1 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Who are we? Working together to enrich our student’s experiences.
It is Student Services vision to be recognised as a world leader in the delivery of student centred services, in a Higher Education environment which values first class education, research and enterprise.
2 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
This document forms an executive summary of the statistical data collected during the academic year 20102011 (August 2010—July 2011). The report is divided into three distinct chapters: 1.) Service Delivery— What the department does to support students e.g. the number of interactions with students, students supported each month, etc. 2.) Cost of Service—What it costs to provide services. This can be divided into the cost of staff time incurred delivering services and the non staff costs of providing services: · Staff (resource) commitment · Financial cost 3.) Quality of Service—How well services are provided. This is determined from the following sources: · Customer/Stakeholder Feedback · Benchmarking · Quality Assurance Exercises
3 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Student Services Departmental Statistics 4 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Safeguarding The University of Southampton has a safeguarding policy in order to highlight reporting lines with any concern regarding these groups. Student Services owns this process and monitors safeguarding activity to ensure continual development. It is important to note that the statistics presented here do not include all referrals made from faculties or other University sources. Table 1: Reported safeguarding incidents Total Safeguarding Cases
Total Safeguarding Cases reported to external agencies Total Safeguarding Cases reported to ISA
2 0
Discipline Student Services give advice to the faculties on breaches of discipline regulations. Where the matter is ‘serious’ it is referred to the Committee of Student Discipline chaired by a Pro Vice Chancellor or Dean. These cases are managed either by Chair’s action or by the full Committee. A record of these cases and the outcomes are kept by Student Services. Table 2: Discipline Cases
Chairs Action Committee of Student Discipline Managed in Faculty
12 2 14
Fitness to Study Higher Education institutions are required to respond appropriately where visible signs of illness are having a profoundly disturbing impact on individual students and on the wellbeing of others around them. They have to be assessed on their fitness to study/practice. This is delivered through a clear fitness to study policy. The University is committed to maintaining students’ wellbeing and the policy provides the procedure used to support students and staff when a student becomes unwell and/or presents a risk to self and/or others. Students may be suspended under grounds of Fitness to Study. However, it is usual that the student would be facilitated in their return to the University following a period of rest or treatment.
Table 3: Fitness to Study Fitness to Study Cases Withdrawn Cases Terminated study Return to Study ‐ Oct 2011 (10) & Feb 2012 (1)
13 1 1 11
5 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Education Support 6 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Introduction to Education Support Education Support provides a range of services to support students with specific short or long term needs:
Enabling Services provides students disability advice and support, mentoring and ancillary learning support such as note takers;
Needs Assessment Centre provides specialist assessments for students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties;
Dyslexia Services provide support to students with Dyslexia or other Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) such as dyspraxia or dyscalculia.
Education support fund the delivery of these services through two funding streams: 1.
Widening Participation Disabled Student Allowance
2. Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) Widening Participation The Higher Education Funding Council England (HEFCE) allocate funding to all HE institutions based on the number of students who receive the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA). The total fund HEFCE allocate across the Higher Education sector is £13.3million. In 2010/11 the University of Southampton received £260,104 which was directly allocated to academic schools through the SRAM, with the intent to widen access and improve provision for disabled students. The below table shows the pro-rata allocation of these funds to each school: Table 4: HEFCE pro‐rata allocation by academic school
Academic School
Pro Rata Allocation (£)
Art, WSA
Biological Sciences
Civil Engineering and the Environment
Electronics and Computer Science
Engineering Sciences
Foundation Year
Health Sciences
Ocean & Earth Science
£15,405 7
Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Social Sciences
Sound & Vibration Research, Institute
This funding is ring-fenced with an expectation that each school will pay local costs associated with their students. The use of the above funds varies within each school, with the student’s experience varying as a result. Disabled Student Allowance (DSA) UK students who have a disability, ongoing health condition, mental health condition or specific learning difficult can apply to their local funding body e.g. Student Finance England for a grant to pay for the additional support required during their studies. The DSA grant can be used to help pay for:
Specialist equipment and support
Non-medical helpers such as note takers
Additional travel costs incurred due to the disability
To provide evidence to the funding body of a disability, students need to submit a report detailing recommendations of the support they need. Students are able to obtain this report by attending an assessment or diagnosis by an accredited assessment centre or provider. The cost of providing the needs assessment is claimed through the individuals DSA at a price of £565 to the funding body. It is important that students register for DSA support to help Student Services fund their support services. Student Population The table below shows the number of students who declared a disability at the point of applying to the University; it does not reflect the number of students who declared disability who were registered and attending. 47% of the students are from four Schools, i.e. Art (Winchester School of Art), Education, Health Sciences, and Humanities. Table 5: Disability/specific learning difficulty declared on application to University
2010‐11 Percentage
Art, WSA
Biological Sciences
Civil Engineering & the Environment
Electronics & Computer Science
Engineering Sciences
Engineering, Science & Mathematics
Health Sciences
Physics & Astronomy
1.7 8
Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Ocean & Earth Science
Social Sciences
Sound & Vibration Research, Institute
International Students No funding is provided to support international students with disabilities. International students are not eligible for DSA funding and the University receives no widening participation funding as a consequence. Despite the lack of funding, International students have access to the same support services as UK students, but at a direct cost to Student Services.
9 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Dyslexia Services Dyslexia Services provide support to students with Dyslexia or other Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD) such as dyspraxia or dyscalculia. Students who think they might have dyslexia or other SpLD register with Dyslexia Services at the University. If the student does not already have a full diagnostics report at post 16 they undertake a screening, which involves an online test, checklist and interview. If it is identified through screening that the student is ‘at risk’ they are then offered a full diagnostic assessment, which is carried out by a consultant educational psychologist or specialist University of Southampton employed Dyslexia Tutor. At the end of the assessment a full report is provided which UK students can submit to their funding body to secure DSA funding.
