Welcome to the mid-year edition of the UTAS Foundation Update. We aim to provide you
Geoffrey and Frances Tyler donated $1 million, plus their art collection to UTAS.
with an overview of the activities of the Foundation and details of how philanthropy, through generous supporters like you, is making a crucial contribution to the advancement of UTAS and the success of our students.
The Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal received over $200,000 in donations from over 900 donors.
The first half of 2011 further demonstrated the generosity of our many alumni and friends
Sandy Duncanson Social Justice Fund met its target to establish a bursary.
with continued support for University programs and appeals. An exceptional example is
22 new scholarships have been established for inaugural award in 2012.
a gift from UTAS alumnus Geoffrey and his wife, Frances. The gift from Geoffrey and Frances will establish The Tyler Collection and Fund, with
The Sue Napier Appeal is building support with over $94,000 in gifts.
significant artwork and a $1 million cash donation. The first of about 600 pieces of art were
671 alumni and friends have attended events in Hobart, Burnie, Singapore,
shown to our alumni and friends at the Plimsoll Gallery in Hobart during March. The collection
Hong Kong and London.
has been accumulated over many years by Geoffrey, who graduated from UTAS in 1949 with a Bachelor of Science.
In this edition of the Foundation Update you will find many other inspiring stories from our
Thank you to the following individual and corporate donors for their outstanding generosity to the University in making significant gifts of $100,000 and above in the first half of 2011.
benefactors and students, as well as the progress of our current appeals. Your support has ensured that our programs, such as the 2011 Annual Appeal and the Scholarships Program, have been successful and continue to provide lasting benefits. We would like to thank you, on behalf of the University and the UTAS Foundation, for your continued support.
- Geoffrey and FrancesTyler - Estate of the late Dr Kate McPherson - Australian Power Institute - Department of Premier and Cabinet
Professor Peter Rathjen
Miles Hampton
University of Tasmania
University of Tasmania Foundation
- The Nettlefold Family - BHP BillitonTEMCO
The UTAS Foundation has received $3.4 million in donations and bequests from our generous supporters.
ANNUAL APPEAL The Scholarships Program supports the University’s
The UTAS Foundation is also pleased to announce
commitment to offer students an exemplary learning
that due to the generosity of Annual Appeal donors
environment. The program provides students with
in 2010 we will be increasing the number of Annual
significant financial and academic support to study
Appeal Scholarships from one to three in 2012. There
at UTAS at a time they most need it.
will be one University-wide and two specific study area
In 2011 the UTAS Foundation established 22 new
scholarships in accounting and physics/mathematics
scholarships, bringing the number of scholarship
to honour the wishes of a major donor.
awards to over 460 provided through the generosity of individuals and organisations. The Scholarships Program showcases the important partnership between UTAS and the wider community.
The 2010 Annual Appeal was the most successful to date, raising over $150,000, with the majority of these funds directed to the Annual Appeal Scholarship and the Development Fund.
“Tas Uni STAMPS is a group
groups, small business, associations and individuals
The 2011 Annual Appeal is aiming for a similar target
of overseas students from
is invaluable to UTAS students in assisting them with
of $115,000. Up to 30 June the current Annual Appeal
Singapore, Thailand, Australia
“BHP Billiton TEMCO supports
managing the costs of living and studying.
raised $48,500. It is hoped that through further
(as that is where three of us
the University of Tasmania’s
Of particular note in the first half of 2011, the family
donations we will be able to increase the value of the
live now), Malaysia /Maldives,
Foundation and scholarship
of the late Gwen Nettlefold has endowed the Dr Gwen
Annual Appeal Scholarship to $3,500 per annum.
Philippines, Sri Lanka who
program because it invests in
Nettlefold Memorial Elite Research Scholarship to
This year we have asked a selected group of our
people of all ages to pursue
encourage mature-aged women to undertake PhD
alumni and friends to donate an amount relevant
excellence in higher education.
study in any discipline in the Faculty of Arts, with a
BHP Billiton TEMCO believes
preference for philosophy.
to their graduation year. For example, those who
that University of Tasmania
Gwen Nettlefold trained as a nurse and a naturopath,
$200.70. To date we have had representation from 1973,
graduates and the research they
and completed a Bachelor of Communications
1976, 1988, 2006, 2008 and 2010. The leading graduation
undertake will assist, change and
before embarking on her doctorate in philosophy at
year at this stage is 2008!
enhance industry throughout
the University of Tasmania. She made a significant
Tasmania, Australia and the rest
contribution to the School of Philosophy as a member
of the world.”
of staff, a colleague and undergraduate tutor.
a small token of our appreciation
Her doctoral thesis was virtually complete when
for those happy and wonderful
a brain aneurysm tragically ended her life in
years we spent at UTAS.
November 2001. The University of Tasmania awarded
Thank you, UTAS.”
