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Student managers

KU scholars contribute to Brown v. Board book p. 2

discuss their behindthe-scenes hard work

The University Daily Kansan

vol. 138 // iss. 18 Thurs., March 28, 2019


LAUREN HAWKINS @laurensidney__


Read these stories and more at kansan.com

The University of Kansas’ department of health, sports and sciences is set to offer a new bachelor of science in exercise science for students on the prehealth track.

Senators unveil new platforms Coalition introduces seven new transit platforms, including an expansion to SafeRide.

KU football practices begin Fans of Kansas football are earning their first looks at Les Miles and his new coaching staff.

KU golfer takes top spot KU golf’s Charlie Hillier won the Hootie at Bulls Bay Invitational last weekend.

Rachel Griffard/KANSAN Kansas football coach Les Miles purchased lunch for students in The Underground on Wednesday.

Students enjoying a break in-between classes in a crowded Wescoe Hall were in for a surprise as members of the Kansas football team announced new head coach Les Miles would be purchasing lunch for everyone at the Underground. “It was super crazy, I had literally just bought food at the DeBruce Center,” said senior Justin Mills from

and fan experience intern Sam Klein. “We want to drive student engagement up especially with the spring game coming up. But, it wasn’t until Miles arrived that people were really excited. “Everyone looked super skeptical at first because this is the first time something like this has ever happened, at least, since I have been here,” READ MORE ON PAGE 12

SYDNEY HOOVER @lsydhoover17

Members of a previously approved ad hoc subcommittee that was formed to check the integrity of Student Senate elections have been fully appointed, allowing the subcommittee to have its first meeting Thursday, March 28. Membership includes Nick Hinman, who initially proposed the subcommittee; Derek Dunn, from the Student Rights Committee; Max Schieber of the University Affairs Committee; and Phoenix Schroeder of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee. Student Rights Committee chair Sophia Dominguez-Heithoff will act as oversight to the committee. “This has the opportunity to turn into a discussion with more than one voice talking to us,” said Hinman, a sophomore senator representing freshmen and sophomores in the College

Sophia Belshe/KANSAN Nick Hinman, a senator from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, presents legislation to create an ad hoc subcommittee to investigate the integrity of Student Senate elections on March 6. of Liberal Arts and Sciences. “It can become a discussion of what we can do, what perspectives are not being heard and what perspectives need to be heard.” Members will discuss

the subcommittee’s proceedings at their meeting on Thursday, as well as elect a chairperson and secretary. Hinman said members already established the idea

to go back through up to a decade of Senate elections to look at underlying issues in the establishment as a whole, rather than looking solely at the 2019 election cycle.

“The intent is not to target people,” Hinman said. Hinman proposed the subcommittee to Student READ MORE ON PAGE 2

3 K-State students banned from Capitol SYDNEY HOOVER @sydhoover17 The Kansas Young Democrats president, along with two Kansas State University students, can no longer enter the Kansas State Capitol Building following the display of four banners protesting recent Medicaid expansion decisions Wednesday morning. Kansas Young Demo-

Band speaks against school shootings The Arsonists sparked a fire with their new music video featuring a commentary on school shootings. Hailing from Lawrence High School, The Arsonists is a band composed of a group of sophomores. The current band is Aden Smith on the drums, Jaxon Ray

Topeka. “I got a message from one of my friends that said Les Miles was here so I hightailed it up here.” Miles took to Twitter Wednesday afternoon, solidifying his lunch plans for the day. Members of Kansas Athletics handed out football koozies, Kansas wristbands, and flyers for the upcoming spring game. “We are trying to inspire student participation in football with the new coach we have a great opportunity,” said senior marketing

Ad hoc subcommittee fully appointed

Sarah Wright/KANSAN Lawrence High School students Giovanni Ventello, Aden Smith, and Jaxon Ray comprise local band The Arsonists, who have recently released a music video for their song “Alex.”


Read more at kansan.com

Lunch with Les Miles

What’s New at

KU department to offer degree in excercise science

KU Theatre’s second play of the semester featuring feminism and witches opens Friday night p. 4

on the keys and accordion, Giovanni Ventello on guitar and vocals, and Giovanni Lule-Paredes on bass. For the bands most recent song, ‘Alex,’ which also features fellow student Sadie Capps, the music video is filmed in black-andwhite and features a school undergoing a lockdown situation during a lyrically implied school shooting.

While the band plays in the gym, students hide under desks in classrooms and in bathroom stalls, following procedure. Jacob Schermerhorn, a junior from Wamego studying film and media, directed “Alex,” with the goal of making something new. “I was like, ‘How can we do more than having these kids hide?’” Schermerhorn

said. “We didn’t want to use any kind of gun imagery, and just focus it on the experience of the kids.” True to Schermerhorn’s wishes, one student leaves the classroom and walks down the hall. As the video progresses, more students join him, simulating READ MORE ON PAGE 4

“We wanted to act as a voice for the 150,000 Kansans who are in need of Medicaid expansion.” Katie Sullivan KSU senior

crats President Katie Sullivan, a senior at Kansas State University, along with KSU senior Nate Faflick and fifth year Jonathan Cole dropped four banners in the Capitol building, each covered in red hand prints and reading “Blood on their hands” and “#ExpandMedicaid.”

Each of the four banners also featured a different state leader’s last name: Senate President Susan Wagle, Majority Leader Dan Hawkins, Speaker of the House Ron Ryckman and Senate Majority Leader Jim Denning, all Republicans. “The banners were designed to be large, visible and made to directly call out the Senators who are preventing Medicaid expansion from taking place within the senate,” Cole told the Kansan. This comes after the Kansas House passed legislation for Medicaid expansion on Monday, putting the fate of Medicaid expansion in the hands of the Republican-dominated Senate, according to the Wichita Eagle. “Rights are literally at stake. We wanted to act as a voice for the 150,000 Kansans who are in need of Medicaid expansion,” Sullivan said. Following the banner drops, the three were escorted to a Kansas Capitol READ MORE ON PAGE 3

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