Table 6: Dyslexia Statistics
Dyslexia Screenings Dyslexia Assessments New Students Registering with the Service Dyslexia Tutorials % of Tutorials Delivered by Dyslexia Tutor
2008/09 294 303 294 1160 81%
2009/10 284 254 268 911 85%
2010/11 275 293 127 1049 85%
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 ‐3.2% 15.4% ‐52.6% 15.1% 0.0%
Graph 1: Breakdown of Dyslexia Assessments Delivered by Assessor Type 2010‐11
Graph 2: Number of one‐to‐one Dyslexia Tutorials Delivered by Month
10 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Student Services moved towards delivery of Dyslexia Tutorials in groups instead of on a one-to-one basis. Tutorials were offered to students throughout the year on different days and times to meet various study patterns. Each session was delivered by a specialist University of Southampton employed Dyslexia Tutor to a maximum of 12 attendees. Graph 3: Breakdown of the number of group Dyslexia Tutorials delivered by month
Graph 4: Breakdown of student attendance at group Dyslexia Tutorials by month
The average attendance in group dyslexia tutorials in 2010/11 was 12 attendees. The goal in the 2011-12 year is to provide the group Dyslexia tutorials on a consistent basis throughout the year.
11 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Enabling Services Service Delivery Enabling Services, in 2010-11, consisted of three teams: the Disability Advice and Support Team, Mentoring and the Ancillary Learning Support Service. Enabling Services aims to support students to take part as fully and as equitably as possible in every aspect of university life - not just in academic activities. The support provided by Enabling Services is highly dependent on the particular needs of the individual student. The level of support to which each student is entitled varies largely upon the recommendation made by their Needs Assessor. The Ancillary Learning Support (ALS) Service organises note takers, general assistants, library assistants, buddies and lab assistants for students who require additional support during their lectures and academic studies. The table below shows the combined hours of ALS support provided and the total number of students supported.
Table 7: ALS Support Number of Hours of ALS Support Students Supported by ALS (Max per month)
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 % Variance 09/10 to 10/11 6,045 4,575 6,614 44.6% 41 39 47 20.5%
When students apply to the University of Southampton, if they declare they have a disability, they are contacted by the University in one of three ways. For students with severe disabilities they are invited to a prospective face-to-face interview; intermediate cases are offered a telephone interview; and for less severe cases students are sent a welcome pack. The purpose of these meetings is to help the University understand the needs of its prospective student group so that they can make necessary adjustments prior to arrival in line with its legal obligation to carry out its ‘anticipatory duty’ (UK Disability Discrimination Act) Table 8: Prospective Student Support
Face‐to‐Face Interview Telephone Interview Sent a Welcome Pack
2010/11 86 1 400
The Mentoring team provided study support for students who have health problems including chronic medical conditions and mental health difficulties. Support was tailored to meet the individual needs of each student including helping them to organise, plan and manage their study time. The table below shows the number of students who were referred to mentoring and the number of mentoring hours provided in one-to-one tutorials.
Table 9: Mentoring Support Mentoring Referrals Hours of Mentoring Provided
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 % Variance 09/10 to 10/11 ‐30.0% 284 257 180 ‐10.7% 5,140 5,188 4,633
As outlined in page 10 of this report Student Services provide support for both UK and International students. International Students are not eligible for the Disabled Students Allowance and therefore the cost of supporting International Students is a direct cost to the University. The two graphs on the next page show the number of hours mentoring support provided to UK and International student groups. 12 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Graph 5: Number of hours of mentoring delivered by month – UK Students
Graph 6: Number of hours of mentoring delivered by month – International Students
The mentoring support services usage for UK students shows an increase in the times during increased assignment deadlines and exam periods. The mentoring support service peaks are similar for International students, though with less of an increase for International students prior to summer exams than UK students in 2010-11.
13 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Needs Assessment Centre The Needs Assessment Centre provides specialist assessments for students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties. Each assessment identifies the student’s disability within the context of their main study activities. At the end of each assessment recommendations are made, which include ICT equipment, training, study aids and specialist support. UK students are able to submit these recommendations to apply for DSA.
Service Delivery Table 10: Number of Needs Assessments Performed during the Year
Number of Needs Assessments Performed
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 % Variance 09/10 to 10/11 2,032 1,996 2,114 5.9%
Graph 7: Number of Needs Assessments Performed by month – year on year comparison
Students who require specialist IT equipment to support their studies, for example specialist hardware or software, receive one-to-one ICT training to ensure they make best use of the equipment provided. 2010/11 saw the Needs Assessment Centre focus on delivery of ICT training which included increased marketing and a dedicated resource person who was responsible for coordination of ICT and other training offerings.
Table 11: Number of Hours of ICT Training Number of hours of ICT Training
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 % Variance 09/10 to 10/11 737 529 666 25.9%
14 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
This focus has seen an increase in training by 25.9% which is clearly illustrated in the next graph. Graph 8: Number of hours of ICT Training per month – Year on Year Comparison
The Assistive Technology Service is a resource available for students at the University who have any type of disability or specific learning difficulty. The service provides accessible software on computers and a facility for individual training about how that software works to enhance the student’s learning ability. Accessible computers are available at every campus and training can be booked via the University’s Needs Assessment Centre.
Graph 9: Number of newly registered students with ATS by month – year on year comparison
Cost of Service The table below shows Needs Assessment Centre’s turnover for 2010/11 compared to the same period last year. This year has seen an increase in turnover and a reduction in expenditure resulting in a contribution to University bottom line. 15 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Table 12: Needs Assessment Turnover – year on year comparison
Needs Assessment Turnover Needs Assessment Expenditure
2009/10 2010/11 % Variance 09/10 to 10/11 £1,100,763 £1,236,890 12.4% ‐20.9% £741,960 £587,158
Quality of Service In order to comply with Quality Assurance Criteria, the Needs Assessment Centre must meet certain Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). A key KPI measured by the Quality Audit Group (QAG) is the time taken from initial student contact to the completion of a Needs Assessment. The target states that Assessment Centres must deliver an assessment within 15 working days of a student’s first contact. Graph 10: Percentage of Assessments delivered within 15 working days of first contact
The average percentage of assessments delivered within 15 days of first contact was 89%.
