Annual Review
Contents 04
Foreword—Chair of the University Board
Introduction—Vice Chancellor
Student body profile
Student achievements
Quality and standards
Access and widening participation
15 International 16
Wider community
Research and enterprise
Staff profile
Professorial appointment
Staff achievements
Honorary fellowships
28 Estates 30
Financial summary
Governance and management
Annual Review
This document may be viewed in electronic format on our website (www.cumbria.ac.uk) and can be made available in alternative formats (for example Braille).
Contact the Vice Chancellor’s Office on 01228 616056. 2011/12 Annual Review
Foreword Stephen Henwood Chair of the University Board 2011/12 was another significant year for the University of
The university recognises that there will be both opportunities and
Cumbria. It marked a year when an updated corporate strategy
challenges arising from these changes and will look to develop its
was approved and in which the university again performed
strong reputation and areas of niche provision across the HEFCE,
strongly, achieving very strong recruitment, another strong financial
TA and NHS portfolio, seeking to capitalise upon its potential.
surplus and improved results in the National Student Survey. In the year ahead the university will be undertaking a detailed
The achievements in 2011/12, building as they do on those of the previous year, provide a strong platform on which the university will look to build in the coming years in a challenging and changing market place.
review of the implications of the changing external landscape for its strategy and future direction. The changed financial and policy landscape will necessitate even more focus on income diversification and cost reduction to ensure the university has a sustainable business model which enables it to deliver its mission and vision. The University Board has therefore, in its plans and risk assessments, made prudent planning assumptions including financial planning. It is also supporting strategic investments in business-critical areas, including key academic areas such as
The new vice chancellor, Professor Peter Strike, oversaw the
business and sustainable engineering, as well as in marketing
process to refresh the corporate strategy, and produce an
and recruitment and enhancing the international office. The
associated business annual operating plan which reflected the
development and implementation of a new estates investment
continuing significant developments and changes facing the
programme has been a key priority in 2011/12, working towards the
higher education sector. These included:
improvement of the quality and utilisation of the estate in support
• the introduction of the new fee regime
of enhancing the student experience and improving sustainability.
• changes to the student number controls • the move towards a liberalisation of the student market with
The university and University of Cumbria Students’ Union (UCSU)
the introduction of “Core Plus Margin”
work closely in partnership to develop the student experience for
• the movement of students achieving AAB+ from the core
all our students. This year saw the University Board and UCSU
HEFCE student contract to the “free market”
launch an initiative aimed at strengthening further this important
• the introduction of the School Direct policy in teacher education.
partnership by signing a relationship agreement, one of ten recommended actions in the Committee of University Chairs’ (CUC)
The University Board, through its strategic, financial and
Good Governance Guide in support of strong governance. The
academic planning, has recognised the challenges facing the
agreement forms the basis of a strong and sustainable governance
sector—and particularly how they have directly affected the
relationship between the union and the university and reflects the
University of Cumbria. This has been characterised by increasing
continuing strong commitment to working in genuine partnership
uncertainty in the policy and funding environment, with major
with the student body. This will ensure the university remains
policy changes planned or being implemented, often with little
focused on enhancing the quality of the academic offer and the
lead time or clear guidance.
student experience and that students, rightly, given the new fee regime, are able to contribute actively to shaping and informing the
Together, these and other changes have created a new and
on-going development of the university.
unknown student recruitment market and made planning and forecasting ever more challenging. The university continued, and
The university remains committed to its mission and vision and to
will continue in 2012/13, to review the implications and address
being a strong and respected university serving the needs of its
the likely impact of these changes as the university seeks to
region and beyond.
ensure its offer is demand driven and student focused.
04 2011/12 Annual Review
2011/12 was another significant year for the University of Cumbria. It marked a year when an updated corporate strategy was approved and in which the university again performed strongly
2011/12 Annual Review
Introduction Professor Peter Strike Vice Chancellor Last year was another important year for the University of
The AOP has been developed through a series of senior
Cumbria—a year in which the university performed increasingly
management team (SMT) workshops and has been based on the
strongly, with some excellent financial and academic achievements.
long-term goals within the corporate strategy. This gives a number
The university successfully supported 3,335 new graduates through
of performance objectives that have been developed for each goal.
their studies and into the workplace.
The key outputs of the professional services review (PSR), as well as faculty and service plans, have also been incorporated into the
A financial surplus was delivered in 2011/12, in line with the planned budget. Recruitment for the year was strong, with targets being achieved, and applications received during the year for 2012/13 entry were also excellent.
