Scholarship 2012

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College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP

Preface: Scholarship 2012

College of Arts and Sciences The intellectual power and creative vitality of the College of Arts and Sciences reside in our faculty. While students lie at the center of the College’s attention, the work of the College’s faculty makes possible the distinctive education in the liberal arts and sciences that our graduates attain. All of the College’s achievements and aspirations spring in some way from faculty members’ creativity, talent and dedication in scholarship, teaching and professional service. In calendar year 2012, faculty members in the College received more than 30 University grant awards and 48 national grant and fellowship awards. College faculty also authored or created 15 books, 46 book chapters, 335 journal articles and reviews, 99 performances and 79 exhibits in the past year. This publication honors these scholarly and artistic achievements. The College held its annual recognition of outstanding faculty accomplishment on April 12, 2013. Faculty members honored as recipients of the College’s faculty awards were: Dr. Danielle Poe (philosophy) for outstanding teaching, Dr. Teri Thompson (communication) for outstanding scholarship and Dr. Peggy DesAutels (philosophy) for outstanding service. Professor Bill Marvin (philosophy) received the College’s award for outstanding contribution by a full-time non-tenure-line faculty member. Brief articles are included in this publication about the exemplary commitments of these faculty colleagues to their students, their scholarly fields and the University. The College also recognizes the accomplishment and dedication of faculty retirees who have been promoted to the rank of professor emeritus/a: Dr. Rex Berney (physics), Dr. Tom Eggemeier (psychology), Dr. Jerry Keil (chemistry), Professor Fred Niles (visual arts) and Dr. Linda Snyder (music). Eggemeier also was promoted to the rank of distinguished service professor. These faculty members leave a deep legacy on our campus. In addition to their work as teachers, scholars and artists, each of them served with distinction as department chairs; three of them served as associate deans of the College; and one of them served as dean of the graduate school. Collectively, these colleagues contributed 158 years of valuable service to the College. Finally, this publication recognizes the appointment of two new endowed faculty chairs. Dr. Miguel H. Díaz, who completed his service as U.S. ambassador to the Holy See last fall, became the fourth University Professor of Faith and Culture, following Dr. David O’Brien. Dr. Ellen Fleischmann (history) begins her term as the next Alumni Chair in Humanities this coming year, following Dr. Patricia A. Johnson. We are honored to have a distinguished theologian and a distinguished historian take up these positions of academic leadership in the College. I offer this publication with gratitude for the outstanding work and vibrant collegial culture of the faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Dayton.

Paul H. Benson Dean, College of Arts and Sciences University of Dayton

July 2013

Cover: Kwon Waves 2


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP

Biology CONTRACTS Kavanaugh, J. L. (Co-Principal), Geiger, D. R. (Co-Principal), Goldman, D. (Co-Principal), Wu, S.-Y. (Co-Principal). “Monitoring the Ecological Restoration of a Mitigation Wetland.” Sponsored by Miami Valley Hospital, $76,560. (August 8, 2007 - December 31, 2013). Kearns, R. J. “The Isolation and Transfection of Feline Gastrointestinal Tissue Used to Study Enteropathogenic Interactions.” Sponsored by Proctor and Gamble (Iams, $43,000. (December 2009 - December 2012). Robinson, J. B. “Development of Novel antimicrobial Agents for the Prevention and Remediation of Microbial Contaminants of Jet Fuels.” Sponsored by AFOSR, $137,305. (August 16, 2011 - August 15, 2013). Rowe, J. J. “Nanotoxicity.” Sponsored by AFRL, $10,000. (June 1, 2012 January 1, 2013). Williams, P. K. (Principal). “Chautauqua Program.” Sponsored by National Chautauqua Program University of Dayton January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012, $5,000. (June 2012 August 2012).

GRANTS Benbow, M. E. (Co-Principal), Tomberlin, J. K. (Principal), Tarone, A. (CoPrincipal), Crippen, T. (Co-Principal). “Development and validation of standard operating procedures for measuring microbial populations for estimating a postmortem interval.” Sponsored by National Institute of Justice, $163,971. (November 1, 2010 - October 31, 2014). Bigelow, K. E. (Principal), Diestelkamp, W. S., Krane, C. M., Pinnell, M. F.. “Multidisciplinary STEM Grant Preparation Support in Bioengineering.” Sponsored by NSF Advance - LEADER Consortium Mini-Grant, $5,000. (December 2010 August 2012).


Krane, C. M. (Co-Principal), Goldstein, D. (Principal). “Roles and regulation of aqua/glyceroporins in a freeze tolerant amphibian.” Sponsored by NSF, $201,947. (September 2011 - August 2014). Pinnell, M. F. (Principal), Krane, C. M. (Principal), Diestelkamp, W. S. (Principal). “Assessing the viscoelastic properties of porcine arteries: an integrated approach.” Sponsored by Leader Consortium - NSF Advance Program, $5,000. (January 1, 2010 June 30, 2012). Robinson, J. B. (Supporting). “In the Footsteps of Katherine Wright: Promoting STEM Women through LEADER.”, $610,317. (September 1, 2008 - August 31, 2012). Singh, A. (Principal). “Genetic Control of Axial Patterning in Drosophila Eye.” Sponsored by National Institute of Health (NIH)-R15, $218,750. (June 1, 2010 - May 30, 2012). Tsonis, P. A. (Principal). “Gene Regulation in Lens Regeneration.” Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, $1,800,000. (August 1, 2009 July 31, 2014). Tsonis, P. A. (Principal). “Gene Discovery in Mouse Models for Secondary Catarcts.” Sponsored by National Institutes of Health, $1,700,000. (September 24, 2007 - September 23, 2013). Williams, P. K. (Supporting). “Temporal and spatial distribution of an anuran chytid fungus.” Sponsored by Honors Program, $1,500. (May 2, 2012). Williams, T. M. (Principal). “Collaborative Research: The structure, function, and evolution of a regulatory network controlling sexually dimorphic fruit fly development.” Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $450,000. (January 1, 2012 December 31, 2014). Williams, T. M. (Principal). “The molecular basis and commonality of functional cis-regulatory element variation.” Sponsored by American Heart Association, Great Rivers Affiliate, $130,301. (July 1, 2011 June 30, 2013).

Williams, T. M. (Principal). “A Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Supplement to parent award “Collaborative Research: The structure, function, and evolution of a regulatory network controlling sexually dimorphic fruit fly development.” Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $10,000. (May 1, 2012 - August 1, 2012).

SPONSORED RESEARCH Rowe, J. J., Robinson, J. B., Nielsen, M. G. “synthesis of benign Ag nanoparticles and effect of Ag nanoparticles on gut bacterial flora.” Sponsored by Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education, $10,000. (June 1, 2012 - January 1, 2013).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Benbow, M. E., Pechal, J., et al. “Bacteria communities predicting insect composition on an ephemeral resource.” 60th Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. (November 11, 2012). Benbow, M. E., Pechal, J., et al. “Decomposers of carrion: structural and functional relationships of microand macroorganisms removing vertebrate carcasses from terrestrial ecosystems.” 24th International Congress of Entomology Meeting. (August 20, 2012). Benbow, M. E., et al “Microbes, maggots and multiplicity: Biotic and abiotic complexities of carrion decomposition.” 60th Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. (November 11, 2012). Benbow, M. E., et al. “Seasonal change in aquatic macroinvertebrate communities of Ghana, West Africa.” 60th Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. (November 11, 2012). Kango-Singh, M. “Hippo signaling controls Dronc activity to regulate organ size in Drosophila.” 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America, Chicago Il. (March 7, 2012). Kango-Singh, M., Meghana, T., Modi, R., Nainaparampil, J., Singh, A.

Alumni Chair in Humanities: Ellen L. Fleischmann, Ph.D.

Ellen L. Fleischmann, Alumni Chair in Humanities, has been a faculty member at the University of Dayton since 1998. Dr. Fleischmann excels as a scholar, teacher and servant leader. She has received seven major external grants and fellowships, written 16 articles (not including encyclopedia pieces and book reviews), co-edited a forthcoming book on global health and humanitarianism, and published a groundbreaking work in Middle Eastern history: The Nation and Its “New” Women: The Palestinian Women’s Movement, 1920-1948 (University of California Press, 2003). In 2012, Fleischmann participated in a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) seminar on World War I in the Middle East. She was then invited to host her own NEH seminar at the University of Dayton. Fleischmann’s most recent book project is tentatively titled Women and American Protestant Mission in Lebanon, 1860-1945: Education, Professionalization and the Making of Transnational Gender History. This transnational work focuses on both American missionaries and their students, and views missions, education and professionalization through the lens of gender. Fleischmann’s scholarly expertise in Middle Eastern history and women’s history ensures a sophisticated and nuanced examination of the missions education enterprise from the perspective of Middle Eastern women – a unique offering in missions history. In addition to her scholarly accomplishments, Fleischmann is an outstanding teacher. Her lectures on topics ranging from Islam, the Ottoman Empire, and the post-WWI Middle East, as well as her work in the teamtaught honors global history course and her participation in a summer study abroad program in Morocco, have helped to internationalize UD’s curriculum. A number of UD’s brightest history majors have gone on to pursue graduate degrees in Middle Eastern history, thanks in good part to Fleischmann’s ability to connect her scholarship to her teaching and mentoring. Fleischmann’s service extends beyond the classroom, as she has displayed an exemplary commitment to serving not only the University community, but also the greater Dayton community. She was a major contributor to the campus discussion regarding the nature of and prospects for the post-September 11 world, work that included serving as a discussant in a number of university panel conversations. She has also participated in public discussions of the Iraq War, the conflict between Palestine and Israel and, most recently, “Transition and Revolution in the Middle East and North Africa.” The College of Arts and Sciences is looking forward to Dr. Fleischmann’s scholarly and professional contributions as the new Alumni Chair.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP “Drosophila eye model to study the genetic basis of amyloid-beta dependent neurodegeneration.” Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience synmposium, Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience, Miami University Oxford, OH. (February 17, 2012). Kango-Singh, M., Tare, M., Singh, A. “Domain specific E3 ubiquitin ligase mediated Wingless degradation promotes Dorso-Ventral lineage in the developing Drosophila eye.” 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America, Chicago Il. (March 7, 2012). Kango-Singh, M., Verghese, S. “Hippo signaling controls Dronc activity to regulate organ size in Drosophila.” Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience synmposium, Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience, Miami University Oxford, OH. (May 18, 2012). Nickell, P. “The role of Dendroides antifreeze proteins in primary urine.”, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. (January 23, 2012). Steffensmeier, A., Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. “Role of Transcriptional Co-activator CREB binding Protein in Amyloid-Beta-42 Mediated Neurodegeneration.” Berry Summer Thesis Institute Symposium 2012, University of Dayton Honors’ Program, Dayton, OH. (August 2, 2012). Tare, M., Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. “Domain specific E3 ubiquitin ligase mediated Wingless degradation promotes Dorso-Ventral lineage in the developing Drosophila eye.” 50th Annual Midwest Developmental Biology Meeting, Society for Developmental Biology (Mid West Chapter), CCincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Research Center,. (May 12, 2012). Tsonis, P. A., University of Minnessota. (December 12, 2012). Tsonis, P. A. 8th Conference of the Greek Bioscientists, University of Patras,, Greek Bioscientists, Patras, Greece. (October 19, 2012). Tsonis, P. A. The 6th International meeting of the Latin American Society


for Developmental Biology, Universidad de la Republica , Montevideo, Uruguay (2012), Society of Developmental Biology Latin America/USA, Montevideo. (April 26, 2012). Tsonis, P. A. Course in Developmental Biology, Society of Developmental Biology, latin America/USA, Motevideo, Uruguay. (April 19, 2012).

PAPERS Alfieri, J., Benbow, M. E., et al “Scavenging effects on forensicaly important insect community succession.” 10th Annual Meeting of North American Forensic Entomology Association. (July 17, 2012). Benbow, M. E., Lang, J. “Environmental controls on biofilm succession drive invertebrate grazing pressure.” 60th Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. (November 11, 2012). Benbow, M. E., Tomberlin, J. “Celebrating NAFEA: the past, present and future.” 10th Annual Meeting of North American Forensic Entomology Association. (July 17, 2012). Benbow, M. E., et al “Community succession effects of delaying necrophagous insect colonization of carrion.” 9th European Association for Forensic Entomology Annual Meeting. (April 18, 2012). Blair, T., McEwan, R., Benbow, M. E. “Aquatic biological effects of organic matter leachate from a riparian invasive species.” Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting., Society for Freshwater Science, Louisville, Kentucky. (May 23, 2012). Blystone, A. M., Hansen, K. M. “The Effect of Diet and Sex on the Gustatory Behavioral Response of the blow fly, Lucilia sericata (Diptera: Calliphoridae), to Amino Acids Associated with Decomposition.” Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Entomological Society of America, Knoxville, TN. (November 11, 2012). Blystone, A. M., Hansen, K. M. “The Role of Sex in the Gustatory Response of the Blow fly, Lucilia sericata, to

Sugars and Decomposition Related Amino Acids.” North American Forensic Entomological Association Annual Meeting, North American Forensic Entomological Association, Las Vegas, NV. (July 17, 2012). Campbell, E., Benbow, M. E., et al. “Spatial and temporal shifts of macroinvertebrates within spawning and non-spawning habitats during a salmon run in Southeast Alaska.” Bull. Eco. Soc. Am. 21st Annual Meeting Abstracts. (August 5, 2012). Chapman, J. I., McEwan, R. “Beta diversity dynamics across topographic gradients in the herbaceous layer of an old-growth deciduous forest.” Ecological Society of America Summer Conference, Ecological Society of America, Portland. (August 7, 2012). Goins, S., McEwan, R. “Dynamics and disturbance in an old-growth forest remnant in western Ohio.” Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Ecogical Society of America, Portland. (August 7, 2012). Lang, J., Benbow, M. E. “Grazing, flow and light effects on epilithic biofilm succession during a large pulse of organic leaf litter.” Bull. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. Annual Meeting. (May 20, 2012). McEwan, R. “Riparian forest invasion by a terrestrial shrub (Lonicera maackii) impacts aquatic organic matter processing and biota in headwater streams.” Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR. (August 7, 2012). McEwan, R., Benbow, M. E., McNeish, R. “Cross-habitat and crosskingdom biodiversity effects: riparian forest invasion regulates aquatic macroinvertebrate and microbial communities.” 4th International Ecosummit, Columbus, Ohio. (October 3, 2012). McNeish, R., McEwan, R., Benbow, M. E. “Riparian invasion effects on terrestrialaquatic linkages: Insights from a restoration experiment.” Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Society for Freshwater Science. (May 23, 2012).

Pechal, J. L., Benbow, M. E., et al. “Utilizing bacterial community succession to predict the postmortem interval of a corpse: implications for forensic entomology.” 9th European Association for Forensic Entomology Annual Meeting. (April 18, 2012). Pechal, J., Benbow, M. E., et al. “Bacteria and blow fly interactions throughout vertebrate decomposition.” 60th Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting. (November 11, 2012). Pechal, J., Benbow, M. E., et al. “Quantifying microbe-insect interactions to predict minimum postmortem intervals.” 10th Annual Meeting of North American Forensic Entomology Association. (July 17, 2012). Shah, P. J., Knachel, H. C., Sarangan, A. M., Hansen, K. M. “Nanostructured Columnar Thin Films for Biological and Chemical Sensing Applications.” Electrochemical Society Fall Meeting, Electrochemical Society, Honolulu, HI. (October 7, 2012). Yoon, Y., Mount, A. S., Hansen, K. M., Hansen, D. C. “Electrochemical Characterization of the Shell of the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica.” National Shellfisheries Association Annual Meeting, National Shellfisheries Association, Seattle, WA. (March 29, 2012).

POSTERS Bedi, S., Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. “Lobe genetically interacts with RD genes to promote ectopic eye formation in Drosophila..” Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience synmposium, Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience, Miami University Oxford, OH. (May 18, 2012). Blair, T., Benbow, M. E., et al. “Vertebrate scavenging in the cold: stealth cameras reveal delayed, but diverse, scavenging activity during winter months.” 10th Annual Meeting of North American Forensic Entomology Association. (July 17, 2012). Butts, J. C., McNamee, C., Rebeiz, M., Williams, T. M. “A characterization

of regulatory linkages in a genetic network for a derived fruit fly trait..” 71st Annual Meeting for the Society for Developmental Biology, Society for Developmental Biology, Montreal, Canada. (July 22, 2012). Camino, E. M., Francis, K. R., Vellky, J., Williams, T. M. “Inspecting the regulatory architecture of a toolkit gene locus governing trait development and evolution.” 71st Annual Meeting for the Society for Developmental Biology, Society for Developmental Biology, Montreal, Canada. (July 22, 2012). Kwon, H., Waghmare, I., Verghese, s., Kango-Singh, M. “Investigation of the Genetic Interactions between the Hippo Signaling Pathway and Drosophila C-terminal Src Kinase..” 4th Annual mGluRs Midwest/Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH. (September 29, 2012). Lesko, A., Verghese, S., Waghmare, I., Kango-Singh, M. “Differential Hippo signaling in compensatory proliferation in a Drosophila tumor model.” 4th Annual mGluRs Midwest/Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience, The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH. (September 29, 2012). Moran, M. T., Tare, M., Puli, O. R., Singh, A. “Role of transcriptional coactivator CREB binding in amyloid-beta 42 mediated neurodegeneration.” 4th Annual mGluRs MIdwest/ Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience, The College of Wooster, Wooster Ohio. (September 29, 2012). Moran, M. T., Tare, M., Puli, O. R., Singh, A. “The role of Teashirt (Tsh) and Tiptop (Tio) in amyloid-beta -42 mediated neurodegeneration in the Drosophila retina.” 4th Annual mGluRs MIdwest/ Great Lakes Undergraduate Research Symposium in Neuroscience, The College of Wooster, Wooster Ohio. (September 29, 2012). Moran, M., Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. “Role of retinal determination genes in amyloid beta 42 mediated neurodegeneration in the Drosophila retina.” Ohio Miami Valley Society

for Neuroscience synmposium, Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience, Miami University Oxford, OH. (May 18, 2012). Mutyam, V., Frisbie, J., Goldstein, D., Diestelkamp, W., Krane, C. M. “Aquaglyceroporin expression and erythrocyte omoregulation in cultures from the freeze tolerant anuran, Cope’s gray tree frog, Hyla chrysoscelis.” 2012 Ohio Physiological Society Meeting, Ohio Physiological Society, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. (October 27, 2012). Mutyam, V., Frisbie, J., Goldstein, D., Diestelkamp, W., Krane, C. M. “Aquaglyceroporin expression and erythrocyte omoregulation in cultures from the freeze tolerant anuran, Cope’s gray tree frog, Hyla chrysoscelis.” 2012 Experimental Biology, FASEB, San Diego, CA. (April 23, 2012). Nielsen, M. G. “Differential toxicity of silver and titanium dioxide nanoparticles on Drosophila melanogaster development, reproductive effort, and viability: Size, coatings and antioxidants matter..” Society of Toxicology, Society of Toxicology. (March 11, 2012). Puli, O. R., Yorimitsu, T., Nakagoshi, H., Singh, A. “defective proventriculus (dve), a new member of DV patterning in the eye..” Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience synmposium, Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience, Miami University Oxford, OH. (May 18, 2012). Puli, O. R., Yorimitsu, T., Nakagoshi, H., Singh, A. “defective proventriculus (dve), a new member of DV patterning in the eye..” 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America, Chicago, IL. (March 7, 2012). Rogers, W. A., Salomone, J. R., Tacy, D. J., Williams, T. M. “The mutations, molecular mechanisms, and constraints directing the evolution of a Drosophila cis-regulatory element.” 71st Annual Meeting for the Society for Developmental Biology, Society for Developmental Biology, Montreal, Canada. (July 22, 2012).


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Salomone, J. R., Rogers, W. A., Williams, T. M. “Identifying cis-regulatory element changes that underlie gene expression and phenotypic evolution between species.” 71st Annual Meeting for the Society for Developmental Biology, Society for Developmental Biology, Montreal, Canada. (July 22, 2012). Steffensmeier, A., Tare, M., Puli, O., Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. “Role of signaling pathways in amyloid-Betadependent cell death in Drosophila eye..” Biennal National Convention 2012, the National Biological Honor Society Beta-Beta-Beta, Puerto Rico. (May 16, 2012). Steffensmeier, A., Tare, M., Puli, O., Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. “Role of signaling pathways in amyloid-Betadependent cell death in Drosophila eye..” 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America, Chicago IL. (March 7, 2012). Tare, M., Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. “Domain specific E3 ubiquitin ligase mediated Wingless degradation promotes Dorso-Ventral lineage in the developing Drosophila eye..” Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience synmposium, Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience, Miami University Oxford, OH. (May 18, 2012). Verghese, S., Bedi, S., Kango-Singh, M. “Hippo signaling controls Dronc activity to regulate organ size in Drosophila..” 53rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference, Genetics Society of America, Chicago Il. (March 7, 2012). Waghmare, I., Verghese, S., Hanes, K., Kwon, H., Lesko, A., Singh, A., Kango-Singh, M. “A model to study the influence of Hippo signaling on local cell-cell interactions.” Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience synmposium, Ohio Miami Valley Society for Neuroscience, Miami University Oxford, OH. (May 18, 2012). Waghmare, I., Verghese, S., Hanes, K., Lesko, A., Singh, A., Kango-Singh, M. “A model to study the influence of Hippo signaling on local cell-cell interactions..” 53rd Annual Drosophila


Research Conference, Genetics Society of America, Chicago IL. (March 7, 2012). Walton, M., McGrail, K., Krane, C. M. “Assessing the effect of shear stress on Aquaporin 1 expression in vascular endothelial cells in vitro..” 2012 Ohio Physiological Society Meeting, Ohio Physiological Society, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. (October 27, 2012). Werner, T., Shigeyuki, K., Williams, T. M., Bollepogu, R., Komal, K., Carroll, S. B. “The role of toolkit genes in the evolution of complex wing, thorax, and abdominal color patterns in Drosophila guttifera.” 71st Annual Meeting for the Society for Developmental Biology, Society for Developmental Biology, Montreal, Canada. (July 22, 2012). Wetzel, E., Mutyam, V., Frisbie, J., Nickell, P., Goldstein, D., Krane, C. M. “Membrane trafficking of aquaglyceroporin HC3 in erythrocytes from the freeze tolerant anuran, Cope’s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis.” 2012 Ohio Physiological Society Meeting, Ohio Physiological Society, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. (October 27, 2012). Wetzel, E., Nickell, P., Mutyam, V., Frisbie, J., Goldstein, D., Krane, C. M. “Membrane trafficking of aquaglyceroporin HC3 in erythrocytes from the freeze tolerant anuran, Cope’s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis.” 2013 Experimental Biology, FASEB, San Diego, CA. (November 7, 2012).

PRESENTATION Wang, H., Comfort, D., Shah, P., Sarangan, A. M., Rowe, J. J. “The Effect of Electron Donor On Microbial Fuel Cell Performance.” AICHE 2012 Annual Meeting, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, Pittsburg, PA. (November 2012).

BOOK CHAPTER Singh, S. R., Mishra, M. K., Hou, S. X., Kango-Singh, M. (2012). Generation and Staining of Intestinal Stem Cell Lineage in Adult Midgut. In Dr. Shree Ram Singh (Ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology [Somatic Stem Cells: Methods

and Protocols} (2012, XXIX ed., vol. 879, pp. 606). New York / Humana (Springer) Press: A product of Humana Press.

BOOK REVIEW Hoffmann, A., Tsonis, P. A. (2012). Pattern formation in regenerating tissues. In: Pattern formation in morphogenesis. (pp. 7-15). New York, NY: Pattern Formation in Morhogenesis.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Arthur, M., Bray, S., Kuchle, C., McEwan, R. (2012). The influence of the invasive shrub, Lonicera maackii, on leaf decomposition and microbial community dynamics. Plant Ecology, 213, 1571-1582. Benbow, M. E., Gorbach, K., McIntosh, M., Burky, A. J. (2012). Dispersal and upstream migration of a neritid snail: implications for restoring migratory pathways in tropical streams. Freshwater Biology, 57, 1643-1657. Benbow, M. E., Gorbach, K., McIntosh, M., Burky, A. J. (2012). Dispersal and upstream migration of a neritid snail: implications for restoring migratory pathways in tropical streams. Freshwater Biology, 57, 1643-1657. Campbell, E., Merritt, R. W., K. W. C., Benbow, M. E. (2012). Macroinvertebrates utilize refugia habitats in response to spawning salmon disturbance in a Southeast Alaska stream. PLoS ONE, 7, e39254. Chen, C.-L., Shroeder, M. C., KangoSingh, M., Tao, C., Halder, G. A. (2012). Tumor suppression by cell competition through regulation of the Hippo pathway. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 109(2), 484-9. Collins, T. L., Hassett, D. J., Markus, E. A., Robinson, J. B. The Effect of an Anionic Porphyrin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Current Microbiology, 61(5), 411-16. Czarneki, J., Lafdi, K., Joseph, R., Tsonis, P. A. (2012). Hybrid carbon-based scaffolds for applications in soft tissue

University Professor of Faith and Culture: Miguel H. Díaz, Ph.D. Prior to his appointment last year as University Professor of Faith and Culture, Dr. Miguel H. Díaz served as the United States ambassador to the Holy See. “As ambassador, I know firsthand the role of American culture and leadership in international relations as well as the growing importance of religion on the world stage. I look forward to building bridges between faith and culture, and to facilitating inclusive, scholarly and constructive conversations that advance the common good,” he said. A prominent Catholic theologian, Díaz was the first Hispanic to represent the United States at the Vatican. He helped launch the Religion and Foreign Policy Working Group of the Secretary of State’s Strategic Dialogue with Civil Society. This groundbreaking initiative facilitates regular engagement with communities of faith. An influential Catholic leader in areas as far-ranging as human trafficking to interreligious dialogue, Díaz brings a wealth of experience and a thoughtful theological approach to issues of faith and culture. The wisdom and insights he gained while serving as ambassador to the Holy See enhance not only the University of Dayton, but also the broader Catholic higher education community. His expertise in Hispanic and Latino/a theology will help the University reach out to Hispanic populations for both faculty and student recruiting. In addition, his experience at the level of international relations will help link the University to populations abroad. It’s all part of a strategic effort to further diversify and internationalize our campus and to move the University to a position of leadership in global Catholic conversations. Díaz’s appointment comes at a time when the Catholic Church marks the 1,700th anniversary of Constantine’s conversion, commemorates the 50th anniversary of the Second Vatican Council and celebrates the Year of Faith. “Whether we consider the profound impact of Constantine’s conversion on Christian traditions or the refreshing invitation of the Council to read the signs of the time and to interpret these signs in light of Christian faith and revelation, we stand squarely at the bridging of faith and culture,” Díaz said. “This coming year, which Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed as the Year of Faith, provides a wonderful opportunity for Catholic universities to reflect upon the development of Catholic intellectual traditions and contribute to the ongoing weaving of faith and the cultural realities that surround us.” Before being named U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, Díaz taught theology at the College of Saint Benedict in St. Joseph, Minn., and Saint John’s University in Collegeville, Minn. He was a board member of the Catholic Theological Society of America and is former president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States. Fluent in Italian, Spanish and French, Díaz also reads Greek, Latin and German. His academic interests include theological anthropology, Latino/Latina theologies and Trinitarian theology. His books include On Being Human: U.S. Hispanic and Rahnerian Perspectives (Orbis Books, 2001), for which he received the Hispanic Theological Initiative's 2002 Book of the Year award from Princeton Theological Seminary. In addition, he co-edited From the Heart of Our People: Latino/a Explorations in Catholic Systematic Theology (Orbis Books, 1999).


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP reconstruction. Tissue Engineering Part A, 18, 946-956. Haney, C., Rowe, J. J., Robinson, J. B. (2012). Spions increase biofilm formation by Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, 3, 1-11. Hoffmann, A., Huang, Y., SuetsuguMaki, R., Ringelberg, C., Tomlinson, C., Del Rio-Tsonis, K., Tsonis, P. A. (2012). Implication of the miR-184 and miR-204 Competitive RNA Network in Control of Secondary Cataracts in Mice. Molecular Medicine, 18, 528538. McEwan, R., Arthur, M. A., Alverson, S. S. (2012). Throughfall chemistry and soil nutrient effects of deciduous forest invasion by the exotic shrub Lonicera maackii. American Midland Naturalist, 168, 43-55. McEwan, R., Chapman, J. I. (2012). Tree regeneration ecology of an old-growth central Appalachian forest: Diversity, temporal dynamics, and disturbance response. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 139, 194–205. McEwan, R., Chapman, J. I. (2012). Changing flora of an old-growth mesophytic forest: undetected taxa and the first appearance of invasive species. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society, 139, 206–210. McEwan, R., Pederson, N., Tackett, K., Clark, S., Brosi, B., Eaton, R., Stockwell, R. D. (2012). Long-term drought sensitivity of trees in secondgrowth forests in a humid region. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42, 1837-1850. McNeish, R., Benbow, M. E., McEwan, R. (2012). Linkages between terrestrial and aquatic communities: the invasive shrub Lonicera maackii influences leaf breakdown rates and macroinvertebrate colonization. Biological Invasions, 14, 1881-1893. McNeish, R., Benbow, M. E., McEwan, R. (2012). Linkages between terrestrial and aquatic communities: the invasive shrub Lonicera maackii influences leaf breakdown rates and macroinvertebrate colonization. Biological Invasions, 14, 1881-1893.


Mondor, E., Tremblay, M. N., Tomberlin, J., Benbow, M. E., Tarone, A. M., Crippen, T. (2012). The ecology of carrion decomposition. Nature Education Knowledge, 3, 21.

Verghese, s., Waghmare, I., Kwon, H., Hanes, K., Kango-Singh, M. (2012). Scribble acts in the Drosophila FatHippo pathway to regulate Warts activity. PLoS One, 7(11), 10.

Pitychoutis, P., Dalla, C., Sideris, A., Tsonis, P. A., Papadopoulou-Daifoti, Z. (2012). 5-HT(1A), 5-HT(2A), and 5-HT(2C) receptor mRNA modulation by antidepressant treatment in the chronic mild stress model of depression: sex differences exposed. Neuroscience, 210, 152-167.

Williamson, H., Benbow, M. E., Cambell, L., Johnson, C. R., Sopoh, G., Merritt, R. W., Small, P. L. (2012). Detection of Mycobacterium ulcerans in the environment predicts prevalence of Buruli ulcer in Benin. PLoS Negl Trop Dis, 6(1), e1506.