16 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Student Services Centre
17 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Introduction to Student Services Centre The Student Services Centre comprises four teams providing advice, information and guidance to students:
Student Advisory Team
Financial Information and Assistance
Career Destinations
Visa Guidance
Student Advisory Team (SAT) SAT are the first point of contact for providing information on services such as accommodation, fees, enrolment, exams, graduation and ID services. Students can contact SAT by email, telephone or by visiting the Student Services Centre (building 37). SAT work very closely with a number of other University teams and are responsible for processing fee and accommodation payments as well as signposting students to these other services. All interactions are captured on the teams Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system to ensure high quality customer service. Financial Information and Assistance (FIA) FIA provide advice, information and guidance to students on a range of financial issues including student loans and information on finances that may be available for students having difficulty in meeting their living or course costs. Access to Learning Fund (ALF) The Access to Learning Fund (ALF) is discretionary financial support for those students who are able to demonstrate genuine financial hardship. It is a Government fund that is administered by FIA according to strict guidelines. It is intended to help students who have made adequate plans to cover their living expenses but through unforeseen circumstances are in financial hardship that would, without help, force them to withdraw from their studies. ALF can be used to help with living costs including childcare, disability, travel, accommodation, household expenses, books and course equipment. Full-time ‘home’ undergraduate and postgraduate students and part-time students studying at least 50% of a full-time course can apply if they have taken advantage of all other funding available to them. Eligible students apply by attending an interview with FIA and submitting financial documentation for review. Students will either be provided a grant or a short term loan. Studentships Postgraduate students can apply for a studentship to fund them undertaking research leading to the award of a PhD. Postgraduate students must apply to each of their academic schools for assessment for funding. FIA administer the payment of these awards to students on a quarterly basis. Bursaries Careleavers Bursary This bursary is designed to help UK students who have been in care or been in a Foyer Institution, i.e. those without family to help them with educational costs. This bursary is automatically calculated and assessed by FIA and paid to eligible students. University of Southampton Bursary This bursary is designed to help UK undergraduate students with the most financial need. Students are eligible to apply if their household income is less than £40,000 a year with a bursary weighting depending on this income. This bursary is automatically calculated and assessed by FIA and paid to eligible students in January. 18 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Bursary Up to 120 bursaries are offered to students who have attended an FE college or school sixth form in Hampshire or the Isle of Wight and/or students who are living in the area prior to attending the University. These bursaries are allocated on a competitive basis with students applying to FIA. Career Destinations Career Destinations partner with employers and University staff to deliver a wide range of activities, which enhance the employability and career management attributes of current students and alumni. Career Management Agreements A CMA agreement is a service level arrangement between Career Destinations and each academic unit detailing how, together, students can be best supported in accessing a full range of opportunities to enable them to become an effective citizen, graduate and employee. Each academic unit works with a specific team member to negotiate a unique agreement; tailored to complement their academic programmes through delivery of career related workshops and presentations from a menu of over 30 activities. Career Destinations Events Calendar Career Destinations organises over 200 events annually, designed to assist students and graduates with their career planning. Events range from Speed Networking to Boot Camp and Business Simulation sessions to CV and Mock Interview Clinics. They provide an opportunity for students to hone their employability skills, have a 1:1 chat with a major graduate recruiter about career aspirations, or to learn more about their organization. Student attendance is captured at all events using card readers. One-to-one appointments In 2010/11, Career Destinations offered students and alumni dedicated one-to-one appointments on CV and application advice and quick queries. Each student was entitled to two of each appointment type per year. Students book appointments online via the Career Destination student portal or by contacting Career Destinations directly. In May 2010, Education Committee endorsed the move away from 1:1 development in favour of Group Development within Career Destinations in order to support the Education Strategic Plan. One of the guiding principles within the Student Services restructure has been to ensure resilience to changing customer demands and student needs, and ensuring delivery to an increasing student cohort by providing group support rather than 1:1 delivery where appropriate. It’s recognised that within Faculties, 1:1 CV appointments may still be required, and these will continue to be offered via Career management Agreements. Graduate Passport The Graduate Passport recognises and rewards students for activities outside of their degree programme. The programme is managed using a point- based system where students select activities and packages to complete in order to meet the 200 point completion mark. Visa Guidance The team provide free and confidential information, advice and guidance via telephone, email or face-to-face appointment on:
Applying to extend Tier 4 student visas and submitting it through the Student Batch Scheme (a specialist section at the UK Border Agency (UKBA) for postal student applications)
Applying to extend Tier 2 visas for staff
Advice and guidance on renewing visas for family and dependents
Help and advice if visas are incorrect 19
Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Advice on working during studies and how changes in personal circumstances can affect existing visas
Advice on working in the UK after studies
Support on registering with the police
Help if the application is refused
Each application takes an average of 3 months to complete.
20 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Student Advisory Team (SAT) Service Delivery Table 13: ID Card Creation
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 % Variance 09/10 to 10/11 11,745 13,081 14,234 8.8%
ID Cards Created
It is important to note that 2009/10 statistics did not include ID cards made for University of Southampton Staff, old alumni or post qualifying online admissions system (POAS) students. These cards are included in 2010/11 data. Table 14: Interaction Methods
2008/09 110,254 36,563 21,571 20,022
Total Interactions Recorded Face to Face Interactions Telephone Interactions Email Interaction
2009/10 114,050 35,930 21,206 20,182
2010/11 112,177 35,968 21,931 20,760
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 ‐1.6% 0.1% 3.4% 2.9%
Overall interactions were down in 2010/11 compared to the same period last year. 11% of all interactions are captured with the method as ‘unknown’, a 1% reduction on last year. The table below shows the top 5 query types during these interactions and the percentage of overall interactions this query type contributed during the year.
Table 15: Top 5 Interactions by Query Type
1 2 3
2009/10 ID Cards (26.06%) Fees (23.94%) Other Reason (19.4%) Accommodation ‐ Halls 4 (11.10%) 5 Financial Information (8.68%)
2010/11 Fees (28.45%) ID Cards (26.81%) Other Reason (15.73%) Financial Information (7.05%) Visa (6.52%)
The number of interactions captured under ‘other reason’ has reduced by 3.67% year on year. The number of interaction types available within the Customer Relationship Management system which records interactions has now been rationalised to further support a reduction in the number of interactions captured under this category. Reviewing the trend of interactions over the course of a year it shows that interactions in September and October 2010 were higher than during the same period in 2009. Overall interaction numbers are balanced out by a reduction in interactions during the March and April 2011 period. This is more clearly shown in the next graph.
