biology • Economy • Geography • Computing and A pass with credit in Mathematics in the SPM or equivalent exam.


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C. Academic Quali cation of Diploma Holders or its Equivalent A UTM Diploma or its equivalent (recognized by the Malaysian Government and approved by the the University) with minimum CGPA of 2.70 in one of the following disciplines: • • • • • • •

Senate of

Diploma in Computer Science Diploma in Valuation Diploma in Architecture Diploma in Land Survey Diploma in Town and Urban Planning Diploma in Quantity Surveying Other equivalent Diplomas which are considered relevant to the programme

or Candidates with CGPA of less than 2.70 are also quali ed to apply provided they have at least two years of working experience. Candidates must also achieve a pass with distinction in Mathematics in the SPM/equivalent exam or Grade C in any Mathematics subject at Diploma level. Note: The level of entrance is year 1 semester 1 with transfer of credit for relevant courses not more than 50% of the total graduating credits (assessment for candidate is on a case-to-case basis).


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Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies Programme Learning Outcomes (PO)

Intended Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Methods


Able to acquire knowledge of science, technology and innovation in the eld of GIS, remote sensing and geospatial related technologies.

Lectures, tutorials, seminars, eld works, laboratory works, directed reading, independent research and active learning

Examinations, laboratory reports and tests, seminar presentations, discussions, problembased exercises, group projects, quizzes, independent projects.


Able to apply knowledge, methods, techniques and skills on GIS, remote sensing and geo-spatial related technologies in solving various geospatial problems.

Lectures, laboratory works, eld works, visits and problem-based learning

Examinations, laboratory reports, seminar presentations, discussions, group projects, independent projects


Able to identify, formulate, Final year project, lecmanage, analyze and solve tures, laboratory works, problems related to geoin- training camps formation technologies development and applications

Examinations, laboratory reports and tests, group presentations, discussions, group and independent projects


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(b) Generic Skills Programme Learning Outcomes (PO)

Intended Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Methods



Able to communicate effectively and present technical information orally and in writing

Group projects, indepen- Oral presentations, redent research, training ports (assignment, labocamps, lectures, presen- ratory and project) tations


Able to think critically, logically and analytically in solving geospatial-related problems

Lectures, laboratory works, eld works, visits and problem-based learning

Examinations, laboratory reports, seminar presentations, discussions, group projects, independent projects


Able to work individually and Laboratory works, coopcollaboratively as part of a erative learning, training team camps, industrial training, presentations

Individual and group reports, group discussions, logs/diaries, seminar presentations


Able to become lifelong learner to seek new knowledge and continuously developed information management skills


Able to manage geospatial Lectures, group projects, Assignment information projects and de- independent studies, eld examinations, velop entrepreneurship skills visits presentations


Able to develop leadership Lectures, group projects, Group project reports quality and skills in manag- independent studies, eld and seminar presentaing, controlling, monitoring, visits tions negotiating and motivating followers

Independent studies, Reports (assignment, group assignments, train- project, industrial training camps, industrial ing) training, study visits reports, seminar


Able to act professionally, con dently and ethically in carrying out tasks and responsibilities


Ability to respond to and re- Lectures, discussions, in- Industrial training re ect on current and global dustrial training, training ports, individual reports, issues camps presentations


Lectures on ethics, dis- Industrial training recussions, industrial train- ports, individual reports, ing, training camps presentations

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Programme Implementation The programme is conducted full time, emphasizing on both aspects of teaching and learning, i.e. theoretical understanding of knowledge and technical skill development through hands-on laboratory exercises and eld works. Students are required to undergo two intensive training camps in the campus (one in semester 4 and another in semester 5) and a 10-week industrial training at the end of their third year to gain experience of and exposure to the real working environment. Students are encouraged to get an attachment to the government departments or the private companies for their industrial training.


Programme Structure This programme is divided into 5 subdisciplines, the courses of which are listed as follows: No. 1.

Subdiscipline Geoinformation Science

Courses Geographic Studies Introduction To Geoinformatics Principles of Geographic Information Science Spatial Analysis GIS Software System GIS & Remote Sensing Application DTM For GIS


Surveying and Mapping Science

Surveying and Mapping Remote Sensing Technology Cartography Principles of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing GPS Survey Cadastral Studies Digital Image Processing Cartographic Design Digital Photogrammetry Airborne Lidar Survey Advanced Digital Image Processing


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Computer Science and Information System

Computer Programming Database System GIS Database System Analysis and Design Web-based GIS Advanced Database Management System


Physics, Mathematics and Statistics

Applied Physics for Geoinformatics Mathematics for Geoinformatics Introduction To Spatial Statistics Microwave Remote Sensing


Management Science

GIS Project Management Entrepreneurship Institutional & Legal Aspects Spatial Data Management Strategic Planning GIS For Resource Management Advanced Spatial Data Management

Students enrolled in this programme must complete 134 credits in the normal 4-year (equivalent to 8 semesters) study duration.

The distribution of credits according to the course categories is as follows: No. 1.

Course Category

Credit Total

Percentage (%)

University a. General


b. English


c. Co-curriculum 2.




2 81









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10.0 Laboratory Facilities Besides being conducted by quali ed academic staff, this programme is also supported by the relevant equipments and facilities namely: a)

Laboratories: 1. Geographic Information System Laboratory I 2. Geographic Information System Laboratory II 3. Photogrammetry & Laser Scanning Laboratory 4. Digital & Interactive Cartography Laboratory 5. Basic Remote Sensing Laboratory 6. Advanced Remote Sensing Laboratory 7. SDI Research Laboratory 8. 3-D GIS Laboratory


Teaching and learning facilities : 1. Nine (9) smart classrooms 2. Two (2) seminar rooms 3. Two (2) lecture theatres 4. One (1) resource centre (Faculty Library) 5. Several lecture and tutorial rooms 6. Strong wireless connection (within the faculty area)


Centre of Excellence (CoE) : Institute for Geospatial Science and Technology (INSTEG)

11.0 The Unique Characteristics of Programme i)

A relatively new programme that provides opportunities to students to explore a more advanced information technology, i.e. geospatial IT and other related elds ii) UTM is the only higher institution that offers this kind of programme (at undergraduate level) in the Asia paci c region iii) The lecturer-student ratio of 1:12 guarantees good and effective environment of teaching and learning iv) Handled by lecturers who have been exposed to GIS education and training in foreign universities including Europe, North America, Australia and New Zealand v) Graduates have vast job opportunities as a result of increasing demand for geospatial data handling in many different disciplines.


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Career Prospects Graduates of the programme may work as GIS professionals at various government and private organizations related to land affairs. Among the posts that can be held are: • • • • • • •

Geoinformation Of cer GIS/Remote Sensing Manager Geospatial Database Administrator GIS System Analyst GIS Programmer/Application Developer GIS/Remote Sensing Project Manager GIS/Remote Sensing Project Consultant

Agencies that require the service of these graduates include: i)


iii) iv) v) vi)

Government departments that are directly related to geospatial data management such as Department of Surveying and Mapping Malaysia (JUPEM), Malaysian Centre for Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI) and Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (ARSM) Government departments that use geospatial information in their daily operation such as Forestry Department, Department of Agriculture, Public Works Department, Department of Environment and Department of Town and Regional Planning Organizations that are involved in utility works among which may include the Water Board, Telekom Malaysia (TM), Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB), Petrolium Nasional (PETRONAS) Private companies dealing with data acquisition and processing such as land surveying rms, software vendors and digital data providers Local Authorities (City Hall, City Council, Municipal Council and District Council) Other land-related agencies

Among the agencies that have employed the graduates of this programme are Malaysian Centre For Geospatial Data Infrastructure (MaCGDI), Malaysian Remote Sensing Agency (ARSM), National Institute of Land and Survey (INSTUN), Malaysian Institute of Public Works (IKRAM), Putrajaya Corporation, Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), Syarikat Air Johor Holdings (SAJH), Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor (SYABAS), Jabatan Bekalan Air Pahang, Tenaga Nasional Bhd (TNB), Environmental System Research Institute (ESRI South Asia) and Iskandar Region Development Authority (IRDA). The service of GIS and Remote Sensing professionals is becoming more important as more demands for geospatial data handling are emerging due to the rapid growth of the country’s development. The graduates of this programme can expect a very good future in their career and can always play their role in ful lling such demands.


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List of Courses

YEAR 1 SEMESTER I SGHG 1312 SGHG 1333 SGHG 1383 SGHG 1393 UICI 1012 UHAS 1152 Total Credits:

Geographic Studies Survey and Mapping I Introduction to Geoinformatics Applied Physics for Geoinformatics Islamic & Asian Civilization Ethnic Relations/UHAS 1162 - Malaysia Dynamics (Dinamika Malaysia) 15

SEMESTER II SGHG 1363 SGHG 1373 SGHG 1473 SSE 1773 ULAB 1112 UHAS 2122 UKQ* 1**1 Total Credits:

Computer Programming I Survey and Mapping II Principles of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing Mathematics for Geoinformatics English for Academic Communication Critical and Creative Thinking Co-Curriculum I 17

YEAR 2 SEMESTER I SGHG 2443 SGHG 2463 SGHG 2483 SGHG 2633 UICI 2022 UHAS 2**2 OR UHA 1012 Total Credits:

Principles of Geographic Information Science Cartography Computer Programming II Remote Sensing Technology Human, Technology and Science UHAS Elective Malay Language Communication (For International Student) 16


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SEMESTER II SGHG 2413 SGHG 2453 SGHG 2492 SGHG 2593 ULAB 2112 UKQ* 1**1 Total Credits:

Introduction to Spatial Statistics Database System GIS Training Camp I GPS Survey Advanced English for Academic Communication Co-Curriculum II 14

YEAR 3 SEMESTER I SGHG 3422 SGHG 3503 SGHG 3533 SGHG 3542 SGHG 3**3 SGHG 3**3 ULAB 3**2 Total Credits:

Cadastral Studies GIS Database Digital Image Processing GIS Training Camp II Elective 1 Elective 2 ULAB English (Elective) 18

SEMESTER II SGHG 3513 SGHG 3553 SGHG 3563 SGHG 3602 SGHG 3**3 SGHG 3**3 Total Credits:

Spatial Analysis GIS & Remote Sensing Application Cartographic Design Institutional & Legal Aspect Elective 3 Elective 4 17

SHORT SEMESTER SGHG 3584 Industrial Training - Practical SGHG 3591 Industrial Training - Seminar Total Credits: 5


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YEAR 4 SEMESTER I SGHG 4543 SGHG 4602 SGHG 4**3 SGHG 4**3 SGHG 4**3 SGHG 4**3 Total Credits:

GIS Project Management Undergraduate Project I Elective 5 Elective 6 Elective 7 Elective 8 17

SEMESTER II SGHG 4664 SGHG 4**3 SGHG 4**3 SGHG 4**3 UHAS 3012 Total Credits:

Undergraduate Project II Elective 9 Elective 10 Elective 11 Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development 15

Overall Total:

134 Credits


3583 3523 3573 3643 4643 4563 4583 4633 4653 4913 4813 4523 4553 4683 4693

GIS Software System System Analysis and Design Digital Photogrammetry Computer Programming III Spatial Data Management Strategic Planning Web-based GIS GIS For Resource Management Advanced Database Management System Advanced Spatial Data Management Airborne Lidar Survey DTM For GIS Sensors & Satellite Design Microwave Remote Sensing Advanced Digital Image Processing


