Ktp business partner information

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Knowledge Transfer Partnerships

Business Partner Information

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships are run by Innovate UK, the UK’s innovation agency

Knowledge Transfer Partnerships Costs to your business

What is a Knowledge Transfer Partnership? Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) is a UK-wide programme funded by Innovate UK, enabling businesses to improve their competitiveness, productivity and performance. A KTP is a Partnership between your business and the University of Bath. You can access our knowledge, skills and expertise for a specific project to help your business develop. This is undertaken by a qualified person, known as the Associate, who is recruited for your project. KTPs bring strategic benefits to your business, with a strong academic challenge.

Benefits of a KTP to your business • • • • • •

Accessing qualified people to lead new projects Accessing expertise and facilities to take your business forward Developing innovative solutions to help your business grow Accessing Innovate UK funding to reduce costs to your business Getting support from our KTP team to help deliver your project Forming a lasting network of University contacts

These benefits will help you with: • Increasing your annual profits by over £240,000 before tax • Creating new job opportunities within your business

A KTP is part-funded by Innovate UK. Small to Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) contribute 33% of the costs. A large business contributes 50% of the costs. The average annual business contribution for an SME is around £30,000. This includes 10% of the Academic Supervisor’s time, the employment and development of the Associate, materials, travel and administrative support. Additions, such as provision for redundancy at the end of contract and changes to basic salary are also included. A detailed project costing is produced and agreed. You are eligible to claim R&D Tax Relief, the value depends on the size of the business.

Benefits to the KTP Associate Your business and the University jointly select an Associate, who is employed by the University to work at your premises. They will gain valuable industrial experience as well as project management skills. The Associate will spend a portion of their time on personal and professional development. Around 60% of Associates are offered a permanent full-time position by the business on completion of the KTP. However, there is no obligation to recruit them.

The Process 1. Our KTP team work with you to jointly prepare a draft Partnership Grant Application and Proposal Form online, in discussion with the Innovate UK KTP Adviser. This provides information about the proposed participants, their objectives, and a detailed work plan for the Associate. 2. The Adviser meets the whole team at your business to see if the project meets the criteria for KTP support. They will advise the likelihood of obtaining ‘in principle’ support with any recommended changes. Obtaining the Adviser’s support is critical as they support the application throughout.

Other costs involved for your business Your business will need to cover all costs associated with the project above the grant contribution. This may include management and supervision and any additional materials. You are expected to contribute to the cost of equipment for an Associate where it is above the grant contribution provided. Your business should enhance the salary of the Associate to reflect pay levels in your organisation, business sector and location. Innovate UK part fund salaries up to a specified level. Currently this equates to a maximum Associate salary of approximately £35,000 per annum. This includes pension and NI contribution. Above that level all top up salary costs are paid by the business at 100%. Job specification and salary are agreed before a KTP is costed.

Restrictions when applying for a KTP A KTP may not be appropriate for every business. Innovate UK need to be satisfied, at an early stage, about the financial viability of any business wanting to establish a KTP. If you are a very small business or a recent start-up you may not have the capacity or resources for supporting a KTP.

3. When the form is agreed by the KTP advisor it is submitted by the University to Innovate UK. Submission dates are available from the University’s KTP Office. 4. A Grant Offer Letter is issued on behalf of Innovate UK to the University. You will receive a copy. 5. A KTP Agreement is drawn up between the University and your business. 6. Once the KTP Agreement is signed by both parties, the Partnership begins recruiting the Associate, whose contract of employment is with the University. If the Associate has not started work within nine months the grant offer will lapse.

“Outstanding” Innovate UK has awarded the University of Bath KTPs with Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery Ltd and Seiche Ltd as ‘Outstanding’.

Roy Wyatt Managing Director of Seiche Ltd “The KTPs at the University of Bath are of the highest calibre and bring invaluable new talent to Seiche’s growing R&D department”. Roger Wells Head of Future Technology at Siemens Industrial Turbomachinery “The impact of this research has contributed significantly to the company’s current level of technology and competitiveness in the power generation industry”.

Further information http://ktp.innovateuk.org/ Contact the University of Bath KTP Office Email: ktp@bath.ac.uk Phone: 01225 385201 Website: www.bath.ac.uk/business/for-business/ktp/index.html

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