21 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Graph 11: Number of interactions by month – year on year comparison
Quality of Service This year the team have handled 20,760 emails, a 2.9% increase on the previous year. On average across the year emails have been responded to within 2.58 working days compared with 4.25 days last year. As expected, peak demand is in line with the academic cycle at the start of the academic year when students pay their fees and complete one off activities such as picking up their ID card. A second peak occurs when the second instalment of tuition and accommodation fees is due and when students have exam queries. The impact of this peak on response times is far less than in 2009/10.
Graph 12: Modal (the most common) response time to emails in days – year on year comparison
22 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
The waiting time before calls are answered by the team has decreased year on year. Graph 13: Mean waiting time before calls are answered by the team in seconds – year on year comparison
Dropped calls are defined as a caller hanging up when trying to contact the SAT team. The graph below shows the percentage of dropped calls in 2010/11 which is 4% higher than last year. From February 2011 the team also collected data to shown the amount of time a call is on hold before a call is dropped. This information is shown in Table 16.
Graph 14: Percentage of dropped calls
Table 16: Time caller is on hold before they drop the call 0 ‐ 30 seconds 30s ‐ 1 minute 1 ‐ 2 minutes 2 ‐ 3 minutes 3 ‐ 4 minutes 4 ‐ 5 minutes 5 ‐ 6 minutes
Feb 124 26 29 20 17 6 73
Mar 106 16 19 7 7 7 35
Apr 101 20 22 4 7 4 41
May 167 45 41 30 22 6 120
Jun 136 33 56 22 21 12 123
Jul 266 141 132 61 45 24 362
This data will continue to be captured during 2011/12.
23 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Financial Information and Assistance Service Delivery Table 17: Financial Information and Assistance – year on year comparison
Total ALF Awards Non Standard ALF Awards Standard ALF Awards ALF Loans Issued Students Interviewed for ALF Studentships Paid
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 437 97 340 112 1,018 5,645
358 32 326 157 583 6,399
172 39 133 96 652 7,418
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 ‐52.0% 21.9% ‐59.2% ‐38.9% 11.8% 15.9%
The reduction in the number of ALF loans issued can be linked to the need in 2009/10 to offer loans to students during delays in receiving their student loans from Student Finance England at the start of the academic year. These issues were not replicated in 2010/11 and therefore less loan payments were required. Graph 15: ALF Awards Paid by month – year on year comparison
At the start of the year when the student demand for ALF awards is unknown, a cap is in place on each award to ensure there is enough money for any urgent cases towards the end of the year. Depending on the needs of each applicant they are given 60% or 90% of the ALF award. When the overall demand for the year is known, ALF awards can be recalculated. This year all ALF awards were recalculated which resulted in each individual receiving 100% awards.
24 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Graph 16: ALF Budget Spent as a percentage of total budget month by month (cumulative)
Unlike 2009/10 the ALF budget spending was more evenly spread across the academic year. The reason why uptake on ALF loans was lower in 2010/11 is unknown. FIA sent emails to all students throughout the year promoting the offering and next year will be using podcasts to further promote the financial support available. Graph 17: ALF Budget Spent by Month – year on year comparison
The table below shows the number of bursary payments processed by the team during the year. Table 18: Number of bursaries processed by type
Careleavers Bursary (£1000) Isle of Wight Bursary (£1200) Higher Rate University of Southampton Bursary (£1250) Lower Rate University of Southampton Bursary (£625) PGCE Student Payments (£319)
2009/10 23 102 2528 835 91
2010/11 18 203 2581 1181 197 25
Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Quality of Service For 2010/11, Financial Information and Assistance (FIA) have captured statistics to show the quality of service offered to University of Southampton students. This is demonstrated in three ways: 1.
The average number of days students wait for an ALF interview after contacting the team (target is five working days)
2. The average number of days to process the ALF application form through to payment stage (Target is 95% of payments within 10 working days) 3. The average number of days to process the ALF payment (Target is 80% of completed applications processed within five working days) Table 19: Average number of days to process ALF
Average number of days until Interview Average number of days to process application Average number of days to process payment
Actual 3.77 8.88 5.14
KPI Goal 5 10 5
The FIA team met or exceeded the majority of their 2010-11 Key Performance Indicators related to the quality of service offered to students, providing their services within student-friendly response times.
26 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Career Destinations Service Delivery Career Destination offered 1:1 appointments with specialist career advisors. CV and Application appointments provide students and alumni with a 15 minute appointment to support their application whilst Guidance Interviews offer students 30 minutes to discuss their career plans and receive guidance on how to achieve their career aspirations. In November, Career Destinations stopped the delivery of Guidance interviews and replaced these with quick query appointments. These appointments provide a 15 minute 1:1 appointment which provides advice and guidance on any career related question or ambition. Table20: Number of 1:1 appointments delivered by type
CV & Application Advice Guidance Interview Quick Query Total
2008/09 1,452 1,782 NA 3,234
2009/10 1,341 910 NA 2,251
2010/11 1,216 193 729 2,138
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 ‐9.3% ‐78.8% NA ‐5.0%
The number of fulfilled 1:1 appointments has decreased this year as the team focus on the delivery of group sessions instead. The team successfully delivered 66 group sessions this year. Table 21: Group events
CV Workshop (max 24 attendees) Interview Workshop
Number of events 55 11
Number of attendees 437 103
In addition to appointments Career Destination run a number of other events designed to develop the skills needed in today’s job market. Events are run by both Career Destinations staff and Employers from recruiting organisations. Table 22: Career Destinations Events by Event Type
Event Type Employer Facilitated Mock Interview Career Destinations Tour Career Destinations Facilitated Business Simulation Career Panels Volunteering Training Careers Fairs
Number of events 108 20 52 91 3 3 49 3
Number of attendees 3073 51 214 1626 105 134 838 1950
Attendance at Employer led sessions varies depending on the session topic and the employer. It is not uncommon for some employers to run an event where the student attendance is in single figures. Career Destinations is continuing to review events to ensure that attendance can be increased in all sessions.