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14.0 Course Synopsis SGHG 1312 - Geographic Study The purpose of this course is to promote an understanding and appreciation of geographical knowledge related to GIS applications. The course covers topics on: Introduction to geography. Physical and human geography. Weather and climate. Water, wave, wind and glacier. Ecosystem and effect of human activities. Population, migration, settlement structure. Agriculture, sheries, industry, tourism. At the end of the course students should be able to relate geographical phenomena and how a GIS can be used to help solving the geographic-related problems. SGHG 1333 - Survey and Mapping I This course introduces students to fundamental of surveying and mapping with emphasis on principles and procedures in surveying and mapping techniques. This will serve as a source of data input into any GIS system. SGHG 1383 - Introduction to Geoinformatics This course is designed to introduce the theory and principles of computer technology. Topics covered in area: Phases in system development and maintenance. IT based innovation in business functions. Development in data processing. Problems in implementing IT in the real world. Basic concept in understanding systems. Framework and model requirements. Product, user, and its advantages. Human and ethical issues. Computer hardware and software, programming and arti cial intelligence. Networking and data communication. Types of network. SGHG 1393 - Applied Physics for Geoinformatics This course is designed to provide an understanding of theory and principles of certain areas of physics that are directly related to the program. Students will be able to apply the fundamental principles of physics in the geoinformation and remote sensing. The topics covered include: Concept of Measurement: Different Measurement units, International system of units, Origin of Length mass and time, Conversion of units from one system to another, Particles Motion: Concept of motion and frame of reference, Position and displacement, Average velocity and average speed, Instantaneous velocity and speed, Acceleration, Constant acceleration, Equations for motion with constant acceleration, Free-fall acceleration, Equation for free-fall acceleration, Particles of physics and basic structure of atoms and nuclear, Force and Motion: Newton’s laws of motion and their applications, Concept of mass, Force and weight, Frictional forces and Properties of friction, Drag force and terminal speed, Forces of nature, Gravitation: Kepler’s Laws, Law of universal gravitation, G and its determination, Inertial and gravitational mass, Acceleration due to gravity and its variation, Measurement of acceleration due to gravity by compound pendulum and Kater’s pendulum, Gravitational potential and eld in simple cases, Gravitational potential energy. Introduction to optic, Electromagnetic wave :sound wave and oscillations, heat and temperature, concept of thermodynamic and radiation laws. SGHG 1363 - Computer Programming I This course is an introduction to the program development life cycle, logic diagrams, debugging procedures, topdown design, top-down programming and structured programming. Extensive computer laboratory exercises and written homework are assigned. Computer program solutions are implemented using open source programming language and IDE.


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SGHG 1373 - Survey and Mapping I This basic knowledge of surveying is a core subject for the B. Sc. (Geoinformatic) program. It exposes student to the basic topics of survey engineering including electronic distance measurement, height determination, traversing, topographical surveying, route surveying, road design, and mapping software. It also covers the basic of various elds of surveying such as GPS, hydrographical surveying and remote sensing in relation to GIS data input. SGHG 1473 - Principles of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing This course is designed to provide an understanding of the fundamental principles of photogrammetry and remote sensing. In photogrammetry, the emphasis will be given on the theory and methodology for the production of topographic map, plan, digital terrain model (DTM), orthophoto and recti ed photo using aerial photographs. On the other hand, the course on Remote Sensing exposes the students to the concepts of satellite mapping and provides them with technical skill in image processing (image enhancement, transformation and classi cation). SSE 1773 - Mathematics for Geoinformatics The course is designed to give an understanding of the theory and principles of selected Mathematics and Statistics topics related to Geographical Information System (GIS) Concepts and Applications. SGHG 2443 - Principles of Geographic Information Science This is one of the core courses designed to provide an understanding of theory and principles geospatial information science and technology (GI S&T) and basic skills in using Geographic Information System (GIS) software. The topics covered include: Maps and their characteristics; Conventional mapping vs digital mapping vs Geographic Information Systems (GIS); Concepts of geospatial data; Digital data storage; Computer software (word processing, ‘spreadsheet’, database system); GIS de nitions; GIS subsystems (Data Input, Data Storage & Management, Data Manipulation & Analysis, Data Output); Model & data structure of geospatial data (vector data model, tessellation data model, Digital Elevation Model/ DEM); Model data conversion (vector <-> raster); Coordinate system (curve vs plane coordinates, map projection, plane coordinate manipulation); Height data manipulation; Accuracy of geospatial data (positional, attributes); GIS working components (technology, data, users). Implementation issues (data, organizational); GIS System procurement. SGHG 2463 - Cartography This course is designed to provide the students with the following understandings: • The principles of Mapping (Cartography) • Issues and problem relating to mapping and spatial data transformation • The principles and procedures in mapping • The elements of maps and map usage • The principles of graphic communication • The relationship between cartography and Geographic Information System (GIS) • The concept of mapping globally, regionally and locally (Malaysia)


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SGHG 2483 - Computer Programming II This course presents the principles and methodology for object oriented programming. In particular, it emphasises on the design principles and practice, understanding and use of UML for OO designs and practice with OO using open-source programming language (Ruby). The course features extensive individuals and groups laboratory exercise using open source softwares such as Netbeans IDE and Ruby Interpreter. SGHG 2633 - Remote Sensing Technology This course introduces students to remotely sensed data collected from airborne and orbital platforms that are widely used in the earth sciences, and the technology used for the analysis of these data is one of the most rapidly growing areas of the earth sciences. This course provides the principles of remote sensing and image interpretation. It also covers some practical work on processing satellite data which includes image display, image enhancement and simple geometric correction techniques of the satellite image. Students are also grouped to undertake lab works in digital image processing for assigned projects. At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate and apply knowledge in preparing reports for projects undertaken including accuracy assessments. SGHG 2413 - Introduction to Spatial Statistics This course introduces to students the fundamentals of statistical analysis of spatial data. Topics covered mainly the traditional statistics (including descriptive & inferential statistics, probability distributions, correlation and linear regression) and some introduction to spatial statistical analysis. SGHG 2453 - Database System Introduction to data and database systems, le-based system, database approach, database management system, database environment, three level ANSI-SPARC Architecture, database language: DDL & DML, data models, relational model, relational algebra, and calculus, structure query language objectives and commands, data manipulation, database planning, analysis and design techniques, entity relationship modelling, types, relationships, attributes, normalization purpose and process, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and BCNF, database design methodology, conceptual database design methodology, logical database design methodology for relational model, physical database design methodology for relational model. SGHG 2492 - GIS Training Camp I The purpose of this training camp is to enhance the knowledge and skills of students in surveying and mapping, GIS software handling and geospatial database development. The camp is held for 3 weeks during the semester vacation in the UTM campus Skudai. At the end of training, students are expected to gain a clearer understanding about surveying and mapping process as well as be able to handle GIS software (low-end) and other related packages. They should also be able to recognize tools required in the database developments and also improve their soft skills in communication, teamwork and leadership. This camp is a Compulsory-Attendance (HW) course.


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SGHG 2593 - GPS Survey This is one of the core courses designed to provide an understanding of theory and principles of global positioning system (GPS) together with their operation, application and differential GPS technology. The topics covered include: Overview on Geodesy and GPS; GPS Application, Mission and Planning; GPS Post- Processing(Static and Fast Static) and Differential Mode; Real time Kinematic (RTK) and Virtual Reference Station; GPS/GIS Data Capture and Collection; Field and Of ce Procedures; Field Practice using RTK and Differential Techniques and the combination of both. This course also covers the design and planning of static network and preparing for a GPS Field Survey. SGHG 3422 - Cadastral Studies Cadastral studies is primarily concerned with laws and regulations relating to the ownership of land, including rights and interest in land, as well as eld surveys for the marking of properties boundaries on the ground and the recording of such information on plans and other cadastral documentation. It is an important component of the land development (land subdivision, partition, amalgamation and surrender). The main objective of this course is to introduce concept of data and information handling for cadastre purposes. Students would be able to understand and appreciate cadastral data collection, processing, recording and management. This is one of the important aspect of geoinformatics. SGHG 3503 - GIS Database This course presents the design and development of spatial databases and development of GIS application to support spatial decision making. Particular emphasis will be placed on the use of data modeling techniques to design a GIS database and to use Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool to develop an application engine and the user interfaces. Students will work in small groups to develop a conceptual design for a GIS database and will then work individually to build a spatial database using available digital data as well as data digitized from existing maps, imagery and eld data collected using GPS. Student also will develop and carry out GIS application individually. SGHG 3533 - Digital Image Processing Introduction to digital image processing. Concepts of digital image sampling & image digitization, image storage, image le management & display system. Digital data of remote sensing, media format, header information sources. Image pre-processing: geometry correction, noise removal, radiometry correction. Image enhancement: linear and non-linear operations, image transformation. Image classi cation: supervised and unsupervised classi cations. Output production and information processing. SGHG 3542 - GIS Training Camp II This course is introduced to equip the students with knowledge and skill in the design and development of spatial databases and GIS/ Remote Sensing application to support spatial decision making. A particular emphasis will be placed on the use of data modeling techniques to design a GIS database and to use Rapid Application Development tool to develop an application engine and the user interfaces. Students will work in small groups to develop a conceptual design for a GIS database and will then work individually to build a spatial database using available digital data as well as data digitized from existing maps, imagery and eld data collected using GPS. They are also required to design and develop an individual GIS application.


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SGHG 3513 - Spatial Analysis This course presents the principles and methodology for spatial data analysis. In particular, it emphasises on the analyses that are commonly found in GIS which include data exploration, vector and raster data analysis, terrain mapping & analysis, viewsheds and watersheds, spatial interpolation, geocoding and dynamic segmentation, path analysis and network application, and gis models & modeling. The course features extensive use of geospatial analysis software tools through individual as well as group project works. SGHG 3553 - GIS & RS Application This course is introduced to equip the students with knowledge and skill in the design and development of spatial databases and GIS/ Remote Sensing application to support spatial decision making. A particular emphasis will be placed on the use of data modeling techniques to design a GIS database and to use Rapid Application Development tool to develop an application engine and the user interfaces. Students will work in small groups to develop a conceptual design for a GIS database and will then work individually to build a spatial database using available digital data as well as data digitized from existing maps, imagery and eld data collected using GPS. They are also required to design and develop an individual GIS application. SGHG 3563 - Cartographic Design This course is designed to provide the students with the following understandings: • The principles and procedures of Cartographic Design • The principles and procedures of Topographic and Thematic Map Design • The characteristics of output for effective information dissemination • The processes, activities and visualization effects through medium of Graphic Communication • The theory of information and information dissemination • The importance of integration of Arts, Science and Technology in information display • The relationship between cartographic Design and GIS Output SGHG 3602 - Institutional & Legal Aspect This course introduces the Institutional and Legal aspect that may arise when geospatial informations are used in various geo-related applications and data management. The course will cover the legal and policy issues that are related to geoinformation, sharing of geodata and framework for da sharing (metadata, standards etc.), Spatial Data Infrastructure, Intellectual Property Rights, Information and Data Privacy, and Liability. SGHG 3584 - Industrial Training - Practical The student will undergo an industrial training for a duration of 10 weeks. During that time the students will be attached to the government or private agencies that are related to geoinformation jobs and works. SGHG 3591 - Industrial Training - Seminar After ten weeks of Industrial Training, the students need to present what they have acquired and learned during the attachement.The students also can shared their experienced to the others.


