Remembering Frances Millican
GIVING BACK Students share their time with the community
COLLEGE NEWS 12 colleges. 12 highlights.
UCF TODAY f o r Fa m i ly a n d f r i e n d s o f t h e U n i v e r s i t y o f C e n t r a l F l o r i da
Winter 2010
$7.5 Million Grant to Go Greener UCF has been awarded a $7.5 million research grant to study ways to make photovoltaic solar cells more efficient in capturing and converting solar energy into electricity, and less costly to manufacture.
UCF Wins Statewide Award for Small Business Support
The Blue Man Group entertained Knight fans during halftime at a recent basketball game.
UCF Alzheimer’s Discovery Could Lead to Preventive Treatment
UCF Helps White House Create Jobs
Despite a massive g loba l research effort, many basics of Alzheimer’s disease onset remain elusive. This has ha mpered development of t reat ment s that are effective during the earliest stages of the disease, when prevention is most likely. Most studies focus on treating already damaged cells, mainly looking to help patients manage the symptoms. UCF researcher James Hickman, head of UCF NanoScience Technology Center’s Hybrid Systems Laborator y, and his team are re-thinking that approach. T he re s e a rc h re ve a le d a previously unknown mechanism that may drive the early brain f u nct ion deteriorat ion of Alzheimer’s victims, thus opening a new exploratory path in the quest for an Alzheimer’s cure. This path may lead to an Alzheimer’s treatment that could block the onset of t he mild cognitive
UCF answered t he W hite House’s request to hold community job summits by gathering together small business owners, executives, nonprofit managers and other community members. President Obama’s request is to help address the nation’s unemployment rate. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistic’s most recent reports, the national unemployment rate has reached 10 percent and Florida’s has reached 11.5 percent. “Your community jobs forum will be a source of insights and
impairment associated with the early stages of the disease A substance called amyloidbeta gums up brain cells when it becomes too concentrated, b e c au s e it for m s damaging deposits on the cells known as plaques. These prevent nor ma l elec t r ica l signal generation in the cells, eventually killing them. That drives the memory loss and other problems that plague Alzheimer’s sufferers.
ide a s t hat w i l l i n for m t he President’s approach to job creation,” White House advisor Va ler ie Ja r ret t w rote i n a n e-mail to community leaders, including UCF’s Thomas Bryer, assistant professor for public administration. She said President Obama wants “to explore every possible avenue for job creation.” “Our forum was one of four out of the 3,276 forums conducted around the country to be featured in a final report from the Obama Administration,” Bryer said of last year’s forum.
2009 Health Care Heroes of UCF The Orlando Business Journal placed three UCF community members among its 2009 Health Care Heroes.
For the latest news visit news.ucf.edu
Microsoft founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda’s foundation— the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation—recently awarded UCF Associate Professor Alex Cole the Grand Challenges Explorations grant. Cole’s innovative global research into HIV prevention was one of only 76 to be awarded out of 3,000 applicants.
UCF a “Best Value”
UCF in Top 50 for National Merit Scholars
to stay in touch with the UCF community:
UCF Today is updated daily at today.ucf.edu
UCF Wins Grant to Research HIV
Kiplinger and The Princeton Review have rated UCF as a “Best Value” university. UCF was rated 36th and 38th by Kiplinger and The Princeton Review, respectively.
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The Small Business Development Center (SBDC) at UCF received seven awards during the Florida Small Business Development Center Network’s 2009 Performance Excellence Awards Ceremony in Orlando for its outstanding performance in supporting small businesses in categories such as Florida Volunteer of the Year and Florida Innovative Program and Best Practice Award. To learn more about the SBDC, visit www.sbdcorlando.com.
The National Merit Report has ranked UCF 43rd nationally and number two in Florida for number of first-time-in-college merit scholars.
Pappachan Kolattukudy, director of the Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences in the College of Medicine, was recognized for his 45 years of research accomplishments. He is ranked in the top five percent of the most highly funded National Institutes of Health researchers in the United States during the past 25 years.
Harris Rosen, a charter member of the UCF Board of Trustees and namesake of the Rosen College of Hospitality Management, was recognized for his innovation in taking care of his employees’ health. Rosen opened an on-site health center where employees of Rosen Hotels and Resorts can see a doctor while “on the clock.”
