The University Daily Kansan Dec. 9, 2019

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KU men's basketball to host Milwaukee Tuesday at home

Monday, December 9, 2019

WHAT’S NEW AT KU News on deck at

Emma Pravecek/UDK

KU swimming

Swimming faced tough competition at the Toyota U.S. Open. Kansas will continue to train for the Big 12 Championship, the NCAA Championships and the Olympic Trials. The Olympic Trials start June 19, 2020.

Fan fiction reading

KU students and Lawrence locals attended the Inklings Reading Series to read fan fiction at Lucia Beer Garden & Grill on Dec. 4. KU creative writing graduate students organize and host the series every week.

Mitch Quaney/UDK

Climate strike

Students and Lawrence community members gathered Friday to strike for awareness of climate change and advocate for a climate emergency to be declared in Lawrence.

Finals study breaks

To reboot and boost student productivity during finals week, Watkins Health Services will continue to host its yearly “Stress Busting Study Breaks” the next two weeks.

On the horizon

Liam Mays/UDK

Kid Computer set to play the Replay Lounge The indie rock band will perform on Dec. 12.

Lawrence Popeyes reacts to return of chicken sandwich

The Student Voice Since 1904

Vol. 139/Issue 29


RESOLUAAARESOLURESOLUTIONCONCERNING CONCERNINGTHE THESTATUS STATUSOF OFSEXUSEXUTION TION CONCERNING THE STATUS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE AT THEUNIVERSITY OFKANSASWHEREAS,the KANSASWHEREAS,the ALAL VIOLENCE ATAT THEUNIVERSITY OF VIOLENCE THEUNIVERSITY OF KANSASWHEREAS,the PreambletotoStudent StudentSenate SenateRules Rules&&Regulations Regulationsstates statesthat that“[T] “[T] Preamble Preamble to Student Senate Rules & Regulations states that “[T] heStudent StudentSenate Senateshall shallensure ensurethat thatthe thelearning learningopportunities opportunitiesatatKU KUare are he he Student Senate shall ensure that the learning opportunities at KU are opentotoall allstudents studentswithout withoutexception. exception.This Thisincludes includesbut butisisnot notlimited limitedto: to:race, race, open open to all students without exception. This includes but is not limited to: race, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, color, disability, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, color, disability, national origin, ancestry, religion, sex, gender identity and expression, color, disability, national origin, ancestry, sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital or parental status, socio-economic status and sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital oror parental status, socio-economic status and sexual orientation, political affiliation, marital parental status, socio-economic status and theextent extentspecified specifiedby bylaw, law,age ageororveteran veteranstatus,” status,”andWHEREAS,Student andWHEREAS,StudentSenate SenateRules Rules&&RegRegtototo the the extent specified by law, age or veteran status,” andWHEREAS,Student Senate Rules & Regulations further states that “The Student Senate shall increase access and input ulations further states that “The Student Senate shall increase access and input ulations further states that “The Student Senate shall increase access and input Universitypolicy policydecisions decisionsand andthe the educationalprocess processatatKU” KU”and and ininin University educational University policy decisions and the educational process at KU” and “buildaavital vitaland andthriving thrivingUniverUniversitycommunity communityencompassing encompassing “build sity “build a vital and thriving University community encompassing students,faculty, faculty,staff, staff,and andadadministration”andWHEREAS, andWHEREAS,inin students, ministration” students, faculty, staff, and administration” andWHEREAS, in 2014former formerChancellor ChancellorBernaBernadetteGray-Little Gray-Littleestablished established 2014 dette 2014 former Chancellor Bernadette Gray-Little established TaskForce Forceon onSexual SexualAssault Assault responsetotocomplaints complaints aaTask ininin response a Task Force on Sexual Assault response to complaints regarding the University’s handling of sexual assault regarding handling ofof sexual assault regardingthe theUniversity’s University’s handling sexual assault complaints, andWHEREandWHEREAS,theTask TaskForce Forceproposed proposed complaints, AS,the complaints, andWHEREAS,the Task Force proposed 27 recommendations of which only 22 were adopted, 2727recommendations which only 2222 were adopted, recommendationsofof which only were adopted, andWHEREAS,now55years years afterthe theestablishing establishingofofthe the andWHEREAS,now after andWHEREAS,now 5 years