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SGHG 4543 - GIS Project Management This course is designed to introduce and expose the students to the theory and practice of project management. The students are expected to understand and be able to apply the knowledge and skill in handling projects particularly those related to GIS applications. The course will cover topics such as project speci cation, activity and planning. Apart from that, other major topics to be covered are human resource management, effective communication, project maintenance and submission. SGHG 4602 - Undergraduate Project I The main aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding on research and research methods in the various elds of geomatics engineering. With this understanding students should be able to acquire skills in performing literature review, design and plan for their research projects and write as well as present research ndings. Students will also be exposed to the practices of managing research project. SGHG 4664 - Undergradute Project II The main aim of this course is to provide students with an opportunity to apply their knowledge, skills and techniques of geoinformatics. In this course, students will acquire skills in handling and managing their research project individually and independently with direct supervision of a supervisor.

Elective Courses SGHG 3523 - System Analysis and DesignSGHG System analysis and design is about analysing business requirements for information systems and designing information systems that ful ll those business requirements. This course introduces the student to the concept of an information system and surveying related application systems. Students will be introduced to the principles and methodology for analyzing and designing a system. The SDLC is introduced to assist students to understand the process of developing and maintaining a system. The art of analyzing a system is introduced by studying the functioning of an existing system, the functioning and requirements of the new proposed system to be developed and the organizational setup. Techniques to document the analysis is included as a systematic way to ease the design of a new system. An exercise in the form of a group project is planned to let students have the experience of analyzing a system, developing a new system based on their system analysis, creating the system user interface and testing the system they developed.


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SGHG 3573 - Digital Photogrammetry This course is designed to provide the students with an emphasis on the understanding of the principles, theory and methodology for the production of photogrammetric output such as topographic map, plan, digital terrain model (DTM), orthophoto and recti ed photo using aerial photographs. It emphasises on the procedure of producing photogrammetric digital output using analytical and digital method. This course features extensive use of digital photogrammetric software in producing digital map, DTM and digital orthophoto through group as well as individual laboratory works. Among the topics covered throughout the course are: • • • • • •

Aerial triangulation for the extension of GCP using strip and block of aerial photograph Generation of automatic tie point and pass point and subsequently the formation of digital terrain model (DTM) automatically Analytical photogrammetry Digital photogrammetry Production of digital orthophoto and production of digital map after the process of aerial triangulation using digital photogrammetric system Data transfer (format) from photogrammetric digital output into GIS software

SGHG 3583 - GIS Software System This is one of the core courses designed to provide a more detailed knowledge about GIS software especially those that are commonly used by the GIS community. Students are also exposed with more hands-on exercises using the software. The outline of the course is as below: • • • • • • • • • •

GIS software in the market: Focus on ESRI products, MapInfo and Geomedia Supported Data Model/Structures: Vector, Tesselation (Raster); Topological, Non topological Adopted database concepts: georelational, object-oriented Software functions: Input, Storage & Management, Manipulation & Analysis, Output Integration with external software: packages - DBMS, modeling, mapping, statistical Development & Enhancement: C++, Avenue, VBA, other programming languages Supported platforms: OS, platform GIS Software - ESRI Products GIS Software - MapInfo GIS Software - Geomedia

SGHG 3643 - Computer Programming III The aim of study is to provide basic knowledge for Internet programming and to highlight the importance of the subject for web GIS development. Students will be exposed to web programming such as HTML, PHP, XML, XSLT, VRML, X3D, GML, CityGML, and KML languages. During the course, attention will be given to the student in understanding the web development concepts and their ability in developing Internet-based (GIS) programs. Students are required to write some scripts languages in solving their object modeling problems.


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SGHG 4623 - DTM for GIS Introduction to DTM and GIS; DTM data collection: surveying, photogrammetry, LiDAR data, cartographic digitizing from topographic map; DTM pre-processing: gross error detection, data compression, edge matching, coordinate transformation; DTM processing: data structure conversion, e.g. from grid to TIN and vice versa, contours to TIN; DTM quality and evaluation: the rule of thumb, the evaluation criteria, root mean square error, and the formula; DTM applications for GIS: ood modelling, engineering, map and orthophoto production; Current issues in DTM for GIS: LiDAR data processing, 3D spatial object reconstruction. SGHG 4553 - Sensor & Satellite Design This is one of the elective courses designed to provide an understanding of theory and knowledge of sensor and satellite design. The topics covered include: Sensor Technologies : Data Acquisition, Sensor Characteristics, Physical Principles of Sensing and Detector, Humidity and Moisture Sensors, Electromagnetic Field Detectors, Temperature Sensors, User requirement and Mission.Satellite Desig: Orbital characteristics, platform, data acquisition and dissemination. SGHG 4563 - Strategic Planning De nition, importance, component, development, relationship of strategic planning and GIS. Management structure, types of management structure. Strategic planning process, strategic development, strategic implementation, evaluation and control. SWOT analysis. Critical success factor. Action plan, checking and correction. Success and failure of strategic planning. SGHG 4583 - Web-based GIS The aim of study is to provide basic knowledge and to highlight the importance of the subject for Web GIS development. Students will be exposed to web programming such as PHP, XML, SVG, CityGML and KML languages. During the course, attention will be given to the student in understanding the process for web GIS development, the functional requirements, system architecture and their ability in developing Internet-based (GIS) programs. Students are required to write some scripts languages in developing a web GIS application based on open-source solutions. SGHG 4633 - GIS For Resource Management This course provides the principles of resource management and conservation besides examining the contemporary problems and issues in resource and environment management. The principles and components of GIS are introduced to encourage the use of database approach to store resources data to be converted into information useful for decision making and problem solving. Different aspects of the application of GIS and GIS analysis are highlighted as a means towards the ef cient management of resources.


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SGHG 4643 - Spatial Data Management 4 This course is designed to provide the students with a greater emphasis on the understanding of geospatial data and how, in practice, it is handled and managed. Among the topics covered throughout the course are: • • • • • • • • •

General problems with geospatial data handling and related issues Concepts and development of Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) Geospatial data standard, sharing/ exchange & distribution (MaCGDI, MS1759, feature and attribute coding, metadata, data catalogue, MyGeoportal, data security) Geospatial data storage (sources, format, conversion, compression) Data Quality(error sources, error in map digitizing, tracking error in coordinate transformation, improvement of spatial accuracy) Data Integrity and Topology (planar, network, error checking, logical consistency) Global Positioning System (GPS) data capture & processing (differential correction, coordinate transformation, height data reduction, accuracy enhancement) Height/ surface data handling (JUPEM’s topographic data, GPS data, LiDAR data, geological data, interpolation, extrapolation, TIN, DEM) Data transfer (format, compression, methods)

SGHG 4653 - Advanced Databased Management System This course discusses the requirements for advanced database applications and examines the concepts of various emerging database technologies such as distributed and interoperability databases, data warehousing, data mining, data quality, service-oriented architecture, work ows, RDBMS vs. ORDBMS vs. OODBMS, GIS geo-DBMS application integration and optimization. SGHG 4683 - Microwave Digital Image Processing It exposes student to various topics under microwave remote sensing including: Interaction of passive and active microwave (RADAR) with the earth surface; The function of radiative transfer and RADAR Equation; Data interpretation - earth surface characteristics and radiation scattering; RADAR data processing: The characteristics of SAR and the signal processing; Microwave Signal for non-image information such as wind speed, current, and earth anomalies. For topics related Lab work (data acquisition, processing and presentation) a brief instruction on the Lab work will be given at the beginning of each session. The students (in group) are expected to submit each result after the lab work and nal report two weeks after the given predetermined length of time of the entire lab works expired. The lab works will be carried out in the Advance Remote Sensing Lab which close supervision by the lecturer is possible. This will also allow for progress to be monitored continuously and some of the generic skills assessment can be undertaken.


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SGHG 4693 - Advanced Digital Image Processing This is one of the core courses designed to provide an understanding of principle, concept and technology of image processing suitable for extracting and processing spatial information from various sources to be utilised within geoinformation system. The topics covered include: Digital image processing systems: Image acquisition (revisit to remote sensing image formation), storage, processing, communication, display. Visual perception: Structure of human eye, image formation in the human eye, brightness, adaptation and discrimination. Image model: Uniform and non-uniform sampling, quantization. Image transforms and Restoration: Source of image distortions and their effects on image quality, Introduction to image enhancement, enhancement techniques, translation, rotation, scaling for geometric correction, Spatial Information Extraction: Visual interpretation\: techniques and schemes, image classi cation: classi cation techniques and accuracy assessment (confusion matrix and others), other information extraction techniques. Preparation for spatial data transformation: raster to vector conversion, formatting and data transformation to the GIS system SGHG 4813 - Airborne Lidar Survey The course is designed to give an understanding of principles of LiDAR and the applications in Geographical Information System (GIS). SGHG 4913 - Advanced Spatial Data Management SS This course is designed to provide the students with advanced knowledge of geospatial data and how, in practice, it is handled and managed. Among the topics covered throughout the course are: • • • • • • • •

General problems with geospatial data handling and related issues (a revisit) Coordinate Transformation - Local vs Global; Malaysian GDM 2000 Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure Data Manipulation Using Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) Integrating Google Image Advanced Topological Editing Temporal Database Management; Time Series Data Handling Web-based & Enterprise GIS


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l Estate n a n d Re a

HANDBOOK 2013-2014


Introduction The property management degree programme run by the department is the rst real estate degree programme in the country. The programme is mainly designed to meet the different real estate professional needs in the region. From time to time changes were made to the programme to re ect the changing needs of the industry. The competitiveness of the real estate industry across the region has affected practitioner’s expectation of graduates in the eld. The changing trend in the industry from purely knowledge based professionals to one with knowledge and human skills have change the way real estate professionals are trained. Currently the outcomebased education (OBE) is being practiced here to ensure that the objectives of the programs are attained. The sub-disciplines covered in the programme include: • • • • • • • •


Property Valuation Building and Facilities Management Property Marketing Property Investment Property Development Information System and Computer Science Law Property Economics

Programme Name and Conferment a) Programme Name Bachelor in Property Management b) Conferment Bachelor of Science (Property Management)


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Programme Recognition This rst intake to the programme was rst offered by the University in the 1973/74 academic session. The award conferred was Bachelor in Surveying (Property Management). It was conducted as a ve year degree programme and the rst batch of graduate completed their studies in 1978. The programme received its recognition from The Public Services Department (ref: JPA.SULIT. 130/15-1SK.29) after it was deliberated at the Mesyuarat Jawatankuasa Tetap Penilaian dan Pengiktirafan Kelayakan-Kelayakan which sat on the 24th November 1978. In 1995, the name of the programme was changed from B.Surv (Property Management) to B.Sc (Property Management). The name and award changed requires a new recognition from JPA of which was eventually obtained when they convene their meeting on the 25th April 1996. (ref: JPA.SULIT. 130/15-1SK.29). Currently the programme is also recognized by the Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents, Malaysia.


Programme Goal The goal of the programme is to produce knowledgable and skill professional valuers and property consultants. They are also equipped with positif and balanced attitude and are able to solve problems in real situations in groups or individually. They are also trained to acquire continuous learning skills in order to be specialist and skill worker in the property management eld.


Programme Objectives i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) v) vi)

Meet market demand. Become skillful and expertise in real estate profession. Generate and establish good relationship with real estate industries. Convey effective communication and embraces qualities leadership. Engage in life-long learning. Cultivate the culture of effective team working. Inculcate business and entrepreneurship skills. Think creative and innovatively.


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Entry Requirements Candidates are required to ful ll the University General Requirement and the Program Special Requirements. University General Requirements Possessed Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia or credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia July Paper. and Obtained Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with at least: •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in General Paper

and •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in two (2) other subjects

and Obtain at least Band 1 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET).