Singh, A. (2012). Neurodegeneration a means to an end. Journal of Cell Science and Therapy (Editorial). J. Cell Sci. Therapy, 3(e107), 2. Sousounis, K., Tsonis, P. A. Patterns of gene expression in microarrays and. Human Genomics, 6. Suetsugu-Maki, R., Maki, N., Nakamura, K., Sumanas, S., Zhu, J., Del RioTsonis, K., Tsonis, P. A. (2012). Lens regeneration in axolotl: new evidence of developmental plasticity. BMC Biology, 10, 103. Suwannapong, G., Noiphrom, J., Benbow, M. E. (2012). Ultramorphology of antennal sensilla in Thai single open nest honeybees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Lepcey: Journal of tropical Asia Entomology, 1, 1-12. Tomberlin, J., Crippen, T., Tarone, A., Singh, B., Adams, K., Benbow, M. E., Pechal, J., Rezenom, Y., Russel, D., Bier, R., Wood, T. (2012). Interkingdom responses of flies to bacteria mediated by fly physiology and bacterial quorum sensing. Animal Behaviour, 84, 14491465. Tomberlin, J., Wallace, J., Byrd, J., Benbow, M. E. (2012). Assessment of parameters used in decomposition studies indicates need for streamlined research methods in forensic entomology. Journal of Forensic Research, 3, 147. Verghese, S., Bedi, S., Kango-Singh, M. (2012). Hippo signalling controls Dronc activity to regulate organ size in Drosophila. Cell Death and Differentiation, 19(10), 1664-1676.

Wright, S. J. (2012). Student Perceptions of an Upper-Level, Undergraduate Human Anatomy Laboratory Course without Cadavers. Anatomical Sciences Education, 5(3), 146-157. van Ravensway, J., Benbow, M. E., Pierce, S., Campbell, L. P., Fyfe, J., Hayman, J. A., Johnson, P., Wallace, J. R., Pierce, A., Qi, J. (2012). Climate and landscape factors associated with Buruli ulcer incidence in Victoria, Australia. PLoS ONE, 7, e51074.

NEWSPAPER Berg, M., Benbow, M. E., Lewis, A., Blair, T., Shoda, M. (2012). Blow fly oviposition dynamics on liver bait and swine carcasses exposed at dusk. Atlanta, GA, USA: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Science. Vol XXIII.

PAPERS PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Benbow, M. E., Lewis, A., Pechal, J., Blair, T., Berg, M., Diaz, M., Tomberlin, J., Crippen, T., Tarone, A. (2012). The microbial ecology of carcass decomposition between habitats and through time. Atlanta, GA, USA: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Science. Vol XXIII. Pechal, J., Benbow, M. E., Crippen, T., Tarone, A., Tomberlin, J. (2012). Invertebrate species diversity, richness, and evenness indicate delayed colonization of remains. Atlanta, GA, USA: Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Forensic Science. Vol XXIII.

OTHER Barbosa-Sabanero, K., Hoffmann, A., Judge, C., Lightcap, N., Tsonis, P. A., Del Rio-Tsonis, K. (2012). Lens and retina regeneration: new perspectives from model organisms. (vol. 447, pp. 321-334). London, UK: Biochemical Journal. Call, G. B., Puli, O. R., M, J. A., R, P. C.,Kango-Singh, M., Singh, A. (2012). In Gary Schoenwolf (Ed.), Annual Drosophila Research Conference, 2012. (1st ed., vol. 241, pp. 12271236). Hoboken, NJ: Developmental Dynamics/ John Wiley & Sons. Singh, A., Irvine, K. D. (2012). In Amit Singh & Kenneth D Irvine (Ed.), Drosophila as a model for understanding development and disease (1st ed., vol. 241, pp. 1-2). USA: Wiley. Singh, A., Tare, M., Puli, O. R., KangoSingh, M. (2012). In Amit Singh & Kenneth D Irvine (Ed.), A glimpse into dorso-ventral patterning of the Drosophila eye (1st ed., vol. 241, pp. 69-84). USA: Wiley. Sousounis, K., Haley, C., Cao, J., Sunchu, B., Tsonis, P. A. (2012). Conservation of the three-dimensional structure in non-homologous or unrelated proteins (vol. 6, pp. 10). London, UK: Human Genomics.

Chemistry CONTRACTS Fratini, A. V. (Principal). “Acquisition of Compound Trinocular Microscope, Model mn0038002a.” Sponsored by AT&T Government Solutions, $1,700. (October 2, 2008 - September 1, 2014). Morrow, G. W. (Principal). ”Biosynthetic Organic Chemistry: An Introductory Course.” Sponsored by Oxford University Press. (October 2011 December 2013).



Benin, V. A. (Co-Principal), Morgan, A. B. (Principal). “Flame Retardant Technology Discovery and Flammability Method Development.” Sponsored by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), $340,000. (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2015).

Benin, V. A., Durganala, S., Morgan, A. B. “Small scale flammability testing of phosphonate and boronate + polyurethane blends.” 243th American Chemical Society National Meeting, American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA. (March 25, 2012).

Benin, V. A. (Co-Principal), Morgan, A. B. (Principal). “Research and Development on New Flame Retardant Chemistries for Polyurethane.” Sponsored by National Institute for Standards and Technology, $300,000. (September 1, 2009 - August 31, 2012). Lopper, M. E. (Principal). “Development of novel antibacterial compounds to target bacterial DNA replication restart pathways.” Sponsored by Research Corporation for Science Advancement - Cottrell College Science Award, $45,000. (July 1, 2010 - December 31, 2012).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Eads, C. N., Mashburn, J. D., Fannin, H. B., Masthay, M. B. “Comparison of microcanonical and canonical temperatures in paramagnetic spin lattices and other two-level systems.” Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference, National Science Foundation, Minnesota Super Computing Institute, and University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering, Minneapolis, MN. (May 21, 2012). Johnson, D. W., Adams, R. K., West, Z. J., Zabarnick, S. S., Striebich, R. C. “Analysis of Polar Components in Jet Fuel by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray Ionization.” National Meeting, American Chemical Society, Philadelphia, PA. (August 20, 2012). Swavey, S. M. “Electropolymerized Metalloporphyrins as Catalysts for the Reduction of Oxygen.” 221st electrochemical society meeting, Electrochemical Society, Seattle Washington. (May 12, 2012).

Crosson, G. “Denatonium benzoate sorption to smectite clay minerals: Kinetic studies.” Central Regional American Chemical Society Annual Meeting, American Chemical Society, Dearborn, Michigan. (June 5, 2012). Ivan, N., Benin, V. A., Durganala, S., Morgan, A. B. “Synthesis of New Boronated and Phosphonated Aromatic Flame Retardants.” 243rd National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA. (March 25, 2012). Johnson, D. W., Crosson, G., Keil, R. G., Masthay, M. B., Trick, K. A. “Inclusion of civic engagement (SENCER) in the general chemistry curriculum: Challenges and successes.” Central Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, Detroit Michigan. (June 6, 2012). Johnson, D. W., Zabarnick, S. S., Adams, R. K., Striebich, R. C., West, Z. J. “Analysis of nitrogen compounds in jet fuel by high performance liquid chromatography/time of flight mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization and chemical derivatization.” Central Regional Meeting, American Chemical Society, Detroit, Michigan. (June 6, 2012).

POSTERS Berg, L., Lopper, M. E. “Do trends in bacterial replication restart pathways depend on the presence of primosome protein DnaT?.” American Chemical Society, Central State University, Dayton, OH. (April 3, 2012). Crosson, G., Sandmann, E. “Sorption kinetics of denatonium benzoate to 2:1 layered aluminosilicate minerals.” Fall 2012 National American Chemical Society Meeting, American Chemical


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Society, Philadelphia, PA. (August 23, 2012). Eads, C. N., Fannin, H. B., Mashburn, J. D., Masthay, M. B. “Microcanonical and Canonical Temperatures in TwoLevel Parmagnetic Spin Lattices.” 43rd CERMACS, American Chemical Society, Dearborn, MI. (June 7, 2012). Finnen, S., Sack, T. C., Dunyak, M., Zhao, Y., Masthay, M. B. “UV-induced photodegradation of beta-carotene in hexane solvent.” 43rd CERMACS, American Chemical Society, Dearborn, MI. (June 7, 2012). Johnson, D. W., Masthay, M. B., Zhao, Y. “Photochemistry of β Cartene in Hexane Solution in the Presence of Carbon Tetrachloride.” Pittsbugh Conference on Analytical Chemistry, Orlando, FL. (March 15, 2012). Johnson, D. W., Zabarnick, S. S., Striebich, R. C., West, Z. J., Adams, R. K. “Identification of Nitrogen Containing Contaminants in Jet Fuel by HPLC-MS and Chemical Derivatization.” Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry, American Chemical Society,, Orlando, FL. (March 9, 2012). Kuttler, A., Fratini, A. V., Durganala, S., Morgan, A. B., Benin, V. A. “Structure, Theoretical Studies and Coupling Reactions of Some New Cyclic Boronic Esters.” Annual Poster Session, Dayton ACS, Dayton Section of the American Chemical Society. (April 3, 2012). Sack, T. C., Zhao, Y., Johnson, D. W., Masthay, M. B. “Spectroscopic, gravimetric, and EDAX characterization of the photoproducts of beta-carotene generated in CCl4 solvent.” Dayton Local ACS Poster Session, American Chemical Society, Central State University, Wilberforce, OH. (April 3, 2012). Sandmann, E., Crosson, G. “Kinetics of denatonium benzoate sorption to layered aluminosilicate minerals.” National Meeting of Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society, Beta Beta Beta, Puerto Rico. (May 20, 2012). Sandmann, E., Crosson, G. “Kinetics of denatonium benzoate sorption to


layered-aluminosilicate clay minerals.” Annual Poster Session, Dayton Section, American Chemical Society, Xenia, OH. (April 3, 2012). Sunchu, B., Ward, H. E., Lopper, M. E. “Study of the mechanism of an inhibitor of DNA replication restart in Neisseria gonorrhoeae.” American Chemical Society, Central State University, Dayton, OH. (April 3, 2012).

BOOK CHAPTERS Lauceri, R., D’Urso, A., Mammana, A., Purrello, R. Transfer of Chirality for Memory and Separation. In Naaman, R., Beratan, D. N., Waldeck, D. (Ed.), Topics in Current Chemistry (vol. 298, pp. 143-188). Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Mammana, A., Carroll, G. T., Feringa, B. L. (2012). Circular Dichroism of Dynamic Systems: Switching Molecular and Supramolecular Chirality. In Berova, N., Polavarapu, P. L., Nakanishi, K., Woody, R. W. (Ed.), Comprehensive Chiroptical Spectroscopy. New York City, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Swavey, S. M. Ruthenium complexes as photosensitizers: new possibilities in photodynamic therapy. In watson, d. b. (Ed.), Porphyrins: chemistry, properties, and applications. hauppauge, new york: Nova publishing company. Swavey, S. M., tran, m. Porphyrin and phthalocyanine photosensitizers as PDT agents: a new modality for the treatment of melanoma. Melanomafrom early detection to treatment/ book 2. manhattan, new york: InTech publishing company.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Benin, V. A., Durganala, S., Morgan, A. B. (2012). Synthesis and Flame Retardant Testing of New Boronated and Phosphonated Aromatic Compounds. Journal of Materials Chemistry, RSC Publishing, 22(1180 1190). Chorover, J., Choi, S., Amistadi, M., Karthikeyan, K.G., Crosson, G., Mueller, K. Linking Cesium and Strontium Uptake to Kaolinite Weathering in Simulated Tank Waste

Leachate. Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 2200 - 2208. Kanchel, H. C., Benin, V. A., Barklay, C. D., Birkbeck, J. C., Faubion, B. D., Moddeman, W. E. (2012). Reactions of Methyl Perfluoroalkyl Ethers with Isopropyl Alcohol: Experimental and Theoretical Studies. Inductrial and Enginnering Chemistry Research/ American Chemical Society, 51, 10525 - 10534. Sunchu, B., Berg, L., Ward, H. E., Lopper, M. E. (2012). Identification of a small molecule PriA helicase inhibitor. Biochemistry, 51, 10137-46. Swavey, S. M. (2012). Transition metal porphyrins as photosensitizers in photodynamic therapy. global journal of inorganic chemistry, 3(9), 1-14. Swavey, S. M., Eder, A. Enhanced O2 electrocatalysis by a highly conjugated cobalt(II) porphyrin. inorganic chemistry communications, 29, 14-17. Swavey, S. M., Viviani, S., Fratini, A. V. The effect of the lanthanide contraction on coordination with the polyazine bridging ligand 2,3-bis(2pyridyl)pyrazine. Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 24, 29-31. Swavey, S. M., sweigert, p., Hong, Y. Nickel, copper, and zinc centered ruthenium substituted porphyrins: Effect of transition metals on photoinduced DNA cleavage and photoinduced melanoma cell toxicity. Dalton Transactions, 41, 5201-5208.

PAPERS PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Benin, V. A., Durganala, S., Morgan, A. B. (2012). Small scale flammability testing of phosphonate and boronate + polyurethane blends (vol. 106-S12). Washington, DC: Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Preprints. Ivan, N., Benin, V. A., Durganala, S., Morgan, A. B. (2012). Synthesis of new boronated and phosphonated aromatic flame retardants (vol. 106-S12). Washington, DC: Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering (PMSE)

Outstanding Scholarship Award: Teresa Thompson, Ph.D. Dr. Teresa Thompson began her career at the University of Dayton in 1985. During her time at UD, she has developed a record of scholarship worthy of national commendation within her discipline. She has written or edited 10 books or monographs, 30 refereed journal articles, 34 scholarly book chapters, several entries in academic encyclopedias, and eight other publications. In addition, she has presented 76 papers at professional meetings and has been awarded five research grants. Thompson has published repeatedly in top-tier journals, and her work has been translated into three languages. Thompson’s research is impressive in both quantity and impact, and she is regarded as one of the leading authorities in the field. She is the founding and ongoing editor of Health Communication, which she has edited for 24 years. She also has served as a reviewer and editorial board member of 12 other journals and as a paper reviewer for numerous academic conferences and has worked as an associate editor for the publisher Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Dr. Thompson has received national awards both for specific scholarly contributions and for her overall stature in the field of communication research. She has won multiple top-paper awards at the National Communication Association — the oldest, largest and most influential scholarly association in her field. She was honored with the distinguished book award from the health communication divisions of the National Communication Association and the International Communication Association. She was named Health Communication Scholar of the Year by the National Communication Association. Thompson has given numerous invited lectures and participated on panels not only in the United States, but also in Europe and Asia. She has also served as a consultant for undergraduate and graduate programs of study. Thompson’s work represents the high-water mark of scholarship in her field. She is recognized internationally as a leading scholar in communication, and her highly acclaimed work has helped to shape and advance the direction of her discipline. The College of Arts and Sciences is gratified by her professional presence on the faculty.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Johnson, D. W., Adams, R. K., Striebich, R. C., West, Z. J., Zabarnick, S. S. (2012). Analysis of Polar Components in Jet Fuel by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry with Electrospray Ionization (2nd ed., vol. 57, pp. 798800). Energy and Fuels Division: Preprints, Energy and Fuels Division.

Communication CONTRACT Robinson, J. D. (Co-Principal), Friessen, M. A. (Principal). “Improving Nursing Handoffs.” Sponsored by Picker Institute, $45,000. (2011 - 2012).

SPONSORED RESEARCH Robinson, J. D. (Co-Principal). “Neurological exams and telemedicine.” Sponsored by Specialists on Call.

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Hess, J. “What’s Our Message?: Promoting Our Teaching, Research, and Service.” Chair’s Summer Institute, National Communication Association, Washington, D. C.. (June 23, 2012). Wallace, S. P. “Developing Student Learning Outcomes for the Foundation Course in Communication.” The Basic Course Conference, The Basic Course Conference, Normal, Illinois. (January 28, 2012).

PAPERS Duggan, A., Thompson, T. L., Robinson, J. D. “A Communication Accommodation Theory explanation for challenges in healthcare interactions with people with disabilities.” Euroopean Association for Communication and Health, EACH, St. Andrews, Scotland. (September 2, 2012). Friesen, M. A., Robinson, J. D., Turner, J. “Patient Perceptions of the Bedside Shift Report Process Utilizing the ISHAPED Strategy.” ANCC National


Magnet Conference, American Nursing Credentialing Center, Baltimore, MD. (October 10, 2012). Friessen, M. A., Speroni, K., Turner, J., Herbst, A., Robinson, J. D., Wavelet, J. “Listening to the voice of the patient to develop a patient centered approach to the shift-to-shift bedside report using the ISHAPED model.” Capital Area Scholarship Symposium, Methods and Challenges: Working Towards Strategies for Excellence,, University of Phoenix, Reston, VA. (April 21, 2012). Griffin, J. L. “Turning Japanese: From Sideways to Saidoweizu: An Examination of the Japanese Remake of a Hollywood Film.” 2012 Joint Conference of the National Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association, Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association, Boston. (April 13, 2012). Han, J.-H., Mills, J. “Exploring trust perception between online travel organizations and its visually impaired stakeholders.” 2012 National Communication Association Conference, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (November 16, 2012). Herbst, A., Friessen, M., Speroni, K., Turner, J., Robinson, J. D., Wavelet, J. “Patient and Parent Perceptions of a Patient Centered Bedside Handoff using ISHAPED.” Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. (July 17, 2012). Hess, J., Sneed, K. G. “Communication strategies to restore working relations: Comparing relationships that improved with ones that remained problematic.” National Communication Association, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (November 17, 2012). Iannarino, N., Thompson, T. L. “The Therapeutic Potential of Humorous Illness Narratives.” International Communication Association Annual Conference, International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. (May 26, 2012). Oh, K., Han, J.-H. “You say pink, I say red: Selective perception and

biased information processing in the 2008 Presidential Election.” 2012 International Communication Association Conference, International Communication Association, Phoenix, Arizona. (May 27, 2012). Robinson, J. D., Thompson, T. L., Duggan, A. “Disability and Accommodation Theory.” National Communication Association Annual Conference, National Communication Association, Orland, FL. (November 15, 2012). Robinson, J. D., Thompson, T., Duggan, A. “Disability and Accommodation Theory.” National Communication Association, NCA, Orlando, FL. (November 15, 2012). Tian, Y., Robinson, J. D. “Complementary and Contradictory Patterns in Health Information Seeking.” International Communication Association, International Communication Association, Phoenix, AZ. (May 27, 2012). Valenzano III, J. “Directing the Winds of Change: The Basic Course and General Education (Top Paper).” 98th Annual National Communication Association Conference, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (November 16, 2012). Yang, A. “Crisis communication on the Web: How social media platforms affect the structure of virtual social networks.” annual conference of National Communication Association, National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida. (November 15, 2012). Yang, A. “The power of activist networks in the mass self-communication era: A triangulation study of the impact of WikiLeaks on the stock value of Bank of America.” annual conference of National Communication Association, National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida. (November 15, 2012). Yang, A. “Toward a model of contextualizing organizational relationships: A network ecology framework. Paper accepted by the annual conference of National Communication Association.” annual

conference of National Communication Association, National Communication Association, Orlando, Florida. (November 15, 2012). Yang, A. “#like me plz: Examining influence and social capital within the Knight News Twitter discourse.” annual conference of AEJMC, AEJMC, Chicago. (August 26, 2012). Yang, A. “Applying regulatory focus theory to environmental communication: How outcome focus orientation may interact with messageframing.” International Communication Association, International Communication Association, Phoenix. (May 26, 2012). Yang, A. “Public relations practice in the international virtual space: How international NGOs use their web sites for relationship building.” International Communication Association, International Communication Association, Phoenix. (May 26, 2012). Yoder, D. D., Wallace, S. P. “The “dream” foundation course in communication: Systematic and strategic design and assessment.” National Communication Association Annual Convention, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (November 17, 2012).

POSTER Duggan, A., Thompson, T., Robinson, J. D., Petronio, S., Bach, B. “A Communication Accommodation Theory explanation for challenges in healthcare interactions with people with disabilities.” European Association for Communication in Healthcare, Scotland, UK. (September 4, 2012).

BOOK CHAPTERS Duggan, A. P., Robinson, J. D., Thompson, T. L. (2012). Interability Communication. In Giles, H. (Ed.), Handbook of Intergroup Communication (pp. 250-263). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hess, J., Sneed, K. G. (2012). Communication strategies to restore working relations: Comparing relationships that improved with ones

that remained problematic. In Omdahl, B. L., Fritz, J. M. H. (Ed.), Problematic Relationships in the Workplace, Volume II (pp. 235-256). New York: Peter Lang Publishers. Robinson, J. D., Thompson, T. L. (2012). Recent trends in research on health portrayals in the media. In Mazzarella, S. (Ed.), Handbook of Medica Content (vol. 3, pp. 463-483). Oxford: Blackwell. Robinson, J. D., Thompson, T. L. (2012). Recent trends in research on health portrayals in the media. In Mazzarella, S. (Ed.), Handbook of Medica Content (vol. 3, pp. 463-483). Oxford: Blackwell. Robinson, J. D., Thompson, T., Turner, J., Agne, R., Tian, Y. (2013). Recent trends in reaseach on health portrayals in the media. In Valdiva, A. N., Manzzarella, S. R. (Ed.), The international encyclopedia of media studies. Vol. 3: Content and representation (vol. 3, pp. 463-483). Oxford, UK: Blackwell. Valenzano III, J. (2012). The Presidency that Almost Wasn’t: George W. Bush’s First Inaugural. In Robert Denton (Ed.), The George W. Bush Presidency: A Rhetorical Perspective. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books. Yang, A. (2012). Internet activism: NGOs and new social dynamics in China. In K. Christensen. In Esarey, A. (Ed.), China companion: The Internet in China. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing Group. Yang, A. (2012). Sanlu’s milk contamination crisis: Organizational communication in conflicting cultural, economic, and ethical context. Case studies in organizational communication: Ethical perspectives and practices. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Hess, J. (2012). Helping junior faculty achieve success in promotion and tenure. Journal of the Association for Communication Administration, 31(2), 148-149.

Hess, J., Coffelt, T. A. (2012). Verbal communication about sex in marriage: Patterns of language use and its connection with relational outcomes. Journal of Sex Research, 49(6), 603612. Rakovski, C., Sparks, L., Robinson, J. D., Kee, K., Bevan, J., Agne, R. (2012). A regression-based study using jackknife replicates of HINTS III data: Predictors of the efficacy of health information seeking. Journal of Communication in Healthcare, 5(3), 163-170. Turner, J., Robinson, J. D., Stoever, K., Funk, K. (2012). Tweeting for dollars: A case study of a campaign to address the need for mosquito nets. Journal of International Case Analysis, 3(1), 2536. Valenzano III, J. (2012). Conscience of a Conservative (Professor). Relevant Rhetoric, 3(1). Valenzano III, J., Edwards, J. A. (2012). The Debate Confessional: Newt Gingrich, Jon King and Atoning for Past Sins. Journal of Contemporary Rhetoric, 2(2). Valenzano III, J., Engstrom, E. (2013). Homilies and Horsemen: Revelation in the CW’s Supernatural. Journal of Communication and Religion, 36(1). Yang, A. (2012). A relational approach to public diplomacy in a multipolar world: Building public relations theory by analyzing the U.S.-Russia-China relationship. Public Relations Review, 38(5), 652-664. Yang, A. (2012). Media manipulation in the Sanlu milk contamination crisis. Public Relations Review, 38(5), 935937. Yang, A. (2012). Assessing global inequality of bribery for news coverage: A cross-national study. Mass Communication and Society, 15(2), 201-224. Yang, A. (2012). Online environmental community members’ intention to participate in environmental activities: An application of the theory of planned behavior in the Chinese context. Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 1298-1306.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Yang, A. (2012). Rising civil power in China: A study of Chinese NGOs’ networks in the cyberspace. Journal of Communication Studies, 14, 40-57.

Computer Science

Yang, A. (2012). Understanding the changing Chinese media: Through the lens of crises. China Media Research, 8(2), 63-75.

Yao, Z. (Principal). “Stochastic Modeling Migration of Virtual Machines in Datacenter Networks.” Sponsored by The LEADER Consortium, funded in part by the National Science Foundation ADVANCE Program, $4,947. (January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012).

OTHER Valenzano III, J. “Top Panel: The Dark Side of Basic Course Directing: Creating COMMunity Despite Dealing with Difficult Staff Situations.” 98th Annual National Communication Association Conference, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (November 16, 2012). Valenzano III, J. “There Once was a Supernatural Lamb: Popular Culture vs. Religion.” 100th Annual Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference, Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago, IL. (August 9, 2012). Valenzano III, J. “Challenges and Opportunities Faced by Industry Professionals Transitioning to GTA Positions.” 2012 Central States Communication Association Conference, Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, OH. (March 30, 2012). Valenzano III, J. “Assessment and Curricular Development.” 50th Meeting of the Basic Course Director’s Conference, Normal, IL. (January 28, 2012). Wallace, S. P. “Connecting to Learn: New and Established Assessment Practices in Communication.” Central States Communication Association Annual Convention, Central States Communication Association, Cleveland, Ohio. (March 30, 2012). Yoder, D. D. “Basic course personnel issues.” Basic Course Directors’ Conference, Normal, IL. (January 28, 2012).



INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Busch, A. H., Abueida, A. A., Sritharan, R. Atlanta Lecture Series, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. (November 3, 2012). Gowda, R. G., Polzella, D. J., Tripathi, A. K., Gowda, S., Paramale, D. “A proposal to support the development of rural India: Agriculture, Information Sciences, and Management (AIM) Institute.” Seminar on Mahamana’s Vision of Nation Building, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. (December 23, 2012).

PAPERS Buckley, J. P. “A System for Detecting Cascading Fuzzy Cycles.” International Conference, WMIC 2012, Orlando, FL. (July 15, 2012). Busch, A. H., Dragan, F., Krishnamurthy, C., Sritharan, R. “Induced and distance-k matchings and some related min-max relations.” 16th SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Halifax, Canada. (June 18, 2012). Hoang, C. T., Kaminski, M., Sawada, J., Sritharan, R. “Finding and listing induced paths and cycles.” AMS Sectional Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Akron, OH. (October 20, 2012).

Dynamic Random Graphs.” The 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012), Orlando, FL. (March 26, 2012).

POSTER Gowda, R. G., Polzella, D. J., Tripathi, A. K., Gowda, S., Paramale, D. “A proposal to support the development of rural India: Agriculture, Information Sciences, and Management (AIM) Institute.” 7th AKKA World Kannada Conference, AKKA Association of Kannada Kootas of America, Atlanta. (August 31, 2012).

JOURNAL ARTICLES Eschen, E. M., Hoang, C. T., Spinrad, J. P., Sritharan, R. (2012). Finding a sun in building-free graphs. Graphs and Combinatorics, 28, 347-364. Kimball, W. B., Perugini, S. (2012). Software Vulnerabilities by Example: A Fresh Look at the Buffer Overflow Problem---Bypassing SafeSEH. Journal of Information Assurance and Security, 1(7), 1-13. Krishnamurthy, C. M., Sritharan, R. (2012). Maximum induced matching problem on hhd-free graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 160, 224-230.

PAPERS PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Calvo, A., Burnett, G., Finomore, V., Perugini, S. (2012). The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Pointing Device For Wearable Computers. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (pp. 521-525). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Yao, Z. “Stochastic Analysis of Horizontal IP Scanning.” The 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012), Orlando, FL. (March 29, 2012).

Leonard, D., Yao, Z., Wang, X., Loguinov, D. (2012). Stochastic Analysis of Horizontal IP Scanning. Orlando, FL: Proceedings of the 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012).

Yao, Z. “On Superposition of Heterogeneous Edge Processes in

Yao, Z., Cline, D. B.H., Loguinov, D. (2012). On Superposition of

Heterogeneous Edge Processes in Dynamic Random Graphs. Orlando, FL: The 31st Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (IEEE INFOCOM 2012).

English PERFORMANCES Carrillo, A. “Ekphrastic Poetry” Chinese Landscapes.”, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH. (May 11, 2012). Carrillo, A. (Performer). “American Chronicles: The Art of Norman Rockwell: poetry and Rockwell.”, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH. (January 12, 2012). Kimbrough, R. A. “Organ Recital.”, Christ Church, Bradenton, Florida. (March 29, 2012).

PAPERS Szeghi, T. “Pangs of Resignation, Regret, and Vengeance in Joss Whedon’s California.” Western Literature Association Conference, Western Literature Association, Lubbock, TX. (November 10, 2012). Szeghi, T. “Teaching Pre-1900 American Indian Literature.” Western Literature Association Conference, Western Literature Association, Lubbock, TX. (November 9, 2012). Szeghi, T. “American Indian Literary History & Human Rights Discourse: Diane Glancy’s Pushing the Bear.” Native American Literature Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (March 30, 2012). Szeghi, T. “Intersections of Labor and Environmental Justice in Chicana Literature.” National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies, Chicago, Illinois. (March 15, 2012)

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Bardine, B. A. “History of Heavy Metal: The 80’s and 90’s.” United Local School Districe Music Department,

United Local School District, Mahoning County, OH. (May 30, 2012). Bardine, B. A. “Using Hard Rock and Heavy Metal to Introduce Students to Literary Analysis.” Chaminade Julienne High School English Class, Chaminade Julienne High School, Dayton, OH. (April 5, 2012). Bardine, B. A. “Birmingham’s Influence on Heavy Metal Music.” Chamindae Julienne High School History Department, Chaminade Julienne High School, Dayton, OH. (March 15, 2012). Bardine, B. A. “Heavy Metal Music and Globalization — Islam.” Chaminade Julienne High School Department of English, Chaminade Julienne Department of English, Chaminade Julienne High School. (February 20, 2012). Keane-Sexton, M. B. “The Trinity of Living-Learning Communities: Administration, Faculty, and Student Affairs.” SOCHE Student Affairs Conference, SOCHE, Wright State University. (June 14, 2012). Kimbrough, R. A. “Take Note — Mozart’s Overture to The Magic Flute.”, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Schuster Center, Dayton, Ohio. (October 13, 2012). Krummel, M. A. “Brooklyn, 1938; Jedwabne, 1941; Lincoln, 1255: Antisemitism and Super Obedient Citizens, A Reflection.” Medieval AntiJudaism in the Crucible of Modern Thought, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA. (April 22, 2012). Krummel, M. A. “Plagiarizing Chaucer: The Place of the ‘Prioress’s Tale’ in Four Late-Medieval English Manuscripts.” 60th Annual Dorothee & Louis Ryterband Brunch Series, Temple Israel, Dayton, Ohio. (February 12, 2012). Slade, R. A. “Sam Mendes’s Recuperation of Masculinity.”, China Jilian University. (June 15, 2012). Slade, R. A. “The Passion for Vampires.” Shanghai Normal University, English Department, Shanghai, China. (June 13, 2012).