AOP and the university now has indicative priorities contained in a
Widening participation continued to form an important focus for
the university has the foundations in place to enable us to meet these
activity and the university’s performance was noted in the Office of Fair Access monitoring report, which stated that its targets and
deliverable action plan that is consistent across all areas of activity and has been used to inform the budget planning process. The AOP offers a clear representation of how the university will take forward its corporate strategy for the year ahead, and although the HE environment continues to be ever changing, I am confident that challenges and ensure the university goes from strength to strength.
expectations continue to be achieved and exceeded.
The university’s estates plans were also reviewed and an updated
The financial plan that had been put in place provided a solid
included proposals to return to the Ambleside campus as part of
platform for investment. The focus on business-critical areas, including marketing and recruitment and enhancing the international office, showed real value in aiding competition in this very challenging market. New enterprise structures will support a significant increase in both the level and impact of the university’s enterprise activities. The development and implementation of a new estates strategy was also a priority, to support the improvement of the quality and utilisation of the estate in order to enhance the student experience and improve sustainability. Significant investment
estates investment plan was developed and approved. The plan an extensive masterplan detailing the university’s vision for the site over the next five years. Far-reaching consultation was conducted with stakeholders and the local community in order to inform the university’s plans, and this work will continue throughout each phase of the process. Essential to the university’s progress and sustainability is a strong working partnership with University of Cumbria Students’ Union. Together we strive to meet the needs of all our students and to
has also been made in IT equipment for students and staff.
this end we have together developed a new student charter.
There are still many challenges ahead, with the changes in the fee
The university’s progress over the last few years would not have
regime and the cap on student numbers, together with the major changes taking place to teacher education, but the university is well placed to meet these challenges. With a clear corporate strategy in place to build on recent success, the university aims to continue to provide quality and accessible higher education to the region, and to ensure its sustainability and success in the longer term. Working to
been possible without the continued, exceptional dedication and support of our staff, who have all resolutely maintained their commitment to the university and, despite the significant financial challenges and the major change programme we have faced, have remained focused on the core business. As a result, our students continue to deliver great achievements that build our national and
further improve the student experience will continue to be a key priority.
international reputation. With such good foundations in place, and
To ensure priorities are fully met, an annual operating plan (AOP)
will continue to thrive whilst at the same time maintaining the
has been put in place which provides a robust planning framework for the future business of the university.
working together, I am confident that the University of Cumbria student experience and the quality of our academic programmes, and continuing to meet the needs of the communities which we serve. We can look forward with genuine enthusiasm to the challenges of the years ahead.
06 2011/12 Annual Review
Last year was another important year for the University of Cumbria—a year in which the university performed increasingly strongly, with some excellent financial and academic achievements.
2011/12 Annual Review
Student body profile
enrolled full-time equivalent students
In 2011/12 the university enrolled 10,709 students of which 8,936 were undergraduate students and 1,773 were postgraduate or PGCE students. In total, the university had a student population which equated to 7,839.7 full-time equivalent (FTE); these were split between 6,783 FTEs of full-time students and 1,056.7 FTE of part-time students.
Proportion of students by faculty Health and Wellbeing
Arts, Business and Science
28% Undergraduate
Age distribution of students Under 18
08 2011/12 Annual Review
Postgraduate (taught and research—includes PGCE)
Enrolments by campus
Brampton Road
Brampton Road
Fusehill St
Tower Hamlets
Fusehill St
Tower Hamlets
Enrolments by gender
Origin of applicants
19% 51%
European Community
Other overseas
Other UK
2011/12 Annual Review
Student achievements BA Illustration graduate Amy Holliday had her talent recognised by the prestigious Computer Arts magazine. She was declared winner of the Illustration Category Excellence Award in the magazine’s 2011 Graduate Showcase. •
Emma Dovey, a final-year trainee teacher,
represented England at netball in September, on a 23-day tour of Australia and New Zealand, and also participated in the World Series, a three-day event with the top six ranked countries in the world playing a new exciting and faster version of netball called Fastnet. The English team won in the final against Australia, the first gold medal the England netball team has ever won in a major competition. •
Graphic design student Emma Slights won a
national competition that saw her design printed on Marks & Spencer Christmas cards and sold in their stores in the UK and Ireland. Tigerprint is the sole supplier of greeting products to high street giant Marks & Spencer. Their ‘Gifted?’ competition was aimed at creative students and graduates nationwide and Emma scooped top prize in the card category. The prize also included £500 in cash and a two-week placement in Tigerprint’s studio. •
Anthony Scattergood (BA (Hons) in Film and
TV Production), went to Africa to film a United Nations funded project. Anthony (20) was chosen by local consultancy and media production company, Taskscape Associates Limited, to spend over two weeks filming in northern Rwanda, interviewing farmers and project workers on their involvement in planning land use to provide income whilst protecting the natural environment. The community-based project was funded by The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), a specialised agency of the United Nations. 10 2011/12 Annual Review
Petra Blahova, a third-year graphic design student, was announced as winner of the nationwide Letts 2011 ‘Design a Diary Competition’. Petra (23), who came to study in Carlisle from Prague, was selected from hundreds of entries.