27 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Career Destinations source placement opportunities for students during their holidays and upon graduation. Often these placements are part funded by Career Destinations with positions offered in local, national and international organisations.
Table 23: Placement Programmes
Opportunities ‐ UG Opportunities ‐ PG Opportunities ‐ Graduate Number of successful applicants
127 46 7 134
In addition to placement programmes, Career Destinations advertise a number of part time, placement, volunteering and graduate positions to University of Southampton students. Table 24: Number of vacancies added to online vacancy search tools
University of Southampton Student Portal Graduate Jobs South website Total
2403 2333 4736
The graph below shows the number of vacancy searches conducted per month via the University of Southampton student portal. Peak months are October and November which is in line with the deadline for a number of graduate positions. Graph 18: Number of student searching the University of Southampton student portal for job vacancies per month
28 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
The University’s Graduate Passport recognises and rewards students for activities outside of their degree programme. The programme is points based and the table below shows the number of students progressing through different point boundaries. Student engagement has increased throughout the year as shown in the graph below Table 25: Number of students in each category of the Graduate Passport (Cumulative from Oct 2009)
Active (minimum of 5 points) In Progress (minimum of 10 points) In Progress (minimum of 50 points) Completed
4801 2390 265 25
Cost of Service Career Destinations ran 3 careers fairs during 2010/11. These fairs have generated a total contribution to cost of £37,982 for the year. Table 26: 2010/11 Career Fair Income and Expenditure
Income £49,704
Expenditure £11,722
Total Contribution to Costs £37,982
Quality of Service Table 27: Failed appointment (i.e. appointments not kept by customer) booking rate
CV & Application Advice Guidance Interview
2009/10 39.66% 47.36%
2010/11 46.91% 52.92%
The table above shows the high percentage of failed 1:1 appointments against total 1:1 bookings made. To resolve this problem Career Destinations are moving towards a group delivery model with 1:1 appointments becoming the exception rather than the norm. Every two years the University of Southampton takes part in the iBarometer survey to find out about the experiences and opinions of our International Students and the service they have received whilst studying at the University. The table below shows the year on year comparison on students satisfaction with Career Destinations. Table 28: iBarometer Survey – November 2010: Student Satisfaction relating to Career Destinations service wave on wave comparison
Career Destinations
Autumn Autumn Autumn 2007 vs 2007 2008 2010 2010 86% 87% 92% 6%
29 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Visa Guidance Service Delivery As of December 2010 there were a total of 3714 international (overseas) students studying at the University. Graph 19: Number of Applications started by month
Visa demand is seasonal with application peak at the beginning of the first semester when students start at the University. During 2010/11 a total of 236 more applications were started than last year. This application figure includes students at all study levels and their dependents and a breakdown of this data is shown in the pie chart below. Graph 20: Percentage of applications by study level or group
When applications are quieter during quarter four, email interactions increase as the Visa Guidance team support prospective students making their visa application overseas. T his can be seen through an increase in email interactions shown in the table overleaf. The total number of face to face interactions has reduced in 2010/11 as the team now run presentations and workshops to support students in preparing to submit their applications. During 2010/11 a total of 1,100 students attended a workshop. 30 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Table 29: Number of Visa Guidance interactions
Total Interactions Recorded Face to Face Interactions Telephone Interactions Email Interaction
2009/10 7,933 4,573 84 2,535
2010/11 9,421 3,965 144 4,084
2009/10 855 2 99.77%
2010/11 1034 2 99.8%
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 18.8% ‐13.3% 71.4% 61.1%
Quality of Service Table 30: Visa Application Success Rate
Total Number of successful applications Total number of unsuccessful applications Success Rate
During the team’s second full year of operation they have maintained their application success rate. It is important to note that the difference between the number of applications started in 2010/11 (contained in graph 20) and the number of successful applications noted in table 30 is due to those 55 applications being completed after July 31st, the cut-off date for data. .
Graph 21: iBarometer Survey – November 2010: University of Southampton Student Satisfaction relating to Visa support provided by their institution
31 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Graph 22: iBarometer Survey – November 2010: Comparison of Student Satisfaction (very satisfied and satisfied sectors) University of Southampton to other institution survey groups relating to Visa Support by their institution
85% of our students rated themselves satisfied or very satisfied with the University’s Visa Support services. This ranking was 10% higher than the average percentage of all the participating institutions in the iBarometer survey and 2% higher than both the Russell Group and other UK participating institutions.
32 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
University Residences
33 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Introduction to University Residences University Residences look after the residential accommodation needs of the University of Southampton student community. The team manage the University halls of residence and provide help, information and advice for those students in the private rented sector. The University Residences manage over 5,100 rooms in over 20 halls of residence. All registered first year undergraduate or international postgraduate full time students, are guaranteed an offer of halls accommodation if they meet the criteria. Currently all international students are guaranteed a place for the length of their course. Students apply for their halls accommodation online by defining their accommodation preferences. In some cases students are provided twin share rooms and are transferred to a single room as soon as one is available; typically this is within the first 6 weeks of term. We support students with regular advice and information as required as they seek housing in the private rented sector. In partnership with Southampton City Council and Southampton Solent University the University provide the Southampton Accreditation Scheme for Student Housing (SASSH) to ensure that the standard of private rented accommodation for students meets appropriate standards of safety and quality.
