Fall 2013 Undergraduate Course Schedule

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3 1 0 2 L FAL E T A U D A R G R E UND LE U D E H C S S S CLA


e l u d e h c S n Examinatio h 2013)

arc (published M

Fall Term 2013–2014    August 21–December 13

Final day to register:    August 20, 2013

Class Planner and Registration Worksheet included in the back of this book. Web Registration Keep this schedule the entire term

Index Accounting.................................................................10 Air Force Studies.........................................................10 American Studies........................................................11 Arts Administration......................................................11 Biology........................................................................11   Integrated Natural Science Sequence    Courses — Biology...............................................12 Chemical Engineering..................................................12 Chemistry...................................................................13   Integrated Natural Science Sequence    Courses — Chemistry...........................................15 Civil and Environmental Engineering............................15 Co-operative Education ..............................................16   School of Engineering..............................................16   School of Business and Arts & Sciences....................16 Communication...........................................................16 Computer Science.......................................................19 Core Program..............................................................19 Criminal Justice Studies...............................................19   Social Sciences Interdisciplinary...............................20   Interdisciplinary Courses in Criminal Justice..............20 Decision Sciences........................................................20 Distance Learning.......................................................21 Economics..................................................................21 Electrical and Computer Engineering ...........................22 Electronic Computer Engineering.................................22 Engineering.................................................................23 Engineering Mechanics................................................24 Engineering Technology...............................................24 English........................................................................25 Family Development....................................................28 Film Studies................................................................28 Finance.......................................................................28 General Education Courses and Clusters................ 29–30 Geology......................................................................31   Integrated Natural Science Sequence   Courses—Geology................................................31 Global Languages and Culture....................................31  Arabic.....................................................................31  Chinese...................................................................31  French.....................................................................31  German...................................................................32  Italian......................................................................32  Languages..............................................................32  Latin........................................................................32  Russian...................................................................32  Spanish...................................................................32 Global Manufacturing Systems Engineering..................33 Health and Sport Science............................................33 History........................................................................35 Human Rights.............................................................36 Industrial and Systems Engineering..............................37 Industrial Engineering Technology................................38 Interdisciplinary Courses........................................ 38–40   College of Arts and Sciences....................................38  Sciences..................................................................39   Social Sciences........................................................40   School of Business...................................................40 International Business..................................................40 International Studies....................................................41 Management..............................................................43 Management Information Systems...............................44 Marketing...................................................................45 Mathematics...............................................................46 Mechanical Engineering..............................................47 Mechanical Engineering Technology............................49 Military Science...........................................................49 Mini Courses...............................................................49 Music..........................................................................50 Office of Learning Resources.......................................54 Operations Management.............................................54 Philosophy..................................................................54 Physics........................................................................56   Integrated Natural Science Sequence   Courses—Physics.................................................57 Political Science..........................................................58   Social Sciences Interdisciplinary...............................58 Pre-Law......................................................................59 Pre-Medical Program...................................................59 Psychology..................................................................59   Social Sciences Interdisciplinary...............................61 Religious Studies.........................................................61 Sociology....................................................................63  Anthropology...........................................................63   Social Work.............................................................64    Social Sciences Interdisciplinary............................64 Sustainability, Energy and Environment........................64 Teacher Education.......................................................64 Theatre.......................................................................67 University Honors Program..........................................68 Visual Arts...................................................................72 Women and Gender Studies........................................75


FALL 2013–2014 registration inforMATION CURRENT REGISTRATION DATES   The Web registration system is operational 8:00 a.m. to midnight each day.   Office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.   To locate your registration day: Add the credits you have in the current term to the hours you have already accumulated. (Only transfer hours applied to your academic program are included in the calculation of your total hours.) Check your total hours plus the partial spelling of your last name below to find your registration date.



8 a.m.

9 a.m. 10 a.m. 11 a.m.


1 p.m.

2 p.m.

3 p.m.

4 p.m.








Apr 3





Apr 4

Pot...Ren Reo...Rox Roy...Schl Schm...Sh




Apr 5






Apr 8






U...Warm Warn...Wim

Co...Das Dat...Dor


Gol...Hal Ham...Hel Hem...Hol Hom...Jam Jan...Ka




Apr 9

W Apr 10



U...Warm Warn...Wim





Apr 11 Hem...Hol Hom...Jam Jan...Ka


Apr 12

























Pot...Ren Reo...Rox

Roy...Schl Schm...Sh



Hem...Hol Hom...Jam Jan...Ka


Apr 16





Apr 18





Apr 19









U...Warm Warn...Wim Dat...Dor



Reo...Rox Roy...Schl Schm...Sh









FALL 2013–2014 REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS undergraduate STUDENTS   Login to Porches at http://porches. udayton.edu with your LDAP/Novell username and password, go to the Academics tab and select Search and Register for Classes in the Registration Tools channel. 1. Determine the courses you want your advisor to approve. 2. Meet with your advisor to discuss your course selections. Your advisor will give you an Advisor Approval Code which you will need to complete your registration. 3. Once your courses have been approved by your advisor, return to the Search and Register for Classes link indicated in step 1 to register on your assigned date and time. Note: Registration Status will display your registration date and show any outstanding holds. Unresolved holds will prohibit you from registering. 4. There are two registration methods: a. Add all courses to a worksheet (similar to a shopping cart): Locate your preferred course/ section and click the box next to the preferred CRN (course registration number) to add it to your worksheet. Once

you’ve selected all of the courses you want to take, submit your schedule. You will be prompted to enter your Advisor Approval Code once you submit your schedule. This method allows you to build an entire schedule at once; only after submission do you see potential registration errors and closed classes. b. Search and register for courses one at a time: Click the Register button each time you select a course. You will be prompted to enter your Advisor Approval Code the first time you register for a class or if you exit and re-authenticate to Porches. This method of registering ensures that you will have a seat in the class if no other errors or section closings prevent you from regis tering. This method is recom mended when you are aware that space in a particular course is limited or close to being full.   Students may change their classes online prior to the first day of the term by selecting the Add or Drop Classes link under the Registration Tools channel.   More details about registering online are available on the Academics tab at http://porches.udayton.edu.

You may use web registration:

• If you have attended UD in the past year and are in good standing   • To process drop/adds   • To review or print your class schedule (times, building, room)

You may not use web registration:

• If you are a first time non-degree student — go to http://adulteducation.udayton.edu   • If you have a registration hold   • For change of grading option   • To register or add/drop for audit

Walk-in Registration

If registering in person, you may use the Registration Worksheet found in this class schedule.   The same registration dates and advisor approval apply. You may register later than your assigned date, but not earlier. Beginning the first day of the term your registration is considered late and will be assessed a late fee. Registration Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have demographic changes such as address, phone number, etc., please go to registrar.udayton.edu to make the changes.

Students are responsible for monitoring their own progress in completing requirements for graduation. Drop/adds which are made without discussion with your advisor, which may result in non-fulfillment of requirements, will not be corrected by substitutions and waivers.


GENERAL INFORMATION Mail Registration for Current Students   You may use the Registration Worksheet located in this class schedule (the only exception is the 1st time non-degree student. An Adult Education form must be requested.) Mail the form to the Registration Office, Albert Emanuel Hall 240, 300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-1340. You need your advisor to sign the registration form before you bring it to the registration office on your assigned day.

Important Things to Remember   Over 18 Hours needs the Dean’s signature on a drop/add form.   Permission Classes: Such courses are identified by a P in the section number (Ex. ENG450P1) or by Perm in the Remarks column and require permission of the Chairperson before the beginning of the term.   Closed Classes require the Chairperson’s signature on a drop/add form if approved.   Change of Grading Option requires the advisor’s signature on an add/drop form.   Building Codes are listed as the location of a class are defined on the enclosed map.   Graduating? If you are planning to graduate in May 2014, you must declare your candidacy for graduation by filling out the #7 graduation form located in the center of this schedule or apply online at http://porches. udayton.edu by Nov. 1, 2013.   Undergraduate Students Taking Graduate Classes numbered 500 level and above may not be taken by undergraduate students without prior permission from their advisor.


School of Business students must register under grading option 1 for courses in any department in the School of Business. The Communication requirement of 3 hours must also be registered under option 1 as well as PHL313.  Pre-requisites: If you don’t meet the pre-requisites for a course, you must get your dean’s approval on a drop/ add form.

Dates to Remember for Drop/Adds 1. Aug. 27 — Last day for Adds, Course changes, Section changes, late registra- tions. 2. Sep. 11 — Last day to drop without record. 3. Sep. 12–Nov. 4 — To drop during the drop with W period (W will be entered beside the class on your transcript and permanent academic record). 4. After the final day, Nov. 4 — If any student wishes to drop after this date, it is an EXCEPTION and requires the approval of the Dean’s office who would then consult with the instructor.

COMMUNICATION MODULE DROP DATES (CMM110, CMM111, CMM112 and CMM113) First Session (Aug. 21–Sep. 25):   Drop: Sep. 6, 2013 Second Session (Sep. 26–Oct. 31):   Drop: Oct. 14, 2013 Third Session (Nov. 1–Dec. 5):   Drop: Nov. 15, 2013

Signatures 1. Section Change until Aug. 27 — No signature required unless the course being added is closed, which needs the Department Chairper- son’s signature. After this date, the advisor and instructor must approve. 2. Course Change up to Aug. 27 — No signature. If course being added is closed the department Chairper son’s signature is needed. 3. Add or change sections after Aug. 27 — ADVISOR AND INSTRUCTOR. 4. Change of Grading Options up to Aug. 27 — Advisor’s signa ture only. After that date the Dean’s signature is required. 5. Drop without record up to Sep. 11 — Advisor’s signature ONLY. 6. Drop during the Drop with W period — Sep. 12–Nov. 4 — Instructor’s and Advisor’s Signatures. 7. Drop after the final day Nov. 4 — DEAN’S signature

When Do You Need an Assistant Dean’s Signature? 1. To Drop after Nov. 4. 2. To ADD anything after Nov. 4. 3. To change grading options after Aug. 27.

GENERAL INFORMATION, continued Check the Bursar’s Web site for information: www.udayton.edu/~bursar Cancellation and Refund Policy 1. New student tuition deposit is non-refundable after payment. 2.

There is no charge for tuition, room and board if the student withdraws prior to the first day of a semester, however, new student deposit is forfeited.


Beginning with the first day of a semester, credit adjustments to the accounts of withdrawing students will be as follows:

Tuition (Fall and Spring Terms) 80% during the first week of the semester 60% during the second week of the semester 40% during the third week of the semester 25% during the fourth week of the semester No Refund after the fourth week of the semester Refunds will be made if payments exceed the withheld charges. In most cases, financial aid will be reduced if charges are reduced.   Special rules apply that affect tuition and housing charges if withdrawal is made for medical reasons.

HOUSING (contact Housing for more information)   On or before the first day of classes in the Fall/Spring terms, a $250 cancellation charge will be assessed. Thereafter, the tuition cancellation policy above applies. For more details, go to housing.udayton.edu.

Food Service


Remaining days of meal plan as of date of withdrawal.

Throughout each term, a variety of mini-courses are approved and made known through academic advisors, flyers and other forms of campus communication. Mini-courses are distinct from other university courses by their high degree of flexibility. They may not fall within the normal departmental curricula of the university; they may treat highly specialized or especially timely subject matter; they may offer some variation of the typical two or three hour course by offering, for example, one credit or decimal fractions of a credit.

MISCELLANEOUS   There are also special rules that may apply regarding adjustment for those receiving Title IV financial aid if they withdraw. See Financial Aid for more information. IMPORTANT: Full refund is not given if the student has attended classes.

Adult Education   The University of Dayton is committed to providing adults in the community a high-quality education at an affordable rate.

Academic Enrichment Studies   Academic Enrichment Studies offers you the flexibility to take courses of interest to you at a discounted rate without dedicating yourself to a degree program. Beginning Aug. 1, 2013, a list of available courses will be on our Web site (adulteducation. udayton.edu). After you find the course that fits with your schedule, enroll using our online service.   For questions concerning registration, contact the registration office at (937) 229-4131. Questions involving academic advising should be directed to Julie Mitchell at (937) 229-2605.   Before and after class, you are welcome to study or relax in the Adult Student Study Lounge located in Kennedy Union 309.

To find out what’s scheduled for this term, check with Continuing Education, 1700 S. Patterson Blvd., or call 229-2605.

NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY The University of Dayton does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, national or ethnic origin, color, creed, sex, nor against otherwise qualified handicapped students in its admissions and academic standards, nor in the granting of scholarships, loans, and other financial aid, nor in the planning and administering of its admissions, academic, athletic, housing, and other policies, nor in any other programs, services and activities.

Please note that only 18 Adult Education Studies hrs. may be applied to a University of Dayton undergraduate degree.


GENERAL INFORMATION, continued Public Law 93-380   In compliance with the Act, this is a public notice of public directory information which is a) listed in the student roster (student’s name, local address and phone listing, entrance date, level of study, school or college, enrollment status); and b) maintained in a file in the Office of the Registrar (date of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards, most recent educational institution attended).   Students not wishing to have this information made available to anyone outside the university are to make this request in Albert Emanuel Hall, room 230 within the first five class days of each term. Students must report in person and present a validated identification card.

Retake Policy An undergraduate student who receives a grade of D or F in a course taken under Option 1 at the University of Dayton may retake that course under Option 1 at the University of Dayton and remove the original D or F from the cumulative GPA.   When a course has been retaken and the subsequent grade is higher than or equal to the previous gra


equal to the previous grade, the previous grade will not count towards the student’s cumulative GPA henceforth. There will be no retroactive adjustment to GPAs.   When a course in which a D was received has been retaken, and an F is earned, the initial D will be used in the student’s cumulative GPA calculation, and the entire line containing the F will receive a strikethrough.   A student may have no more than 15 semester hours of R or strikethrough grades.   If a student retakes a course in which the topics vary, it must be demonstrated that the retaken course contains the same material as the original course in which the student received a D or F.   Courses taken by students prior to the initiation of this policy, and before completion of an undergraduate degree, may be retaken within the guidelines of this policy.   Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Dean (or the Dean’s designee) of the school or college in which the student is enrolled. VOTER REGISTRATION FORMS are available in the Registrar’s Office, Flyers First Complex, St. Mary Hall, Room 411.

Southwestern Ohio Council for Higher Education   As a UD student you may enroll for academic credit in courses offered at participating SOCHE area colleges. You may pick up a registration form in AE 240 or print from the website below. You must obtain your advisor’s signature. Return the signed copy to the Registration Office. To complete the registration process you must take the form to the Registrar’s Office of the HOST school during their registration period. For more information go to: http://soche.org.   Non-UD students from HOST schools — Registration is from Aug. 1–Aug. 27.

GENERAL INFORMATION, continued Transcripts


The University of Dayton has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering via the Web. You can order transcripts using any major credit card. Your card will only be charged after your order has been completed.

Anyone who needs to park on campus for two weeks or more must purchase a parking permit. First year resident students will be restricted from purchasing parking permits.

• To order an official transcript(s), login to the Clearinghouse secure site.

Evening students are sold permits which are valid ONLY after 4:00 p.m. weekdays and anytime weekends in any ON-CAMPUS parking lot, except those marked with a double letter.

• If you are a first-time visitor, you will be directed to create a personal profile and user ID/password, which you will use to place future orders. • The site will walk you through placing your order, including delivery options (overnight or express service is not available), and fees. You can order as many tran- scripts as you like in a single session. A $2.25 processing fee will be charged per recipient. You will be required to fax a signed release form back to the Clearinghouse. Do not send the release form to the University of Dayton. • Order updates will be emailed to you. You can also check order status or history online. •  Transcripts typically take 2 to 3 working days to process, unless the student is having the transcript held for final grades or degree posting. •  If you need help or have questions about the Clearinghouse’s transcript ordering service, contact 703-742-7791 or transcripts@studentclearinghouse. org. • Same day service and overnight ship- ping are available at an additional cost. Please contact the Registrar’s Office for more information.

Commuting students are sold permits to park in Lot S1.

For additional information contact Parking Services at 229-2128.

University Campus One Card/Student ID   Undergraduate students may obtain their Campus One Card/Student ID at the Department of Dining Services, 102 Powerhouse. Fall 2013 Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday   8:30 AM–4:30 PM Extended Hours:   8:30 AM–6:00 PM   Special needs may be addressed by calling 229-2441 or 1-800-259-8864.

FINAL EXAMINATION POLICY   The University regards testing as a primary means of quantifying the performance of a student and ensuring academic rigor in the curriculum. As part of the overall evaluation process, students are required to complete rigorous final examinations in all subjects except laboratory or studio courses. Alternative evaluation procedures may be substituted for a final examination with the approval of the Department Chair. Absence from a final examination will incur a minimum penalty of a zero grade for that examination, unless the instructor decides to permit a make-up.

No new material may be introduced in a course after the last scheduled class meeting. Final examinations should be given at the time that is scheduled in the composite for each term, except in the following cases:   1.

Grades for graduating students must be reported during examination week at a time determined by the registrar. When this requirement conflicts with the final examination schedule in the composite, faculty are asked to administer the examination at an earlier time agreeable to both the students and the instructor. The final examination must also be offered at the time scheduled in the composite for the benefit of the other students in the class.

2. When a student has more than two final examinations scheduled for one day, faculty are encour aged to accommodate the indi vidual student on an alternate day agreeable to both the student and the instructor. The student must make the request by the last scheduled class meeting.   3. A block examination is a common examination that covers several sections of the same class, taught by different instructors, for the purpose of establishing uniform scale of achievement. Any excep tion must be made by the Dean. To avoid conflicts, block examina- tions are scheduled through the Registration Office.   In all cases these exceptions should not have the effect of reducing the substance of the course material. Students must have access to graded examinations for a period of six months after the examination has been given.


EXAMINATION SCHEDULE — FALL 2013 For classes meeting multiple days per week Dec. 10

Dec. 11

Dec. 12

Dec. 13






8:00 TO 9:50






10:10 TO 12:00











Dec. 9


12:20 TO 2:10











2:30 TO 4:20









4:30 TO 6:20







5:55 TO 7:45



5:55 –7:10

5:55 –7:10



6:30 TO 8:20

7:20– 8:35

7:20 – 8:35









For classes meeting ONE DAY per week 4:30 TO 6:20









6:30 TO 8:20

5:55– 8:30

5:55 – 8:30

5:55 – 8:30

5:55 – 8:30





7:55 TO 9:45

7:20 –9:55

7:20 –9:55

7:20 –9:55






–– ––


Block exams may be scheduled through the Registrar’s Office by the chairperson on the dates and times shown above provided they meet the following criteria:   •  Combining multiple sections with multiple instructors.   •  Exceptions must be approved by the Dean’s office.


FALL 2013 ACADEMIC CALENDAR — subject to change Mon, Aug 5 Degrees conferred — no ceremony TBD New Faculty Orientation Sat – Tue, Aug 17 – 20 New Student Orientation Sat, Aug 17 First Year Student Move-In for Fall Term Sun, Aug 18 Upperclass Student Move-in for Fall Term TBD New Student Convocation Tue, Aug 20 Last day to complete registration Wed, Aug 21 Classes begin at 8:00 a.m. Tue, Aug 27 Last day for late registration, change of grading options and schedules Mon, Sep 2 Labor Day — no classes Fri, Sep 6 Faculty Meeting (Boll Theatre) at 3:00 p.m. Tue, Sep 10 Last day to change Second Session and full Summer Term grades Wed, Sep 11 Last day to drop classes without record Fri, Sep 20 Academic Senate Meeting (KU Ballroom) from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri – Sun, Sep 27–29 Family Weekend 2013 Wed, Oct 9 Mid-Term Break begins after last class Mon, Oct 14 Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Tue, Oct 15 Last day for Graduate and Doctoral students to apply for December 2013 graduation. Wed, Oct 16 First-Year students’ midterm progress grades due by 4:00 p.m. Fri, Oct 18 Academic Senate Meeting (KU Ballroom) from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri, Nov 1 Last day for Undergraduate students to apply for May 2014 graduation Mon, Nov 4 Last day to drop classes with record of W Fri, Nov 15 Academic Senate Meeting (KU Ballroom) from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tue, Nov 26 Thanksgiving recess begins after last class Sat, Nov 30 Saturday classes meet Mon, Dec 2 Classes resume at 8:00 a.m. Thu, Dec 5 Last day of classes Fri, Dec 6 Feast of the Immaculate Conception/Christmas on Campus — no classes Sat, Dec 7 Study Day Sun, Dec 8 Study Day Mon – Fri, Dec 9–13 Exams — Fall Term ends after final examinations Fri, Dec 13 Academic Senate Meeting (KU Ballroom) from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Fri, Dec 13 University Housing closes for Christmas Break at 6:00 p.m. Sat, Dec 14 Diploma Exercises at 9:45 a.m. Tue, Dec 17 Grades due by 9:00 a.m. Deficiency slips due in Deans’ offices Thu, Dec 19 Grades posted Tue, Jan 21 Last day to change BOOKSTORE HOURS   Fall Term grades

Summer Term 2013–2014

CHRISTMAS BREAK Sun, Dec 15 Sun, Jan 12

M–F  8:30  – 4:30  Closed weekends and holidays Christmas Break begins Christmas Break ends

Extended hours during the first two weeks of each session (posted at the Bookstore). Last day to return textbooks for a full refund with receipt: August 29, 2013 Order online: http://bookstore.udayton.edu






Accounting  •  Dr. Donna Street  •  MH410  •  937-229-2429

3 ACC 200 01 Intro to Accounting 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 MH 103 Yerian, L 690 ACC 207 01 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 103 Brady, T 702 ACC 207 02 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 103 Brady, T 705 ACC 207 03 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 103 Shankar, G 709 ACC 207 04 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 103 Shankar, G 730 ACC 207 05 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 103 Brady, T 732 ACC 207 06 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 103 Shankar, G 6470 ACC 207 07 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 103 Giffen, M 5151 ACC 207 08 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 103 Giffen, M 3867 ACC 207 09 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 103 Giffen, M 741 ACC 207 10 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 103 6474 ACC 207 11 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 103 6471 ACC 207 12 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 106 6472 ACC 207 13 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 106 6473 ACC 207 14 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 209 742 ACC 207 H1 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 103 Castellano, J 753 ACC 208 01 Intro-Managerial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 106 758 ACC 208 02 Intro-Managerial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 103 815 ACC 208 03 Intro-Managerial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 214 Greenlee, J 6730 ACC 208 04 Intro-Managerial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 214 Greenlee, J 6468 ACC 208 05 Intro-Managerial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 214 821 ACC 300A 01 Prin of Financl Acc 1.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Engr Mjrs only 825 ACC 300B 01 Prin of Managrl Acc 1.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Engr Mjrs only 836 ACC 303 01 Managerial Accountng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 109 Larson, R 838 ACC 303 02 Managerial Accountng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 109 Larson, R 845 ACC 305 01 Intrm Financial ACC I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 10:10 MH 109 Rogero, L 850 ACC 305 02 Intrm Financial ACC I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:30 11:40 MH 109 Rogero, L 854 ACC 306 01 Intrm Financl Acc II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 109 Rogero, L 865 ACC 341 01 Acc Informtn Sys I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 109 Shankar, G 866 ACC 401 01 Auditing Principles 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:50 MH 214 Archambeault, D 880 ACC 401 02 Auditing Principles 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 11:00 12:50 MH 214 Archambeault, D 3874 ACC 408 01 Adv Financial Acctg 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 109 3879 ACC 412C P1 Internatl Acc-IFRS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 3880 ACC 412D P1 Internatl Acc-IFRS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 6469 ACC 421 01 Taxes & Bus Strategy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 103 Webber, S 927 ACC 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 938 ACC 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 947 ACC 497 P1 Professional Wk Expr 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 951 ACC 497 P2 Professional Wk Expr 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 955 ACC 497 P3 Professional Wk Expr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 9:30 MH 103 Street, D 3881 ACC 499 P1 Indep Study in Acc 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 3882 ACC 499 P2 Indep Study in Acc 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 3883 ACC 499 P3 Indep Study in Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D

Air Force Studies

3054 AES 120 01 GMC-Leadership Lab 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 OFF Schroff, M 3055 AES 121 01 Found-US Air Frce I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 9:50 MH 201 Schroff, M 3056 AES 220 01 FTP-Leadrshp Lab 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 OFF Schroff, M 3057 AES 221 01 Evl-US AF Air&Sp II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 8:50 MH 201 Schroff, M 4186 AES 270 01 Extended GMC Ldr Lab 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 OFF Schroff, M 3058 AES 330 01 ICL-App AF Training 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 OFF Schroff, M 3059 AES 331 01 AF Leadrshp Std I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 2:00 3:20 OFF Hughes, R


University Honors

Starts 8/26 Starts 10/28

Perm-IFRS certific Perm-Non-UD IFRS certific University Honors Perm University Honors Perm Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Perm Perm

Pass/Fail WSU Pass/Fail Pass/Fail WSU Pass/Fail Pass/Fail WSU Pass/Fail Pass/Fail WSU Pass/Fail WSU



3060 AES 430 01 SCL-App AF Training 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 OFF Schroff, M 3061 AES 431 01 Ntl Sec Aff&Prep I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 2:00 3:20 OFF Hughes, R 4187 AES 470 01 Extended POC Ldr Lab 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 OFF Schroff, M 4188 AES 491 01 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA OFF Schroff, M

AMERICAN STUDIES  •  Dr. DONALD PAIR  •  OR108  •  937-229-2611 3050

AMS 300 01

American Cultures


08/21/13 12/13/13


10:30 11:45

Arts Administration  •  Dr. Linda Snyder  •  MT102  •  937-229-3906 5547 5548 5549

AAD 498 01 AAD 498 02 AAD 498 03

Arts Admin Internshp Arts Admin Internshp Arts Admin Internshp

3.0 3.0 3.0

KL 223

08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA


Pass/Fail WSU Pass/Fail WSU Pass/Fail WSU Pass/Fail

Uhlman, J

LTC Studio

Wells, R Wells, R Wells, R

Internship Internship Internship

Biology  •  Dr. Jayne Robinson  •  SC211  •  937-229-2521

2 BIO 101 01 General Biology I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 150 Allan, T 42 BIO 101 02 General Biology I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 146 Craver, C 48 BIO 101 03 General Biology I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 146 Klco, D 5283 BIO 101 04 General Biology I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SC 146 Craver, C 54 BIO 101L 01 Gen Biology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 10:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 79 BIO 151 01 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 146 Wright, D 113 BIO 151 02 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 146 Dillon, M 144 BIO 151 03 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 146 Dillon, M 158 BIO 151 04 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 146 Dillon, M 184 BIO 151 05 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 217 Fetherson, R 189 BIO 151 06 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 SC 217 Fetherson, R 192 BIO 151 07 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 146 Hansen, K 195 BIO 151 08 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 217 Rhoads, E 3865 BIO 151 09 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SC 217 Rhoads, E 4452 BIO 151 10 Concepts of Bio I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 SC 217 Rhoads, E 207 BIO 151L 01 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 11:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 212 BIO 151L 02 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 2:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 221 BIO 151L 03 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 2:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 228 BIO 151L 04 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 5:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 239 BIO 151L 05 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 5:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 250 BIO 151L 06 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 257 BIO 151L 07 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 259 BIO 151L 08 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 11:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 264 BIO 151L 09 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 11:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 287 BIO 151L 10 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 2:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 296 BIO 151L 11 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 2:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 302 BIO 151L 12 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 3:00 5:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 306 BIO 151L 13 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 3:00 5:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 325 BIO 151L 14 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 331 BIO 151L 15 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 484 BIO 151L 16 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 9:00 11:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 486 BIO 151L 17 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 9:00 11:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 489 BIO 151L 18 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 2:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 490 BIO 151L 19 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 2:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 491 BIO 151L 20 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 6:00 8:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 3474 BIO 151L 21 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 6:00 8:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 3499 BIO 151L 22 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:50 SC 141 Hanley, C 4744 BIO 151L 23 Concepts-Bio Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 493 BIO 152 01 Concepts of Bio II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 271 Kavanaugh, J 3868 BIO 152L 01 Concepts-Bio Lab II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:50 SC 142 Hanley, C 3869 BIO 299 01 Biology Seminar 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 9:50 SC 064 Burky, A 505 BIO 299 02 Biology Seminar 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 11:00 11:50 SC 064 Kango-Singh, M 537 BIO 299 03 Biology Seminar 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SC 064 Williams, T 6383 BIO 301 01 Evolution 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 146 Nielsen, M 518 BIO 309 01 Comp Anat Vertebrts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 217 Kavanaugh, J 525 BIO 309L 01 Comp Anatomy Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:30 4:20 SC 252 Kavanaugh, J 546 BIO 310 01 Ecology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 217 Williams, P 555 BIO 310L 01 Ecology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:20 SC 071 Williams, P 559 BIO 310L 02 Ecology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:20 SC 071 Williams, P