Women taking part in the 2012 Race for Life looked even more stylish as they ran, thanks to student Claire Wood who studied BA (Hons) Illustration in Carlisle. Claire won a national competition to design a t-shirt for Cancer Research UK’s flagship 5k and 10k events held across the country during the summer.
Robert Ewin, who is studying FdSc Policing (Community Safety) at the university, was awarded ‘Special Constable of the Year 2011’ by Cumbria Constabulary. At the time he had completed over 2,000 hours in voluntary roles.
• Sarah-Jane Cherrie, wildlife and media student, was given the opportunity to be the sole photographer and film maker for the Lake District Osprey Project (LDOP), over the next three years. •
Every year around 70,000 pink-footed geese arrive from Iceland in October to winter
at the Loch Strathbeg RSPB reserve in Aberdeenshire. Cain Scrimgeour, final-year wildlife and media student, was asked to make a promotional film about the spectacle for Loch Strathbeg’s Goosewatch events. Cain’s footage of the geese was so impressive that the BBC used a clip in the opening sequence of an episode of their Autumnwatch series.
Former student and successful ceramicist Tom Hopkins-Gibson has received a major award at the Museum of Philadelphia International Craft Show, regarded as the best craft fair in the whole of the United States. Ayrshire-based Tom was one of 25 designer–makers to successfully apply to exhibit at the show along with 200 American craftspeople. Tom, who graduated from the BA (Hons) Contemporary Applied Arts course, also featured in the BBC programme ‘Britain’s Next Big Thing’.
2011/12 Annual Review
The Faculty of Health and Wellbeing has had a number of positive visits from professional accrediting bodies this year.
12 2011/12 Annual Review
The university continues to progress against the action plans formulated in response to its most recent QAA Institutional Audit. In its Ofsted inspection of teacher education the university achieved an outcome of “good with outstanding features” and the Faculty of Education has made significant progress since then to increase this grading in the next inspection, under the new Ofsted framework. At the same time, the faculty has been addressing the outcomes of the 2011 Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) survey, and exit surveys conducted by the faculty since the national survey results are demonstrating a significant improvement.
Quality and standards The Faculty of Health and Wellbeing has had a number of positive visits from professional accrediting bodies this year. MSc Medical Imaging, BSc (Hons) Nursing and Non-Medical Prescribing, at postgraduate and undergraduate levels, and its mentorship programmes were all
In the most recent Ofsted inspection of teacher education the university achieved an outcome of “good with outstanding features”
re-accredited successfully. The faculty has also undergone a number of
Collaborative work with University Hospitals
successful audit visits from the Health Care
of Morecambe Bay NHS FoundationTrust has
Professions Council for MSc Occupational
responded to areas marked for improvement in
Therapy (Pre-registration Accelerated), MSc
a recent NMC audit. This work has paid off with
Physiotherapy (Pre-registration Accelerated), BSc
a positive outcome in a follow-up visit by the
(Hons) Physiotherapy, BSc (Hons) Occupational
auditors in late 2011/12.
Therapy (full-time/part-time), BSc (Hons) Diagnostic Radiography and Non-Medical Prescribing at postgraduate and undergraduate levels, demonstrating the faculty’s commitment to quality educational provision in healthcare.
2011/12 Annual Review
Widening participation (WP) sits firmly at the heart of the university’s mission and vision, and a key concern continues to be how best to address low participation in higher education in Cumbria and the other communities the university serves, as well as supporting
Widening Participation
access and widening participation for other disadvantaged groups and individuals. The university is pleased to note that early statistical evidence for 2011/12 suggests that: • The university continues to recruit over 96%
‘Early indications for 2011/12 suggest improvement, including significant progress on disability, ethnicity and mature students.’
of its young full-time, undergraduate students from state schools or colleges. The university also recognises that its • Since formation in 2007, the university has
learning community is enriched by the
seen an overall increase in the proportion of
diversity of students in terms of mode
young full-time, undergraduate entrants from
of study, gender, ethnicity, social and
low-participation neighbourhoods, with minor
geographical background, and previous
fluctuations year on year.
educational experience.
