RISE Horizons programme

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RISE Horizons programme

Three series of sector-specific workshops and masterclasses, designed by industry and experts from the Universities of Brighton and Sussex – created to inspire Small to Medium-sized businesses (SMEs), Community Interest Companies (CICs), social enterprises and micro businesses in the Sussex area.

Why this programme?

Businesses and organisations in the adult health and social care, manufacturing, tourism and hospitality sectors have been some of the hardest hit following the pandemic and Brexit.

In response, West Sussex County Council has prioritised funding to enable small and medium-sized businesses and organisations to access specific innovation support to recover and boost growth.

With the significant challenges faced by these sectors, this uniquely fully-funded programme has been designed to provide local businesses and organisations with sector-specific insights and innovative tools to turn challenges into market advantages.

Taking part in the programme also provides eligible businesses with the opportunity to access up to £12,000* worth of expertise from the Universities of Brighton or Sussex to work on a research and development project to improve or develop a new idea, service or product.

The Horizons programme customers net zero data technology AR AI VR quantum diversity sustainability R&D tax credits protecting intellectual property blockchain internet of things industry 4.0 optimisation productivity growth smart homes internet of caring things innovation healthy ageing 6G robotics machine learning

Each series includes:

+ A series of workshops and masterclasses addressing key challenges in sector-specific areas

+ Membership of a peer community of like-minded SMEs

+ Access up to £12k of fully-funded expertise from the Universities of Brighton and Sussex, to develop an innovative product, service or process.

Programmes are designed to provide businesses and organisations with the knowledge and confidence that they need to adapt and thrive

– delivered through a mix of online and in-person workshops and masterclasses.

Participants will also have the opportunity to problem solve challenges with peers through two additional, confidential and expert facilitated Action Learning Set sessions.

Each themed series culminates with an opportunity to further explore new business ideas and opportunities through a research and development project, working with subject experts from the university of Brighton or Sussex, to the value of up to £12k*, at no cost to eligible businesses and organisations.

Who is it for?

The Horizon programme is for owners, founders, leaders or senior managers with responsibility to drive innovation and are:

+ interested in accessing the latest thinking from industry and academic experts to support innovation and growth

+ looking to create a new, or adapt an existing, service, product or business model

+ representing a small to mediumsized businesses (SMEs), Community Interest Companies (CICs) or micro-business based in Sussex.

How can I take part?

Businesses will need to join the RISE project by visiting rise-innovation.uk.

How much will it cost?

Programmes are free to attend due to funding from the European Regional Development Fund and West Sussex County Council.

Businesses interested in accessing the fully-funded Access to Expertise part of the programme, need to be based in West Sussex and meet eligibility criteria.

*Please note up to £12,000 value of support is not transferrable and is not a grant. The actual state aid value of any support will be detailed in advance of any support undertaken and could be up to £12,000. For more information visit rise-innovation.uk/terms-and-conditions

Horizons: Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality

Developed in partnership with Experience West Sussex, this bespoke series comprises of masterclasses and workshops covering topics such as:

+ New technologies for enhancing business operations and visitor experiences

+ Understanding your customer journey from ‘look to book’

+ The value of data analytics

+ Enhancing your customer offer

+ Sustainability and Net Zero support

+ Diversity and inclusivity to attract new staff and customers

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Innovation in Manufacturing and Supply Chains

Developed in partnership with the Manufacturing, Engineering and Technology Alliance (METALL), this bespoke series consists of masterclasses and workshops covering topics such as:

+ How will 6G improve business communications?

+ Understanding how AI and Blockchain can help traceability of supplies

+ Optimisation of manufacturing processes

+ The value of data analytics and Internet of Things and how machine learning can help

+ Sustainability and Net Zero support

+ Diversity and inclusivity to attract new staff and customers

+ How to start to implement innovation projects

+ New technologies for enhancing business operations

+ New technologies and trends in supply chain management

+ R&D Tax Credits – Carpenter Box

+ Protecting Intellectual Property – DMH Stallard Book your place

Horizons: Innovation in Adult Health and Social Care

Developed in partnership with Kent Surrey Sussex Academic Health Science Network (KSSAHN), this unique series will include masterclasses and workshops on the following topics:

+ Overcoming inequalities in Health and Social Care

+ Maintaining Healthy Ageing: being active and being healthy at work

+ Enabling social connectedness for our ageing population and adults with additional needs

+ Preventing social isolation and digital exclusion

+ Designing for better independent living – Smart homes and Internet of Caring Things

+ Management of long-term health conditions: obesity, heart conditions, cancer, dementia

+ Utilising AI and automated data analysis in health and social care

The Horizons programmes will be delivered through a mix of online and in-person sessions between October 2022 and January 2023. Find out more at rise-innovation.uk/programmes Have a question? Get in touch at rise@brighton.ac.uk.

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