Wilhoit, S. W. “Teaching Response and Critique Essays.” University of Alabama, University of Alabama. (September 4, 2012). Wilhoit, S. W. “Instituting a WAC Program.” Cedarville University, Cedarville University. (January 19, 2012).

PAPERS Bardine, B. A. “From Sabbath to Slayer: Using Heavy Metal Music in the Composition Classroom.” Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Conference, Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, Boston, MA. (April 20, 2012). Bardine, B. A., Eberly, D. “From Twisted Sister to Tupac: Using YOUR Music in Writing Classroom.” Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Ohio Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, Columbus, OH. (April 20, 2012). Biswas, A. E. “Lessons in Citizenship: Collaborative Writing to Foster Academic Integrity and Civic Responsibility.” Lilly International Conference on College Teaching, Lilly Conferences on University and College Teaching, Miami University. (November 18, 2012). DeAloia, L. “Landscapes of Alienation: Monsters, Mirrors and Voyeurism in Shelley’s Frankenstein and Gardner’s Grendel.” Urban Apocalypse, Urban Renaissance—Landscapes in Science Fiction and Fantasy, Science Fiction Research Association, Detroit MI. (June 30, 2012). Doench, M. “Wetlands.” MMLA, MMLA, Cincinatti. (October 21, 2012). Farrelly, J. P. “The Old Country vs. the New World: Capturing the Irish Experience on Film.” American Conference for Irish Studies Annual Meeting, American Conference on Irish Studies, New Orleans, LA. (March 14, 2012). Krummel, M. A. “Image-ing The Jew: Words and Pictures in the Vernon Manuscript.” Eighteenth International Congress of the New Chaucer Society,


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP University of Oregon, Portland, Oregon. (July 23, 2012). Krummel, M. A. “Until the Bitter End: The Gravity of the Litel Clergeon’s Death.” 47th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan. (May 13, 2012). Li, X. “A Multi-layered Analysis of Annual Reports by US-listed Chinese Companies through a Grounded Theory Lens.” the 77th Annual International Convention of the Association for Business Communication, Association for Business Communication, Honolulu, Hawaii. (October 27, 2012). Mackay, E. “The ground of accidents”: Salome and Figurative Exchanges in The Tragedy of Mariam.” Midwest Modern Language Association, Cincinnati, OH. (November 9, 2012). McCombe, J. P. “Virginia Woolf in the Trailer Park: Issac Brock, ‘Nowhere,’ WA, and the Lonesome, Crowded West.” Modern Language Association Convention, Modern Language Association, Seattle, WA. (January 7, 2012). Morgan, T. L. “Blue Colar, White Collar: Business Matters in Chesnutt’s Fiction.” American Literature Association Conference, American Literature Association/Charles W. Chesnutt Association, San Francisco, CA. (May 25, 2012). Morgan, T. L. “To sing the haiku the american way is a beautiful thing”: the Haiku of Etheridge Knight.” American Literature Association Conference, American Literature Association/Haiku Society of America, San Francisco, CA. (May 25, 2012). Potter, R. C. “NIMBY Rhetoric: Blaimers, Bashers, and Bystanders.” AESS 2012 Annual Conference, Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, Santa Clara, California. (June 21, 2012). Slade, R. A. “The Gothic in the Horror Film since 1960.” 2012 Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Assoc, PAMLA, Seattle, WA. (October 25, 2012).


Strain, M. M. “What Happens After the Service Learning Class? Institutionalizing Sustained Engagement.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, National Council of the Teachers of English, St Louis. (March 22, 2012). Teems-Stephens, Y. “The Elderly Body as Text and Argument.” Our Future is Aging: Current Research on Knowledge, Practice, and Policy, Nova Scotia Centre on Aging 20th Anniversary Conference, Nova Scotia, CA. (November 23, 2012). Teems-Stephens, Y. “Digital Literacy Acquisition in the Newsroom.” Computers and Writing Conference, Computers and Writing, Raleigh, NC. (May 18, 2012). Teems-Stephens, Y. “The Reciprocal Ethic of Care: Theorizing the Borderlands between Students’ Classroom and Personal Lives.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, College Composition and Communication, St. Louis, MO. (March 23, 2012). Teems-Stephens, Y. “Discursive Construction of Identity and the Body Among Members of a Yoga Group at a Senior Center.” Southern Humanities Conference, Southern Humanities Council, Louisville, KY. (February 10, 2012). Thomas, P. “Re-Articulating Literacy Sponsorship in New Media Contexts.” Computers and Writing Conference, Alliance for Computers and Writing, North Carolina State University. (May 19, 2012). Thomas, P. “Professional Development in the Re-Design of Composition Curriculum:.” North Carolina Symposium on Teaching Writing, English Department, North Carolina State University, North Carolina State University. (February 11, 2012). Trollinger, S. L. “Right Here Right Now: Theorizing the Rhetoric of Our Political Present.” National Communication Association Annual Convention, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (November 17, 2012). Trollinger, S. L. “Offending Sensibilities, or How Bad Girls in Corsets Forced

the Woman’s Hour.” National Communication Association Annual Convention, National Communication Association, Orlando, FL. (November 16, 2012). Trollinger, W. V., Trollinger, S. L. “The Visual Rhetoric of the Creation Museum.”, Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 15, 2012). Vorachek, L. J. “Speculation and the Emotional Economy of Mansfield Park.” Midwest Modern Language Association, Cincinnati, OH. (November 9, 2012). Vorachek, L. J. “The Piano in the World of Jane Austen.” Jane Austen Society of North America Annual General Meeting, New York, NY. (October 6, 2012). Wilhoit, S. W. “Making Teaching Community Property: A Next Step.” 2012 Writing Program Administrators Conference, 2012 Writing Program Administrators Conference, Albuquerque, NM. (July 22, 2012).

WORKSHOPS Gadson, J. “Persona Poems Unmasked.” Winter Wheat, Mid-American Review, Bowling Green State University. (November 17, 2012). Strain, M. M. “Gateways to the Past: Conducting Archival Research.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, NCTE, St Louis. (March 21, 2012).

BOOK Trollinger, S. L. (2012). Selling the Amish: The Tourism of Nostalgia (pp. 193). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

BOOK CHAPTERS Teems-Stephens, Y. (2012). Transcending the Border Between Classroom and Newsroom: An Inquiry into the Efficacy of Newspaper Editing Practices. In Bazerman, C., Dean, C., Early, J., Lunsford, K., Null, S., Rogers, P., Stansell, A. (Ed.), International Advances in Writing Research: Cultures,

Places, Measures. Fort Collins, CO: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press. Wilhoit, S. W. (2012). “Achieving a Lasting Impact on Faculty Teaching: Using the WPA Outcomes Statement to Develop an Extended WID Seminiar”. In Nicholar N. Behm, et al. (Ed.), The WPA Outcomes Statement a Decade Later (pp. 124-135). Anderson, SC: Parlor Press.

BOOK REVIEWS Gadson, J. (2012). Review of Nocturne Trio by Metta Sama. Nocturne Trio. New York, NY: Her Circle Ezine. Krummel, M. A. (2012). Rev. of Gail, Ashton, Geoffrey Chaucer. Series: Brief Lives (pp. 2 pages). Bloomington, Indiana: The Medieval Review. hdl.>

JOURNAL ARTICLES Bardine, B. A. (2012). 4 Sites: Post Secondary. Ohio Journal of Engilsh Language Arts, 52(1), 59-61. Biswas, A. E., Russo, C. J. (2012). A Primer on Copyright and Fair Use. School Business Affairs, 78(1). Doench, M. (2012). “Well Worn”. 1 Bookshelf. Doench, M. “How to Earn your Wings”. Gertrude Literary Journal, 18. Doench, M. (2012). “Tuesday After Lunch”. American Antheaum, Winter, 2012-2013. Doench, M. (2012). “Blood Rites”. VIDA HerKind: Women in the Literary Arts. Hughes, S. M. Hassell (2012). Lippy Women: Combating Pornography and Censorship on a Catholic Campus. Visual Culture and Gender, 7, 26-38. Li, X. Weaving Social Media into a Business Proposal Project in a Writing for Careers Class. Business Communication Quarterly, 75(1), 7784. McCombe, J. P. (2012). The Stephen Dedalus Blues: Travel, Trains and a Blues Sensibility in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. James Joyce Quarterly, 48(3), 477-494.

Slade, R. A. (2012). Remake as Erasure in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Horror Studies, 3(1), 57-70. Strain, M. M., Potter, R. C. (2012). The Twain Shall Meet’: Rethinking the Introduction to Graduate Studies Course as Interdisciplinary Pedagogy”. Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture, 12(1), 139160. Vorachek, L. J. (2012). “Playing Italian: Cross-Cultural Dress and Investigative Journalism at the Fin de Siecle”. Victorian Peridocals Review, 45(4), 40635.

MAGAZINE/TRADE PUBLICATIONS Adams, N. F. (2012). In Deborah Bowman, MFA (Ed.), “De-Mystifying the Proposal Writing Process” (pp. 3-4). Chicago, Illinois: Editorial Office News: International Society of Managing and Technical Editors. Adams, N. F. (2012). In Deborah Bowman, MFA (Ed.), “E-Mailing Busy and Scientific Professionals” (pp. 8-9). Chicago, Illinois: Editorial Office News/ International Society of Managing and Technical Editors. Gadson, J. (2012). Blues Triumphant (11th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Gadson, J. (2012). A Body’s Winter (38th ed.). Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Collagist. Gadson, J. (2012). An Appeal (38th ed.). Ann Arbor, Michigan: The Collagist. Gadson, J. (2012). Interview: Gregory Pardlo. Charlottesville, VA: Meridian. Gadson, J. (2012). Cousins. San Francisco, CA: The Rumpus. Gadson, J. (2012). Interview: Saeed Jones (1st ed., vol. 16). New York, NY: Eclectica Magazine.

NEWSPAPER Krummel, M. A. (2012). Shylock, Again (pp. 13-14). Dayton, Ohio: The Dayton Jewish Observer.

OTHER Carrillo, A. (2012). In Samantha Anne Scott (Ed.), two poems: “More Than What We Know,” “1982-83” (4.8.12 ed.). Albuquerque, NM: Things In Light (on line literary magazine). Carrillo, A. “The Tortilla Sonnets.” Southwest/Texas Popular Culture Association, Albuquerque, NM. (February 9, 2012). Doench, M. In Doench, M. (Ed.), “Mercy”. University of Colorado at Boulder: Palimpsest: A Creative Journal of the Humanities. Gadson, J. (2012). One World Cafe Presents: Jonterri Gadson. New York, NY: One World Cafe. Gadson, J. (2012). Make Justice of My Body: An Interview with Jonterri Gadson. New York, NY: The Collagist. Gadson, J. (2012). Pepper Girl. Portland, Oregon: YesYes Books. Gadson, J. (2012). Ladies Represent: Jonterri Gadson. New York, NY: We Who Are About to Die. Gadson, J. (Performer). The Dollhouse Reading Series, Chicago, IL. (October 2012). Gadson, J. (Performer). The Big Big Mess Reading Series, Akron, OH. (October 2012). Gadson, J. (Performer). “Pepper Girl.”, YesYes Books & Cave Canem, Brooklyn, NY. (September 21, 2012). Gadson, J. (Performer). “Callaloo Selected Participant Reading.”, Callaloo Writer’s Workshop, Providence, RI. (June 2012). Gadson, J. (Performer). The Dollhouse Reading Series, Chicago, IL. (March 2012). Gadson, J. (Performer). “Black Don’t Crack Poetry Reading.”, Cave Canem, Chicago, IL. (March 2012). Gadson, J. (Performer). Cave Canem, Chicago, IL. (February 29, 2012). Gadson, J. (Performer). Drake University Writers & Critics, Des Moines, IA. (January 2012).


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Hughes, S. M. Hassell (2012). Night Rider (poem). Seek It: Writers and Artists Do Sleep. Toronto, ON: Red Claw Press. Hughes, S. M. Hassell (2012). A Mother Is a Frayed Net (poem) (vol. 5). Melbourne: Rabbit. Hughes, S. M. Hassell (2012). Family Planning (poem) (vol. 5). Melbourne: Rabbit. Hughes, S. M. Hassell (2012). Rainbow Man (poem). N/A: Halfway Down the Stairs. Hughes, S. M. Hassell (2012). Aqua Girl”(poem) (Spring 2012 ed., pp. 1). on-line: Goblin Fruit. www.goblinfruit. net Keane-Sexton, M. B. (2012). Should Students be allowed to Wear Distinctive Religious Garb in Public Schools? Counterpoint. In Russo, C. J. (Ed.), Debating Issues in American Education. Sage Publishing:. Li, X., Taaffe, M. “Collaborating with Second Language Speakers and Writers.” the Society for Technical Communication Academic SIG Partnership Preconference, Society for Technical Communication, Houghton, MI. (September 27, 2012). Pici, J. R. (2012). Back. Dayton, Ohio: Poetry Contest 2012, Dayton Metro Library. Pici, J. R. “Tim O’Brien’s works.” Dayton women’s Book Club prior to Dayton Literary Peace Prize, “Ex Libris” Book Club, local. (October 20, 2012). Thomas, P. “Teaching Assistants in the Classroom: Our Place and the Place of Composition in the University.” North Carolina Symposium on Teaching Writing, North Carolina State University English Department, North Carolina State University. (February 11, 2012).

Fitz Center GRANT Adams, S. M. (Co-Principal), Weaver, H. R. (Co-Principal), Ferguson, S. M. (Co-Principal), Currell, C. C. (Co-


Principal). “Full Sevice Community Schools Grnt.” Sponsored by Better Way Foundation, $200,000. (2010 2012).

Geology CONTRACT Kavanaugh, J. L. (Co-Principal), Geiger, D. R. (Co-Principal), Goldman, D. (CoPrincipal), Wu, S.-Y. (Co-Principal). “Monitoring the Ecological Restoration of a Mitigation Wetland.” Sponsored by Miami Valley Hospital, $76,560. (August 8, 2007 - December 31, 2013).

GRANTS Goldman, D. (Principal), Wu, S.-Y. (Co-Principal), Mitchell, C. E. (Co-Principal), Melchin, M. J. (Co-Principal), Sheets, H. D. (CoPrincipal). “Collaborative Research: Graptolite Biogeography, Paleo-GIS, and Evolutionary Dynamics of Early Paleozoic Zooplankton.” Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $465,584. (June 1, 2010 - May 31, 2014). Haritashya, U . (Other), Kargel, J. (Principal), Bishop, M. (Co-Principal), Furfaro, R. (Co-Principal), Leonard, G. (Co-Principal), Bush, A. (Other). “Quantitative Characterization of Glacier State and Dynamics in South Asia and Validation in Alaska using Repeat ASTER Multispectral and Terrain Information..” Sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), $682,808. (December 1, 2010 - November 30, 2013). Haritashya, U. (Co-Principal), Kargel, J. (Principal), Leonard, G. (Co-Principal), Bishop, M. (Other). “Interdisciplinary science applications to glacier and alpine hazards in relation to development and habitation in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya: SERVIR Science Team project..” Sponsored by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), $999,886. (July 1, 2012 June 30, 2016).

McGrew, A. J. (Principal). “Geological Mapping of the Humboldt Peak Quadrangle, Nevada.” Sponsored by Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology. (1998 - Present). Sandy, M. R. “Brachiopod shell beds as indicators and predictors of ancient hydrocarbon seeps: assessing their geological, paleoecological, evolutionary and biostratigraphic significance..” Sponsored by American Chemical Society - Petroleum Research Fund, $65,000. (June 2011 - August 2014). Sandy, M. R. (Co-Principal). “Climate literacy through Challenger Learning Centers: Using the national network of Challenger Learning Centers for largescale teacher professional development in climate literacy, with a special focus on integrating NASA data into classroom activities. Award to Dayton Public Schools.” Sponsored by NASA Global Climate Change Education Grant: Research Experiences, Teaching and Learning, $564,000. (December 2009 - June 2013).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Goldman, D., Podhala´ nska, T., Sheets, H. D., Bergström, S. M., Nõlvak, J., Reinhart, K. “High Resolution Stratigraphic Correlation and Biodiversity Dynamics of Middle and Late Ordovician Marine Fossils from Poland and Baltoscandia.” GeoShale, Polish Geological Institute, Warsaw, Poland. (May 10, 2012). Sandy, M. R. “Familiar faces, unusual faces (Mesozoic brachiopods from chemosynthesis-based communities).” Colloquium, Department of Geology, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. (May 11, 2012).

PAPERS Goldman, D., Wu, S.-Y., Mitchell, C. E., Melchin, M. J., Fan, J., Sheets, H. D. “Biogeography and Mass Extinction: Extirpation and re-invasion of Normalograptus species (Graptolithina) in the Late Ordovician Palaeotropics..” Geological Society of America North Central Section, Geological Society

Outstanding Teaching Award: Danielle Poe, Ph.D.

Dr. Danielle Poe has had a powerful impact on students in her classroom and a transformative effect on the University’s curriculum since her arrival at the University of Dayton in 2001. She has engaged countless students in difficult intellectual issues, introducing undergraduates to philosophical questions related to political science, sociology, religious studies and the sciences, as well as professional fields such as business, engineering and education. Her pedagogical approaches, which encourage debate and discussion, help students develop into philosophical thinkers and challenge them to find their own voices and perspectives. In addition to active learning pedagogies aimed toward empowering students to take initiative in their own learning process, she also incorporates service learning and reflection into her courses. As the director of the Core Program, she led the redesign of the first-year curriculum, which now fully integrates the firstyear English course into the introductory Core courses. She was appointed by the provost as a member of the three-person Common Academic Program Writing Task Force, which wrote the final version of the CAP framework. Poe has already piloted both Humanities Commons and upper-level Crossing Boundaries courses with faculty from English, history, religious studies and political science.


The most recent example illustrating the connections Poe has made between her classroom accomplishments and her passion for curriculum development can be seen in the creation and launch of a new Crossing Boundaries course taught with a colleague in the political science department. The course, Philosophy of Peace and Environmental Policy, will serve as a model for interunit collaboration and active ethical engagement. It introduces students to philosophies of peace in both theory and practice, providing students with the opportunity to study and apply a variety of peace theories to concrete environmental issues and controversies. Through this class, Poe’s commitment to excellent teaching continues to transform the UD curriculum and the College of Arts and Sciences by allowing UD students the opportunity to engage in the complexities of analyzing the environmental problems of our times.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP of America, Dayton, OH. (April 23, 2012). Haritashya, U. “Debris cover impact on Himalayan glaciers within specific climatic conditions.” American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA. (December 5, 2012). Haritashya, U. “Glacier retreat and downwasting in the Himalaya.” Association of American Geographers (AAG), Seattle, USA.. (February 25, 2012). Haritashya, U., Bishop, M., Kargel, J., Neely, T. “International Symposium on Cryosphere and Climate Change.” American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA. (April 2, 2012). Haritashya, U., Pleasants, M. “comparison of ice velocity and melting pattern in the eastern Himalaya and New Zealand alps using aster satellite data.” Geological Society of America, Charlotte, NC. (November 7, 2012). Haritashya, U., Pleasants, M. “Application of image differencing and DEM differencing in glaciological studies.” Geological Society of America North-Central section Annual Meeting, Dayton, OH. (April 24, 2012). Koziol, A. M. “Contact Relationships Between Goshen Dome Rocks and Surrounding Schists, West-Central Massaschusetts, USA.” Geological Society of America North-Central Meeting, Geological Society of America, Dayton, OH USA. (April 24, 2012). McGrew, A. J. “60 Million Years Of Magmatism and Deep-Crustal Flow: Does the Ruby-East Humboldt Core Complex Preserve the ‘Roof-Zone’ of a Deep-Crustal Channel Beneath the Nevadaplano?” Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America, Charlotte, NC. (November 4, 2012). McGrew, A. J. “Glimpsing Mountains from the Midcontinent: An Integrated Pedagogical Model Exploring Earth’s Internal Processes through the lens of the Global Tectonic Paradigm.” Geological Society of America NorthCentral Section Meeting, Geological


Society of America, Dayton. (April 24, 2012).

POSTERS Mazur, E., Haritashya, U. “Climateglacier relationship of retreating Alaskan glaciers.” American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA. (December 4, 2012). Oxman, M., Goldman, D., Jaak, N., Wu, S.-Y. “Ordovician chitinozoan biogeography and paleoecology: examining the effect of habitat on species longevity.” The Geologial Scociety of America Annual Meeting, The Geologial Scociety of America, Charlotte, North Carolina. (November 6, 2012). Pleasants, M., Haritashya, U. “Ice velocity correlation in different mountain ranges using ASTER images.” American Geophysical Union (AGU), San Francisco, USA. (December 4, 2012). Sheets, D., Goldman, D., Wu, S.-Y., Mitchell, C. “One hundred years of range charts: extracting and managing taxonomic presence-absence data.” The Geologial Scociety of America Annual Meeting, The Geologial Scociety of America, Charlotte, North Carolina. (November 4, 2012). Wu, S.-Y. “Historical trends in the extreme precipitation in the USA.” American Geophysical Union annual meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA. (December 4, 2012).

ABSTRACTS Koziol, A. M. (2012). Contact Relationships between Goshen Dome rocks and surrounding schists, West-Central Massachusetts, USA (5th ed., vol. 44, pp. 59). Dayton OH: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Koziol, A. M., McGrew, A. J. A framework for learning-centered curricular innovation in the Department of Geology at The University of Dayton. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (5th ed., vol. 43, pp. 300). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America.

Koziol, A. M., McGrew, A. J. A framework for learning-centered curricular innovation in the Department of Geology at The University of Dayton. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs (5th ed., vol. 43, pp. 300). Boulder, CO: Geological Society of America. Sandy, M. R. (2012). “Dayton’s own” – the Dayton limestone – a Silurian building stone from southwestern Ohio. North Central Section, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Dayton, Ohio: Geological Society of America. Sandy, M. R., Peckmann, J. (2012). New records of Mesozoic brachiopods (Dimerelloid rhynchonellids) from hydrocarbon-seep deposits; Anarhynchia from the Jurassic of Oregon and California, USA; Peregrinella from the Cretaceous of Tibet. Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Charlotte, North Carolina: Geological Society of America.

BOOKS Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (2012). On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012. In Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (Ed.), On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA NorthCentral Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012 (vol. 27, pp. 130 p.). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (2012). On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012. In Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (Ed.), On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA NorthCentral Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012 (vol. 27, pp. 130 p.). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America.

BOOK CHAPTERS Panday, P. K., Bulley, H., Haritashya, U., Ghimire, B. (2012). Supraglacial lake classification in the Everest region Nepal Himalaya. In Thakur, J. K., Singh, S. K., Ramanathan, A., Prasad, M. B.K, Gossel, W. (Ed.), Geospatial Techniques for Managing Environmental Resources (pp. 86-99). Dordrecht: Springer. Sandy, M. R. (2012). Downtown Dayton: Building stones, geology, and the Great Dayton Flood of 1913. In Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (Ed.), On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012 (vol. 27, pp. 87-120). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. Sandy, M. R. (2012). Golden olden days of the Ordovician, Silurian Seas, and Pleistocene Ice: An introduction to the geology of the Dayton area, Ohio. In Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (Ed.), On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012 (vol. 27, pp. 55-86). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. Sandy, M. R. (2012). Preface. In Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (Ed.), On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012 (vol. 27, pp. v - vii.). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America. Sandy, M. R., Mielke, D., Fabian, A. (2012). Fossil collecting from the Middle Devonian Silica Formation, Paulding, North-West Ohio. In Sandy, M. R., Goldman, D. (Ed.), On and around the Cincinnati Arch and Niagara Escarpment: Geological Field Trips in Ohio and Kentucky for the GSA North-Central Section Meeting, Dayton, Ohio, 2012 (vol. 27, pp. 121-130). Boulder, Colorado: Geological Society of America.

JOURNAL ARTICLE Sandy, M. R., Lazar, I., Peckmann, J., Birgel, D., Stoica, M., Roban, R. D. (2012). Methane-seep brachiopod fauna within turbidites of the Sinaia Formation, Eastern Carpathian Mountains, Romania. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoclimatology, 323-325, 42-59.

PAPER PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Haritashya, U. (2012). Effectiveness of four water-bearing zones of the glacierized basin in meltwater runoff modeling.. UK: Proceedings of a symposium held at Jackson Hole, WY, USA September 2010, to be published by IAHS (International Association of Hydrological Society) Red Books.

Trollinger, W. V. “Staying Together, Staying Free: Local Church Autonomy, Interdependence, and Soul Freedom.” Roger Williams Fellowship, Ohio Baptist Convention, Columbus OH. (October 26, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Frontiers, Borders, and Citizens: Abandoning the Notion of American Exceptionalism.” Maryville Symposium on the Liberal Arts, Maryville College, Maryville TN. (October 6, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “The Idea of a Christian America.” Roger Williams Fellowship, Ohio Baptist Convention, Columbus OH. (June 2, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Navigating the Job Market.” Preparing Future Faculty Conference., Indiana University Bloomington.. (February 24, 2012).


History GRANT Heitmann, J. A. (Supporting), Blust, R. P. (Principal), Pinnell, M. F. (Principal). “Engineering Innovation and Design for STEM TEachers.” Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $199,000. (June 2012).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Carter, M. “Catholics, Protestants, and Bibles in the Early Modern EnglishSpeaking World.” Manifold Greatness library exhibit, University of Dayton, Roesch Library. (September 12, 2012). Carter, M. “Catholicism in Early Dayton and the Miami Valley.” Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. (January 9, 2012).

Amin, J. A. “Explaining the Relevance of Public Libraries: Ann Gabonay Kumba Municipal Library, Kumba, Cameroon.”, Kumba, Cameroon. (May 30, 2012). Borbonus, D. “Roman Columbarium Tombs and Slave Identities.” The Archaeology of Slavery: Toward a Comparative Global Framework, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Center for Archaeological Investigations, Carbondale, IL. (March 30, 2012). Darrow, D. W. “Inventing Tradition: The Land Allotment and Allotment Norm..” 44th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European and Eurasian Studies, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, New Orleans, LA. (November 15, 2012).

Heitmann, J. A. “Stealing Cars: Some International Aspects of Automobile Theft, the United States and Mexico, 1919-2011.” Society of Automotive Historians Biennial Conference, Philadelphia, PA,. (April 12, 2012).

Fleischmann, E. L. ”Contestation and Commodification: Female Education in American Protestant Mission Schools in Beirut, c. 1870-1920.” “From Ottoman to Mandate Beirut: Catalyst for Modernities?”, German Orient Institute, Beirut, Lebanon. (April 20, 2012).

Santamarina, J. C. “Visualizing the Cuban Revolution.” American Historical Association Annual Meeting, Conference of LA History, Chicago, IL. (January 7, 2012).

Jaffe, T. “Social Catholicism and Class Identity in Chile’s Young Catholic Workers Movement.” Oral History Association Annual Meeting, Oral


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP History Association, Cleveland, OH. (October 10, 2012). Merithew, C. A. “Home Bodies: Class, Gender, and Environment.” Histories of Capitalism, Social Science History Association, Vancouver, British Columbia. (November 2, 2012). Merithew, C. A. “Agnes Burns Wieck and Making Class Disabilty.” Collaborations, Cultures, and Communities, Society for Disability Studies, Denver, Colorado. (June 23, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Rhetorical Creationism.” National Communication Association annual meeting, Orlando FL. (November 17, 2012). Trollinger, W. V., Trollinger, S. L. “The Visual Rhetoric of the Creation Museum.”, Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 15, 2012).

WORKSHOPS Cadegan, U. M. “Marianist Education in the 21st Century.” Summer Workshop, Marianist Education Consortium, University of Dayton. (June 27, 2012). Carter, M. “discussion of book “In the Beginning” by A. McGrath.” Manifold Greatness exhibit, Dayton Metro Library, Dayton Metro Library. (September 20, 2012).

BOOK CHAPTER Cadegan, U. M. Catholic Studies in the Spirit of “Do Whatever He Tells You”. In McGuinness, M., Fisher, J. T. (Ed.), A Catholic Studies Reader. New York, NY: Fordham University Press.

BOOK REVIEWS Agnew, C. (2012). Review of R. Po-chia Hsia, A Jesuit in the Forbidden City: Matteo Ricci 1552–1610 (2nd ed., vol. 40, pp. 55-56). Routledge: History: Reviews of New Books. Amin, J. A. (2012). Secular Missionaries: Americans and African Development in the 1960s (2nd ed., vol. 117, pp. pages 559-560). Indiana: American Historical Review.


Fleischmann, E. L. Colonialism and Christianity in Mandate Palestine (vol. 117, pp. 1700-1701). American Historical Association: American Historical Review. Fleischmann, E. L. (2012). From Mission to Modernity: Evangelicals, Reformers, and Education in Nineteenth-Century Egypt. (1st ed., vol. 20, pp. 193-198). Washington, DC: Arab Studies Journal. Heitmann, J. A. User Unfriendly: Consumer Struggles with Personal Technologies, from Clocks and Sewing machines to Cars and Computers, by Joseph Corn,. Boca Raton, Florida/ Society of Automotive Historians: Journal of the Society of Automotive Historians,. Merithew, C. A. (2012). In Joseph Sciorra (Ed.), Italian Immigrant Radical Culture (2nd ed., vol. 2, pp. 120-121). New York City: Italian American Review. Trollinger, W. V. (2012). Review of Darren Dochuk, From Bible Belt to Sun Belt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism (vol. 81). Berkeley, CA: Pacific Historical Review. Trollinger, W. V. (2012). Review of Stephanie Rogers, Inventing the Holy Land: American Protestant Pilgrimage to Palestine, 1865-1941 (vol. 117). American Historical Association: American Historical Review.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Amin, J. A. (2012). Understanding the Protest of February 2008 in Cameroon. Africa Today, 58(Number 4), pages 21-43. Carter, M. (2013). “’A Traiterous Religion’: Indulgences and the AntiCatholic Imagination in EighteenthCentury New England”. The Catholic Historical Review, XCIX(1). James, U. (2012). Gas-Light Journeys: Bayard Taylor and the Cultural Work of the American Travel Lecturer in the Nineteenth Century. American Nineteenth Century History, 13(3), 371-401. Sutherland, B. S. (2012). The Menagier’s Odd Shopping List. Medieval Perspectives, 27, 183-192.

MAGAZINE/TRADE PUBLICATIONS Bednarek, J. R. (2012). Building the Aviation Infrastructure: A brief history of the Aviation Trust Fund (6th ed., vol. 79, pp. 83). Kansas city, MO: APWA Reporter. Bednarek, J. R. (2012). Sustainability on Campus: Teaching sustainable (and humanitarian) engineering (5th ed., vol. 79, pp. 74-75). Kansas city, MO: APWA Reporter.