Amber Kaufman, an adjunct instructor in UCF’s pediatric nu rse prac t it ioner ma ster’s program and graduate of the UCF College of Nursing, was named a Nurse Hero for 2009. She is also a certified nurse practitioner and has organized medical mission trips to Africa.
UCF Awarded Healthy Sum: $1.3 Million UCF received a federal grant to study whether Get Active Orlando’s walking, bicycling and community gardening programs are helping older adults and lower-income, minority families become more physically active.
Our Frances 1927-2009
When many of us at UCF and in the community spoke of Frances Millican, we referred to her as “Our Frances.” I’ve come to realize, over the years of friendship, that we who were fortunate to know her truly came to think of her as “ours.” I believe that is also true of the university. Frances will forever be woven into the tapestry of the history of the University of Central Florida. When I first met Frances, I was in awe of her graciousness and her gift for making everyone with whom she came in contact feel at ease and that she was genuinely interested in them. Haven’t we all watched Frances interact so beautifully with politicians, CEOs, VIPs and dignitaries? She was amazing! But did you also notice that she afforded the same warmth and genuine interest as she interacted with the waitress who brought her coffee (and it had to be HOT!), the store clerk and the handyman? Little wonder there were hundreds at her memorial service. When I spoke with Dr. Millican about this ability of Frances’, he said, “Let me tell you when I first noticed that gift.” Before he and Frances met, he was attending a
Remembering Frances Millican
Chi Omega event and happened to notice “the loveliest creature he had ever set eyes on” sitting two tables away. He asked a friend who she was and was told, “That’s Frances Hilliard.” He did not meet her that day but continued to think about her. There were two movie theatres side-by-side in the town of Jackson, Tennessee. Charlie Millican was studying the marquee, trying to decide what movie to watch. He turned around to see Frances
he recalled this part of the story, there was a definite twinkle in his eye!) that Frances made sure she sat between him and her friend. After being married for 64 years, Frances proved she was genuinely interested in Charlie Millican. T he u niversit y has lost a beautiful ambassador, we have all lost our dear friend; the Grasty children, Madison, Haley and William, have lost their Grandma and Dr. Millican has lost his beloved Frances. How truly blessed
“I was in awe of her graciousness and her gift for making everyone with whom she came in contact feel at ease.” walking up to look at the marquee and introduced himself. Frances indicated that she and her girlfriends had come to the movies and she didn’t care for any that were play ing next door. She excused herself to make a phone call to let her mother know where she was and indicated she and her friends would join him in the theatre. It turned out to be only one other friend and he noticed (as
we have all been to have had her in our lives. She would have wanted us all to continue to support the university she so deeply loved and which was so much a part of what defined “Our Frances.”
Top to bottom, left to right: Charles and Frances Millican; Charles Millican speaks at Frances’ Memorial Service, with Roger Pynn; the Millicans on their wedding day; Knightro,
Maggie LeClair UCF Women’s Club President
Charles and Frances Millican in front of Millican Hall; Sonja Nicholson, Frances Millican and Maggie LeClair.
This is UCF In November, Founding President Charles Millican was honored with the unveiling of a bronze statue commissioned by UCF Alumni.
Imagine for a moment what life would be like without the arts—no paintings to help us to see the world with new eyes, no melodies to move us, no dance moves to shake us. It’s not just boring. It’s lifeless.
U CF g e t s that.
UCF produces doc tors a nd nurses, for example, to save lives—but also understands that the arts enrich lives by allowing self-expression and the sharing of varying perspectives. These perspectives are the essence of diversity, especially when they are expressed in different places and in different ways. From the theater to the museum and even to our own living rooms, the arts increase the quality of our lives. That’s why UCF continues to provide our faculty and staff members, students and neighbors with access to the arts, from jazz
concerts to art exhibits to cuttingedge independent films. Something else is happening at UCF, too. As the Performing Arts Center literally rises on campus, UCF dedicates itself to a new generation of education in the arts and beyond—a generation that views and treats the arts not as a luxury, but as a necessity. Education doesn’t just benefit from the arts; it requires the arts. The arts are everywhere—on our cars and computers, in the places where we meet and share with our neighbors, in our hearts and minds—and at UCF, where we always work to improve lives.
I am extremely proud of the many contributions made by our faculty, students and staff
members, who enrich our campus and the Greater Orlando community. Our college serves an important role as a community cultural resource, providing lectures, concerts, theatrical productions, radio broadcasts, art exhibits and a variety of festivals in live and recorded formats to local, regional, national and international audiences. I would invite you to join us on a great journey as we pursue our vision of enhancing and developing programs of excellence in both the arts and humanities that are recognized for their academic quality, creative output and economic impact in our community.