PC Notebook Req Majors only

PC Notebook Req Majors only

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req Majors only Majors only Majors only

BIO & EVB majors others by perm


CRN COURSE TITLE CR. BEGIN SECTION DATE 561 574 3870 585 590 614 6386 642 649 660 669 4682 6387 6388 683 689 693 696 698 700 708 6390 750 764 768 771 773 779 5295 5297 5298 5299 790 6391 799

BIO 311 01 BIO 312 01 BIO 312 02 BIO 312L 01 BIO 312L 02 BIO 312L 03 BIO 359 H1 BIO 395 01 BIO 403 01 BIO 403L 01 BIO 403L 02 BIO 403L 03 BIO 407 01 BIO 407L 01 BIO 411 01 BIO 411 02 BIO 411L 01 BIO 411L 02 BIO 411L 03 BIO 420 01 BIO 420 02 BIO 420 03 BIO 421 P1 BIO 442 01 BIO 442L 01 BIO 450 01 BIO 450L 01 BIO 462 01 BIO 465 01 BIO 475 01 BIO 475L 01 BIO 475L 02 BIO 479L P1 BIO 496 P1 BIO 499 P1

Intro Entomology General Genetics General Genetics Genetics Lab Genetics Lab Genetics Lab Sustainable Biosphre Global Envr Biology Physiology I Physiology Lab Physiology Lab Physiology Lab Plant Div & Ecol Plant Div & Ecol Lab General Microbiology General Microbiology Gen Microbiology Lab Gen Microbiology Lab Gen Microbiology Lab Seminar Seminar Seminar Biological Problems Developmental Bio Devlpmntl Bio Lab Comp Animal Physiol Comp Animal Phys Lab Molecular Biology Disease Ecology Human Anatomy Human Anatomy Lab Human Anatomy Lab Envir Instr Lab Special Topics in BIO Env Bio Internship

3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

END DAYS BEGIN END BLDG./ INSTRUCTOR DATE TIME TIME ROOM 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

TR 5:55 7:10 SC 146 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 217 TR 12:00 1:15 SC 146 T 1:30 4:20 SC 248 T 5:00 7:50 SC 248 R 1:30 4:20 SC 248 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 064 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 217 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 217 R 9:00 11:50 SC 252 R 1:30 4:20 SC 252 W 1:30 4:20 SC 252 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 150 M 1:30 4:20 SC 310 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 217 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 217 T 9:00 11:50 SC 248 R 9:00 11:50 SC 248 W 9:00 11:50 SC 248 T 4:30 5:20 SC 064 W 11:00 11:50 SC 064 T 12:00 12:50 SC 064 TBA MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 217 R 12:00 2:50 SC 310 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 106 M 10:00 12:50 SC 310 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 064 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 271 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 217 T 9:00 11:50 SC 252 T 1:30 4:20 SC 252 W 1:00 5:50 SC 071 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 146 TBA

Stull, P Williams, T Kango-Singh, M Williams, T Williams, T Williams, T Friese, C Klco, D Krane, C Nickell, P Nickell, P Nickell, P McEwan, R McEwan, R Kearns, R Rowe, J Kearns, R Kearns, R Kearns, R Nielsen, M Rowe, J Robinson, J Robinson, J Wright, S Wright, S Burky, A Burky, A Tsonis, P Benbow, M Wright, S Nickell, P Nickell, P Williams, P Williams, P


Bio Mjrs only University Honors Non-majors Jrs & Srs only

Sr Bio Mjrs Sr Bio Mjrs Sr Bio Mjrs Perm

Perm Perm

Integrated Natural Science Sequence Courses — ­ Biology 849 SCI 230 01 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 146 Friese, C 858 SCI 230 02 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 106 Dillon, M 868 SCI 230 03 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 146 Klco, D 869 SCI 230 H1 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 064 Friese, C 874 SCI 230 N1 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:30 SC 146 Yingling, M 885 SCI 230L 01 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 888 SCI 230L 02 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:00 2:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 894 SCI 230L 03 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 896 SCI 230L 04 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 6:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 909 SCI 230L 05 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:30 2:20 SC 144 Hanley, C 912 SCI 240 01 Org, Evl, Health 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 064 Allan, T 914 SCI 240L 01 Org, Evl, Health Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 1:50 SC 144 Hanley, C

EDU Mjrs Take w/SCI230L05 University Honors PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req EDU Mjrs Take w/SCI23002

Chemical Engineering  •  Dr. Charles Browning  •  KL445  •  937-229-2627

3895 CME 101 01 Intro to CME 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1234 CME 200 01 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4637 CME 200 P1 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5683 CME 200 P2 Prof Development Sem 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1635 CME 203 01 Matl&Energy Balance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1640 CME 203 02 Matl&Energy Balance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4755 CME 298 02 Research&Innvtn Lab 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1643 CME 311 01 Chm Engr Thrmdynmcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5642 CME 311 02 Chm Engr Thrmdynmcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1650 CME 324 01 Transport Phenom I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1652 CME 324 02 Transport Phenom I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1655 CME 381 01 Adv Math-Chem Engrs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1659 CME 381 02 Adv Math-Chem Engrs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1665 CME 408 01 Seminar 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13


M 1:00 1:50 SC 114 Comfort, K W 1:00 1:50 SC 114 TBA TBA MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 403 Comfort, D T 12:00 1:15 KL 403 Comfort, D MWF 12:00 12:50 KL 403 Comfort, D T 1:30 2:45 KL 403 Comfort, D TBA Reid, J MWF 11:00 11:50 KL 402 Ciric, A MWF 1:00 1:50 KL 401 Ciric, A MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 403 Myers, K MWF 12:00 12:50 KL 402 Myers, K TR 10:30 11:45 KL 403 Lee, C MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 401 Flach, L F 1:00 1:50 SC 114 Elsass, M


CRN COURSE TITLE CR. BEGIN SECTION DATE 1671 5628 1677 3898 1681 1684 3913 1693 1699 1799 5511 1802 5210 5613 5211 5614 5004 5212 4592 5629

CME 408 02 CME 429 01 CME 430 01 CME 430 02 CME 452 01 CME 465 01 CME 465 02 CME 466L 01 CME 466L 02 CME 466L 03 CME 489 01 CME 490 01 CME 493 H1 CME 493 H2 CME 494 H1 CME 494 H2 CME 498 01 CME 499 01 CME 499 02 CME 499 03

Seminar Computational Chem CME Design I CME Design I Process Control Fluid Flow&Ht Tr Pro Fluid Flow&Ht Tr Pro Chem Engr Oper Lab Chem Engr Oper Lab Chem Engr Oper Lab Princ Biol for Bioen Intro-Bioengineering Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Research&Innvtn Lab SP:Materials Science Special Problems Special Problems

0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

END DAYS BEGIN END BLDG./ INSTRUCTOR DATE TIME TIME ROOM 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

F 1:00 1:50 SC 114 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 401 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 401 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 402 MWF 11:00 11:50 KL 403 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 401 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 403 M 12:30 5:30 SC 168 W 12:30 5:30 SC 168 T 12:30 5:30 SC 168 W 5:55 8:30 KL 403 M 5:55 8:30 KL 402 TBA TBA OFF TBA TBA OFF TBA OFF TR 4:30 5:45 KL 402 TBA OFF MWF 11:00 11:50 KL 401

Elsass, M Fried, J Flach, L Flach, L Elsass, M Comfort, K Comfort, K Elsass, M Elsass, M DeWitt, M Braydich, L Comfort, D Wilkens, R Wilkens, R Wilkens, R Wilkens, R Wilkens, R Muratore, C Wilkens, R Wilkens, R



University Honors University Honors University Honors University Honors

Chemistry  •  Dr. Mark Masthay  •  SC178  •  937-229-2631

Students in CHM123L, CH124L, CHM314L and certain lecture courses will be required to take exams during evenings or at times other than listed class hours. These will be arranged by the instructors at the first class meeting. 485 CHM 123 01 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 255 Crosson, G T 8:00 8:50 SC 255 Crosson, G 494 CHM 123 02 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 255 Mammana, A T 4:30 5:20 SC 255 Mammana, A 496 CHM 123 03 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 255 Lopper, M F 8:00 8:50 SC 255 Lopper, M 499 CHM 123 04 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SC 255 M 8:00 8:50 SC 255 500 CHM 123 05 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 255 W 4:30 5:20 SC 255 502 CHM 123 06 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 255 M 4:30 5:20 SC 255 504 CHM 123 07 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 255 Benin, V R 4:30 5:20 SC 255 Benin, V 6479 CHM 123 08 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 150 F 8:00 8:50 SC 150 506 CHM 123 P4 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SC 255 M 8:00 8:50 SC 255 6761 CHM 123 P6 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 255 Trick, K M 4:30 5:20 SC 255 Trick, K 575 CHM 123L 01 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 3:50 SC 186 608 CHM 123L 03 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 3:50 SC 195 610 CHM 123L 04 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 3:50 SC 196 612 CHM 123L 05 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 7:30 10:15 SC 196 615 CHM 123L 06 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 10:50 SC 186 617 CHM 123L 07 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 10:50 SC 195 619 CHM 123L 08 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 186 622 CHM 123L 09 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 195 627 CHM 123L 10 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 196 755 CHM 123L 11 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 10:50 SC 186 759 CHM 123L 12 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 10:50 SC 195 781 CHM 123L 13 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 10:50 SC 196 789 CHM 123L 14 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 3:50 SC 186 794 CHM 123L 15 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 3:50 SC 187 795 CHM 123L 16 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 3:50 SC 195 797 CHM 123L 17 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 3:50 SC 196 804 CHM 123L 18 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 7:30 10:15 SC 196 805 CHM 123L 19 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 10:45 SC 187 806 CHM 123L 20 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 10:50 SC 195 807 CHM 123L 21 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 10:50 SC 186 808 CHM 123L 22 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 186 846 CHM 123L 23 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 195 853 CHM 123L 24 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 196 859 CHM 123L 25 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 8:00 10:50 SC 186

Perm Perm WISE LLC

Majors only




902 CHM 123L 27 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 8:00 10:50 SC 195 903 CHM 123L 28 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 8:00 10:50 SC 196 905 CHM 123L 29 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 3:50 SC 186 907 CHM 123L 30 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 3:50 SC 187 908 CHM 123L 31 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 3:50 SC 195 910 CHM 123L 32 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 3:50 SC 196 920 CHM 123L 33 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:50 SC 195 928 CHM 123L 34 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:50 SC 196 930 CHM 123L 35 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:50 SC 186 3144 CHM 123L 36 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:50 SC 187 3496 CHM 123L 37 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 195 3497 CHM 123L 38 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 196 5724 CHM 123L 39 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 186 5725 CHM 123L 40 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 187 5726 CHM 123L 41 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:50 SC 186 5729 CHM 123L 42 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:50 SC 195 5728 CHM 123L 43 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:50 SC 196 584 CHM 123L P2 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 3:50 SC 187 932 CHM 124 01 General Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 255 Turner, D R 8:00 8:50 SC 255 Turner, D 936 CHM 124L 01 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 187 937 CHM 124L 02 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 10:45 SC 187 939 CHM 124L 03 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 187 940 CHM 124L 04 Gen Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 10:50 SC 187 943 CHM 200 01 Chemistry & Society 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 255 946 CHM 201 01 Quantitative Anal 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 150 Swavey, S 949 CHM 201L 01 Quant Analysis Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 275 Hils, J 952 CHM 201L 02 Quant Analysis Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 275 Hils, J 966 CHM 302 01 Physical Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 181 Crosson, G 970 CHM 302L 01 Physical Chem Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 979 CHM 303 01 Physical Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 271 980 CHM 303L 01 Physical Chem Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 386 Masthay, M 981 CHM 303L 02 Physical Chem Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 386 Masthay, M 983 CHM 303L 03 Physical Chem Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 3:00 5:45 SC 386 Masthay, M 985 CHM 313 01 Organic Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 150 Morrow, G 986 CHM 313 02 Organic Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 181 Turner, D 987 CHM 313 03 Organic Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 255 Turner, D 992 CHM 313 04 Organic Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 150 Morrow, G 6482 CHM 313 05 Organic Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 150 Benin, V 993 CHM 313L 01 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 11:50 SC 352 994 CHM 313L 02 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 11:50 SC 358 995 CHM 313L 03 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 352 997 CHM 313L 04 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 4:15 SC 358 999 CHM 313L 05 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 2:00 4:50 SC 352 1001 CHM 313L 06 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 2:00 4:50 SC 358 1003 CHM 313L 07 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 9:00 11:50 SC 352 1005 CHM 313L 08 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 9:00 11:50 SC 358 1006 CHM 313L 09 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 352 1007 CHM 313L 10 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 358 1008 CHM 313L 11 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 11:50 SC 352 5146 CHM 313L 12 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 11:50 SC 358 1010 CHM 313L 13 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 352 1011 CHM 313L 14 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 8:50 SC 358 1012 CHM 313L 15 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 2:00 4:50 SC 352 1013 CHM 313L 16 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 2:00 4:50 SC 358 3491 CHM 313L 17 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:50 SC 352 4688 CHM 313L 18 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:50 SC 358 6485 CHM 313L 19 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 2:00 4:50 SC 352 6486 CHM 313L 20 Organic Chemistry Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 2:00 4:50 SC 358 1014 CHM 314 01 Organic Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 150 Church, K 1015 CHM 415 01 Analytical Chemistry 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 10:00 10:50 SC 064 Johnson, D 1016 CHM 415L 01 Analytical Chem Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 1:00 3:50 SC 423 Johnson, D 1017 CHM 420 01 Biochemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 217 Mammana, A 1018 CHM 427 01 Medicinal Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SC 150 Church, K 1019 CHM 451 01 Gen Biochemistry I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 150 Lopper, M 1022 CHM 496 01 Prof Practice Seminr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 2:00 2:50 SC 181 Swavey, S 1023 CHM 498 01 Research & Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Benin, V




Majors only Perm

Sr CHM/BCM only Pass/Fail

CRN COURSE TITLE CR. BEGIN SECTION DATE 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 5577 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 5578 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1052 1053 1054 1055 1057 1058 1059 1060 5579 5580

CHM 498 02 CHM 498 03 CHM 498 04 CHM 498 05 CHM 498 06 CHM 498 07 CHM 498 08 CHM 498 09 CHM 498 10 CHM 499 01 CHM 499 02 CHM 499 03 CHM 499 04 CHM 499 05 CHM 499 06 CHM 499 07 CHM 499 08 CHM 499 09 CHM 499 10 CHM 499 11 CHM 499 12 CHM 499 13 CHM 499 14 CHM 499 15 CHM 499 16 CHM 499 17 CHM 499 18 CHM 499 19 CHM 499 20 CHM 499 21 CHM 499 22 CHM 499 23 CHM 499 24 CHM 499 25 CHM 499 26 CHM 499 27 CHM 499 28 CHM 499 29 CHM 499 30

Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis Research & Thesis

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

END DAYS BEGIN END BLDG./ INSTRUCTOR DATE TIME TIME ROOM 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13



Church, K Crosson, G Johnson, D Masthay, M Lopper, M Masthay, M Morrow, G Swavey, S Mammana, A Benin, V Church, K Crosson, G Johnson, D Lopper, M Masthay, M Morrow, G Swavey, S Mammana, A Benin, V Church, K Crosson, G Johnson, D Lopper, M Masthay, M Morrow, G Swavey, S Mammana, A Benin, V Church, K Crosson, G Johnson, D Lopper, M Masthay, M Morrow, G Swavey, S Mammana, A

Integrated Natural Science Sequence Courses — Chemistry 6488 SCI 180 01 Fins1:Dynamic Univrse 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 181 Johnson, D Smith, T 9:00 10:15 SC 278 Johnson, D Smith, T 1122 SCI 220 01 World of Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 379 Hils, J 1123 SCI 220L 01 World of Chem Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 9:50 SC 395

Civil & Environmental Engineering  •  Dr. Donald Chase  •  KL422  •  937-229-3847

3888 CEE 101 01 Intro to Civil Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 163 CEE 200 01 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 181 CEE 213 01 Surveying 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 187 CEE 221L 01 Civil Computatn Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 204 CEE 221L 02 Civil Computatn Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1682 CEE 300 01 Seminar 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 209 CEE 313 01 Hydraulics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 215 CEE 313L 01 Hydraulics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 219 CEE 313L 02 Hydraulics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 222 CEE 313L 03 Hydraulics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 225 CEE 313L 04 Hydraulics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 213 CEE 316 01 Analy of Strctures I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 3889 CEE 400 01 Prof Developmnt Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 240 CEE 403 01 Transportation Engr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 258 CEE 412 01 Dsgn-Concrete Struc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 261 CEE 421 01 Construction Engr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 3890 CEE 425 01 Civil Engr Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13



12:00 1:30 9:00 3:00 3:00 1:30 1:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 11:00 1:30 10:30 11:00 4:30 10:00

12:50 2:45 9:50 4:15 4:15 2:45 1:50 4:25 3:00 4:25 3:00 4:25 3:00 5:25 4:00 11:50 2:45 11:45 11:50 5:45 10:50

KL 203 MH 119 KL 203 KL 405 KL 405 MH 119 KL 405 KL 5 KL 405 KL 5 KL 353 KL 5 KL 405 KL 5 KL 203 KL 405 KL 224 KL 203 KL 203 KL 312 KL 203

Taylor, D Eustace, D Eustace, D Phillips, P Phillips, P Eustace, D Chase, D Crosson, K Crosson, K Crosson, K Crosson, K Crosson, K Crosson, K Crosson, K Crosson, K Alakkad, R Chase, D Eustace, D Toubia, E Sebor, J McCrate, T

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req

Seniors only




265 CEE 434 01 Water & Waste Engr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 405 Taylor, D 268 CEE 434L 01 Watr&Waste Engr Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 2:00 4:25 KL 191 Taylor, D TBA 2:00 3:00 KL 203 Taylor, D 271 CEE 434L 02 Watr&Waste Engr Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 10:25 KL 191 Taylor, D TBA 8:00 8:50 KL 405 Taylor, D 272 CEE 434L 03 Watr&Waste Engr Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 10:25 KL 191 Taylor, D TBA 8:00 8:50 KL 405 Taylor, D 274 CEE 434L 04 Watr&Waste Engr Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 3:15 5:40 KL 191 Taylor, D W 3:15 4:15 KL 303 Taylor, D 5219 CEE 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Chase, D 5220 CEE 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Chase, D 275 CEE 499 P1 SP:Environmental 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Crosson, K 5615 CEE 499 P2 SP: Geotechnical 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Bilgin, O 279 CEE 499 P3 SP:Structures 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Toubia, E 282 CEE 499 P4 SP:Transportation 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Eustace, D 5616 CEE 499 P5 SP:Water Resources 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Chase, D


University Honors University Honors Perm

Co-Operative Education

School of Engineering  •  KL261  •  937-229-2335 For information regarding new student seminars for sophomore and junior level studenst who wish to apply to the co-op program, call the co-op office for location and date. 567 COP 101 P1 Co-op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N 581 COP 201 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N 582 COP 301 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N 586 COP 401 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N 587 COP 404 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N 588 COP 410 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N 592 COP 420 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N 594 COP 430 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forthofer, N School of Business & College of Arts & Sciences  •  AH  •  937-229-3914 606 COP 103 P1 Co-op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lubbers, J 625 COP 203 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lubbers, J 657 COP 303 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lubbers, J 658 COP 403 P1 Co-Op Work Term 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lubbers, J

Communication  •  Dr. Jonathan Hess  •  SJ121  •  937-229-2028

5329 5330 5331 5332 5333 5334 5335 5336


CMM 100 01 CMM 100 02 CMM 100 03 CMM 100 04 CMM 100 05 CMM 100 06 CMM 100 07 CMM 100 08

Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MWF 8:00 8:50 MWF 9:00 9:50 MWF 9:00 9:50 MWF 9:00 9:50 MWF 9:00 9:50 MWF 10:00 10:50 MWF 10:00 10:50 MWF 10:00 10:50

SJ 025 SJ 232 SJ 233 MH 203 MH 205 SJ 232 HM 206 MH 203

Wallace, S Sweet, S

Goode, J Hariharan, U

Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Engineering Pass/Fail Perm Business & A&S Pass/Fail Perm Business & A&S Pass/Fail Perm Business & A&S Pass/Fail Perm Business & A&S Pass/Fail

CRN COURSE TITLE CR. BEGIN SECTION DATE 5337 5338 5674 5675 6600 6601 6602 6603 6604 6605 6606 6607 6608 6609 6610 6613 6614 6615 6617 6619 6620 6621 6622 6624 6626 6630 6632 6633 6634 6635 6637 6639 6640 6641 6642 6644 3902 3903 3904 3905 3906 3907 6763 6765 6766 6767 6768 6769 3949 3950 3951 3953 3955 3956 3957 3959 3963 3965 3967 3969 4024 4025 4026 4027 4028 4029 4030 4031 4032

CMM 100 09 CMM 100 10 CMM 100 11 CMM 100 12 CMM 100 13 CMM 100 14 CMM 100 15 CMM 100 16 CMM 100 17 CMM 100 18 CMM 100 19 CMM 100 20 CMM 100 21 CMM 100 22 CMM 100 23 CMM 100 24 CMM 100 25 CMM 100 26 CMM 100 27 CMM 100 28 CMM 100 29 CMM 100 30 CMM 100 31 CMM 100 32 CMM 100 33 CMM 100 34 CMM 100 35 CMM 100 36 CMM 100 37 CMM 100 38 CMM 100 39 CMM 100 40 CMM 100 41 CMM 100 42 CMM 100 43 CMM 100 44 CMM 110 01 CMM 110 02 CMM 110 03 CMM 110 04 CMM 110 05 CMM 110 06 CMM 110 07 CMM 110 08 CMM 110 09 CMM 110 10 CMM 110 11 CMM 110 12 CMM 111 01 CMM 111 02 CMM 111 03 CMM 111 04 CMM 111 05 CMM 111 06 CMM 111 07 CMM 111 08 CMM 111 09 CMM 111 10 CMM 111 11 CMM 111 12 CMM 113 01 CMM 113 02 CMM 113 03 CMM 113 04 CMM 113 05 CMM 113 06 CMM 113 07 CMM 113 08 CMM 113 09

Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Princ of Oral Comm Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Group Dec-Making Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Inform Public Sp Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing Interviewing

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 09/26/13 09/26/13 09/26/13 09/26/13 11/1/13 11/1/13 11/1/13 11/1/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 09/26/13 09/26/13 09/27/13 09/26/13 11/1/13 11/1/13 11/1/13 11/1/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 09/26/13 09/26/13 09/26/13 11/1/13 11/1/13 11/1/13

END DAYS BEGIN END BLDG./ INSTRUCTOR DATE TIME TIME ROOM 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 09/25/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 10/31/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13


10:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 3:00 4:30 5:55 7:20 7:20 9:00 9:00 10:30 10:30 12:00 1:30 1:30 3:00 3:00 3:00 4:30 4:30 11:00 12:00 10:30 12:00 11:00 12:00 10:30 12:00 11:00 12:00 10:30 12:00 4:30 5:55 5:55 5:55 4:30 5:55 5:55 5:55 4:30 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55 5:55

10:50 11:50 11:50 11:50 11:50 12:50 12:50 12:50 12:50 1:50 1:50 1:50 1:50 2:50 2:50 2:50 4:15 4:15 4:15 4:15 5:45 7:10 8:35 8:35 10:15 10:15 11:45 11:45 1:15 2:45 2:45 4:15 4:15 4:15 5:45 5:45 11:50 12:50 11:45 1:15 11:50 12:50 11:45 1:15 11:50 12:50 11:45 1:15 5:45 8:30 8:30 8:30 5:45 8:30 8:30 8:30 5:45 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30

MH 205 ZH 101 SJ 233 MH 203 MH 205 SJ 232 SJ 233 MH 203 MH 205 SJ 232 SJ 233 MH 203 MH 205 SJ 232 MH 203 MH 205 SJ 233 HM 206 MH 203 MH 205 HM 206 SJ 233 SJ 233 HM 206 MH 203 MH 205 MH 203 MH 205 HM 206 HM 206 MH 203 SJ 233 HM 206 MH 203 SJ 233 HM 206 HM 206 HM 206 SJ 232 SJ 232 HM 206 HM 206 SJ 232 SJ 232 HM 206 HM 206 SJ 232 SJ 232 SJ 232 SJ 232 HM 206 SJ 232 SJ 232 SJ 232 HM 206 SJ 232 SJ 232 SJ 232 HM 206 SJ 232 ZH 101 SJ 233 ZH 101 ZH 101 SJ 233 ZH 101 ZH 101 SJ 233 ZH 101


Billman, B Smith, K Goode, J Billman, B Sweet, S

Sweet, S Yoder, D Smith, K Goode, J Smith, K Geers, J Hovey, C

Hovey, C

Hovey, C Oh, K Oh, K Angel, M Loftus, W Angel, M Parsons, H Hariharan, U Hariharan, U Loftus, W Loftus, W Hariharan, U Hariharan, U Loftus, W Loftus, W Hariharan, U Hariharan, U Loftus, W Loftus, W Cusella, L Cusella, L Jordan, D Bernard, R Cusella, L Cusella, L Jordan, D Bernard, R Cusella, L Cusella, L Jordan, D Bernard, R Popelar, J Best, A Warren, L Popelar, J Best, A Warren, L Popelar, J Best, A Warren, L