OTHER Bednarek, J. R. (2012). “Earhart, Amelia” (vol. 2013). Chicago,IL: World Book Advanced. Bednarek, J. R. (2012). Finch, Linda (vol. 2013). Chicago,IL: World Book Advanced. Bednarek, J. R. (2012). Wright brothers (vol. 2013). Chicago,IL: World Book Advanced. Bednarek, J. R. (2012). In Peter Norton, Gijs Mom, Liz Millward, Mathieu Flonneau, Tomas Errazuriz (Ed.), Open Sky: The Broad Range of Recent Scholarship in Aviation History (2013th ed., vol. 4, pp. 89-94). New York: T2M Year Book: Mobility in History. Bednarek, J. R. (2012). “Transportation Infrastructure: Making the Invisible, Visible” (2nd ed., vol. 11, pp. 179186). Thousand Oaks, California: Journal of Planning History. Carter, M. discussion of “In the Beginning” by A. McGrath. Manifold Greatness exhibit, Dayton Metro Library, Dayton Metro Library, Dayton, OH. (September 20, 2012). Merithew, C. A. “Round Table: Revis(it) ing Class Analysis: Class And Culture.” Histories of Capitalism, Social Science History Association, Vancouver, British Columbia. (November 2, 2012). Merithew, C. A. “Battered Women: Public Sector Unionism Bashing and Gender Discrimination.” Insurgency and Resistance, North American Labor History Conference, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan. (October 19, 2012).

Merithew, C. A. “Women, Labor and Politics in Comparative Perspective.” Insurgency and Resistance, North American Labor History Conference, Detroit, Michigan. (October 19, 2012). Schweikart, L. E. (Director). “A Patriot’s History of the United States.”. (July 2012 - Present). Schweikart, L. E. (Director). “Other Walls 2 Fall.” (October 2010 - April 2013). Trollinger, W. V. “Right Here, Right Now: Engaging the Rhetoric of the Religious Right.”, Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 12, 2012).

Global Languages and Cultures PAPERS Costales, K. A. “Italians in the Dirty War: Love, Soccer and Torture in Complici del Silenzio.” THE IMAGE OF THE ROAD in Literature, Media, and Society, Society for the Interdisciplinary Study of Social Imagery, Colorado Springs, CO. (March 24, 2012). Espinoza, I. J. “Teaching grammar for communicative competence.” Miami University Coference on the teaching of Foreign Languages, Miami University, West Chester. (October 12, 2012). Mosher, A. D. “CEFR and ACTFL Scales: Self-Assessment vs. Actual Evaluation.” ACTFL Annual Convention and World Languages Expo, American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Philadelphia, PA. (November 16, 2012). Penas-Bermejo, F. J. “Las simetrías prófugas de los ecos en la poesía de Fernando Operé.”, SAMLA - South Atlantic Modern Language Association, Raleigh, NC. (November 10, 2012). Penas-Bermejo, F. J. “Josefa Parra: amor y verso en pulso iridiscente.”, Spanish Professionals in America -ALDEEU-, Cádiz, Spain. (July 3, 2012). Villa, L. “Domingo Faustino Sarmiento y las conexiones entre los debates

ortográficos a ambos lados del Atlántico (Chile y España, 18431849).” I Jornadas Internacionales de Historia de La Lingüística, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina. (August 3, 2012). Villa, L. “Narratives of the History of Spanish Spelling in Contemporary Pan-Hispanic Orthographies.” 65th Annual Kentucky Foreign Language Conference, University of Kentucky, Lexignton, Kentucky. (April 20, 2012). Villa, L. “Andrés Bello and the Royal Spanih Academy: Parallels in the Configuration of Two State Grammars.” Transatlantics 2012 - 14th Annual Comparative Literature Conference, University of South Carolina, Columbus, South Carolina. (March 23, 2012). Work, N. C. “Blended learning: Skills practice with cool technology.” Miami University Conference on the Teaching of Languages, West Chester, OH. (October 12, 2012). Work, N. C., Espinoza, I. J. “Revisiting the role of grammar in the foreign language curriculum.” OFLA 2012 Conference, Ohio Foreign Language Association, Columbus, OH. (March 31, 2012). Work, N. C., Espinoza, I. J. “Technologyenhanced activities designed to develop cultural and communicative competence.” 2012 Central States Conference, Milwaukee, WI. (March 9, 2012). Work, N. C., Espinoza, I. J. “SLA informed principles to teach grammar.” 2012 Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, Milwaukee, WI. (March 9, 2012).

WORKSHOP Mosher, A. D. “The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).” Faculty Development, Modern Languages, State University of New York at Oswego, Oswego, NY. (May 5, 2012).

BOOK CHAPTERS Mosher, A. D. (2012). In Erwin Tschirner (Ed.), The Determination

of Equivalent Ranges on the ACTFLProficiency Guidelines - Speaking and the Scale Used for Speaking on the Test of German as a Foreign Language (TestDaF) (vol. 2, pp. 139149). Tübingen: Aligning Frameworks of Reference in Language Testing: Schriften des Herder-Instituts. Villa, L. (2012). ‘Because When Governments Speak, They Are Not Always Right:’ National Construction and Orthographic Conflicts in MidNineteenth Century Spain. In Langer, N., Davies, S., Vandenbussche, W. (Ed.), Language and History, Linguistics and Historiography (pp. 209-227). Bern: Peter Lang.

BOOK REVIEWS Conard, R. (2012). Rage Is the Subtext: Readings in Holocaust Literature and Film by Susan Derwin. Chicago,IL: Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Conard, R. (2012). 5.Tragic Effects: Ethics and Tragedy in the Age of Translation by Therese Augst. Chicago,IL: Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Conard, R. (2012). 6.On the Origins of Jewish Self-hatred by Paul Reiter. Chicago,IL: Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Conard, R. (2012). Beyond the Mother Tongue: The Post-monolingual Condition by Yasemin Yildiz. Chicago, IL: Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Conard, R. (2012). After Testimony: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Holocaust Narrative for the Future, ed. Jakob Lothe, Susan Rubin Suleiman, and James Phelan. Chicago,IL: Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries. Conard, R. (2012). German and European Poetics after the Holocaust: Crisis and Creativity, ed. Gert Hofmann, et al. Chicago,IL: Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Conard, R. (2012). The Problem of Distraction by Paul North. Chicago,IL: Choice, Publication of the Association of College and Research Libraries.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Work, N. C. (2013). 9 Reasons to Use Technology in the Foreign Language Classroom. The Cardinal, 51(2), 3. del Valle, J., Villa, L. (2012). La disputada autoridad de las academias: Debate lingüístico-ideológico en torno a la Ortografía de 2010. Revista Internacional de Lingüística Iberoamericana, X(1:19), 29-54.

MAGAZINE/TRADE PUBLICATION Penas-Bermejo, F. J. In Antonio Román, David Hidalgo, Nicolás Martínez, Alicia de Gregorio (Ed.), Recuerdo de Ana María Fagundo: huella de la materia habitada (December 2012 ed., pp. 40-44). ALDEEU: Puente Atlántico del Siglo XXI.

OTHER Castillo, S., Meirinho, V., Hernández, L., Villa, L. (2012). Ideologías Lingüísticas: Práctica y Teoría. Madrid: La Catarata. Tanova, N. (2012). An Inquiry into Language Use in Multilinguals’ Writing: a Study of Third Language Learners. Columbus, OH: ProQuest/UMI.

Mathematics GRANTS Bigelow, K. E. (Principal), Diestelkamp, W. S., Krane, C. M., Pinnell, M. F.. “Multi-disciplinary STEM Grant Preparation Support in Bioengineering.” Sponsored by NSF Advance - LEADER Consortium MiniGrant, $5,000. (December 2010 August 2012). Diestelkamp, W. S. (Other), Goldstein, D. (Principal), Krane, C. (Co-Principal). “Roles and regulation of aqua/ glyceroporins in a freeze tolerant amphibian.” Sponsored by National Science Foundation, $562,269.


(October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2014). Diestelkamp, W. S. (Principal), Prather, J. (Principal), Swanson, C. (Principal). “Expanding the participation of two-year college faculty in Ohio NExT.” Sponsored by Mathematical Association of America, $5,000. (August 2010 - April 2013). Higgins, A. W. (Co-Principal), Gallian, J. (Co-Principal), Narayan, D. (Co-Principal), Rubio, I. (CoPrincipal). “Conference on Trends in Undergraduate Research in the Mathematical Sciences (TURMS).” Sponsored by Mathematical Association of America, $100,000. (October 26, 2012 - October 28, 2012). Krakowski, R. J. (Supporting). “Poised for Success.” Sponsored by Ohio Department of Education - High School & Higher Education Alignment, $30,000. (January 20, 2012 September 30, 2014). Pinnell, M. F. (Principal), Krane, C. M. (Principal), Diestelkamp, W. S. (Principal). “Assessing the viscoelastic properties of porcine arteries: an integrated approach.” Sponsored by Leader Consortium - NSF Advance Program, $5,000. (January 1, 2010 June 30, 2012).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Abueida, A. A. “Cycle Extensions in BIBD Block-Intersection Graphs.” SIAM Conference in Discrete Mathematics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, National Science Foundation, Halifax, Canada. (June 18, 2012). Busch, A. H., Abueida, A. A., Sritharan, R. Atlanta Lecture Series, Emory University, Atlanta, GA. (November 3, 2012). Eads, C. N., Mashburn, J. D., Fannin, H. B., Masthay, M. B. “Comparison of microcanonical and canonical temperatures in paramagnetic spin lattices and other two-level systems.” Midwest Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Conference, National Science Foundation,

Minnesota Super Computing Institute, and University of Minnesota College of Science and Engineering, Minneapolis, MN. (May 21, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Project NExT: A program of the Mathematical Association of America.” Graduate Students’ Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. (November 1, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Demonic Graphs and Undergraduate Research.” Mathematics for Everyone, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, IN. (November 1, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Project NExT: A program of the Mathematical Association of America.” The Role of Scientific Societies in STEM Faculty Workshops, Council of Scientific Society Presidents, Washington, DC. (May 3, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Simple Surprises.” Spring Meeting 2012, Ohio Section of the Mathematical Association of America, Cincinnati, OH. (April 13, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Project NExT -- what works.” Spring Opportunities, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA. (March 14, 2012). Hovey, P. W. “: Reliability and Statistical Issues in Managing Aging Aircraft within the Damage Tolerant Design Framework.” Joint Statistics Meetings, American Statistical Association and other Statistical societies, San Diego, California. (July 29, 2012). Islam, M. N. “Asymptotically stable solutions of a nonlinear Volterra integral equation.” SoutheasternAtlantic Regional Conference on Differential Equations, Wake Forest University, Winston Salem, North Carolina. (October 20, 2012). Islam, M. N. “Bounded, L^1 and asymptotically stable solutions of a perturbed nonlinear integral equation.” The eighth international conference on differential equations and dynamical systems., University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. (August 3, 2012). Liu, R. “Optimal Investment and Consumption in Regime-Switching

Model with Transaction Costs.” Special Session on Nonlinear Stochastic Systems and Applications, The International Conference on the Theory, Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Equations, Texas A&M University-Kingsville, Kingsville, TX. (December 20, 2012). Liu, R. “An Optimal Investment and Consumption Problem in RegimeSwitching Model.” The 4th Annual Modeling High Frequency Data in Finance Conference, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, New Jersey. (July 21, 2012). Usman, M. “A Survey of Numerical Methods for the Solution of a Cancer Cell Mutation Model.”, Wright State University Colloquium. (October 26, 2012). Usman, M. “Some Theoretical and Meshfree Numerical Results on a Family of a Korteweg-de Vries Equation.”, Special Colloquium at Wright State University. (May 23, 2012). Usman, M. “Qualitative Study of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Using CAS..” 2012 Spring Southeastern Section Meeting of American Mathematical Society, Tampa, FL. (March 11, 2012). Usman, M. “Numerical Solution of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Using Radial Basis Functions.” 2012 Spring Southeastern Section Meeting of American Mathematical Society, Tampa, FL. (March 10, 2012).

PAPERS Busch, A. H., Dragan, F., Krishnamurthy, C., Sritharan, R. “Induced and distance-k matchings and some related min-max relations.” 16th SIAM Conference on Discrete Mathematics, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Halifax, Canada. (June 18, 2012). Raffoul, Y. N. “Recent Results in Functional Differential Equations.” International Conference on The Theory, Methods and Applications of Nonlinear Equations, International Society of Nonlinear Analysis, Texas A&M, Kingsville. (December 19, 2012).

Raffoul, Y. N. “Necessary and Sufficient Conditions For Uniform Boundedness In Functional Dierence Equations.” 2012 Fall Eastern Sectional Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY. (September 22, 2012). Raffoul, Y. N. “Exponential Sytability and Instability in Finite Delay Nonlinear Volterra Integro-differential Equations.” The 8th International Conference on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Unversity of Waterloo, Unversity of Waterloo. (August 3, 2012). Raffoul, Y. N. “On the permanence of discrete-time multi-species competition predation system with several delays.” 2012 Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting, American Mathematical Society, George Washington University, Washington DC. (March 17, 2012). Raffoul, Y. N. “Periodicity In General Delay Nonlinear Difference Equations Using Fixed Point Theory.” Joint Mathematics Meeting, American Mathematical Society, Boston. (January 4, 2012). Yengulalp, L. C., Fleissner, W. “When Cp(X) is Domain Representable.” Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, Mexico City, Mexico. (March 23, 2012).

POSTERS Diestelkamp, W. S., Mutyam, V., Frisbie, J., Krane, C., Goldstein, D. “Functional role of the aquaglyceroporin, HC-3 in mediating hypotonic-induced cell shape changes in erythrocytes from H. chrysoscelis.” Meeting of the Ohio Physiological Society, Ohio Physiological Society, Dayton, OH. (October 27, 2012). Diestelkamp, W. S., Mutyam, V., Frisbie, J., Krane, C., Goldstein, D. “Aquaglyceroporin expression and erythrocyte osmoregulation in cultures from freeze tolerant anuran, Cope’s gray treefrog, Hyla chrysoscelis.” FASEB Experimental Biology Meeting, San Diego, CA. (April 21, 2012). Eads, C. N., Fannin, H. B., Mashburn, J. D., Masthay, M. B. “Microcanonical

and Canonical Temperatures in TwoLevel Parmagnetic Spin Lattices.” 43rd CERMACS, American Chemical Society, Dearborn, MI. (June 7, 2012). Qumsiyeh, M. “Using the Bootstrap for Estimating the Sample Size in Statistical Experiments.” Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association, San Diego, California. (July 31, 2012). Usman, M. “A Numerical Study of a Model for In Vitro Inhibition of Cancer Cell Mutation.” Model-based analysis and control of cellular processes, NSF, Purdue University. (October 9, 2012).

PRESENTATION Mergia, W., Eustace, D., Qumsiyeh, M. “Exploring Factors Contributing to Injury Severity at Freeway Merging and Diverging Locations in Ohio.” 91st TRB Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board (TRB), Washington, D.C.. (January 24, 2012).

JOURNAL ARTICLES Abueida, A. A., Blinco, A., Clark, S., Daven, M., Eggleton, R. (2013). Reducible and purely heterogeneous decompositions of uniform complete multigraphs into spanning trees. Australasian Journal of Combinatorics, 55, 145-152. Abueida, A. A., Lefevre, J., Waterhouse, M. (2012). The spectrum of nonpolychromatic equitable edge colored Steiner Triple Systems. JCMCC, 80, 405-414. Abueida, A. A., Rodger, C. A. (2012). Completing a solution of the Embedding Problem for Incomplete Idempotent Latin Squares when Numerical Conditions Suffice. Discrete Mathematics, 312(22), 3328-3334. Eloe, P. W., Altwaty, A. (2012). Boundary Value Problems for Impulsive Differential Equations and Avery Type Fixed Point Theorems. Proceedings of Dynamic Systems and Applications, 6, 27--32. Eloe, P. W., Altwaty, A. (2012). The role of concavity in applications of Avery type fixed point theorems to higher


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP order differential equations. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, 6, 79--90. Eloe, P. W., Atici, F. M. (2012). Gronwall’s inequality on discrete fractional calculus. Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 64, 3193--3200. Eloe, P. W., Avery, R., Henderson, J. (2012). A Leggett-Williams type theorem applied to a fourth order problem. Communications in Applied Analysis, 16, 579--588. Eloe, P. W., Henderson, J., Khan, R. A. (2012). Existence and uniqueness conditions for a class of (k+4j)-point nth order. Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory, 12, 49--62. Eloe, P. W., Henderson, J., Khan, R. A. (2012). Uniqueness implies existence and uniqueness conditions for a class of (k+j)-point boundary value problems for nth order differential equations. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 55, 285--296. Eloe, P. W., Usman, M. (2012). Bifurcations in Steady State Solutions of Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Equation. Nonlinear Studies, The International Journal, 19(2), 215-224. Eloe, P. W., Usman, M. (2012). Bifurcations in Steady State Solutions of Nonlinear Dispersive Wave Equation. Nonlinear Studies, The International Journal, 19(2), 215-224. Flora, G., Usman, M. FALSKAN: A GUI Interface for the Numerical Solution of the Falkner-Skan Problem. Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics: Advances and Applications, 8(1), 11-24. Florescu, I., Liu, R., Mariani, M. C. (2012). Solutions to A Partial IntegroDifferential Parabolic System Arising in the Pricing of Financial Options in A Regime-Switching Jump Diffusion Model. Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, 2012(231), 1-12. Islam, M. N., Adivar, M., Raffoul, Y. N. (2012). Separate contraction and existence of periodic solutions in totally nonlinear delay differential equations. Hacettepe J. Math. & Stat., 41(1), 1-13.


Islam, M. N., Adivar, M., Raffoul, Y. N. (2012). Separate contraction and existence of periodic solutions in totally nonlinear delay differential equations. Hacettepe J. Math. & Stat., 41(1), 1-13. Islam, M. N., Raffoul, Y. N. (2012). Bounded Solutions of Almost Linear Volterra Equations. Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, 7(2), 195-205. Islam, M. N., Raffoul, Y. N. (2012). Bounded Solutions of Almost Linear Volterra Equations. Advances in Dynamical Systems and Applications, 7(2), 195-205. Khaliq, A., Kleefeld, B., Liu, R. (2012). Solving complex PDE systems for pricing American options with regimeswitching by efficient exponential time differencing schemes. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 29(1), 320-336. Khan, R. A., Usman, M. (2012). A Study of the GAM Approach to Solve Laminar Boundary Layer Equations in the Presence of a Wedge. Applied Mathematical Sciences, 6(117--120), 5947--5958. Khan, R. A., Usman, M. (2012). Eventual Periodicity of Forced Oscillations of the Korteweg-de Vries Type Equation. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 36(2), 736--742. Lee, H. S., Kersaint, G., Harper, S., Driskell, S. O.S., Leatham, K. R. (2012). Teachers’ statistical problem solving with dynamic technology: Research results across multiple institutions. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Mathematics Teacher Education, 12(3). Li, Iowa State University, M., Meeker, Iowa State University, W. Q., Hovey, P. W. (2012). Joint Estimation of NDE Inspection Capability and Flaw-size Distribution for In-service Aircraft Inspections. Research in Nondestructive Evaluation, 23(2), 20 pages. Liu, R. (2012). A New Tree method for Pricing Financial Derivatives in A Regime-Switching Mean-Reverting Model. Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 13(6), 2609-2621.

Mashburn, J. D. (2012). A Spectral Order for Infinite Dimensional Quantum Spaces. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 23(1), 95-130. McHugh, L., Gardstrom, S. C., Hiller, J. M., Brewer, M., Diestelkamp, W. S. (2012). The Effect of Pre-Meal, Vocal Re-Creative Music Therapy on Nutritional Intake of Residents With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: A Pilot Study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 30(1), 32-42. Mergia, W. Y., Qumsiyeh, M., Eustace, D. (2012). Exploring Factors Contributing to Injury Severity at Freeway Merging and Diverging Locations in Ohio. Transportation Research Record. Mohyud-Din, S. T., Negahdary, E., Usman, M. (2012). A Meshless Method of Lines for Numerical Solution of the Family of Generalized FifthOrder Korteweg-de Vries Equations. International Journal of Numerical Method for Heat and Fluid Flow, 22(5). Qumsiyeh, M. (2012). An L^2 Comparison Between the Bootstrap and the Empirical Edgeworth Expansion. Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods, 41(1-3), 251-261. Qumsiyeh, M., Shaughnessy, G. J. (2012). Comparison of Re-sampling Methods to Generalized Linear Models and Transformations in Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. Qumsiyeh, M., Shaughnessy, G. J. (2012). Comparison of Re-sampling Methods to Generalized Linear Models and Transformations in Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods. Raffoul, Y. N. (2012). Discrete Population Models With Asymptotically Constant Or Periodic Solutions. International Journal of Difference Equations, 6(2), 143-152. Raffoul, Y. N., Adivar, M. N. (2012). Inequalities and exponential stability and instability in finite delay Volterra integro-differential equations. Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 61(3), 307-319.

Raffoul, Y. N., Adivar, M. N. (2012). Necessary and sufficient conditions for uniform stability of Volterra. Analele Stiintifice ale Universitatii Ovidius Constanta, Seria Matematica, XX(3), 1-13. Raffoul, Y. N., Adivar, M. N., Koyuncuoğlu, H. (2012). Classification of positive solutions of nonlinear systems of Volterra integrodynamic equations on time scales. Communications in Applied Analysis, 16(3), 359-376. Raffoul, Y. N., Huang, Z. (2012). Biperiodicity in Neutral-Type Delayed Difference Neural Networks. Advances in Difference Equations, 2012(5), 15.

NEWSLETTER Higgins, A. W., Stevens, T. C. (2012). In Ivars Peterson, Lois Baron (Ed.), Gallian and LaRose Leave Project NExT Team (5th ed., vol. 32, pp. 2021). Washington, DC: Mathematical Association of America.

OTHER Harper, S. R., Driskell, S. O.S. “Using GeoGebra to enhance prospective middle school teachers’ classification of two-dimensional shapes.” GeoGebra Institute of Ohio Midwest Regional Conference, GeoGebra Institute of Ohio, Oxford, OH. (June 11, 2012). Harper, S. R., Driskell, S. O.S. “Exploring middle grades geometry using Google SketchUp.” National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Annual Conference, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Philadelphia, PA. (April 27, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Outlets for Undergraduate Research.” Trends in Undergraduate Research in the Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Association of America, National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, Rosemont, IL. (October 28, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Mentoring Success Stories.” Keys to Academics’ Success: Faculty Mentoring for Success, LEADER (Launching Equuity in the Academy across the Dayton Entrepreneurial David Ahern, circa 1997

Region) Consortium, Dayton, OH. (September 27, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Undergraduate Research -- How to Make it Work.” Project NExT Workshop at Mathfest, Mathematical Association of America, Madison, WI. (August 3, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Undergraduate Research -- How to Make it Work.” Project NExT Workshop at Mathfest, Mathematical Association of America, Madison, WI. (August 2, 2012). Higgins, A. W. “Applying for Jobs.” Spring Opportunities, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA. (March 12, 2012). Higgins, A. W., Gallian, J. “Getting Students Involved in Undergraduate Research.” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Mathematical Association of America, American Mathematical Association, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Boston, MA. (January 6, 2012). Higgins, A. W., Gallian, J. “Getting Students Involved in Undergraduate Research.” Joint Mathematics Meetings, Mathematical Association of America, American Mathematical Association, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Boston, MA. (January 4, 2012).

Rush, T. Betts, R. (Performer), Paulin, B. (Performer), Quinn, D. (Performer), Woods, B. (Performer). “Un Aprèsmidi Enneigé.” Student Composition Seminar, Dayton, Ohio, USA. (April 15, 2012). Rush, T. MacLachlan, H. M. (Director), Dorf, S. (Director). “Perayaan.” UD Javanese Gamelan Ensemble, Dr. Heather MacLachlan, Dayton, Ohio, USA. (April 19, 2012). Rush, T. MacLachlan, H. M. (Director), Dorf, S. (Director). “Perayaan.” UD Javanese Gamelan Ensemble, Dr. Heather MacLachlan, Dayton, Ohio, USA. (April 17, 2012). Street, P. E. Anderson, C. (Vocal Soloist), Luchsinger, B. (Instrumental Soloist), Serrin, B. (Instrumental Soloist). “Chocolate Kisses.”, International Horn Symposium, University of North Texas, Denton TX. (May 17, 2012). Street, P. E. Anderson, C. (Vocal Soloist), Luchsinger, B. (Instrumental Soloist), Serrin, B. (Instrumental Soloist). “Tonight I Can Fly.”, International Horn Symposium, University of North Texas, Denton TX. (May 17, 2012). Street, P. E. Kockel, A. . “Tonight I Can Fly.”, Hamburg, Germany. (April 9, 2012).


Music MUSIC ARRANGEMENT Magnuson, P. C. “Six Solo Suites, by J. S. Bach.” Viola solo and viola ensemble. (June 2007 - Present).

MUSIC COMPOSITIONS Gardstrom, S. C. “Since You Claimed My Heart.” Faculty Recital - Linda Snyder, University of Dayton. (September 2012). Magnuson, P. C. “I Sing of Myself.” Tenor and piano. (July 2010 - Present). Magnuson, P. C. “Tango.” Saxophone quartet. (November 2012 - December 2012).

Benjamin, J. A. (Accompanist). “Music from China.” Music from China, UD Arts Series, Dayton, Oh. (October 24, 2012). Benjamin, J. A. (Conductor). “Willy Wonka.” Epiphany Players, Epiphany Lutheran Church, Centerville, Oh. (July 12, 2012 - July 22, 2012). Benjamin, J. A. (Conductor). “Shadow of the Cross.” Epiphany Chorale, Epiphany Lutheran Church, Centerville, Oh. (April 6, 2012). Benjamin, J. A. (Accompanist). “Urinetown: The Musical.” University of Dayton Theater Department, University of Dayton, Dayton, Oh. (March 23, 2012 - March 31, 2012). Benjamin, J. A. (Accompanist). “Ken Griffiths Masterclass.”, University


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP of Dayton, Dayton, Oh. (March 14, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). “Peanut, Butter and Jam!.” Chamber Ensemble, The Linton Chamber Music Series, Cincinnati, OH. (October 27, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). the Middletown Symphony, The City of Lebanon, OH, Lebanon, OH. (September 29, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). “Labor Day Concert.” The Middletown Symphony, The City of Middletown, OH, Middletown, OH. (September 3, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). “Gala Celebration Concert.” The University of Dayton Horn Quartet, The University of Dayton China Institute, Suzhou, China. (August 8, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). “Wickedthe Musical.” New York Touring Company, Victoria Theater Broadway Series, Dayton, OH. (May 30, 2012 June 24, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). Blue Ash Symphony Orchestra, The City of Blue Ash, OH, Blue Ash, OH. (May 28, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). The Cincinnati Ballet Orchestra, The Cincinnati Ballet, Cincinnati, OH. (April 27, 2012 - April 29, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). “Brass Quartet Performance.” Easter Brass Quartet, Christ United Methodist Church, Kettering, OH. (April 8, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). Middletown Symphony, Middletown, OH. (March 24, 2012 - March 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). “Brass Choir Concert.” Knox Presbyterian Church, Cincinnati, OH. (February 23, 2012). Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer). Middletown Symphony Orchestra, Middletown, OH. (January 28, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Faculty Artist Series: Faculty Recital.” Recital of African American Art Songs and Spirituals, University of Dayton Department of Music, Dayton, OH. (August 1, 2012 - Present).


Cox, D. M. (Conductor). “Creation of Choral Ensemble for Special Performance.”, Vineyard Church, Dayton, OH. (November 1, 2012 December 24, 2012).

Hartley, L. A. (Conductor), Kizer, T. (Conductor). “Intergenerational Band Concert.” New Horizons Band and University Concert Band, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. (April 1, 2012).

Cox, D. M. “Concert Tour to Hawaii.” Ebony Heritage Singers. (February 25, 2012 - March 4, 2012).

Hartley, L. A. (Conductor), Pfrogner, T. (Conductor). “UD New Horizons Band Performance.” UD New Horizons Concert Band, United States Air Force Museum Volunteers Association, Fairborn, OH. (November 30, 2012).

Daniel-Cox, M. D. “Recital.” Minnita Daniel-Cox, Dayton Chamber Music Society, Dayton, OH. (March 25, 2012 - Present). Daniel-Cox, M. D.,”Recital.” Minnita Daniel-Cox, Daniel Grantham, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH. (March 11, 2012 - Present). Daniel-Cox, M. D. “Martin Luther King Celebration and Graduation.” Dayton Early College Academy Choir, Dayton Early College Academy, Dayton, OH. (September 1, 2011 - May 1, 2012). Dorf, S. (Director). “Department of Music Christmas Concert.” University of Dayton Early Music Ensemble, Department of Music, South Park Church, Dayton, OH. (December 5, 2012). Dorf, S. (Director). “Celebration of the Arts.” University of Dayton Early Music Ensemble, Department of Music, Schuster Center, Dayton, OH. (April 17, 2012). Gratto, S. D. “Yom Hashoah Observance Performance.” World Music Choir, Beth Abraham Synagogue, Dayton, OH. (April 19, 2012). Gratto, S. D. (Director), Street, P. E. (Performer), Chenoweth, R. K. (Performer), McCrady, M. (Performer), Welch, R. (Performer), Payne, J. (Performer), Jordan, S. (Performer). “China Institute Dedication Concert.” Various, University of Dayton China Institute, Suzhou, China. (August 4, 2012 - August 15, 2012). Hartley, L. A. (Performer). “Christmas Eve Service.”, Epiphany Lutheran Church, Centerville, OH. (December 24, 2012). Hartley, L. A. (Conductor), Kizer, T. (Conductor). “Holiday Band Concert.” New Horizons Concert Band, Schuster Performing Arts Center, Dayton, OH. (November 25, 2012).