The support provided by corporations, community Jessie Le Fevre, BA-BFA '14
Gary Hatfield Manager HR & Community BHP Billiton TEMCO
her doctorate posthumously in December 2002. Find out more at: www.utas.edu.au/scholarships
graduated in 2007 have been asked to donate $20.07 or
Read more at: www.utas.edu.au/annual-appeal
studied at UTAS in the 1980s. Three decades later we are still in touch with each other and regularly meet up for mini reunions. The idea to make a donation to the UTAS Annual Appeal was born when a few of us met up in Hat Yai, Thailand, in November 2010. The donation is
Indra Kuruppu GradDipLib '84
The family and friends of Leo Cooper-White, together
wife, Frances, pledged a bequest to UTAS of their
with the UTAS Foundation, are seeking support for
personal collection of art. The highlights of the
the Leo Cooper-White Memorial Scholarship Appeal,
collection include an important early Arthur Boyd,
launched in August 2011, which will establish a
a Charles Blackman and a Leonard French, among
scholarship in the performing arts.
the Australian works. Also included is a proof set of William Blake’s engraving of the Book of Job and an important and representative collection of major 20th century Romanian artists, including Geoffrey’s good friend Corneliu Petrescu. Geoffrey and Frances Tyler also provided a gift of $1 million to the UTAS Foundation.
purchases.” Geoffrey Tyler Alumnus BSc '49
of the SVPA feel his loss very deeply. He had become a friend and close companion to many and continues continuing their studies.
the future.
that, inter alia, will finance future
Leo’s family and the small and close-knit community
enduring way to make a difference to the lives to donate our art collection
Collection, together with a fund
On 18 March 2011, Leo’s life was cut short in a tragic accident.
to be a source of inspiration to the students who are
of students and the UTAS community well into
University of Tasmania Fine Art
School of Visual and Performing Arts (SVPA).
A bequest or a gift provided in your will is an “My wife and I have undertaken over time to become part of the
Leo (pictured right) was a third-year student at the
In the months since Leo’s death, there have been many memorials, tributes and remembrances. Leo’s family
Your bequest can be dedicated for any purpose you
and the SVPA are seeking to remember Leo and his
wish which assists UTAS. For example, it could be to
contribution to the School by supporting students
develop an area of study, provide a named scholarship
who are following similar passions to Leo with a
or invest in an area of importance to you. Alternatively,
your bequest can be unrestricted, with the use of the gift for areas of greatest need to be determined by the University.
“Leo affected my life in a profound way and he was a friend I was always happy to see no matter what. I really looked up to him and felt he was wise beyond me. It is clear that for many he meant the same and more. I have no doubt that memories of Leo will go on changing the world for
When you donate to this appeal, you will be supporting
the better.”
the establishment of a scholarship dedicated to
Joseph Shrimpton, BA '13
students studying performing arts at the UTAS School
For more information about leaving a bequest to the
of Visual and Performing Arts. We are aiming to raise
UTAS Foundation visit:
$30,000, which the UTAS Foundation has agreed to
match dollar for dollar to a total of $60,000, to endow an annual scholarship in Leo’s name. Find out more at: www.utas.edu.au/foundation/donate
There has been a dramatic increase in the rate of a number of diseases around the world.
In 2010, the University officially opened a new $58 million world-class medical research and
More and more people are dying too early and suffering too long from diseases such as cancer,
clinical facility, known as Medical Science 1 (MS1).
heart disease, dementia and diabetes. This world health epidemic will grow even larger and more expensive to address if we do not tackle it.
After four years of sustained planning, development and fundraising, stage two of Menzies Research Institute Tasmania’s world-class research and clinical facilities is under way.
NOW IS THE TIME. There is a real opportunity for us to improve and save the lives of many
At an estimated cost of $90 million, the Medical Science 2 (MS2) facility will enable Menzies to
people across the globe. We have the means within our grasp to make this vision of a healthier
further expand its highly innovative research program, make more discoveries, and intensify the
future a reality.
pace of turning its discoveries into better treatments and health practices for the community.
Now is the time to double our efforts and confront this problem as a matter of urgency. MENZIES RESEARCH INSTITUTE TASMANIA (Menzies) is first and foremost about improving the health of people and saving lives. Menzies is renowned internationally for its innovative research utilising the unique competitive advantages Tasmania offers, including our small island geography, stable population and our extensive genealogical records. Menzies is at the forefront in the fight against disease and intensely committed to this global call for action through ongoing advancements in research excellence. Today Menzies is working on a number of diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease, dementia, lung disease, multiple sclerosis, malaria, osteoporosis, asthma, diabetes, mental health and many more. Menzies’ record of research achievement includes discovering:
The following funding ($70 million) is already in place: • University of Tasmania: $15 million • State Government of Tasmania: $10 million • Commonwealth Government of Australia: $45 million. Recently, The Atlantic Philanthropies pledged $10 million to the Building Healthier Lives campaign, subject to Menzies Research Institute Tasmania raising $5 million in local philanthropic gifts. In addition, the State Government of Tasmania has pledged to match the $5 million raised by Menzies Research Institute Tasmania. This will provide the outstanding $20 million required to reach our $90 million target.