407 CMM 201 01 Foun-Mass Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 206 Billman, B 408 CMM 201 02 Foun-Mass Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 206 Billman, B 409 CMM 201 03 Foun-Mass Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 233 Scantlin, R 410 CMM 201 04 Foun-Mass Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 233 Scantlin, R 4733 CMM 201 05 Foun-Mass Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 205 Oh, K 411 CMM 202 01 Foun-Com Thr&Rsrch 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 119 Valenzano, J Yoder, D 412 CMM 313 01 Nonverbal Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SJ 025 Wallace, S 472 CMS 316 01 Intercultural Comm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 232 Griffin, J 413 CMM 320 01 Interpersnal Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 206 Angel, M 415 CMM 321 01 Small Group Communc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 206 Angel, M 416 CMM 330 01 Media Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 113 Kelley, A 417 CMM 330 02 Media Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 113 Walters, G 418 CMM 330 03 Media Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 113 Palen, K 419 CMM 330 04 Media Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 113 Taylor, A 420 CMM 330 05 Media Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 113 Taylor, A 422 CMM 331 01 Feature Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 113 423 CMM 331 02 Feature Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 113 424 CMM 332 01 Publication Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 125 Kelley, A 425 CMM 332 02 Publication Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 125 Kelley, A 426 CMM 332 03 Publication Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 125 Palen, K 427 CMM 332 04 Publication Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 SJ 125 Palen, K 428 CMM 333 01 Free Lance Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 113 Smith, J 429 CMM 340 01 Fund of Broadcasting 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 233 Griffin, J 430 CMM 341 01 Audio Production 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 KU RS Walters, G 431 CMM 342 01 Fund-Video Productn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KU TV Flynn, R 432 CMM 342 02 Fund-Video Productn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KU TV Flynn, R 433 CMM 343 01 Scriptwrtng-Elec Med 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:30 KU TV Flynn, R 434 CMM 344 01 Multimda Dsgn/Prd I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 125 Walters, G 435 CMM 345 01 Class Amer Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 8:30 AS STDB Geers, J 437 CMM 350 01 Propaganda Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 233 Geers, J 6656 CMM 351 01 Public Speaking 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 ZH 101 Watters, K 6658 CMM 355 01 Rhetoric-Soc Movmnts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 ZH 101 Watters, K 442 CMM 360 01 Prin of Pub Reltns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 233 Han, J 443 CMM 360 02 Prin of Pub Reltns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 233 Yang, A 444 CMM 390 P1 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hess, J 445 CMM 390 P2 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hess, J 446 CMM 390 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hess, J 447 CMM 397 P1 Com Prac-WUDR 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KU RS Flynn, R 448 CMM 397 P2 Com Prac-Flyer News 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Smith, J 449 CMM 397 P3 ComPrac-Spch/Debate 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Geers, J 451 CMM 397 P4 Com Prac-Flyer TV 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KU TV Flynn, R 452 CMM 412 01 Statistcl Mthd-Comm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 023 Goode, J 453 CMM 412 02 Statistcl Mthd-Comm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 125 Langhorne, A 5362 CMM 412 03 Statistcl Mthd-Comm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 125 Langhorne, A 473 CMS 414 01 Global Communication 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 232 Griffin, J 456 CMM 420 01 Comm & Conflict Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 232 Cusella, L 457 CMM 421 01 Commnctn-Organztns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 233 Langhorne, A 458 CMM 430 01 Copyediting 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 113 Smith, J 459 CMM 431 01 Public Affairs Reporting 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 113 Smith, K 6751 CMM 449 01 Med Efct:SocSciRsch 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 SJ 025 Robinson, J 461 CMM 460 01 Public Rel Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 125 Han, J 462 CMM 460 02 Public Rel Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 125 Han, J 464 CMM 461 01 Pub Rel Campaigns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 125 Yang, A 465 CMM 461 02 Pub Rel Campaigns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 125 Yang, A 467 CMM 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hess, J 468 CMM 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hess, J 469 CMM 498 P1 Communicatn Intrnshp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Taylor, A 470 CMM 498 P2 Communicatn Intrnshp 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Taylor, A 471 CMM 498 P3 Communicatn Intrnshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Taylor, A



CMM majors only

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req

PC Notebook Req

Cult Flm&Midnight Movie

Perm Perm Perm Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req CAP Pilot

SR standing SR standing University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail



Computer Science  •  Dr. Dale Courte  •  AN139  •  937-229-3831

6 CPS 111 01 Intro-Personal Comp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Yao, Z 41 CPS 111 02 Intro-Personal Comp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 21A Sanyal, T 4006 CPS 111 03 Intro-Personal Comp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 21A Buckley, J 46 CPS 111 N1 Intro-Personal Comp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 21A Osborne, J 6435 CPS 111 N2 Intro-Personal Comp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 21A Osborne, J 59 CPS 132 01 Progrmmng-Engr & Sci 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 207 Yao, Z 61 CPS 150 01 Algorthm&Progrm I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 201 Sanyal, T TR 9:00 10:15 MH 21A Sanyal, T 68 CPS 150 02 Algorthm&Progrm I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 201 Sanyal, T TR 10:30 11:45 MH 21A Sanyal, T 81 CPS 151 01 Algorthm&Progrm II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 201 Buckley, J R 1:30 2:45 MH 21A Buckley, J 6438 CPS 151 02 Algorthm&Progrm II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 21A Courte, D W 3:00 4:15 MH 21A Courte, D 83 CPS 151 N1 Algorthm&Progrm II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 201 Gothard, S R 5:55 7:10 MH 21A Gothard, S 4011 CPS 242 01 User Interface Desgn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 201 Gowda, R 88 CPS 250 01 Intro-Comptr Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 207 Perugini, S 93 CPS 310 N1 Systems Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 205 Gowda, R 100 CPS 341 01 Discrete Structures 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 201 Smith, B 102 CPS 346 01 Operating Systems I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 201 Perugini, S 5546 CPS 350 01 Data Struct&Algorthm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 207 Sritharan, R 106 CPS 350 N1 Data Struct&Algorthm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 201 Sritharan, R 120 CPS 387 N1 Comp System Desgn I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 MH 207 Courte, D 5342 CPS 420 N1 Obj-Orient Sys Dev 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 201 Gowda, R 6440 CPS 432 01 Database Mgt Sys II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 201 Buckley, J 139 CPS 444 N1 Systms Progrmng I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 203 Perugini, S 4017 CPS 470 01 Data Communications 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 207 Yao, Z 5343 CPS 480 N1 Artificl Intellgnce 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 MH 201 Smith, B 5344 CPS 499 01 ST:Moblie Apps Dev 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 207 Smith, B 6443 CPS 499 03 ST:Ray Tracing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 209 Gothard, S

CORE Program  •  Dr. William Trollinger  •  HM482  •  937-229-2827

5538 ASI 110 C1 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 5:20 ML COMM James, V TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS James, V 5539 ASI 110 C2 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 3:20 ML COMM TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS 5540 ASI 110 C3 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:30 5:20 ML 217 Kimbrough, R TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS Kimbrough, R 5541 ASI 110 C4 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 3:20 ML 217 TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS 5542 ASI 110 C5 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:30 5:20 ML 218 Trollinger, S TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS Trollinger, S 5543 ASI 110 C6 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:30 5:20 ML Trollinger, W TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS Trollinger, W 3190 ASI 150 C1 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 KL 303 2830 ASI 371 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML 218 Marvin, W 2832 ASI 372 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Edu 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML COMM Mullins, M 2835 ASI 374 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Phl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML 206 Kebede, M 2836 ASI 375 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Rel 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML 217 Miller, V 6573 ENG 383 H1 Tragic Dilemma 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 202 Slade, R 6804 ENG 387 C1 Lit & Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ZH 101 Potter, R 2507 PHL 310 C1 Social Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML COMM Poe, D 2014 REL 363 C1 Faith & Justice 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML 218 Cardilino, N

CRIMINAL JUSTICE STUDIES   •  Dr. Art Jipson  •  SJ436  •  937-229-4242

2279 CJS 101 01 Intro to CJS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 025 Apolito, T 2278 CJS 101 A1 Intro to CJS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 230 Apolito, T 2280 CJS 303 01 Corrections 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 025 Farrell, D


Distance Learning Instructions via UD email

CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE CORE/UNA CORE CORE CORE CORE University Honors Core CORE CAP Pilot CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/SOC339C1 or SOC352C1 CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/SOC339C1 or SOC352C1

First Year CJS Majors only




6416 CJS 322 01 Policing & Society 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 211 Hogue, E 5645 CJS 347 01 Sr Project Design 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 9:50 SJ 413 Forbis, J 6417 CJS 399 03 ST:Fed Law Enforcement 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 211 2283 CJS 440 01 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jipson, A 2284 CJS 447 P1 Senior Project-CJS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 434 Jipson, A 2285 CJS 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Jipson, A 2286 CJS 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Jipson, A 2287 CJS 495 P1 Internship -CJS I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Apolito, T 2319 CJS 495 P2 Internship -CJS I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Apolito, T 2321 CJS 495 P3 Internship -CJS I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Apolito, T 3704 CJS 496 04 Internship-CJS II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jipson, A 2325 CJS 496 P1 Internship-CJS II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Apolito, T 2327 CJS 496 P2 Internship-CJS II 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Apolito, T 2330 CJS 496 P3 Internship-CJS II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Apolito, T 2335 CJS 497 P1 Service Learning Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SJ 436 Apolito, T


Same as SOC40801

Perm Grad Sr Stat Isidore; CJS Grad stu only University Honors University Honors Perm CJS Mjrs/Mnrs Pass/Fail Perm CJS Mjrs/Mnrs Pass/Fail Perm CJS Mjrs/Mnrs Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm CJS Mjrs/Mnrs Pass/Fail Perm CJS Mjrs/Mnrs Pass/Fail Perm CJS Mjrs/Mnrs Pass/Fail Perm

Social Science Interdisciplinary 5225 SSC 200 01 Cities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 023 Ambrosius, J 5288 SSC 200 02 Grps,Ident&Movmnts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 5290 SSC 200 03 Childhood Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 211 Holcomb, J 5264 SSC 200 04 Soc Sci-Crim Inv & Pros 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 023 Rodriguez, D Pilot 5265 SSC 200 05 Deconstructing Dinner 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 023 Engle, M 5266 SSC 200 06 Poverty&Chld Devlpmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 023 Fuhs, M 6415 SSC 200 07 Growig Up Lge-America 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 025 Kirschman, K Pilot 6738 SSC 200 08 Analyzing Media Mess 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 025 Robinson, J

Interdisciplinary Courses in Criminal Justice 6499 2244 2245 2249 2250 6396

POL 301 01 PSY 363 01 PSY 363 02 PSY 363 03 PSY 363 04 PSY 461 01

Amer Judicl Process Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Abnormal Psychology Curr Impl-Drug Depnd

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MWF 12:00 12:50 MWF 12:00 12:50 MWF 1:00 1:50 TR 12:00 1:15 TR 4:30 5:45 MW 3:00 4:15

Decision Sciences  •  Dr. Jay Prasad  •  AN111  •  937-229-2938

190 193 197 201 203 206 210 211


DSC 210 01 DSC 210 02 DSC 210 03 DSC 210 04 DSC 210 05 DSC 210 06 DSC 210 07 DSC 211 01

Stats For Bus I Stats For Bus I Stats For Bus I Stats For Bus I Stats For Bus I Stats For Bus I Stats For Bus I Stats For Bus II

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MWF 9:00 9:50 MWF 10:00 10:50 MWF 1:00 1:50 MW 3:00 4:15 MW 4:30 5:45 TR 9:00 10:15 TR 10:30 11:45 MWF 10:00 10:50

SJ 231 SC 320 SC 320 SJ 221 SC 320 SC 320

Pierce, J Goodnight, J Goodnight, J Farnsworth, T Farnsworth, T Farnsworth, T

MH 209 MH 209 MH 214 MH 102 MH 102 MH 102 MH 102 MH 102

Edelmann, C Edelmann, C Neben, R Wagner, P Wagner, P Wells, C Wells, C Neben, R





214 DSC 211 02 Stats For Bus II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 102 Neben, R 216 DSC 211 03 Stats For Bus II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 209 Edelmann, C 6475 DSC 211 H1 Stats For Bus II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 102 Dunne, E 6476 DSC 211 P1 Stats For Bus II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 121 Harrod, S 220 DSC 375 01 Management Science 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 102 Wells, C 223 DSC 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 227 DSC 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 249 DSC 498 P1 Coop Education Prog 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 252 DSC 499 P1 Indep Study In Dsc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 256 DSC 499 P2 Indep Study In Dsc 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 262 DSC 499 P3 Indep Study In Dsc 5.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J

Distance Learning Courses

6 CPS 111 01 Intro-Personal Comp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Yao, Z 6752 ECO 203 08 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Ruggiero, J 1329 EDT 460E 01 ErlyChldPrgmPersnlMng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Engelhardt, E 1361 EDT 464E 01 AdvcyErlyCreEd 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Perrino, P 4813 EDT 465E 01 ItrnPrctmErlyChldAdm 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Smith, A 1605 ISE 300 01 Prob & Stat Egrs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 12:15 KL 312 1611 ISE 441 N1 Productn Engineering 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 312 Doty, J 1612 ISE 455 01 System Dynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 12:15 KL 204 1613 ISE 460 N1 Quality Assurance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 204 1614 ISE 461 01 Dsgn&Anal-Egr Expr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 312 Doty, J 5655 MEE 499 04 Solar Energy Engr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Chiasson, A 6631 PHL 315 02 Medical Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Czupik, P


University Honors

University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Perm Perm

Distance Learning Instructions via UD email Distance Learning Distance Learning ECE Ldrshp & Advoc Prgm only Distance Learning Distance Learning On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM500 On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM541 On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/MSC555 On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM560 On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM561 Distance Learning Distance Learning

Economics  •  Dr. John Rapp  •  MH510  •  937-229-2416

487 ECO 203 01 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 119 Ruggiero, J 488 ECO 203 02 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 119 Ruggiero, J 511 ECO 203 03 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 207 John, B 513 ECO 203 04 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 104 Herzog, J 519 ECO 203 05 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:35 MH 104 Herzog, J 523 ECO 203 06 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:35 MH 104 Herzog, J 6424 ECO 203 07 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 104 Herrick, C 6752 ECO 203 08 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Ruggiero, J 3101 ECO 203 H1 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 109 Collier, T 528 ECO 204 01 Prin of Macroecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 119 Caporale, T 6427 ECO 301 01 Sem in Market Econ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 121 Caporale, T Poitras, M 530 ECO 340 01 Managerial Economics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 109 Frasca, R 532 ECO 347 01 Intrmd MacroEco Anly 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 207 Caporale, T 535 ECO 410 01 Bus&Eco Forecasting 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 213 Gustafson, E 4128 ECO 435 01 Eco of Environmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 106 Collier, T 6428 ECO 442 01 Money and Banking 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 109 Poitras, M 541 ECO 460 01 Eco Develop & Growth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 207 John, B 549 ECO 461 01 International Econ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 104 John, B 6429 ECO 461 02 International Econ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 104 John, B 569 ECO 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Gustafson, E 573 ECO 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Gustafson, E 626 ECO 497 P3 Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:35 MH 103 Gustafson, E 4241 ECO 498 P1 Studies in Economics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Gustafson, E

Distance Learning University Honors BMV LLC

University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm





Electrical & Computer Engineering  •  Dr. Guru Subramanyam  •  KL341  •  937-229-3611

4076 ECE 101 01 Intro to Elec Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 12:50 KL 224 Daniels, M 6109 ECE 101 02 Intro to Elec Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 12:50 KL 224 Daniels, M 8 ECE 200 01 Sophomore Seminar 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 2:20 KL 203 Subramanyam, G 9 ECE 201L 01 Circuit Anlys Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 2:50 KL 213 Moon, D 10 ECE 201L 02 Circuit Anlys Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 2:50 KL 213 Moon, D 11 ECE 201L 03 Circuit Anlys Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 10:30 12:20 KL 213 Moon, D 12 ECE 201L 04 Circuit Anlys Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:00 2:50 KL 213 Moon, D 4696 ECE 201L 05 Circuit Anlys Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:00 2:50 KL 213 Moon, D 13 ECE 203 01 Intro Matlab Prog 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 10:15 KL 304 Kebede, T 14 ECE 203 02 Intro Matlab Prog 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 10:30 11:45 KL 231 Kebede, T 15 ECE 204 01 Electronic Devices 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 304 Guliants, E 16 ECE 204L 01 Electrnc Devices Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:00 2:50 KL 252 Guliants, E 18 ECE 303 01 Signals & Sytems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 351G Daniels, M 19 ECE 303L 01 Signals & Systems Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:00 2:50 KL 231 Daniels, M 4675 ECE 303L 02 Signals & Systems Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:50 KL 231 Daniels, M 21 ECE 304 01 Electrnc Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 304 Subramanyam, G 22 ECE 304L 01 Electrnc Systems Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 12:00 1:50 KL 252 Subramanyam, G 4686 ECE 304L 02 Electrnc Systems Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 10:00 11:50 KL 252 Subramanyam, G 23 ECE 314 01 Fund-Comptr Arch 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 224 Taha, T 24 ECE 314L 01 Fund-Comptr Arch Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 1:50 KL 351G Taha, T 3381 ECE 314L 02 Fund-Comptr Arch Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 1:50 KL 351G Taha, T 25 ECE 332 01 Electromagnetics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 304 Chatterjee, M 26 ECE 333 01 Appl Electromagnetcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 351G Penno, R 27 ECE 334 01 Discrete Signals&Sys 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 304 Balster, E 28 ECE 340 01 Engr Prblty&Rndm Prc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 KL 304 Duncan, B 29 ECE 401 01 Communictn Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 304 Hardie, R 30 ECE 401L 01 Communicatn Sys Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 10:00 11:50 KL 231 Kebede, T 4929 ECE 401L 02 Communicatn Sys Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 2:50 KL 231 Kebede, T 6775 ECE 414 01 Electromech Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 213 Daniels, M 31 ECE 415 01 Control Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 304 Ordonez, R 5183 ECE 416 01 Intro to Robotics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 231 Kebede, T 32 ECE 431L 01 Multdsply Design I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:40 KL 124 Barrera, R 33 ECE 431L 02 Multdsply Design I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 124 Barrera, R 3378 ECE 431L 03 Multdsply Design I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 124 Barrera, R 34 ECE 432L 01 Mutdsply Design II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 11:40 KL 128 Barrera, R 6375 ECE 432L 02 Mutdsply Design II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 2:00 4:00 KL 128 F 2:00 3:00 KL 128 6376 ECE 432L 03 Mutdsply Design II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 9:40 KL 128 4589 ECE 433 01 Proj Mangmt&Innovtn 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 1:15 KL 221 Bloemer, K 4590 ECE 433 02 Proj Mangmt&Innovtn 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 1:15 KL 221 Bloemer, K 5186 ECE 443 01 Intro-Electro Optics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 252 Zhan, Q 37 ECE 444 01 Adv Digital Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 KL 304 Weber, J 5661 ECE 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 5660 ECE 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 6378 ECE 499 01 Dgtl Image Procesng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 1:15 KL 231 Hirakawa, K 6377 ECE 499 02 Sensors & Devices 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 304 6223 ECE 499 05 Innovatve Desgn&Entr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 101 Doepker, P

Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Cross listed w/MEE Cross listed w/MEE Room KL351G University Honors University Honors Colisted w/ECE59502 Colisted w/MGT429

Electronic & Computer Engineering Technology  •  Scott Schneider  •  KL465  •  937-229-4216

2728 ECT 110 01 Electrcl Circuits I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2729 ECT 110L 01 Elec Circuits I Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2730 ECT 120 N1 Elec Circuits II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2731 ECT 224 N1 Digtl Comptr Fund 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2732 ECT 224L N1 Digital Comptr Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2733 ECT 306 01 Electron Devices II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2734 ECT 306L 01 Elect Devices II Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5162 ECT 306L 02 Elect Devices II Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2735 ECT 358 01 Microprocessors II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2736 ECT 358L 01 Microprocssrs II Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2894 ECT 361 01 Programmng Strctrs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2737 ECT 408 01 Data Acquis&Msrmnts 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2738 ECT 408 02 Data Acquis&Msrmnts 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6456 ECT 456 N1 Autmtv Elec&Sfty Sys 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5164 ECT 466 01 Microcmptr Architect 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2740 ECT 490 01 Senior Project 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13



9:00 1:30 4:30 4:30 4:30 5:55 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:30 12:00 3:00 8:00 1:00 4:30 4:30 12:00

10:15 4:15 7:10 5:45 5:45 7:10 10:15 12:50 12:50 11:45 1:15 4:15 9:50 2:50 5:45 5:45 2:45

KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 206 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 352 KL 322 KL 206 KL 124

Van Donkelaar, J Van Donkelaar, J Globig, J Globig, J Ross, L Ross, L Globig, J Globig, J Globig, J Asari, R Asari, R Asari, R Untener, J Untener, J Schneider, S Asari, R Blust, R

PC Notebook Req

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req



Engineering  •  Dr. Riad Alakkad  •  KL266  •  937-229-2736

1634 EGR 100 01 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 7:15 9:15 KL 233 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1636 EGR 100 02 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 7:15 9:15 KL 251 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1637 EGR 100 03 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 7:15 9:15 KL 204 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1641 EGR 100 04 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 7:15 9:15 KL 124 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1645 EGR 100 05 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:00 7:00 KL 233 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1648 EGR 100 06 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:00 7:00 KL 251 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1654 EGR 100 07 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:00 7:00 KL 204 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1656 EGR 100 08 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:00 7:00 KL 124 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1658 EGR 100 09 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 7:15 9:15 KL 233 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1660 EGR 100 10 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 7:15 9:15 KL 251 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1661 EGR 100 11 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 7:15 9:15 KL 204 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1664 EGR 100 12 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 7:15 9:15 KL 124 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1667 EGR 100 13 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:00 7:00 KL 233 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1669 EGR 100 14 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:00 7:00 KL 251 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1686 EGR 100 15 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:00 7:00 KL 204 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1689 EGR 100 16 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 7:15 9:15 KL 233 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1692 EGR 100 17 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 7:15 9:15 KL 251 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1694 EGR 100 18 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 7:15 9:15 KL 204 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1695 EGR 100 19 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 KL 204 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 4086 EGR 102 01 Seminar for UEG 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 12:50 KL 401 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 4087 EGR 102 02 Seminar for UEG 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 12:50 KL 124 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 4088 EGR 102 03 Seminar for UEG 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 12:00 12:50 KL 401 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 4090 EGR 102 04 Seminar for UEG 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 3:00 4:15 KL 204 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 1707 EGR 103 01 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 353 Alakkad, R Bigelow, K Kozak, M 1710 EGR 103 02 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 401 Alakkad, R 1712 EGR 103 03 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 312 Alakkad, R 1713 EGR 103 04 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 401 Alakkad, R 1715 EGR 103 05 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 402 Alakkad, R 1717 EGR 103 06 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 401 Alakkad, R 1719 EGR 103 07 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 305 Alakkad, R 4093 EGR 103 08 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 204 Alakkad, R 4748 EGR 103 09 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 204 Alakkad, R 5200 EGR 103 10 Engineering Innovatn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 204 Alakkad, R 1720 EGR 198 01 Research & Innvtn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R





Pass/Fail MEP Pass/Fail WISE LLC

EGR 198 can be taken for 1-6 credit hours. Please see dept if addtl credit hours are needed




4442 EGR 198 02 Research & Innvtn Lab 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 1723 EGR 201 01 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 405 Whitney, T 1726 EGR 201 02 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 203 Toubia, E 1728 EGR 201 03 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 KL 405 Crosson, K 1730 EGR 201 04 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 405 Whitney, T 4689 EGR 201 05 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 KL 405 McCrate, T 5684 EGR 201 06 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 203 McCrate, T 1732 EGR 201 H1 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 KL 203 Taylor, W 1733 EGR 202 01 Engr Thermodynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 KL 221 Olson, S 1735 EGR 202 02 Engr Thermodynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 204 Henrick, A 2059 EGR 202 03 Engr Thermodynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 KL 382 Petry, L 3374 EGR 202 04 Engr Thermodynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 405 Ciric, A 3375 EGR 202 05 Engr Thermodynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 405 Ciric, A 4691 EGR 202 06 Engr Thermodynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 312 Henrick, A 6135 EGR 202 07 Engr Thermodynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 382 Henrick, A 1736 EGR 203 01 Electrcl & Elctrnc Crt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 224 Penno, R 1737 EGR 203 02 Electrcl & Elctrnc Crt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 402 Moon, D 1738 EGR 203 03 Electrcl & Elctrnc Crt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 224 Moon, D 1739 EGR 203 04 Electrcl & Elctrnc Crt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 224 Chatterjee, M 1740 EGR 298 01 Research & Innvtn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 6122 EGR 311 01 Prin of Nanotechnlgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:50 7:10 KL 304 4094 EGR 330 P1 Engr Dsgn & Appr Techq 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 7:30 8:45 KL 312 4095 EGR 330 P2 Engr Dsgn & Appr Techq 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 7:30 8:45 KL 312 1752 EGR 398 01 Research & Innvtn Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 6577 EGR 411 01 Advanced Nanotech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 252 Sarangan, A 5635 EGR 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 5636 EGR 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1757 EGR 498 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1768 EGR 498 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1772 EGR 498 H3 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1776 EGR 498 H4 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1777 EGR 498 H5 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 2120 EGR 499 01 Innov Dsn&Enterp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 124 Alakkad, R

Engineering Mechanics  •  Dr. Donald Chase  •  KL422  •  937-229-3847

315 317 6347 319 320 6348 4784

EGM 202 01 EGM 202 02 EGM 202 03 EGM 303 01 EGM 303 02 EGM 303 03 EGM 499 P1

Dynamics Dynamics Dynamics Mechanics II Mechanics II Mechanics II Engr Mechanics

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 203 MWF 1:00 1:50 KL 203 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 203 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 405 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 405 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 203 TBA


Permission only

University Honors Perm only

EGR 298 can be taken for 1-6 credit hours. Please see dept if addtl credit hours are needed Perm Perm EGR 398 can be taken for 1-6 credit hours. Please see dept if addtl credit hours are needed University Honors University Honors University Honors CME Majors University Honors CEE Majors University Honors MEE Majors University Honors ELE Majors University Honors ET Majors

Taylor, W Taylor, W Donaldson, S Donaldson, S Chase, D

Engineering Technology  •  Scott Schneider  •  KL465  •  937-229-4216

2849 SET 100 01 First Year Seminar 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 12:50 KL 206 Falkowski, S 2851 SET 100 02 First Year Seminar 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 12:50 KL 206 Falkowski, S 2853 SET 101 N1 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 7:00 KL 251 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 2854 SET 101 N2 Enrichment Workshop 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:00 7:00 KL 251 Alakkad, R Kozak, M 2855 SET 153L 01 Tech Computatn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 306 Segalewitz, S 5172 SET 200 01 Professional Dev Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 2:45 KL 206



Pass/Fail PC Notebook Req


SET 200 02 SET 499 N1

Professional Dev Sem Seminar

0.0 1.0


08/21/13 12/13/13 R 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW

1:30 5:55

2:45 7:10

KL 206 KL 382


Segalewitz, S

English  •  Dr. Sheila H. Hughes  •  HM200A  •  937-229-3434

5379 ENG 100 01 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 402 5380 ENG 100 02 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 306 5381 ENG 100 03 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 125 5382 ENG 100 04 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 05 5384 ENG 100 05 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 122 5386 ENG 100 06 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 110 5387 ENG 100 07 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 118 5388 ENG 100 08 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 CH 204 5389 ENG 100 09 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 126 5390 ENG 100 10 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 01 5391 ENG 100 11 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 312 5392 ENG 100 12 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 KL 303 6504 ENG 100 13 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 303 5394 ENG 100 14 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 303 5395 ENG 100 15 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 204 5397 ENG 100 B1 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 KL 306 Getrost, K 5400 ENG 100 B2 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 05 Getrost, K 5399 ENG 100 B3 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 202 Phillips-Young, L 6791 ENG 100 D1 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 118 Slade, R 6792 ENG 100 D2 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 01 Haan, J 6793 ENG 100 D3 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 110 Hughes, S 6800 ENG 100 I1 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 110 Doench, M 6801 ENG 100 I2 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 202 Haan, J 6802 ENG 100 I3 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 05 Teems, Y 6797 ENG 100 J1 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 110 Doench, M 6798 ENG 100 J2 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 202 Haan, J 6799 ENG 100 J3 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 05 Teems, Y 6794 ENG 100 L1 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 118 Slade, R 6795 ENG 100 L2 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 01 Haan, J 6796 ENG 100 L3 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 110 Hughes, S 5408 ENG 100 N1 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 207 Marre, K 5409 ENG 100 N2 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 202 Thomas, P 5410 ENG 100 W1 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 AS STDC Keane-Sexton, M 5412 ENG 100 W2 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 AS STDC Keane-Sexton, M 5413 ENG 100 W3 Writing Seminar I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 207 Macleod, A 5436 ENG 100A L1 Writing Seminar IA 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 118 Teems, Y 5437 ENG 100A T1 Writing Seminar IA 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 118 Teems, Y 5438 ENG 100A T2 Writing Seminar IA 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 ML 206 Burnside, C 5415 ENG 200 01 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 207 Casola, L 6528 ENG 200 02 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 110 Pici, J 5417 ENG 200 03 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 ML COMM Martin, E 6529 ENG 200 04 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 240 Teems, Y 6531 ENG 200 05 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 ML 206 Martin, E 6532 ENG 200 06 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 110 Carrillo, A 6533 ENG 200 07 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 118 Casola, L 6534 ENG 200 08 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 05 Mackay, E 6535 ENG 200 09 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 05 Mackay, E 6536 ENG 200 10 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 05 Mackay, E