• Over one third of the university’s young full-
The university has considered
time undergraduate entrants comes from low
its performance against HESA
socioeconomic classes.
benchmarks and a range of other indicators. The University of Cumbria
• The university continues to broadly maintain
consistently performs well across
or improve its performance in relation to disability,
benchmarks for entrants from lower
gender, ethnicity and mature students. Early
socioeconomic groups and low
indications for 2011/12 suggest improvement,
participation neighbourhoods. In light of past performance, the university
including significant progress on disability, ethnicity and mature students. However, due
Since 2007, the university’s student
sets stretching targets for attracting
to unique recruitment patterns in 2011/12, the
profile has broadened to include
additional students from some other
university is keen to see these in the context of
recruitment from a wider range of
underrepresented groups with the
future performance to see if this is sustained.
schools, including increased recruitment
aim of continuing good performance.
from non WP schools. The current
Self-assessment has informed further
• In 2011/12 over 60% of the university’s
strategic plan strengthens the university’s
development on targets for the
full-time, undergraduate and postgraduate
firm commitment to accessible higher
university in future access agreements
ITT students liable for paying full fees received
education, in terms of widening
and plans for widening participation.
bursaries or scholarships as a result of meeting
participation, flexible and distributed
WP criteria.
learning, and a course portfolio which meets the needs of the wider region.
• In 2011/12 the University spent in excess of £3.1m of its additional fee income on OFFA
Recognising its regional commitment
countable expenditure (bursaries, scholarships,
and responsibilities to an area with
additional outreach etc.), with bursaries and
significant pockets of low participation
scholarships accounting for £2.8m. In addition
and low educational aspiration, the
to this the University also spent over £1.5m on
university aims to ensure as many
other WP activity to over £1.5m other spend on
people as possible benefit from
WP activity.
the transformational opportunities provided by higher education.
14 2011/12 Annual Review
International During 2011/12 the university implemented a new international
The university already has a successful venture with Robert
office structure with the appointment of a head of international
Kennedy College (RKC), which started in September 2010,
development, two international development officers, each with
with RKC offering a new MBA in Leadership and Sustainability
an overseas recruitment role, two international officers with
developed in collaboration with the university. Over 700 students
responsibility for conversion, pre-arrival, welcome week and student
from 110 countries have enrolled since the programme began.
support, and an international administrator.
The programme was shortlisted for an Insider International Trade Award in the international education category at the end of 2011.
New pre-arrival information has been developed, welcome week activities improved and a programme of social activities introduced at Lancaster and Carlisle to assist in integrating international students. New processes have also been implemented for agent recruitment. Systems, procedures and staff development have been reviewed and updated to ensure ongoing UKBA compliance. The team has travelled extensively throughout Asia and the USA to promote the university, develop new partnerships, and develop and train a network of agents to assist in recruitment. This year the university created the Centre for English Language
The programme includes a week-long residential at the
Learning and Teaching (CELLT), developed language-support
Ambleside campus, and completing students have been
provision, won a new contract with Hong Kong Institute of
enthusiastic about the experience. It is estimated that each
Education (a semester abroad for teacher trainees), and developed
residential cohort provides approximately ÂŁ15,000 income to
a new pre-sessional programme. CELLT welcomed its first visiting
local businesses.
scholar, from Xian International Studies University in China.
2011/12 Annual Review
Wider community Noteworthy initiatives in 2011/12 include:
• Coaching and sport development students undertook outreach with the Morecambe Ladies
• A strategic relationship agreement between the
football team, providing fitness testing for
university and the Students’ Union was drawn up
team members.
and signed. • Funding was secured to look at the use of • Applied Science students passed on their
Stilwell (the university’s virtual world learning
scientific expertise to children from eight local
environment), webcasting and other new media in
primary schools (c200 children) in a series of
supporting the community, agencies and statutory
workshops in February 2102 at Energus, West
bodies to tackle public health issues.
Cumbria. • Sports students worked with Carlisle Leisure • The Faculty of Health and Wellbeing worked
Ltd to deliver sporting projects in the area.
with local hospices developing programmes for
Second-year students were selected to deliver
staff working with patients with dementia.