Programme Speci c Requirements A.

Minimum Quali cation of Ministry of Education (MOE) Matriculation/Universiti Malaya (UM) Foundation Studies in Science/Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Foundation Studies in Law applicant: i)

Minimum of Grade C passes in combination of two following subjects: • Mathematics • Business Management/Accounting/Economic and

ii) Passes in all subject of specialization iii) Credit pass in Mathematics at SPM or equivalent


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Minimum Quali cation for the Candidate of Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) i)

Minimum of Grade C (CPA 2.67) passes in combination of two following subjects: • •

Mathematics S/Mathematics T Business Management/Accounting/Economy/Geography

and ii)


Credit pass in Mathematics at SPM or equivalent

Academic Quali cation Candidate with Diploma/Equivalent

Obtained Diploma in Valuation/Diploma in Property Management from UTM/Equivalent with at least CPA of 2.70 or Candidates with CPA of less than 2.70 but with at least 2 years working experience in related eld are quali ed to apply. Obtained at least a credit at SPM level or equivalent, in the mathematics subject or obtained at least a Grade C in any one of the mathematic subjects at the Diploma level. Candidate must send in their full examination transcript for the Diploma programme (all semesters) to UTM. Candidates are also required to submit a copy of the Diploma or a con rmation letter that they have completed their studies. Candidates with Diploma in Valuation or Property Management will enroll with the second year of four year programme. Note: The actual entry year and duration of study are subjected to the credits transferred/ exempted as approved by UTM.


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Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies Programme Learning

Intended Learning

Teaching and Learning





(PO) PO1 Extend and integrate indepth knowledge in real estate related areas

Ability to acquire knowl- Lectures, tutorials, semi- Examinations, tests, quizedge and describe prin- nars and workshops, di- zes, presentations, individciples of real estate. rected reading, indepen- ual and group reports. dent study and site visits.

PO2 Applying techniques and skills for professional real estate analysis

Ability to analyse information using appropriate real estate techniques and tools.

Lectures, tutorials, labora- Examinations, tests, quiztory, group and individu- zes, presentations, individal projects, seminar and ual and group reports. workshops, industrial visit and training.

PO3 Formulate scienti c approach for solving real estate problem

Ability to formulate scien- Project supervision, lec- Examinations, tests, preti c approach related to tures, tutorials, seminars sentations, individual and real estate problem. and workshop, directed group reports. reading, exercises, individual and group research.


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(b) Generic Skills PO4 Convey effective interpersonal communication skill

Ability to convey ideas Group projects, tutorials, Oral presentations. and negotiate convinc- public speaking, discussions, seminars. ingly.

PO5 Synthesis intellectual inquiry, judge and solve problem related to real estate

Ability to identify, analyze, evaluate scenario and solve problems related to real estate critically.

Project supervision, lec- Examinations, tests, pretures, tutorials, seminars sentations, individual and and workshop, directed group reports. reading, exercises, individual and group research.

Ability to apply social skills and work collaboratively within the organization and business environment.

Academic visits, primary Group reports. and secondary data gathering, group assignments and discussions.

PO6 Collaborate and operate in a team


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Intended Learning




Teaching and Learning



(PO) PO7 Seek and acquire knowledge continuously

Ability to perpetually seek Independent and group Industrial training report, and acquire contemporary research projects, independent project report. knowledge in real estate. industrial training.

PO8 Evaluate business opportunities and embrace entrepreneurial skills

Abiltiy to identify business Lectures, group projects Presentation, reports. opportunities and embark on and seminar. entrepreneurship.


PO9 Constitute Leadership effectively

Abiltiy to lead, coordinate Lecatures, group projects Merit and De-merit system and manage people and and workshops. and observations. organization effectively.

P10 Prac tice good ethics and integrity

Ability to practice good ethics Lectures, group projects Merit and De-merit system and positive values in the and workshops. and observations. profession and society.

P11 Aware of global knowledge and current issues

Aware of global knowledge Lectures, group projects Presentation, reports. and current issues related to and seminar. social, economic, legal and political situations.


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Programme Implementation This programme is run on a fulltime basis and emphasises on both the theoretical and practical aspect. The practical work is carried out in laboratories and on-site. The learning process is supervised and conducted by quali ed lecturers. In addition to the on campus teaching and learning activities, students will pursue an Industrial Training for one (1) semester. It will be the second semester of their third year study. Students will be attached to various organizations and expose to the real working environment in real estate industry. The Industrial Training is undertaken with the collaboration from both the public and the private sector.


Programme Structures, Curriculum and Award Requirements This programme is offered on fulltime and part time mode and is based on a 2-Semester Academic Session with several courses being delivered and assessed in each semester. Assessment is based on coursework, nal examination and nal year project. Award requirements: To graduate, students should: • •

Attain a minimum of 130 credits Maximum study period is 10 semesters

Credits distribution as according to subject classi cation are as follows: No. 1.

Course Category

Credit Total

Percentage (%)

a. General



b. English



c. Co-curriculum 2.



Electives Total


2 77






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10.0 Laboratory Facilities Laboratories and other facilities that are provided by the Department particularly for teaching and learning include: • • •

Computer Lab 1 Computer Lab 2 Computer Aided Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Research Lab

Teaching and learning facilities: • • • •

Nine (9) smart classrooms Two (2) seminar rooms One (1) resource centres Several lecture and tutorial rooms

Centres of Excellence (CoE): • •

Institute for Geospatial Science and Technology (INSTEG) Centre for Real Estate Studies (CRES)

11.0 Career Opportunities Graduates of this programme can seek employment as real estate professional either in the public or private sector; local and overseas. The typical positions that they usually hold are: • • • • • • •

Valuation Of cer Property Manager Facilities Manager Real Estate Agents Project Manager Real Estate Agency Real Estate Consultant

Accordingly, organizations and agencies that usually employ Real Estate graduates include: i)

Agency who is directly with valuation and property management eld such as Valuation and Property Services Department, Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Local Authority. ii) Organization related to the provision and maintenance of public utility such as Department of Water Supply, TELEKOM and Tenaga Nasional. iii) Private companies which are involve in real estate; Valuation Companies, Estate Agencies, Corporations, Hyper Market, Developer and Banks. iv) Other agencies related to real estate for instance FELDA, FELCRA, RISDA and PETRONAS.


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12.0 List of Courses

YEAR 1 SEMESTER 1 SGHH 1013 Principles and Methods of Property Valuation SGHH 1023 Introduction to Real Estate Profession SGHH 1032 Malaysian Legal System SGHH 1043 Building Technology SGHH 1052 Principles of Economics UICI 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilization UHAS 1152 Ethnic Relations/UHAS 1162 - Malaysia Dynamics (Dinamika Malaysia) Total Credits: 17 SEMESTER 2 SGHH 1063 Investment Valuation SGHH 1073 Surveying and Computation SGHH 1083 Town and Country Planning SGHH 1093 Contract, Agency and Tort Law ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication UHAS 2122 Critical and Creative Thinking UKQ* 1**1 Co-Curriculum I Total Credits: 17

YEAR 2 SEMESTER 1 SGHH 2102 Computer Application in Real Estate SGHH 2113 Applied Valuation SGHH 2123 Property Management SGHH 2133 Real Estate Law SGHH 2143 Land Economics UICI 2022 Human, Technology and Science UHAS 2**2 UHAS Elective OR UHA 1012 Malay Language Communication (For International Student) Total Credits: 18


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SEMESTER 2 SGHH 2152 Statistics and Econometrics SGHH 2163 Statutory Valuation SGHH 2173 Building Law SGHH 2183 Building Services and Maintenance SGHH 3193 Environmental Studies ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication UKQ* 1**1 Co-Curriculum II Total Credits: 17

YEAR 3 SEMESTER 1 SGHH 3203 Real Estate Marketing and Agency SGHH 3213 Valuation of Specialised Properties (elec) SGHH 3223 Economic analysis for Real estate (elec) SGHH 3233 Real Estate Investment (elec) SGHH 3243 Land Acquisition Practices (elec) ULAB 3**2 ULAB English (Elective) Total Credits: 17

SHORT SEMESTER SGHH 3259 Industrial Training - Practical SGHH 3263 Industrial Training - Seminar Total Credits: 12

* Compulsory 14 weeks Industrial Training (equivalent to 9 credit hours)


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YEAR 4 SEMESTER 1 SGHH 4273 Asset Valuation (elec) SGHH 4283 Professional Practice (elec) SGHH 4293 Development and Investment Appraisal (elec) SGHH 4302 Undergraduate Project I SGHH 4**3 Elective 1 SGHH 4**3 Elective 2 Total Credits: 17 SEMESTER 2 SGHH 4314 Undergraduate Project II SGHH 4323 Property Business Management (elec) SGHH 4353 Elective 3 SGHH 4363 Elective 4 UHAS 3012 Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development Total Credits: 15 Overall Total: 130 Credits


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3223 3233 3243 4273 4283 4293 4323 4343 4353 4363 4333 4373 4383 4393 4403 4413 4423 4433

Economic Analysis for Real Estate Real Estate Investment Land Acquisition Practices Asset Valuation (elec) Professional Practice (elec) Development and Investment Appraisal (elec) Property Business Management (elec) Property Portfolio Management Project Management GIS in Real Estate Facilities Management Quality Management International Property Market Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) Cost Estimating and Tendering Land Development Islamic Principle of Real Estate Plant and Machinery Valuation

Minimum Semester : Maximum Semester :

8 semesters 12 semesters


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13.0 Courses Synopsis SGHH 1013 - Principles and Method of Property Valuation This course aims to provide the basic principles to property valuation. It explains the scope and areas of valuation, the concept of real estate as an investment and operation asset and the methods used in the appraisal of property valuation. SGHH 1023 - Introduction to Real Estate Profession This course introduces the student to the property professions. The aim is to highlight to the students on the nature of the professions, the knowledge required and the soft skills aspect. Students will also be exposed to the various professional paths of the property professionals and the prospects awaiting them. Some aspects of ethics and entrepreneurships will also be given through this course. SGHH 1032 - Malaysian Legal System This course is designed to give an understanding and knowledge of the general principles with regard to the legal system in Malaysia. It acts as a foundation for the students before continuing with the core legal courses, i.e., the laws relating to real property, offered in the forthcoming session. SGHH 1043 - Building Technology The course aims at enabling students to provide competent valuation and property management services which require a good understanding about essential aspects of buildings. The knowledge imparted to students covers the functions, design criteria, types of construction and technologies of each element of a building. The elements cover the sub-structure and superstructure of a building. SGHH 1052 - Principles of Economics This course provides the basic element of economics. It introduces to the student the basic economic principles such as the theory of rms and market organisations. This followed by the pricing mechanism, competition and monopoly. Other topics such as allocation theory, economic rents, interest and wages, economic equilibrium and other general economic theory and some aspect of macro economic topics are also covered in this course. SGHH 1063 - Investment Valuation This course provides the students with the main investment principles to be applied in property valuation. The different methods of valuing properties will be covered in this course. Some topics covered in this course are risk and return, different types of returns, factors affecting returns, investment value of properties, calculating and comparison of yield. SGHH 1073 - Surveying and Computation Administration of surveying: Jabatan Ukur dan Pemetaan (JUPEM), Land Of ce etc.; Land record system: Freehold, lease, TOL, ; Types of plan: Local plan, standard sheet, admit plan, topography plan; Measurement: Distance, wide, volume; Practical: Survey instrument, procedures to measure site and building, designation of location plan, site, array and building. Plan reading and interpretation and reproduce.