Jones, R. (Conductor). “2012 Spring Concert.” UD Chorale/Choral Union, Southpark UMC - Dayton. (April 22, 2012). Jones, R. (Conductor). “2012 Celebration of the Arts.” UD Chorale, Dept. of Music, Schuster Center for the Performing Arts. (April 10, 2012). Jones, R. (Conductor). “2012 South Carolina All-State Choirs.” South Carolina Men’s Chorus, South Carolina Music Education Assocition, Rock Hill, SC. (March 15, 2012 - March 17, 2012). Jones, R. (Director). “2012 American Choral Directors Central Division Conference.” Trio of UD Chorale Singers, ACDA Central Division Professional Conference, Ft. Wayne, IN. (March 7, 2012 - March 10, 2012). Kizer, T. (Conductor). “Wind Ensemble Concert.” Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Department of Music, Dayton, Kizer, T. (Conductor). “Band Concert.” New Horizons Concert Band, St. Peters Church, Dayton, OH. (September 23, 2012). Kizer, T. (Conductor). “Band Concert.” New Horizons Concert Band, City of Dayton, Dayton, OH. (September 6, 2012). Kizer, T. (Conductor). “Wind Ensemble Concert.” Valley View High School Wind Ensemble, Valley View High School, Germantown, Ohio. (May 15, 2012). Kizer, T. (Conductor), Kizer, T. (Conductor). “Holiday Band Concert.” New Horizons Concert Band, Schuster Performing Arts Center, Dayton, OH. (November 25, 2012).

Kizer, T. (Director), Leslie, J. (Director). “Marching Band.” University of Dayton Marching Band, Department of Music, Pennsylvania and Ohio. (August 18, 2012 - November 3, 2012). Morris, W. L. (Director). 2013 OMEA District 13 Honors Jazz Band, Ohio Music Education Association, Oxford, OH. USA. Morris, W. L. (Director). “Saxophone Quartet Concert.” First Flight Saxophone Quartet, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH. USA. Morris, W. L. (Director). “DJE New York Tour.” Dayton Jazz Ensemble, UD Department of Music, New York City. (March 2, 2011 - March 6, 2100). Morris, W. L. (Performer). “Concert/ Clinic.” UD Faculty Jazztet, MAson, OH. (November 16, 2012). Morris, W. L. (Director). “Concert.” First Flight Saxophone Quartet, International Society of Music Education, Thessaloniki, Greece. (July 15, 2012 - July 22, 2012). Morris, W. L. (Director). “Saxophone Quartet Concert.” First Flight Saxophone Quartet, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH. USA. (July 12, 2012). Morris, W. L. (Conductor). “Jazz Bands Winter Concert.” Dayton Jazz Ensemble and Flyer Jazz Band, Dept. of Music, Dayton, OH. (February 12, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra concert.” Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (December 9, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra Holiday Pops.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra and guests, Dayton, OH. (December 7, 2012 - December 8, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra Young Peoples Concert.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (November 14, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Wisconsin Middle Level State Honors Orchestra performance.” Wisconsin Middle Level State Honors Orchestra, Madison, WI.

(October 27, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Dayton Philharmonic Concert Band performance.” Dayton Philharmonic Concert Band, Troy, OH. (August 19, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Dayton Philharmonic Concert Band performance.” Dayton Philharmonic Concert Band, Vandalia, OH. (August 12, 2012).

Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (February 11, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Three Phantoms in Concert.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (January 13, 2012 - January 14, 2012). Street, P. E. “Berea College Alumni Christmas Party Music.”, Berea College Alumni, Springboro, OH. (December 13, 2012).

Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Giving Strings Orchestra performance.” Giving Strings Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (August 4, 2012).

Street, P. E. “School of Law Holiday Reception.”, University of Dayton School of Law, Moraine Country Club, Moraine, OH. (December 12, 2012).

Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Mahler Symphony No. 2 (off-stage conductor).” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (May 11, 2012 - May 12, 2012).

Street, P. E. “Pianofest: University of Dayton Piano Ensemble in Concert.” University of Dayton Piano Ensemble, UD Department of Music, Schuster Center, Dayton, OH. (April 17, 2012).

Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra Concert.” Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (May 7, 2012).

Street, P. E. (Performer), Welch, R. (Performer), McCrady, M. (Performer), Chenoweth, R. K, Payne, J. (Performer). “University of Dayton China Institute Grand Opening Concert.”, University of Dayton, Suzhou, China. (August 8, 2012).

Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Concert with Kathy Mattea.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (May 4, 2012 - May 5, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Going Places.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (March 4, 2012 - April 21, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra Concert.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (April 1, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Concert with Cathy Ryan.” Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (March 16, 2012 - March 17, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Adventures of the Storyfinder.” Dayton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra/Zoot Theatre, Dayton, OH. (March 4, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Charles Gounod’s “Romeo et Juliette.” Dayton Opera/Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Dayton, OH. (February 24, 2012 February 26, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. (Conductor). “Music of John Denver.” Dayton Philharmonic

GRANTS Gratto, S. D. “Presser Scholarship Renewable Annual Award.” Sponsored by The Presser Foundation, $4,800. (September 2008 - Present). Gratto, S. D. (Supporting), Carr, E. (Principal). “SAI Impact Grant: Music Industry Speaker Series.” Sponsored by Sigma Alpha Iota Philanthropies, Inc., $2,350. (September 2011 - Present). Jones, R. (Co-Principal). “Grace Artists Series.” Sponsored by Ohio Conference - United Methodist Church, $7,000. (October 1, 2011 - September 30, 2012). Jones, R. “ World Choir Games Friendship Concert.” Sponsored by 5/3rd Bank, $500. (July 7, 2012). Jones, R. (Other). “ World Choir Games Friendship Concert.” Sponsored by Dayton Foundation, $700. (July 7, 2012). Jones, R. “ World Choir Games Friendship


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Concert.” Sponsored by Key Bank, $500. (July 7, 2012). Jones, R. “World Choir Games Friendship Concert.” Sponsored by Marianist Foundation, $150. (July 7, 2012). Jones, R. “ World Choir Games Friendship Concert.” Sponsored by Salem Business Corridor, $250. (July 7, 2012).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Chenoweth, R. K. “Antiphonal Music for Brass.” The Bach Society of Dayton Pre-Concert Lecture, The Bach Society of Dayton, Kettering, OH. (October 21, 2012). Cox, D. M. “You Better Wear That Thing; A Life Worth Leaving.” Shield of Faith Christian Fellowship of Churches, Sheild of Faith Pomona, Pomona, CA. (September 7, 2012). Cox, D. M. “From Healed To Whole.” Shroyer Road Baptist Church, Shroyer Road Baptist Church, Oakwood, OH. (August 12, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Build The Temple.” Shroyer Road Baptist Church, Shroyer Road Baptist Church, Oakwood, OH. (June 10, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Life After Timeout.” Shroyer Road Baptist Church, Shroyer Road Baptist Church, Oakwood, OH. (May 20, 2012). Dorf, S. “Pre-Performance Lectures and Educational Outreach for Lucia di Lammermoor.”, Dayton Opera, Dayton, OH. (October 26, 2012). Dorf, S. “Isadora and the Parisian Salons.” The Art of Isadora Duncan: 135th Birthday Celebration, Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation, New York City, NY. (May 24, 2012). Dorf, S. “Pre-Performance Lectures and Educational Outreach for La Tragédie de Carmen.”, Dayton Opera, Dayton, OH. (May 11, 2012). Dorf, S. “Pre-Performance Lectures and Educational Outreach for Roméo et Juliette.”, Dayton Opera, Dayton, OH. (February 24, 2012). Dorf, S. “Théodore Reinach’s Piano: Musicology, Archaeology and the Performance of ‘Past.’.” Case Western


Reserve Musicology Colloquium Series, Case Wesertn Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. (February 10, 2012). Gratto, S. D. “Introducing Q the Music!.” Fall Brunch and Meeting, Dayton Philharmonic Volunteer Association, Dayton Country Club. (October 16, 2012). Gratto, S. D. “Why Not Now? Attitudes & Goals for What You Love & What You Do.” Women’s Wellness Weekend, YMCA - Camp Letts, Edgewater, MD. (May 5, 2012). Hiller, J. M. “Philosophical Inquiry in Music Therapy Research.” Intro to Music Therapy Research, Graduate course at Molloy College, Molloy College, Long Island, NY. (December 1, 2012). Hiller, J. M. “Ways of Thinking in Music Therapy.” 3rd International Music Therapy Conference, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China. (May 26, 2012). Hiller, J. M. “Musicological Foundations for Music Therapy: Emotional Meaning in Clinical Musicing.” 3rd International Music Therapy Conference, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China. (May 25, 2012). MacLachlan, H. M. “The Javanese Gamelan and Debussy’s Piano Works.” Western Division Meeting, Ohio Music Teachers Association, University of Dayton. (January 11, 2012). Morris, W. L. “The History of Jazz.” Class, Life Long Learning Institute, UD 1700 Building. (May 22, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. ”Artists Reaching Kids.” Wisconsin State Music Association Conference, Wisconsin State Music Association, Madison, WI. (October 25, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. ”Partnering with Community Resources.” Wisconsin State Music Association Conference, Wisconsin State Music Association, Madison, WI. (October 25, 2012). Reynolds, P. A. ”Hidden Text in Mahler’s Symphony No. 2.” Take Note Preconcert lecture (2 presentations), Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Schuster Center for the Performing Arts, Dayton, OH. (May 11, 2012).

Reynolds, P. A. “Meet the Conductor (14 presentations).” Schools Partnering with Artists Meeting Kids, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Various area schools, grades, 1,3 5. (January 10, 2012). Rush, T. ”From Desktop Software to iPad Web Apps: Updating CAI for Aural Skills.” 2012 Annual Conference, College Music Society/Association for Technology in Music Instruction, San Diego, California. (November 16, 2012). Rush, T. ”Music Theory, Aural Skills, and the 21st Century High School Student.” OMEA Annual Conference, Ohio Music Educators Association, Columbus, OH. (February 16, 2012). Rush, T., Young, R., Allen, K. ”The Ethics of Prayer: The Christian Perspective.” The Ethics of Prayer — What Can we Pray For?, Interfaith Forum of Greater Dayton, Christ United Methodist Church, Kettering, Ohio. (February 26, 2012). Street, P. E. “Sons of Russia: RimskyKorsakov, Prokofiev, and Tchaikovsky.”, Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra, Schuster Center, Dayton OH. (April 14, 2012).

PAPERS Dorf, S., MacLachlan, H. M. “Who Needs Activism?: Age, Race and Identity in the Gay Choral Movement.” Radically Gay: The Life & Visionary Legacy of Harry Hay, Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies at the CUNY, New York City, NY. (September 29, 2012). Gardstrom, S. C. “Critical Nuances of Music Facilitation.” Annual Conference, Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy Association. (April 12, 2012). Hiller, J. M. “Musicological Foundations for Music Therapy: Emotion and Meaning in Clinical Music.” Annual Conference of the Great Lakes Region of the American Music Therapy Association, American Music Therapy Association, Grand Rapids, MI. (April 14, 2012). MacLachlan, H. M. “Constructing

Outstanding Service Award: Peggy DesAutels, Ph.D.

Over the past decade, the departmental service contributions of Dr. Peggy DesAutels have resulted in what is arguably one of the most diverse departments of philosophy, in terms of race and gender, in the United States. In addition to her departmentlevel service, she has been a member of the advisory committee to the women’s and gender studies program, and she has served on the College of Arts and Sciences’ promotion and tenure committee. During her five-year commitment to the University’s Jacob Program in Professional Ethics Committee, she helped to provide oversight of many Universitywide activities related to professional ethics, including the student ethics bowl, the sponsorship of campus speakers and other curricular initiatives related to ethics in the professions. In 2005, DesAutels received a College of Arts and Sciences Humanities Fellows grant for work on a project titled “Ethics, Gender and Engineering.” Through this work, she developed relationships with colleagues in the School of Engineering. Two years later, she received another grant, funded jointly by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and the dean of the School of Engineering, to evaluate the climate for UD’s women faculty in the sciences and engineering and explore issues of bias that result in the underrepresentation of women in these departments. That project led to collaborative work with a team of faculty from UD, Wright State University, Central State University and the Air Force Institute of Technology to recruit, retain and advance women faculty members in the STEM fields. The work culminated in a five-year, $2.5 million National Science Foundation ADVANCE grant. Since 2008, DesAutels has served as a principal member of the NSF LEADER team, serving as chair of its equity advisers committee. She has also been a member of UD’s institutional committee for the NSF ADVANCE grant. In these roles, she has participated in strategic planning for the grant initiatives, coordinated programming and networking opportunities for women in STEM fields and recruited and trained both male and female faculty members to be equity advisers within their own universities. DesAutels has been a member of the American Philosophical Association since 1994 and is a member of the program committee for the APA’s 2013 meeting. As chair of the APA’s Committee on the Status of Women, DesAutels directs its Recruit, Retain and Advance initiative. She has designed and published posters promoting women philosophers, which are now displayed in more than 2,000 philosophy departments worldwide. Most recently, DesAutels planned and organized the Diversity in Philosophy conference, held at UD in May 2013. This conference addressed fundamental issues surrounding implicit bias, stereotyping and institutional structures. The University of Dayton is fortunate to be the beneficiary of Dr. DesAutels’ dedicated and effective service work.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Pan-Karen Identity in Fort Wayne, Indiana.” International Burma Studies Conference, Center For Burma Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. (October 6, 2012). MacLachlan, H. M. “‘Gay’ Music and GALA Choruses: The Significance of a Gay Choral Repertoire.” Radically Gay: The LIfe and Visionary Legacy of Harry Hay, CUNY, New York, NY. (September 28, 2012). MacLachlan, H. M. “To Be (Gay) or Not To Be: Naming Men’s Choruses.” MIDSEM Annual Meeting, Midwest Chapter of the Society for Ethnomusicology, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. (March 31, 2012).

POSTER Gardstrom, S. C. “Women With Addictions Report Decreased Anxiety After Group Music Therapy.” Annual Conference of the American Music Therapy Association, American Music Therapy Association, St. Charles, IL. (October 13, 2012).

WORKSHOPS Cox, D. M. “Learning To Keep Sabbath.” And Certain Women..., Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church, Dayton, OH. (November 10, 2012). Cox, D. M. “African American Women Composers as Monument Builders.” NCORE, National Conference on Race and Ethnicity In American Higher Education, New York City. (May 31, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Learning Rhythms The Food Way.” Piano Preparatory Academy, Beavercreek, OH. (May 7, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Gospel Music Techniques for Local Teachers and Church Musicians.”, Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii. (February 28, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Reviving America’s Folk Music Tradition.” Ohio Music Educators Professional Inservice, OMEA, Columbus, OH. (February 16, 2012). Gratto, S. D. “Dalcroze Eurhythmics; World Choral Music.” Music Education


Student Chapter Meeting Day, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. (April 21, 2012). Hiller, J. M. “Clinical Improvisation in Music Therapy: Adult Model for Group Therapy.” 3rd International Music Therapy Conference, Beijing, China. (May 28, 2012). Hiller, J. M., Gardstrom, S. C. “Clinical Music Improvisation: Foundations and Techniques.” Student Music Therapy Conference, University of Evansville, Evansville, IN. (September 17, 2012). MacLachlan, H. M. “The Bamboo Dance, from the Karen People of Southeast Asia.” Ethnomusicology Goes To Middle School, Society for Ethnomusicology Education Section, New Orleans, LA. (October 31, 2012). Street, P. E. “Understanding the Romantic Period: Four Workshops.”, Greater Dayton Suzuki Association, Fairborn, OH. (October 13, 2012).

BOOK Cox, D. M., Bullock, K. M. (2012). The Performance Series: Art Songs and Spirituals by African American Composers: An Anthology (pp. 200 pages). Xenia, OH/PBM Press:.

BOOK CHAPTERS Cox, D. M. (2012). Mastering Self So Success Doesn’t Master You. In Wright, D. E. (Ed.), Mastering The Art of Success (pp. 231-247). Sevierville, TN/ Insight Publishing Company:. Hiller, J. M. (2012). Implications Of Embodied Cognition and Schema Theory for Discerning Potential Meanings of Improvised Rhythm. In Bruscia, K. E. (Ed.), Readings in Music Therapy Theory. Gilsum, NH: Barcelona Publishers.

BOOK REVIEW Dorf, S. (2012). Book review of Nijinsky’s Bloomsbury Ballet: Reconstruction of the Dance & Design for Jeux, by Millicent Hodson (Hillsdale, NY: Pendragon Press, 2010) and Stravinsky’s Pulcinella: A Facsimile of

the Sources and Sketches, by Maureen A. Carr (Middletown, WI: A-R Editions, 2008) (1st ed., vol. 65, pp. 276-288). Berkeley, CA: The Journal of the American Musicological Society.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Dorf, S. (2012). Dancing Antiquity in Public and Private: Isadora Duncan’s Early Patronage in Paris. Dance Research Journal, 44(1), 2-27. Dorf, S. (2012). Maurice Emmanuel and Atossa’s Dream: Yoking Music and Dance, Antiquity and Modernity in the Opera Salamine (1929). Cahiers de la Société québécoise de recherche en musique, 13(1-2), 27-34. Gardstrom, S. C., Jackson, N. (2012). Undergraduate Music Therapy Students’ Experiences As Clients in Short-Term Music Therapy. Music Therapy Perspectives. Gratto, S. D. (2012). ‘El Sistema’ Programs Provide New Field Work Opportunties. Triad of the Ohio Music Education Association, LXXX(Number 2), 122-123. Gratto, S. D. (2012). Informed World Choral Music Study & Performance: Who Can You Ask? The Choral Journal, 53(4), 63-64. Gratto, S. D. (2012). The Yale International Choral Festival and Symposium. American Choral Review, Journal of the American Choral Foundation, 54, 8-9. Gratto, S. D. (2012). OSMTE Column Article. Triad of the Ohio Music Education Association, LXXIX(4), 124125. Gratto, S. D. (2012). The Center for Black Music Research: Invaluable Choral Resource. Choral Journal of the American Choral Directors Association, 52(7), 43-44. Hartley, L. A., Sheldon, D. (2012). What Color is Your Baton Girl? Gender and Ethnicity in Band Conducting. Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education, Spring 2012(192), 239-52. MacLachlan, H. M. (2012). Creating Pan-Karen Identity: The Wrist Tying

Ceremony in America. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 21(4), 459482. McHugh, L., Gardstrom, S. C., Hiller, J. M., Brewer, M., Diestelkamp, W. S. (2012). The Effect of Pre-Meal, Vocal Re-Creative Music Therapy on Nutritional Intake of Residents With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: A Pilot Study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 30(1), 32-42. McHugh, L., Gardstrom, S. C., Hiller, J. M., Brewer, M., Diestelkamp, W. S. (2012). The Effect of Pre-Meal, Vocal Re-Creative Music Therapy on Nutritional Intake of Residents With Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias: A Pilot Study. Music Therapy Perspectives, 30(1), 32-42.

MUSIC ARRANGEMENTS Gratto, S. D., Ogunmekan, O. A. (2012). In Brian Tate, arranger (Ed.), Editorial Assistance (P1413 ed.). Milwaukee, WI: Pavane Publishing, Hal Leonard, distributor.

NEWSPAPERS Street, P. E. (2012). Hometown Holiday to Unite Dayton Performing Forces (50th ed., vol. 9, pp. 1, 5-6). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). The Scottish Slasher: Dayton Opera Presents ‘Lucia di Lammermoor’ (43rd ed., vol. 9, pp. 11). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). On Their Toes for 75 Years! Dayton Ballet Celebrates ‘Past and Present’ (42nd ed., vol. 9, pp. 1, 11). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). Menopause the Musical Heats up the Victoia Stage (41st ed., vol. 9, pp. 9). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). Cirque Musica Brings High Flying Acrobatics to Dayton Philharmonic Orchestra SuperPops SeriesSeason (39th ed., vol. 9, pp. 9). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). A Unique Twist on a Classic” Bizet’s Carmen Sings on Victoria’s Stage (20th ed., vol. 9, pp.

12). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). Dayton Music Club Scholarship Winners to Shine in Gala (15th ed., vol. 9, pp. 17). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). Metropolitan Tenor Marcello Giordani Brings Star Power to Dayton Opera Star Gala (10th ed., vol. 9, pp. 9). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper. Street, P. E. (2012). Dayton Opera Presents a Timeless Classic: Romeo and Juliette, with Veleta Tempranillo (8th ed., vol. 9, pp. 11). Dayton, OH: Dayton City Paper.

OTHER Benjamin, J. A. (Accompanist). “Die, Vampire, Die!.” Susan Blackwell and Heidi Blickenstaff, Centerville High School, Centerville, Oh. (August 25, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Choral Masterclass for Women’s Chorus; Choral Masterclass for Select Ensemble.”, Our Lady of Good Counsel High School, Olney, Maryland. (October 26, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Art Songs & Spirituals By African American Composers; Gospel Music Singalong; Teachers Heal Thyself: Reclaiming Your Own Creativity.” Ohio Music Education Association Conference, OMEA, Columbus, OH. (May 1, 2012). Cox, D. M. “Gospel Music Techniques for the Choral Conductor.” American Choral Directors National Conference, ACDA, Texas. (March 1, 2012). Daniel-Cox, M. D. ”I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings”: A celebration of Paul Laurence Dunbar.” 2012 National Conference, National Association of Negro Musicians, Dallas, TX. (July 29, 2012). Gratto, S. D. “Celebration Concert.” 15th Anniversary Concert, Gettysburg Children’s Choir, Gettysburg, PA. (October 21, 2012). Gratto, S. D. “Experiencing the Transformative Power of World Choral Music: The Conductors, The Singers, The Communities.” Yale International Choral Symposium, Yale University,

New Haven, CT. (June 23, 2012). Hartley, L. A., Durst, M., Duling, E., Edgar, S. “Ohio’s Value Added Accountability System and Teacher Merit Pay: Effects on Music Educators.” Ohio Music Education Association State Conference, Ohio Music Education Association, Columbus, OH. (February 18, 2012). Hartley, L. A., Kammer, R., McGowan, F., Schroeder, M. “New Horizons Senior Adult Music Education Programs: Contributions to Music Education and Opportunities for Initiating a New Horizons Ensemble.” 30th World Conference, International Society of Music Education, Thessaloniki, Greece. (July 19, 2012). Hartley, L. A. (Conductor), Reynolds, S. (Conductor), Pfrogner, T. (Conductor), Schreiber, K. (Section Instrumentalist). “Intergenerational Music Camp.” UD New Horizons Band and Watts Middle School Bands, Watts Middle School, Centerville, OH. (November 8, 2012). Liu, J. “2007 China-Chengdu International Music Festival.” Chengdu Symphony Orchestra, Chengdu City Government, Chengdu, Sichuan, China. (June 7, 2007 - Present). Liu, J. (Performer). “Hanson Symphony No.2 Romantic.” China Youth Symphony Orchestra, Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing, China. (May 11, 2007 - Present). Morris, W. L. (Conductor). “Concert and Symphony band clinic.” Stebbins High School, Riverside, OH. Morris, W. L. (Conductor). “Concert and Symphony band clinic.” Carlisle High School, Riverside, OH. Morris, W. L. (Performer). “Recital.” Willie Morris, World Saxophone Congress, Dayton, OH. (July 8, 2012 July 12, 2012). Morris, W. L. (Performer). “The History of Jazz as it Relates to Ethnic Awareness.” Willie Morris and the Dayton Jazz Combo, SInclair Communicty College Realizing Ethinc Awareness and Cultural Heritage 19th Annual Studies Conference, Dayton, OH. (February 24, 2012).


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Morris, W. L. (Lecturer). “Orchestra Clinic.” Stebbins High School Orchestra, Riverside, OH. USA. (February 15, 2012). Morris, W. L. (Director). “Jazz Band Clinic.” Lakota East High School Jazz Bands, Lakota East High School, Mason, OH. (February 9, 2012).

Philosophy GRANT Fischer, M. R. “NEH Individual Fellowship.” Sponsored by National Endowment for the Humanities, $50,000. (August 2011 - June 1, 2012).

Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon. (July 17, 2012). Fischer, M. R. “Jane Addams’s Pragmatist Reconstruction of Politics.” Central European Pragmatist Forum, Central European Pragmatist Forum, Turda, Romania. (June 5, 2012). Fischer, M. R. “Why Didn’t She Bolt? Addams’s Compromises with the Progressive Party.” Webster University, Webster University Philosophy Department, St. Louis. (March 2, 2012). Paslaru, V. “Scientific Explanation: Laws and Mechanisms.”, Department of Philosophy, University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania. (July 9, 2012).



DesAutels, P. J. “On Making the Profession Better for Women.” Eastern Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA), American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, Georgia. (December 29, 2012).

Bresnahan, A. “Improvisational Artistry and Style in Live Dance Performance as Evidence of Embodied and Extended Mind.” American Society for Aesthetics Annual Meeting, American Society for Aesthetics, St. Louis, MO. (October 30, 2012).

DesAutels, P. J. “Neuroethics: More Questions than Answers.” Public Talk, Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, UNC Charlotte, Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. (October 4, 2012).

Fischer, M. R. “Social Gospel and Pragmatism in Addams’s Democracy and Social Ethics.” Society for U.S. Intellectual History Annual conference, Society for U.S. Intellectual History, New York City. (November 2, 2012).

DesAutels, P. J. “Advancing Women and Minorities in Academia: Beyond Bias and Barriers.” Workshop for Faculty and Graduate Students, UNC Charlotte, Center for Professional and Applied Ethics, UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, NC. (October 4, 2012).

Inglis, J. A. “On the Eternity of the World: Moneta of Cremona, Maimonides, and Aquinas.” The Society for the Study of Islamic Philosophy and Science, Fordham University and Stonehill College, New York City. (October 21, 2012).

DesAutels, P. J. “Recruiting and Advancing STEM Faculty at Wright State University.” Faculty Meeting, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Wright State University, College of Engineering and Computer Science, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. (May 11, 2012).

Lockwood, K. “WIlliam James and the neuroscience of mysticism.” Austrailasian Philosophers of Religion, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. (July 12, 2012).

Fischer, M. R. “Rereading Dewey’s Political Philosophy through Addams’s Political Compromises.” Summer Institute in American Philosophy,


McLeod, A. A. “The Problem of Identity in Zhuangzi.” American Philosophical Association 2012 Eastern Division Meeting, American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, GA. (December 27, 2012). McLeod, A. A. “Ritual Duty in Xunzi and

the Purva Mimamsa Sutra.” American Academy of Relgion Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, Chicago, IL. (November 17, 2012). McLeod, A. A. “Two Problems Concerning Materialism in Wang Chong’s Lunheng.” 8th Annual Midwest Conference on Chinese Thought, Bloomington, IN. (April 15, 2012). Paslaru, V. “Conceptions of Mechanisms and Insensitivity of Causation.” VIIth Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. (July 20, 2012). Paslaru, V. “Invariance and Insensitivity of Mechanisms.” British Society for Philosophy of Science, British Society for Philosophy of Science, Stirling, UK. (July 6, 2012). Poe, D. M. “Biography as Philosophy: The Power of Personal Example for Sustainable and Peaceful Praxis.” Sustaining Justice, Greening Peace, Peace and Justice Studies Association, Tufts University; Boston, MA. (October 5, 2012). Velasquez, E. R. “Should Undocumented Migrantes Be Illegal? Towards a Politics of Choque.” California Roundtable on Philosophy and Race, Hunter College, NY. (October 1, 2012). Velasquez, E. R. “Should Undocumented Migrantes Be Illegal?.” National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies, National Association for Chicana and Chicano Studies, Chicago, IL. (March 10, 2012). Velasquez, E. R. “Should Undocumented Migrantes Be Illegal? Towards a Politics of Choque.” Ohio Latin Americanist Conference, Bowling Green State University, OH. (February 15, 2012). Whisnant, R. S. “Pornography and Humiliation.” Contemporary Radical Feminism in the Age of Porn, Stop Porn Culture, San Diego, CA. (June 18, 2012). Whisnant, R. S. “Pornography and

Humiliation.” Annual conference, American Philosophical Association, Pacific Division, Seattle, WA. (April 7, 2012). Whisnant, R. S. “Pornography and Humiliation.” Race, Gender, Class, Sexuality Symposium, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. (February 24, 2012).

BOOK CHAPTERS Johnson, P. A. (2012). “The Enigma of Practical Reasoning”. In Portocarrero, M. L., Umbelino, L., Wierceinski, A. (Ed.), Phronetic Rationality/La rationalité herméneutique (pp. 145158). Münster: LIT Verlag. Kebede, M. “Harnessing Myth to Rationality,”. In Verbaren, C. (Ed.), African Philosophy. Washington , DC:. Kebede, M. (2012). “African Development and the Primacy of Mental Decolonization,”. In Keita, L. (Ed.), Philosophy and African Development: Theory and Practice, (pp. pp. 97-114). Dakar: CODESRIA.

BOOK REVIEW Johnson, P. A. (2012). Paul Ricoeur between Theology and Philosophy: Detour and Return. Boyd Blundell, (vol. 71.1, pp. 81-85). Dordrecht: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion.

JOURNAL ARTICLES DesAutels, P. J. (2012). Moral Perception and Responsiveness. Journal of Social Philosophy, 43(3), 13. Fischer, M. R. (2012). Locating Royce’s Reasoning on Race. The Pluralist, University of Illinois Press, 7(1 Spring 2012), 104-132. Fischer, M. R. (2012). Interpretation’s Contrapuntal Pathways: Addams and the Averbuch Affair. Transactions of the Charles S. Pierce Society. Fouke, D. C. Humans and the Soil. Environmental Ethics, 33, 147-161. Fouke, D. C. (2012). Blameworthy Environmental Beliefs. Environmental Ethics, 34(2), 115-134. http://www.cep. Gabbe, M. J. (2012). Aristotle on the Starting-Point of Motion in the Soul. Phronesis, 57, 332-353. Johnson, P. A. (2012). Hospitality as a Practice of Social Justice. Suvidya Journal of Philosophy and Religion.

Authoritarianism: A Rejoinder to Tesfaye Demmellash,”. Washington. DC:. Kebede, M. (2012). “Medrek’s path to unity and Charisma,. Washington , DC:. medrek%E2%80%99s-path-to-unityand-charisma/

Kebede, M. (2012). Retour aux sources : Asres Yenesew et l’Occident. Diogène 2011, 2011/3-4(235-236), pp. 81-97.

Kebede, M. (2012). “Meles’s Death: Paradoxes and Opportunities”. Washington , DC:. www.

Paslaru, V. (2012). Conceptions of Mechanisms and Insensitivity of Causation. Proceedings of the VIIth Conference of the Spanish Society for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, VII, 481-488.

Kebede, M. (2012). “Meles’s Shame and the Dead-End of Hatred. Boston. Mass:. php/19598/

Poe, D. M. (2012). Nourishing Difference for the Erotic Couple. L’Esprit créateur, Special Issue: The Recent Work of Luce Irigaray, 52(3), 88-98.

MAGAZINE/TRADE PUBLICATION Cheung, D. (2012). How to think about homosexuality and Christianity?. Taipei: New Messenger Magazine.

NEWSLETTER Kebede, M. (2012). “Post-Meles Possible Scenarios,. Washington , DC:.