Jose Fernandez, Dean, College of Arts and Humanities
UCF Performing Arts Center If you’ve visited the UCF campus, you might be wondering: What are the new buildings all about? One is UCF’s latest innovation— t he new, st ate- of-t he-a r t Per for m i ng Arts Center. You might be thinking it’s a traditional building of classrooms and practice rooms—but you’d be wrong. It’s so much more.
It’s only phase one of what will become an arts complex. Phase one includes classrooms, rehearsal spaces and specialized production areas, as well as faculty and administrative offices for the UCF College of Arts and Humanities departments of music and theater. Once the privatelyfunded phase two is completed, the complex will include: • 520-seat proscenium theater • 263-seat recital hall • 225-seat Black Box theater • Rehearsal areas • Scenery production, property and costume shops
A Few Facts The College of Arts and Humanities’ students and faculty volunteer throughout Central Florida, encouraging children of all ages to develop their creativity through programs such as the Orlando Repertory Theatre’s ACT! Outreach Program. The college’s alumni work in industries such as film, advertising and marketing, medicine, television (in front of and behind the camera), higher education and more— the arts are a path to various disciplines. Its faculty members are renowned researchers, winning grants and other awards for research in areas such as music and brain function, gamebased learning, international and national arts collaborations, linguistic studies and more.
Humanities at UCF For more information about the center, visit foundation.cah.ucf.edu/arts2.php
The arts aren’t the only part of the College of Arts and Humanities—the following departments are essential to UCF: • African American Studies • English • History • Judaic Studies • Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies • Middle Eastern Studies • Modern Languages and Literatures • Philosophy • Women’s Studies
Photographer and grad student Patricia Nuss
Theo Lotz (left), the UCF Art Gallery Director, at Flying Horse Press
“Atlas’ Revenge” animated film
UCF TODAY The Arts at UCF Motion capture at House of Moves
Artwork by Britanny Metz
Jeff Rupert and high school student Jazztet
Governor Charlie Crist visits the Center for Emerging Media
UCF film students
UCF Film Continues to Gain National Attention
Tooting UCF Alum’s Horn “Dancing With The Stars.” “ F a m i l y G u y.” T h e L . A . Philharmonic. “American Dad.” Steven Spielberg. Any of these names ring a bell? From popular T.V. shows to American classics and top directors, UCF Alum Robert Schaer (’02) has made a name for himself as a musician in a highly competitive industry. But Schaer doesn’t like to toot his own horn—he credits his UCF music professors with hitting his first career notes. “Being in school and studying with wonderful professors like John Almeida, Jeff Rupert and Ron Ellis completely changed my life and my approach to music,”
In addition to several stories of UCF Film’s national and international success, Professor Christopher Harris’ experimental film,“28. IV.81 (Bedouin Spark),” was recently selected to screen at the 39th International Film Festival Rotterdam. The film is the first installment of an ongoing series of films collectively titled “The Angle of Dust,” which is dedicated to the poet Nathaniel Mackey and inspired by a volume of his prose composition, Bedouin Hornbook. Each film in the series is a single 100-foot roll of film that is edited in-camera and improvised as it’s shot. The International Film Festival Rotterdam offers a quality selection of worldwide independent, innovative and experimental cinema, as well as a series of film-related visual arts exhibitions and live performances.
UCF has two creative writing journals and one scholarly journal, which publish literary works and perspectives. The Faulkner Journal publishes scholarly work twice-a-year on the life and works of William Faulkner. The Florida Review publishes the poetry and prose of some of the most exciting emerging and established creative writers. The Cypress Dome is an award-winning student literary journal.
Got Bare Walls? Schaer explains. “Without their help and guidance, I wouldn’t be where I am today. For that reason, the music performance degree I earned at UCF means the world to me.”
The Center for Emerging Media parallels
the spirit of the recently formed School of Visual Arts and Design. Located in downtown Orlando, the new school includes the traditional art forms of painting, printmaking, photography, sculpture, ceramics and graphics. They are merged with today’s digital technologies such as computer animation, interactive media and game design. Jack Lew
Director of Collaborations; Interim Director of the School of Visual Arts and Design
Designing an Architecture Program We’ve designed a brand new program at UCF: the Bachelor of Design in Architecture. Students complete their first two years at Valencia, then enroll in UCF’s bachelor’s degree program after a rigorous evaluation of their previous design work. Students who wish to get a master’s degree in architecture can also do so here in Central Florida through University of Florida’s City Lab, which has taken up residence at UCF’s Center for Emerging Media. As part of the School of Visual Arts and Design, the program prepares students to enter a growing field in Florida—the Department of Labor projects the state of Florida will need 6,440 architects by year 2016, which is a 33 percent rise in demand.
