school direct a new approach to teacher training At the University of Cumbria we are proud of our innovative School Direct projects with a range of primary and secondary schools. With School Direct you train to be a teacher in a school (or group of schools) that works closely with us at the university. School Direct is available for both primary and secondary trainee teachers and in a variety of places across the UK. Your course will be developed jointly with the schools and the university in order to ensure you have the highest quality training experience, linking the theoretical underpinning of teaching, to high quality experiences in schools. You will learn from the best practitioners in teacher training and school based staff, ensuring you are fully prepared for the exciting career teaching offers. Our approach to School Direct will enable you to study towards a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) at masters’ level whilst working towards the qualification of qualified teacher status (QTS).
There are two School Direct options:
School Direct: Training Programme This option is available for high-quality graduates. There are a range of bursaries available from the government to fund this route, dependent upon subject, age phase of training and degree classification. In order to encourage the best people into the profession you will need at least a 2:2 degree to be eligible. Further details about entry requirements are available on our website education. There is also an additional bursary for those trainee teachers who are predominantly based in a school with more than 35% of pupils eligible for free school meals. You will need to pay tuition fees for this route. For September 2013 the fees are ÂŁ9,000. There is further advice about fees and loans on our website visit
School Direct: Salaried This option is available to high-quality graduates who have had at least three years of work experience in addition to meeting the minimum entry requirements. This work experience may be in any career and does not have to be in an educational setting but should generally apply to the years following graduation. Schools and the university will decide which skills and experience are important through the recruitment process. Candidates following this route will receive a salary (point 1 on the unqualified teacher scale) and will be employees of one of the schools within the partnership. You will be expected to take on some additional teaching responsibilities while studying on your course. Generally you will not pay any fees if you follow this route, however competition for these places will be high.
the univerSITY of cumbria approach to school direct We value the strong partnerships we have with schools. We are engaging in a range of approaches to increase school ownership of teacher training, both in our traditional teacher training courses and with School Direct projects. The University of Cumbria is at the forefront of School Direct developments. For 2013/14 the University of Cumbria is one of the top three School Direct providers nationwide with over 300 places, and the largest provider in the North West. We will work closely with partner schools across England, to train primary and secondary teachers. Students, who will already be graduates, will study for a one-year University of Cumbria Postgraduate Certificate of Education (PGCE) at masters level, which will give them qualified teacher status enabling them to pursue a teaching career. The University of Cumbria will work with partner schools bringing together expert practitioner and academic expertise, with the aim of creating critically reflective professionals who are at the leading edge of research informed practice. Alison Chapman, Director of School Engagement at the university says: “We are very excited that so many existing and new partners are working with us for School Direct. The new teacher training programme will provide ideal opportunities to train and develop first class teachers.”
We are currently working with a range of schools who are developing projects to meet the needs of the partnership and local school alliances, whilst maintaining the high quality academic elements of the university’s provision. All of our School Direct projects offer equal opportunities for the fee paying and salaried routes. If you have a particular interest in School Direct we are developing a range of flexible and responsive approaches to working with schools:
1. University of Cumbria existing PGCE courses We are working in collaboration with schools to recruit School Direct student teachers to join our existing PGCE courses. This is a particularly viable option for schools with small School Direct number allocations but who want increased involvement with the recruitment, aspects of training, placement and hope to employ them within the alliance of schools involved.
2. School embedded PGCE We are working with schools to develop a flexibly delivered PGCE programme jointly planned and delivered by the school (or alliance of schools) and university. Depending on the amount of training and assessment the schools take on, this may well involve an institutional approval and validation process. The university and school will work together to ensure that the quality and rigour of the University of Cumbria academic standards are maintained, while the professional expertise of the school will be fully maximised. A staff development programme will be developed following an analysis of staff training requirements. If you are interested in other routes, please contact us to have a discussion about your ideas.
How the university will work with you: 1. A bespoke university School Direct team will respond to your initial enquiry and arrange a meeting to listen to your ideas and hopes for developing the School Direct approach.
named person will be the key strategic contact 2. A for your project supported by a team specifically trained in leading the joint projects. This will involve explanation of the programmes and support with tailoring a programme to meet the needs and context of the particular partnership.
