uo The University Observer SOCCER A REVIEW OF ucd’s game against FINN HARPS David kent p20
the role of the soldier A head to head debate on the military and local culture
Daragh cushen and amy o’brien perform in dramsoc’s educating rita
Maths lecturer threatens grade cuts for use of electronic devices A FORMER HEAD of the School of Mathematics and Statistics emailed students last week threatening that they would fail a significant component of the module if they had used electronic devices in his class. Sent by Dr. Patrick Murphy, the email claimed that he had warned students repeatedly not to use such devices during his lectures for the module STAT10010. During a lecture last Wednesday, 21 October 2015, the email claimed that there had been “observers” in the class noting which students were using electronic devices. They determined that there were 73 students who were “ignoring my repeated urgings”, according to the email. Allegedly photos were taken of the students in class which were then used in conjunction with a UCard list to identify students. Dr. Murphy sent out
an email of apology the following day to all students, claiming that there had been no observers in the class and that the comment had been “borne out of frustration and a regrettable attempt to get students to put away their phones.” The initial email claimed that observers would be in attendance until the end of the semester and would continue to identify students who use mobile phones during class. From speaking to students in the class, UCD Students’ Union Education Officer Dannii Curtis stated that there were accounts of observers being present and taking photos of the offending students. “From what I’m aware from students’ accounts… photos were being taken of students who were using their electronic devices within classes,” she says. The initial email explained that
students would face a zero grade for the continuous assessment part of the module unless they present a sealed letter of apology to Dr. Murphy for “using mobile phones today to check Facebook or look at sharks or whatever else.” They would then have had to rely on 65 per cent for an end of semester exam. Dr. Murphy claimed that he would offer these students “one last opportunity to avoid losing 35 per cent.” If the 73 students were to present a letter of apology in person to the lecturer then they could still receive the marks for continuous assessment. Since the original message was sent to students, UCD Students’ Union and Registry were made aware of it and have intervened. The issue is now being dealt with at a school level. Dr. Murphy, Registry and Curtis have confirmed that there will be no
UCD SHAG reduced to one day event Roisin Guyett-Nicholson UCD’s Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance day (SHAG) was held last Wednesday, 21 October 2015. The event makes a change from last year’s Sex Out Loud week, which was focused on consent. It also marks a difference from recent years which saw a week devoted to sexual health. Welfare Officer Clare O’Connor explains that “one of the reasons UCD SHAG was condensed into a single day was to maximise engagement. A themed week can actually see less people engaging than a single day.” When asked if the reduction in time could be a disadvantage to students O’Connor declined to respond. She further notes that “running a themed week filled with events means that we’re not behind our desks and that a lot less is going on behind the scenes.” O’Connor claims that this allows the sabbatical officers to focus on other campaigns such as youth suicide prevention, documenting sexual violence on campus and freezing price hikes for on-campus accommodation. Recently UCDSU confirmed that they had reduced the rent increases on campus from a proposed 14 per cent to 7 per cent. The hike looks set to remain until next year at least. UCD SHAG was also moved from week five, when it was originally supposed to be held, to week seven. Though at the start of the semester SHAG week was confirmed to be held earlier, O’Connor says this change was due to the fact that “week five was
reduction in student grades. In his letter of apology, Dr. Murphy stated: “No student will lose any marks for lack of participation or for using mobile phones in class.” He went on to say “I apologise unreservedly for the email which I sent…and for any and all distress caused.” In the first email sent, which contained the logo of the school of Mathematics and Statistics, it stated that the students in the class “are all supposed to be adults and should not need to have any of this said even once. But for some reason this class has repeatedly displayed a lack of manners and common decency.” Dr. Murphy has since apologised for this comment and confirmed that the email was not endorsed by the School. Curtis has condemned the action saying that the “thing that struck me
Strike action “100% an option” for underpaid student nurses GRÁINNE lOUGHRAN
centred around the launch of our #NotAskingForIt campaign. It was a conscious decision not to launch SHAG that week.” O’Connor explains that “the focus of SHAG Day and Night is on frank and open conversations about consensual sex.” She notes that the event aims to highlight STI testing. O’Connor claims that a recent article in the Irish Independent revealed that 60 per cent of Irish people have not been tested despite being sexually active for a long period of time. She explains that there is a difference between the #NotAskingForIt campaign and UCD SHAG. “#NotAskingForIt isn’t a campaign which takes consensual sex as a point of departure and its focus is not on changing culture so that people are more willing to go for screenings and be less embarrassed about consensual sex. #NotAskingForIT is
about starting a movement and starting a different conversation with a different tone,” O’Connor says. Bringing back SHAG week was a key point of O’Connor’s election campaign last March. At the time when asked about the difference between the consent based Sex Out Loud and SHAG week, O’Connor noted they are “largely the same thing except with a different name,” and that it is largely “a branding point of view.” Activities held as part of UCD SHAG included a morning after breakfast, air your dirty laundry exhibition and a coming out workshop in conjunction with UCD LGBTQ+. O’Connor says that “the event [went] great. We’ve had a huge turnout,” and that there was “huge engagement with the breakfast and the exhibition.”