Major Film & Theatre Success In addition to several theatre productions here at UCF, Professor Anthony B. Major has worked on some major projects with big stars in his three decades of experience. He is also the program director for the Zora Nea le Hurston Inst itute for Documentary Studies (ZNHIDS), Dean’s Off ice and Associate Professor in the Nicholson School of Communication. Major is also a director, actor, teacher and producer. Some of
We keep journals
the names he has worked with are household names: Academy Award winners Robert DeNiro, Beau Bridges, Sidney Poitier, James Earl Jones, Harry Belafonte and Eddie Murphy. But the multifaceted artist isn’t just dedicated to making it big in his industry—he is dedicated to and has contributed much to causes close to his heart such as the United Negro College Fund.
UCF has a fine arts press: Flying Horse Editions. The press is a non-profit publisher of museumquality, limited-edition art books and prints by renowned artists and authors—and you can collect these works by contacting Flying Horse Editions. View the work for sale of more than 20 artists by visiting flyinghorse.cah.ucf.edu.
89.9 WUCF-FM WUCF is a listener-supported radio station playing Jazz music and more. With podcasts covering everything from live bands to sports debates, WUCF has added a variety of topics to their Jazz program. For more information, visit wucf.org.
What’s Happening in the UCF Arts? UCF’s College of Arts and Humanities has so much going on year-round. Join us for our many events and be delighted, moved and inspired. Here are just some highlights:
UCF Conservatory Theatre www.theatre.ucf.edu February 18-21, 25-28 Antigone: The Burial at Thebes Black Box Theatre MARCH 25-28 Rent Main Stage April 15-18 Spring One-Act Festival Location TBA
UCF Music www.music.ucf.edu February 20, 2010 8:00 p.m.- 10:00 p.m. & February 21, 2010 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. The Opera Workshop: “Betly,” a Comedy by Gaetano Donizetti University High School; adults $20.00; Seniors/Students/Children $10.00; Free with UCF ID MARCH 19-20 UCF-Orlando Jazz Festival 12–10 p.m. Join UCF for two days of Jazz from an exciting mix of faculty, students and visiting artists.
UCF TODAY Giving Back
Knights in the Community 1
UCF works with more than 200 organizations, providing assistance to thousands of Central Floridians. Volunteer UCF also coordinates numerous events that bring together UCF students, faculty, staff and a lu mni to ma ke a d if ference in Cent ra l Florida and beyond.
Much like volunteering, service-learning courses send UCF st udents out i nto t he com mu nit y to lend a hand to nonprofit organizations—but these Knights apply the skills they learn in the classroom. It’s a hands-on way to teach using a philosophy of reciprocity.
UCF students are engaged in rigorous academic programs and research projects on and off campus. Knights spend countless hours in local, national and international communities, helping people with everything from boosting reading skills to fundraising to clothing the homeless. How do they do it? There are three basic ways Knights give back to their community.
Co-ops & Internships
S ome K n ig ht s go out i nto t he com mu n it y to apply classroom theory in major- or career-related professional work environments. Most of these positions are paid and are in addition to the students’ academic experiences. By the time these students graduate, they are ready to contribute.
Alternative Spring Break S o m e s t u d e nt s s k i p t h e beach during UCF’s Alternative Spring Break. Using their time off to make a difference, teams of UCF st udent s enga ge i n community service and learn about significant social issues in locations such as New Orleans, Atlanta, the Florida Keys and Puerto Rico.
UCF’s partnership with Junior Achievement is the largest servicelearning/ university partnership in the U.S. and has been lauded as a “leading example in the nation.” Last year, UCF students and faculty members contributed their time and talent to the Central Florida community teaching 2,671 Junior Achievement classes to 50,219 K-8 students in 120 Central Florida schools. Many UCF colleges and units were involved, including The Burnett Honors College, College of Education, College of Health and Public Affairs, LEAD Scholars program, Interdisciplinary Studies, College of Business Administration, College of Arts and Humanities and the Nicholson School of Communication. In 2008, UCF President John Hitt won the national President’s Volunteer Service Award, a White House recognition, on behalf of the university for its Junior Achievement accomplishments.