BSJ LLC BSJ LLC BSJ LLC CROS LLC Domestic 1st language CROS LLC Domestic 1st language CROS LLC Domestic 1st language Intercultural International ESL only Intercultural International ESL only Intercultural International ESL only Intercultural Domestic 1st language Intercultural Domestic 1st language Intercultural Domestic 1st language CROS LLC ESL students only CROS LLC ESL students only CROS LLC ESL students only

WA LLC WA LLC WA LLC Stretch International ESL Stretch By placement only Stretch By placement only Writing the American Dream Art & War Cancer Cancer Writing the American Dream Suprheros in Society Suprheros in Society Suprheros in Society




6537 ENG 200 11 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 05 Li, X 6538 ENG 200 12 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 118 Casola, L 6539 ENG 200 13 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 ML COMM Burnside, C 6540 ENG 200 14 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 207 Getrost, K 6542 ENG 200 15 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 202 Mackay, E 6541 ENG 200 16 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 306 Macleod, A 6543 ENG 200 17 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 110 Taaffe, M 6544 ENG 200 18 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 118 Doench, M 6545 ENG 200 19 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 ML COMM Martin, E 6546 ENG 200 20 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 05 Trollinger, S 6547 ENG 200 21 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 207 Vorachek, L 6548 ENG 200 22 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 05 Getrost, K 6549 ENG 200 23 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 207 6550 ENG 200 24 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 202 6551 ENG 200 25 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 303 6552 ENG 200 26 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 126 6553 ENG 200 27 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 110 6554 ENG 200 28 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 207 6555 ENG 200 29 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 LTC 042 Wilhoit, S 6556 ENG 200 30 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 05 Casola, L 6557 ENG 200 31 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 118 Doench, M 6558 ENG 200 32 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 202 Doench, M 5626 ENG 200H B1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 110 Strain, M 5736 ENG 200H B2 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 402 Phillips-Young, L 5439 ENG 200H H1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 ML 218 DeAloia, L 5440 ENG 200H H2 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 ML 218 DeAloia, L 5441 ENG 200H H3 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 207 Morgan, T 5442 ENG 200H H4 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 05 Biswas, A 5443 ENG 200H H5 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 110 McCombe, J 5444 ENG 200H H6 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 CH 208 Burnside, C 5445 ENG 200H H7 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 LTC 042 Bardine, B 5446 ENG 200H H8 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 202 Szeghi Dempster, T 5447 ENG 200H H9 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 202 Burnside, C 5448 ENG 200H HA Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 ML 218 DeAloia, L 5768 ENG 200H HB Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML 206 Martin, E 5772 ENG 200H HD Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 207 Macleod, A 5774 ENG 200H HE Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 403 Gadson, J



China & Globalization Writing the American Dream Buffy:Girls&Vampires (W)rites of Pssage Suprheros in Society Art & War Sustainability Imprisonment Cancer Amish Gender (W)rites of Pssage

Writing the American Dream Imprisonment Imprisonment University Honors BSJ LLC Social Justice First Year only University Honors BSJ LLC Social Justice First Year only University Honors Obedience First Year only University Honors Obedience First Year only University Honors Culture of Hiphop First Year only University Honors Authorship First Year only University Honors First Year only University Honors Buffy:Girls&Vampires First Year only University Honors Heavy Metal Music First Year only University Honors Global Perspectives First Year only University Honors Buffy:Girls&Vampires University Honors Obedience First Year only University Honors Cancer First Year only Unversity Honors Art of War First Year only University Honors Lit’s Child Stars



5789 ENG 200H HF Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 118 Krummel, M 6560 ENG 200H HG Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 205 5560 ENG 200H S1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 204 Potter, R 5561 ENG 200H S2 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 269 Potter, R 5562 ENG 200H W1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 202 Boehnlein, J 6561 ENG 205 01 Major World Writers 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 ML 217 Kimbrough, R 6277 ENG 271L 01 Tech Writing Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CH 323 Taaffe, M 1906 ENG 300 01 Lit Anl&Rsrch-Poetry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 118 Morgan, T 1908 ENG 301 01 Survey-Early Eng Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 118 Krummel, M 1911 ENG 302 01 Survey-Later Eng Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 ML 217 Vorachek, L 1912 ENG 305 01 Survey-American Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 207 Boehnlein, J 6562 ENG 308 01 Intrmd Poetry Wkshop 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 468 Gadson, J 6563 ENG 310 01 Intrmd Fiction Wkshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 110 Pici, J 4338 ENG 315 01 Creative Nonfiction 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 344 Carrillo, A 1919 ENG 316 01 Elements of Style 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 110 Strain, M 1929 ENG 322 01 Mastrpc-World Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 202 Farrelly, J 1932 ENG 322 H1 Mastrpc-World Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 207 Marre, K 4339 ENG 326 01 Sport & Literature 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 110 Pici, J 5689 ENG 326 H1 Sport & Literature 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 110 Pici, J 1936 ENG 332 01 Stephen King on Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 5:30 HM 118 Farrelly, J 5467 ENG 336 01 Gender in Fiction 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 207 Szeghi Dempster, T 6564 ENG 345 01 Colonl&Postcolnl Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 303 6565 ENG 360 01 Latina/Latino Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 207 Szeghi Dempster, T 1947 ENG 362 01 Shakespeare 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 328 1949 ENG 362 H1 Shakespeare 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 202 Macleod, A 1950 ENG 370 01 Rprt&Proposal Wrtng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 01 Biswas, A 1951 ENG 370 02 Rprt&Proposal Wrtng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 205 Thomas, P 1952 ENG 370 03 Rprt&Proposal Wrtng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 HM 05 1953 ENG 370 04 Rprt&Proposal Wrtng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 05 Li, X 1954 ENG 370 H1 Rprt&Proposal Wrtng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 202 Adams, N 1955 ENG 372 01 Business Commicatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 01 Adams, N 1956 ENG 372 02 Business Commicatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 01 Adams, N 1957 ENG 372 03 Business Commicatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 312 Taaffe, M 5478 ENG 372 04 Business Commicatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 01 Adams, N 1959 ENG 372 05 Business Commicatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 01 Farrelly, J 6569 ENG 372 06 Business Commicatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 312 Taaffe, M 6807 ENG 380 01 Science & Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 117 DeAloia, L 6808 ENG 380 C1 Lit & Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ZH 101 Potter, R 6809 ENG 383 C1 Tragic Dilemma 3.0 8/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 202 Slade, R 6573 ENG 383 H1 Tragic Dilemma 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 202 Slade, R 6575 ENG 385 01 Rel&.Lit:Chrstnt&Time 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 7:20 8:35 HM 110 Krummel, M 6579 ENG 455 01 Amrcn Post Modern 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 7:20 9:55 HM 110 Boehnlein, J 6580 ENG 468 01 Intro to Linguistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 7:05 HM 05 Gallagher, C 6581 ENG 472 01 Structure of English 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 202 Haan, J 6582 ENG 476 01 Composition Theory 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 224 Thomas, P 1965 ENG 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1966 ENG 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1967 ENG 485 P1 Internship-Writing 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Adams, N 1968 ENG 485 P2 Internship-Writing 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Adams, N 1969 ENG 485 P3 Internship-Writing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Adams, N 1970 ENG 485 P4 Internship-Writing 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Adams, N 1971 ENG 485 P5 Internship-Writing 5.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Adams, N 1972 ENG 485 P6 Internship-Writing 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Adams, N


University Honors Getting Medieval First Year only University Honors First Year only University Honors SEE LLC University Honors SEE LLC University Honors Voices & Visions WAA LLC SHNU & NUST only

University Honors University Honors

University Honors Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only University Honors Srs only Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only Jrs or Srs only CAP Pilot CORE CAP Pilot University Honors Core University Honors

University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail



ENG 488 01 ENG 490 01 ENG 490 02

Literary Theory Black on White The Beat Generation

3.0 3.0 3.0


08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00

1:15 2:50 4:15

Family Development  •  Dr. Brenda Donnelly  •  SJ435  •  937-229-4651

862 3339 2203 2205 2206 6393 2289 2290 2294

HST 353 01 PSY 251 01 PSY 351 01 PSY 351 02 PSY 351 03 PSY 351 04 PSY 443 01 PSY 443 02 PSY 462 01

Hst-Wom in Eurp Soc 3.0 Hum Growth & Develop 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Psychology of Women 3.0 Psychology of Women 3.0 Human Sexuality 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13


3:00 2:00 9:00 10:00 12:00 11:00 9:00 10:30 5:55

4:15 2:50 9:50 10:50 1:15 11:50 10:15 11:45 8:35

HM 207 HM 468 HM 344

Morgan, T Carrillo, A

HM 126 SC 320 SJ 221 SJ 221 SC 320 SJ 025 SC 320 SC 320 SC 320

Carlson, M Layman-Guadalupe, M Ferra, S Ferra, S Fuhs, M Kirschman, K Zois, C Zois, C Carter, R



Film Studies  •  Dr. James Farrelly  •  HM211  •  937-229-3435

6715 ASI 350 P1 Interdisp Film Study 1.0 10/15/13 11/5/13 T 5:55 7:10 HM 118 Farrelly, J 435 CMM 345 01 Class Amer Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 8:30 AS STDB Geers, J 1936 ENG 332 01 Stephen King on Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 5:30 HM 118 Farrelly, J 6432 HST 365 01 Amer Films as Hst 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 232 Uhlman, J 2582 PHL 324 01 Philosophy & Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:35 HM 109 Bresnahan, A 2030 REL 372 01 Religion & Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 AL 09 Zukowski, A 2522 UDI 382 M1 International Films 1.0 09/5/13 09/26/13 W 6:00 9:00 AS STDB Farrelly, J Geers, J 2524 UDI 382 M2 International Films 1.0 10/10/13 10/31/13 W 6:00 9:00 AS STDB Farrelly, J Geers, J 2526 UDI 382 M3 International Films 1.0 11/7/13 12/5/13 W 6:00 9:00 AS STDB Farrelly, J Geers, J

Finance  •  Dr. John Rapp  •  MH510  •  937-229-2416

631 632 634 635 637 3384 639 650 4185 654 655 659 6436 661 672 6437 6439 685 692 695 697 6446 6449 6450 718 721 1886 5769 767 6451 769


FIN 301 01 FIN 301 02 FIN 301 03 FIN 301 04 FIN 301 05 FIN 301 06 FIN 301 H1 FIN 336 01 FIN 360 01 FIN 360 02 FIN 360 03 FIN 371 01 FIN 371 02 FIN 401 01 FIN 450 01 FIN 450 02 FIN 460 01 FIN 470 01 FIN 475 01 FIN 479 01 FIN 480 01 FIN 481 01 FIN 481L 01 FIN 482 01 FIN 491 H1 FIN 492 H1 FIN 493 P1 FIN 497 P1 FIN 497 P3 FIN 498 01 FIN 498 P1

Intro to Financial Mgt Intro to Financial Mgt Intro to Financial Mgt Intro to Financial Mgt Intro to Financial Mgt Intro to Financial Mgt Intro to Financial Mgt Prin of Real Estate Investments Investments Investments Financial Mkts&Inst Financial Mkts&Inst Adv Financial Anly Interntl Bus Finance Interntl Bus Finance Portfol Mgt&Sec Anl Fixed Inc Sec Commerical Bank Mgt Sem:Bnd Prtfolio Mgt Optns&Futures Mkts Fundmntal&Tech Trdng Trading Lab Energy Markets Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Sem in Investments Internship Internship Health Care Finance Studies in Finance

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 207 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 207 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 213 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 213 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 213 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 207 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 106 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 213 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 207 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 207 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 121 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 104 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 109 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 213 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 104 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 104 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 214 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 213 M 5:55 8:35 MH 207 T 10:30 1:00 MH 118 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 106 F 7:45 10:15 MH 107 R 2:00 2:50 MH 107 R 7:45 10:15 MH 107 TBA TBA TR 4:30 5:45 MH 118 TBA W 5:55 8:35 MH 109 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 104 TBA

Mundew, L Mundew, L Livesay, A Livesay, A Livesay, A Shimmin, D Mundew, L Shimmin, D Shimmin, D Shimmin, D

Cult Flm&Midnight Movie

Pass/Fail Perm Required Dir REFN Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm Required Dir REFN Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm Required Dir REFN Pass/Fail

University Honors

Chang, S Mohan, N Chang, S Chang, S Zhang, T Wang, F O’Donnell, D Wang, F Zhang, T McNew, L McNew, L McNew, L Gustafson, E Gustafson, E Kalbfleisch, M Gustafson, E Gustafson, E Mundew, L Gustafson, E

Time is AM Time is AM University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm

General Education Courses AMS 300 ANT 150 ASI 345 ASI 358 ASI 371 ASI 372 ASI 374 ASI 375 BIO 101 BIO 151 BIO 152 BIO 301 BIO 395 CHM 123 CHM 124 CHM 200 CHM 496 CMM 350 CMM 355 CMM 449 CMS 316 CMS 414 ECO 203 ECO 204 ECO 460 ECO 461 EDT 305 EGR 201 ENG 205 ENG 301 ENG 302 ENG 305 ENG 322 ENG 326 ENG 336 ENG 345 ENG 362 ENG 380 ENG 380 ENG 383 GEO 103 GEO 109 GEO 115 GER 351 HSS 275 HSS 305 HST 103 HST 220 HST 251 HST 252 HST 303 HST 315 HST 322 HST 333 HST 335 HST 337 HST 342 HST 346 HST 349 HST 353

American Cultures Cultural Anthropolgy River Ldrshp Curric Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Bus Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Edu Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Phl Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Rel General Biology I Concepts of Bio I Concepts of Bio II Evolution Global Envr Biology General Chemistry General Chemistry Chemistry & Society Prof Practice Seminr Propaganda Analysis Rhetoric-Soc Movements Med Efct:SocSciRsch Intercultural Comm Global Communication Prin of Microecon Prin of Macroecon Eco Develop & Growth International Econ Phil&Hist of Amer Ed Engr Mechanics Major World Writers Survey-Early Eng Lit Survey-Later Eng Lit Survey-American Lit Mastrpc-World Lit Sport & Literature Gender in Fiction Colonl&Postcolnl Lit Shakespeare Lit & Ethics Science & Lit Tragic Dilemma Prin of Geography Earth,Environ & Soc Physical Geology German Film Hist-PE & Sport Human Anatomy West and World Ancient History Amer Hst to 1865 Amer Hst Since 1865 Hst Roman Rep&Emp Europe 1945-Present History of England Hst of Mode Mdle East Hst of South Asia Hst Afr-19th Cn-Pr Environ Hst Americas Hist of Aviation Tech&Culture-War Hst-Wom in Eurp Soc

HST 355 HST 365 HST 370 HST 375 HST 376 HST 382 HST 383 HST 399 HST 486 MUS 201 MUS 203 MUS 205 MUS 301 MUS 303 MUS 306 MUS 307 MUS 352 MUS 352 MUS 360 MUS 360 MUS 360 MUS 360 PHL 103 PHL 301 PHL 302 PHL 307 PHL 310 PHL 312 PHL 313 PHL 314 PHL 315 PHL 316 PHL 319 PHL 320 PHL 321 PHL 323 PHL 324 PHL 325 PHL 327 PHL 330 PHL 331 PHL 351 PHL 352 PHL 355 PHL 358 PHL 361 PHL 364 PHL 371 PHL 377 PHY 108 PHY 201 PHY 206 PHY 207 PHY 208 POL 101 POL 300 POL 300 POL 300 POL 300 POL 300

American Urban Hist Amer Films as Hst Eco & Bus Hst-US US Foreign Relations Soc & Cult Hst of US History of Mexico Hst of Caribbean Hst Blks-US s/1900 Sem in European Hst Music in Concert Sights & Sounds-Music Mus, Instrumnts & Tech Mus Hist & Lit I Intro World Music History-Amer Jazz Dev Amer Poplr Song Sacred Mus & Wrkshp Sacred Mus & Wrshp Orchestrl Excpts/Hrn ST: Graduate Seminar ST:Saxophone Special Topics-Music Intro To Philosophy Practical Logic Symbolic Logic Philosophy and Women Social Philosophy Ethics Business Ethics Philosophy of Law Medical Ethics Engineering Ethics Information Ethics Philosophy of Art Environmntl Ethics Phl & Literature Philosophy & Film Philosophy of Music Philosophy of Peace Phl of Science Sci, Objtvty & Values Jew/Chris/Islam PHL Modern Philosophy Asian Philosophy Marxist Philosophy American Philosophy Race, Gender&Phl Phl & Human Rights PHL & Mass Media Phy Sci-Light&Color General Physics Gen Physics I Mech Gen Phy II Ele & Mag Gen Phy III Mec Wavs Global Politics Adv Rsrch Hum Trffck Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty Civic Engagement Human Trafficking Media in Amer Pol

POL 321 POL 331 POL 371 PSY 101 PSY 341 PSY 375 PSY 443 PSY 445 REL 103 REL 306 REL 307 REL 308 REL 311 REL 312 REL 315 REL 316 REL 323 REL 326 REL 328 REL 356 REL 358 REL 360 REL 363 REL 366 REL 367 REL 368 REL 369 REL 372 REL 374 REL 375 REL 377 REL 471 REL 477 SCI 190 SCI 210 SCI 220 SCI 230 SCI 240 SEE 401 SOC 328 SOC 331 SOC 339 SOC 341 SOC 343 SOC 352 THR 105 VAD 490 VAD 490 VAE 232 VAF 426 VAH 101 VAH 201 VAH 202 VAH 203 VAH 360 VAH 480 VAP 490 VAR 490 VAR 490 VAR 490

Russia&New States Ntlsm & Ethno Poltcs Environmental Policy Introductory Psych Social Psychology Psychlgy of the Arts Psychology of Women Tech,Envrmnt,Behavr Int Rel&Theo Studies Buddhism Judaism Islam The Prophets Psalms & Wisdom Lit The Gospels New Testmnt Theolgs Hst-Christianty I Protestant Christnty US Cath Experience Chr Tradition-Prayer Incultur/Liberatn Christian Ethics Faith & Justice The Holocaust Chr Ethics&Hlth Care Chr Ethics&Bus World Ethics by Design Religion & Film Religion & the Arts Religion & Science In Jrny:Myth,Bibl&Lt Women and Religion Honors Thesis The Physical Universe The Dynamic Earth World of Chemistry Org,Evol,Envrmnt Org, Evl, Health Sustnblty Research I Racial&Eth Minorties Marriage & Family Social Inequality Self & Society Mass Comm-Mdrn Socty Community Intro to Theatre SP: Design SP:Design/Science Integrating the Arts Painting III Intro-Visual Arts Survey of Art I Survey of Art II Survey of Art III Art History&Feminsm 20th Century Art I SP: Photo SP:Anatomy Drawing SP:Creatve Solutions Vis Arts Internship

PHL 325 PHY 108 PSY 375 REL 372 REL 374 REL 377 THR 105 VAF 426 VAH 201 VAH 202

Philosophy of Music Phy Sci-Light&Color Psychlgy of the Arts Religion & Film Religion & the Arts In Jrny:Myth,Bibl&Lt Intro to Theatre Painting III Survey of Art I Survey of Art II

General Education Cluster Courses Arts & Human Experience Cluster  •  Dr. James Farrelly  •  HM211  •  937-229-3435 MUS 203 Sights & Sounds-Music ASI 345 River Ldrshp Curric MUS 301 Mus Hist & Lit I ENG 205 Major World Writers MUS 303 Intro World Music ENG 322 Mastrpc-World Lit MUS 306 History-Amer Jazz ENG 336 Gender in Fiction MUS 307 Dev Amer Poplr Song ENG 362 Shakespeare MUS 352 Sacred Mus & Wrkshp GER 351 German Film MUS 352 Sacred Mus & Wrshp HST 365 Amer Films as Hst PHL 320 Philosophy of Art HST 376 Soc & Cult Hst of US PHL 323 Phl & Literature HST 382 History of Mexico PHL 324 Philosophy & Film MUS 201 Music in Concert


Business Professional in a Global Society Cluster  •  Bro. Victor Forlani  •  MH803  •  937-229-3556 ASI 345 River Ldrshp Curric ECO 461 International Econ PHL 313 Business Ethics CMS 316 Intercultural Comm HST 370 Eco & Bus Hst-US PSY 341 Social Psychology CMS 414 Global Communication HST 375 US Foreign Relations REL 358 Incultur/Liberatn ECO 460 Eco Develop & Growth HST 383 Hst of Caribbean REL 368 Chr Ethics&Bus World Catholic Intellectual Tradition Cluster  •  Dr. Anthony Smith  •  HM410  •  937-229-1248 PHL 351 Jew/Chris/Islam PHL REL 356 REL 316 New Testmnt Theolgs PHL 360 Existentialism REL 363 REL 328 US Cath Experience

Chr Tradition-Prayer Faith & Justice

Chaminade Scholars  •  Dr. David Darrow  •  AL125  •  937-229-4615 ASI 358 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty REL 356 Chr Tradition-Prayer CORE CLUSTER  •  Dr. WILLIAM TROLLINGER  •  HM482  •  937-229-2827 ASI 375 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Rel ASI 371 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Bus ENG 380 Lit & Ethics ASI 372 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Edu PHL 310 Social Philosophy ASI 374 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Phl

REL 363 SOC 339 SOC 352

Cross Cultural Cluster  •  Dr. Donald Pair  •  OR108  •  937-229-2611 AMS 300 American Cultures PHL 355 HST 333 Hst of Mode Mdle East ANT 150 Cultural Anthropolgy PHL 361 HST 335 Hst of South Asia ASI 345 River Ldrshp Curric PHL 377 HST 337 Hst Afr-19th Cn-Pr CMS 316 Intercultural Comm POL 321 HST 375 US Foreign Relations CMS 414 Global Communication REL 306 HST 383 Hst of Caribbean ENG 205 Major World Writers REL 308 HST 399 Hst Blks-US s/1900 ENG 322 Mastrpc-World Lit REL 315 MUS 303 Intro World Music ENG 345 Colonl&Postcolnl Lit REL 328 MUS 306 History-Amer Jazz HST 220 Ancient History REL 471 PHL 320 Philosophy of Art HST 303 Hst Roman Rep&Emp SOC 328 PHL 323 Phl & Literature HST 315 Europe 1945-Present PHL 325 Philosophy of Music Perspective on Global Enviironmental Cluster  •  Dr. Dan Goldman  •  SC077  •  937-229-4820 HST 342 Environ Hst Americas ASI 345 River Ldrshp Curric POL 371 PHL 321 Environmntl Ethics BIO 395 Global Envr Biology REL 375 PHL 330 Phl of Science CHM 200 Chemistry & Society SEE 401 Social Justice Cluster  •  Dr. James Biddle  •  CH206  •  937-229-3341 ASI 345 River Ldrshp Curric PHL 307 Philosophy and Women CMM 350 Propaganda Analysis PHL 310 Social Philosophy CMM 355 Rhetoric-Soc Movements PHL 312 Ethics ENG 336 Gender in Fiction PHL 314 Philosophy of Law ENG 345 Colonl&Postcolnl Lit PHL 315 Medical Ethics HST 333 Hst of Mode Mdle East PHL 327 Philosophy of Peace HST 337 Hst Afr-19th Cn-Pr PHL 358 Marxist Philosophy HST 355 American Urban Hist PHL 364 Race, Gender&Phl HST 399 Hst Blks-US s/1900 PHL 371 Phl & Human Rights

POL 331 PSY 443 REL 358 REL 363 REL 366 REL 368 SOC 328 SOC 339

Values, Technology and Society Cluster  •  Jack O’Gorman  •  RL105D  •  937-229-2324 and Dr. Riad Alakkad  •  KL266  •  937-229-2304 PHL 319 Information Ethics ASI 345 River Ldrshp Curric PSY 445 PHL 321 Environmntl Ethics BIO 395 Global Envr Biology REL 367 PHL 330 Phl of Science HST 346 Hist of Aviation REL 369 PHL 331 Sci, Objtvty & Values HST 349 Tech&Culture-War REL 375 PHL 377 PHL & Mass Media MUS 205 Mus, Instrumnts & Tech SOC 343 POL 371 Environmental Policy PHL 315 Medical Ethics SWK 331 PHL 316 Engineering Ethics Women & Culture Cluster  •  Dr. Rebecca Whisnant  •  HM405  •  937-229-2937 ASI 345 River Ldrshp Curric PHL 364 Race, Gender&Phl HST 353 Hst-Wom in Eurp Soc PSY 443 Psychology of Women PHL 307 Philosophy and Women


REL 471 VAH 360

Faith & Justice Social Inequality Community Asian Philosophy American Philosophy PHL & Mass Media Russia&New States Buddhism Islam The Gospels US Cath Experience Women and Religion Racial&Eth Minorties

Environmental Policy Religion & Science Sustnblty Research I Ntlsm & Ethno Poltcs Psychology of Women Incultur/Liberatn Faith & Justice The Holocaust Chr Ethics&Bus World Racial&Eth Minorties Social Inequality

Tech,Envrmnt,Behavr Chr Ethics&Hlth Care Ethics by Design Religion & Science Mass Comm-Mdrn Socty Death,Dying&Suicide

Women and Religion Art History&Feminsm



Geology  •  Dr. Daniel Goldman  •  SC179  •  937-229-3432 2298 GEO 103 01 Prin of Geography 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2300 GEO 109 01 Earth,Environ & Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2302 GEO 109 02 Earth,Environ & Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2306 GEO 109 03 Earth,Environ & Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2307 GEO 109 04 Earth,Environ & Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5694 GEO 109 05 Earth,Environ & Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6406 GEO 109 06 Earth,Environ & Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6407 GEO 109L 01 Earth,Environ&Soc LB 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6408 GEO 109L 02 Earth,Environ&Soc LB 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2308 GEO 115 01 Physical Geology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2310 GEO 115L 01 Physical Geology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2313 GEO 115L 02 Physical Geology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2315 GEO 201 01 Mineralogy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2320 GEO 201L 01 Mineralogy Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2323 GEO 204 K1 Geology for Teachers 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 CIC LLC 4300 GEO 301 01 Structural Geology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4301 GEO 301L 01 Structural Geo Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6409 GEO 302 01 Glacial Geology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6410 GEO 302L 01 Glacial Geology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6411 GEO 308 01 Probs-Envrmntl Geo 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6412 GEO 401 01 Paleontology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6413 GEO 401L 01 Paleontology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2379 GEO 404 P1 Problems in Geology 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2408 GEO 404 P2 Problems in Geology 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2412 GEO 404 P3 Problems in Geology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2415 GEO 404 P4 Problems in Geology 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2419 GEO 450 01 Applied GIS 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2450 GEO 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2453 GEO 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6414 GEO 479L 01 Environmntl Inst Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2463 GEO 495 02 Geology Seminar 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 2483 GEO 498 P4 Research&Thesis 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13