AN ONLINE campaign to implement minimum wage for fourth year nursing and midwifery interns has gained support from students’ unions around the country, including UCD SU. “Equality for Nursing & Midwifery Interns” aims to implement minimum wage for nursing and midwifery interns, who are currently being paid an “exploitative” €6.49 per hour. Coordinator of the movement, NUIG student Aoife Kiernan, says that “To pay any working professional below minimum wage for their work is exploitation. National Minimum Standards of Wage are set for the reason that at this rate of pay in the given economy a person can sustain an average standard of living.” Kiernan continued, “As intern nurses we complete the same job as Registered Staff Nurses with the exception of drug administration and intra venous products which are not included in our scope of practice. As interns we are assigned patients just as staff nurses and provide their entire nursing care excluding the tasks above throughout our shift. We take full responsibility for all of the care we provide to them and are fully responsible.” The movement has gained backing from Fine Gael counsellor Paddy Meade, the Workers’ party, and student unions from UCD, NUIG, Athlone IT and St Angela’s, as well as almost 6,000 supporters on Facebook.
OCTOBER 28th 2015 Volume XXIi issue 3 universityobserver.ie
Roisin GuyettNicholson
News Editor
most about the module itself is that it’s a first year module, so you have first year students who, it would be disgraceful across the board whether it was a first year or a third year module, but these are students that are only in the UCD system for seven weeks so far and it’s quite a horrible thing to have to deal with seven weeks in.” Curtis also noted that there was a potential data protection breach. If there were observers there, it is unclear whether they would have access to the class list of students. While all lecturers will have access to this, depending on who the alleged observers were, they may not have been permitted. Curtis states she is going to look into the potential data protection breach further, though she reiterates that there will be no impact on students’ grades.
The HSE are currently undertaking an internal review of the payment of student nurses following a request from the Irish Nurses’ and Midwives Association (INMO) on the recommendation of the Labour Court. The HSE response was initially due on the 16th of October, but were granted an extension by the INMO until the first week of November, saying that they required “further time” to complete it. The INMO will meet with class reps in early November to discuss protest action if progress hasn’t been made, including a potential national protest in December and industrial action in February. Kiernan has not ruled out strike action, saying, “While strike is 100 per cent an option, it will only be used as a last resort. The Intern nurses have no intention of causing any further additional stress to hospitals nationwide by initiating strike proceedings.” A fourth year UCD student, who chose to remain anonymous, says: “We aren’t paid for our initial three years of study, which is fair, we’re very inexperienced, and lack the knowledge and ability to independently make a valuable contribution to someone’s care. However, this changes in our fourth year. We transition to an internship where we are counted as staff, we’re seen as valuable members of the team who are capable of performing tasks with minimal supervision.” The student continued, “€6.49 an hour for what we do is not just unfair, it belittles what we do, and how hard we work. It’s penalising those who have already accepted that their profession is more important than the money earned.” This UCD student intends on showing solidarity to her colleagues and will take part in any strike action that occurs. “Although my current plan is not to stay in the fields of Midwifery or Nursing, I do intend to stay in healthcare, and so will take part in any strike action that results. I will not cross the picket of my colleagues who I have shared so many experiences with.”
Poetry and Fiction Submissions of poetry and fiction from UCD students
otwo p14 & p15