• The link between babies’ sleeping position and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
The matching grant from The Atlantic Philanthropies will also create a world first. For the
• Platelets found in the blood kill the malaria parasite during the early stages of a
first time in Australia, the Founding Chairman of The Atlantic Philanthropies, Chuck Feeney,
malarial infection
has offered his personal support, as well as that of his staff, in helping us raise the $5 million
• Seven genetic markers linked to men’s risk of developing prostate cancer
needed in local philanthropic support.
• Higher vitamin D levels are associated with a lower relapse risk in multiple sclerosis
For more information on the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania and the campaign, visit:
• Nerve cells in undamaged parts of the brain can remodel themselves in response to
acquired brain injury.
“Health and medical research is a powerful investment and one that has delivered immense
“I cannot think of a more personally rewarding and appropriate use of wealth than to
benefits to us all – our families and our friends – through better health and health care.
give while one is living – to personally devote oneself to meaningful efforts to improve
The truth is medical research is the first step in making the vision of a healthier future a reality.”
the human condition.”
Professor Simon Foote, Director, Menzies Research Institute Tasmania, DSc '10
Chuck Feeney, Founding Chairman, The Atlantic Philanthropies, Major Supporter of the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania
Sue Napier herself started the ball rolling on this vision
Support for the Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal in the
with a generous donation to the UTAS Foundation.
first half of 2011 was pleasing. Your gifts assist us in
Sue (pictured left) wished to continue her passion for education by establishing support for practising teachers to develop their skills through postgraduate study. In March 2011, Sue’s family, friends and academic colleagues took up her idea by initiating an appeal, supported by the UTAS Foundation, to raise funds for the Sue Napier Postgraduate Fellowship in Education Trust Fund.
The main focus of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program is to monitor the devil population, investigate the disease, manage the impact of the disease in the wild and build and maintain an insurance population of healthy devils. This year we have seen increases in the number of new corporate donors and individual donors as well as increases in the size of donations. Our supporters are also getting involved online with new initiatives such as the Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal website,
Tasmanian community. To date, support has been
Facebook and email subscriptions.
overwhelming with donations nearing $64,000.
In April the Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal
The UTAS Foundation has agreed to support this
announced a new partnership with Collins Debden,
initiative by matching every dollar donated to the
the inherent value of education
fellowship, driving the actual total raised to almost
was one of her most outstanding
$128,000. More donations are needed to realise the
attributes and the fellowship
goal of providing $6,000 each year to support teachers
will be a wonderful opportunity
awarded the fellowship.
for recipients to carry on the
Find out more at:
passion Sue held for education
The Honourable Will Hodgman MP GradCertLegalPrac '94, BA-LLB '93
our aim to see Tasmanian devils thriving in the wild.
Our goal initially was to raise $75,000 from the
“Sue’s steadfast commitment to
and learning.”
including a major calendar of activities over 2011. Keep an eye out for the range of Collins Debden ‘Save the Tasmanian Devil’ merchandise appearing in major retail stores throughout Australia soon. During June, Virgin Australia supported the national roll-out of the appeal’s coin collection sculptures. The sculptures were recently redecorated by Tasmanian school children as part of the appeal’s new ‘Kids Club’. Virgin Australia is also promoting the appeal through in-flight entertainment, reaching 40,000 travellers per day for 12 months. Thank you to all of our donors for their commitment to saving the Tassie devil! For more information go to: www.utas.edu.au/foundation/devil
In the first half of 2011, donations totalling $200,963 were received from 948 gifts. The appeal needs further support if it is to achieve its target for 2011 of $500,000.
Generous gifts to the Sandy Duncanson Social Justice
The 2011 UTAS Foundation Awards
Fund have realised the dream of Sandy’s close family
Dinner was a great success. Over 520
and friends to establish a bursary to provide students
people joined Vice-Chancellor Professor
the means to pursue their own passion for social justice.
Peter Rathjen at his inaugural UTAS
At 30 June the Appeal had almost reached its goal of
event at Wrest Point, Hobart.
