Jess grunblatt cis

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Coordination Integration Synthesis CIS Research Goals

1)Assist test case teams 2)Provide integration tools including data portal 3)Work with test cases and EOD in decision support tools 4)Develop working relationships with partners 5)Establish permanent entity to study adaptation




CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Coordination/Integration- First Year Achievements

Data Portal

CATALOG: common framework for data archive, sharing, discovery, download •Developed from North Slope Science Initiative (NSSI) infrastructure •SETC: Integrate OpenSource gLynx software with ARCGIS Geoportal (SEAK-GIS) •SCTC: Optimize “look/feel” of user interface •NTC: Integrate Workgroups with Catalog - test case “Dropbox” •Distributed, robust 3 campus “connected” infrastructure

Broader Impacts: mature product with general relevance •Integrated into NSSI platform •Collaborative implementation with other State entities (AEA…) •Integration with larger community: NSF, CAFF… •Leverage infrastructure for NHD Contribution to EPSCoR and Partners CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Integration/Synthesis


Social Ecological Systems : Ecosystem Services Strong Initial Test Case Identity Integration/Synthesis TOP Down vs Bottom UP CIS




CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Integration/Synthesis


Social Ecological Systems : Ecosystem Services Extreme Social/Environmental Gradient

NTC: Arctic Rural Traditional Subsistence Industrial Resource Extraction

SCTC: Boreal ’Alaska Urban Industrial’ Traditional

SETC: North Temperate Rainforest Wilderness Traditional CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Integration/Synthesis – EPSCoR Common Theme


Adapting to Changing Environments Perceived versus Actual Change (PΔA) Adaptive Capacity and Resilience

PΔA Perceptio v Actualis CIS

CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Integration/Synthesis – Common Theme: Participatory Mapping Hot Spots – Subsistence Use Mapping

Perceived versus Actual Change Adaption and Resilience

PΔA Perceptio v Actualis CIS

Landscape Based Assessment SES Hot Spots – Subsistence Use Mapping Participatory Mapping

Hot Spot

Use Area

CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Integration/Synthesis – Participatory Mapping

PΔA Perceptio v Actualis CIS

Existing Effort

Common Infrastructure Common Attributes

Consistent Analysis Products

CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Integration/Synthesis – What/Why: Participatory Mapping Hot Spots – Subsistence Use Mapping

Traditional Names-stories, language Landscape Use Perspective (discrete vs continuous boundaries, uncertainty) Questionaire (generational shift) (education/cash economy) (technical innovation = distancing or facilitation)

PΔA Perceptio v Actualis CIS

EOD Return to community Community Science Scenarios-Models Other tools (AIDA) CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

CIS: Integration/Synthesis – Conceptual: Information Flow/Analysis

Consistent Test Case Data Analysis Tools

Decision Support

CIS: EPSCoR All Hands Meeting 2013

Coordination Integration Synthesis Thank you.

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