3. D evelopment of a partnership agreement which includes a realistic costing of the programme and identifying any training needs required.
he university will hold School Direct training 4. T days to help guide you through the process and to network with other School Direct lead schools to be part of a School Direct community.
ngoing support and quality assurance systems, 5. O including a university representative attending the School Direct management meetings.
6. A ccess to support from all the university services to help with planning the programme and where required, the university can aid with recruitment, fitness to teach and DBS (formally CRB) clearance checks.
7. O pportunities for school staff to engage in further qualifications in order to develop themselves as school-based teacher educators.
Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy (North West School Direct Partnership) – School Embedded PGCE “ Bishop Rawstorne Church of England Academy and its partners in the North West School Direct partnership are delighted to be working closely with the University of Cumbria to shape the future of teacher training in a way that is innovative and will lead to outstanding outcomes for the teachers of tomorrow. The level of engagement and commitment to the highest quality of experience from the University of Cumbria has ensured that we have been able to build a strong partnership with a shared vision and ethos. As we move forward we envisage a genuine twoway partnership in which all parties will support each others long-term development, driving sector-wide improvement and being at the cutting edge of the national ITT and school improvement agenda.”
Executive Headteacher – Alan Davies Deputy Headteacher – Peter Rawlinson
For further details about School Direct with the University of Cumbria and our current partner schools please click see the information on the university website If you are a school considering applying for School Direct places and would like to discuss your project with us, please complete the expression of interest form on our webpage to receive details of the information events we will be holding in 2013. You may also wish to contact the Director of School Engagement - Alison Chapman at alison.chapman@ for an informal discussion.
School direct meet the team Alison Chapman —Director of School Engagement
Debbie Simpson—Primary PGCE Programme Leader
Ally is the School Direct lead for the university. She has overall responsibility for the University of Cumbria partnerships with primary and secondary schools across the country and is particularly passionate about how schools and universities can work together to promote life-long learning and develop outstanding teachers and leaders who will positively impact on the children’s education. Ally will be happy to listen to your vision for School Direct and discuss how the university and your school or alliance of schools might be able to work together.
Debbie is the overall programme leader for the primary PGCE course. She has overall responsibility for the quality of the PGCE training experience. Debbie is passionate about blurring the boundaries between university and school based training and how technology can be used to maximise training experiences.
If you are interested in learning more about the University of Cumbria approach to School Direct, please contact Ally at
Toby Best—Faculty of Education Business Manager Toby leads the co-ordination of support services for the Faculty of Education, ensuring that School Direct partners access the full range of university services including marketing, admissions, support services and technological support. In addition Toby manages the financial modelling, bursary and reporting procedures for initial teacher training.
James Burch—Secondary PGCE Programme Leader James is the overall programme leader for the Secondary PGCE course. He has overall responsibility for the quality of the PGCE training experience. The PGCE is ground-breaking in regards to the input both school and university colleagues have had in designing the programme. James led the development of the programme to ensure the training creates multiple entry points for learning to occur and that there is minimal time lag between the learning and opportunities for enactment with pupils.
University Programme leaders for School Direct (UPL) Each named Lead School working with the University of Cumbria for School Direct will have a named University Programme Leader (UPL) as their main point of contact. The UPL will support the school in the admissions and recruitment process and any institutional approval (if applicable). Their main role is to help the school to jointly plan and develop the School Direct PGCE programme and be involved in the staff development and setting up of the project.
Kathryn Fox—University Programme Lead (Secondary) Kathryn is the Secondary Partnership Manager and also a mathematics tutor. Kathryn has overall responsibility for the quality assurance of the secondary school based experience. Kathryn advises on the various routes into teaching and is the lead for developing school improvement projects with schools.
David Mason—University Programme Lead (Secondary) David is the subject leader for science and has extensive experience in school. He was part of the team who led the development of our secondary placement documentation and is now involved in developing our quality assurance procedures and documentation in order to ensure that School Direct programmes meet the requirements for initial teacher training.
Diane Vaukins—University Programme Lead (Primary) Diane is a Primary Partnership Tutor and a Primary PGCE tutor. She has extensive experience of working in partnership with schools and is the primary lead for developing school embedded learning.
Jane Dixon—University Programme Lead (Primary) Jane is an Early Years specialist and primary partnership tutor. Jane leads the primary mentor training for the faculty and school based colleagues.