Sport England “Sportivate” projects in and around Carlisle. Seven sports and exercise science students
• Four BA Physical Education students organised
were involved in a “StreetGames” pilot, a
and carried out a fundraising sports day for school
six-week youth inclusion project.
students across Carlisle in April 2012 in which 150 students from five schools participated. The event focused on increasing knowledge of healthy eating and exercise. • A successful bid was made as part of a national project with six other universities and various arts/ health-based collaborators, to investigate the connection between arts-based projects and their collective role in promoting health and wellbeing, employment prospects and economic growth.
16 2011/12 Annual Review
2011/12 Annual Review
Sustainability All aspects of the university’s portfolio, institutional thinking and practice are informed and influenced by sustainability.
18 2011/12 Annual Review
reduction in carbon emissions from energy and fuel use
Estate The university has already achieved a 10% reduction in carbon emissions from energy and fuel use, and has in place a carbon-management plan to support its aims to achieve a 45% reduction in carbon emissions by 2020. An approved, revised environmental, energy and waste-management policy, and a new waste service contract will be implemented from December 2012 with the aim of increasing recycling rates to at least 90% by the end of 2013/14. A number of energy-saving projects have been introduced, which together save approximately 100 tonnes of carbon per year. In addition, the university will be running targeted campaigns covering energy awareness and waste reduction. The university has signed up to the EcoCampus environmental management programme with the aim of achieving the bronze level award in Autumn 2012*.
Course development
A successful transport policy, and the initiatives to encourage staff
The university is at the forefront of national activities in sustainable
to find alternative transport solutions to using their own cars, led to
engineering, working with partners on the west coast of Cumbria to
the university winning a Green Gown Award for its work in reducing
address issues of low-carbon energy generation. In 2011 the university:
carbon emissions. The plan included the instigation of a successful pool car scheme at the Carlisle campus and a negotiated deal with Virgin
• successfully recruited to its sustainable engineering degree delivered
Trains to incentivise staff to travel by rail.
in partnership with GenII at the Energus campus at Workington;
• was part of a successful bid for the formation of a University Sustainable business practices have been developed—increasingly
important in an ever more challenging HE environment. Business
• was in early negotiations with Furness College to extend the reach
planning, financial planning and performance management
of its sustainable engineering delivery to the Furness peninsula,
frameworks have been revised and augmented to ensure they serve the
working closely with the Dalton Institute to ensure a joined-up
university effectively and aid strategic decision making.
approach to delivering the west coast ambition.
* Subsequently achieved
Technical College on the West Coast;
2011/12 Annual Review
Research and enterprise Noteworthy initiatives in 2011/12 include:
• HE Academy funding was awarded for a project to evaluate the implementation of collaborative student–practitioner research
• An Arts Council funded arts project in Copeland explored the
partnerships as a new educational approach to research methods.
relationships between art and energy. • The Faculty of Health and Wellbeing won a competitive tender • A member of Faculty of Health and Wellbeing staff was
to deliver a staff development programme on resilience and
awarded funding from the Rosemere Trust for her research on
change with Cumbria County Council.
cancer survivorship. • Through the British Council, the university is supporting staff • The Faculty of Arts, Business and Science has a successful
at Karakoram International University, Pakistan, who are being
programme of knowledge transfer partnerships (KTP) with Carlisle
mentored by a team of staff from Cumbria to enable them to
Leisure Ltd which helped them to develop an environmentally
develop enterprise and knowledge exchange
focused, sustainable business strategy and identify savings in
strategies in their country.
energy use, while the redefining and redevelopment of the Business School has led to a Business Interaction Centre at Carlisle.
20 2011/12 Annual Review
• A joint collaboration with other universities in the North West
• The Faculty of Health and Wellbeing has developed its Stilwell
on paired placements in ICT.
virtual-world learning environment for a number of external agencies, supporting continuing professional development
• Teacher Education Assessment Network (TEAN) completed
across a range of disciplines, and its six-month KTP with Cumbria
the series Teacher Education Futures across the UK with the
Constabulary has enhanced and improved the Constabulary’s
comparative results of the events held in England, Northern
occupational health service and allowed it to respond to the
Ireland, Scotland and Wales presented at the UCET conference
rapidly changing needs of the police force.
and appearing in an abridged form in Research Intelligence, a BERA news publication.