34 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
The table below shows the number of students who secured places in halls of residence at intake weekend 2010. This data shows the number of students at Undergraduate and Postgraduate study levels as well as the number of students who went into halls who were not first years (current). Table 31: Halls Occupancy at Intake Weekend 2010
New Undergraduates New Postgraduate (PGT & PGR) New Total Current Undergraduates Current Postgraduate (PGT & PGR) Current Total Grand Total
Home / EU Int/OS Home / EU Int/OS Home / EU Int/OS Home / EU Int/OS
2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 3407 475
3349 501
3477 512
265 556 4703
331 657 4838
73 791 4853
252 187
53 164
158 205
20 33 492 5195
5 24 246 5084
13 35 411 5264
When applying for halls of residence students are asked to put their accommodation choice in preference order. The table below shows the percentage of students receiving their preference number. Table 32: Percentage of students matched to accommodation preference (i.e. P)
2010/11 Totals 2010/11 Percentages
P1 2823 57.9%
P2 466 9.6%
P3 465 9.5%
P4 49 1.0%
P5 18 0.4%
Unmatched 1058 21.7%
At the start of the academic year some students are allocated twin bedded rooms and are subsequently reallocated to single bedrooms when space becomes available. In addition some students request transfers to other rooms or halls of residence. The following table shows the total number of transfers (between halls) during the year in each halls of residence. Table 33: Number of transfers by Halls of Residence
Glen Eyre Small Halls (including Erasmus Park) Wessex Lane Total
2009/10 for 2010/11 217 195 324 736
2010/11 for 2011/12 231 77 301 609
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 6% ‐61% ‐7% ‐17%
The data below shows the number of searches on the Southampton Accreditation Scheme for Student Housing (SASSH) accommodation database. These figures also include searches by students at Southampton Solent University. 35 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Table 34: Searches carried out on SASSH for available private rented accommodation
Number of searches carried out on SASSH
2008/09 31,564
2009/10 2010/11 151,334 240,866
Cost of Service University Residences expenditure is mainly fixed, whilst income is largely linked to occupancy levels within halls. University Residences monitor recruitment patterns in faculties very closely to ensure the accommodation guarantee can be met. The table below shows the average ‘voids’ in halls i.e. percentage of empty rooms during 2010/11 in comparison to the last two years. Table 35: Voids by Halls of Residence
Glen Eyre Small Halls Wessex Lane Average
2009/10 4.50% 7.80% 2.40% 4.90%
2010/11 3.21% 2.64% 1.88% 2.58%
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 ‐28.74% ‐66.11% ‐21.81% ‐47.44%
2010/11 5.16% 2.18% 3.67%
% Variance 09/10 to 10/11 ‐53.30% ‐35.50% ‐49.13%
Table 36: Voids by Catering Type
Part Catered Self‐Catered Average
2009/10 11.05% 3.38% 7.22%
The table below shows the total income generated in 2010/11 by hall of residence. The figures show the income from halls fees, catering and conferencing. Table 37: University Halls of Residence income by Hall
Total Income ‐ Wessex Lane Total Income ‐ Glen Eyre Total Income ‐ Small Halls
2009/10 £7,212,954 £9,482,236 £5,033,994 £21,729,184
2010/11 £7,575,786 £9,590,108 £5,832,239 £22,998,133
University Residences also rent out rooms to visitors and students for short term stay (i.e. post intake). This has generated £341,219 this year. The year on year comparison can be seen in the following graph. 36 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Graph 23: Post Intake and Visitor Income – year on year comparison
Quality of Service Table 38: iBarometer Survey – November 2010: Student Satisfaction of living –related aspects in halls of residence including iBarometer survey average, University of Southampton and Russell Group results
Internet Access at Accommodation Quality of Accommodation Feeling safe and secure Cost of Accommodation
% 'Satisfied' ISB Average Southampton 81% 87% 84% 86% 90% 86% 59% 56%
RG Average ISB Rank 81% 46th 86% 107th 89% 162nd 58% 130th
RG Rank 1st 11th 13th 10th
Table 39: iBarometer Survey – November 2010: Student Arrival Satisfaction
Accommodation Service Uni Fees/ Finance Office Formal Welcome Social Activities First Night Registration Email / Internet
2005 49% 64% 77% 73% 69% 80% 84%
2006 63% 67% 82% 78% 73% 83% 90%
2007 72% 72% 85% 79% 72% 87% 92%
2008 75% 75% 85% 84% 77% 83% 89%
2010 83% 81% 91% 86% 82% 90% 85%
2005 vs 2010 +35% +18% +14% +13% +13% +10% +1%
37 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Wellbeing 38 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Introduction to Wellbeing Wellbeing provide the following services to students and staff at the University of Southampton:
Counselling Service
Early Years Centre
First Support
Residences Support Service
Sport and Recreation
Counselling Service Counselling supports students and staff with their emotional well-being. The service operates with a team of core staff and provides supervision placements for trainee counsellors to practice. Counselling can take the form of individual one-to-one work which can last up to 6 sessions or supportive groups lasting 8 weeks. The service also provides dedicated support for individual schools in the way of a named contact to enhance the student experience and staff awareness. Early Years Centre The Early Years Centre has 108 places for children aged 4 months to 5 years old, with qualified staff providing care and early years education for the children of students and staff at the University. The service operates for 50 weeks of the year, Monday to Friday between 0800 and 1800. The day is comprised of two sessions. First Support The First Support team is dedicated to being the first point of contact in supporting students during times of crisis. The team works closely with students to give practical support and signposting to the appropriate services internally and externally for ongoing support. Residence Support The Residences Support Service has staff based in all University Halls of Residence and are available to students between 6pm—8am every night. The team provide students with support, advice and information in halls of residence. The team facilitate communal living by ensuring that students abide by the Hall Regulations in a social but study conducive environment. Sport and Recreation Sport and Recreation offers a wide range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities and promote sport at all levels from beginners through to elite athletes. It provides a comprehensive programme of courses and classes including watersports, swimming and fitness. The team works closely with Student Union to provide facilities for club training sessions and matches to ensure the success of the inter-university competitions. Sport and Recreation operates a membership scheme which provides access to all facilities for students, staff and the local community.
Counselling Service The counselling service supports all University of Southampton students as well as 5,500 University of Southampton staff.