NEWSPAPERS Kebede, M. “Meles’s Shame and the Dead-End of Hatred. Boston. Mass:. php/19598/ Kebede, M. (2012). Meles and the Decontruction of Ethiopia. Washington, DC:. Kebede, M. (2012). What Ethiopia is Up Against,”. Washington , DC:. Kebede, M. (2012). “Beyond Derailment and Canonization: Assessing Meles’s Rule. Washington , DC:. www. Kebede, M. (2012). “Elitism and

OTHER James, D. D. Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy Annual Meeting, SAAP, New York, New York. (March 18, 2012). McLeod, A. A. American Academy of Religion 2012 Annual Meeting, American Academy of Religion, Chicago, IL. (November 17, 2012). Velasquez, E. R. (2012). The Philosophy of Latino Identity. In Banks, J. A. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education (pp. 1340-1344). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications

Physics CONTRACTS Hallinan, K. P. (Principal), Brecha, R. J. (Co-Principal). “Commercial Building Recommissioning Program.” Sponsored by Vectren, $175,000. (August 2009 December 2013). Powers, P. E. (Principal), Haus, J. W. (Co-Principal). “Support for SAIC ALTAR program.” Sponsored by SAIC (Subcontract to AFRL), $67,646. (August 30, 2012 - August 31, 2013). Powers, P. E. (Principal), Haus, J. W. (Co-Principal). “sub-task for Thermal Protection System.” Sponsored by AFRL, $105,000. (February 24, 2011 June 30, 2012).


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Smith, T. B. (Principal). “Physics of Flight Field Trip.” Sponsored by Chaminade College Preparatory School, $26,000. (November 14, 2012 - November 16, 2012).

GRANT Smith, T. B. (Co-Principal), Basista, B. (Co-Principal), Teed, R. (Co-Principal), Tomlin, J. (Co-Principal), Schen, M. (Co-Principal), Hundley, S. (CoPrincipal). “Earth, Life, and Physical Science Professional Development Project for Grades 5-12 Teachers.” Sponsored by Ohio Board of Regents, $193,609. (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Boeckl, J., Lu, W., Mitchel, W., Eyink, K., Smith, H., Elhamri, S. “Growth of Graphene Architectures on SiC.” Diffusion in Solids and Liquids (DSL2012), Istanbul, Turkey. (June 1, 2012). Brecha, R. J. “Renewable Energy is not the future – it is now.” Pub Science, Boonshoft Museum, Dayton, Ohio. (October 8, 2012). Brecha, R. J. “Mitigating Climate Change and Protecting the Oceans.” Wright State Honors Symposium, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio. (March 2, 2012). Powers, P. E. “Narrow-band and broadband terahertz generation.” 12th Workshop on Modern Optics, National Institute of Astrophysics Optics and Electronics, Puebla, Mexico. (April 10, 2012).

PAPERS Ahoujja, M., Kang, S., Hamilton, M., Yeo, Y. K., Kouvetakis, J., Menendez, J. “Electrical characterization of SiGeSn grown on Ge substrate using ultra high vacuum chemical vapor deposition.” American Physical Society March Meeting, American Physical Society, Boston. (February 27, 2012). Brown, G. J., Haugan, H. J., Elhamri, S., Mitchel, W. C., Mahalingam, K., Szmulowicz, F. “Electrical and


Optical Studies on InAs/InGaSb VLWIR Superlattices.” 11th International Conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices (MIOMD-XI), Chicago. (September 6, 2012). Haugan, H. J., Brown, G. J., Elhamri, S., Grazulis, L., Olson, B. V., Boggess, T. F., Noe, G. T., Kono, J. “Annealing effect on the long wavelength infrared InAs/GaSb Superlattice materials.” SPIE Photonics and Optics Conference on Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications II,, SPIE, San Diego, CA.. (August 12, 2012). Haus, J. W., Dapore, B., Miller, N., Banerjee, P. P., Nehmetallah, G., Powers, P. E., McManamon, P. “Instantaneously captured images using multiwavelength digital holography.” SPIE Interferometry XVI: Techniques and Analysis, SPIE, San Diego. (September 25, 2012). Lu, W., Elhamri, S., Grazulis, L., Landis, G., Mitchel, W. C., Boeckl, J. “Effect of Graphitization on Electronic Properties of Graphene on SiC (0001).” MRS Spring Meeting, MRS, San Francisco, CA. (April 9, 2012). Mou, S., Abeysinghe, D., Kim, S. N., Boeckl, J., Lu, W., Park, J. H., Elhamri, S., Grazulis, L., Chen, K. H., Chen, L. C., Tetlak, S., Brown, G. J., Mitchel, W. C. “Towards Graphene Photonics and Plasmonics.” 9th Taiwan-USAF Nanoscience Workshop, Kenting, Taiwan. (April 18, 2012). Mou, S., Asel, T. J., Elhamri, S., Tomich, D., Mitchel, W. C. “Comparison of epitaxial graphene on Si-face and C-face 6H SiC.” Dayton-Cincinnati Aerospace Sciences Symposium, Dayton. (March 6, 2012). Park, J., Mou, S., Boeckl, J., Eyink, K., Mitchel, W., Grazulis, L., Landis, G., Elhamri, S. “In-situ Control of Carrier Type and Bandgap during Growth of Graphene by CMBE.” Electronic Materials Conference, Pennsylvania State University. (June 20, 2012). Powers, P. E., Haus, J. W. “Improving the Performance of Difference Frequency THz Generation in Waveguides.” OSA Optical sensors topical meeting, Optical Society of America, Monterey,

CA. (June 24, 2012). Steenbergen, E. H., Cellek, O. O., Ouyang, L., Smith, D. J., Zhang, Y. H., Elhamri, S., Lubyshev, D., Qiu, Y., Fastenau, J. M., Liu, A. W. K. “InAs/ InAs1-xSbx superlattices on GaSb substrates: a promising alternative type-II superlattice infrared material system.” 11th International Conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices (MIOMD-XI), Chicago, IL. (September 6, 2012). Steenbergen, E. H., Connelly, B., Grace D. Metcalfe, G. D., Shen, P. H., Wraback, M., Lubyshev, D., Qiu, Y., Fastenau, J., Liu, A. W.K., Elhamri, S., Cellek, O. O., Zhang, Y. H. “Study of the minority carrier lifetime in midwavelength infrared InAs/InAs1-xSbx.” SPIE Photonics and Optics Conference on Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications II,, SPIE, San Diego, CA. (August 15, 2012). Szmulowicz, F., Haugan, H., Elhamri, S., Brown, G. “Vertical and Horizontal Mobilities in InAs/GaSb Superlattices as a Function of Temperature.” Quantum Structured Infrared Photodetector International Conference, Cargese,Corsica, France. (June 17, 2012).

POSTERS Boeckl, J., Lu, W., Mitchel, W., Eyink, K., Elhamri, S., Smith, H., Grazulis, L., Landis, G. “Role of Oxygen in Growth of Epitaxial Graphene.” Nanotechnology for Defense, Nanotechnology for Defense, Summerlin, Nevada. (August 6, 2012). Powers, P. E., Haus, J. W., Ye, C., Shi, W., Chavez-Pirson, A. “Modeling parametric waveguide terahertz generation.” SPIE Photonics West, Nonlinear frequency generation and conversion: devices and applications XI, SPIE, San Francisco. (January 24, 2012).

PRESENTATION Sarangan, A. M., Banerjee, P. P., Aylo, R., Nehmetallah, G., Powers, P. E.,

Li, H. “Binary nanoparticle dispersed metamaterial implementation and characterization.” SPIE Photonics West Quantum Sensing and Nanophotonic Devices IX, SPIE. (January 23, 2012).

WORKSHOP Powers, P. E. “Fundamentals of nonlinear optics.” Photonics West, SPIE, San Francisco. (January 22, 2012).

ABSTRACTS Ahoujja, M., Kang, S., Hamilton, S., Yeo, Y. K., Kouvetakis, J., Mendez, J. (2012). Electrical characterization of SiGeSn grown on Ge substrate using ultra high vacuum chemical vapor deposition (1st ed., vol. 57). College Park, Maryland: Bulletin of the American Physical Society, March 2012. Brown, G. J., Haugan, H. J., Elhamri, S., Mitchel, W. C., Mahalingam, K., Szmulowicz, F. (2012). Electrical and Optical Studies on InAs/InGaSb VLWIR Superlattices. Chicago, IL: Extended Abstract: 11th international conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices. Steenbergen, E. H., Cellek, O. O., Ouyang, L., Smith, D. J., Zhang, Y. H., Elhamri, S., Lubyshev, D., Qiu, Y., Fastenau, J. M., Liu, A. W. K (2012). InAs/InAs1-xSbx superlattices on GaSb substrates: a promising alternative typeII superlattice infrared material system. Chicago, IL: Extended Abstract:11th international conference on Infrared Optoelectronics: Materials and Devices.

evolution. Optics Express, 20(13), 14213-14220. Gea-Banacloche, J. R., Pedrotti, L. M. (2012). Single-photon, cavitymediated gates: Detuning, losses, and nonadiabatic effects. Physical Review A, 86(5), 052311-1 to 052311-10. Haugan, H. J., Brown, G. J., Elhamri, S., Mitchel, W. C., Mahalingam, K., Kim, M., Noe, G. T., Ogden, N. E., Kono, J. (2012). Impact of growth temperature on InAs/GaInSb strained layer superlattices for very long wavelength infrared detection. Applied Physics Letters, 101, 171105. Haugan, H. J., Brown, G. J., Elhamri, S., Pacley, S., Olson, B. V., Boggess, T. F. (2012). Post growth Annealing Study on LWIR InAs/GaSb Superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics, 111, 053113. Nehmetallah, G., Aylo, R., Powers, P. E., Sarangan, A. M., Gao, J., Li, H., Achari, A., Banerjee, P. P. (2012). Co-sputtered SiC + Ag nanomixtures as visible wavelength negative index metamaterials. Optics Express, 20, 7095-7100. Nie, B., Saytashev, I., Chong, A., Liu, H., Arkhipov, S. N., Wise, F. W., Dantus, M. (2012). Multimodal microscopy with sub-30 fs Yb fiber laser oscillator. Biomedical Optics Express, 3(7), 17501756.


Park, J. H., Mitchel, W. C., Elhamri, S., Back, T. C. (2012). Effect of in-situ oxygen on the electronic properties of graphene grown by carbon molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Physics Letters, 100, 133107.

Bauer, N., Brecha, R. J., Luderer, G. (2012). Nuclear renaissance or exit? The economics of nuclear power policies in a carbon constrained world. PNAS, 109(42), 16805-16810.

Renjie, Z., Zhan, Q., Powers, P. E., Baldemar, I.-E., Haus, J. W. (2012). An all fiber based Talbot self-imaging mirror device for phase-locking of a multi-fiber laser. European Optical Society, 7, 12012-1through 12012-6.

Brecha, R. J. (2012). Logistic Curves, Extraction Costs and Peak Oil. Energy Policy, 51, 586-597. Chong, A., Liu, H., Nie, B., Bale, B. G., Wabnitz, S., Renninger, W. H., Dantus, M., Wise, F. W. (2012). Pulse generation without gain-bandwidth limitation in a laser with self-similar

Renninger, W. H., Chong, A., Wise, F. W. (2012). Pulse shaping and evolution in normal-dispersion mode-locked fiber lasers. IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, 18(1), 389-398. Ru, M.-Y., Yeo, Y. K., Ahoujja, M., Harris, T., R. B., Kouvetakis, J. (2012). Degenerate parallel conducting layer

and conductivity type conversion observed from p-Ge1−ySny (y=0.06%) grown on n-Si substrate. Appl. Phys. Lett., 101, 131111 (2012). Zhou, B. B., Chong, A., Wise, F. W., Bache, M. (2012). Ultrafast and octave spanning optical nonlinearities from strongly phase mismatched quadratic interactions. Physical Review Letters, 109(043902).

PAPERS PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Banerjee, P. P., Aylo, R., Nehmetallah, G., Li, H., Powers, P. E., Sarangan, A. M. (2012). Invited paper: Binary nanoparticle dispersed metamaterial implementation and characterization (vol. 8268, pp. 9). Bellingham: SPIE. Chong, A., Liu, H., Nie, B., Bale, B. G., Wabnitz, S., Dantus, M., Renninger, W., Wise, F. W. (2012). Ultrabroadband mode-locked laser based on self-similar amplification. Washington D. C.: Nonlinear Photonics. Chong, A., Liu, H., Nie, B., Bale, B. G., Wabnitz, S., Renninger, W. H., Dantus, M., Wise, F. W. (2012). Mode-locked fiber laser without gain-bandwidth limitation (pp. FW2A.2). Washington D. C.: Frontier in Optics/Laser Science (FiO/LS). Fomin, N., Smith, T. B., The NPDGamma Collaboration (2012). First results from the NPDGamma Experiment at the Spallation Neutron Source. St. Petersburg, FL: Proceedings from CIPANP 2012. Haugan, H. J., Brown, G. J., Elhamri, S., Olson, B. V., Boggess, T. F., Pacley, S. (2012). Annealing effect on the long wavelength infrared InAs/GaSb Superlattice materials (vol. 8512, pp. 85120K). Bellingham, WA: SPIE, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications II. Haus, J. W., Dapore, B., Miller, N. J., Banerjee, P. P., Nehmetallah, G., Powers, P. E., McManamon, P. (2012). Instantaneously captured images using multiwavelength digital holography (vol. 8493, pp. 84930W). Bellingham, WA: SPIE. Li, H., Wan, C., Chong, A., Wise, F. W.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP (2012). Three-dimensional intensity and temporal phase measurement of the Airy-Bessel wave packet (pp. FW1A). Washington D. C.: Frontier in Optics/ Laser Science (FiO/LS). opticsinfobase. org Powers, P. E., Haus, J. W. (2012). Improving the performance of difference frequency THz generation in waveguides (pp. Paper SW4c.7). Washington, DC: Optical Society of America. Steenbergen, E. H., Connelly, B. C., Metcalfe, G. D., Shen, H., Wraback, M., Lubyshev, D., Qiu, Y., Fastenau, J. M., Liu, A. W.K., Elhamri, S., Cellek, O. O., Y.-H. Zhang, Y. H. (2012). Temperature-dependent minority carrier lifetimes of InAs/InAs1-xSbx type-II superlattices (vol. 8512, pp. 85120L1). Bellingham, WA: SPIE, Infrared Sensors, Devices, and Applications II. Zhou, B. B., Chong, A., Wise, F. W., Bache, M. (2012). High energy few cycle pulses directly generated from strongly phase mismatched lithium niobate crystal (pp. QM4E.3). Washington D. C.: Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (QELS).

PATENTS Chong, A., Wise, F. W. and Renninger, W. H. (2012) “Mode-locked fiber laser based on narrowband optical spectral filtering and amplifier similaritons.” U.S. Patent No. 2012037960. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Chong, A., Zhou, S., Kuznetsova, L., and Wise, F.W. (2012) “Nonlinear chirped pulse fiber amplifier with pulse compression.” U.S. Patent No. 8154793. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Political Science CONTRACT Neeley, G. W. (Principal). “Citizen Survey.” Sponsored by City of Bellbrook. (January 2012 - May 2012).


INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Bilocerkowycz, J. M. “Political Democratization of Post-Communist Europe.” European Regional Seminar, Wright-Patterson AF, Defense Institute of Security Management, Fairborn, OH. (January 31, 2012-October 16, 2012). Pautz, M. “Civil Servants on the Civil Screen.” Institute of Public Administration Australia Annual Congress, Institute of Public Administration Australia, Melbourne, Australia. (September 18, 2012). Pautz, M., Rinfret, S. “The Lilliputians of Environmental Regulation.” US EPA Next Generation Environmental Compliance Workshop, US EPA, GWU, Berkeley, Washington, DC. (December 11, 2012). Talbott, A. “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.” Israel and Palestine, Students for Justice for Palestine, Dayton, OH. (November 27, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking 101.” Montgomery County Human Trafficking Symposium, Montgomery County Job and Family Services / Abolition Ohio, Dayton, OH. (October 19, 2012). Talbott, A. “Academic Activism and Human Trafficking.” Geography Department Lecture Series, Miami University, Oxford, OH. (September 7, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” Graceworks Ladies’ Luncheon, Good Shepherd Church, Centerville, OH. (June 19, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” Feminist Tea, Wittenberg University, Springfield, OH. (April 25, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” Middle and High School Awareness, Centerville United Methodist, Centerville, OH. (April 15, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” College Women’s Club Meeting, College Women’s Club, Dayton, OH. (March 5, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” Stang

Symposium, Chaminade Julienne High School, Chaminade Julienne High, Dayton. (February 12, 2012).

PAPERS Bilocerkowycz, J. M. “Kosovo: A Pivotal State Perspective.” International Social Science Conference, Honolulu. (June 2, 2012). Bilocerkowycz, J. M. ”International Politics of Kosovo Recognition.” National Social Science and Technology Conference, National Social Science Association, Las Vegas. (April 2, 2012). Budabin, A. “Non-State Actors and Peacekeeping: The Case of GIIntervention Network’s Engagement with the African Union Mission in Darfur.” Annual Meeting, African Studies Association, Philadelphia, PA. (December 1, 2012). Budabin, A. “Amplifying Causes: Celebrities as Norm Entrepreneurs in International Politics.” “Capitalism, Democracy and Celebrity Advocacy,” University of Manchester, Manchester, UK. (June 18, 2012). Budabin, A. “Amplifying Causes: Celebrities as Norm Entrepreneurs in Global Civil Society.” Annual Convention, International Studies Association, San Diego. (April 1, 2012). Budabin, A. “The Transatlantic Effort to Save Darfur: Mobilization in the US and Britain, 2004-2008.” Annual Convention, International Studies Association, San Diego. (April 1, 2012). Budabin, A., Richey, L. A. “Celebrities, Congress and the Congo: The Amplification of African Conflicts.” Annual Meeting, African Studies Association, Philadelphia, PA. (December 1, 2012). Ghere, R. K. “Ethics and Gender in International Development Programs: Comparing Three Cases.” 2012 ASPA Conference, American Society for Public Administration, Las Vegas. (March 2, 2012). Hudson, N. F., Butler, M. J. “Cheap Talk or Deep Discourse? Human

Outstanding Contribution by a Full-Time, Non-Tenure-Track Faculty Member Award: William Marvin, M.A.

Professor William Marvin was appointed lecturer in 2002 but has taught as an adjunct faculty member in the department of philosophy since the 1980s. Over that time, Marvin has taught at least 12 different philosophy courses. In addition to teaching the required Introduction to Philosophy course, the primary focus of his teaching over the past decade has been in professional ethics courses, including Engineering Ethics, Information Ethics, Business Ethics and the Core Program’s capstone, Professional Ethics in a Global Community. Marvin has taught all of these courses with great effectiveness, successfully winning over many of his students to the philosophical study of ethics. He challenges students to think more critically and with much greater sophistication about the implications of their primary ethical commitments for their future professional lives. Marvin has been able to teach such a broad range of courses so effectively in part because he reads voraciously and widely, regularly updating his courses with new cases and timely issues in the news. One of Professor Marvin’s former students wrote the following about Marvin’s teaching: “To say Professor Marvin has inspired my intellect and spirit is an absolute understatement. I spent only one semester in the classroom with him, yet he is one of the most influential teachers I have encountered throughout my life. [...] He always approached our conversations with the unique combination of the gravity of an extremely well-read philosopher and a patient friend, willing to meet me exactly where I was. [...] He is an eclectic masterpiece of humor, philosophy, wisdom, open-mindedness, friendliness and approachability.” Marvin also has made valuable contributions to many of the University’s academic initiatives, including the Core Program, distance learning and learning-living communities. He is one of the few faculty members to have attended every Humanities Base faculty workshop since 1991. Marvin’s commitment as a non-tenure-line faculty member to working on special academic projects with students and colleagues has been impressive. Marvin’s involvement as a community leader in the city of Dayton also is noteworthy. He is president of the Five Oaks Neighborhood Improvement Association and has devoted substantial effort to improving the quality of housing in the Five Oaks neighborhood. The College of Arts and Sciences is pleased to recognize Professor Marvin’s meaningful and enduring contributions as a non-tenure-line faculty member.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Security, Thematic Resolutions, and International Adjudication.” International Studies Association Annual Conference, International Studies Association, San Diego, CA. (April 4, 2012). Ingram, J. L. “Global Positioning Satelllite Monitoring: A Warrant Requiremetn under the Fourth Amendment.” Western Society of Criminology Annual Meeting 2012, Western Society of Criminology, Newport Beach, California, USA. (February 17, 2012). Martorano, N. A., Hedlund, R. D. “One Tough Nut: The Development of Legislative Structure and Procedure.” State Politics and Policy Conference, Rice University/University of Houston/ State Politics and Policy Section of the American Political Science Association/ SPPQ, Houston, TX. (February 18, 2012). Martorano, N. A., Talbott, A., Klarich, C. “The Diffusion of Anti-Human Trafficking Policy in the American States.” Midwest Poltiical Science Association, Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL. (April 14, 2012). Neeley, G. W., Neeley, S. M. “Policy effectiveness in mitigating prescription overdose deaths: a state-level examination.” Annual Meeting, Southwestern Political Science Association, San Diego, CA. (April 3, 2012). Pautz, M., Rinfret, S. “Environmental Regulators on the Front-lines: A View from the States.” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, American Political Science Association, New Orleans, Louisiana. (September 1, 2012). Pautz, M., Rinfret, S. “Front-line Environmental Regulators and their Interactions with the Regulated Community: The Lilliputians of US Environmental Policy.” Law & Society Association Annual Meeting, Law & Society Association, Honolulu, Hawaii. (June 8, 2012). Pautz, M., Rinfret, S. R. “Attitudes and Perspectives: Environmental Regulators in Ohio and Wisconsin.” Western Political Science Association Annual


Meeting, Western Political Science Association, Portland, Oregon. (March 22, 2012). Talbott, A. “Prevention and Demand Reduction.” 5th Annual Human Trafficking Conference, End Slavery Cincinnati / Partnership Against Trafficking in Humans, Red Cross Headquarters, Cincinnati. (February 3, 2012). Talbott, A., Bartel, A. “Implications of Serving Victims of Human Trafficking.” International Conference on Human Trafficking, Prostitution, and Sex Work, Univerisity of Toledo, Toledo, OH. (September 28, 2012).

POSTER Neeley, G. W. “Communication on Purpose: A New Model for Public Outreach.” Annual Meeting, National Association of Schools of Public Affairs and Administration, Austin,TX. (October 15, 2012).

WORKSHOPS Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking: National, State, Local.” Mastering the Code: Tools for Achieving Safety, Public Children Services Association of Ohio, Columbus, OH. (October 25, 2012). Talbott, A. “Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.” Child Advocacy Center Workshop, Care House, Dayton, OH. (May 31, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” Volunteer Training, Montgomery Co. Prosecutor, Dayton, OH. (April 18, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” Cadet Training, Dayton Police Academy, Dayton, OH. (April 12, 2012). Talbott, A. “Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking.” Provider Workshop, South Community, Dayton, OH. (March 21, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking for Victim Services Providers.”, South Community, Inc., South Community, Inc., Dayton. (February 15, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.”

Managers’ Meeting, Montgomery County Department of Job and Family Services, Job Center, Dayton. (February 7, 2012).

BOOKS Boyer, M. A., Hudson, N. F., Butler, M. J. (2012). Global Politics: Engaging a Complex World (1st ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill. Pautz, M., Rinfret, S. R. (2013). The Lilliputians of Environmental Regulation: The Perspective of State Regulators. New York: Routledge.

BOOK CHAPTER Ensalaco, M. (2012). The Church and the Immigration Crisis. In Doyale, D. (Ed.), Ecclisology and Exclusion: Boundaries of Being and Becoming in Post-Modern Times (pp. 10). New York, New York: Orbis Press.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Ensalaco, M. (2012). Ensuring Decent Work for Domestic Workers: An Integral Approach to the Prevention of Labor Trafficking. Intercultural Human Rights Law Review, 7, 30. Gilderbloom, J. I., Ambrosius, J., Squires, G. D., Hanka, M. J., Kenitzer, Z. E. (2012). Investors: The Missing Piece in the Foreclosure Racial Gap Debate. Journal of Urban Affairs, 34(5), 559582. Pautz, M. (2012). Their Views Matter: Front-line Environmental Regulators’ Perceptions of the Regulated Community in Ohio. Policy Studies Journal, 40(2), 302-323. Pautz, M., Wamsley, C. S. (2012). Pursuing Trust in Environmental Regulatory Interactions: The Significance of Inspectors’ Interactions with the Regulated Community. Administration & Society, 44(7), 853884. Rinfret, S. R., Pautz, M. (2013). Attitudes and Perspectives of Front-line Workers in Environmental Policy: A Case Study of Ohio EPA and Wisconsin DNR. Journal of Public Affairs, 13(1), 111-122.

MAGAZINE/TRADE PUBLICATIONS Neeley, G. W., Pautz, M. (2012). MPA Programs Should Teach Students to Justify Their Jobs (10th ed., vol. 35, pp. 4). Washington DC: PA Times. Neeley, G. W., Pautz, M. (2012). MPA Programs Should Teach Students to Justify Their Jobs (10th ed., vol. 35, pp. 4). Washington DC: PA Times.

NEWSPAPER Ambrosius, J. (2012). Did Christmas Come Early for Urban Democrats? (pp. A17). Dayton, OH: Dayton Daily News.

OTHER Hudson, N. F. “Women and State Demography, Law, and Violence: New Empirical Research.” International Studies Association Annual Conference, International Studies Association, San Diego, CA. (April 2, 2012). Ingram, J. L. Western Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Western Society of Criminology, Newport Beach, Callifornia, USA. (February 17, 2012). Martorano, N. A. “Legisaltive Careers and Legislative Experience.” State Politics and Policy Conference, Rice University/University of Houston/State Politics and Policy Section of American Political Science Association/SPPQ, Houston, TX. (February 17, 2012). Martorano, N. A., Talbott, A., Klarich, C. “The Diffusion of State Anti-Human Trafficking Policy in the US.” 2012 Interdisciplinary Conference on Human Trafficking, University of NebraskaLincoln, Lincoln, NE. (October 11, 2012). Pautz, M. “Public Administration Exposed.” Young Institute of Public Administration Australia Seminar, Young Institute of Public Administration Australia, Melbourne, Australia. (September 19, 2012). Talbott, A. “Human Trafficking.” Human Trafficking Awareness, Beavercreek Church of the Nazarene, Beavercreek, OH. (August 26, 2012).

Talbott, A. “Keynote Address.” Human Trafficking Conference, University of Louisville, Women for Women, Louisville, Kentucky. (January 19, 2012). Talbott, A., Adkins, R. “Human Trafficking: Students.” Human Trafficking Prevention, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, OH. (October 18, 2012). Talbott, A., Adkins, R. “Human Trafficking: Community Members.” Human Trafficking Prevention, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, OH. (September 20, 2012). Talbott, A., Adkins, R. “Human Trafficking: School Staff.” Human Trafficking Prevention, Ohio Department of Education, Columbus, OH. (August 16, 2012).

Psychology GRANTS Kunz, B. (Supporting), Quill, L. L. (Supporting), Gunzelmann, G. (Principal), Contract, “3D Allocentric Versus Egocentric Orientation”, Air Force Research Laboratory Warfighter Readiness Research Division, Federal, $55,793.00, Funded. (November 2011 - November 2012). Katsuyama, R. M. (Supporting). “Early Identification and Linkage to Care for Foreign-Born Persons with Hepatitis B.” Sponsored by Ohio Asian American Health Coalition, $173,326. (November 1, 2012 - October 31, 2013). O’Mara, E. (Principal). “Does SelfEnhancement Promote Goal-Directed Performance and Self-Protection? An Experimental Analysis.” Sponsored by Summer Research Grant, $4,500. (January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012). O’Mara, E. (Principal). “Summer Symposium and Collaborative Research Development.” Sponsored by National Science Foundation and the Launch Equity in the Academy across the Dayton Entrepreneurial

Region (LEADER) Consortium, $3,080. (January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012). Reeb, R. N. (Principal). “Clinical Psychology Traineeship Program for Fiscal Year 2012.” Sponsored by Alcohol, Drug Addiction, and Mental Health Services Board, $26,500. (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Bauer, J. J. “Compassion and the transformative self.” Living Compassion Conference, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. (October 26, 2012). Davis, S. T. “You’re so Vain: When reducing confidence is the “right thing to do”—Overconfidence, the “why” and “how” of eliminating it.” Pub Science, The Boonschoft Museum and Discovery Center, Dayton, OH. (December 19, 2012). Katsuyama, R. M. “Multidisciplinary Approaches to Chronic Disease Control.” 6th Biennial Ohio Asian American Health Conference, Ohio Asian American Health Coalition and Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association, University of Toledo Medical School. (December 7, 2012).

PAPERS Bauer, J. J. “Growth is not just for the young: Narratives of the aging, transformative self.” Annual Conference, Gerontological Society of America, San Diego, CA. (November 16, 2012). Bauer, J. J., Graham, L. E. “The transformative self: Transcendence in narratives of eudaimonic growth.” Annual Conference, Society for Humanistic Psychology, Pittsburgh, PA. (March 31, 2012). Gaertner, L., Sedikides, C., Luke, M., O’Mara, E., Iuzzini, J., Jackson, L. E., Cai, H., Quiping, W. “A motivational approach to identifying the true self: Evidence for a motivational hierarchy among the individual, relational, and collective selves.” Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Austin,


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP TX. (October 20, 2012). O’Mara, E., Gaertner, L. “Selfenhancement as a goal directed force: An experimental analysis.” Society for Southeastern Social Psychologists, Gainesville, FL. (October 12, 2012). O’Mara, E., Gaertner, L. “Selfenhancement as a goal directed force: An experimental analysis.” Summer Symposium in Self & Identity, University of Southampton, Southampton, England. (July 4, 2012). Reeb, R. N. “Community outcomes in service-learning: Research and practice from a systems theory perspective (presented in R. Bringle’s symposium (“Framing a TheoryGrounded Research Agenda Related to Commuinities.” annual meeting, International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, Baltimore, MD. (September 24, 2012). Snow, N., Reeb, R. N. “Community Service Self-Efficacy Scale: Recent validation research for a servicelearning assessment tool.” annual meeting, International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, Baltimore, MD. (September 23, 2012).