• A range of practical training courses in equality, diversity and inclusion aimed at helping employers and education providers
• The Faculty of Education, which has mentored training in Forces
understand legislation and implement best practice has been
Schools, won the licence to deliver Modular School Leadership
launched by the university.
programmes on behalf of the National College for School Leadership and was invited to host workshops and seminars and to showcase its CPD portfolio at the annual Council of British International Schools (CoBIS) conference in Prague in February 2012.
2011/12 Annual Review
Staff profile Vice Chancellor Professor Peter Strike took up his post on 1 August 2011, following a one-month transition with his predecessor, Interim Vice Chancellor Professor Graham Upton. During the year a number of appointments were made to key posts including Director of Finance, Director of IT and Head of International Office as well as key professorial appointments in sustainable engineering and in the Business School. In December 2011 the University of Cumbria was successfully re-accredited with the nationally recognised Investors in People (IiP) Standard, highlighting its
staff members interviewed as part of the investors in People assessment.
care for staff and business development.
The university was also awarded the additional ‘bronze award’, which focuses on leadership and management, as part of its IiP re-accreditation process.
Staff as at 31 July 2012 Total Headcount
Total FTE
More than 130 members of staff from across the university’s campuses were interviewed about their experiences of working there
Percentage (%)
FT Employees
PT Employees
as part of the week-long assessment.
22 2011/12 Annual Review
Professorial appointment Acknowledged as one of the UK’s most inspirational communicators, Dr Barry Hymer was appointed as Professor of Psychology in Education early in 2012. Barry has been involved in education for three decades and his role at the university is sponsored by Osiris Educational, a company with whom he has worked for ten years. He will spend two years conducting research into the processes of learning—with a particular emphasis on the development of talent and expertise, his main area of specialism. Barry’s expertise in this area has led him to serve on a number of national committees and to make over 400 keynote presentations at conferences in the UK and abroad. His research findings will subsequently inform the continuing professional development (CPD) of teachers and other educationalists.
2011/12 Annual Review
Staff achievements Lynn Clark, strategic communications manager, was shortlisted for the Public Relations Consultants Association (PRCA) Awards 2011 in the category of “In-house Professional of the Year”. HR Service Following the university’s shortlisting in the THES Leadership and Management Team of the Year in 2011, the HR Service was shortlisted and was runner-up in the THES HR Team of the Year in 2012.
Dr James Howard Dr James Howard began work on a project to support the development of higher education in Afghanistan. James worked as a mentor on the British Council project, advising Afghan higher education leaders to help them gain the vital management skills necessary to assist with rebuilding their country.
Susan Harness Senior Lecturer in community and public health was awarded the title ‘Queen’s Nurse’ in recognition of the contribution she has made to community nursing throughout her career
24 2011/12 Annual Review
Dr Ian Convery. Staff from every faculty at the university contributed to a book published in April 2012 entitled Making Sense of Place, which is part of the Heritage Matters series. The book’s lead editor was Dr Ian Convery and it was a collaborative project with Newcastle University’s International Centre for Culture and Heritage Studies. University contributors included Penny Bradshaw, Mark Haywood, Owen Nevin, Andrew Ramsey, Vincent O’Brien, Lois Mansfield, Andrew Weatherall and a number of PhD students.
Dr Kate Rawles celebrated the publication of her book about her 4,553 mile cycle ride from Texas to Alaska in 2006. The Carbon Cycle: Crossing the Great Divide was launched at an event hosted by the Lake District National Park at Brockhole in July 2012. Nicola Relph Nicola Relph, a lecturer in biomechanics at the university, worked with the GB diving team to provide biomechanical analysis of the top ten 10-metre platform divers on two of the most difficult dives: for male divers, the four-and-a-half somersaults, and for females the inward three-and-a-half somersaults.
Professor Mike Huggins
Robert Poole
Emeritus Professor of Cultural History, Professor Mike Huggins
Historian Robert Poole appeared on television to draw on his
completed a lecture tour in South Korea and Japan at the
knowledge to talk about the Romantic age. He was featured
invitation of the universities of Seoul, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi and
in the BBC TV series Elegance and Decadence: the Age of The
Kyoto, sharing his knowledge and research into the changing
Regency, discussing the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 with presenter
attitude to after-school sport and PE in England. Based in
Lucy Worsley.
Ambleside, Professor Huggins is internationally renowned for his research into sports, leisure and cultural history.