after the establishing of the TaskForce Forceititisisnecessary necessary Task Task Force it is necessary andproper propertotoreview reviewthe the and and proper to review the effectivenessofofrecomrecomeffectiveness effectiveness of recomLucy Peterson mendations in addition mendations in in addition toto mendations addition to thecurrent currentclimate climateofofcampus campus the @petersonxlucy the current climate of campus pertaining to sexual violence in pertaining toto sexual violence in in pertaining sexual violence relationtotostudents, students,staff, staff,and and relation relation to students, staff, and faculty,andWHEREAS,statistics andWHEREAS,statistics faculty, faculty, andWHEREAS,statistics pleted its work ... KU student government said fromthe the2019 2019Campus CampusClimate Climate from from the 2019 Campus Climate Surveyon onSexual SexualAssault Assaultand and and those efforts are Survey Wednesday the University of Survey on Sexual Assault and Misconductininaddition additiontotothe the Misconduct Misconduct in addition to the ongoing and evolving Kansas' policies and procedures surveyobtained obtainedby bystudent student survey survey obtained by student housingboth bothconcluded concludedwith with housing housing both concluded with today.” fall short when it comes to sexual sexualviolence violenceas asthe themost most sexual sexual violence as the most prevalentand andconsistent consistentconconprevalent B a r c o m b - Pe t e r s o n assault, given a consistent rise in prevalent and consistent concernamong amongstudentsacross studentsacross cern cern among studentsacross campus,and and pointed to the creation of reports. So far, KU administration campus, campus, and WHEREAS,according accordingtotothe the WHEREAS, WHEREAS, according to the trauma-informed interview hasn’t directly addressed these 2019 Campus Climate Survey on 2019 Campus Climate Survey onon 2019 Campus Climate Survey SexualAssault Assaultand andMisconducMisconducSexual spaces at the Office of Instituconcerns. Sexual Assault and Misconductroughlyonly onlyhalf halfofofthe thestustutroughly troughly only half of the studentsbelieved believedthat thatcampus campus tional Opportunity and Access At last week’s full Senate meetdents dents believed that campus officialswould wouldrespond respondtotoaa officials officials would respond to a as well as the KU Public Safety ing, Student Senate asked Chanreportofofsexual sexualassault assaultsesereport report of sexual assault seriously,andWHEREAS,that andWHEREAS,that riously, Office, which were both funded cellor Douglas Girod to reopen a riously, andWHEREAS,that samereport reportcites citesthat that1 1inin same same report cites that 1 in womenexperience experiencesexual sexual by student government, and the task force that evaluates the effi44women 4 women experience sexual violence, andWHEREAS,the violence, andWHEREAS,the violence, andWHEREAS,the launch of gender-based violence ciency and transparency on cases UniversityofofKansas Kansasisis University University of Kansas is amongthe the leasttranstransamong among theleast least transprevention seminars through the of sexual violence after a survey parentlarge, large,educational educational parent parent large, educational institutionsininthe thenation nation University's Institute for Leadershowed more than a quarter of institutions institutions in the nation

Student government asked KU to reopen its sexual assault task force. The University has been unclear in its response

KU undergraduate women said they’d been sexually assaulted during their time in college. Administrators have been nonvocal in response to the resolution. According to a survey conducted by the Association of American Universities released in October, 26% of undergraduate women at the University said they were sexually assaulted. “When the numbers came out, a lot of people were shocked because there isn’t a lot of cognizance around this issue,” said Mercedeh Tavacoli, Senate’s director of diversity and equity. University spokesperson Erinn

regardingsexual sexualviolence. violence. regarding regarding sexual violence. THEREFOREITITBE BERESOLVED, RESOLVED, THEREFORE THEREFORE IT BE RESOLVED, the Student Rights committhe Student Rights committhe Student Rights committee,the theUniversity UniversityAffairs Affairs tee, tee, the University Affairs committee,ininconjuncture conjuncture committee, committee, in conjuncture withFull FullSenate, Senate,shall shallrerewith with Full Senate, shall requestthat thatthe theChancellor Chancellor quest quest that the Chancellor Doug Girod establish a Doug DougGirod Girodestablish establisha a newTask TaskForce Forceon onSexual Sexual new new Task Force on Sexual