“As it has been for the last three years, our work in the Lower Ninth Ward in New Orleans has been the most important and most compelling time we have spent.” Every year, UCF’s DeVos Sport Business Management graduate program, part of the College of Business Administration, has visited New Orleans to help rebuild the homes and lives of residents affected by Hurricane Katrina. While DeVos students have done the majority of the volunteer work, the program has also drawn student volunteers from other schools. “The students in the DeVos Program continue to inspire me every day. As it has been for the last three years, our work in the Lower Ninth Ward
Fast Facts
Lapchick In New Orleans in New Orleans has been the m o s t i m p o r t a nt a n d m o s t compelling time we have spent,” says Richard Lapchick, chair of the DeVos Sport Business Management Program. He is also the founder of the Hope For Stanley A lliance, which places focus on student-athlete, athlete and sport administrator involvement from across the world in the rebuilding of homes and playgrounds because of its belief in the power of sports for social change. S i n c e 2 0 0 7, m o r e t h a n 600 people have volunteered for t he Hope for Sta n ley Alliance. Last August, MBA students contributed more than 1,100 hours. “We spent our fourth week in New Orleans in mid-December, 2009” and that made a total of 21 weeks for DeVos there since December 2006. “Our Hope for Stanley Alliance has brought more than 900 volunteers there in that time. It has been so great for our students, my wife Ann, our daughter Emily and me. Life changing. It is not possible to describe it,” Lapchick added.
UCF’s Junior Achievement Largest in U.S.
Every year, 21,000 UCF students participate in experiential learning and 10,400 students participate in service-learning Each student in service-learning courses contributes at least 15 hours 2,800 students contribute to 950 work sites through co-ops Artsbridge’s theatre students contributed 312 hours of service, teaching at 129 elementary and 20 middle schools Service-learning students gave 155,970 volunteer hours to non-profit and government agencies, representing a $2.7 million community cost savings for the region
Student Profile
Creative w riting major Ta ma ra Ma r t i n is a per fec t exa mple of t he i mag i nat ive ways Knights give back. While taking a poetry workshop, which i nc lud e d s e r v ic e -le a r n i n g , with Professor Terry Thaxton, Ta ma ra a nd her cla ssmates volunteered at the Life Care Center of Orlando, an assistedliving facility. The students talked with the residents and read them poetry.
“It was like living the memory with them.” During her second semester, Tamara continued to work with the residents, but this time she knew to ask questions and take copious notes in order to gather their stories together. Then, she shared the stories with the residents as a group, as well as her friends.
College News UCF TODAY
College News Arts and Humanities The college launched the Regional Initiative for Collecting the History, Experiences, and Stories of Central Florida (or RICHES of Central Florida). This interdisciplinary public history program coordinates projects that explore the region’s diverse cultural heritage. Central Florida has often been associated with large-scale commercial tourism and housing development. While those aspects are important to the region’s economic growth, much of its history remains unnoticed and under-researched. RICHES of Central Florida brings together the academic community with profit and non-profit organizations to collect, preserve and interpret the region’s history. For more information, visit riches.cah.ucf.edu or call 407-823-0242.
Engineering and Computer Science The college has more t han 6,800 students in its Civil, Environmental, and Construction; Electrical and Computer S c ie nc e , E n g i ne e r i n g t e c h nolo g y, Industrial and Management Systems, and Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace programs. Its nationally ranked graduate a nd undergraduate programs attract worldclass faculty, including newly appointed Dean Mar wan Simaan, t he first National Academy of Engineering member to join the faculty. In add it ion, its st udent Dr. Marwan Simaan organizations, including the programming, robotics and bridge building teams have gained national and international prominence, winning major competitions against some of the world’s top universities.
Business Administration The college is the only business school in Florida to be ranked among the top 10 “best administered” programs by The Princeton Review. The ranking appears in the 2010 edition of the “Best 301 Business Schools,” which identifies the top graduate business schools in the nation. The “best administered” rankings were based on student assessment of how smoothly the school runs and how easily students can get into required and popular courses. The results were compiled using data provided by business schools and a survey of 19,000 students.