2011/12 Annual Review
Honorary fellowships Honorary fellowships are awarded on an annual basis in recognition of individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the university and in support of a variety of causes linked to the work of the university. During the academic year 2011/12, twelve honorary fellowships were awarded.
26 2011/12 Annual Review
Stephen Borthwick In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the world of Rugby Union Football
Sir James Cropper In recognition of his definitive contribution to Cumbria, the local economy and its charitable causes
David Gould
Harry King
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the campaign for peace and community cohesion
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to broadcasting, the arts and the Cumbrian community
John Myers
Anne Pierson
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the radio industry
In recognition of her outstanding contribution to the arts and creative writing
Helen Skelton
Professor Shirley Reveley
In recognition of her outstanding contribution to broadcasting, the Cumbrian community and her charitable work
In recognition of her outstanding contribution to nursing and the establishment of the nurse practitioner programme and service
Paul Rose
Professor Graham Upton
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the understanding of the natural world, the challenges of scientific research and his broadcasting work
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to higher education and to the University of Cumbria
Jill Ward
The late Jeffrey Fardon
In recognition of her outstanding contribution to the academic development of the understanding of the social history of learning disability
In recognition of his outstanding contribution to the academic development of the understanding of the social history of learning disability
2011/12 Annual Review
Estates The completion of a revised estates strategy in 2011 has led to an approved five-year estates investment programme (EIP). This first phase EIP, comprising three initial project types
In 2011\12 the university,
(Ambleside redevelopment, library upgrades at Carlisle and
working with the developer
Lancaster, and Lancaster new-build swing space), was specifically
Border Construction Ltd,
designed to address issues such as ‘right sizing’ the core estate,
delivered the first of two
improving the quality and providing facilities better capable of
phases (249 bed spaces) of
supporting the university’s new academic plan.
student accommodation in Carlisle.
In addition, the strategy addressed key estate performance issues specifically defined in the HEFCE Capital Investment Framework
This accommodation, anticipated to be award
2 process, with a view to returning to estate sector norms by
winning for its environmental credentials, is fully
occupied. The university is working with the developer to review the potential for a
An estates investment programme board (EIPB) was created
further, second phase (249 bed spaces)
to oversee the development and implementation of individual
of accommodation.
projects forming the development programme through specific project boards (PB). Projects include the preparation of an Ambleside business case proposal around the university’s return to the central Lake District campus and the completion of the move there of many of the Penrith-based students by 2014. EIPB has also approved the funding for the first stage of the briefing process for the library improvement projects.in Carlisle and Lancaster.
28 2011/12 Annual Review
2011/12 Annual Review
The university has again performed strongly against its budget forecast in 2011/12.
30 2011/12 Annual Review
Financial summary The university’s financial results for 2011/12 demonstrate its ability to successfully respond to changes in funding, policy and the wider external environment in order to continue to invest in its resources and students as it delivers its vision. The university has again performed strongly against its budget forecast in 2011/12. Despite a decrease in income from 2010/11 following the divestment of further education provision, the university has been able to report an increased operating surplus before exceptional items of £7.6m (9.7% of turnover). This has enabled investment of £3.1m in its infrastructure, more than
Investment of £3.1m in infrastructure such as key IT assets and systems
doubling the level of prior year expenditure on the key IT assets and systems that are so crucial to the experience of students and staff. 2012 £m
2011 £m
Expenditure including taxation
Operating surplus
Exceptional item: Impairment of Newton Rigg assets
Exceptional item: Restructuring
Exceptional item: Profit on sale of fixed assets
Surplus / (deficit) for the year
9.4 2011/12 Annual Review
This is the second successive year that the university has reported a strong surplus. This reflects both the decisive action that was taken in previous years to control costs and to strategically realign its focus onto higher education and the continued efforts to increase revenues and to ensure value for money is delivered. As the sector continues to face a period of unprecedented change, this experience of prudent financial planning will be crucial. Like other institutions, the university faces both challenges and opportunities from continued changes in government policy, in particular in those related to tuition fees and the delivery model for teacher training. The university approaches these issues with far healthier cash reserves than in previous financial years, with the cash balance standing at £14.2m, but also with the focus on improving liquidity.