39 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Table 40: Total number of new Counselling clients by type per month
Students Staff Total
2009/10 792 132 924
2010/11 687 100 787
% Variance ‐13.26% ‐24.24% ‐14.83%
2010/11 saw a decrease in the number of new clients across both staff and student client groups. This is despite additional resource being recruited to support University of Southampton staff during transitions. Graph 24: Breakdown of Counselling clients by fee status per month
The counselling service support mostly home UK students. The peaks in support for this student group occur during November and December and during January and February. These peaks reflect the increase in stress experienced by students during transition to/from university, going home for the holidays and the semester exam periods. These peaks in stress for the students results in an increase in the use of the Counselling services. Counselling Services have run Groups in past years; however, in 2010-11 the Groups & Workshops programme was fuller and more successful due to increased publicity, better referral via assessment and a dedicated Coordinator from the Practitioner team. These actions will be continued for the 2011-12 year. In response to participant feedback, more workshop type activities will be offered rather than longer term group support. Table 41: Groups & Workshops: Variance between inquiries, registration, and attendees
Inquiries Registered Attended Total Variance % between Inquiries and attended
142 128 70 ‐49%
40 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Graph 25: Groups & Workshops: Breakdown of registrants to attendees
Table 42: Groups & Workshops: Comparison of clients registered for sessions v.s. attended, by type
Undergrad Students Postgrad Students Staff Total
Registered 88 25 15 128
Attended 44 16 10 70
Variance % ‐50% ‐36% ‐33% ‐46%
A higher percentage of staff attended Group/Worskshop sessions (14.2%) than attended individual sessions (12.7%), despite the the additional Counselling staff member dedicated to supporting staff this year during transitions. Table 43: Groups & Workshops: Comparison of clients registered for sessions v.s. attended, by fee status
UK International EU
Registered 86 18 9
Attended 44 9 7
Variance % ‐49% ‐50% ‐23%
Attended 21 49
Variance % ‐44% ‐47%
Table 44: Groups & Workshops: Breakdown of Registrants by Gender
Male Female
Registered 37 91
41 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Table 45: One‐to‐One: Breakdown of Registrants by Gender
Male Female Total
Attended 208 871 1079
% of Attendees 19.3 80.7
The registration percentage of male and female clients for groups/workshops is 71.1% female and 28.9% male; the percentage for individual clients if 80.7% female and 19.3% male. This is a higher differential than in the general student population, i.e. 54.1% female and 45.9% male. Initial comparison would indicate that male students may prefer to attend a counselling session in a group setting v.s. one-to-one. This is an area that will be reviewed and additional research conducted in 2011-12 in order to inform decision-making regarding the effective promotion of Counselling services and support to male students and staff.
Cost of Service Table 46: Comparison of number of contact hours for Service delivered
Facilitation hours Pre‐Group Assessment
One‐to‐One Counselling 0 0
Group Counselling 47 26
Counselling sessions: 70 x 6 hrs (aver.) 420
Total hours for delivery of service
Any additional Administration and Supervision time was done in existing Administration time and did not result in a loss of Client hours. Table 47: Trainee Counselling Sessions
Month August September October November December January February March April May June July Total
Total Sessions 99 118 283 512 228 286 408 379 68 404 275 129 3189
Trainee Sessions 23 30 123 179 88 116 163 165 28 185 95 26 1221
Trainee % 23.23% 25.42% 43.46% 34.96% 38.60% 40.56% 39.95% 43.54% 41.18% 45.79% 34.55% 20.16% 38.29%
Notional Cost £450 £587 £2,408 £3,505 £1,723 £2,271 £3,192 £3,231 £548 £3,622 £1,860 £509 £23,907
42 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Quality of Service In line with Student Services focus on group delivery, Counselling have provided group sessions to students. These sessions have been well received by attendees with improvements in participants’ self-ratings after attending a session. Table 48: Evaluation of Group sessions by participants
Expectations Met Objectives Met Quality of Facilitation
Average Score (out of 5) 4 4.25 4
Table 49: Group participants’ self rating before and after group session (1‐10 scale: 10 = most serious; 1 = least serious)
Quality of Life Academic Work Performance Wish to Continue at SU
Before Group 7.5 6.5 5.1
After group 6.4 5.3 3.3
Score Variance ‐1.1 ‐1.2 ‐1.8
Prior to attending a Group, participants were asked to rate how seriously the issue was currently affecting them in the following areas: Quality of Life, Academic / Work Performance and their Wish to Continue at Southampton University. Participants were then asked to rate these scores on completion of the Group. C.O.R.E. was used to evaluate some of our Groups at their Pre and Post stages. The average score reduction was 1.2 .
43 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Early Years Centre Service
The graph below shows occupancy levels were lower at the start of the year especially for children aged 4 months to 2 years. Occupancy levels also show a decrease from May when students begin to complete their studies and therefore leave the area or are available to care for their child. Children are moved between age groups dependent on age, readiness in terms of child development and availability of places. Graph 26: Occupancy level by age range
Sessions are run in the morning, 8 am to 1 pm, or afternoon 1 to 6 pm. Parents can therefore choose for their child to attend for one of these sessions or a whole day. Some students receive support towards session costs via subsidies from Southampton City Council. Table 50: Cost of Early Years Centre session by customer type
Customer Type Student Staff External
Cost per session 17.60 17.60 21.00
Full Day Cost 35.20 35.20 42.00
The table below reflects requests lodged for advanced placement of a child, i.e. made by parent(s) during pregnancy. Requests are added to the Early Years Centre waiting lists and places are reserved where possible. Table 51: Advance Requests for Placements
Customer Type Student Staff External
2010‐11 28 31 7
44 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Cost of Service Graph 27: Early Years Centre income by month
Early Years Centre income has decreased by 2.64% in 2010/11 compared to the same period last year. This is in line with a decrease in occupancy levels during the same period. The income trends are different in 2010/11 compared to 2009/10 with income increases occurring approximately one month later than last year.
45 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
First Support Service
First support operated 24/7 for the past academic year. The team successfully implemented an on-call rota to enable queries to be answered out of hours, First Support being the constant point and the referral route for incidents to be picked up during the day. Despite administrative support being low the team have been able to improve links with the faculties and external support services to quickly assess and refer students on for appropriate support. Graph 28: Number of incidences in First Support by month
The number of incidents trend appears to be very similar year on year; however, there was a 100% increase of incidents that happened in October in 2010-11.