Graduate Studies The college offers nearly 200 graduate degree and graduate certificate programs a nd en rol ls about 8 , 2 0 0 g r adu ate students in education, health, hospitality m a n a ge m e nt , bu s i n e s s , s c i e nc e s , engineering, nursing, arts and humanities, and social sciences. Its many fellowship and assistantship opportunities help students fund their education. Information about programs and resources may be found at graduate.ucf.edu.
Health and Public Affairs
Education “You’re a l l i nv it e d ,” s a id D e a n Sandra L. Robinson announcing the inaugural UCF Book Festival, April 16-17, at the UCF Arena, which is open to the public with free admission. Meet the authors, book signings and appraisals, exhibits and children’s activities. Meet former U.S. Poet Laureate Billy Collins, plus a host of renowned national and local authors. Information on the UCF Book Festival and registration for workshops is available online at bookfestival.ucf.edu. The festival is being presented in association with The Morgridge International Reading Center at UCF.
New federal grants will enhance the college’s ability to strengthen communities and improve global health care. The Center for Public and Nonprofit Management will work with local nonprofits, serving communities hit hard by the recession with a $1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The center also will revise and update UCF’s emergency management plan, thanks to a $497,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education. And researchers will study language impairments associated with stroke in Chinese people with a $727,000 grant from the National Institutes of Health.
Optics and Photonics
Hospitality Management Rosen Col lege of Hospita lit y Management develops future generations of global hospitality and tourism leaders through innovative academic programs, cutting-edge research and industr y partnerships. More than 3,000 students enroll to study in Orlando, an unparalleled tourist destination attracting more than 49 million visitors per year. Hospitality Management is currently the fourth most popular major at UCF. An internationallyrenowned faculty, a beautiful state-of-the a r t c a mpu s , ex per ient ia l le a r n i ng opportunities, and close proximity to the world’s leading attractions, hotels, restaurants and more, make Rosen College the premier institution for hospitality and tourism education in the nation.
Medicine The college includes the Department of Medical Education and the Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences, and offers undergraduate and advanced degree programs in biomedical sciences as well as a doctor of medicine (M.D.) program. The M.D. program enrolled an initial class of 41 students in 2009 and will expand to 120 medical graduates each year. The Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences is training more than 2,300 undergraduate majors in the biomedical sciences. The school also offers master’s degrees in molecular biology and microbiology, and biotechnology, as well as doctoral degree in biomedical sciences. The college is an integral part of the growing medical city at Lake Nona.
UCF scient ists cont ribute to t he development of a wide range of optics and photonics technologies, including lasers, optical fibers, imaging systems, displays, and semiconductor light sources and detectors. This fall, Dr. Winston Schoenfeld received a $7.5 million research grant from Prime Source Initiative, inc., to make photovoltaic solar cells more efficient in capturing and converting solar energy into electricity. The research can lead to ways to produce highly flexible solar panels, which could be manufactured in larger quantities and used to support a variety of solar products.
Sciences The college, UCF’s largest academic unit, has more than 10,300 students. The college’s 10 departments combine the traditional, natural and computational sciences of mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology and statistics with the social and behavioral sciences of psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology and communication. This structure encourages students to explore the interaction of science with t he complex problems of our world today. Students can interact with issues spanning from global climate change and environmental sustainability to forensic science and human-machine interactions. The college provides a solid base in science that serves as the foundation for all future learning and growth.
The Burnett Honors College
Nursing Now accepting applications for a new post-baccalaureate doctor of nursing practice (D.N.P.) track for Fall 2010 admission. This track will allow nurses with a bachelor’s degree in nursing to enter directly into a D.N.P. program. This will prepare them for advanced practice as family nurse practitioners, adult-gerontology nurse practitioners, or adult-gerontology clinical nurse specialists. Students will earn a master’s degree while completing their D.N.P. degree, allowing them to take required certification exams, become licensed as advanced practice nurses and begin working in the role as they complete their doctorate. The D.N.P. follows a national trend toward clinical doctorates in other fields, including pharmacy, physical therapy and audiology.
The college prov ides UCF’s most academically talented and motivated students with a challenging and unique scholarly experience, creating a strong foundation for future achievements. The college successfully combines the intimacy of a small liberal arts college with the benefits of a large research university. Honors classes are small and students experience enriched opportunities for learning, discovery and engagement under the mentorship of highly dedicated faculty. The college is housed in its own beautiful facility and many students take advantage of our Honors living-learning community in Tower 3. Learn more about us at honors.ucf.edu.