10:30 9:00 10:30 9:00 12:00 1:30 1:00 11:00 2:00 10:00 3:00 3:00 11:00 3:00 1:00

11:45 10:15 11:45 9:50 1:15 2:45 1:50 12:50 3:50 10:50 5:00 5:00 11:50 5:00 6:00

SC 396 SC 379 SC 379 SC 379 SC 379 SC 379 SC 379 SC 397 SC 397 SC 066 SC 096 SC 096 SC 096 SC 096 SC 066

Wu, S Klosterman, S Bendula, R

TR 10:30 11:45 SC 096 W 2:00 3:50 SC 096 TR 12:00 1:15 SC 377 R 2:00 5:00 SC 377 T 2:00 4:30 SC 377 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 396 T 3:00 5:00 SC 396 TBA SC 179 TBA SC 179 TBA SC 179 TBA SC 179 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 396 R 12:00 1:50 SC 066 TBA TBA W 1:00 6:00 SC 071 F 2:00 2:50 SC 066 TBA SC

McGrew, A McGrew, A Haritashya, U Haritashya, U Haritashya, U Sandy, M Sandy, M Goldman, D Goldman, D Goldman, D Goldman, D Wu, S Wu, S Goldman, D Goldman, D Bendula, R Haritashya, U Goldman, D


PC Notebook Req

Klosterman, S Bendula, R Schoenenberger, K Schoenenberger, K Goldman, D Schoenenberger, K Schoenenberger, K Koziol, A Koziol, A Sandy, M

EDU only

Perm Perm Perm Perm Wed Problem Session University Honors University Honors


Integrated Natural Science Sequence Courses — Geology 2489 SCI 210 01 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 066 2492 SCI 210 02 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 066 McGrew, A 2508 SCI 210 03 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 066 Klosterman, S 2512 SCI 210 04 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 379 2746 SCI 210L 02 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2747 SCI 210L 03 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 2:00 3:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2748 SCI 210L 04 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 10:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2755 SCI 210L 05 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 11:00 12:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2756 SCI 210L 06 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 2:00 3:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2757 SCI 210L 07 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 11:00 12:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 5670 SCI 210L 08 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 2:00 3:50 SC 397 6578 SCI 310 01 Earth and Sky 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 106 Koziol, A Smith, T

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req

Global Languages & Culture  •  Dr. Franciso Penas-Bermejo  •  HM352A  •  937-229-2449 Arabic 926 ARA 101 N1 Basic Profncy ARA I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 6:00 8:00 HM 01 942 ARA 201 N1 Intermed ARA I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWR 5:10 6:00 HM 01 CHINESE 4567 CHI 101 01 Basic Profncy CHI I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 01 Wang, D 973 CHI 201 01 Intermed CHI I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 01 Wang, D

French 974 FRN 101 01 Basic Profncy FRN I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 07 Tanova, N 5316 FRN 131 01 Intnsve Fundmntl FRN 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 12:50 HM 07 Work, N 976 FRN 141 01 Basic Profncy Frn II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 07 Tanova, N 978 FRN 201 01 Interm French I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 07 Work, N 30

New to language or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam New to language or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam

New to language or placement exam By placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam




984 FRN 311 01 French Conversatn I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 03 Work, N 6696 FRN 381 01 History-Frn Cinema 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 468 Tanova, N German 991 GER 101 01 Basic Profncy GER I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 03 4299 GER 141 01 Basic Profncy GER II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 03 Schellhammer, U 1000 GER 201 01 Intermed German I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 03 1004 GER 311 01 Ger Conversation I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 344 Schellhammer, U 6697 GER 351 N1 German Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 03 Schellhammer, U Italian 1151 ITA 101 01 Basic Prfcncy ITA I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 ML 218 1152 ITA 101 02 Basic Prfcncy ITA I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 ML 218 5319 ITA 141 01 Basic Prfncy ITA II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 ML 206 Ventura, R 1170 ITA 201 01 Interm Italian I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 344 Ventura, R 6698 ITA 314 N1 Communicatng-Ita II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 ML 205 Ventura, R latin 1176 LAT 101 01 Basic Profncy LAT I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 07 Gressis, I 2047 LAT 201 N1 Interm Latin I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 07 Gressis, I Languages 4190 LNG 320 01 Instruc 2nd Lang Acqstn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:20 HM 344 Espinoza, I 1191 LNG 468 N1 Intro Linguistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 4:30 7:05 HM 05 Gallagher, C 1216 LNG 495 01 Lang in Careers 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 3:00 3:50 HM 03 Castro, P Russian 1232 RUS 101 01 Basic Profncy Rus I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 344 Liaugminas, T 1238 RUS 201 01 Interm Russian I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 344 Liaugminas, T Spanish 1248 SPN 101 01 Basic Profncy SPN I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 07 Williams, M 1250 SPN 101 02 Basic Profncy SPN I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 305 4192 SPN 101 03 Basic Profncy SPN I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 07 6086 SPN 101 04 Basic Profncy SPN I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 305 6701 SPN 101 05 Basic Profncy SPN I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 03 Espinoza, I 6702 SPN 101 06 Basic Profncy SPN I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 07 5324 SPN 131 01 Intnsve Fundmntl Spn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 9:50 HM 03 Tello Sanchez, M 1256 SPN 131 02 Intnsve Fundmntl Spn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 1:00 1:50 HM 305 Tello Sanchez, M 1260 SPN 141 01 Basic Profncy Spn II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 07 Williams, M 1262 SPN 141 02 Basic Profncy Spn II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 07 Williams, M 1263 SPN 141 03 Basic Profncy Spn II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 07 4193 SPN 141 N1 Basic Profncy Spn II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 03 1267 SPN 201 01 Intermed Spanish I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 305 Villa, L



Prerequisite or placement exam

New to language or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam

New to language or placement exam New to language or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam New to language or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam

Completion of 18 credits upper level courses in LNG major Pass/Fail New to language or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam New to language or placement exam New to language or placement exam New to language or placement exam New to language or placement exam New to language or placement exam New to language or placement exam By placement exam By placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam



1269 SPN 201 02 Intermed Spanish I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 03 1271 SPN 201 03 Intermed Spanish I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 305 Figueroa, D 1273 SPN 202 01 Intermed Spanish II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 03 Tello Sanchez, M 1274 SPN 202 02 Intermed Spanish II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 07 Penas-Bermejo, F 1288 SPN 311 01 Spn Conversation I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 305 Villa, L 1290 SPN 311 02 Spn Conversation I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 03 Costales, K 6707 SPN 311 03 Spn Conversation I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 03 Espinoza, I 5327 SPN 312 01 Spn Conversation II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 07 Krugh, J 1297 SPN 312 02 Spn Conversation II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 305 Castro, P 6708 SPN 312 03 Spn Conversation II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 305 Castro, P 1306 SPN 321 01 Spn Composition I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 305 Villa, L 1312 SPN 325 01 Commercial Spanish 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 305 Figueroa, D 1313 SPN 341 01 Spanish Cult&Civ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 305 Tello Sanchez, M 6709 SPN 364 01 Surv Spn Am Lit II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 305 Krugh, J 6710 SPN 471 N1 PostFranco Wmn Wrtrs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 305 Costales, K 4204 SPN 480 N1 Spn&Ibero-Amr Cinema 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 7:00 HM 305 Castro, P T 4:30 7:00 HM 305 Castro, P 1346 SPN 497 01 Service Learning 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Krugh, J 1930 SPN 497 02 Service Learning 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Krugh, J 1350 SPN 497 03 Service Learning 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Krugh, J


Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam Prerequisite or placement exam

Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Global Manufacturing Systems Engineering Technology  •  Robert Wolff  •  KL465C  •  937-229-2972

2837 4807 2838 3958 3954 2839 2840 2842 2844 2846 3333 2848

MFG 108L 01 MFG 108L 02 MFG 108L N1 MFG 204 01 MFG 204L 01 MFG 206L N1 MFG 206L N2 MFG 208L 01 MFG 432 01 MFG 434 01 MFG 438 01 MFG 490 01

Manufact Proc Lab 1.0 Manufact Proc Lab 1.0 Manufact Proc Lab 1.0 Materials&Processes 3.0 Matrls&Processes Lab 1.0 Dimensnl Metrology 1.0 Dimensnl Metrology 1.0 Geom Dimsn&Tolrnc Lb 1.0 Mtrls&Proc Plastics 3.0 Robotics & CNC 3.0 Sustnble Mfg&Prd Des 3.0 Senior Project 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 M 2:00 12/13/13 W 3:00 12/13/13 M 5:55 12/13/13 TR 10:30 12/13/13 W 8:00 12/13/13 M 5:55 12/13/13 W 5:55 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 12/13/13 TR 3:00 12/13/13 TR 9:00 12/13/13 MW 3:00 12/13/13 TR 12:00

4:40 5:40 8:35 11:45 10:40 8:35 8:35 11:50 4:15 11:15 4:15 2:45

Health & Sport Science  •  Dr. Lloyd Laubach  •  TF40  •  937-229-4225

KL 492 KL 492 KL 492 KL 206 KL 195 KL 323 KL 323 KL 224 KL 206 SINC KL 306 KL 124

Brown, M Brown, M Brown, M Untener, J Kozak, M Danner, G Danner, G Falkowski, S Hartings, J Falkowski, S Joseph, M Blust, R

941 HSS 101 01 Intro-Univ Exper 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 TF 10 Gallo, G 950 HSS 101 02 Intro-Univ Exper 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 1:50 TF 10 Gallo, G 3464 HSS 101 03 Intro-Univ Exper 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 1:50 TF 10 Gallo, G 960 HSS 111 01 Intro-Sport Mangmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 TF 10 Titlebaum, P 6492 HSS 112 01 Intro-Exer Sci&Ftnss 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:50 7:30 TF 50 Sanders, B 2168 HSS 113 01 Intro-Dietcs/Nutrn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 6:10 TF 51 Gilbert, T 2172 HSS 114 01 Intro to Phys Thrpy 1.0 08/21/13 10/8/13 TR 12:00 12:50 CPC 210 Glenn, T 4136 HSS 114 02 Intro to Phys Thrpy 1.0 08/21/13 10/8/13 TR 1:30 2:20 CPC 210 Gallivan, S 6506 HSS 121 01 Fitness for Life 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 RX B Gallo, G 2180 HSS 130 01 Water Aerobics 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 1:00 1:50 RX POOL Lephart, R 2223 HSS 130 02 Scuba 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 5:00 RX POOL Shade, D 2233 HSS 130 03 Conditioning 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 12:50 TF GYM Beecher, C 5350 HSS 130 04 Cycling 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 9:50 RX A Schemenauer, L 6507 HSS 130 05 Conditioning 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 11:50 TF GYM Ordway, J 6508 HSS 130 06 Abs/Core Strength 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 11:50 TF GYM Schemenauer, L 2247 HSS 182 01 Aerobic Conditioning 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 RX RM A Olfky, R Ordway, J

KL132A and KL492

AIM Center-Sinclair

HSS Mjrs only Pass/Fail HSS Mjrs only Pass/Fail HSS Mjrs only Pass/Fail HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only EHA/EHN only EPT only EPT only HSS Mjrs only

HSS Mjrs only




2260 HSS 210 01 Introductory Foods 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:30 10:15 CPC 549 Poeschl, N 2265 HSS 210L 01 Intro Foods Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:30 11:30 CPC 549 Poeschl, N 2266 HSS 210L 02 Intro Foods Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 3:00 CPC 549 Poeschl, N 2271 HSS 220 01 Adaptd Phys Activity 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 TF 51 Gallo, G 2333 HSS 250 01 Prin of Sport Mngmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 TF 10 Daprano, C 2341 HSS 255 P1 Sports Mgt Practicm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 TF 50 Titlebaum, P 5351 HSS 275 01 Hist-PE & Sport 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 TF 6 DeMarco, G 5352 HSS 275 02 Hist-PE & Sport 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTF 2:00 2:50 TF 10 DeMarco, G 2345 HSS 295 01 Nutrition & Health 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 TF 51 Dalton, J 2348 HSS 295 02 Nutrition & Health 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 TF 51 Angelo, F 4147 HSS 305 01 Human Anatomy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 TF 50 Ritterhoff, K 4150 HSS 305 02 Human Anatomy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 TF 50 Ritterhoff, K 2370 HSS 305L 01 Human Anatomy Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 10:15 CPC 220A Ritterhoff, K 2371 HSS 305L 02 Human Anatomy Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 10:30 11:45 CPC 220A Ritterhoff, K 5354 HSS 305L 03 Human Anatomy Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 9:00 10:15 CPC 220A Ritterhoff, K 5355 HSS 305L 04 Human Anatomy Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 10:30 11:45 CPC 220A Ritterhoff, K 2374 HSS 307 01 Human Physiology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 TF 50 Crecelius, A 4155 HSS 307 02 Human Physiology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 TF 50 Linderman, J 4611 HSS 307L 01 Human Physiology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 10:30 11:45 TF 6 Crecelius, A 4612 HSS 307L 02 Human Physiology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 1:15 TF 6 Crecelius, A 2385 HSS 320 01 Essen/Strength Cond 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 TF 50 Gallo, G 6572 HSS 331 01 Sport Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 TF 51 4614 HSS 335 01 Into-Athletic Trng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:50 7:10 TF 10 Bernard, A 4615 HSS 345 P1 Med Eval & Terminlgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 TF 10 Broomhall, C 5356 HSS 345 P2 Med Eval & Terminlgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 TF 10 Broomhall, C 6521 HSS 349 01 Financng Sprt Opertns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 TF 50 Sullivan, N 6759 HSS 350 01 Business of Soccer 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 TF 51 Sanford, Z 2387 HSS 356 01 HR Mgt in Sport 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 TF 51 Daprano, C 3111 HSS 358 01 Sales/Fdrsng in Sprt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 TF 10 Titlebaum, P 4616 HSS 401 01 Nutritnal Biochem I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 TF 51 DeBeer, M 6524 HSS 402 01 Nutritn-Aging Adult 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 6:10 TF 51 Dalton, J 2393 HSS 404 P1 Coaching Internship 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Daprano, C 2394 HSS 404 P2 Coaching Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Daprano, C 2396 HSS 404 P3 Coaching Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Daprano, C 2398 HSS 405 01 Tsts&Measrmnts-Sp Sc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 TF 51 Laubach, L 2400 HSS 408 01 Physiology-Exercise 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 TF 51 Linderman, J 2402 HSS 408 02 Physiology-Exercise 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 TF 51 Linderman, J 2411 HSS 408L 01 Physiology Ex Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:15 CPC 220C Cole, C 2407 HSS 408L 02 Physiology Ex Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 10:30 11:45 CPC 220C Haas, D 2413 HSS 408L 03 Physiology Ex Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 4:30 5:45 CPC 220C Cole, C 2409 HSS 408L 04 Physiology Ex Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 1:15 CPC 220C Haas, D 4168 HSS 409 01 Kinesiology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 TF 50 Seymour, N 4578 HSS 409 02 Kinesiology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 TF 10 Haas, D 2422 HSS 409L 01 Kinesiology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 10:30 11:45 CPC 220C Haas, D 4170 HSS 409L 02 Kinesiology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 1:15 CPC 220C Haas, D 6526 HSS 409L 03 Kinesiology Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 2:45 CPC 220C Ritterhoff, K



Must be taken w/HSS 210L EHA/EHN only Must be taken w/HSS 210 EHA/EHN only Must be taken w/HSS 210 EHA/EHN only HSS only ESM only Perm HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS only HSS only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS Mjrs only HSS only HSS only HSS only Perm Perm HSS Mjrs only HSS only Jrs & Srs HSS Mjrs only HSS only HSS only HSS Mjrs only Perm Perm Perm HSS only Must be taken w/HSS 408L HSS only Must be taken w/HSS 408L HSS only Must be taken w/HSS 408 HSS only Must be taken w/HSS 408 HSS only Must be taken w/HSS 408 HSS only Must be taken w/HSS 408 HSS only HSS Mjrs only Take w/HSS 409L HSS Mjrs only Take w/HSS409 HSS only Take w/HSS409 HSS Mjrs only Take w/HSS 409L HSS Mjrs only



2429 HSS 422 01 Exer-Spec Populatns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 TF 51 Lucas, J 6527 HSS 422 02 Exer-Spec Populatns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 TF 51 Lucas, J 2432 HSS 428 01 Rsch in Phys Act&Hlth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 TF 10 DeMarco, G 4172 HSS 428 02 Rsch in Phys Act&Hlth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 TF 50 Crecelius, A 6760 HSS 431 01 Nutritn-Exr&Sprt Sc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 TF 51 2468 HSS 439 01 Prof Sem in Dietetics 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 6:10 TF 50 Dalton, J 2473 HSS 448 01 Safty&Law- PE Sports 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 8:30 9:50 TF 50 Daprano, C 2477 HSS 455 P1 Sel Studies-Exer Sci 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Ritterhoff, K 2484 HSS 455 P3 Sel Studies-Exer Sci 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L 2499 HSS 490 P1 Exer Sci Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 8:50 TF 51 Laubach, L 2509 HSS 491 P1 Exer Sci Internship 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L 2511 HSS 491 P2 Exer Sci Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L 2515 HSS 491 P3 Exer Sci Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L 6530 HSS 495 01 Med Nutrition Thrpy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 TF 10 Dalton, J 2517 HSS 498 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L 2519 HSS 499 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L

History  •  Dr. Juan Santamarina  •  HM400A  •  937-229-2848

4174 HST 103 01 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5528 HST 103 02 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4134 HST 103 03 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 686 HST 103 04 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 687 HST 103 05 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 691 HST 103 06 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5601 HST 103 07 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5602 HST 103 08 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 706 HST 103 09 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 710 HST 103 10 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5603 HST 103 11 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 714 HST 103 13 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 716 HST 103 14 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 719 HST 103 15 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 723 HST 103 16 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 724 HST 103 17 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 726 HST 103 18 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 3136 HST 103 20 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 3137 HST 103 21 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5607 HST 103 23 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4148 HST 103 24 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4154 HST 103 25 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5608 HST 103 26 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4730 HST 103 27 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5609 HST 103 28 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5610 HST 103 29 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4751 HST 103 30 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4752 HST 103 31 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5911 HST 103 33 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6085 HST 103 34 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 727 HST 103 36 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 737 HST 103 37 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 3369 HST 103 38 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5742 HST 103 39 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6745 HST 103 40 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6753 HST 103 41 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 4165 HST 103 P1 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6734 HST 103 P2 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 3370 HST 103 P3 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13


9:00 9:00 2:00 1:00 9:00 10:30 3:00 4:30 3:00 9:00 8:00 10:30 9:00 9:00 10:00 9:00 10:30 1:30 2:00 10:30 8:00 3:00 1:30 1:30 3:00 3:00 10:00 9:00 10:30 9:00 11:00 11:00 10:00 10:30 1:00 1:30 7:20 10:30 9:00 5:55 10:00 7:20

10:15 10:15 2:50 1:50 9:50 11:45 4:15 5:45 4:15 10:15 8:50 11:45 9:50 9:50 10:50 10:15 11:45 2:45 2:50 11:45 8:50 4:15 2:45 2:45 4:15 4:15 10:50 9:50 11:45 9:50 11:50 11:50 10:50 11:45 1:50 2:45 8:35 11:45 9:50 7:10 10:50 8:35

HM 125 HM 126 HM 205 KL 312 HM 126 SC 181 SJ 025 SC 269 HM 109 ML 217 HM 118 ML 217 HM 122 HM 125 HM 122 HM 122 HM 126 AS STDB SC 269 SC 269 HM 206 HM 125 HM 126 HM 125 KL 304 SC 271 KL 312 HM 206 HM 122 SJ 013 HM 122 HM 122 HM 125 MH 201 HM 126 KL 312 HM 122 ML 217 HM 122 HM 122 HM 122 HM 122


HSS only HSS only HSS only HSS only HSS only EHA only EES/ESM Mjrs only Perm Perm Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Pass/Fail HSS Mjrs only University Honors University Honors

Hume, L Sextro, L Merithew, C Sanderson, M Flockerzie, L Sextro, L Reid, P Reid, P Borbonus, D Morman, P Bieber, J Morman, P Amin, J Bartley, K Bartley, K Washington, V Washington, V Washington, V Jones, L Sutherland, B

Sutherland, B Sextro, L Sutherland, B

Carter, M Heitmann, J Amin, J Schweikart, L Jaffe, T Heitmann, J Jaffe, T Morman, P Morman, P Amin, J Amin, J Bartley, K Bartley, K






4218 HST 220 01 Ancient History 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 271 Borbonus, D 763 HST 251 01 Amer Hst to 1865 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 126 Jones, L 5243 HST 252 01 Amer Hst Since 1865 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 05 Uhlman, J 774 HST 252 02 Amer Hst Since 1865 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 126 Uhlman, J 5529 HST 252 03 Amer Hst Since 1865 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 KL 402 Bartley, K 775 HST 300 P1 Career Dev-History 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 4:30 5:45 HM 125 Bednarek, J 778 HST 301 P1 Research Seminar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 126 Flockerzie, L 6739 HST 303 H1 Hst Roman Rep&Emp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 271 Borbonus, D 6425 HST 311 01 Old Regime Europe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 379 Sutherland, B 5245 HST 315 01 Europe 1945-Present 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 126 Flockerzie, L 6426 HST 322 01 History of England 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 CH 323 Sanderson, M 6740 HST 333 01 Hst of Mode Mdle East 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 122 Fleischmann, E 6431 HST 335 01 Hst of South Asia 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 403 6430 HST 337 01 Hst Afr-19th Cn-Pr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 122 Amin, J 5247 HST 342 01 Environ Hst Americas 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 122 Heitmann, J 857 HST 346 N1 Hist of Aviation 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 125 Bednarek, J 861 HST 349 01 Tech&Culture-War 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 125 Schweikart, L 862 HST 353 01 Hst-Wom in Eurp Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 126 Carlson, M 864 HST 355 01 American Urban Hist 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 125 Bednarek, J 6432 HST 365 01 Amer Films as Hst 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 232 Uhlman, J 870 HST 370 01 Eco & Bus Hst-US 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 125 Schweikart, L 5530 HST 373 01 American Mil Hst 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 AS STDC Washington, V 5249 HST 375 01 US Foreign Relations 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 125 Santamarina, J 6755 HST 375 P1 US Foreign Relations 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 125 Santamarina, J 5611 HST 376 01 Soc & Cult Hst of US 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM Bartley, K 876 HST 382 01 History of Mexico 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 122 Jaffe, T 877 HST 383 01 Hst of Caribbean 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 403 Jaffe, T 6434 HST 399 01 Hst Blks-US s/1900 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 269 Reid, P 882 HST 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Santamarina, J 892 HST 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Santamarina, J 5558 HST 486 P1 Sem in European Hst 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 3:00 5:45 ML 205 Morman, P 6743 HST 486 P2 Sem in European Hst 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 5:45 HM 468 Sextro, L 898 HST 495 P1 Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Bednarek, J 899 HST 496 P1 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Santamarina, J 900 HST 496 P2 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Santamarina, J 901 HST 496 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Santamarina, J

Human Rights  •  Dr. Natalie Hudson  •  SJ210  •  937-229-3617

6658 444 445 446 452 453 5362 467 468 541 778 6430 6434 882 892 899 900 901 6629 6643 2608 2617 2621 2628 512 4201 6496 527 6497


CMM 355 01 CMM 390 P1 CMM 390 P2 CMM 390 P3 CMM 412 01 CMM 412 02 CMM 412 03 CMM 477 H1 CMM 478 H1 ECO 460 01 HST 301 P1 HST 337 01 HST 399 01 HST 477 H1 HST 478 H1 HST 496 P1 HST 496 P2 HST 496 P3 PHL 314 01 PHL 327 01 PHL 371 01 PHL 477 H1 PHL 478 H1 PHL 492 P1 POL 207 01 POL 207 02 POL 207 03 POL 300 01 POL 300 02

Rhetoric-Soc Movemnts 3.0 Independent Study 1.0 Independent Study 2.0 Independent Study 3.0 Statistcl Mthd-Comm 3.0 Statistcl Mthd-Comm 3.0 Statistcl Mthd-Comm 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0 Eco Develop & Growth 3.0 Research Seminar 3.0 Hst Afr-19th Cn-Pr 3.0 Hst Blks-US s/1900 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0 Independent Study 1.0 Independent Study 2.0 Independent Study 3.0 Philosophy of Law 3.0 Philosophy of Peace 3.0 Phl & Human Rights 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0 Directed Research 3.0 Political Analysis 3.0 Political Analysis 3.0 Political Analysis 3.0 Adv Rsrch Hum Trffck 3.0 Civic Engagement 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

TR 3:00 4:15 ZH 101 TBA TBA TBA MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 023 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 125 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 125 TBA TBA MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 207 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 126 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 122 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 269 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 240 TR 9:00 10:15 ML 218 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML 217 TBA TBA TBA MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 023 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 231 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 434 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 434 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 025

Watters, K Hess, J Hess, J Hess, J Goode, J Langhorne, A Langhorne, A Hess, J Hess, J John, B Flockerzie, L Amin, J Reid, P Santamarina, J Santamarina, J Santamarina, J Santamarina, J Santamarina, J Payne, M Poe, D Velasquez, E Inglis, J Inglis, J Inglis, J Miller, N Miller, N Neeley, G Ensalaco, M Neiheisel, S


Perm Pass/Fail Perm University Honors Perm

INS majors

University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm

Perm Perm Perm

University Honors University Honors Perm

University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Perm CAP Pilot University Honors University Honors Perm




543 POL 300 03 Media in Amer Pol 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 434 Birdsong, D 6498 POL 300 04 Human Trafficking 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 209 Talbott, A 3803 POL 300 H1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J 533 POL 300 P1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J 6500 POL 319 01 20th Cent Pol Thgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 231 Watkins, D 568 POL 321 01 Russia&New States 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 013 Bilocerkowycz, J 571 POL 331 01 Ntlsm & Ethno Poltcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 013 Bilocerkowycz, J 577 POL 333 01 Pol of Human Rghts I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 231 Hudson, N 6501 POL 334 01 Pol-Human Rights II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 013 Pruce, J 6503 POL 452 01 Political Violence 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 013 Ensalaco, M 633 POL 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J 636 POL 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J 645 POL 495 P1 Govt Intership 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 656 POL 495 P2 Govt Intership 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 664 POL 495 P3 Govt Internship 9.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 666 POL 495 P4 Hum Rgts Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 670 POL 495 P5 Internship/Legal 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 677 POL 495 WC Govt Internship 9.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 4284 REL 358 01 Incultur/Liberatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 112 Luzarraga, R 1874 REL 360 01 Christian Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 06 Luzarraga, R 5649 REL 360 02 Christian Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 117 Bennett, J 6787 REL 363 01 Faith & Justice 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 117 Johnson, K 2014 REL 363 C1 Faith & Justice 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML 218 Cardilino, N 2019 REL 366 01 The Holocaust 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 112 Bluestein, J 4286 REL 377 01 In Jrny:Myth,Bibl&Lt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 205 Werner, J 2043 REL 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Thompson, D 2044 REL 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Thompson, D

Industrial & Systems Engineering  •  Dr. Ed Mykytka  •  KL365  •  937-229-2238

1605 ISE 300 01 Prob & Stat Egrs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 12:15 KL 312 4641 ISE 346 N1 Six Sigma Yellow Belt 1.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 7:20 8:35 KL 306 Piechota, P 4436 ISE 408 N1 Lean Mgt Methods 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 206 1607 ISE 430 N1 Engineering Economy 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 221 Mykytka, E 1608 ISE 430 N2 Engineering Economy 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 221 Mykytka, E 1609 ISE 430 N3 Engineering Economy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 221 Mykytka, E 1610 ISE 435 N1 Human Factors 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 206 Quill, L 5194 ISE 438 01 Sustnble Mfg&Prd Des 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 306 Joseph, M 1611 ISE 441 N1 Productn Engineering 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 312 Doty, J 1612 ISE 455 01 System Dynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 12:15 KL 204 1613 ISE 460 N1 Quality Assurance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 204 1614 ISE 461 01 Dsgn&Anal-Egr Expr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 312 Doty, J 5160 ISE 487 N1 Leading in Tch Envr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:45 KL 401 Back, D Russo, V 2876 ISE 499 N3 SP: in Systems 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 4275 ISE 499 N4 SP: in Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA


University Honors Same as ASI358

POL,INS and Human Rights Mjrs only

University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Washington Ctr CAP Pilot

CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/SOC339C1 or SOC352C1

University Honors University Honors

On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM500

Co-listed w/ENM53001 On campus only 1st 5 weeks Co-listed w/ENM53001 On campus only 1st 10 weeks Co-listed w/ENM53001 On campus only

On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM541 On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/MSC555 On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM560 On campus and Distance Learning x-listed w/ENM561 On campus only x-list w/ENM587





Industrial Engineering Technology  •  Charles Edmondson  •  KL465D  •  937-229-2853

2741 2742 6458 2759 2761 2779 4657 2783 2790 6782 2801

IET 316 N1 IET 317 01 IET 320 N1 IET 323 01 IET 323 N1 IET 332 01 IET 346 N1 IET 408 01 IET 420 01 IET 435 N1 IET 490 01

Quantitatv Analysis Industrl Econ& Analys Qualty Assur Technqs Project Management Project Management Facilities Layout Ds Six Sigma Yellow Belt Lean Mgt Methods Indstrl&Environ Sfty Human Factors Senior Project

Interdisciplinary Courses

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

TR 4:30 TR 12:00 TR 5:55 MWF 9:00 TR 5:55 MW 1:00 MW 7:20 MWF 9:00 TR 3:00 MW 4:30 TR 12:00

5:45 1:15 7:10 9:50 7:10 2:50 8:35 9:50 4:15 5:45 2:45

KL 306 KL 206 KL 306 KL 206 KL 206 KL 306 KL 206 KL 306 KL 306 KL 206 KL 124

Edmonson, C Edmonson, C Feola, S Blust, R Piechota, P Edmonson, C Piechota, P Falkowski, S Joseph, M Quill, L Blust, R

PC Notebook Req

Arts 5538 ASI 110 C1 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 5:20 ML COMM James, V CORE TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS James, V 5539 ASI 110 C2 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 3:20 ML COMM CORE TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS 5540 ASI 110 C3 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:30 5:20 ML 217 Kimbrough, R CORE TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS Kimbrough, R 5541 ASI 110 C4 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 3:20 ML 217 CORE TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS 5542 ASI 110 C5 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:30 5:20 ML 218 Trollinger, S CORE TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS Trollinger, S 5543 ASI 110 C6 Dev West Global Ctxt 7.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:30 5:20 ML Trollinger, W CORE TR 9:00 10:15 HM SRS Trollinger, W 3152 ASI 150 01 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SC 217 Robinson, J BIO & EVB 3153 ASI 150 02 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SC 271 Masthay, M CHM 3154 ASI 150 03 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 MH 203 Wallace, S CMM 3155 ASI 150 04 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 MH 205 Wallace, S CMM 3159 ASI 150 05 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 MH 203 Wallace, S CMM 3160 ASI 150 06 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 MH 205 Wallace, S CMM 3161 ASI 150 07 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 MH 21A Courte, D CPS 3162 ASI 150 08 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SJ 023 Jipson, A CJS/SOC/ECA Leming, L 3163 ASI 150 09 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SC 269 McCombe, J ENG 3164 ASI 150 10 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 179 Goldman, D GEO/EVG 3165 ASI 150 11 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 269 Santamarina, J HST 3166 ASI 150 12 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 HM 122 Carlson, M INS 3167 ASI 150 13 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 ML Mosher, A LAN 3168 ASI 150 14 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 271 Busch, A MTH 3169 ASI 150 15 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 CPC 442 Farris, P MUS 3170 ASI 150 16 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SC 114 Scheltens, K MED 3172 ASI 150 18 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SC 106 Berney, R PHY 3173 ASI 150 19 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 HM 126 Pierce, J POL & HRS 3174 ASI 150 20 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 HM 125 Hume, L PLW 3175 ASI 150 21 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 114 Layman-Guadalupe, M PSY 3176 ASI 150 22 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 ML 206 Barnes, M REL 3180 ASI 150 25 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 HM 126 UNA 3181 ASI 150 26 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 128 UNA 3182 ASI 150 27 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 HM 125 UNA 3183 ASI 150 28 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 KL 312 UNA 3184 ASI 150 29 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SC 108 UNA 3186 ASI 150 30 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 106 UNA 3192 ASI 150 33 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 HM 122 UNS 3194 ASI 150 34 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 KL 303 UNS 3196 ASI 150 35 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 SJ 023 UNS 3466 ASI 150 37 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 KL 312 UNA 3467 ASI 150 38 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 301 UNA 4758 ASI 150 39 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 SC 217 Scheltens, K MED 3190 ASI 150 C1 Intr to the Univ Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 KL 303 CORE/UNA 6714 ASI 322 01 Cities and Suburbs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 230 Cassiman, S SEE Stock, R 3348 ASI 345 01 River Ldrshp Curric 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 5:45 SC 269 Pair, D 6715 ASI 350 P1 Interdisp Film Study 1.0 10/15/13 11/5/13 T 5:55 7:10 HM 118 Farrelly, J 3043 ASI 358 H1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J University Honors Perm-POL Dept Chair




3044 ASI 358 P1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J 2830 ASI 371 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML 218 Marvin, W 2832 ASI 372 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Edu 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML COMM Mullins, M 2835 ASI 374 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Phl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML 206 Kebede, M 2836 ASI 375 C1 Prf Eth Glgl Cm-Rel 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 ML 217 Miller, V Sciences 6488 SCI 180 01 Fins1:Dynamic Univrse 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 181 Johnson, D Smith, T 9:00 10:15 SC 278 Johnson, D Smith, T 1388 SCI 190 01 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 119 Kariyawasam, T 1394 SCI 190 02 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 119 Erdei, J 1391 SCI 190 03 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 119 Elhamri, S 1396 SCI 190 07 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 SC 107 Kariyawasam, T 1397 SCI 190 08 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 119 Craver, B 1400 SCI 190 K1 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 119 Elhamri, S 1404 SCI 190 K2 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 119 Elhamri, S 1414 SCI 190L 01 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:30 10:15 SC 206 Erdei, L 1418 SCI 190L 02 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:30 10:15 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1420 SCI 190L 03 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1422 SCI 190L 04 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1423 SCI 190L 05 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1424 SCI 190L 06 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1425 SCI 190L 07 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 10:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1426 SCI 190L 08 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 10:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1428 SCI 190L 09 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 11:00 12:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1429 SCI 190L 10 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 11:00 12:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1430 SCI 190L 11 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 10:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1432 SCI 190L 12 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 10:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1437 SCI 190L K1 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:30 10:15 SC 206 Erdei, L 1439 SCI 190L K2 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:30 10:15 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1441 SCI 190L K3 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:00 2:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1442 SCI 190L K4 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:00 2:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1444 SCI 190L K5 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 3:00 4:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1445 SCI 190L K6 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 3:00 4:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 2489 SCI 210 01 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 066 2492 SCI 210 02 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 066 McGrew, A 2508 SCI 210 03 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 066 Klosterman, S 2512 SCI 210 04 The Dynamic Earth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 379 2746 SCI 210L 02 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2747 SCI 210L 03 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 2:00 3:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2748 SCI 210L 04 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 10:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2755 SCI 210L 05 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 11:00 12:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2756 SCI 210L 06 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 2:00 3:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 2757 SCI 210L 07 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 11:00 12:50 SC 397 Roberts, S 5670 SCI 210L 08 The Dynamic Erth Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 2:00 3:50 SC 397 1122 SCI 220 01 World of Chemistry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 379 Hils, J 1123 SCI 220L 01 World of Chem Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 9:50 SC 395 849 SCI 230 01 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 146 Friese, C 858 SCI 230 02 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 106 Dillon, M 868 SCI 230 03 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 146 Klco, D 869 SCI 230 H1 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 064 Friese, C 874 SCI 230 N1 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:00 8:30 SC 146 Yingling, M 885 SCI 230L 01 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 888 SCI 230L 02 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:00 2:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 894 SCI 230L 03 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 896 SCI 230L 04 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:00 6:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 909 SCI 230L 05 Org,Evl,Envirn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:30 2:20 SC 144 Hanley, C


Perm Chaminade Scholars Only CORE CORE CORE CORE

Perm Educ only - CIC LLC Perm Educ only - CIC LLC


PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req

EDU Mjrs Take w/SCI230L05 University Honors PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req EDU Mjrs Take w/SCI23002




912 SCI 240 01 Org, Evl, Health 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 064 Allan, T 914 SCI 240L 01 Org, Evl, Health Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 1:50 SC 144 Hanley, C 6756 SCI 300 01 Computng-Globl Society 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 21A Gothard, S 6578 SCI 310 01 Earth and Sky 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 106 Koziol, A Smith, T Social Sciences 5225 SSC 200 01 Cities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 023 Ambrosius, J 5288 SSC 200 02 Grps,Ident&Movmnts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 5290 SSC 200 03 Childhood Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 211 Holcomb, J 5264 SSC 200 04 Soc Sci-Crm Inv & Pros 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 023 Rodriguez, D 5265 SSC 200 05 Deconstructing Dinner 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 023 Engle, M 5266 SSC 200 06 Poverty&Chld Devlpmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 023 Fuhs, M 6415 SSC 200 07 Growig Up Lge-America 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 025 Kirschman, K 6738 SSC 200 08 Analyzing Media Mess 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 025 Robinson, J School of Business 132 BAI 103L 01 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 9:00 9:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 134 BAI 103L 02 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 10:00 10:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 141 BAI 103L 03 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 11:00 11:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 155 BAI 103L 04 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 9:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 160 BAI 103L 05 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 10:00 10:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 166 BAI 103L 06 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 11:00 11:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 168 BAI 103L 07 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 9:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 172 BAI 103L 08 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 10:00 10:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 175 BAI 103L 09 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 11:00 11:50 AN 130 Reynolds, M 182 BAI 103L E1 Bus Computing Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 6394 BAI 150 01 Bus Educ Planning 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MF 8:00 8:50 MH 119 Leonard, J 3885 BAI 150 02 Bus Educ Planning 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TF 8:00 8:50 MH 119 Balser, B Leonard, J 3886 BAI 150 03 Bus Educ Planning 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 8:00 8:50 MH 119 Huling, K Leonard, J 6397 BAI 150 04 Bus Educ Planning 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 RF 8:00 8:50 MH 119 Leonard, J Riley, J 6731 BAI 151 01 Bus Integratn Exp 1.0 08/21/13 09/17/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 106 Leonard, J 6732 BAI 151 02 Bus Integratn Exp 1.0 09/24/13 10/22/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 106 Leonard, J 6733 BAI 151 03 Bus Integratn Exp 1.0 10/29/13 11/21/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 106 Leonard, J 3031 BAI 400 P1 Dean’s Leadership Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leonard, J 3035 BAI 497 P1 Lab Work Experience 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leonard, J 3629 BAI 497 P3 Lab Work Experience 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leonard, J 3631 BAI 497 P4 Lab Work Experience 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leonard, J 3037 BAI 497 P6 Lab Work Experience 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leonard, J



Course is BOTH online and in class

Students who pass waiver exam

Perm Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail

International Business  •  Dr. Terence Lau  •  MH710  •  937-229-4556

541 ECO 460 01 Eco Develop & Growth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 207 John, B 549 ECO 461 01 International Econ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 104 John, B 6429 ECO 461 02 International Econ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 104 John, B 672 FIN 450 01 Interntl Bus Finance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 104 Chang, S 6437 FIN 450 02 Interntl Bus Finance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 104 Chang, S 4566 INB 302 01 Survey of Intl Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:20 MH 214 Souroutzidis, A 6736 INB 350 01 Dng Bus Emrging Mkts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 MH 214 Hurtado, D 6737 INB 357 01 Export Management 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 214 Kohls, A 3038 INB 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lau, T 3039 INB 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lau, T


University Honors Perm University Honors Perm



3040 INB 497 P1 Inship-Elective Cred 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lau, T 3041 INB 497 P2 Inship-Elective Cred 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lau, T 3042 INB 497 P3 Inship-Elective Cred 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lau, T 4365 MKT 440 01 Global Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 209 Hirunyawipada, T 5492 MKT 440 02 Global Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 209 Hirunyawipada, T

International Studies  •  Dr. Mary Beth Carlson  •  HM123  •  937-229-2765

642 BIO 395 01 Global Envr Biology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 217 Klco, D 456 CMM 420 01 Comm & Conflict Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 232 Cusella, L 472 CMS 316 01 Intercultural Comm 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 232 Griffin, J 473 CMS 414 01 Global Communication 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 232 Griffin, J 487 ECO 203 01 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 119 Ruggiero, J 488 ECO 203 02 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 119 Ruggiero, J 511 ECO 203 03 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 207 John, B 513 ECO 203 04 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 104 Herzog, J 519 ECO 203 05 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:35 MH 104 Herzog, J 523 ECO 203 06 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:35 MH 104 Herzog, J 6424 ECO 203 07 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 104 Herrick, C 6752 ECO 203 08 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Ruggiero, J 3101 ECO 203 H1 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 109 Collier, T 528 ECO 204 01 Prin of Macroecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 119 Caporale, T 541 ECO 460 01 Eco Develop & Growth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 207 John, B 549 ECO 461 01 International Econ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 104 John, B 6429 ECO 461 02 International Econ 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 104 John, B 6561 ENG 205 01 Major World Writers 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 ML 217 Kimbrough, R 1929 ENG 322 01 Mastrpc-World Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 202 Farrelly, J 1932 ENG 322 H1 Mastrpc-World Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 207 Marre, K 6564 ENG 345 01 Colonl&Postcolnl Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 303 672 FIN 450 01 Interntl Bus Finance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 104 Chang, S 6437 FIN 450 02 Interntl Bus Finance 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 104 Chang, S 4174 HST 103 01 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 125 Hume, L 5528 HST 103 02 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 126 Sextro, L 4134 HST 103 03 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 205 Merithew, C 686 HST 103 04 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 KL 312 Sanderson, M 687 HST 103 05 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 126 Flockerzie, L 691 HST 103 06 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 181 Sextro, L 5601 HST 103 07 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 025 Reid, P 5602 HST 103 08 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 269 Reid, P 706 HST 103 09 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 109 Borbonus, D 710 HST 103 10 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 ML 217 Morman, P 5603 HST 103 11 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 118 Bieber, J 714 HST 103 13 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML 217 Morman, P 716 HST 103 14 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 122 Amin, J 719 HST 103 15 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 125 Bartley, K 723 HST 103 16 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 122 Bartley, K 724 HST 103 17 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 122 Washington, V 726 HST 103 18 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 126 Washington, V 3136 HST 103 20 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 AS STDB Washington, V 3137 HST 103 21 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 269 Jones, L 5607 HST 103 23 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 269 Sutherland, B 4148 HST 103 24 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 HM 206 4154 HST 103 25 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 125 5608 HST 103 26 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 126 Sutherland, B 4730 HST 103 27 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 125 Sextro, L 5609 HST 103 28 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 304 Sutherland, B 5610 HST 103 29 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 271 4751 HST 103 30 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 312 4752 HST 103 31 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 206 5911 HST 103 33 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 122 Carter, M 6085 HST 103 34 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SJ 013 727 HST 103 36 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 122 Heitmann, J 737 HST 103 37 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 122 Amin, J 3369 HST 103 38 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 125 Schweikart, L 5742 HST 103 39 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 201 Jaffe, T 6745 HST 103 40 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 126 Heitmann, J


Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Priority to SBA Priority to SBA


Distance Learning University Honors BMV LLC

University Honors




6753 HST 103 41 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 312 Jaffe, T 4165 HST 103 P1 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 7:20 8:35 HM 122 Morman, P TR 10:30 11:45 ML 217 Morman, P 6734 HST 103 P2 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 122 Amin, J TR 5:55 7:10 HM 122 Amin, J 3370 HST 103 P3 West and World 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 122 Bartley, K TR 7:20 8:35 HM 122 Bartley, K 6425 HST 311 01 Old Regime Europe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 379 Sutherland, B 5245 HST 315 01 Europe 1945-Present 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 126 Flockerzie, L 6426 HST 322 01 History of England 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 CH 323 Sanderson, M 6740 HST 333 01 Hst of Mode Mdle East 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 122 Fleischmann, E 6430 HST 337 01 Hst Afr-19th Cn-Pr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 122 Amin, J 5247 HST 342 01 Environ Hst Americas 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 122 Heitmann, J 861 HST 349 01 Tech&Culture-War 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 125 Schweikart, L 862 HST 353 01 Hst-Wom in Eurp Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 126 Carlson, M 5530 HST 373 01 American Mil Hst 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 AS STDC Washington, V 5249 HST 375 01 US Foreign Relations 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 125 Santamarina, J 6755 HST 375 P1 US Foreign Relations 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 125 Santamarina, J 876 HST 382 01 History of Mexico 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 122 Jaffe, T 877 HST 383 01 Hst of Caribbean 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 403 Jaffe, T 6434 HST 399 01 Hst Blks-US s/1900 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 269 Reid, P 872 INS 390 M1 Model United Nations 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Talbott, A 906 INS 399 P1 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 911 INS 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 913 INS 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 916 INS 495 P1 Interntl Internship 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 922 INS 495 P2 Interntl Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 924 INS 495 P3 Interntl Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 929 INS 495 P4 Interntl Internship 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 931 INS 495 P5 Interntl Internship 5.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 934 INS 495 P6 Interntl Internship 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 6344 INS 499 01 INS Senior Capstone 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 023 Carlson, M 2084 MUS 303 01 Intro World Music 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CPC 442 MacLachlan, H CPC 455 MacLachlan, H 2085 MUS 303 02 Intro World Music 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 CPC 442 MacLachlan, H CPC 455 MacLachlan, H 2506 PHL 307 01 Philosophy and Women 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 109 Whisnant, R 2507 PHL 310 C1 Social Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML COMM Poe, D 6629 PHL 314 01 Philosophy of Law 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 240 Payne, M 2578 PHL 320 01 Philosophy of Art 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 159 Bresnahan, A 5502 PHL 321 01 Environmntl Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 240 Dunham, D 2580 PHL 323 01 Phl & Literature 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML 218 Smeltzer, H 2583 PHL 325 01 Philosophy of Music 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 204 Lockwood, K 6643 PHL 327 01 Philosophy of Peace 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 ML 218 Poe, D 6645 PHL 331 01 Sci, Objtvty & Values 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 240 Tibbetts, P 6647 PHL 351 01 Jew/Chris/Islam PHL 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 468 Gabbe, M 6648 PHL 352 01 Modern Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 468 Fouke, D 5505 PHL 355 01 Asian Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 240 McLeod, G 6649 PHL 358 01 Marxist Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 117 Kebede, M 2598 PHL 360 01 Existentialism 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 240 Dunham, D 6650 PHL 364 01 Race, Gender&Phl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 ML 206 Velasquez, E 2608 PHL 371 01 Phl & Human Rights 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML 217 Velasquez, E 508 POL 202 01 Intro Comp Politics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 231 Talbott, A 515 POL 214 01 Intro-Intrntl Poltcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 023 Bilocerkowycz, J 568 POL 321 01 Russia&New States 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 013 Bilocerkowycz, J 571 POL 331 01 Ntlsm & Ethno Poltcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 013 Bilocerkowycz, J 577 POL 333 01 Pol of Human Rghts I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 231 Hudson, N 596 POL 371 01 Environmental Policy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 013 Pautz, M 6503 POL 452 01 Political Violence 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 013 Ensalaco, M 2291 PSY 445 01 Tech,Envrmnt,Behavr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 221 Timbrook, J 1847 REL 306 01 Buddhism 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 LTC 042 Harrison, E 5515 REL 307 01 Judaism 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 112 Bluestein, J 5516 REL 308 01 Islam 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 205 Salih, J 4284 REL 358 01 Incultur/Liberatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 112 Luzarraga, R





INS majors

Perm University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Majors/Minors Non-majors

CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/SOC339C1 or SOC352C1

CAP Pilot

POL,INS and Human Rights Mjrs only

CAP Pilot



6787 REL 363 01 Faith & Justice 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 117 Johnson, K 2014 REL 363 C1 Faith & Justice 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML 218 Cardilino, N 2019 REL 366 01 The Holocaust 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 112 Bluestein, J 2020 REL 367 01 Chr Ethics&Hlth Care 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 117 Bennett, J 2032 REL 374 01 Religion & the Arts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 ML COMM Hardware, L 2042 REL 471 01 Women and Religion 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 06

Management  •  Dr. Dean McFarlin  •  MH710  •  937-229-3744

1709 MGT 201 01 Legal Envirnmt-Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 1:15 MH 101 Wood, T 1711 MGT 201 02 Legal Envirnmt-Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 104 Lau, T 6770 MGT 201 03 Legal Envirnmt-Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 104 Lau, T 1716 MGT 201 N1 Legal Envirnmt-Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 119 Wood, T 1721 MGT 201 N2 Legal Envirnmt-Bus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 MH 119 Wood, T 2121 MGT 220 01 Entrep Soph Exper I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 101 Chelle, R 2122 MGT 220 02 Entrep Soph Exper I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 101 Chelle, R 4230 MGT 301 01 Organiztnl Behavior 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 213 King, W 4231 MGT 301 02 Organiztnl Behavior 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 209 Kiewitz, C 2125 MGT 301 03 Organiztnl Behavior 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 119 Sweeney, P 2127 MGT 301 N1 Organiztnl Behavior 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 213 King, W 2128 MGT 301 N2 Organiztnl Behavior 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 MH 213 King, W 2129 MGT 301 N3 Organiztnl Behavior 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 209 Sweeney, P 2130 MGT 301 N4 Organiztnl Behavior 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 8:30 MH 104 Brady, N 2131 MGT 302 01 Managerial Skills 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 121 Miller, T 2133 MGT 320 N1 New Venture Creation 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 MH 101 Kenworthy, T 5465 MGT 320 N2 New Venture Creation 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:30 MH 101 Kenworthy, T 2134 MGT 321 01 Financing Entp Vent 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 121 Janney, J 2146 MGT 401 N1 Orgn,Dsn,Cul&Change 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 101 June, R 2148 MGT 402 N1 Leadership&Motivatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 MH 109 June, R 2151 MGT 403 N1 Cross-Cult Managemnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 8:30 MH 209 McFarlin, D 2152 MGT 404 01 Group Dynamics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 121 Miller, T


CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/SOC339C1 or SOC352C1

Priority to SBA SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing ENT majors SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing ENT majors SO standing Concurrent w/ACC207 & ECO203 ENT majors SO standing Concurrent w/ACC207 & ECO203 Priority to SBA SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing ENT majors SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing Priority to SBA SO standing Priority to LDR mjrs & mnrs SO standing ENT majors JR standing ENT Majors JR standing ENT majors JR standing Priority to LDR mjrs & mnrs JR standing Priority LDR/ENT mjrs & mnrs JR standing LDR/INB mjrs & mnrs JR standing Priority to LDR mjrs & mnrs JR standing




5477 MGT 420 01 Entrepenrl Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 101 Woeste, J 6478 MGT 423 01 HRM /in Emergng Firms 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 106 Miller, T 6480 MGT 429 01 Innovtn&Entreprnrshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 101 Durmusoglu, S 5480 MGT 429 N1 Angl Invst&Vntr Cptl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 MH 121 Gottesman, R 6483 MGT 429 N3 Curr Issues-Entrepen 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 8:30 MH 101 6484 MGT 429 N4 Innovtn&Entreprnrshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 106 3109 MGT 430 N1 ENT Capstone Seminar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:30 MH 121 Lewis, V 2166 MGT 490 01 Managing the Entrpse 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 104 Gentner, J 2167 MGT 490 02 Managing the Entrpse 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 104 Meek, W 2169 MGT 490 03 Managing the Entrpse 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 104 Meek, W 2171 MGT 490 04 Managing the Entrpse 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 121 Sullivan, D 2173 MGT 490 N1 Managing the Entrpse 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 121 Sullivan, D 2175 MGT 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2177 MGT 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2179 MGT 497 P1 Internship 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2183 MGT 497 P2 Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2186 MGT 497 P3 Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2188 MGT 498 P3 Co-op Education Prog 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2191 MGT 499 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D

Management Information Systems  •  Dr. Jay Prasad  •  AN111  •  937-229-2938

1851 MIS 220 01 Exp Careers/Info Sys 1.0 10/7/13 11/4/13 M 4:30 8:30 AN 130 Ferratt, T Hall, S 267 MIS 300 01 Survey of Mgt Info Sys 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 102 Prasad, J 269 MIS 301 01 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 102 Prasad, J 273 MIS 301 02 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 121 Quigley, D 276 MIS 301 03 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 121 Quigley, D 278 MIS 301 04 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:30 MH 102 Letavec, C 280 MIS 301 05 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 8:30 MH 102 5277 MIS 301 H1 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 AN 129 Ferratt, T 5278 MIS 301 P1 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 AN 129 Ferratt, T 292 MIS 305 01 Prb Slvg wth Vis Tls 1.0 09/3/13 10/3/13 TR 9:00 10:15 AN 130 Robinson, M 301 MIS 325 01 Programming-Bus Sys 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 9:15 MH 102 Robinson, M 4060 MIS 368 01 Prin of Infmtn Sec Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:30 MH 209 Salisbury, W 6477 MIS 380 01 Sys Anly & Re-engr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 102 Ferratt, T 309 MIS 381 01 Prin of Project Mgt 1.0 08/22/13 10/24/13 R 5:55 8:30 MH 213 Letavec, C 316 MIS 385 01 Sys Implmntn-DBMS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 106 Wynn, D 4068 MIS 430 01 Telecomm&Netwrkg 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 OFF 327 MIS 465 01 Pjr I-Anl&Dsn-Teams 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 2:50 MH 209 Salisbury, W 517 MIS 467 01 Data Warehousing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 MH 209 Schoeff, D 558 MIS 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J



ENT/MKT mjrs & mnrs Cross listed w/MKT420-01 ENT/LDR mjrs & mnrs JR standing ENT mjrs only Counts for ENT elective credit JR standing Cross-listed as MEE/ECE 499 ENT mjrs & mnrs only JR standing JR standing JR standing ENT mjrs only SR standing-Cannot be taken in same term as MGT490 SBA students SR standing ENT majors only Cannot be taken in same term as MGT430 SBA students SR standing SBA students SR standing SBA students SR standing SBA students SR standing University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm

Pass/Fail--5 weeks Non-SBA students only

University Honors Perm 10 classes


University Honors



560 MIS 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 564 MIS 497 P1 Lab Work Experience 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA MH 103 Prasad, J 566 MIS 498 P1 Coop Education Prog 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 570 MIS 498 P2 Coop Education Prog 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 572 MIS 498 P3 Coop Education Prog 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 576 MIS 499 P3 Indep Study in MIS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J