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SGHH 1083 - Town and Country Planning This course is design to give understanding, knowledge and exposure on concepts, principles and system of town and country planning in Malaysia. The contents are planning concept and principles, urban history, urban development, structure and organization of town and country planning in Malaysia, planning legislation (Act 171 and Act 172),development plans and plan making process. The students also will be exposed to the planning control system and the tools used to control the real estate development process. SGHH 1093 - Contract, Agency and Tort Law This course will explain and discuss the principles of law relating to contract, agency and torts which are applicable in property transaction. Among the aspect of law which will be focussed upon includes the formation of contract, discharge of contract, remedies for breach of contract, introduction to the law of agency, the tort of negligence and other torts relating to property. SGHH 2102 - Computer Application in Real Estate The course aims to impart knowledge on the use of computers in real estate. It comprises both the theoretical and practical aspects of computer applications for real estate. For the theoretical part, students will be introduced to the basic aspects of computer application. This will focus on the commonly used software in real estate. The types of software include spreadsheet, database management systems (DBMS) and statistical packages. For the practical part, students will be given hands-on exercises on several computer programmes of the above mentioned. The course is expected to provide basic knowledge and skills for computer applications in real estate. SGHH 2113 - Applied Valuation The course intends to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of applied valuation. It concurrently develop theoretical knowledge and practical skill among students and prepare them for to practice valuation. The course will enable student to apply valuation methods for a wide range of properties, including residential, investment, business and development by taking into account the economy, physical, regulation and other information. Practical aspect of the course is to produce and deliver valuation report. SGHH 2123 - Property Management The primary purpose of this course is to provide students the fundamental knowledge of property management. It also includes the formation and the process in property management which leads to the formation of management plan. This also includes the management method, strategy of property management, principle of adaptability and suitability, support service preparation and lastly the building maintenance management. SGHH 2133 - Real Estate Law This course shall touch upon the law relating to real estate, primarily in accordance with the National Land Code 1965 and the procedures in respect of it. It will addressed the alienation of land, types of titles and ownership rights on the land, land dealings, registration of dealings and introduction to strata title under the Strata Title Act 1985.


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SGHH 2143 - Land Economics The aim of this course is to apply fundamental economic principals to land issues such as the location theory, land value and urban growth. These are then examined in the context of urban land development policy in Malaysia. This course examines the impact to policies on land development and land use in Malaysia. The main discussion focuses on the usage and problem in urban land such as housing, transportation and industry and also the roles of responsible agencies for land development. SGHH 2152 - Statistics and Econometrics This course introduces students to the fundamentals of quantitative techniques in real estate. Speci cally, the course covers the theories and applications of statistics and econometrics for real estate analyses. SGHH 2163 - Statutory Valuation This course is designed to give the students the knowledge on statutory valuation consisting of valuation for the purpose of property taxation and compensation for compulsory acquisition. This include the legal aspects in property taxation and land acquisition such as rates, stamp duties, real property gains tax, development charge and principles to determine compensation as provided under the provision of relevant acts. The student will also expose to the method and procedure to value and determine the various type of property taxations and compensation. SGHH 2173 - Building Law This course is designed to provide students with knowledge relating to theprovisions of building law and Regulations for the establishment of the strata title scheme in high rise residential building. The related issues and problems in the current strata schemes will be highlighted and discussed. Issues such as: delay in obtaining the strata titles, the determination of the subject of the strata ownership, the rights of the parcel proprietors as regards to the parcel and the common property, the allocation of the share units to parcel proprietors, the enforcement of the nancial and non- nancial obligations of the parcel proprietors, the settlement of disputes and most importantly the management issues. The present National Land Code 1965 will be investigated as it provides the basis for the ownership of the subsidiary titles. The newly enacted Building and Common Property (Maintenance & Management) Act 2007 which provide for the proper maintenance and management of buildings and common property will also be discussed in detailed. By the ends of the course the students should be able to explain the provisions of the Strata Titles Act in obtaining the ownership of a parcel and the provision of the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management) Act 2007 for the proper maintenance and management of building and common property; state and critically evaluate related issues and problems in the implementation of the provisions in both the Acts; to be actively involved in giving ideas and comment on selected issues related to strata scheme. SGHH 2183 - Building Services and Maintenance The course aims at enabling students to provide competent valuation surveying and property management services which require a good understanding about essential aspects of buildings. The knowledge imparted to students covers the functions, design criteria and different types of building services, and the aspects and issues in managing the maintenance of buildings.


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SGHH 3193 - Environmental Studies The module intends to provide a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues associated with real estate disciplines. The module can be viewed in three parts, the rst part introduce environmental studies, such as the concept of sustainability and environmental policies. The second part of the module focuses on real estate environmental concerns, such as environmental protection during property development, green building, natural resource management, rural and urban environmental studies. The third part of the module enables students to manage and form environmental strategy. Topics included energy management, Environmental Management System (EMS), creating environmental awareness, life cycle assessment and design sustainability indicators. At the end of the module, students should be able to identify environmental issues that affect real estate business. SGHH 3203 - Real Estate Marketing and Agency This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the scope and role of Real Estate Agents in the business of property transactions, leasing, selling and buying. Emphasis will be given to the jurisdiction and function of agents in his/her approach to carry out his task as laid out by the 1981 Act. This course will also acquaint students with the basic concept and issues of consumer behavior, marketing study, market segmentation and marketing mix which is also critical to the agent’s success. SGHH 3213 - Valuation of Specialised Properties Introduction to Special Properties, Methodology of Valuation of Special Properties, Valuation of Residential Properties, Valuation of Commercial Properties, Recreation Properties, Mining Properties, Industrial Properties and Agricultural Properties. SGHH 3223 - Economic Analysis for Real Estate This course exposes the students with the various types of economic analysis in real estate decision-making. It describes the relationship of real estate and capital markets and the various types of economic analysis in different situations. These are examined both in micro and macro terms. Some aspects examined are the analysis of the urban real estate markets, economic growth and real estate markets, housing markets, house hold price and nancing, property market cycle, real estate market operations. SGHH 3233 - Real Estate Investment Introduction to investment, investment media and objectives; direct property investment; indirect property investment; property investment nancial measures; nancing in real estate investment; property development investment and nance; cash ow construction and sensitivity analysis. SGHH 3243 - Land Acquisition Practices This course exposes students to land acquisition practices. Students are exposed to the legislation and the valuation practices based on it. Students will have do a practical task on land acquisition procedures and the presentation of claims of all parties involved. SGHH 3259 - Industrial Training - Practical Students will be placed in practical training centres at various government and private agency throughout Malaysia and abroad. They are exposed to practical aspect of real estate valuation and management. The details of industrial training are included in the Rule Book published by the Faculty.


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SGHH 3263 - Industrial Training - Seminar This course exposes students to the real situations of the profession. Students will be placed at various government and private agency within or outside Malaysia. They are exposed to all aspect of real estate valuation and management. Students are required to do a presentation on the related topics and to submit individual reports to be evaluated by the panel appointed by the department. The details of industrial training are included in the Rule Book published by the Faculty. SGHH 4273 - Asset Valuation The primary purpose of this course is to provide students the fundamental and practical aspects undertaking real estate-related asset valuation. The discussions are mainly on nancial statement analysis and investment returns. There are three main valuation methods are discussed viz. income, cost and market approaches. SGHH 4283 - Professional Practice This course will enable students to develop real estate professional awareness in giving services to the society. The aim is to expose students to the professional practices of the real estate professionals. It will equip them with all the professional requirements related to the real estate eld. The highlights of the course will include the topics such as differences between professional and non-professionals, quali cations and requirements to be real estate professionals, code of ethics and standard practices, professional negligence, organization and professionalism, opportunities and challenges in the eld. SGHH 4293 - Development and Investment Appraisal Introduction to property development (development theory, process, timing and market), regulations and their effect on land and property development decisions (government regulations, development control, tax etc), property development investment (property investment nancial measures; nancing in real estate investment; property development investment and nance), and property development appraisal (cash ow construction and sensitivity analysis, risk analysis and return). SGHH 4302 - Undergraduate Project I This course is a research based to teach students how to undertake academic research and is partial requirement for the award of the Bachelor in Property Management. It contains syllabi on the aspects of academic research in real estate. The goal of this course is to develop knowledge and skills among students in research discipline is real estate. The main aspects of this subject that will be taught to the students are problem formulation, setting research objectives, developing theoretical framework through literature review, selecting and designing data collection and analysis methods, effective thesis report writing, and presenting the results. SGHH 4314 - Undergraduate Project II This course is a research based to teach students how to undertake academic research. This subject is a continuity of Undergraduate Project 1. Focus on this semester is to complete the project and the emphasis given to data collection and analysis of data and ndings of the study and eventually produce a report and article writing. Students have to present their research nding.


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SGHH 4323 - Property Business Management This course examines the role of real estate in business management organisations. It approaches real estate management in a strategic manner which offers assistance towards making objective real estate decisionmaking. This supports value enhancement of real estate in order to reallign real estate with business strategy. The Land Acquisition Act 1960, Article and Section related to land acquisition and compensation valuation, purpose and reasons of land acquisition that permitted by The Act, Schedule 1 of Land Acquisition Act and guidelines of compensation. Valuation of different types of property interest. SGHH 4353 - Project Management This course provides knowledge to students on project management from the implementation till it is completed. It introduces the different stages involved in project management and the different organisations involved. It evaluates how projects are controlled through various techniques and the outcome and effect of management on different types of projects. SGHH 4363 - GIS in Real Estate The subject aims to impart knowledge about GIS applications in real estate. It consists of both theoretical and practical parts of GIS application. The theoretical part will introduce GIS to students. This will include the de nitions, the components, and the functions of GIS. Students are expected to be able to relate the theoretical aspects of GIS to the real estate knowledge or experience that they have gained through other subjects. The practical part will give the students an opportunity to learn to use a selected GIS programme. This would enable them to have a hands-on experience of real estate data input, data management, data analysis and data output using GIS. As a whole, this subject would provide the basic knowledge and experience an undergraduate student of property management would need in order to embark on GIS application in real estate in future.

Elective Courses SGHH 3223 - Economic Analysis for Real Estate This course exposes the students with the various types of economic analysis in real estate decision-making. It describes the relationship of real estate and capital markets and the various types of economic analysis in different situations. These are examined both in micro and macro terms. Some aspects examined are the analysis of the urban real estate markets, economic growth and real estate markets, housing markets, house hold price and nancing, property market cycle, real estate market operations. SGHH 3233 - Real Estate Investment Introduction to investment, investment media and objectives; direct property investment; indirect property investment; property investment nancial measures; nancing in real estate investment; property development investment and nance; cash ow construction and sensitivity analysis. SGHH 3243 - Land Acquisition Practices This course exposes students to land acquisition practices. Students are exposed to the legislation and the valuation practices based on it. Students will have do a practical task on land acquisition procdures and the presentation of claims of all parties involved.