Brigitte Boylan—University Programme Lead (London) Brigitte leads the London School Direct projects and is an expert in developing high quality school-led training through her experience of leading the Graduate Teacher Programme course.
John Cawkwell—University Programme Leader (Secondary) John is the Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) course leader and science tutor at the university. He will help support school colleagues develop their practitioner research skills while being involved in School Direct projects.
Peter Tankard—University Programme Leader (Secondary) Peter is a science tutor at the university. In addition to being a UPL he leads the development of e-portfolio’s which monitor and support the trainee teacher’s progress. As an AST for some years in school, with responsibilities including whole school teaching and learning, he has direct experience of working with senior leaders on school improvement.
Ruth Buxton Ruth teaches on the masters course and is a secondary partnership tutor. She has extensive experience of working with school colleagues through mentoring and coaching programmes. Ruth leads the secondary mentor training provision and CPD for school based teacher trainers.
Karen Watson Karen leads the NASC Masters qualification for special educational needs co-ordinators in school. She is also part of the enterprise team developing learning partnerships with schools, promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all staff in schools. Karen has extensive learning and teaching CPD experiences through outreach programmes with six local authorities and has led and managed a range of whole school projects.
Eamonn Pugh —Primary Eamonn teaches on the primary PGCE course and is a partnership tutor based at the Carlisle, Fusehill Street campus and has oversight of the Northern Ireland partnerships. Eamonn is passionate about school embedded learning.
Paul Cammack—Primary Paul teaches on a range of primary programmes at the university and is the partnership tutor for Lancaster and a Blackpool cluster. Paul is especially keen to support schools in the quality assurance and grading of student attainment aspects of their teacher training programmes.
Ceri Macdonald —School Direct Administrator Ceri is the main administration support for the School Direct partnerships. She coordinates the communications with school partners and the organisation of training days and manages all school enquiries.
Arlene Garrett —School Direct Admissions Officer Arlene is the lead for all the admission processes for School Direct applicants including processing applications, offers and supporting advice for schools and prospective applicants.
There are many other key people who work at the university who will be involved in School Direct projects, you will meet some of these over time.
Universit y of Cumbria services We have four campuses and three sites and they all have their own special character. Our campuses are in Carlisle Fusehill Street, Carlisle Brampton Road, Lancaster and Ambleside and our sites are at Energus Workington, Newton Rigg college, Penrith, Tower Hamlets, London and Furness College, Barrow-in-Furness. We can support School Direct partnerships from all over the country and we will ensure there is access to our services via distance learning and online access. When you work with the University of Cumbria for School Direct, the partnership agreement involves access to the full range of our services:
Admissions We have a very experienced admissions team who have a full understanding of the qualifications required for the PGCE courses and how to access checking procedures for qualifications that are not standard for the UK. In addition, they are a vital part of the preparation for Ofsted inspections because recruitment and admissions is now such an important aspect of the ITT inspection framework.
Data Sharing and Protection The school partners will receive some basic training regarding data protection and applications will be encrypted for safe data sharing. We will set up data sharing procedures for ease of use of key information sets such as assessment grades.
Marketing and External Relations We will publicise the School Direct partners on the website and promote School Direct at recruitment fairs. We will provide partners access to use the university logo as appropriate.
Technical support for E-Portfolios The university will support the school programme leader with training on how to access and use the e-portfolio system. This will form part of the training programme organised for school partners.
DBS and Fitness to Teach Assessments We have established procedures for carrying out DBS (formally CRB) checks and fitness to teach pre-requisite requirements for teacher training. There is also a panel for any DBS issues which is rigorous to ensure candidates have the appropriate clearance. We will work with you should any issues arise.
School Direct Training Programme for School Programme Leaders We will organise a series of training days in the year focussed on developing the programme prior to it starting. There will be some follow up training during the implementation year where staff learn and become confident with the reporting systems and requirements by external bodies such as Ofsted and the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA Higher Education)
CPD for School-Based Teacher Educators We recognise that school teachers are excellent practitioners in the classroom and many have been involved with high quality mentoring for many years. In order to meet the professional standards for teaching and learning in Higher Education, we will provide opportunities for school staff to work towards accreditation in recognising their work with higher education and achieving Fellow Status of the Higher Education Academy.
