“ Home of the free... because of the b rave�
U n i v e r s i t y o f C e n t r a l F lo r i da
Honoring Veterans Guarantors of Freedom The Veterans Commemorative Site provides a unique opportunity to honor America’s veterans—past, present and future. This enduring tribute will have a tremendous impact on generations of students, faculty and staff members, alumni, and family and friends of UCF, and it will forever change the face of our great university and the local community.
Honoring Service “Giving of one’s self for the good of others” As part of this project, you have an opportunity to help recognize and honor the men and women who have given so much for our nation’s freedom and security. This commemorative site will be a permanent and powerful symbol of their many sacrifices, and will attract the attention of thousands of students, alumni and university friends and visitors who will pass by every day of the year. This site will soon become a cherished campus landmark.
Artist’s rendering of Veterans Commemorative Site
Veterans Commemorative Site The Veterans Commemorative Site was designed by award-winning painter, sculptor, and Navy veteran Don Reynolds of Sanford, Florida. The design includes beautifully sculpted, basrelief marble replicas of the United States Armed Forces seals anchored on five adjacent, tapered, horizontal columns attached to a cast bronze fitting encircling the U.S. flag. The white marble seals symbolize the purity, nobility and enduring bonds within and between each of the military services. Each horizontal column symbolizes the steadfast commitment to service and unity of purpose that hallmark our nation’s Armed Forces. The marble sections comprising each of the columns are shaped similarly to traditional veteran headstones, honoring both those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and all those who pledged the same high standard. The bronze fitting surrounding the flag symbolizes the strength, teamwork and unfailing devotion of the Armed Forces to protect our nation and the ideals of liberty and justice for all. Finally, the 21 stars embedded on the site boundary wall symbolize our “national salute,” honoring both our country’s flag and the many selfless veterans who have defended America throughout her glorious history.
Uniting Students, Alumni and the Community UCF’s magnificent campus and the dignified Veterans Commemorative Site located on Memory Mall provide a dramatic setting for highlighting and uniting the diverse constituents the university serves— the students, the campus community, the alumni, the Central Florida community, and friends of the university across the nation and around the world.
Artist’s rendering
Our Vision is Clear and Our Course is Set We need your support. This Veterans Commemorative Site must be privately funded. Your financial support is a vital part of the funding effort, and will enable us to realize this dream. Your gift is an investment—in the students, in the future of UCF, in the Central Florida community, and in the nation.
Please donate now by completing the attached form, enclosing your payment and mailing it to: UCF Foundation, Inc. Veterans Commemorative Site Campaign 12424 Research Pkwy, Suite 140 Orlando, FL 32826-3257 or donate online at fo u n d at i o n .u cf.e d u /ve t s
Artist’s rendering of Memory Mall.
“In honor of THE UCF Knights and all dedicated patriots who have courageously served as members of The United States Armed Forces”
U C F F ou n d a t io n , I n c . 1 24 24 R esearch Par kway, S u i te 1 40 O r l ando, F L 3 2 82 6-3 2 57 4 07. 8 8 2 .1 2 2 0 4 07. 8 8 2 .1 2 2 1 FAX
fo undation.ucf.edu/vets 0901FTD241