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SGHH 4273 - Asset Valuation The primary purpose of this course is to provide students the fundamental and practical aspects undertaking real estate-related asset valuation. The discussions are mainly on nancial statement analysis and investment returns. There are three main valuation methods are discussed viz. income, cost and market approaches. SGHH 4283 - Professional Practice This course will enable students to develop real estate professional awareness in giving services to the society. The aim is to expose students to the professional practices of the real estate professionals. It will equip them with all the professional requirements related to the real estate eld. The highlights of the course will include the topics such as differences between professional and non-professionals, quali cations and requirements to be real estate professionals, code of ethics and standard practices, professional negligence, organization and professionalism, opportunities and challenges in the eld. SGHH 4293 - Development and Investment Appraisal Introduction to property development (development theory, process, timing and market), regulations and their effect on land and property development decisions (government regulations, development control, tax etc), property development investment (property investment nancial measures; nancing in real estate investment; property development investment and nance), and property development appraisal (cash ow construction and sensitivity analysis, risk analysis and return). SGHH 4323 - Property Business Management This course examines the role of real estate in business management organisations. It approaches real estate management in a strategic manner which offers assistance towards making objective real estate decision making. This supports value enhancement of real estate in order to reallign real estate with business strategy. SGHH 4343 - Property Portfolio Management The primary purpose of this course is to provide students the fundamental of Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT) with further discussion on Capital Market Theory (CMT) in relation to real estate investment. These two breakthroughs in nancial theory have given a signi cant impact to nancial analysts and investors in managing their investment assets. The main discussion will be the question of: i) what is the best possible investment portfolio? and ii) what is the price of investment assets? The central of this course is the application of MPT and CMT in real estate analysis in relation to capital/ nancial market condition. SGHH 4353 - Project Management This course provides knowledge to students on project management from the implementation till it is completed. It introduces the different stages involved in project management and the different organisations involved. It evaluates how projects are controlled through various techniques and the outcome and effect of management on different types of projects.


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SGHH 4363 - GIS in Real Estate The subject aims to impart knowledge about GIS applications in real estate. It consists of both theoretical and practical parts of GIS application. The theoretical part will introduce GIS to students. This will include the de nitions, the components, and the functions of GIS. Students are expected to be able to relate the theoretical aspects of GIS to the real estate knowledge or experience that they have gained through other subjects. The practical part will give the students an opportunity to learn to use a selected GIS programme. This would enable them to have a hands-on experience of real estate data input, data management, data analysis and data output using GIS. As a whole, this subject would provide the basic knowledge and experience an undergraduate student of property management would need in order to embark on GIS application in real estate in future. SGHH 4333 - Facilities Management This course aims to introduce the facilities management concept and its contributions in achieving organisation objectives. The course covers the main elements relevant to facilities management. It is broken into four parts: The rst part set the scene by brings in the facilities management concept and how it has emerged as a professional discipline. The second part outline the various competencies that are required to be a facilities manager, the third part devote to the other important element that support facilities management such as value and risk management and the sustainable concept of managing facilities, while the fourth look at the types of facilities services that offer by organisation. SGHH 4373 - Quality Management The course Intends to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of quality management. Concurrently, develop theoretical knowledge and practical skill among students and prepare them to apply quality management in the real estate professional practices. The course will enable student to apply a Quality Management System in their professional practices that could ensure the effective, ef cient and adaptable services. The course introduces quality management concepts, principles, requirements, implementation and audit. SGHH 4383 - International Property Market An introduction to international property market, focussing on the fundamental aspects that shape up different market in different parts of the world. These aspects include those which generally similar among countries and those which differ by geographic, cultural, political and administrative boundaries. SGHH 4393 - Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) This course introduces the student with some methods of doing mass appraisal particularly with rating valuations. Students are given the basic concepts to mass appraisals and the various ways valuations are modelled. SGHH 4403 - Cost Estimating and Tendering An introduction to development cost, building cost and cost estimation concept; Factors affecting building cost; cost data and resources; the construction of pricing for cost estimation; renovation/extension work and maintenance; contractor selection and factors affecting the selection; type of tender; the function and content of tender and contract document; the process and management of contract.


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SGHH 4413 - Land Development This course examines land development in various aspects. It provides the framework for analyzing property development decisions and analyses the risk and return in property development decision. Other aspects such as funding and taxation are also examined to provide further understandings to the real estate development outcome. Aspects of case studies provides the context of how property development take off and performed. SGHH 4423 - Islamic Principle of Real Estate SG This course exposes students to the Islamic aspect of real estate which centres on the role of land as resource for mankind. It de nes the concept of real estate in Islam and integrate conventional and Islamic principles. Evaluates and resolve issues applying Islamic approach. SGHH 4433 - Plant and Machinery Valuation Introduction to Special Properties, Methodology of Valuation of Special Properties, Valuation of Residential Properties, Valuation of Commercial Properties, Recreation Properties, Mining Properties, Industrial Properties and Agricultural Properties.


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Introduction Bachelor of Science in Land Administration and Development is designed to produce graduates who are competent and knowledgeable in land matters to manage the challenges of land administration system in the 21st century. It is the intention of this programme to make land administration as one of the profession that could enhance the land delivery system of the nation. The sub-disciplines covered in the programme include : • Property Development • Property Valuation • Property Marketing • Property Investment • Property Economies Graduates are currently employed in public and private sectors. They are also capable to establish their own practice offering services to clients of diverse backgrounds, relating to land administration, management and development. The syllabus of the programme has been designed to include subjects ranging from law, policy, planning, economics, surveying, valuation, and land development to subjects on technical matters such as land information system including Geographic Information System (GIS), and the institutional set up of the Malaysian Land Administration System.


Programme Name and Conferment a)

Name of Programme Bachelor in Land Administration and Development


Conferment Bachelor of Science (Land Administration and Development)


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Programme Recognition The Jawatankuasa Tetap Penilaian dan Pengiktirafan Kelayakan (JTPPK) chaired by the YB the Minister of Education in their 69th meeting on August 25, 1998 has agreed to recognize the Bachelor of Science in Land Administration and Development as follows: “The Bachelor of Science (Land Administration and Development) is hereby recognized as equivalent to other Bachelor of Science with Honours obtained from other institution of higher education in Malaysia�.


Aim of Programme The programme aims to produce land administrators and land developers who will be able to response ef ciently, transparently and endeavour for sustainability in the administration and development of land.


Programme Objectives The objectives of the programme is to produce graduates: i) ii)

Who are competent and able to solve land related matters diligently, critically and logically. Who possess leadership and professional qualities as well as able to contribute to the administration, management and development of land locally and globally. iii) Who are able to work in societies with different background and cultures as to achieve common goals in land related activities. iv) Who are able to communicate ef ciently across a range of contexts and audiences within the land related profession. v) Who are able to respond and adapt readily to changing situations and able to instil lifelong learning ability as well as ability to acquire knowledge and skills independently. vi) Who are responsible and are highly dedicated to serve Allah, the Community and the Nation.


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Entry Requirements Candidates are required to ful ll the university and programme requirements. University General Requirements Possessed Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) with credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia or credit in Bahasa Melayu/Bahasa Malaysia July Paper. and Obtained Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with at least: •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in General Paper

and •

Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in two (2) other subjects

and Obtain at least Band 1 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET).

Programme Speci c Requirements A.

Minimum quali cation of Ministry of Education (MOE) Matriculation/Universiti Malaya (UM) Foundation Studies in Science/Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Foundation Studies in Law applicant: At least a Grade C (2.67) in any two (2) of the following subjects: • •

Mathematics; and Economy or Business Management/Physics/Chemistry/Biology/Accounting

A credit in Mathematics at the SPM examination



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A minimum quali cation of Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) with At least a Grade C (NGMP 2.67) in any of the two (2) following subjects: •

Mathematics S/Mathematics T/Physic/Chemistry/Biology/Accounting/Business Management/Economy/Geography/History/Malay or English Literature

A credit in Mathematics at the SPM examination.



A Diploma or its equivalent recognised by the Malaysian government. Possessed a Diploma or other equivalent quali cation recognized by the Malaysian Government and approved by the University’s Senate with a CGPA at least 2.70 in anyone of the following courses: • •

Diploma Valuation UTM/equivalent Diploma Estate Management UiTM


Candidates with CGPA less than 2.70 must possess at least two years working experiences in related elds. Pass mathematics in SPM with credits or at least Grade C in any mathematics subject at Diploma level. Candidates are required to submit Diploma Transcript (from rst to nal semester) to UTM together with a copy of Diploma Certi cate or the completion of study con rmation letter.

Note: The actual entry year and duration of study are subjected to the credits transferred/ exempted as approved by UTM.


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Programme Learning Outcomes (PO) (a) Technical Knowledge and Competencies Programme Learning Outcomes (PO)

Intended Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Method


PO1 Integrate and extend in-depth knowledge in Land Administration related areas

Ability to acquire knowledge and describe principles of Land Administration.

Lectures, tutorials, semi- Examination, tests, quiznars and workshop, di- zes, presentations, indirected reading, inde- vidual and group reports. pendent study and site visits.

Ability to analyse information using appropriate Land Administration techniques and tools.

Lectures, tutorials, labo- Examinations, tests, quizratory, group and indi- zes, presentations, individual projects, seminar vidual and group reports. and workshops, industrial visit and training.

Ability to think critically, identify, formulate and solve problems related to Land Administration.

Project supervision, lec- Examinations, tests, pretures, tutorials, seminars sentations, individual and and workshops, directed group reports. reading, exercise, individual and group research.

PO2 Applying techniques and skills for professional Land Administration analysis

PO3 Critical thinking and scienti c approach for Land Administration decisions


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(b) Generic Skills PO4 Effective Communication

Ability to convey ideas, Group projects, tutorials, Oral presentations. negotiate convincingly. public speaking, discussions, seminars.

PO5 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

Academic visits, primary and secondary data gathering, group assignments and discussions.

Academic visits, primary and secondary data gathering, group assignments and discussions.

Academic visits, primary and secondary data gathering, group assignments and discussions.

Ability to apply social skills and work collaboratively within the organization and business environment.

Academic visits, prima- Group reports. ry and secondary data gathering, group assignments and discussions.

PO6 Teamworking Skills

PO7 Lifelong Learning & Information Management Skills

Ability to perpetually Independent and group Industrial training report, seek and acquire con- research projects, indus- independent project retemporary knowledge in trial training. port. Land Administration.


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Programme Learning Outcomes (PO)

Intended Learning Outcomes

Teaching and Learning Method


PO8 Entrepreneurship Skills

Ability to identify business opportunities and embark on entrepreneurship

Ability to identify busi- Ability to identify business ness opportunities and opportunities and embark embark on entrepre- on entrepreneurship. neurship

PO9 Leadership Skills

Ability to lead, coordi- Lectures, group projects Merit and D-merit system nate and manage people and workshops. and observations, and organization effectively.

P10 Ethics and Integrity

Ability to practice good ethics and positive values in the profession and society.

Ability to practice good ethics and positive values in the profession and society.

Ability to practice good ethics and positive values in the profession and society.

P11 Knowledge of Global and Current Issues


Ability to lead, coordi- Lectures, group projects nate and manage people and workshops. and organization.

Merit and D-merit system and observations,

Programme Implementation This full time programme is conducted in the form of lectures, tutorial, practical, eld camp, industrial training and undergraduate project. It consists of four (4) main eld studies which are as follows: i) ii) iii) iv)

Laws on Land Administration Planning and Land Development Surveying and Information Technology Land Resources Management


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Programme Structure Registered students are required to complete 132 credits which involve 48 courses for four years (8 semesters). Students’ admission from MOE Matriculation and STPM holders who have been offered to this programme will be registered for rst semester of every session. Meanwhile, students with Diploma will endure the programme starting from second year onwards. Credits transfer for faculty subjects are permitted based on the Diploma or the previous quali cation. Credits distribution as according to subject classi cation are as follows: No. 1.

Course Category

Credit Total

Percentage (%)



University Common Language





Basic & Core











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10.0 Laboratory Facilities Among other facilities include discussion room, computer lab and supporting software.