Support for Students Our support services are second to none. We make sure help is available to all our students, with access to friendly advice about courses, academic skills development, wellbeing, university life in general and future career direction. Support is provided in a number of ways: it can be in person, online or on the phone. All the details are at or request our Help is at Hand booklet by calling 0845 6061144 or emailing
Support for your university life • S tudent finance—clear advice about the cost of your course and the funding help available. • A ccommodation—want to live in a hall of residence or off campus? Our expert accommodation team are ready to advise. • S tudents’ Union—representing your interests and making sure your voice is heard. More at • I nternational students—we will help you make sure that your application to study with us is hassle-free.
Wellbeing • M ental health and counselling—we have a confidential service that is not judgemental and is focused on improving your wellness. • D isabilities and Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD)— our advisers will help you to identify the support you may be entitled to. • M anaging your money—the Money Doctors service provides realistic advice. • S ports activities available—with a range of facilities on campus and sites. There is something for everyone.
Student complaints, appeals and adjudication procedures All School Direct students will adhere to the student code of conduct. Should a student wish to make a complaint or appeal against a decision, this will be investigated in the same way as any University of Cumbria student. In addition any complaint or potential disciplinary will follow the normal university procedures.
Quality counts All qualifications offered at the University of Cumbria are rigorously quality assessed to ensure that we are offering you a programme designed to give you the skills, knowledge and experiences to prepare you for the world of work. We have uncompromising academic standards, and have been awarded the highest level of approval for the quality of our awards from the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education. What this means is that you can be confident that our degrees are of the highest calibre. We live by the highest academic standards and your degree is regarded as a mark of quality by prospective employers. For more information on our outstanding quality please visit In order to comply with the QAA requirements, all of the assessment marks and recommendations for an award will adhere to the university academic regulations and be presented at module assessment boards and be checked by an external examiner. A representative of each School Direct partner will attend the board as appropriate. On the successful achievement of one of the University of Cumbria awards, you will be invited to a graduation ceremony. The school programme leader will also be invited to attend the ceremony. For more information please visit schooldirect
School direct roles and responsibilities The following table provides detail of the roles and responsibilities for both the University of Cumbria and the partner school or alliance. Indicative activities are listed under a series of core functions. These are not intended to be exhaustive but summarise the most significant elements.
The university will:
The partner will:
Promote Schools Direct as a route into teaching in all marketing and recruitment materials and activities including recruitment fairs, open day events, print and web.
Promote the School Direct programme through their activities.
Provide specific web content about each School Direct partnership including links to schools website and relevant course information on the university website. Provide a comprehensive course enquiry service to respond to School Direct enquiries and refer to schools where appropriate. Approve marketing material that makes use of the university logo. Invite enquirers to apply via the Teaching Agency admissions portal.
Submit all school specific marketing material that makes use of the university logo to the university’s marketing team prior to use. Supply, and take account of university comments, on all related marketing materials ensuring they include appropriate reference to the university and use of university branding. Handle enquiries and refer to the university where appropriate. Invite enquirers to apply via the Teaching Agency admissions portal.
Establish a data sharing agreement with the partner and provide protocols on data handling. Provide both partners and students with appropriate data protection statements. Specify course information required to populate the Student Loans Company database. Specify applicant and student data required and the timing, format and manner of data exchange. Share student data collected through the registration process with the partner. Issue monthly reports to the partner to confirm attendance to ensure bursary entitlement remains relevant. Share all assessment data to enable processing of student marks through assessment boards. Make approved marks available to students via the student portal.
Ensure school based staff are aware of data protection requirements and comply with data protection protocols. Publicise data protection notices for students as appropriate. Provide the university with details of accepted applicants. Provide updates to applicant status in a format manner and time agreed with the university. Report changes to student status through withdrawal or intercalation. Complete monthly attendance reports to ensure bursary entitlement remains relevant. Share all assessment data to enable student marks to be formally approved through assessment boards. Use student data to intervene and support student progress and maximise outcomes.
Generic pre-registration materials for students will be made available on the university website for students. This will include finance information.
Check the identity of accepted applicants prior to offer and at the point of commencing the programme.