POSTERS Bauer, J. J., Graham, L. E. “Narratives of recovery, gain, and growth in relation to well-being.” Annual Conference, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. (January 20, 2012). Dixon, L. J., Gordon, K. C., Berkowitz, D. J. “Attachment and forgiveness: The mediating role of laypeople’s conceptualizations of forgiveness.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. (November 17, 2012). Drodge, K., Gilbert, A., Phelps, C. E. Roecker “Measuring perceived gender roles.” Roesch Social Sciences Symposium, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. (December 1, 2012).


Gaertner, L., Sedikides, C., Luke, M., O’Mara, E., Iuzzini, J., Jackson, L. E., Cai, H., Quiping, W. “Evidence for a motivational hierarchy among the individual, relational, and collective selves.” Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. (January 27, 2012). Hibbard, K. C., Dixon, L. J., Evanko, A. M. “Relationship between attachment and depression: Mediating factors.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. (November 16, 2012). Huang, M.-Q., Montoya, R. Matthew, Faiella, C., Lynch, B. P. “Are we equal? A cross-cultural study of responses to ideas of equality towards countries, groups, and individuals among Canadians, Chinese and Americans..” 8th International Conference on Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, Vancouver, Canada. (January 15, 2012). Iskander, J., Goodnight, J., Bates, J. E., Pettit, G. S., Dodge, K. A., Lansford, J. E. “Parental sensitivity to child anxiety problems: An examination of child, family, and demographic influences.” Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. (November 17, 2012). Mason, S., Snow, N., Reeb, R. N. “Effects of Thin-Ideal Media on Body Image: Solomon Four-Group Design.” annual meeting, Midwestern Pschological Association, Chicago, IL. (May 2, 2012). O’Mara, E., Gaertner, L. “The mentalhealth promoting effect of selfenhancement: A longitudinal analysis among Multiple Sclerosis patients.” Society for Personality and Social Psychology, San Diego, CA. (January 27, 2012). Peatee, J. J., Dixon, L. J., Hibbard, K. C. “Silencing the self and forgiveness: The mediating roles of rumination and anger.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Association for

Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, National Harbor, MD. (November 16, 2012). Riding, L. E., Zois, C. J., Heekin, J. “Explaining the Link Between Secondary Psychopathy and Alexithymia.” American Psychological Association Conference, American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL. (August 2, 2012). Rodriguez, D. N., Berry, M. A., Glaser, M. K., Timbrook, J. “Lineup administrator blindness affects the recording of eyewitness identification decisions.” 2012 Annual Meeting, American Psychology - Law Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico. (March 15, 2012). Snow, N., Bartel, A., Reeb, R. N. “The Community Service Self-Efficacy Scale and the Five Personality Factors.” annual meeting, Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (May 3, 2012). Zois, C. J., Dixon, L. J., Goodnight, J., Gordon, C. L., Riding, L. E. “An Examination of Gender Differences in the Construct Validity of the Silencing the Self Scale..” American Psychological Association Conference, American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL. (August 2, 2012)

BOOK CHAPTERS Montoya, R. Matthew, Horton, R. S. (2012). In Paludi, M. (Ed.), The reciprocity of liking effect. Santa Barbara, CA:. Reeb, R. N., Folger, S. F. (2013). Community outcomes in service learning: Research and practice. In Clayton, P. H., Bringle, R. G., Hatcher, J. A. (Ed.), Research on servicelearning: Conceptual models and assessment. Sterling, VA.

JOURNAL ARTICLES D’Onofrio, B. M., Van Hulle, C. A., Goodnight, J., Rathouz, P. J., Lahey, B. B. (2012). Is maternal smoking during pregnancy a causal environmental risk factor for adolescent antisocial behavior? Testing etiological theories and assumptions. Psychological Medicine.

Dixon, L. J., Gordon, K. C., Frousakis, N. N., Schumm, J. (2012). A study of expectations and the marital satisfaction of participants of a marital enrichment seminar. Family Relations, 61(1), 75-89. Gaertner, L., Sedikides, C., Luke, M., O’Mara, E., Iuzzini, J., Jackson, L. E., Cai, H. (2012). A motivational hierarchy within: Primacy of the individual self, relational self, or collective self? Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(5), 997-1013. Goodnight, J., Lahey, B. B., Van Hulle, C. A., Waldman, I. D., Rodgers, J. L., Rathouz, P. J., D’Onofrio, B. M. (2012). A quasi-experimental study of neighborhood disorganization and offspring externalizing problems. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 121, 95-108. Messay, B., Dixon, L. J., Rye, M. S. (2012). The relationship between Quest religious orientation, forgiveness, and mental health. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 15(3), 315-333. O’Mara, E., Gaertner, L., Sedikides, C., Zhou, X., Liu, Y. (2012). A longitudinal experimental test of the panculturality of self-enhancement: Self-enhancement promotes psychological well being both in the West and the East. Journal of Research in Personality, 46(2), 157-163. Peterson, I., Bates, J. E., Goodnight, J., Latendresse, S. J., Dodge, K. A., Lansford, J. E., Pettit, G. S., Dick, D. M. (2012). Interaction between serotonin transporter polymorphism (5-httlpr) and stressful life events in adolescents’ trajectories of anxious/depressed symptoms. Developmental Psychology, 48, 1463-1475. Polzella, D. J. Psychology handbooks. Against the Grain, 24(5), 86-88. Rodriguez, D., Berry, M. A. Eyewitness Science and the Call for Double-Blind Lineup Administration. Journal of Criminology, 2013, 10.

OTHER Katsuyama, R. M. “Language Access and Civil Rights.” WHIAAPI Midwest Regional Action Summit, White House

Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (WHIAAPI), The Ohio State University. (July 13, 2012). Yakopcic, C., Puttmann, J., Kunz, B., Milburn, N., Mead, A. “Human perception and effective intensity of light emitting diodes for aircraft anticollision lighting.” Annual Scientific Meeting of the Aerospace Medical Association, Aerospace Medical Association, Atlanta, GA. Reeb, R. N., Bringle, R., Coder, K., Majka, T. J., Majka, L. C., Cassiman, S. A., Stayton, L., Steel, A., Snow, N., Mason, S., Bidwell, S., Kasper, K., Bartel, A., DeLuca, H., Anderson, A. “The Psycho-Ecological Systems Model as a Guide for Engaged Scholarship and.” annual meeting, International Association for Research on ServiceLearning and Community Engagement, Baltimore, MD. (September 24, 2012).

Religious Studies GRANT Doyle, D. M. (Principal). “Guest Professor.” Sponsored by University of Augsburg; Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst, $42,900. (October 1, 2012 - March 31, 2013).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Bennett, J. M. “Choosing God? Thoughts on Religion, Freedom and The Meaning of Life.”, University of Loyola, Maryland, Baltimore, MD. (December 4, 2012). Bennett, J. M. “Marriage, Singleness and the Beatitudes,.” North Park Seminary, Chicago, IL. (September 27, 2012). Bennett, J. M. “Adoption: Reprise.” University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK. (May 28, 2012). Bennett, J. M. “Internet Pornography and the Human Person.” Center for Scriptural Exegesis, Philosophy and Doctrine, Dayton, OH. (April 11, 2012). Branick, V. P. “Universal Salvation in

Paul.” Catholic Biblical Association Annuel Meeting, Catholic Biblical Association, Notre Dame, IN. (July 29, 2012). Doyle, D. M. “Vatican II: Getting Beyond Polarization.”, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. (November 29, 2012). Doyle, D. M. “The Struggle over the Meaning of Vatican II.” part of a lecture series, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio. (September 26, 2012). Doyle, D. M. “Vatican II: The Declaration on Religious Freedom.” A Teachable Moment: On Religious Liberty, Community of the Good Shepherd (with three other parishes cosponsoring), Cincinnati, OH. (June 28, 2012). Doyle, D. M. ”Vatican II: Its Historical Context and Its Meaning for Today.”, St. Charles Church, Kettering. (February 13, 2012). Doyle, D. M. “Vatican II in a U.S. Context.”, Precious Blood Church. (March 19, 2012). Doyle, D. M. “Communion Ecclesiology: Ideology or Path to Dialogue?.” Where We Dwell in Common, Ecclesiological Investigations, Assisi, Italy. (April 25, 2012). Johnson, K. S. “Discipleship Unplugged.” Campus ministry annual retreat, UD Campus Ministry, Dayton, OH. (August 8, 2012). Johnson, K. S. “Good News to the Poor: Wealth and Poverty in the Gospel of Luke.”, Ite Missa Est, Immaculate Conception Church. (January 18, 2012). Johnston, W. H. “Understanding the New Translation of the Roman Missal.” Adult Faith Formation Event, St. Charles Borromeo Church, Kettering, OH. (January 18, 2012). Johnston, W. H. “Pope Benedict XVI: Friend or Foe of the Reformed Liturgy?.” NAAL Annual Conference, North American Academy of Liturgy, Montreal, QC, Canada. (January 6, 2012). Kallenberg, B. J. “Fast Friends in the Age of FaceBook.” Ekklesia Project Annual


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Gathering, Ekklesia Project, DePaul Univeristy, Chicago, IL. (July 6, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”Propositions and Trinitarian Theology.” American Academy of Religion, Christian Systematic Theology Section, Chicago, Illinois. (November 19, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”Jewish-Christian Dialogue and the Jewish Annotated New Testament.” Society of Biblical Literature, Jewish-Christian Dialogue and Sacred Texts Consultation, Chicago, Illinois. (November 19, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”Christians and Natural Law.” Workshop on Natural Law in Three Traditions, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada. (September 21, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”Mary in the Theology of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI.” God Is Love: Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. (May 17, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”Response to Geoffrey Wainwright: Are Methodists and Catholics United in Deviating from the Faith of the First Christians?.” Theology, Eucharist, and Ministry, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. (May 17, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”The Scriptures and Their Interpretation.” Reading God’s Word: Ratzinger’s Erasmus Lecture a Generation Later, Ave Maria University, Ave Maria, Florida. (February 11, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”Romans 1:20 and Our Natural Knowledge of God.” Aquinas Lecture, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas. (January 26, 2012). Miller, V. J. “Advocacy, Solidarity and Evangelization.” Catholic Relief Services Midwest Regional Staff Webinar, Catholic Relief Services, Chicago, IL. (September 14, 2012). Miller, V. J. “Being Church at Home and Home at Church.” Annual Parish Retreat, Immaculate Conception Parish, Dayton, OH. (September 8, 2012). Miller, V. J. “Government and Catholic


Notions of the Common Good.” Diocesan Social Justice Ministers, Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Dayton, OH. (August 21, 2012). Miller, V. J. “Academics and Advocacy.” Scholars in Global Solidarity Innaugural Seminar, Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore. (June 25, 2012). Miller, V. J. “Globalization, the Church and the University.” Faculty Colloquium, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT. (March 6, 2012). Miller, V. J. “The Budget as a Moral Document.” UD/Catholic Charities Solidarity Conference, UD/Archdiocese of Cincinnati, UD. (March 3, 2012). Miller, V. J. “The History of Catholic Social Thought as a Resource for the Future of Catholic Higher Education.” Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting, Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities, Washington, DC. (February 11, 2012). Portier, W. L. ”History and Demography, Challenges and Hopes: What Future For Catholics in the U.S.” State Seminar for Diocesan Staffs of Religious Education, Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, Mount St. John, Bergamo Center, Dayton, OH. (April 26, 2012). Portier, W. L. ”History and Demography, Challenges and Hopes: What Future For Catholics in the U.S.” First Annual Bishop Simon Brute Lecture, Bishop Simon Brute College Seminary, Marian University, Indianapolis, IN. (March 22, 2012). Portier, W. L. ”What Kind of a World of Grace? Cardinal Henri de Lubac and the Council’s Christological Center.” Keeping the World Awake to God: The Challenge of Vatican II, John Paul II Institute, Catholic University of America, Washington, DC. (January 13, 2012). Roberts, W. P. ”God Our Light: In the Darkness and in the Light..” Santa Monica Faith-sharing Community, Santa Monica, CA. (October 4, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Staying Together, Staying Free: Local Church Autonomy, Interdependence, and Soul Freedom.”

Roger Williams Fellowship, Ohio Baptist Convention, Columbus OH. (October 26, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Frontiers, Borders, and Citizens: Abandoning the Notion of American Exceptionalism.” Maryville Symposium on the Liberal Arts, Maryville College, Maryville TN. (October 6, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “The Idea of a Christian America.” Roger Williams Fellowship, Ohio Baptist Convention, Columbus OH. (June 2, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Navigating the Job Market.” Preparing Future Faculty Conference., Indiana University Bloomington.. (February 24, 2012). Yocum Mize, S. “Following Jesus.” Faith Formation for RCIA, Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, Dayton, OH. (October 26, 2012).

PAPERS Bunta, S. “Monstrous Bodies, Destructive Embraces: Monstrous Couple Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham.” Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (July 25, 2012). Bunta, S. “Use and Misuse of ‘Scripture’ in Hebrews 1-2.” Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Society of Biblical Literature, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (July 24, 2012). Donahue, M. S. “Reading the Signs of the Times: Current Events as Case Studies.” The Eighth International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education, University of Dayton; St. Thomas University, Dayton, Ohio. (June 19, 2012). Doyle, D. M. “Cross, Church, and Context: Early Modern and Contenporary Expression of Faith and Practice.” CTS annual meeting, College Theology Society, San Antonio. (June 1, 2012). Johnston, W. H. “An Appreciative Reading of the New Translation of the Roman Missal in Light of the Spirituality of Friedrich von Hügel and Evelyn

Underhill.” CTS Annual Conference, College Theology Society, San Antonio, TX. (June 1, 2012). Johnston, W. H. “Participation in the Heavenly Liturgy: Theological Reflections on a Liturgical Theme, with a Pastoral Coda.” NAAL Annual Conference, North American Academy of Liturgy, Montreal, QC, Canada. (January 7, 2012). Kallenberg, B. J. “Technology as Skin.” Baylor Symposium on Faith and Culture: Technology & Human Flourishing, Institute on Faith and Learning, Baylor University, Baylor University, Waco, TX. (October 26, 2012). Levering, M. W. ”Aristotle and the Old Law in the Summa Theologiae.” Colloquium, Center for Thomistic Studies, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas. (January 27, 2012). Orji, C. “How Might Catholicity be Truly African?.” Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), CTSA, St. Louis, MO. (June 6, 2012). Orji, C. “Lonergan and McShane on Political Economy: Relevance for Contemporary Global Crisis.” Annual Meeting of Lonergan Conference, Loyola Maymount Univeristy (LMU), Los Angeles. (April 12, 2012). Roberts, W. P. ”Teaching the Theology of Christian Marriage in New Contexts.” Annual Convention of College Theology Society, Marriage and Family Life Section. June 1, 2012, College Theology Society, San Antonio, TX. (June 1, 2012). Smith, A. B. “The Catholic Extension of U.S. Intellectual and Cultural History.” Society for U.S. Intellectual History Annual Conference, Society for U.S. Intellectual History, New York, NY (Scheduled November 2, 2012). Smith, A. B. “Manhattan Citta Aperta: Neorealism, Catholicism and Postwar American Cinema.” American Catholic Historical Association Annual Meeting, American Catholic Historical Association, Chicago, IL. (January 7, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Rhetorical

Creationism.” National Communication Association annual meeting, Orlando FL. (November 17, 2012). Trollinger, W. V., Trollinger, S. L. “The Visual Rhetoric of the Creation Museum.”, Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 15, 2012).

BOOKS Bennett, J. M. (2012). Aquinas on the Web? Doing Theology in an Internet Age. London: T&T Clark. Branick, V. P. (2012). The House Church in the Writings of Paul (2nd ed. ed.). Eugene, OR: Wipf & Stock. Branick, V. P. (2012). Understanding the Prophets and their Books. New York. NY: Paulist Press. Doyle, D. M. (2012). In Doyle, D. M., Furry, T. R., Bazzell, P. D. (Ed.), Ecclesiology and Exclusion: Boundaries of Being and Belonging in Postmodern Times (pp. 334). Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. Kallenberg, B. J. (2013). By Design: Ethics, Theology and the Practice of Engineering (pp. 314 pp plus 14 pp. frontal material). Eugene, OR: Cascade Books. Levering, M. W. (2012). The Feminine Genius of Catholic Theology (2012th ed., pp. 157). London: T & T Clark. Levering, M. W. (2012). Jesus and the Demise of Death: Resurrection, Afterlife, and the Fate of the Christian (2012th ed., pp. 240 pages). Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press. Levering, M. W. (2012). In Levering, M., Dauphinais, M. (Ed.), Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas (2012th ed., pp. 332). Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.

BOOK CHAPTERS Doyle, D. M. (2012). Exclusivism and Neo-Exclusivism: A Response to Mannion’s Ecclesiology and Postmdernity. In Doyle, D. M., Furry, T. R., Bazzel, P. D. (Ed.), Ecclesiology and Exclusion. Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Boks.

Theology of Joseph Ratzinger/Pope Benedict XVI”. In Cavadini, J. C. (Ed.), Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI (2012th ed., pp. 276297). Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press. Levering, M. W. (2012). “Thomas Aquinas”. In Greenman, J. P., Larsen, T. (Ed.), The Decalogue through the Centuries (2012th ed., pp. 67-80). Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press. Levering, M. W. (2012). “The Book of Job and God’s Existence”. In Barnes, M. R. (Ed.), A Man of the Church: Honoring the Theology, Life, and Witness of Ralph Del Colle (2012th ed., pp. 231-240). Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock. Levering, M. W. (2012). “Aquinas on Romans 8: Predestination in Context”. In Levering, M., Dauphinais, M. (Ed.), Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas (2012th ed., pp. 196-215). Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. Miller, V. J. (2012). Retrospective. In Doyle, D., Bazzell, P., Furry, T. (Ed.), Ecclesiology and Exclusion: Boundaries of Being and Belonging in Postmodern Times (pp. 325-328). Maryknoll, NY: Orbis. Miller, V. J. (2012). The Disappearing Common Good as a Challenge to Catholic Participation in Public Life: The Need for Catholicity and Prudence. In Nicholas Cafardi (Ed.), Voting and Holiness (pp. 289-315). Mahwah, N.J.: Paulist:. Orji, C. (2012). “Muslim-Christian Conflict in Africa: The Quest for Responsible Action.” In Stillner, B. (Ed.), Can Muslims and Christians Resolve their Religious and Social Conflicts? Cases from Africa and the United States. Lewiston, NY: Mellen Press. Orji, C. (2012). “Religion, Violence, and Conflict: Ujamma-therapy as a Dynamic response to Ethnic Particularities in Africa.” In Eliola, S. K. (Ed.), Religion, Conflict, and Democracy in Modern Africa: The Role

Levering, M. W. (2012). “Mary in the


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP of Civil Society in Political Engagement. Eugne, OR: Wipf and Stock.

BOOK REVIEWS Barnes, M. H. (2012). St. Jerome, Commentary on Ecclesiastes. St. Irenaeus of Lyons: Against the Heresies, Bk 2.. Washington DC: Catholic online book reviews. Bennett, J. M. (2012). Vatican II: Renewal within Tradition, edited by Matthew Lamb and Matthew Levering (1st ed., vol. 21, pp. 110-113). New York, New York: Pro Ecclesia. Branick, V. P. (2012). “Robert H. Gundry, Commentary on the New Testament: Verse-by-Verse Explanations with a Literal Translation” (vol. 74 , pp. 152153). Washington DC: Catholic Biblical Quarterly. Levering, M. W. (2012). Review of Pope Benedict XVI’s book ‘Saint Paul’ (July/ August 2012 ed., vol. 12, pp. 42-43). South Bend, Indiana: Saint Austin’s Review. Portier, W. L. Review of Bruce K. Ward, Redeeming the Englightenment, Christianity and the Liberal Virtues (April 9, 2010 ed., vol. CXXXVII, pp. 24-25). New York, NY Trollinger, W. V. (2012). Review of Darren Dochuk, From Bible Belt to Sun Belt: Plain-Folk Religion, Grassroots Politics, and the Rise of Evangelical Conservatism (vol. 81). Berkeley, CA: Pacific Historical Review. Trollinger, W. V. (2012). Review of Stephanie Rogers, Inventing the Holy Land: American Protestant Pilgrimage to Palestine, 1865-1941 (vol. 117). American Historical Association: American Historical Review.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Bennett, J. M. (2012). Stanley Hauerwas’s Influence on Catholic Moral Theology. Journal of Moral Theology, 1(1), 148-169. Branick, V. P. (2012). “Mary as CoRedemptrix: Where would Paul Stand?” Marian Studies. Mariological Society of America, 59, 1-14.


Doyle, D. M. (2013). Contextual Theology and the Translation of the Gospel: Themes for an Introductory Course. College Theology Society; Orbis Books, 58, 152-167. Doyle, D. M. (2012). The Concept of Inculturation in Roman Catholicism: A Theological Consideration. American Catholic Studies, 30(1), 1-13. Johnson, K. S. “Integral Human Development, Toward What?.” Scholars in Global Solidarity, Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore, MD. (June 25, 2012). Johnson, K. S. “Responses to David O’Brien and John Haughey on Catholic Tradition and Business Education.” Renewing Mission and Identity in Catholic Business Education, John A. Ryan Institute for Catholic Social Thought, Dayton, OH. (June 19, 2012). Johnson, K. S. “Stewardship and Reconciliation.” Christian Scholars Conference, Lipscomb University, Nashville, TN. (June 7, 2012). Johnston, W. H. “Update on the Revised “National Certification Standards for Lay Ecclesial Ministers.” Annual Meeting, Association of Graduate Programs in Ministry, Tucson, AZ. (February 11, 2012). Kallenberg, B. J. (2012). Rethinking Fideism through the Lens of Wittgenstein’s Engineering Outlook. International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion, 71(1), 55-73. Levering, M. W. (2012). “Readings on the Rock: Typological Exegesis in Contemporary Scholarship”. Modern Theology, 28(2012), 707-731. Orji, C. (2012). “Lonergan and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition: A Look at the Contribution of Philip McShane,”. Divyadaan: Journal of Philosophy and Education. Portier, W. L. (2012). “What Kind of a World of Grace? Cardinal Henri de Lubac and the Council’s Christological Center”. Communio, International Catholic Review, 39(nos. 1-2), 136-51.


Miller, V. J. (2012). Elezioni Usa, la sconfitta dei vescovi (pp. 1). Milan: Populi. Miller, V. J. (2012). Saving Subsidiarity: Why Its Not About Small Government (3rd ed., vol. 207, pp. 13-16). New York, NY: America. Miller, V. J. (2012). Personhood for Profit: Seeing corporations as people--are we making ourselves over in their image? (June 2012 ed., pp. 8-9). Washington, DC: Sojourners. Miller, V. J. (2012). Spirituality and Popular Culture (vol. January, 2012, pp. 48-52). Dayton, OH: Catechist.

NEWSLETTER Miller, V. J. (2012). History Can Guide the Future of Catholic Social Teaching. Washington, DC: Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities.

NEWSPAPER Miller, V. J. (2012). An opportunity for a real policy debate between two Catholics (10/11/12 ed.). Washington, DC: The Hill.

OTHER Donahue, M. S. “Introduction for Cardinal Turkson.” The Eighth International Conference on Catholic Social Thought and Business Education, University of Dayton; St. Thomas University, Dayton, Ohio. (June 18, 2012). Doyle, D. M. (2012). Introduction to Vatican II: Fifty Personal Stories. In Madges, W., Daley, M. (Ed.), Vatican II: Fifty Personal Stories. Mystic, CT: Bayard. Kallenberg, B. J. (2012). In Michael Gulkey (Ed.), Tradition-based Rationality. Chicago: The Colossians Forum. Levering, M. W. (2012). Translation of Gilles Emery, “The Holy Spirit in Aquinas’s Commentary on Romans”. In Levering, M., Dauphinais, M. (Ed.), Reading Romans with St. Thomas

Aquinas (2012th ed., pp. 127-162). Washington D.C.: Catholic University of America Press. Miller, V. J. (2012). In All Things America Magazine Blog. New York, New York: America Magazine. Miller, V. J. (2012). Catholic bishops’ election behavior threatens their authority. Atlanta, GA: CNN Religion Blog. http://religion.blogs.cnn. com/2012/11/08/my-take-catholicbishops-election-behavior-threatenstheir-authority/ Miller, V. J. (2012). No Catholic should follow Ayn Rand. London: The Guardian. Miller, V. J. (2012). On All of Our Shoulders: A Catholic Call to Protect the Endangered Common Good (pp. 16). Dayton, OH. Orji, C. Catholic Theological Society of America (CTSA), CTSA, ST. Louis, MO. (June 6, 2012). Portier, W. L. ”What do Philosphers Do?.” Panel on Oliva Blanchette, Maurice Blondel: A Philosophical Life, Societe Internationale d’Etudes sur Alfred Loisy, American Acadenmy of Religion, Chicago, IL. (November 18, 2012). Smith, A. B. ”Enemies of the Faith: American Religion on the Attack.” Conference of Faith and History, Biennial Conference, Conference on Faith and History, Gordon College, Wenham, MA. (October 5, 2012). Trollinger, W. V. “Right Here, Right Now: Engaging the Rhetoric of the Religious Right.”, Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX. (April 12, 2012). Yocum Mize, S. “Role of Women in Catholic Church; Controversy around LCWR.”, Dayton Daily News. (June 8, 2012).

Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work

GRANT Forbis, J. S. (Principal), Polzella, D. J. (Co-Principal). “Where Do the Arts Take Us?.” Sponsored by National Endowment for the Arts, $10,000. (June 2012 - Present).

PAPERS Cassiman, S. A. “We Don’t Want Any Unions Here: Defining the 99.” 34th Annual Conference of the National American Labor Historians, National American Labor Historians, Detroit, MI. (October 12, 2012). Cassiman, S. A., Abney-Korn, K., Fleetham, D. “Imagination as Revolution: A Case Study..” 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, CO. (August 16, 2012). Cassiman, S. A., Abney-Korn, K., Fleetham, D. “While we were sleeping: From dystopia to global awakening.” From Dystopia to Global Awakening, Global Studies Association of North America, Victoria, BC. (May 8, 2012). Dasgupta, S. “Illicit Traffic: Outlaw Commerce and State Governance in the 21st Century.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco. (November 15, 2012). Dasgupta, S. “’We love AIDS’: Pathogen, Risk and Sex Work Rights.” American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, American Anthropological Association, San Francisco. (November 15, 2012). Forbis, J. S. “Resisting oppression with Civil Society: A Cross National Evaluation of State Terror and NGO Density.” Hong Kong Sociological Association, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, Hong Kong. (December 1, 2012). Jipson, A. J. “Shall I Paint You a Protest: Marxist Analysis of Social Media.” American Sociological Association, American Sociological Association, Denver, Colorado. (August 17, 2012).

Jipson, A. J. “Images of Identity and Performance: Radio and the Impression Management of Radio DJs.” Midwest Sociological Society, Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (March 30, 2012). Jipson, A. J. “Media Mirror: Social Media in Criminal Justice.” Ohio Criminal Justice Research Conference, OCCJE, University of Cincinnati, Walsh University, Cleveland, Ohio. (March 24, 2012). Litka, S. “Maya Perceptions of Tourism in the Yucatan Peninsula: Local Attitudes and Cultural Values in a Developing Community.” American Anthropological Association, San Francisco. (November 15, 2012). Longazel, J. “Beware of Notarios: Advocacy, Lay Lawyering, and Governance.” 2012 Midwest Law and Society Retreat, Institute for Legal Studies, University of Wisconsin Law School, Madison, WI. (September 22, 2012). Longazel, J. “White Supremacy in the Face of Decline: Collective Memory and Anti-Immigrant Sentiment as Racial Testimony.” 2012 Annual Meeting, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, CO. (August 18, 2012). Longazel, J. “Race and Local Immigration Legislation: The Cases of Hazleton, Pennsylvania and Dayton, Ohio.” Race, Gender, Sexuality Symposium, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. (February 24, 2012). Longazel, J., Fleury-Steiner, B. “Governing Immigrants as Crime Victims: The Paradox of Notario Fraud.” 2012 Annual Meeting, Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, MN. (March 31, 2012). Majka, T. J., Majka, L. C. “Taking Research to the Community: Implications and Potentials of Collaborative Research for Institutional Change.” International Association for Research on Service Learning and Engaged Scholarship, Same, Baltimore, MD. (September 24, 2012). Majka, T. J., Majka, L. C. “Refugees


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP in a Mid-Sized Midwestern Urban Area: Circumstantial and Institutional Challenges to Incorporation.” American Sociological Association annual meetings, American Sociological Association, Denver,CO. (August 20, 2012). Miller, D. E. “The Simmelian Solution to Troubles with Romance.” Couch Stone Symposium, Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, Northwestern University, Evanston IL. (May 16, 2012). Thompson-Miller, R. “African Americans and Health Disparities.” An Exploration of Whiteness and Health, CUNY, Manhattan, NY. (November 2, 2012). Thompson-Miller, R. “The Hidden Nightmare: Everyday Sexual Assault of Black Women.” American Sociological Association Annual Conference, American Sociological Association, Denver, Colorado. (August 17, 2012). Thompson-Miller, R. “Journaling: My Friends are Racist: What Do I Do?.” Society for the Study of Social Problems Annual Conference, Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, Colorado. (August 16, 2012).

INVITED LECTURES / ADDRESSES Holcomb, J. “Food for Thought: Breastfeeding and Food Justice.” International Meeting of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine. (October 14, 2012). Jipson, A. J. “Author Meets Critics: Closure.” Midwest Sociological Society, Midwest Sociological Society, Minneapolis, Minnesota. (March 30, 2012). Leming, L. M. “Catholic Women and Religious Agency.” Feminist Theory Class. (October 22, 2012). Leming, L. M. “Exploring Religious Agency: Christian Women on Paths of Empowerment in India.” Le Moyne Gender and Women’s Studies Colloquium, LeMoyne College, Syracuse, NY. (February 17, 2012). Majka, T. J., Palaez, R. F., Alexander, B. “Welcome Dayton: Possible Model for Immigrant Integration.” Greater


Cincinnati Latino Coalition, Greater Cincinnati Latino Coalition, Cincinnati. (January 24, 2012). Majka, T. J., Redko, C. “Report on the Dayton Refugee Community Assessment.” Engaging Refugees, Building Community, Becoming Citizens: Refugees in a New Community - 3rd Miami Valley Forum on Immigration, Ethnic and Cultural Diversity Caucus of National Conference for Community and Justice of Greater Dayton, UD - River Campus. (November 16, 2012). Picca, L. H. “Diversity Training.” Columbus Police Academy, Columbus, OH. (November 6, 2012). Picca, L. H. “What is Diversity and How Does it Relate to the Marianists?.” Marianist Educational Associates Retreat. (May 7, 2012). Thompson-Miller, R. “The Psychological Consequences of Lynching.” Without Sanctuary Conference, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC. (October 11, 2012).