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11.0 Career Opportunities Bachelor of Science in Land Administration and Development graduates can be employed in public sector, government agency and private sector. a)

Public Sector Land Administrator in District and Land Of ce, Registrar in State Land and Mines Of ce, Development Division in Local Authority, Housing Division in State Government Secretary Of ce and other posts at federal level namely Ministry of Housing and Local Government and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. Other organizations and agencies that usually employ Land Administration graduates ncludes Agency directly involve such as valuation and Property Services Department, Ministry of Finance Malaysia, Local Authority.


Government Agency Urban Development Agency (UDA), Regional Development Authority (RDA), State Economic Development Corporation (SEDC), Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB), Lembaga Urusan & Tabung Haji, FELDA, FELCRA and other agencies that have speci c division related to land administration and development eld.


Private Sector Property Developer, Property Consultants, Financial Institutions and other related


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12.0 List of Courses YEAR 1 SEMESTER I SGHL 1012 Introduction to Land Administration SGHL 1022 Malaysia Legal System SGHL 1043 Building Technology SGHL 1033 Principles and Methods of Property Valuation SGHL 1052 Principles of Economics UICI 1012 Islamic and Asian Civilization UHAS 1152 Ethnics Relations/UHAS 1172 - Malaysia Dynamics (Dinamika Malaysia) Total Credits: 16 SEMESTER II SGHL 1063 Contract, Agency and Torts Law SGHL 1073 Investment Valuation SGHL 1083 Surveying and Computation SGHL 1093 Town and Country Planning ULAB 1112 English for Academic Communication UHAS 2122 Critical and Creative Thinking UKQ* 1**1 Co-Curriculum I Total Credits: 17

YEAR 2 SEMESTER I SGHL 2113 Applied Valuation SGHL 2123 Property Management SGHL 2133 Real Estate Law SGHL 2102 Computer Application in LAD SGHL 2143 Database System & Management UICI 2022 Human, Technology and Science UHAS 2**2 UHAS Elective OR UHA 1012 Malay Language Communication (For International Student) Total Credits: 18


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SEMESTER II SGHL 2153 Property Taxation SGHL 2173 Building Law & Regulation SGHL 2163 Building Services and Maintenance SGHL 2183 Cadastral Studies SGHL 3242 Accounting & Financing Management ULAB 2112 Advanced English for Academic Communication UKQ* 1**1 Co-Curriculum II Total Credits: 17

YEAR 3 SEMESTER I SGHL 3203 Real Estate Marketing and Agency SGHL 3233 Land Acquisition & Compensation SGHL 3213 Land Development Practices SGHL 3193 Urban Land Economics SGHL 3223 GIS & Spatial Analysis ULAB 3**2 ULAB English (Elective) Total Credits: 17

SHORT SEMESTER SGHL 3259 Industrial Training - Practical SGHL 3263 Industrial Training - Seminar Total Credits: 12


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YEAR 4 SEMESTER I SGHL 4273 Development and Investment Appraisal SGHL 4283 Statistics and Data Analysis SGHL 4293 Housing Development Law SGHL 4302 Undergraduate Project I SGHL 4**3 Elective 1 SGHL 4**3 Elective 2 Total Credits: 17

SEMESTER II SGHL 4323 Ethics & Professional Practice SGHL 4333 Litigation & ADR SGHL 4314 Undergraduate Project II SGHL 4**3 Elective 3 SGHL 4**3 Elective 5 UHAS 3012 Entrepreneurship & Enterprise Development Total Credits: 18 Overall Total: 132 Credits


4503 4513 4523 4533 4543 4553 4563 4573 4583 4593 4603 4613

Project Management Corporate Land Management Property Finance Rural & Regional Planning Sustainable Development Islamic Land Law Environmental Management Tenancy Law Administrative Law Environmental Geology Law of Succession Marine Cadastre


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13.0 Courses Synopsis SGHL 1012 - Introduction to Land Administration Land Administration as “the process of regulating land and property development and the use and conservation of the land, the gathering of revenues from the land through sales, leasing and taxation, and the resolving of con icts concerning the ownership and use of the land. Land administration functions can be divided into four functions: juridical, scal, regulatory and information management. The rst three functions are traditionally organised around three set of organisations while the latter, information management is integral to the other three components. Land management is the process by which the resources of land are put to good effect. It covers all activities concerned with the management of land as a resource both from an environmental and from an economic perspective. It can include farming, mineral extraction, property and estate management and the physical planning of towns and the countryside. SGHL 1022 - Malaysia Legal System This course is designed to give an understanding and knowledge of the general principles with regard to the legal system in Malaysia. It acts as a foundation for the Bachelor of Science (Land Administration) students before continuing with the core legal courses, i.e., the laws relating to real property, offered in forthcoming session. SGHL 1033 - Principles and Methods of Property Valuation Students will be taught about some basic understandings on property as an investment source and exposure on the concept and usage of property valuation methods. Furthermore, students will learn about property de nition, property types, the importance of property, property criteria, property value concept, factors in uenced value, valuation process and valuation methods. In the end, students will be able apply techniques used by professional assessor in estimating the worth of land and property values in the market for various purposes. SGHL 1043 - Building Technology The course aims at enabling students to provide competent valuation surveying and property management services which require a good understanding about essential aspects of buildings. The knowledge imparted to students covers the functions, design criteria, types of construction and technologies of each element of a building. The elements cover the sub-structure and superstructure of building. SGHL 1052 - Principles of Economics This course provides the basic element of economics. It introduces the background of the economic principles. The theory of economics such as the theory of rms and market organisations. This followed by the pricing mechanism, competition and monopoly. Other topics such as allocation theory, economic rents, interest and wages, economic equilibrium and other general economic theory. Students will also be exposed to some aspects of the macro economics. SGHL 1063 - Contract, Agency and Torts Law This course will explain and discuss the principles of law relating to,contract, agency and torts which are applicable in property transaction. Among the aspect of law which will be focussed upon includes the formation of contract, discharge of contract, remedies for breach of contract, introduction to the law of agency, the tort of negligence and other torts relating to property.


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SGHL 1073 - Investment Valuation This subject design to give understanding, knowledge and exposure on concepts, types, objectives and investment quality, real estate investment, method of valuation for leasehold and freehold property, annual sinking fund, annual expenditures, property return analysis: Application of year purchase. SGHL 1083 - Surveying and Computation This subject focuses on matters pertaining to principles, aspects and basic techniques in data measurement, processing and presentation. The techniques in establishing the plannimetric and vertical controls as well as detail survey are discussed in this subject. Calculation of areas and volume of earthwork are also emphasized in this subject, which relates to property valuation and land development. SGHL 1093 - Town and Country Planning This course is design to give understanding, knowledge and exposure on concepts, principles and system of town and country planning applicable in Malaysia. The contents are planning concept and principles, urban history, urban development, structure and organization of town and country planning in Malaysia, planning legislation ( Act 171 and Act 172 ),development plans and plan making process. The students also will be taught about the planning control systems and the tools used to control the real estate development process. SGHL 2102 - Computer Application in LAD The main objective of this course is to give knowledge, exposure and information skill, computer technology and the usage of information technology within the land administration and development areas of studies. The main content includes data operation, data criteria, information system; computer component, software, computer networking, Internet and networking; database; ethics and safety. By the end of the course, the student should be able to understand the basic concept of computerization and its application in relation to land and property. SGHL 2113 - Applied Valuation The course intends to provide a comprehensive understanding of the various aspecats of applied valuation. Concurrently, develop theoretical knowledge and practical skill among students and prepare them the practice valuation. The course will enable student to apply valuation methods for a wide range of properties, including residential, investment, business and development by taking into account the economy, physical, regulation and other information. Further, produce and deliver valuation report. SGHL 2123 - Property Management The primary purpose of this course is to provide students the fundamental of the property management. It also includes the formation and the process in property management which leads to the formation of management plan. This also includes the pattern election and management method, strategy of property management, principle of adaptability and suitability, support service preparation and lastly the building maintenance management. SGHL 2133 - Real Estate Law This course shall touch upon the law relating to real estate, primarily in accordance with the National Land Code 1965 and the procedures in respect of it. It will addressed the alienation of land, types of titles and ownership rights on the land, land dealings, registration of dealings and introduction to strata title under the Strata Title Act 1985.


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SGHL 2143 - Database System & Management This course is designed to offer students aspects of data base management. It concentrates on the aspects of process of establishing database for land management and administration system. Conceptual framework of data base management in relation to land information system is discuss to highlight the models and attributes within the framework of internet, intranet and multimedia. Students will be equipped with fundamental of land information database management. SGHL 2153 - Property Taxation This course is designed to give the students the knowledge on valuation for the purpose of property taxation and compensation for compulsory acquisition. This include the legal aspects in property taxation and land acquisition such as rates, stamp duties, real property gains tax, development charge and principles to determine compensation as provided under the provision of relevant acts. The student will also expose to the method and procedure to value and determine the various type of property taxations and compensation. SGHL 2163 - Building Services and Maintenance The course aims at enabling students to provide competent valuation surveying and property management services which require a good understanding about essential aspects of buildings. The knowledge imparted to students covers the functions, design criteria and different types of building services, and the aspects and issues in managing the maintenance of buildings. SGHL 2173 - Building Law & Regulation This course is designed to provide students with knowledge relating to the provisions of building law and Regulations for the establishment of the strata title scheme in high rise residential building. The related issues and problems in the current strata schemes will be highlighted and discussed. Issues such as: delay in obtaining the strata titles, the determination of the subject of the strata ownership, the rights of the parcel proprietors as regards to the parcel and the common property, the allocation of the share units to parcel proprietors, the enforcement of the nancial and non nancial obligations of the parcel proprietors, the settlement of disputes and most importantly the management issues. The present National Land Code 1965 will be investigated as it provides the basis for the ownership of the subsidiary titles. The newly enacted Building and Common Property (Maintenance & Management) Act 2007 which provide for the proper maintenance and management of buildings and common property will also be discussed in detailed. By the ends of the course the students should be able to explain the provisions of the Strata Titles Act in obtaining the ownership of a parcel and the provision of the Building and Common Property (Maintenance and Management )Act 2007 for the Proper maintenance and management of building and common property; state and critically evaluate related issues and problems in the implementation of the provisions in both the Acts; to be actively involved in giving ideas and comments on selected issues related to strata scheme. SGHL 2183 - Cadastral Studies Cadastral studies is primarily concerned with laws and regulations relating to the ownership of land, including rights and interest in land, as well as eld surveys for the marking of property boundaries on the ground and the recording of such information on plans and other cadastral documentation. It is an important component of the land development (land subdivision, partition, amalgamation and surrender).