Marketing  •  Dr. Dean McFarlin  •  MH710  •  937-229-3744

2194 MKT 300 01 Survey of MKT 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 119 Blanford, J 2196 MKT 300 02 Survey of MKT 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 121 Blanford, J 5483 MKT 301 01 Prin of Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 213 Pan, Y 5484 MKT 301 02 Prin of Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 213 Pan, Y 5485 MKT 301 03 Prin of Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 101 Watson, S 2227 MKT 301 N1 Prin of Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 104 Hirunyawipada, T 4244 MKT 301 N2 Prin of Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 119 Woeste, J 2229 MKT 310 01 Prin of Selling 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 MH 213 Krystofik, A 2231 MKT 310 02 Prin of Selling 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 213 Krystofik, A 2234 MKT 350 N1 Internet & E-Mkt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 101 Dickey, I 6489 MKT 411 N1 Sales Management 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 209 Frawley, J 5489 MKT 420 01 Entrpnrl Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 101 Woeste, J 2237 MKT 421 01 Advertising 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 106 Davidson, E 4363 MKT 421 02 Advertising 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 106 Davidson, E 6490 MKT 421 03 Advertising 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 121 Davidson, E 6772 MKT 435 N1 New Product Devlp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 104 Durmusoglu, S 6773 MKT 435 N2 New Product Devlp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 MH 106 Durmusoglu, S 4365 MKT 440 01 Global Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 209 Hirunyawipada, T 5492 MKT 440 02 Global Marketing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 209 Hirunyawipada, T 2256 MKT 450 01 Buyer Behvr&Mkt Anly 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 10:50 MH 101 Sparks, J 2258 MKT 450 02 Buyer Behvr&Mkt Anly 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 5:45 MH 101 Wells, R 2261 MKT 455 01 Mkt Planning&Stratgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 213 Dickey, I 2262 MKT 455 02 Mkt Planning&Stratgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 101 Wells, R 2263 MKT 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2264 MKT 492 H1 Honor Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 4372 MKT 494 01 Brand Management 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 209 Harmon, T 4373 MKT 494 02 Brand Management 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 209 Harmon, T 6491 MKT 494 03 High Tech Selling 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 101 Krystofik, A 2270 MKT 497 P1 Internship 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2272 MKT 497 P2 Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2273 MKT 497 P3 Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2275 MKT 498 P3 Co-Op Education 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2276 MKT 499 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D


University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm

Non-SBA majors Non-SBA majors SBA students SO standing SBA students SO standing SBA students SO standing SBA students SO standing ENT Mjrs only SO standing Priority to SBA Priority to SBA Priority to SBA Priority to SBA SBA ENT/MKT mjrs/minrs only JR standing Cross listed as MGT42001 Priority to SBA Priority to SBA students Priority to SBA Priority to SBA Priority to SBA Priority to SBA Priority to SBA MKT majors JR standing MKT majors JR standing MKT majors SR standing MKT majors SR standing University Honors University Honors Priority to SBA Priority to SBA Priority to SBA Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm




MATHEMATICS  •  Dr. Joe Mashburn  •  SC313C  •  937-229-2511

2618 MTH 114 01 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 2620 MTH 114 02 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 2629 MTH 114 03 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 2632 MTH 114 04 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 2633 MTH 114 05 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 2636 MTH 114 06 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5137 MTH 114 07 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 3359 MTH 114 P1 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 TR 10:30 3360 MTH 114 P2 Contemporary Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 12:00 2647 MTH 116 01 Precalculus Math 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 8:00 2651 MTH 116 02 Precalculus Math 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 TR 3:00 2653 MTH 128 01 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 2656 MTH 128 02 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 2658 MTH 128 03 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 2659 MTH 128 04 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2871 MTH 128 05 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 2663 MTH 128 06 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 2665 MTH 128 07 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 3601 MTH 128 08 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 4844 MTH 128 09 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 6136 MTH 128 10 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 3655 MTH 128 P1 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 TR 9:00 2671 MTH 128 P2 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 TR 12:00 4377 MTH 128 P3 Finite Math 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 TR 3:00 5138 MTH 129 01 Calc for Business 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 2677 MTH 129 02 Calc for Business 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 2678 MTH 129 03 Calc for Business 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 2680 MTH 129 04 Calc for Business 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2681 MTH 129 05 Calc for Business 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 4673 MTH 129 P3 Calc for Business 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 TR 4:30 2683 MTH 137 01 Calc I with Review 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 8:00 2684 MTH 137 02 Calc I with Review 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 9:00 2687 MTH 137 03 Calc I with Review 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 TR 10:30 6559 MTH 137 04 Calc I with Review 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 TR 1:30 2694 MTH 138 01 Calc I with Review 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 TR 3:00 2695 MTH 148 01 Introductory Calc I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 T 9:00 2744 MTH 148 02 Introductory Calc I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 R 9:00 2745 MTH 148 03 Introductory Calc I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 T 12:00 2750 MTH 148 04 Introductory Calc I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 T 1:30 2751 MTH 148 05 Introductory Calc I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 R 10:30 3475 MTH 148 06 Introductory Calc I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 T 10:30 2752 MTH 149 01 Introductory Calc II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 R 12:00 2753 MTH 168 01 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 8:00 4383 MTH 168 02 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 8:00 2760 MTH 168 03 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 9:00 2762 MTH 168 04 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 TR 9:00 2763 MTH 168 05 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 TR 10:30 2764 MTH 168 06 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 TR 10:30


10:50 12:50 1:50 1:15 5:45 5:45 7:10 10:50 11:20 2:20 12:50 8:50 12:50 3:50 9:50 10:50 1:50 2:50 1:15 4:15 4:15 5:45 4:15 2:50 9:50 9:50 10:50 12:50 1:50 3:50 9:50 10:50 1:50 2:50 5:45 1:50 5:20 8:50 9:50 11:50 11:20 2:50 2:20 12:50 3:50 10:50 9:50 10:50 9:50 12:50 12:50 1:50 2:20 1:50 11:45 1:50 11:20 12:50 12:50 8:50 8:50 9:50 9:50 9:50 11:50 11:20 11:50 11:20

SC 269 SC 269 SC 269 SC 181 SC 224 SC 328 SC 224 SC 269 SC 306 SC 306 SC 224 SC 328 SC 224 SC 108 SC 108 SC 108 SC 323 SC 323 SC 216 SC 224 SC 301 SC 301 SC 301 KL 221 SC 108 SC 306 SC 108 SC 306 SC 323 SC 306 SC 328 SC 328 SC 108 SC 108 SC 224 SC 108 SC 306 SC 224 SC 224 SC 224 SC 328 SC 224 SC 328 SC 108 SC 328 KL 401 SC 108 SC 224 SC 108 SC 216 SC 108 SC 216 SC 108 SC 224 SC 108 SC 271 SC 108 SC 323 SC 301 SC 108 SC 301 SC 301 SC 320 SC 271 SC 108 SC 224 SC 216 SC 301

Driskell, S Connair, K Connair, K Harrison, W Loomis, J Holloway, S Loomis, J Driskell, S Driskell, S Connair, K Connair, K Lackey, V Lackey, V Lackey, V Steinlage, L Steinlage, L Flavin, R Flavin, R Nolan, E Nolan, E Finnegan, R Finnegan, R Wingham, E Steinlage, L Steinlage, L Steinlage, L Steinlage, L Flavin, R Flavin, R Peterson, R Peterson, R Steinlage, L Steinlage, L Fuchs, S Steinlage, L Steinlage, L Harrison, W Harrison, W Ober, S Ober, S Ober, S Ober, S Harrison, W Harrison, W Abueida, A Abueida, A Saintignon, P Saintignon, P

Saintignon, P Saintignon, P Abueida, A Abueida, A Gorton, R Gorton, R Mashburn, J Yengulalp, L Yengulalp, L Ober, S Ober, S


Perm Perm

Perm Perm Perm



2765 MTH 168 07 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 TR 1:30 3492 MTH 168 08 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 TR 1:30 3493 MTH 168 09 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5775 MTH 168 10 Anly Geom & Calc I 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 TR 8:00 2767 MTH 169 01 Anly Geom & Calc II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 8:00 2768 MTH 169 02 Anly Geom & Calc II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 9:00 2769 MTH 169 03 Anly Geom & Calc II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 TR 10:30 6164 MTH 169 04 Anly Geom & Calc II 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 TR 1:30 2770 MTH 204 01 Math Concepts I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 2771 MTH 204 02 Math Concepts I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2772 MTH 205 01 Math Concepts II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 2773 MTH 207 01 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 2774 MTH 207 02 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 2775 MTH 207 03 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 2776 MTH 207 04 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 2777 MTH 207 05 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 2780 MTH 207 06 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 2781 MTH 207 07 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 2782 MTH 207 08 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4736 MTH 207 09 Intro to Statistics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 2784 MTH 216 01 Calc Concepts&Apps 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 2785 MTH 218 01 Anly Geom & Calc III 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 TR 9:00 2786 MTH 218 02 Anly Geom & Calc III 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTWRF 9:00 2787 MTH 218 03 Anly Geom & Calc III 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 TR 12:00 2878 MTH 218 04 Anly Geom & Calc III 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 TR 12:00 2789 MTH 218 05 Anly Geom & Calc III 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 TR 1:30 4862 MTH 218 06 Anly Geom & Calc III 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 TR 3:00 2791 MTH 219 01 Appl Diff Equations 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 2792 MTH 219 02 Appl Diff Equations 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 2793 MTH 219 03 Appl Diff Equations 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 2794 MTH 270 01 Geom Concepts&Apps 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 2796 MTH 308 01 Fndtn & Discrete Mth 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 2797 MTH 310 01 Lin Alg & Matrices 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 6566 MTH 310 02 Lin Alg & Matrices 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 2798 MTH 330 01 Intermed Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 2799 MTH 367 01 Statistical Meth I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 6567 MTH 376 01 Number Theory 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 2803 MTH 403 01 Boundary Value Probs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 2804 MTH 411 01 Probablty & Stat I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2805 MTH 430 01 Real Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 6568 MTH 467 01 Comb Design Theory 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00

2:50 2:20 2:50 2:20 6:35 8:50 8:50 8:50 9:50 11:50 11:20 2:50 2:20 1:15 2:45 11:45 10:50 11:50 12:50 1:50 7:10 10:15 1:15 4:15 5:45 5:45 9:50 9:50 9:50 11:50 1:15 11:50 1:15 2:50 2:20 2:50 3:50 8:50 10:50 12:50 12:50 10:50 9:50 1:50 1:50 5:45 10:50 5:45 2:50 11:50 4:15

SC 271 SC 224 SC 216 SC 301 SC 301 SC 271 SC 271 SC 216 SC 216 SC 301 SC 216 SC 301 SC 216 SC 323 SC 323 SC 323 SC 301 SC 181 SC 328 SC 328 SC 216 SC 328 SC 328 SC 216 SC 216 SC 323 SC 181 SJ 232 SC 323 SC 328 SC 150 SC 323 SC 396 SC 328 SC 269 SC 379 SC 379 SC 323 SC 216 SC 301 SC 306 SC 323 SC 306 SC 301 SC 306 SC 216 SC 306 SC 323 SC 306 SC 306 SC 108

Mechanical Engineering  •  Dr. Kelly Kissock  •  KL361  •  937-229-2835


Schmitt, L

Eloe, P Eloe, P Usman, M Usman, M Usman, M Usman, M Krakowski, R Krakowski, R Driskell, S Simon, J Diestelkamp, W Hovey, P Hovey, P Wright, S Brenneman, M Brenneman, M de Saint-Rat, M de Saint-Rat, M Krakowski, R Liu, R Liu, R Raffoul, Y Liu, R Liu, R Raffoul, Y Raffoul, Y Saintignon, P Saintignon, P Gorton, R Gorton, R Raffoul, Y Islam, M Islam, M Driskell, S Higgins, A

PSY majors only

Eloe, P Higgins, A Wright, S Gorton, R Islam, M Diestelkamp, W Yengulalp, L Abueida, A

1489 MEE 101 01 Intro to Mech Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 12:50 KL 221 Strunks, M 3411 MEE 101 03 Intro to Mech Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 1:50 KL 221 Strunks, M 6790 MEE 101 04 Intro to Mech Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 12:00 12:50 KL 382 Strunks, M 4598 MEE 101 P1 Intro to Mech Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Strunks, M 1490 MEE 101 P2 Intro to Mech Engr 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 12:50 KL 382 Strunks, M 1491 MEE 104L 01 Computer Graphics I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 382 Price, D 4599 MEE 200 01 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 12:50 KL 221 Strunks, M 4602 MEE 200 02 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 KL 221 Strunks, M 6669 MEE 200 04 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 1:50 KL 221 Strunks, M 1492 MEE 200 P1 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Strunks, M

Also KL223 Pass/Fail Also KL223 Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm only Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Also KL223 Also KL223 Also KL223 Perm only




4603 MEE 200 P2 Prof Development Sem 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 12:50 KL 382 Strunks, M 1493 MEE 225 01 Intro to Flight 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 382 Rumpfkeil, M 1494 MEE 227L 01 Computer Graphics II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 382 Obermeyer, J 5534 MEE 227L 02 Computer Graphics II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 382 Myszka, D 1496 MEE 227L 03 Computer Graphics II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 382 Myszka, D 3988 MEE 227L 04 Computer Graphics II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 382 Obermeyer, J 6671 MEE 227L 05 Computer Graphics II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 204 6672 MEE 227L 06 Computer Graphics II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 303 6139 MEE 298 01 Research&Innvtn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kissock, J 1497 MEE 308 01 Fluid Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 221 Rumpfkeil, M 1498 MEE 308 02 Fluid Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 382 Henrick, A 1499 MEE 312 01 Engr Materials I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 KL 382 Pinnell, M 1500 MEE 312 02 Engr Materials I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 KL 353 Pinnell, M 1501 MEE 312L 01 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 10:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 1502 MEE 312L 02 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 10:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 1503 MEE 312L 03 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 1504 MEE 312L 04 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 6:00 8:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 5535 MEE 312L 05 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 8:00 10:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 6673 MEE 312L 06 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 2:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 6674 MEE 312L 07 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 2:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 6675 MEE 312L 08 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 2:00 4:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 6676 MEE 312L 09 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 2:00 4:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 6677 MEE 312L 10 Materials Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 10:40 KL 195 Pinnell, M 1505 MEE 314 01 Computational Mthds 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 224 Doyle, G 1506 MEE 314 02 Computational Mthds 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 221 Doyle, G 1507 MEE 321 01 Theory of Machines 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 221 Murray, A 1508 MEE 321 02 Theory of Machines 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 223 Murray, A 1509 MEE 341 01 Engineerng Expermntn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 2:00 3:50 KL 353 Bigelow, K 1510 MEE 341 02 Engineerng Expermntn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 8:30 10:20 KL 353 Myszka, D 1511 MEE 341 03 Engineerng Expermntn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:30 10:20 KL 353 Bigelow, K 1512 MEE 344 01 Manufctrng Processes 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:15 10:15 KL 221 Jain, V 5766 MEE 398 01 Research&Innvtn Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kissock, J 1513 MEE 409 01 Aerospace Structure 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 382 Kolonay, R 1514 MEE 410 01 Heat Transfer 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 382 Choi, J 3992 MEE 410 02 Heat Transfer 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 223 Choi, J 5536 MEE 410L 01 Thermofluids Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 10:15 SC 251 Klosterman, D 1516 MEE 410L 02 Thermofluids Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 10:30 11:45 SC 251 Klosterman, D 1517 MEE 410L 03 Thermofluids Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 10:30 11:45 SC 251 Klosterman, D 1518 MEE 413 01 Propulsion 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 221 Fotia, M 1519 MEE 415 01 Professnl Dvlpmnt I 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 12:50 HM SRS Doyle, G 4967 MEE 415 P1 Professnl Dvlpmnt I 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Doyle, G 1520 MEE 416 01 Professnl Dvlpmnt II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 12:00 12:50 HM SRS Doyle, G 3363 MEE 417 01 Internl Combstn Engn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 221 Anderson, E Litke, P Sidhu, S 1521 MEE 425 01 Aerospace Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 405 Altman, A 1522 MEE 427 01 Mech Design I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 221 Jain, V 3996 MEE 427 02 Mech Design I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 223 Jain, V 1524 MEE 431L 01 MultiDisplayEngrDsgn I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 124 Hageman, J 1525 MEE 431L 02 MultiDisplayEngrDsgn I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 124 Hageman, J 1526 MEE 431L 03 MultiDisplayEngrDsgn I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 124 Obermeyer, J 6678 MEE 431L 04 MultiDisplayEngrDsgn I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 124 Hageman, J 1527 MEE 432L 01 Mltdspy Egr Ds Lb II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 11:40 KL 124 Hageman, J 1528 MEE 432L 02 Mltdspy Egr Ds Lb II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 2:00 4:00 KL 124 Hageman, J F 2:00 2:50 KL 124 Hageman, J 6679 MEE 432L 03 Mltdspy Egr Ds Lb II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 9:40 KL 124 Hageman, J 1529 MEE 433 01 Proj Mangmt&Innvotn 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 1:15 KL 221 Bloemer, K 4604 MEE 433 02 Proj Mangmt&Innvotn 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 1:15 KL 221 Bloemer, K 1530 MEE 434 01 Mechatronics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 550 Erdahl, D 1531 MEE 434 02 Mechatronics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 550 Erdahl, D 1532 MEE 439 01 Dynamic Sys & Conrls 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 11:50 KL 221 Kashani, A F 11:00 12:50 KL 221 Kashani, A 6680 MEE 439 02 Dynamic Sys & Conrls 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 9:50 KL 223 Kashani, A F 9:00 10:50 KL 223 Kashani, A 1533 MEE 440 01 Flight Vehicle Perf 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MTRF 8:00 8:50 KL 382 Camberos, J 1534 MEE 460 01 Engineering Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 221 Hallinan, K 1535 MEE 460 02 Engineering Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 223 Hallinan, K 1536 MEE 473 01 Renewable Energy Sys 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 221 Gilbert, R 3355 MEE 478 01 Energy Eff Manufact 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 221 Kissock, J




Instructor permission Dual w/RCL568, MEE568

MEE students only ECE only

Dual w/AEE521

Dual w/MEE573

CRN COURSE TITLE CR. BEGIN SECTION DATE 5662 5663 3143 4930 5655 6222

MEE 493 H1 MEE 494 H1 MEE 499 01 MEE 499 03 MEE 499 04 MEE 499 05

Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Thermal Sys Anal I Special Problems Solar Energy Engr Invtv Des&Entrprnshp

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

END DAYS BEGIN END BLDG./ INSTRUCTOR DATE TIME TIME ROOM 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

TBA TBA MW 4:30 5:45 KL 223 TBA TBA WEB TR 1:30 2:45 MH 101

Alakkad, R Alakkad, R Hallinan, K Pinnell, M Chiasson, A Doepker, P

Mechanical Engineering Technology  •  Scott Schneider  •  KL465  •  937-229-4216

2811 3944 2815 2816 2818 2820 2823 2824 2826 2828

MCT 110L N1 MCT 111L 01 MCT 220 01 MCT 313 N1 MCT 330 01 MCT 336 01 MCT 336L 01 MCT 336L 02 MCT 342 01 MCT 490 01

Tech Drawing & Cad Intro-Design Lab Statics & Dynamics Industrial Mechanism Desgn-Machine Elmnts Fluid Power Fluid Power Lab Fluid Power Lab Thermodynamics MCT Senior Project

2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13


5:55 8:25 11:00 11:50 3:00 4:15 4:30 5:45 12:00 1:15 11:00 11:50 12:00 2:40 12:00 2:40 1:30 2:45 12:00 2:45

Military Science  •  Ltc. Daniel Redden  •  OR08  •  937-229-3326 67 70 74 77 80 5730 5731 104 107 109 4579 4695

MIL 101 01 MIL 101 02 MIL 101 03 MIL 101 04 MIL 101 05 MIL 101 06 MIL 101 07 MIL 201 01 MIL 201 02 MIL 301 01 MIL 401 01 MIL 411 P1

Leadership I Leadership I Leadership I Leadership I Leadership I Leadership I Leadership I Map Readng & Tactics Map Readng & Tactics Ldng Sm Orgnzations I Leadrshp Mgmnt&Staff MS V Seminar

1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 2.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

T 1:30 2:20 T 4:30 5:20 W 10:00 10:50 W 12:00 12:50 W 2:00 2:50 R 12:00 12:50 R 4:30 5:20 TR 9:00 9:50 MW 11:00 11:50 MWF 7:45 8:50 MWF 8:00 8:50 TBA

KL 224 KL 224 KL 206 KL 306 KL 306 KL 206 KL 246 KL 246 KL 306 KL 124

Carey, J Falkowski, S Kozak, M Kozak, M Mott, R Wolff, R Wolff, R Wolff, R Untener, J Blust, R

OR 116 OR 116 OR 116 OR 116 OR 116 OR 116 OR 116 OR 116 OR 116 ML 217 OR 116 OR

Isenbart, M Isenbart, M Isenbart, M Isenbart, M Isenbart, M Isenbart, M Isenbart, M Kish, N Kish, N Siler, E Redden, D Redden, D

Mini Courses  •  Julie Mitchell  •  1700 S. Patterson Blvd.  •  937-229-2605

3351 UDI 145 M1 Dev Lf Skls Std Ath 1.0 08/21/13 12/5/13 M 7:30 8:20 TF Hogan, H 3350 UDI 145 M2 Dev Lf Skls Std Ath 1.0 08/21/13 12/5/13 T 12:00 12:50 TF Hogan, H 6774 UDI 145 M3 Dev Lf Skls Std Ath 1.0 08/21/13 12/5/13 W 6:30 7:20 TF Hogan, H 6776 UDI 166 M1 Choosing your Career 1.0 09/23/13 11/18/13 MW 2:00 2:50 Sisson, M 2640 UDI 175 M1 Art & Science Learn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 9:50 AS STDB Coudret, D 2646 UDI 175 M2 Art & Science Learn 2.0 08/21/13 12/5/13 TR 3:00 3:50 AS STDB Coudret, D Smith, Z 3509 UDI 175 M3 Art & Science Learn 2.0 08/21/13 12/5/13 MW 10:00 10:50 AS STDB Coudret, D Smith, Z 4581 UDI 185 MI Junior Economic Proj 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA MH 109 John, B 6778 UDI 202 M1 Fin Strat/Real Wrld 1.0 09/17/13 11/19/13 T 6:00 7:30 ML 217 Cline, A 2481 UDI 247 M1 Intro Chrch Musicns 1.0 08/21/13 11/20/13 TBA Sales, K 5569 UDI 315 M1 River Steward Exp I 1.0 08/23/13 12/6/13 F 3:00 5:00 ZH 104 King, L 2495 UDI 350 MP Hst&Eval Wrld Wines 1.0 09/9/13 11/4/13 M 6:00 7:15 AS STDC Davis, T


University Honors University Honors

Distance Learning

PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req PC Notebook Req

Grade option 2 First Yr Student Athlete Pass/Fail Grade option 2 First Yr Student Athlete Pass/Fail Grade option 2 First Yr Student Athlete Pass/Fail Enrollment limited to first year and sophmore level students Perm First-Year Students Letter grade Perm New First Year Students Letter grade Perm New First Year Students Letter grade ECO and/or ECO204 would be helpful Pass/Fail Letter grade River Stewards Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Must be 21 Art Street Studio C Pass/Fail




2514 UDI 364 M1 Faith,Vctn&Ldrship I 1.5 08/25/13 12/1/13 T 6:00 7:30 OFF Burkett, M 5666 UDI 371 M1 Art Street Experience 1.0 08/21/13 12/5/13 T 9:00 10:00 AS LaDuca, B 2522 UDI 382 M1 International Films 1.0 09/5/13 09/26/13 W 6:00 9:00 AS STDB Farrelly, J Geers, J 2524 UDI 382 M2 International Films 1.0 10/10/13 10/31/13 W 6:00 9:00 AS STDB Farrelly, J Geers, J 2526 UDI 382 M3 International Films 1.0 11/7/13 12/5/13 W 6:00 9:00 AS STDB Farrelly, J Geers, J 2668 UDI 390 MI Srvt Ldshp-REAL Dytn 1.0 08/21/13 10/21/13 TBA LB 8 Bohrer, K 5592 UDI 391 MP Civic Scholar Exp III 1.0 08/30/13 12/6/13 F 3:00 5:00 SJ 023 Robinson, A 5590 UDI 392 MP Dayton Civic Scholar 1.0 08/30/13 12/6/13 F 3:00 5:00 SJ 023 Robinson, A 4850 UDI 393 MP Comm Serv Internshp 3.0 08/26/13 12/11/13 W 9:00 12:00 ZH 104 Currell, C 5594 UDI 398 MP Civic Scholar Exp V 1.0 08/30/13 12/6/13 F 3:00 5:00 SJ 023 Robinson, A 2615 UDI 419 M1 Forum-Yng Catech Lrn 1.0 08/24/13 11/23/13 S 9:00 4:00 ML Zukowski, A

Music  •  Dr. Sharon Gratto  •  MT101  •  937-229-3936

1986 MUS 110 01 Fundamentals of Mus 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 CPC 163 Wells, A 1987 MUS 111 01 Theory of Music I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 CPC 469 Magnuson, P 4203 MUS 111 02 Theory of Music I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 CPC 479 Rush, T 1988 MUS 113 01 Aural Skills I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 CPC 445 Rush, T 1989 MUS 113 02 Aural Skills I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 CPC 163 Wells, A 1992 MUS 121 01 Composition I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 469 Magnuson, P 1994 MUS 191 01 Voice Class 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 11:50 CPC 469 Daniel-Cox, M 1995 MUS 195 01 Beg Guitar Class I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 2:00 2:50 CPC 445 McCutcheon, J 1996 MUS 195 02 Beg Guitar Class I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 12:50 CPC 445 Pepitone, A 1997 MUS 195 03 Beg Guitar Class I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:00 5:50 CPC 445 McCutcheon, J 1998 MUS 195 04 Beg Guitar Class I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 2:00 2:50 CPC 445 McCutcheon, J 1999 MUS 195 05 Beg Guitar Class I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 3:00 3:50 CPC 445 McCutcheon, J 2000 MUS 195 06 Beg Guitar Class I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 7:00 7:50 CPC 445 McCutcheon, J 2002 MUS 196 01 Group Piano I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 10:00 10:50 CPC 491 Benjamin, J 2003 MUS 200 01 Recital Attendance 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 1:50 HM SRS Gratto, S 5710 MUS 201 01 Music in Concert 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CPC 469 5711 MUS 201 H1 Music in Concert 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CPC 469 2008 MUS 202 01 Prof Dev Workshops 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 151 Morris, W 2009 MUS 202 02 Prof Dev Workshops 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 153 Gardstrom, S 2010 MUS 202 03 Prof Dev Workshops 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 163 Jones, R 2011 MUS 202 04 Prof Dev Workshops 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 469 Magnuson, P 4205 MUS 203 01 Sights & Sounds-Music 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 442 Cox, D 2013 MUS 205 01 Mus, Instrumnts & Tech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 CPC 469 McDonnell, D 2015 MUS 205 02 Mus, Instrumnts & Tech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 CPC 442 Sommerfeldt, J 2022 MUS 211 01 Theory of Music III 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 CPC 469 Magnuson, P 2027 MUS 213 01 Aural Skills III 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 CPC 469 Rush, T 2029 MUS 221 01 Composition II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 469 Magnuson, P 2034 MUS 223 01 Intro Music Tech 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 11:50 CPC 457 Sommerfeldt, J 2036 MUS 231 01 Intro to Mus Ed 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 445 Kronour, D 4208 MUS 232 01 Integrating the Arts 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:00 8:50 CPC 445 Kronour, D 6505 MUS 237 01 Brass Instrument Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 11:00 11:50 CPC 153 Jenkins, D 2057 MUS 240 01 Fund of Conducting 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 445 Jones, R Reynolds, P



South Student Neighborhood Vocation & Leadership House 421 College Pk Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm Required Dir REFN Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm Required Dir REFN Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Perm Required Dir REFN Pass/Fail Real Dayton Leader Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Dayton Civic Scholars Sophomore Cohort Pass/Fail Semester of Service Students Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Meets 8/24, 9/21, 10/19, 11/23 Marianist Hall-Learning Space Letter grade