$30,000 with 262 gifts from 193 donors. With matched
The event celebrated excellence,
funds from the UTAS Foundation the total raised
innovation and participation at UTAS
came to $59,800 and matched funds will continue to
by showcasing the achievements
double gifts until the end of December 2011. The bursary is now open for applications through the UTAS Scholarships Program for award in 2012. There is continued support from the Tasmanian, interstate and international community with donations from all corners of Australia and the US.
of scholarship students and acknowledging the generous support of our donors. The evening highlights the outstanding and inspirational achievements of UTAS alumni. The outstanding careers
Additional support will increase the bursary to assist
of Professor Ross Large and Reverend
students in pursuing social justice. If you would like
Professor Michael Tate AO were jointly
“The Sandy Duncanson Social
to support this appeal or find out more visit:
recognised and honoured as
Justice Fund has allowed me to
UTAS Distinguished Alumni,
while the Premier of Tasmania,
social justice. The annual public
Thanks to the generosity of the family and friends of
lecture and bursary will help
Dr Leon Wescombe, this fund has reached over
UTAS Foundation Graduate Award.
spark a passionate interest
$150,000 including matching funds from the UTAS
in social justice within UTAS
Foundation. Over 175 gifts have been received from
Dinner was made possible by our
students for decades to come.
136 donors to this fund.
Gold Sponsors BHP Billiton TEMCO
I am extremely proud to have
The Dr Leon Wescombe Memorial Fund will be used
help Sandy inspire students and continue his quest for greater
been able to play a part in helping to continue Sandy’s legacy.” Associate Professor
to support research into cystic fibrosis at the Menzies Research Institute Tasmania. The Dr Leon Wescombe Scholarship will be available to award to an
Rick Snell
Honours student in 2012.
MA '93, BA(Hons) '82,
If you would like to make a gift to the Dr Leon
BA-LLB '81
Wescombe Memorial Fund visit: www.utas.edu.au/foundation/donate
Lara Giddings, was awarded the
The 2011 UTAS Foundation Awards
Community Foundation, Clemenger Tasmania and MMG Rosebery and Silver Sponsors Wrest Point, Forestry Tasmania, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) and Riversdale Estate (wine sponsor). Read more at: www.utas.edu.au/foundation
“My first engagement as Vice-Chancellor was the UTAS Foundation Awards Dinner where I was heartened to observe the closeness of the UTAS community. Tasmanians, and UTAS graduates, have a deep affection for the University, manifested in the warm reception I received from alumni that evening and those that I have met subsequently. In turn, of course, the University takes great pride in the accomplishments and contributions of its graduates. Together there is much that we can do to improve the educational experience of current and future generations, to contribute to intellectual, cultural and economic advancement, and to give back to the community that continues to support our endeavours.” Professor Peter Rathjen Vice-Chancellor
THE UTAS FOUNDATION The UTAS Foundation is the vital fundraising arm of the University. Our activities aim to ensure UTAS remains a vibrant institution – a leader in education that produces quality graduates and research connected to the businesses and industries of Tasmania, Australia and the world.
There are approximately 52,000 alumni with whom we are in touch around the world.
Gifts to the Foundation promote excellence, innovation and participation at UTAS.
The University continues to engage with them through its biannual Alumni News magazine,
Many deserving students benefit from gifts to the UTAS Foundation and the support from
a monthly emailed newsletter and a host of networking events.
our alumni and friends is essential for the University to continue to fulfil its mission as
As a graduate or friend of the University, you may receive the monthly newsletter, and attend these events. Email Alumni.Office@utas.edu.au to be put on mailing lists.
UPCOMING EVENTS IN 2011 21 September:
Launceston alumni function, Tailrace Centre, Riverside
22 September:
Canberra dinner, Boat House by the Lake, Barton
21 October:
Kuala Lumpur dinner
24 October:
Kuching dinner
29 October:
Medicine 25-year reunion, Hobart
3 November:
Hobart alumni function, Cascade Brewery
16 November:
UTAS Alumni AGM, Launceston
24 November:
50+ Club lunch, Henry Jones Art Hotel, Hobart
25 November:
Christ College reunion dinner, Hobart
For more information visit www.utasalumni.org.au
Tasmania’s university and enable it to make a significant contribution to the cultural, economic and social development of the state.
GIVING TO THE FOUNDATION The main ways you can support the Foundation include: • A general donation that will be directed to the Development Fund which supports areas of most need within the University • A direct donation of money for scholarships, research activities or facilities • An outright gift, which may include assets, annuities, life assurance policies, shares, property, works of art or anything of enduring value • A bequest made through a will and directed to the University of Tasmania through the University of Tasmania Foundation. A bequest can be made as a specific sum of money, a percentage or residue of an estate, real estate, shares, securities, etc. Giving can, in most cases, be tailored to the requirements and circumstances of each donor. If you have special requirements you can discuss them confidentially with a representative of the Foundation.
Contact details Email: university.foundation@utas.edu.au Web:
Phone: +61 3 6226 1920 Fax:
+61 3 6226 2130
Post: UTAS Foundation Private Bag 40 Hobart Tasmania 7001 Australia