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SGHL 3203 - Real Estate Marketing and Agency This course is designed to provide students with an overview of the scope and role of Real Estate Agents in the business of property transactions, leasing, selling and buying. Emphasis will be given to the jurisdiction and function of agents in his/her approach to carry out his task as laid out by the 1981 Act. This course will also acquaint students with the basic concept and issues of consumer behavior, marketing study, market segmentation and marketing mix which is also critical to the agent’s success. SGHL 3213 - Land Development Practices Best use practices for land development involve a thorough understanding of a subject property and its surrounding environment. Good timing and instincts play important roles for success in land development project. Based on that, we try to provide student has complete knowledge of the interrelated factors that contribute to a successful land development project. This course can provide students the knowledge of planning and land development practice; physical characteristic and land suitability, local governance interaction and approvals, feasibility study and land development innovation. By the end of this course, student should discuss one issues or topic in planning and development practice. SGHL 3223 - GIS & Spatial Analysis This course presents the fundamental and basic issues in land/geographic information system. Its cover de nition, spatial data, spatial data modelling, database management, data input and editing, data analysis, analytical modelling, output, data quality and future of GIS. The course concentrate on those areas that enable students to make sense of the application of GIS, understand the theories upon which is based and appreciate how to set up and implement own GIS project. SGHL 3233 - Land Acquisition & Compensation The course is designed to teach students about the processes and procedures as well as techniques to determine the amount of compensation for development purposes. Students will learn about the purpose of compensation, its history, related procedures and forms to be lled in, parties involved and the valuation techniques to determine compensation of various types of land acquisition. In the end, students will be able to apply theories of land acquisition into practice in determining the amount of compensation for land development purposes. SGHL 3242 - Accounting & Financial Management In a world of increasingly intense competition with bankers, accountants and lawyers, property professionals need to understand the dynamics of the nance world if they are not to be poor relations. The skills of the property profession are unique but are often seen as being narrow when compared with competitors. This course provides an opportunity to understand the nancial world and how it relates to property. It will be invaluable to students wishing to learn or better understand the mechanics of property nance through project nancing eld. By the end of the course, students should be able to explain the scenario of nancial system in Malaysia and how it relates to properties development, identify the categories of nance are available in nancial market for land development project and describe the innovation in project nancing are using in current property market. Students should be also can propose one development project and choose the suitable types of debenture or equity nance for funding.


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SGHL 3193 - Urban Land Economics The primary purpose of this course is to provide students with the fundamentals of land economics which relates to location theory, land value and of urban growth. These are then examined in the context of urban land development policy in Malaysia. This course examines the impact to policies on land development and land use in Malaysia. The main discussion focuses on the usage and problem in urban land such as housing, transportation and industry and also the roles of responsible agencies for the land development. SGHL 3259 - Industrial Training Practical The objectives of the industrial training are to expose students to the various aspects of industrial practices and ethics and also to apply the training knowledge for the preparation of their nal year dissertation. The minimum duration of the training is 10 weeks, during the third year (semester III). The student is encouraged to apply for the industrial training placement on his/her own. The industrial training placement must be related with our course such as land developer, land development consultant, land of ce and so on. SGHL 3263 - Industrial Training - Seminar The purpose of the Industrial Training Seminar is to allow students to develop the necessary skills for the preparation and delivery of a professional presentation. After completed their industrial training in third year, he/ she is required to present an article in one seminar. The student should realize the importance of these seminars in furthering his/her education and development as a professional. The skills learned will assist the student in making future presentations. Some of the skills and things to be learned during preparation for the student seminar include the searching for the topic. Students are likely to discover some of the most interesting and exciting developments in their eld or related elds. SGHL 4273 - Development and Investment Appraisal Introduction to investment, investment media and objectives; direct property investment; indirect property investment; property investment nancial measures; nancing in real estate investment; property development investment and nance; cash ow construction and sensitivity analysis. SGHL 4283 - Statistics and Data Analysis This course introduces students to the fundamentals of quantitative techniques in LAD. Speci cally, the course covers the theories and applications of statistics and data analysis for the eld of LAD. SGHL 4293 - Housing Development Law The course is designed to provide knowledge theory and practical aspects of housing. The subject covers housing areas such as housing policy, agents and agencies, land supply for housing, demand and supply of housing, squatters and housing deliveries. Students will be taught to analyze housing needs and problems solutions. SGHL 4323 - Ethnics & Professional Practice The course is about the practice of land administration with reference to the processes and procedures at Land Of ces such as conversion of land use, amalgamation and planning application. In the end, students will be able to understand processes and procedures for land administration, management and development.


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SGHL 4333 - Litigation & ADR The course is concern about arbitration and dispute resolution (ADR) techniques in land administration and property development. Students will learn about concept of arbitration, appointment of arbitrator and its application related to property inheritance, rental agreement and so on. SGHL 4314 - Undergraduate Project II The course is a research project to teach students how to undertake research dissertation. Students will be supervised on a particular researchable area of study and in the end students must be able to appreciate research and prepare writing dissertation. Undergraduate Project II is a continuity of Undergraduate Project I & student should complete all the research; data collection, ndings and suggestion.

Elective Courses SGHL 4503 - Project Management This course is designed to introduce students to project management knowledge consists of project manager role, parties involved in project management, tender, contract, procurement, project lifecycle, site management, cost control and project planning and control techniques. SGHL 4513 - Corporate Land Management The course is concern about aspect of land management especially in dealing with landowners, developers, investors and government agencies. In the end, students must be able to equip themselves with principles and practices of corporate land management. SGHL 4523 - Property Finance Introduction to property development (development theory, process, timing and market), regulations and their effect on land and property development decisions (government regulations, development control, tax etc), property development investment (property investment nancial measures; nancing in real estate investment; property development investment and nance), and property development appraisal (cash ow construction and sensitivity analysis, risk analysis and return). SGHL 4533 - Rural & Regional Planning The subject gives particular emphasis on rural and regional areas as part of land resources for development. By introducing the phenomena or the situation of rural and regional planning in Malaysia certain constraints, issues, challenges and potentials can be highlighted. This will lead on matters relating to mechanisms in planning and managing land resources in the rural and regional areas. Various institution and organization involved in developing the rural and regional planning. Besides looking at Malaysia experience, experience from the other developing countries as well as the developed nation should also be brought forward. SGHL 4543 - Sustainable Development This course provides both an introduction to sustainable development, including a general approach to thinking sustainable, and a review of the principles and practices of sustainable as agreed by the international community of nations. The course will also address examples of sustainability issues in land development. By the end of the course students will be able to discuss the concept of sustainability and to apply analytical skills to assess the suitability of projects and resource use. FACULTY OF GEOINFORMATION AND REAL ESTATE

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SGHL 4553 - Islamic Land Law This course introduces the students to the sources of Islamic law, the prevailing theories of ownership, with emphasis on land ownership. The extent of individual ownership, the defeasibility of title in Islamic law, the role of the state and rights and powers vested in individual owner concerning the use, enjoyment and transfer or transmission of the property according to Islamic law and prevailing Malay custom. The power of the state: to alienate and forfeit and impose taxes. The right of individual to acquire property: grants and alienation; labour or revivi cation of wasteland and pre-emption; dealings, including transfer of titles, rights and interests through sale and purchase, tenancies, gifts intervivos and wills, charitable endowment; securities pledge, charges, jual janji; restraints on dealings; transmission and inheritance. SGHL 4563 - Environmental Management The course introduces the way to manage our environment effectively. In relation to land development, students will learn land development in the sensitive areas like beaches, hilly sites, sea front and wetlands. The way to manage our environment is by following guidelines from acts of parliaments and related circulars. Moreover, students will study techniques to undertake Environmental Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment. At the end of the course, students will be able to prepare EIA, TIA and SIA and their application within land and property development process. SGHL 4573 - Tenancy Law Introduction to the law of landlord and tenant in Malaysia, the creation of Lease and Tenancy, Types and Tenancies, the legal capacity to grant and take leases and tenancies, contents and forms of Tenancy Agreement, Right and obligations of the Parties, Termination of Tenancies. SGHL 4583 - Administrative Law This course introduces students to branches of Administrative Law which are particularly important for land administration. It includes the concept and practice of separation of powers, subsidiary legislation and the doctrine of ultra vires, administrative adjudication with special reference to the principles of natural justice, administrative powers, immunities and liabilities. By the end of the course the students must be able to explain the signi cance of administrative law for those engaged in land administration in the public sector. SGHL 4593 - Environmental Geology Geology is the study of the earth. Since the earth provides the basic physical environment in which we live. Environmental Geology is a general education that investigates the relationship between society and the geologic environment. The three areas of study will be: 1) geologic hazards such as oods, landslides, volcanoes and earthquakes; 2) geologic resources such as metals, stone, fossil fuels, and water; and, 3) environmental challenges such as waste disposal and ground water contamination. These topics willl be covered from a global perspective, paying particular attention to their importance in the Asia region. Upon completion of the course will enable the students to make informed decisions related to personal safety, real estate purchases, selecting insurance coverage, land development and intelligently vote on important issues related to earth and environment.


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GRADES AND GRADING SYSTEM Student performance in a particular subject is represented by the earned grade. The relationship between marks, grades and grade points is given in the following table: Marks


Grade Points

90 - 100



80 - 89



75 - 79



70 - 74



65 - 69



60 - 64



55 - 59



50 - 54



45 - 49



40 - 44



35 - 39



30 - 34



00 - 29



The following letter grades may also be used: TS (Tidak Selesai) Incomplete grade. An incomplete is given only when the student has been in attendance and has done satisfactory work but could not complete the course work of a particular subject or sit for the nal examination due to illness or other circumstances beyond the student’s control. HS (Hadir Sahaja) Grade for courses taken on a satisfactory attendance basis. HL (Hadir Lulus) Satisfactory grade for courses taken on a HW (Hadir Wajib) basis. HG (Hadir Gagal) Failure grade for courses taken on a HW (Hadir Wajib) basis.


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To calculate Grade Point Average (commonly referred to as a GPA) for a semester:


Compute the grade points earned in each subject, using the table above to nd the point equivalent for each grade and multiplying that grade by the number of credits for that course, then adding all resulting numbers. This is a total grade point for the semester.


Add all the attempted credits, whether a pass or fail grade - but do NOT include the credits in a course for which you have earned a TS, HG, HL or HS.


Divide the total grade point by the total number of the attempted credits (again, ignore the credits of the for HL or HS subjects), thus a Grade Point Average for the semester.

Example :




Engineering Math

2 2


Material Balance



Material Engineering








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In step 1, get the point equivalents for your grades from the chart and multiply them by the attempted credits.


Grade Points


Total Points for





Engineering Math




Material Balance




Material Engineering







Each Subject

TITAS I Then, add the total points for each subject:

8.0 + 6.0 + 8.01 + 6.0 + 6.66 = 34.67 total points In step 2, add the total credits attempted in those graded subjects: 2 (for English) + 2 (for Engineering Math) + 3 (for Material Balance) + 3 (for Material Engineering) + 2 (for TITAS I) = 12 credits attempted In step 3, divide the total grade points earned by the total graded credits (and round the results if needed): 34.67/12 = 2.89, thus your Grade Point Average for the semester (i.e. 2.89)


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To calculate a Cumulative Point Average (CPA): •

Add your total point for ALL semesters (see step 1 above).

Calculate the total number of credits attempted in All Semesters (see step 2 above).

Divide your total points for all semesters by the total credits attempted in all semesters. A student academic standing for each semester is based on the acquired CPA while the overall standing is based on the CPA as follows: Academic Standing


Kedudukan Baik (KB) Good Standing

CPA 2.00

Kedudukan Bersyarat (KS) Probation

1.70 CPA < 2.0

Kedudukan Gagal (KG) Failure

CPA < 1.70


Student with a KS status is not allowed to take more than 12 credits in the following semester.


Those who earned KS for three semesters consecutively will automatically be given an academic standing of KG and will be dismissed from the programme.


Those who earned a GPA < 1.0, with a CPA 1.70 can • continue his/her study • be asked to take the following semester off • be dismissed from the programme


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The Fa Th Facul Faculty culty ty y wishes s to th thank ank k al alll F FGHT GH GHT HT st HT s staff taff fff fo ffor or thei their heirr cont c contributions, ontrib ributi butions tions,, a and nd ass assistance sist i ttanc a ce iin anc nc completing om omp m let e ing the FGHT Undergraduate Underg Und ergra raduat rad uat ate eH Handbook andboo and an book boo k sess s session ession ion 20 2013/ 2013/2014 13/201 13/ 2014 201 4

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