Record the details of accepted applicants within the university’s student record system to enable registration processes, administration of fees and bursaries and provision of access to learning resources.
Ensure all students have completed the registration process.
Provide an online registration process for students prior to the expected start date. Communicate details of incomplete registrations to the partner. Provide students with access to the student portal, online resources, a university email account and electronic file storage.
Students will be provided with links to university rules and regulations, IT facilities, and other resources. Provide the PGCE induction process, adapted to fit School Direct students.
Provide an induction programme for students including agreed university elements. Ensure students are made aware of university processes they need to comply with (as per details in Programme Handbook and Module Guides): Academic Regulations Academic Processes and Procedures (including marking and moderations processes, Academic Malpractice, Academic Appeals) Student complaints, student disciplinary. Detail the academic and professional expectations of students.
School Experience
Provide training for school based mentors. Liaise with placement providers regarding student progress and arrange for appropriate observation of students.
Provide opportunities to teach and demonstrate the ITT standards in two consecutive age ranges and in a minimum of two contrasting settings. Provide placements which follow the university’s placement pattern i.e. a clearly identifiable first placement during the autumn term, followed by a second placement in a different environment through the spring and summer terms. Identify a school based mentor for each trainee. Advise students of the partnerships expectations of students in relation to professional expectations (including dress, punctuality etc.) and completion of school experience. Advise students of placement settings and agree any associated travel and accommodation arrangements and any financial assistance.
Student Administration
Make statutory returns e.g. Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), Student Loans company etc. Administer the financial arrangements associated with payment of tuition fees, and disbursement of Teaching Agency bursaries. Provide and ensure compliance with the university’s Office for Fair Access (OFFA) agreement. Manage the relationship with funding bodies and audit requirements. Ensuring necessary policies are in place to ensure legal compliance Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Data Protection, Freedom of Information etc.
Provide access to a range of teaching and learning resources of a quality sufficient to enable students to complete the programme.
Provide access to teaching and learning resources of a quality sufficient to enable students to successfully complete the programme.
Provide a learning and social environment.
Provide any necessary school based technical support. Provide a learning environment of a nature comparable to students studying the programme on campus.
Recruitment and Selection
Acknowledge applications on receipt. Undertake an initial eligibility check of all applicants against ITE eligibility criteria and minimum university entry requirements. Provide details of applicants to the school for selection purposes. Agree the selection process to be used. Provide support for recruitment and selection in accordance with the agreed delivery model. Issue offer correspondence to students with details of pre-entry conditions including skills tests, DBS (Formally CRB) clearance, fitness to practice assessment, qualifications and any other additional conditions.
Co-ordinate the selection process communicating with applicants and ensuring that processes and standards are comparable with those of the university. Communicate selection decisions to the university using agreed processes. Complete feedback forms for unsuccessful candidates. Issue partner specific information to successful applicants to follow the university’s offer. Attend university briefing sessions on admissions. The offer of places will be a joint responsibility of the partner and the university with a right of both parties to decline candidates deemed unsuitable.
Issue standard letters of rejection with reasons for rejection. Receive, consider and respond to any complaints regarding the admission process. Record and monitor responses from applicants and share information routinely with the school. Report to the Teaching Agency on recruitment as required. The offer of places will be a joint responsibility of the university and the partner with a right of both parties to decline candidates deemed unsuitable.
Pre-entry Checks
Confirm qualifications of accepted applicants from photocopies of original certificates verified by the partner. This provides evidence that eligibility criteria and conditions of offer have been met. Undertake the assessment of accepted applicants’ fitness to teach. Check applicants have passed Teaching Agency skills tests.
Check original certificates, verify and provide photocopies to the university. Undertake DBS (Formally CRB) clearance checks and any associated processes.
Academic Delivery Subject Knowledge and Assessment
Provide academic and professional guidance and consultancy to assure the quality and standards of provision in accordance with the agreed delivery model. Ensure compliance with ITE requirements. Make recommendations for the award of QTS. Undertake agreed monitoring visits to visit the school based leads to offer support, advice etc.