POSTER Cassiman, S. A. “Neoliberalism, Poverty and Austerity: What role for Social Work.” Social Work and Social Development, International Federation of Social Work, Stockholm, Sweden. (July 9, 2012).

WORKSHOPS Leming, L. M. “Marianist Ministers as Catalysts of Communities.”, St. Mary’s University Ministry, Dayton, OH. (May 19, 2012). Picca, L. H., Thompson-Miller, R. “Accountability and Active Strategies for Resisting Racism: Student Journal Writing.” White Privilege Conference, Albuquerque, NM. (March 30, 2012). Thompson-Miller, R. “Active Strategies for Resisting Racism: Student Journal Writing.” White Privilege Conference Annual Conference, White Privilege Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico. (March 28, 2012).

BOOK CHAPTERS Davis-Berman, J. L., Berman, D. S. (2012). Should Principles of Challengeby-Choice be Integral to all Adventure Program Experiences? In Martin, B., Wagstaff, M. (Ed.), Controversial Issues in Adventure Programming (pp. 17-23). Champaign, Ill: Human Kinetics. Picca, L. H., Thompson-Miller, R. (2013). “Backstage Racism: Implications for Teaching”. In Banks, J. A., McGee Banks, C. A. (Ed.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (8th edition ed., pp. 201-216). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers. Picca, L. H., Thompson-Miller, R. (2013). “Backstage Racism: Implications for Teaching”. In Banks, J. A., McGee Banks, C. A. (Ed.), Multicultural Education: Issues and Perspectives (8th edition ed., pp. 201216). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishers.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Carter, S. K., Picca, L. H., Murray, B. N. (2012). Racialization in Public and Private: Memories of First Racial Experiences. Race and Social Problems, 4(3/4), 133-43. Cassiman, S. A., Abney-Korn, K., Fleetham, D. (2013). While we were sleeping: From dystopia to global awakening. . Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Spring(12: 1-2), 80-97. Dasgupta, S. (2012). Rethinking Participation: Water, Development and Democracy in Neo-Liberal Bangalore. Journal of South Asian Studies. Davis-Berman, J. L., Berman, D. S. (2012). Reflections on a Trip: Two Decades Later. Journal of Experiential Education, 35(2), 326-340. Davis-Berman, J. L., Farkas, J. (2012). YogaHome:Teaching and research challenges in a yoga program with homeless adults. International Journal of Yoga Therapy, 22, 111-117. Latham, K., Holcomb, J. (2012). Racial Variations of Parity Status as a Predictor of Disability Onset Among Old-Old Women. Journal of Family Issues. jfi.

/0192513X12468436 Longazel, J. (2013). Subordinating Myth: Latino/a Immigration, Crime, and Exclusion. Sociology Compass, 7(2), 87-96. doi/10.1111/soc4.12018/pdf Longazel, J. (2013). Moral Panic as Racial Degradation Ceremony: Racial Stratification and the Local-Level Backlash against Latino/a Immigrants. Punishment & Society, 15(1), 96-119. Perdue, R., Sbicca, J., Holcomb, J. (2012). A Life Cycle Approach to Food Justice: The Case of Breastfeeding. Environmental Justice, 5(3), 168-172.

Picca, L. H. (2012). Race and the Social Context: Language, ‘Colorblindness,’ and Intergroup Contact. In Doyle, D. M., Furry, T. J., Bazzell, P. D. (Ed.), Ecclesiology and Exclusion: Boundaries of Being and Belonging in Postmodern Times (pp. 119-124). Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.

MAGAZINE/TRADE PUBLICATION Dasgupta, S. In Tarun Basu (Ed.), “Parabasher Chithi” (Letters from the Diaspora). Calcutta, India:.


Picca, L. H., Starks, B., Gunderson, J. (2013). “’It Opened My Eyes’: Using Student Journal Writing to Make Visible Race, Class, and Gender in Everyday Life.”. Teaching Sociology, 41(1), 8293.

Cassiman, S. A., Abney-Korn, K., Fleetham, D. ‘Occupying’ on Campus: Student and Faculty Experiences.” Student Activism and Engagement, SOCHE, Wright State University, Dayton, OH. (June 15, 2012).

Sansone, R., Forbis, J. S., Kelley, A. (2012). Abuse in Childhood and Spiritual Status in Adulthood Among Internal Medicine Outpatients. Journal of Religion and Health.

Holcomb, J. “Childlessness and Disability Onset among Late Midlife and Older Women.” annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Denver, CO. (August 17, 2012).

Sansone, R., Kelley, A. R., Forbis, J. S. (2012). Bullying in Childhood and Religious/Spiritual Status in Adulthood Among Internal Medicine Outpatients. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 0(0), 1-6.

Jipson, A. J. “Academic Leadership and Social Media.” Ohio Educational Leadership, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (September 15, 2012).

Sansone, R., Kelley, A., Forbis, J. S. (2012). Perceptions of Parental Caretaking in Childhood and Religiosity/Spirituality Status in Adulthood. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease.

PAPERS PUBLISHED IN CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Berman, D. S., Davis-Berman, J. L. (2012). Finding a place for adventure therapy and therapeutic adventure on the continuum of care (pp. 66-76). European Science and Art Publishing: 5th International Adventure Therapy Conference Proceedings. Pascual, D., Hannah, P.-G., Holcomb, J. (2012). Overlapping Identities: The Case of Japanese Immigrants in Cali, Colombia (vol. 3). Houston, TX: Rice Working Papers in Linguistics.

Jipson, A. J. “Crime and Criminal Justice in Ohio.” Ohio Consortium of Crime Sciences, University of Cincinnati, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (April 11, 2012). Longazel, J. (2012). Local Immigration Politics in the Rust Belt. Las Cruces, NM:. Picca, L. H. (2012). Two-Faced Racism. In Banks, J., Banks, C. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education (vol. 4, pp. 2198-2201). New York, NY: Sage Publications. Picca, L. H. “Student Journaling: Bridging the Space between Academia and the Everyday World.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, CO. (August 18, 2012). Reeb, R. N., Bringle, R., Coder, K., Majka, T. J., Majka, L. C., Cassiman, S. A., Stayton, L., Steel, A., Snow, N.,

Mason, S., Bidwell, S., Kasper, K., Bartel, A., DeLuca, H., Anderson, A. “The Psycho-Ecological Systems Model as a Guide for Engaged Scholarship and.” annual meeting, International Association for Research on ServiceLearning and Community Engagement, Baltimore, MD. (September 24, 2012).

Visual Arts CURATORIAL WORKS Jones, J. C. . “Within . Marc Cheetham.”, No Future Projects, http://www. (October 1, 2012 - October 31, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Return : Works by University of Dayton Alumni Amy Sacksteder and Ryan Feeney.”, The University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. (August 30, 2012 - September 30, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Reconcile . Amy Sacksteder.”, No Future Projects, http:// (August 1, 2012 - August 30, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Desire is the Desire for Presence . Phillip Buntin.”, No Future Projects, http://www.nofutureprojects. com/. (July 1, 2012 - July 30, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Switch and Bait . Brian Cypher and Ian White Williams.”, No Future Projects, http://www. (June 1, 2012 June 30, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “I Suppose . Joe Edwards.”, No Future Projects, http://www. (May 1, 2012 May 31, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Subspace . J.T. Kirkland.”, No Future Projects, http://www. (April 1, 2012 April 30, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Reclaimed Verse . Nick Satinover.”, No Future Projects, http:// (March 5, 2012 - March 30, 2012). Kwon, S. H. (Conductor). “Eun-Kyoung


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Suh.”, Gallery 249, Dayton, OH. (February 20, 2012 - March 16, 2012).

DESIGN WORKS/PROJECTS Jones, J. C. . “Silo.”, Olive and Ollie/ Heather Jones Studio. (December 16, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Embroidered Corduroy Scarf.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (November 2, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Split Rail Block.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (October 3, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Scrappy Improv Wall Hanging.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (September 26, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Ohio Supernova.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (August 10, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Anni.”, Olive and Ollie/ Heather Jones Studio. (July 2012). Jones, J. C. . “You + Me.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (July 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Willow Improv Log Cabin Quilt.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (July 18, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Coin Toss.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (July 12, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Pinwheel Spinning Around.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (June 10, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Squared Stripes.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (June 10, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Summer Picnic Blanket Tutorial.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (June 7, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Custom Kitchen Hand Towels.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (May 10, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Easy Custom Curtains and Valance.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (May 9, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Aqua and Orange Chevron Tufted Pincushion.”, Olive and Ollie/ Heather Jones Studio. (April 13, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Home Sweet Home Quilt Along: little house block tutorial.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio.


(March 15, 2012). Jones, J. C. . “Logo placement / Simplicity Creative Group.”, Olive and Ollie/Heather Jones Studio. (March 1, 2012). Whitaker, J. M. ”Good Mourning/ Working Titles: The Club; The Meals.”. (2011 - 2012).


Gallery, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH. (November 30, 2012 February 15, 2013). Jennings, G. (Exhibitor). “The Very Large Array.”, Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA. (November 2012 - March 2014). Jennings, G. (Exhibitor). “Meme: Culture in Transmission.”, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, OH, USA. (November 2012 - February 2013).

Almazan, E. H. (Exhibitor). “Firmly Rooted.”, MS Rezny Studio and Gallery, Lexington, KY. (November 16, 2012 - December 21, 2012).

Jennings, G. (Exhibitor). “Finding Family.”, ICON Projects, Los Angeles, CA, USA. (October 2012 - January 2013).

Almazan, E. H. (Exhibitor). “Fourth Annual Figurative Drawing and Painting Competition.”, Lore Degenstein Gallery, Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA. (October 27, 2012 - December 7, 2012).

Jennings, G. (One-Person Show). “At Table.”, Blue Sky Project, Dayton, OH, USA. (June 2012 - July 2012).

Almazan, E. H. (Exhibitor). “Carrie Longley and Erin Holscher Almazan.”, St. Francis University, Fort Wayne, IN. (January 21, 2012 - February 26, 2012). Almazan, E. H. (Exhibitor). “Character Studies: Juried Member’s Exhibition, DVAC.”, Dayton Visual Arts Center, Dayton,OH. (January 17, 2012 February 23, 2012). Almazan, E. H. (Exhibitor). “Southern Graphics Council Traveling Exhibition.”, Southern Graphics Council, Multiple locations. (March 2009 - January 2012). Almazan, E. H. . “Prints USA 2011.”, Springfield Art Museum, Springfield, MO. (November 19, 2011 - January 8, 2012). Almazan, E. H. . “MAPC Annual Juried Member’s Show.”, Benedictine University, Lisle, IL. (October 15, 2011 - January 6, 2012). Almazan, E. H. (Exhibitor), Schanberger, F. (Exhibitor). “In Vivo: Erin Holscher Almazan, Francis Schanberger and Diane Stemper.”, Dayton VIsual Arts Center, Dayton, OH. (September 14, 2012 - October 20, 2012). Huacuja, J. L. (Exhibitor). “MEME: Culture in Transmission.”, Herndon

Jones, J. C. (Group Show). “Tilting At Windmills.”, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin. (December 7, 2012 - January 22, 2013). Jones, J. C. (Group Show). “Domino02 : AQUA.”, Xaiver University, Cincinnati, OH. (November 28, 2012). Jones, J. C. (Group Show). “Summer Invitational.”, Kathryn Markel Fine Arts, New York, NY. (June 21, 2012 - August 10, 2012). Jones, J. C. (Group Show). “Distillations.”, Tejas Gallery Space, Dayton, OH. (May 4, 2012 - May 25, 2012). Jones, J. C. (Group Show). “Selection of works on paper from Gallery Artists . Back Room.”, Phyllis Weston Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. (April 6, 2012 - May 5, 2012). Jones, J. C. (Group Show). “Four by Six equals Twenty Four.”, Space Camp Gallery, Indianapolis, IN. (April 6, 2012 - April 2012). Jones, J. C. (Group Show). “Mic : Check.”, Side Show Gallery, Brooklyn, NY. (January 7, 2012 - February 26, 2012). Jones, J. C. (One-Person Show). “Late Night, Maudlin Street : New Work by Jeffrey Cortland Jones.”, Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH. (January 23, 2012 - February 17, 2012).

Marcinowski, M. G. . “Link Gallery.”, Dayton, OH. (September 2009 Present). Marcinowski, M. G. (Two-Person Show). “Art at the Mill.”, Bear’s Mill, Greenville, OH. (September 28, 2012 October 21, 2012). Niles, F. . “Photographs.”, US Headquarters, Walter De Guruter Publishing, Boston, MA. (October 15, 2011 - Present). Niles, F. (Exhibitor). “Photography.”, Bears Mill, Arcanum, OH. (September 28, 2012 - October 26, 2012). Phelps, K. E. (Group Show). “Wright Dunbar Urban Nights Art Exhibition and RTA Peoples Choice Award.”, Wright Dunbar Urban Nights and RTA, Wright Dunbar Community Art Gallery, Dayton, OH. (May 10, 2012 - May 15, 2012). Phelps, K. E. (Group Show). Beyond Emancipation.”, Kennedy Heights Art Center, Cincinnati, OH. (January 14, 2012 - February 25, 2012). Phelps, K. E. (Group Show). “Common Ground: Affrilachia! Where I’m From.”, August Wilson Center for African American Culture, Pittsburgh, PA. (March 17, 2011 - November 18, 2012). Phelps, K. E. (Group Show). “30th Anniversary Gala Benefit Exhibition.”, Baltimore Clayworks, Baltimore, MD. (August 14, 2012 - September 25, 2012). Phelps, K. E. (Two-Person Show).”The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts presents The Nineteenth San Angelo National Ceramic Competition.”, The San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, San Angelo, TX. (April 20, 2012 - June 24, 2012). Phelps, K. E. (Group Show).”Summer Faculty Exhibition.”, Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC. (June 10, 2012 June 22, 2012). Phelps, K. E. (Group Show). “SOS For A Better World.”, Cincinnati Art Academy, Cincinnati, OH, Cincinnati Art Academy, Cincinnati, OH. (June 1, 2012 - June 10, 2012).

Phelps, K. E. (Group Show). “Trading Spaces: Exchanged Collections of African and African American Art.”, The Art Museum of Greater Lafayette - Mickey Shook Gallery, Lafayette IN. (January 20, 2012 - March 18, 2012).

Huacuja, J. L. . “Meme Exhibit Will Have Vistors Talking.” Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati, OH. (December 6, 2012).

Whitaker, J. (Exhibitor). “Contained.”, Gateway Arts Festival, Cincinnati, OH, US. (October 2012 - November 2012).

Jones, J. C. “Visiting Artist. Art Academy of Cincinnati.”, Art Academy of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio. (October 23, 2012).

Whitaker, J. (Exhibitor). “Images of the Great Depression: A Documentary Project of Ohio 1935-2010.”, Fotofocus and University of Cincinnati Sycamore Gallery, Cincinnati, OH, US. (October 2012 - November 2012). Whitaker, J. (Performer). “Midwest Society of Photographic Education Juried Exhibition.”, Midwest SPE, Cincinnati, OH, US. (October 2012 November 2012). Whitaker, J. (Exhibitor). “Dayton Visual Arts Center Annual Members Exhibition.”, Dayton Visual Arts Center, Dayton, OH, US. (June 2012 - July 2012). Whitaker, J. (Exhibitor). “Images of the Great Depression in Ohio.”, Wood County History Museum, Bowling Green, OH, US. (June 2012 - July 2012). Whitaker, J. (Exhibitor). “Four Decades: Photography from the University of Montevallo.”, Birmingham Public Library, Birmingham, AL, US. (April 2012 - May 2012). Whitaker, J. (Exhibitor). “Images of the Great Depression in Ohio.”, TroyHayner Cultural Center, Troy, OH. (March 2012 - April 2012). Whitaker, J. (Exhibitor). “Images of the Great Depression in Ohio.”, Zanesville Museum of Art, Zanesville, OH. (December 2011 - January 2012).

REVIEWS OF FACULTY MEMBER’S WORK Huacuja, J. L. . “Art Everywhere: The Cultural Transmission of Cultural DNA.”, Dayton City Paper, Dayton, OH. (December 30, 2012).


Kwon, S. H. “Untold stories of Bojagi and its practical use today.”, Nanjing University of the Arts, Nanjing, China. (June 6, 2012). Parks, N. E. “Art Education and Serious Games.” OH Educational Technology Conference, eTech Ohio, Columbus, OH. (February 13, 2012). Phelps, K. E. “The Blue Collar Portraying the Lives of America’s Working Class Through Art.”, Ohio Wesleyan University Fine Arts Department, Delaware, OH. (November 8, 2012). Phelps, K. E. “Figure Narrative: Clay as Process.”, Penland School of Craft, Penland, NC. (June 15, 2012). Phelps, K. E. “San Angelo State University Annual Ceramic Symposium.”, San Angelo State University, San Angelo State University, San Angelo, TX. (April 20, 2012). Phelps, K. E. “Labor, Trade and Crafts with an emphasis on Clay, Compassion and Community.”, Baltimore Clayworks/Fezter Institute, Baltimore, MD. (January 25, 2012). Whitaker, J. “Joel Whitaker, Survey of Personal Photographic Research.”, Wright State University photography program, Fairborn, OH. (February 1, 2012).

PAPERS Crum, R. J. “Art and Freedom in Quattocento Florence: all’antica Sculpture and the Project of Renaissance Realpolitik.” 7th Quadrennial Provo/Athens Italian Renaissance Sculpture Conference, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. (November 10, 2012). Crum, R. J. “Art @ Freedom in


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP Quattrocento Florence, or Contesting Just Why the Florentines had Art in their Contested Public Spaces.” Renaissance Society of America, Renaissance Society of America, Washington, DC. (April 10, 2012). Jennings, G. “Deconstructing Instagram in the Classroom.” Society of Photographic Education Regional Conference, SPE, Cincinnati, Ohio. (October 6, 2012). Parks, N. E. “Faculty Global and Intercultural Study - Travel in China.” NAEA, NAEA, New York. (March 1, 2012). Tsen, H. “Japanese Heroes on American Screens: American films of the RussoJapanese War.” American Comparative Literature Association annual conference, American Comparative Literature Association, Providence, Rhodes Island. (March 29, 2012).

WORKSHOPS Kwon, S. H. “Bojagi, the eco-friendly packaging alternative.”, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing, China. (June 7, 2012). Kwon, S. H. “Natural Indigo dyeing & Bojagi workshop.”, Dayton Art Institute, Dayton Art Institute. (April 14, 2012).

ARTISTIC PERFORMANCES/ EXHIBITION REVIEWS Jones, J. C. (2012). “Summer Invitational” Exhibition. New York, NY: New York Art Beat. Jones, J. C. (2012). MIC: CHECK (The: human mic) (OCCUPY) @ Sideshow Gallery. Brooklyn, NY: Structure And Imagery. Phelps, K. E. (2012). In Jennifer Rios (Ed.), CERAMIC COMPETITION: Where identical meets unique Brothers in art join forces to work on ceramic pieces (pp. Front Page A6). San Angelo, TX: San Angelo Standard Times. Phelps, K. E. (2012). In Nadine Wasserman (Ed.), An exhibit at the August Wilson Center showcases artwork from Affrilachia (pp. Front cover


and Page 37). Pittsburg City Paper, Pittsburg, PA: Pittsburg City Paper. Phelps, K. E. (2012). In Sara Dorn (Ed.), The Patriot. Dayton, OH: UD Quickly University of Dayton News & Views.

BOOK Phelps, K. E. (2012). Drawings on Peace and Justice by Greater Cincinnati Artist, Illustration by Kelly & Kyle Phelps. In Saad Ghosn (Ed.), Drawings on Peace and Justice by Greater Cincinnati Artist, Illustration by Kelly & Kyle Phelps (pp. Pages 3, 23, 24). Cincinnati, OH:.

BOOK CHAPTERS Crum, R. J. (2012). The Florence of Cosimo “il Vecchio” de’ Medici: Within and Beyond the Walls. In Francis AmesLewis (Ed.), Artistic Centers of the Italian Renaissance: Florence (pp. 167207). New York, New York: Cambridge University Press. Crum, R. J. (2012). Stepping Out of Brunelleschi’s Shadow: The Consecration of Santa Maria del Fiore as International Statecraft in Medicean Florence. In Delbeke, M. (Ed.), Foundation, Dedication and Consecration in Early Modern Europe (pp. 59-78). Leiden and Boston: Brill. Crum, R. J. (2012). The Florence of Cosimo “il Vecchio” de’ Medici: Within and Beyond the Walls. In Francis Ames-Lewis (Ed.), Florence (pp. 167207). Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press.


Front Cover, Pages 36, 37, 38, 39). Hartford, CT: SlAMM Publishing. www. Phelps, K. E. (2012). In Jane Durrell (Ed.), Beyond Emancipation at Kennedy Heights Arts Center. Cincinnati, Ohio: AEQAI Magazine. Whitaker, J. (2012). In James Crump (Ed.), Fotofocus (pp. 59). Cincinnati, Ohio: Fotofocus.

OTHER Almazan, E. H. . “East/West Portfolio Exchange.”, Nicholls State University, Thibodaux, LA. (September 1, 2011 Present). Jennings, G. (Exhibitor). “Dayton International Film Festival.” film short: Missing, Film Dayton, Dayton, OH. (September 2012). Jennings, G. (Exhibitor). “You Are Here! Photo Booth.” Dayton Ohio You Are Here! / Tech Arts, Urban Nights, Dayton, OH, USA. (September 2012). Jones, J. C. (2012). Upcoming and Ongoing: Jeffrey Cortland Jones, Dan Roach, And David T Miller. New York, NY: Structure and Imagery. Jones, J. C. (2012). Kathryn Markel Fine Arts Picture of The Week : Jeffrey Cortland Jones. New York, NY: Kathryn Markel Fine Arts. Jones, J. C. (2012). Domino 02: Aqua. OH:. Jones, J. C. (2012). Kathryn Markel Fine Arts Picture of The Week : Jeffrey Cortland Jones. New York, NY: Kathryn Markel Fine Arts.

Huacuja, J. L. (2012). Borderlands: Critical Subjectivity in Recent Chicana Art. Documents of 20th Century Latin American and Latino Art, Digital Archives and Publication Project of the Museum of Fine Arts.

Jones, J. C. . “Gallery Representation.”, Laura Moore Fine Art, McKinney, TX. (November 16, 2012).


Phelps, K. E. (Two-Person Show). “Labor, Trade and Crafts with an emphasis on Clay, Compassion and Community.”, Baltimore Clayworks and the Fezter institute, Baltimore, MD. (January 25, 2012 - January 28, 2012).

Phelps, K. E. (2012). Artist & Activist. In Saad Ghosn (Ed.), S.L.A.M.M. Support Local Artists Movement Magazine (Quarterly Edition: September, October, November, December Edition ed., pp.

Jones, J. C. . “Gallery Representation.”, Phyllis Weston Gallery, Cincinnati, OH. (March 23, 2012).

Phelps, K. E. (2012). Common Ground: Affrilachia! Where I’m From Exhibits Catalog. Common Ground: Affrilachia! Where I’m From Exhibits Catalog (pp. Pages 57, 58). Pittsburgh, PA: August Wilson Center for African American Culture. Phelps, K. E. (2012). Penland School of Crafts - The 27th Annual Benefit Auction Catalog (pp. Page 85). Penland, NC: Penland School of Crafts.

Phelps, K. E. (2012). In Clark (Ed.), San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts Presents The Nineteenth National Ceramics Competition (pp. Pages 12, 13, 32). San Angelo, TX. Phelps, K. E. (2012). In Mary Thomas (Ed.), August Wilson Center exhibit explores African-American identity in the Appalachian Region. Pittsburgh, PA: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

(Ed.), Emancipation traces black history through nine artists. Cincinnati, OH: Citybeat. Wilbers, T. A. “Glass Madona & Child.”, University of Dayton Department of Visual Arts, Dayton, OH.

Phelps, K. E. (2012). In Kathy Swarts


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP

Retirees Distinguished Service Professor and Professor Emeritus: F. Thomas Eggemeier, Ph.D. Dr. F. Thomas Eggemeier joined the University of Dayton as an associate professor in 1986 in a joint appointment to the Research Institute and the department of psychology. In 1987, he came full-time to the department; he was promoted to the rank of professor in 1992. Tom has served as the chairperson of the department of psychology (1993-2001), associate dean in the College of Arts and Sciences (2001-2005) and dean of the Graduate School (2005-2010). In each capacity, Eggemeier has been recognized as an exceptionally generous and gracious individual who demonstrates the Marianist character of the University. Eggemeier’s contributions to the field of human factors have been numerous. He has published in excess of 60 papers, chapters and technical reports. He has served as secretary/treasurer and president of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society; president of the division of applied experimental and engineering psychology of the American Psychological Association; associate editor of Human Factors; and as a reviewer or editorial board member for a number of journals related to applied psychology and human factors. In recognition of his many contributions to the field, Eggemeier was made a fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and of the American Psychological Association. In 2008, Eggemeier received the Distinguished Service Award from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society for career-long contributions that brought honor to the discipline and the society. As a member of the University of Dayton community, Eggemeier has served as an outstanding teacher and mentor. His investment in students and colleagues, gentle wisdom and servant leadership were recognized by the University in 2008 when he was awarded the Lackner Award for noteworthy contribution to the Catholic and Marianist character of the University. Professor Emeritus: Robert G. Keil, Ph.D. Robert G. “Jerry” Keil grew up in Philadelphia and came to the University of Dayton in 1969 as an assistant professor of chemistry. He was promoted to associate professor in 1975 and to professor in 1983. Since his arrival, Keil has taught broadly across the chemistry curriculum, covering courses in general and analytical chemistry and a variety of graduate courses including those in his specialty of physical chemistry. He has embraced his role as a mentor to his students and is committed to their development. Keil’s research efforts have resulted in 25 publications in refereed journals, as well as numerous oral and poster presentations, many in collaboration with researchers at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and with undergraduate and graduate students whose research he mentored and supported. In addition to his teaching and research, Keil served as department chair from 1988 to 1991 and as associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 1991 to 1997. He has served on the University graduate committee, academic senate, the College of Arts and Sciences’ promotions committee and a variety of departmental committees. His colleagues are gratified that he will continue on as a professor emeritus, as this will allow them to benefit from the wisdom and generosity he has exhibited over his long and distinguished career.


Retirees Professor Emeritus: Fred Niles, M.F.A. For the past 27 years, Fred Niles served the University of Dayton as an outstanding faculty leader who was instrumental in strengthening the graphic design program. Niles distinguished himself through his eight years of service as chair of the department of visual arts. Since 1985, he attracted excellent and diverse faculty to the department and mentored numerous students who have subsequently gone on to successful careers in the arts and design fields. Niles’ distinctive and influential design research demonstrated to students a deep understanding of thoughtful aesthetics. Niles was instrumental in articulating the strategic vision that guided the department of visual arts for the past 10 years. In 2006, through his leadership, the department secured accreditation by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design. His service as chair of the University tenure and promotions committee, as well as his tenure on the College of Arts and Sciences tenure and promotions committee, are testament to the high level of confidence faculty members entrusted to him. Niles consistently strove to enrich understanding of the visual arts not only within the University of Dayton, but also throughout the broad regional community. He served as board member representing the University of Dayton for the Dayton Visual Arts Center, city of Dayton arts commission, the Dayton Art Institute’s Education and Exhibitions Committee and the Cincinnati chapter of AIGA, The Professional Association for Design. Professor Emeritus: Linda J. Snyder, D.M.A. Dr. Linda Snyder came to the University of Dayton as chair of the department of music in 1989 and served in that position until 1995. Snyder was promoted to full professor in 1997, served as associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences from 2001 to 2004 and was acting director of women’s and gender studies during the fall semester of 2006. During her UD career, she taught studio voice, vocal pedagogy and diction, and opera and musical theater, and she coordinated voice performance studies. Snyder was honored in 1999 with the College of Arts and Sciences Award for Outstanding Service. She became a Leadership UD Fellow in the program’s inaugural year in 2000 and developed the arts management minor as a College Humanities Fellow from 2007 to 2009. She was a member of the Arts Leadership Group in 2008, served as humanities representative to the academic senate from 2007 to 2010 and founded UD’s summer Vocal Performance Institute for high school singers in 2006. Her distinguished vocal performance career has included recitals, concert tours and recordings with music faculty colleagues as the Cantecor Trio. Snyder will be remembered for her many contributions to the department of music and the College of Arts and Sciences during her 24 years at the University and for her love of the musical art that served to motivate her personal and professional life.


College of Arts and Sciences | 2012 SCHOLARSHIP

Retirees Professor Emeritus: Rex L. Berney, Ph.D. Dr. Rex Berney began his faculty appointment in the department of physics in 1978, shortly after completing his doctorate at the University of Missouri. From his earliest years at UD, Berney was noted for his friendly, easygoing demeanor, his tireless dedication to students and faculty colleagues, and his extraordinary skills as an educator. Berney honed his skills by teaching in every level of the physics curriculum and by becoming expert in experimental design. His work has shaped the laboratory experience of thousands of UD physics students. Berney’s expertise, coupled with his deep interest in global education, led him to serve as a Fulbright scholar in Liberia and later a visiting professor in Malaysia and New Guinea. For his excellence as a teacher, Berney received the College’s 1995 Outstanding Teaching Award and the University’s 2007 Alumni Award in Teaching. Berney also distinguished himself as an influential university citizen, making important contributions to the development of the integrated natural science sequence, advising premed students and teaching in the NSF Chautauqua program. He concludes his UD career with six years of excellent service as chairperson of the department of physics. Students, faculty and staff members alike celebrate Berney’s many outstanding contributions to physics education and the UD community. Retiree: Peter Gooch, M.F.A. Associate Professor Peter Gooch served the department of visual arts as a primary instructor for painting within the fine arts degree program for 26 years. Since 1986, he built a strong reputation as a formalist, bringing knowledge of color theory and design principles to students. He brought interdisciplinary knowledge into the classrooms as a means of conceptual and thematic inspiration to students. Drawing on his background in literature and the fine arts and his experiences of travel and studio work, Gooch’s teaching and research reflected a global perspective. Professor Gooch built a strong exhibition record and distinguished himself as a disciplined and talented artist whose creative research was a strength within the department. Gooch’s work has been represented at a number of excellent galleries across the country (notably Robert Kidd Gallery, B. Deemer Gallery, Locus, River Gallery and Link Gallery). Through Gooch’s paintings reflective of northern coastlines, Mediterranean islands and African churches, students came to understand the impact of one’s environment. Gooch served the department and university through important committee work, and he also served on the board of directors of the Ann Arbor Art Association and the Michigan Water Color Society.


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