Barcomb-Peterson provided the following statement in an email to the Kansan. “A chancellor’s task force has already examined how the University prevents and responds to sexual assaults. The group com-

ship Studies. The Kansan's attempt to clarify the University’s specific position on the resolution was not returned by the time of publication. “Regarding the release of data, it's important to note that following one of the task force recommendations, KU continues to publish the results of disciplinary actions related to sexual violence,” Barcomb-Peterson said. “The University does fulfill other requests for de-identifiable information as required by law." The IOA releases data that shows sanctions placed on stuContinue on page 2

'We can guard anybody': Defensive prowl drives Jayhawks to victory Logan Fricks


Forcing turnovers and blocking shots is a great recipe to win games, and Kansas men's basketball proved that in its victory over No. 20 Colorado Saturday. The Jayhawks forced Colorado to turn the ball over 17 times and blocked four shots. The Jayhawks also forced the Buffaloes into taking bad shots, holding them to just 30% from the field and 20.6% from the threepoint line. The Jayhawks put their feet on the gas right from the jump, forcing three turnovers on Colorado’s first four possessions. The defensive effort was highlighted by junior guard Marcus Garrett. After Colorado junior guard Tyler Bey stole the ball two minutes into the game, Garrett quickly reversed all the momentum and took it right back from Bey. He ended the half with three steals. Garrett wasn’t the only force on defense. As coach Bill Self pointed out, it was the collective effort of the team, not just Garrett, that limited Bey, who leads Colorado in scoring, rebounding, stealing and blocking. Bey did not hit a field goal in the entirety of the first half, scoring his two points in the first half on free throws. He finished the game with five points on 1-of-3

Contributed photo

KU named Barbara Bichelmeyer as the next provost last Friday.

KU names next provost, Lejuez's future uncertain Nicole Asbury @NicoleAsbury

Barbara Bichelmeyer, provost at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, was announced as the next provost for the University of Kansas, Chancellor Douglas Girod said in a letter to campus Friday morning. Bichelmeyer will begin her position as provost in late February. “Barbara is a talented researcher and administrator, as well as a proud KU alumna with an unabashed love for this place,” Girod said in the letter. Interim Provost Carl Lejuez, who served in the role since April 2018, will be returning to his role as dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Girod said. The Kansan previously reported Lejuez was interviewing at the University at Buffalo last Thursday for a provost position. “I would like to express my deep appreciation for Carl Lejuez, who has provided strong leadership and energy as our interim provost amid challenging circumstances,” Girod said. “KU is in a better place today as a result of his efforts during the past 19 months.” The provost executes the chancellor's strategic plans for the University. They are second in command at the Lawrence campus.

Mini doughnut shop opens in Orange Leaf Katie Counts


Chance Parker/UDK

Sophomore guard Ochai Agbaji reaches for the ball against Colorado. The Jayhawks defeated the Buffaloes 72-58 Saturday, Dec. 7.

shooting. Garrett credited the scouting report to being able to limit Bey, knowing he likes to catch the ball down low and make an explosive play to the rim. Garrett said he was trying to force Bey to catch the ball on the outside of his body

to not allow him to make those explosive plays. Colorado heavily struggled getting down low, too. Of the Buffaloes first 10 shots, eight were three-pointers. At first, Kansas was allowing a couple wide-open Continue on page 6

A new doughnut shop called Humble Donut Co., which serves more than 20 varieties of miniature doughnuts, has opened inside the Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt franchise in west Lawrence. “It’s doughnuts and yogurt,” owner Karly Atwood said. “It appeals to everybody.” Located at 4801 Bauer Farm Drive, Humble Donut Co. has been open for about two weeks. Store owners Karly and Kevin Atwood said they opened Orange Leaf in 2010, but they wanted to open a Humble Donut Co. location to give customers “something different.” Orange Leaf has a franchising partnership with Humble Donut Co. “It’s so fun to me as a business owner to introduce a new concept,” Karly said. Continue on page 3

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