Provide academic and professional input and assessment in accordance with the agreed delivery model. Ensure students are supported to undertake the validated PGCE assessment requirements. Advise students of assessment requirements, submission dates and related procedures e.g. extenuating circumstances and malpractice procedures. Undertake assessment relating to the award of QTS using the university’s placement documentation; assessment grid, reporting forms, evidence base for award of QTS etc, and includes joint observation visits to all trainees during the first year. Support and monitor the progress of trainees. Identify and implement required individual interventions. Ensure compliance with university policy on assessment e.g. turnaround times for student work. Assist students with preparation of Career Entry Development profiles and prepare them for NQT induction. Implement policies and procedures for managing withdrawal and intercalation and associated academic and financial implications. Advise students on processes for withdrawal and intercalation and signpost to relevant sources of guidance.
Student Services
Provide access to library and learning resources including a virtual learning environment.
Provide appropriately equipped directed and independent study and social learning space.
Provide student support services e.g. counselling, financial advice, study skills etc.
Seek to resolve student complaints informally.
Provide careers advice and guidance. Provide and administer a formal student complaints process. Provide and administer a formal student disciplinary process.
Provide access to local student support structures of a nature comparable to students studying the programme on campus. Provide independent complaint investigating officers as required.
Universit y of Cumbria in London The University of Cumbria has an established legacy for training teachers in London. In 1999 thirty trainee teachers started their primary teacher training in Tower Hamlets. From this small start, a whole range of programmes aimed at both primary and secondary teaching has been developed from Foundation Degree through to MA level. Not only have we expanded our programmes, but over the last few years we have become the largest single provider of newly qualified teachers (NQTs) to primary schools in the borough. The University of Cumbria provision has enabled many individuals and mature students to undertake a degree and embark on their teaching career. There has been a strong commitment to the Graduate Teacher Programme (GTP) over the last seven years and the new School Direct projects are building on this excellent provision. Many of our graduates are now teaching in primary and secondary schools in Tower Hamlets, Hackney and across London and many of the schools want to build on their positive experiences to develop School Direct programmes with us. We are proud to work with schools to develop a school based PGCE teacher training course designed to seamlessly link the theoretical pedagogies underpinning teacher training, whilst providing excellent opportunities to observe and apply the learning in the classroom. This approach ensures that trainee teachers have the opportunities to learn from outstanding practitioners and gain a richness of working with a range of professionals in a variety of school contexts which prepares them for their future careers.
“We are working with the University of Cumbria because they are way ahead of the game and very experienced at school based teacher training.” “The staff at the university are knowledgeable and committed to supporting the school from the start.” (Kingsmead School) “The university has a legacy of producing outstanding teachers and their approach to School Direct gives us the flexibility to develop a high quality programme. This supports our succession planning and provides excellent professional development opportunities for our staff.” (Bygrove Primary School) If you would like more detail about working with the University of Cumbria for School Direct please contact Alison Chapman at
School direct fees and charges The University of Cumbria is one of the country’s leading providers in School Direct, working in partnership with schools across the country to deliver Initial Teacher Education leading to a masters level PGCE. We will provide partner schools with extensive support for the delivery of the School Direct programme including a full package of marketing and recruitment activities, comprehensive administrative support to fulfil all necessary requirements, quality assurance processes and learner support. Full detail of our offer and the responsibilities of partner schools is set out in our ‘Roles and Responsibilities’ document. We take account of the differing needs of partner schools through a jointly agreed assessment of schools requirements, experience and academic expertise at masters level. There are a range of delivery models through which we can provide an appropriate level of consultancy, planning, support and input.
The following criteria will be considered when determining the best model of delivery for a particular partner. • T he qualifications, experience and expertise of school based staff. • The history and depth of partnership with the university. • The resources available to support the training programme. • The suitability of the physical environment for student teachers. • The depth of partnership between schools within an alliance. • The student teacher experience.
We will work with partners to agree the delivery model to be adopted. We will levy a charge of between £4,000 and £7,000 per student registered on the programme according to the agreed delivery model and the numbers of students registered. Students on fee funded School Direct routes will be charged our standard university PGCE tuition fee, £9,000 for 2012/13. Students on School Direct salaried routes will not pay a tuition fee and the charge will be payable in full by the bidding school to us at the university. The bidding school will be responsible for any distribution of payments among alliance schools. In the event of non-completion we will make a proportional payment to the school according to the income it will receive based on its refund policy.