Income decreased by £8.1m, with the most significant change in
Expenditure has reduced
2010/11 arising from the divestment of further education provision
by £9.0m, from £79.6m to
which, while contributing significantly to the reduction in income, has
£70.6m compared to 2010/11
been more than offset by the corresponding reduction in expenditure.
partly due to several one-off items, such as those related
The university recruited strongly to its HEFCE, NHS and TA courses
to the refinancing of loans,
in 2011/12. This has led to an increase of £1.4m (4%) in tuition
and reduced operating
fees compared to 2010/11 and a resultant increase in income from
costs due to the transfer of
student residences compared to original forecast. Funding body grants
further education provision.
reduced due primarily to reduction in the unit of funding from HEFCE
Staff costs reduced by about
and the TA and lower releases of deferred capital grants due to assets
£3.4m (including restructure
reaching the end of their useful economic lives.
costs), and represented 53% of income, better than
The university has clear plans to grow its income in a range of areas and to diversify the sources of this revenue. Although “other” income reduced in 2011/12, strategies are in place to ensure that this ambition is realised.
the university’s financial strategy. This was delivered through continued control of recruitment, but also allowing for investment in key posts including in the senior management team. Other operating costs also reduced in line with the further education transfer. Interest and finance costs reduced significantly, reflecting the fact that 2010/11 included loan break costs of £2.8m, and reduced finance costs associated with the new loan arrangements which began at the end of 2010/11.
32 2011/12 Annual Review
Balance Sheet The increased strength of the balance sheet is demonstrated by
The most significant move on
the fact that discretionary reserves as a percentage of total income
the balance sheet was the £5.8m
improved from 14.2% to 26.0% in 2011/12. Further, total net assets,
increase in the Local Government
excluding the pension liability, have increased by £5.1m.
Pension Scheme deficit. The deficit is predicated upon
The work performed on cost reduction and strategic realignment in
actuarial assumptions, including
previous years has helped result in this healthier balance sheet but the
the discount rate, inflation rate,
university has ambitions to continue to strengthen its financial position.
mortality assumptions and equity
There is a clear focus on cash flow and working capital movements at
values. The level of balance sheet
both University Board and management levels of the organisation and
surplus/deficit going forward is
this is even more crucial as the timing and quantum of key funding
subject to fluctuations and may
streams alters during 2012/13. The university holds funds on behalf of
vary widely each year, and the
the Energy Coast campus board. During the year, £2.3m of this cash
university has experienced both
was spent by the fund’s board, which explains the overall decrease
increases and decrease in the
in the cash balance reported in the accounts. If this expenditure is
deficit in previous years.
Total net assets, excluding the pension liability, have increased by £5.1m
excluded, the cash available for university activities increased in year by £0.4m to £10.1m.
The large increase this year is primarily due to lower than anticipated bond yields and an increase in life expectancies. The increase in the
In a period where significant capital grants are not readily accessible, the
deficit to £29m has no immediate effect on cash or expenditure
university has developed a financial plan which will result in transformative
although the university has anticipated its effect on its contributions in
work to its estate which will be funded through its surpluses either directly
its long-term financial planning.
or through the repayment of borrowing. The strength of the balance sheet, continued delivery of a surplus as planned in 2012/13 and effective cash management will be crucial to the achievement of this ambition.
2011/12 Annual Review
Governance and management The University Board of Directors who held office during academic year 2011/12 Mr Stephen Henwood Chairman Euan Cartwright Vice chairman
Mr Grant Hopkins Mr Stuart Hyde Mr Ian Johnson
The Very Reverend Mark Boyling Lord Roger Liddle Professor Linda Challis Dr Hilary Crowe
The Right Reverend James Newcome Bishop of Carlisle
Dr Stephen Curl
Mrs Liz Nicholls
Professor Trevor Curnow
Mr Mark Renwick-Smith
Mr John Dell
Mr Bill Sang
Mr Geoff Donnelly
Professor Peter Strike
Mrs Claire Hensman
Barbara Stephens
Mr Brian Hetherington
Chancellor The Most Reverend Right Honourable Dr John Sentamu, Archbishop of York
Senior Management Team members in post during academic year 2011/12 Professor Peter Strike Vice Chancellor
Mr Mike Berry Director of Estates and IT
Professor Liz Beaty Pro Vice Chancellor Academic Enterprise and External Relations
Mrs Janet Whitworth Director of HR
Professor Sandra Jowett Pro Vice Chancellor Academic Mr Neil Harris Registrar and Secretary Mrs Kate Mclaughlin-Flynn Director of Finance
34 2011/12 Annual Review
The Reverend Canon Professor Robert Hannaford Executive Dean, Faculty of Arts, Business and Science Dr Sam Twiselton Executive Dean, Faculty of Education Dr Robin Talbot Executive Dean, Faculty of Health and Wellbeing
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