Table 52: Number of Out of Hour Incidents
Total Number of Incidents Total Hours Average Hours per incident
2010‐11 71 59 0.84
46 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Residence Support Service
The Residence Support team provide support to Students in Halls of Residence between 6pm – 8am weekdays and all weekend. They act as the point of contact for student queries or concerns during this time. They are trained to handle a variety of incidents and have seen an increase in the number of incidents handled during 2010/11. Table 53: Residences Support Number of Incidences by Hall site per month
Wessex Lane August No data September 47 October 294 November 274 December 180 January 184 February 259 March 244 April 58 May 143 June 138 July 22 Total 1843
Archers Glen Eyre Highfield Road No data No data No data 70 6 103 223 6 278 245 12 118 144 73 85 200 40 79 348 0 150 344 73 134 134 21 40 267 28 109 152 24 65 46 4 74 2173 287 1235
Bencraft No data 0 12 2 47 54 44 38 18 22 10 2 249
Erasmus Park No data 4 51 77 54 42 78 119 50 102 37 6 620
All Halls No data 230 864 728 583 599 879 952 321 671 426 154 6407
As well as the total number of incidents in Halls of Residence being recorded the team also capture the reason for the incident occurring. These are categorised into 19 incident types shown in the table below. Table 54: Residences Support Number of Incidences by Type
Incident Type Health and Safety Wellbeing
Number of Incidents 601 1752
Emergency Services: Ambulance Required Emergency Services: Police Emergency Services: Fire Discipline Harassment Room Access Noise First Aid Fire Alarm Disability Mental Health Break Ins Domestic Personal
48 27 2 569 5 213 754 21 244 2 7 26 750 130 47
Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Community Issue Victim of Crime Other Total
204 28 1024 6407
The highest incident types for Residences Support are wellbeing, other and noise. The category types will be reviewed and revised in order to provide a greater breakdown and understanding of the current ‘wellbeing’ and ‘other’ category incident types.
Quality of Service Table 55: iBarometer Survey – November 2010: Student Satisfaction with Residence Support Service including iBarometer survey average, University of Southampton and Russell Group Average
ISB Average Resident Support Advisor 85%
% 'Satisfied' Southampton 93%
RG Average 90%
Overall University of Southampton were ranked 17th across all ISB ranked institutions and fifth within the Russell Group
Table 56: iBarometer Survey – November 2010: Student Satisfaction with Residence Support Service wave on wave comparison
Residential Support Advisor
Autumn Autumn 2007 2008 88% 85%
2007 v.s. Autumn 2010 2010 93% 5%
48 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Sport and Recreation Service
The graph below shows that the usage trend of the Sports facilities in the Jubilee Sports Centre is similar to 2009/10. Usage increased this year at the start of the new academic year. Graph 29: Number of customers using Jubilee Sports Centre facilities
The table below shows the number of customers using the facilities at the Jubilee Sports Centre. This data shows the number of people who have gone through the main entrance turnstiles at different times of day both on weekdays and weekends. The data shows a major peak usage of the facilities between 4-7 pm weekdays, with an additional peak time from 12-1 pm. To improve our service to customers Sport and Recreation are reviewing ways to increase facilities capacity to users during these time periods. Table 57: Number of customers using Jubilee Sports Centre by time of day
Time of Day 7‐8 am 8‐9 am 9‐10 am 10‐11 am 11 am ‐ 12 pm 12‐1 pm 1‐2 pm 2‐3 pm 3‐4 pm 4‐5 pm 5‐6 pm 6‐7 pm 7‐8 pm 8‐9 pm 9‐10 pm Total
Weekdays 22765 14921 14936 18277 23574 30570 24420 26772 30395 37186 54055 43055 27248 18059 5605 391838
Weekends n/a 6480 6282 9522 7495 7069 7681 8905 8116 9183 10274 9376 7431 5107 1661 104582 49
Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Graph 30: Number of interactions at the front desk (August 2010 – April 2011)
Despite the fact that at certain times of the year there was a decrease in the number of customers using the Jubilee Sports Centre facilities (Graph 28), interactions with customers increased at the front desk during the same period, i.e. December and January. Note: In 2099-/10, data available for August to April time period only; 2011/12 will show a comparison of the complete year. Table 58: Number of bookings at Wide Lane sports ground (August 2010 – April 2011)
Activity Cricket Pavilion Pitches Synthetic Tennis Total
2009‐10 59 284 473 632 954 2402
2010‐11 55 475 817 533 667 2547
While there was an overall increase in the number of bookings at Wide Lane, tennis bookings dropped significantly (287). Table 59: Classes: type and attendance (August 2010 – April 2011)
Class Aquafit Aerobics Latino Aerobics Step Aerobics Core Fitness Circuits
Total Classes Run 118 65 32 57 50 76
Total Attendance 2839 4466 1677 2904 1412 9091
Average Class Attendance 24 69 21 51 28 120
Class Capacity 25 100 100 80 120 160 50
Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
Stretch & Flex Body Conditioning Spinning Total
94 84 139 715
1322 4973 1564 30248
14 59 11 42
120 120 15 920
Circuits is our most popular class and one from which we have to turn people away for lack of space. We have moved the spinning equipment to free up space within the main gym in order to ease capacity issues.
Cost of Service As part of Student Services transition programme in 2010/11 the original decision was taken across the department to remove the use of zero-hour contract or casual staff. Following further consultation, total removal has been deemed difficult, etc. We should therefore see a reduction in casual staff hours next year. Graph 31: Number of casual staff hours of reception cover in the Jubilee Sports Centre
Graph 32: Cost of running classes/courses in additional staff cost
Going forward, we will have full time-equivalent staff to deliver these classes. With these full time staff, we will have 51 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011
additional capacity for class delivery during their shifts, reducing overtime payments.
Graph 33: Cost of casual/temporary staff – Lifeguards
The exact reason for rise in staff costs is unknown; due to Transitions and change in management structure the history of the decisions taken is unknown; permanent sport recreation staff will reduce the need for separate lifeguard staff as the permanent employees will have the skills required to carry out lifeguarding duties.
Quality of Service Our cost to customer is competitive against both other universities and private sector health clubs, especially when considering our level of facilities compared to some of the organisations benchmarked.
Table 60: Benchmarking Price of Membership (per annum)
Organization University of Southampton Soton City Council Fleming Park David Lloyd Fitness First Portsmouth University Surrey University Bournemouth University Average Price
Student £115 £310 £325 £839 £348 £140 £195 £150 £302.75
Staff £193 £405 £404.50 £1,006 £396 £190 £540 £150 £410.56
Public £320 £422 £227.50 £1,006 £396 £280 £696 £180 £469.06
52 Student Services Annual Statistical Report 2010-2011