Non-Mus majors Majors/Minors Majors/Minors Majors/Minors Majors/Minors

University Honors MUP MUT MUE MUC

Majors/Minors Majors/Minors

Field Exp req Early Childhd Educ



5005 MUS 241 01 Keyboard Comp I 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 486 Street, P 5006 MUS 242 01 Keyboard Comp II 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 486 Street, P 2064 MUS 282 01 Func Mus Thrpy Skls 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 3:00 3:50 CPC 491 Gardstrom, S Hiller, J W 3:00 3:50 CPC 440 Gardstrom, S Hiller, J 2068 MUS 286 01 Mus Therapy Methods 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 11:50 CPC 440 Gardstrom, S 2069 MUS 288 01 Practm Mus Thrpy II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 440 Hiller, J T 12:00 12:50 CPC 440 Hiller, J 5553 MUS 288 02 Practm Mus Thrpy II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 440 Hiller, J T 12:00 12:50 CPC 440 Hiller, J 2070 MUS 290 01 Mus Ther Treat Proc 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 8:00 8:50 CPC 440 Gardstrom, S 2071 MUS 295 01 Beg Guitar Class II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 11:00 11:50 CPC 445 McCutcheon, J 2072 MUS 296 01 Func Keybd Skls I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:20 CPC 491 Benjamin, J 2076 MUS 296 02 Func Keybd Skls I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 11:00 11:50 CPC 491 Benjamin, J 2078 MUS 298 01 Func Keybd Skls III 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:20 CPC 491 Farris, P 2081 MUS 298 02 Func Keybd Skls III 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:00 8:50 CPC 491 Benjamin, J 2083 MUS 301 01 Mus Hist & Lit I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 CPC 442 Dorf, S 2084 MUS 303 01 Intro World Music 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CPC 442 MacLachlan, H CPC 455 MacLachlan, H 2085 MUS 303 02 Intro World Music 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 CPC 442 MacLachlan, H CPC 455 MacLachlan, H 2087 MUS 306 01 History-Amer Jazz 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 7:00 10:00 CPC 442 Burkhead, P 2088 MUS 307 01 Dev Amer Poplr Song 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 CPC 469 Hiller, J 2096 MUS 318 01 Fund of Arranging 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 9:00 9:50 CPC 457 McDonnell, D 2098 MUS 321 01 Composition III 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 469 Magnuson, P 5311 MUS 323 01 Rec&Digital Media 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 CPC 457 McDonnell, D 2118 MUS 331 01 Choral Mus Methods 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 163 Jones, R 2135 MUS 335 01 Classroom Mus Mthds 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 CPC 445 Gratto, S 6509 MUS 336 01 Woodwind Pedagogy 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 11:00 11:50 CPC 151 Hartley, L 2138 MUS 338 01 Percussn Pedagogy I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 3:50 CPC 153 Leslie, J 2139 MUS 339 01 String Pedagogy I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 7:00 8:40 CPC 151 Bernard, J 6511 MUS 352 01 Sacred Mus & Wrkshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 442 Cox, D 6513 MUS 352 H1 Sacred Mus & Wrshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 442 Cox, D 5665 MUS 360 02 Orchestrl Excpts/Hrn 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Brant, A 5315 MUS 360 05 Special Topics-Music 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 470 Magnuson, P 4938 MUS 360 06 ST:Saxophone 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473E Morris, W 6242 MUS 360 07 ST: Graduate Seminar 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475F Sievers, D 5551 MUS 381 01 Clin Educ Improv I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 9:50 CPC 440 Gardstrom, S 2145 MUS 385 01 Music Therapy Prin 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 CPC 440 Hiller, J 2147 MUS 387 01 Practm Mus Thrpy IV 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 12:00 12:50 CPC 440 Gardstrom, S Hiller, J 2149 MUS 390 02 Choral Union 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 163 Jones, R 2150 MUS 390 03 Marching Band 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 6:15 CPC 153 Kizer, T F 4:00 5:30 CPC 153 Kizer, T 2214 MUS 390 04 Univ Jazz Band 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 CPC 153 Leslie, J 2155 MUS 390 05 Jazz Combo 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Morris, W 2156 MUS 390 07 Woodwind Quintet 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Smith, K 2157 MUS 390 08 Saxophone Quartet 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473E Morris, W 2161 MUS 390 10 String Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 470 Magnuson, P 2162 MUS 390 11 Classicl Guitar Ens 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC McCutcheon, J 2174 MUS 390 12 Horn Choir 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 12:00 12:50 CPC 151 Brant, A 2178 MUS 390 13 Horn Quartet 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 12:00 12:50 CPC 151 Brant, A 2189 MUS 390 14 Hands in Harmony 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 7:30 9:15 CPC 440 Reynolds, H 2201 MUS 390 15 Ebony Heritage Singers 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 8:00 CPC 163 Cox, D 2204 MUS 390 16 Opera Workshop 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 CPC 163 Sievers, D 2211 MUS 390 17 Flute Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Charles, N 2213 MUS 390 18 Clarinet Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Vore, W 5321 MUS 390 19 Jazz Lab Band 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 CPC 151 McDonnell, D 2215 MUS 390 20 Tuba/Euph Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Onitsuka, Y 2216 MUS 390 21 Oboe Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Whalen, E 4440 MUS 390 24 Brass Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Keener, M 4586 MUS 390 31 Early Mus Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 6:30 8:00 CPC 163 Dorf, S 2221 MUS 390 33 Trumpet Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Grantham, D 2224 MUS 390 34 Piano Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 3:00 3:50 CPC 486 Street, P 2228 MUS 390 35 Cello Choir 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Wagner, S 2226 MUS 390 36 Trombone Quartet 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Keener, M


Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Non-majors w/Perm Majors/Minors Non-majors

MUE or Perm

Field Exp req Field Exp req Mondays 10:00am Flute/Clarinet MUE Violin/Viola University Honors Theory Pedagogy

Classroom MUE





2236 MUS 390 37 Flyerettes 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 6:15 CPC 153 Kizer, T F 4:00 5:30 CPC 153 Kizer, T 2230 MUS 390 38 World Music Choir 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 6:30 8:00 CPC 445 Gratto, S 2241 MUS 390 39 Gamelan Ensemble 0.5 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:30 7:00 CPC 455 MacLachlan, H 4219 MUS 391 P1 Jazz Improv I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:00 10:50 CPC 151 Perm 4220 MUS 396 01 Jazz Kybd Harmony I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 9:00 9:50 CPC 491 Burkhead, P 4587 MUS 399 01 Piano Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Benjamin, J Also Wed. Farris, P 1:00-1:50PM Street, P 2301 MUS 399 02 Piano Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Benjamin, J Farris, P Street, P 2316 MUS 399 03 Pop Mus Piano Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Burkhead, P Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2317 MUS 399 04 Pop Mus Piano Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Burkhead, P 2318 MUS 399 05 Voice Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Daniel-Cox, M Also Wed. Sievers, D 1:00-1:50PM Wells, A Williams, J 2334 MUS 399 06 Voice Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Daniel-Cox, M Sievers, D Wells, A Williams, J 2346 MUS 399 07 Violin Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Lardinois, J Also Wed. Manteufel, K 1:00-1:50PM 2350 MUS 399 08 Violin Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Lardinois, J Manteufel, K 2353 MUS 399 09 Viola Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 470 Magnuson, P Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2359 MUS 399 10 Viola Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 470 Magnuson, P 2380 MUS 399 11 Cello Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Wagner, S Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2368 MUS 399 12 Cello Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Wagner, S 2372 MUS 399 13 Bass Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Pascolini, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2373 MUS 399 14 Bass Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Pascolini, J 2375 MUS 399 17 Oboe Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Whalen, E Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2376 MUS 399 18 Oboe Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Whalen, E 2378 MUS 399 19 Bassoon Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Smith, K Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2362 MUS 399 20 Bassoon Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Smith, K 2381 MUS 399 21 Clarinet Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Vore, W Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2382 MUS 399 22 Clarinet Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Vore, W 2383 MUS 399 23 Saxophone Perfmance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473E Morris, W Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2384 MUS 399 24 Saxophone Perfrmance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473E Morris, W 2386 MUS 399 25 Trmp&Crnt Performnce 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Grantham, D Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2388 MUS 399 26 Trmp&Crnt Performnce 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Grantham, D 2390 MUS 399 27 Frn Horn Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473C Brant, A Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2392 MUS 399 28 Frn Horn Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473C Brant, A Chenoweth, R 2395 MUS 399 29 Trombone Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Keener, M Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2397 MUS 399 30 Trombone Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Keener, M 5737 MUS 399 31 Bar&Euph Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Onitsuka, Y Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2399 MUS 399 32 Bar&Euph Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Onitsuka, Y 2401 MUS 399 33 Tuba Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Onitsuka, Y Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2403 MUS 399 34 Tuba Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Onitsuka, Y 2404 MUS 399 35 Mel Percussion Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 478 Leslie, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2406 MUS 399 36 Mel Percussion Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 478 Leslie, J





2410 MUS 399 37 Set Percussion Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 478 Leslie, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2416 MUS 399 38 Set Percussion Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 478 Leslie, J 2417 MUS 399 39 Classicl Guitar Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473L McCutcheon, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2421 MUS 399 40 Classicl Guitar Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473L McCutcheon, J 2423 MUS 399 41 Modern Guitar Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Pepitone, A Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2427 MUS 399 42 Modern Guitar Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Pepitone, A 2433 MUS 399 47 Jazz Piano Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Burkhead, P Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2540 MUS 399 48 Jazz Piano Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Burkhead, P 2542 MUS 399 49 Electric Bass Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Brookshire, E Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2546 MUS 399 50 Electric Bass Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Brookshire, E 2548 MUS 399 51 Jazz Guitar Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Pepitone, A Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2551 MUS 399 52 Jazz Guitar Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Pepitone, A 2554 MUS 399 53 Jazz Bass Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Brookshire, E Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2555 MUS 399 54 Jazz Bass Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Brookshire, E 2560 MUS 399 55 Jazz Drums Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 478 Leslie, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2567 MUS 399 56 Jazz Drums Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 478 Leslie, J 2570 MUS 399 57 Jazz Woodwinds Perf 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2573 MUS 399 58 Jazz Woodwinds Perf 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 2579 MUS 399 59 Jazz Brass 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2584 MUS 399 60 Jazz Brass 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 2614 MUS 399 67 Flute Performance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Charles, N Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2619 MUS 399 68 Flute Performance 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Charles, N 6245 MUS 399 70 Violin Alt Styles 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Lardinois, J 5322 MUS 408 01 Vocal Diction & Lit 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:20 CPC 469 Daniel-Cox, M French/Italian 5323 MUS 416 01 Adv Orchestration 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 457 Magnuson, P Composition majors 2626 MUS 421 01 Composition IV 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 1:50 CPC 470 Magnuson, P 6589 MUS 431 01 Marching Band Pedagy 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 8:00 8:50 CPC 153 Kizer, T Field Exp req 5555 MUS 460 P2 Ethnographic Fldwk 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 7:05 CPC 469 MacLachlan, H CAP Pilot Cross-listed w/ANT 392 6590 MUS 460 P3 Music Tech & Culture 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 469 Farris, P 6591 MUS 460 P4 Music Tech & Culture 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 442 Dorf, S 2649 MUS 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Street, P University Honors 2655 MUS 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Gratto, S University Honors 6599 MUS 479 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Rush, T University Honors 6592 MUS 480 H1 Honor Thesis 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Hartley, L University Honors 6593 MUS 481 H1 Honors Thesis 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Dorf, S University Honors 2657 MUS 489 01 Mus Therapy Intrnshp 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Gardstrom, S TPU-50 2719 MUS 491 01 University Orchestra 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 6:30 CPC 151 Reynolds, P 2661 MUS 492 01 Symphonic Wind Ens 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 6:30 CPC 153 Kizer, T 2722 MUS 493 P1 University Chorale 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 2:00 2:50 CPC 163 Jones, R Perm F 2:00 4:00 CPC 163 Jones, R 5325 MUS 494 01 Jazz Ensemble 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 CPC 153 Morris, W MF 12:00 12:50 CPC 153 Morris, W 2666 MUS 499 01 Piano Performance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 486 Benjamin, J Also Wed. Farris, P 1:00-1:50PM Street, P 2672 MUS 499 03 Voice Performance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 466 Daniel-Cox, M Also Wed. Sievers, D 1:00-1:50PM Wells, A Williams, J 2675 MUS 499 04 Flute Performance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Charles, N Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2679 MUS 499 05 Violin Performance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Lardinois, J Also Wed. Manteufel, K 1:00-1:50PM 2682 MUS 499 06 Saxophone Perfrmance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473E Morris, W Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2685 MUS 499 07 Trumpet&Cornet Perf 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Grantham, D Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM





2686 MUS 499 08 Frn Horn Perf 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473C Brant, A Also Wed. Chenoweth, R 1:00-1:50PM 2689 MUS 499 09 Classicl Guitar Perf 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 473L McCutcheon, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2691 MUS 499 10 Trombone Perfrmance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Keener, M Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2693 MUS 499 11 Clarinet Perfrmance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Vore, W Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2696 MUS 499 12 Oboe Perfrmance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Whalen, E Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2698 MUS 499 13 Baritone&Euph Perf 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Onitsuka, Y Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2700 MUS 499 14 Tuba Performance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Onitsuka, Y Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2701 MUS 499 15 Percussion Perf 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Leslie, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2703 MUS 499 16 Cello Performance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Wagner, S Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2704 MUS 499 17 Jazz Bass Perfrmance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Brookshire, E Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 2706 MUS 499 19 Bass Performance 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Pascolini, J Also Wed. 1:00-1:50PM 4939 MUS 499 20 Jazz Woodwinds Perf 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC

Office of Learning Resources  •  Zelda Smith  •  RL023  •  937-229-2066 133 157 161

DEV 055 01 DEV 055 02 DEV 055 03

Academic Renewal Crse 1.0 Academic Renewal Crse 1.0 Academic Renewal Crse 1.0

08/27/13 10/15/13 08/27/13 10/15/13 08/27/13 10/15/13


10:30 11:45 12:00 1:15 3:00 4:15

AE 08 AE 08 AE 08

Smith, Z Smith, Z Smith, Z

Operations Management  •  Dr. Jay Prasad  •  AN111  •  937-229-2938

580 OPS 220 01 Exper-Oper& Supply 1.0 09/4/13 10/2/13 W 4:30 8:30 AN 130 Hall, S Kanet, J 591 OPS 300 01 Intro-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 214 Hall, S 595 OPS 301 01 Survy-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 214 Hall, S 599 OPS 301 02 Survy-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 MH 214 Hall, S 600 OPS 301 03 Survy-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 214 Hall, S 602 OPS 301 04 Survy-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 MH 102 Prince, A 607 OPS 301 05 Survy-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 121 Harrod, S 616 OPS 301 06 Survy-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 5:55 8:30 MH 121 Harrod, S 620 OPS 350 01 Bus Process Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 102 Gorman, M 624 OPS 401 01 Oper Plan & Contrl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 8:35 9:50 MH 214 Kanet, J 662 OPS 480 01 Supply Chain Mgt Strt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 214 Jacobs, M 665 OPS 485 01 Capstne Oprtn Pjct I 1.0 10/1/13 10/31/13 TR 4:30 5:45 MH 121 Gorman, M Kanet, J 668 OPS 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 671 OPS 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 673 OPS 497 P1 Lab Work Experience 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:55 8:30 MH 106 Prasad, J 676 OPS 498 P1 Coop Education Prog 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 678 OPS 498 P2 Coop Education Prog 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 682 OPS 498 P3 Coop Education Prog 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 684 OPS 499 P3 IS-Oper&Supply Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J

Philosophy  •  Dr. John Inglis  •  HM421  •  937-229-2933

2426 2430 2431 2434 2436 2437 2439 2441 5493 2443 2444 2445 5494 5495


PHL 103 01 PHL 103 02 PHL 103 03 PHL 103 04 PHL 103 05 PHL 103 06 PHL 103 07 PHL 103 08 PHL 103 09 PHL 103 10 PHL 103 11 PHL 103 12 PHL 103 13 PHL 103 14

Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy Intro To Philosophy

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13


8:00 8:00 9:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 1:00 1:00

8:50 HM 109 8:50 ML COMM 9:50 HM 109 9:50 HM 204 10:50 HM 109 10:50 MH 214 10:50 HM 240 11:50 HM 109 11:50 HM 204 12:50 HM 109 12:50 HM 204 12:50 HM 122 1:50 HM 109 1:50 KL 224

Schickel, J Poe, D Schickel, J Lockwood, K Schickel, J Dunham, D Payne, M Richards, W Lockwood, K Richards, W Lockwood, K Velasquez, E Smeltzer, H Sims, J

Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

Pass/Fail--5 weeks Non-SBA students only

University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm



2448 PHL 103 15 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 109 Anastasio, C 2449 PHL 103 16 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 125 Chu, S 2451 PHL 103 17 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 204 Arblaster, W 2452 PHL 103 18 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 110 Chu, S 2454 PHL 103 19 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 109 Anastasio, C 2455 PHL 103 20 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 204 Arblaster, W 2456 PHL 103 21 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 109 Mosser, R 6595 PHL 103 22 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 KL 402 Bresnahan, A 2458 PHL 103 23 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 109 Tibbetts, P 5496 PHL 103 24 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 240 McLeod, G 6596 PHL 103 25 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 204 DesAutels, P 2462 PHL 103 26 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 109 Gabbe, M 3364 PHL 103 27 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 240 McLeod, G 4120 PHL 103 28 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 HM 125 Chu, S 6597 PHL 103 29 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 240 Tibbetts, P 4124 PHL 103 30 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 204 Percesepe, G 5497 PHL 103 31 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 271 Arblaster, W 5570 PHL 103 32 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 109 Bresnahan, A 5767 PHL 103 33 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 05 Kebede, M 2474 PHL 103 P1 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 MH 214 Dunham, D TR 4:30 5:45 HM 202 Dunham, D 2478 PHL 103 P2 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 109 Richards, W TR 5:55 7:10 HM 126 Richards, W 2487 PHL 103 P3 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 109 Smeltzer, H TR 7:20 8:35 HM 126 Smeltzer, H 2491 PHL 103 P4 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML COMM Mullins, M TR 8:00 9:15 HM 125 Mullins, M 2493 PHL 103 S1 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 ML COMM Fouke, D 2497 PHL 103 S2 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 204 Paslaru, V 2498 PHL 103 X1 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML COMM Mullins, M 2500 PHL 240 P1 Research Meth & Tech 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 8:50 RL Inglis, J 2501 PHL 301 01 Practical Logic 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 240 Richards, W 6612 PHL 302 01 Symbolic Logic 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 122 Mosser, R 2506 PHL 307 01 Philosophy and Women 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 109 Whisnant, R 2507 PHL 310 C1 Social Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML COMM Poe, D 4144 PHL 312 01 Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 204 Cheung, K 6625 PHL 313 01 Business Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 204 Cheung, K 2565 PHL 313 02 Business Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 240 Sims, J 2566 PHL 313 03 Business Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 240 Sims, J 5500 PHL 313 04 Business Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 204 Percesepe, G 2568 PHL 313 05 Business Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:10 HM 204 Percesepe, G 5572 PHL 313 H1 Business Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 ML 217 Cheung, K 6629 PHL 314 01 Philosophy of Law 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 240 Payne, M 2572 PHL 315 01 Medical Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 204 Paslaru, V 6631 PHL 315 02 Medical Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Czupik, P 2574 PHL 316 01 Engineering Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 MH 209 Marvin, W 2575 PHL 316 02 Engineering Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 240 Marvin, W 6636 PHL 316 03 Engineering Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 204 Czupik, P 6638 PHL 316 04 Engineering Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 110 Czupik, P 2576 PHL 319 01 Information Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SJ 230 Marvin, W 2578 PHL 320 01 Philosophy of Art 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 159 Bresnahan, A 5502 PHL 321 01 Environmntl Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 240 Dunham, D 2580 PHL 323 01 Phl & Literature 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML 218 Smeltzer, H 2582 PHL 324 01 Philosophy & Film 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 5:55 8:35 HM 109 Bresnahan, A 2583 PHL 325 01 Philosophy of Music 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 204 Lockwood, K 6643 PHL 327 01 Philosophy of Peace 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 ML 218 Poe, D 4157 PHL 330 01 Phl of Science 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 ML 217 Paslaru, V 6645 PHL 331 01 Sci, Objtvty & Values 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 240 Tibbetts, P 6647 PHL 351 01 Jew/Chris/Islam PHL 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 468 Gabbe, M 6648 PHL 352 01 Modern Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 468 Fouke, D 5505 PHL 355 01 Asian Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 240 McLeod, G 6649 PHL 358 01 Marxist Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 117 Kebede, M


Taught w/Borbonus

SI SI SI SI University Honors SEE LLC University Honors SEE LLC Perm Pass/Fail

CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/SOC339C1 or SOC352C1

University Honors

Distance Learning

CAP Pilot


CRN COURSE TITLE CR. BEGIN SECTION DATE 2598 5506 6650 2608 6651 6652 6653 6654 2617 2621 2624 2625 2627 2628

PHL 360 01 PHL 361 01 PHL 364 01 PHL 371 01 PHL 377 01 PHL 381 01 PHL 440 01 PHL 462 01 PHL 477 H1 PHL 478 H1 PHL 490 P1 PHL 490 P2 PHL 490 P3 PHL 492 P1

Existentialism American Philosophy Race, Gender&Phl Phl & Human Rights PHL & Mass Media Sexual Ethics Justice & Rights Sem-Contemp Ethics Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Directed Readings Directed Readings Directed Readings Directed Research

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

END DAYS BEGIN END BLDG./ INSTRUCTOR DATE TIME TIME ROOM 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 240 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 109 MW 3:00 4:15 ML 206 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML 217 MW 3:00 4:15 ML 218 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 240 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 468 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 468 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA

Dunham, D Mosser, R Velasquez, E Velasquez, E Smeltzer, H Whisnant, R Payne, M DesAutels, P Inglis, J Inglis, J Inglis, J Inglis, J Inglis, J Inglis, J


University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Perm Perm

Physics  •  Dr. John Erdei  •  SC111  •  937-229-2311

756 PHY 108 01 Phy Sci-Light&Color 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 107 Ahoujja, M 761 PHY 201 01 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 128 Craver, B R 12:00 1:15 SC 128 Craver, B 776 PHY 201 03 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 119 Song, Y T 4:30 5:45 SC 128 Song, Y 780 PHY 201 04 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 119 Song, Y T 1:30 2:45 SC 128 Song, Y 782 PHY 201 05 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 119 Kariyawasam, T T 10:30 11:45 SC 128 Kariyawasam, T 783 PHY 201 06 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 119 Kariyawasam, T T 9:00 10:15 SC 128 Kariyawasam, T 4211 PHY 201 H1 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 119 Ahoujja, M W 12:00 12:50 SC 107 Ahoujja, M 5238 PHY 201 H2 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 119 Ahoujja, M W 3:00 4:15 SC 107 Ahoujja, M 786 PHY 201L 01 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 9:50 SC 205 Smith, T 787 PHY 201L 02 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 9:50 SC 205 Smith, T 818 PHY 201L 03 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:00 9:50 SC 205 Smith, T 819 PHY 201L 04 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 10:30 12:20 SC 205 Smith, T 820 PHY 201L 05 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 10:30 12:20 SC 207 Smith, T 822 PHY 201L 06 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 10:00 11:50 SC 205 Smith, T 824 PHY 201L 07 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 10:00 11:50 SC 207 Smith, T 830 PHY 201L 08 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 10:30 12:20 SC 205 Smith, T 834 PHY 201L 09 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 10:30 12:20 SC 207 Smith, T 837 PHY 201L 10 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 10:00 11:50 SC 205 Smith, T 844 PHY 201L 12 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 3:20 SC 205 Smith, T 851 PHY 201L 13 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 1:30 3:20 SC 207 Smith, T 855 PHY 201L 14 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 2:50 SC 205 Smith, T 881 PHY 201L 15 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 1:00 2:50 SC 207 Smith, T 5251 PHY 201L 16 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 3:20 SC 205 Smith, T 5252 PHY 201L 17 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:30 3:20 SC 207 Smith, T 5253 PHY 201L 18 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 2:50 SC 205 Smith, T 5254 PHY 201L 19 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 1:00 2:50 SC 207 Smith, T 883 PHY 201L N1 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 6:00 7:50 SC 205 Smith, T 887 PHY 201L N2 General Physics Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 6:00 7:50 SC 205 Smith, T 890 PHY 206 01 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 SC 119 T 8:00 8:50 SC 128 918 PHY 206 02 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 SC 119 R 8:00 8:50 SC 128 921 PHY 206 03 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 128 Evwaraye, A R 1:30 2:45 SC 128 Evwaraye, A 5257 PHY 206 04 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 119 Song, Y M 9:00 9:50 SC 128 Song, Y 5259 PHY 206 05 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 119 Song, Y W 9:00 9:50 SC 128 Song, Y 5707 PHY 206 06 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 107 O’Hare, J R 3:00 4:15 SC 107 O’Hare, J 5920 PHY 206 07 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 107 Pedrotti, L R 10:30 11:45 SC 107 Pedrotti, L 933 PHY 206 P1 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 SC 119 T 8:00 8:50 SC 128


Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session University Honors University Honors

Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Perm-Riad Alakkad Prob Session 15 cap



6418 PHY 206 P2 Gen Physics I Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 948 PHY 207 02 Gen Phy II Ele & Mag 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 953 PHY 207 03 Gen Phy II Ele & Mag 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 958 PHY 207 04 Gen Phy II Ele & Mag 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6419 PHY 207 05 Gen Phy II Ele & Mag 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 6420 PHY 207 06 Gen Phy II Ele & Mag 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 945 PHY 207 H1 Gen Phy II Ele & Mag 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 964 PHY 208 01 Gen Phy III Mec Wavs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 965 PHY 210L 01 Gen Physics Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 968 PHY 210L 02 Gen Physics Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1345 PHY 210L 03 Gen Physics Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1347 PHY 210L 04 Gen Physics Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5714 PHY 210L 05 Gen Physics Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5716 PHY 210L 06 Gen Physics Lab I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1351 PHY 211L 01 Gen Physics Lab II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 5262 PHY 232 01 Physics of Waves 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1354 PHY 301 01 Thermal Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1357 PHY 333 01 Dig&Alog Electrncs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1360 PHY 390 01 Intro Quantum Mech 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1362 PHY 395 01 Research Particip I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 3408 PHY 399 01 Special Problems 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1363 PHY 409 01 Int Elect & Magn II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1364 PHY 430 01 Advanced Lab I 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1366 PHY 431 01 Advanced Lab II 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1368 PHY 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1371 PHY 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1373 PHY 495 01 Research Particip II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1376 PHY 495 02 Research Particip II 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 1378 PHY 499 P1 Special Problems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13

MWF 9:00 9:50 R 10:30 11:45 MWF 11:00 11:50 R 9:00 10:15 MWF 11:00 11:50 R 10:30 11:45 MWF 2:00 2:50 T 3:00 4:15 TR 12:00 1:15 W 10:00 10:50 TR 12:00 1:15 W 12:00 12:50 MWF 10:00 10:50 T 1:30 2:45 MWF 1:00 1:50 T 9:00 11:45 T 1:30 4:15 R 1:30 4:15 T 5:00 7:45 R 5:00 7:45 W 1:30 4:15 R 9:00 11:45 TR 12:00 1:15 MWF 10:00 10:50 TR 9:00 12:00 MWF 2:00 2:50 TBA TBA TR 1:30 2:45 T 1:00 4:00 T 1:00 4:00 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA

SC 107 Pedrotti, L SC 107 Pedrotti, L SC 119 Evwaraye, A SC 128 Evwaraye, A SC 119 Evwaraye, A SC 128 Evwaraye, A SC 128 Chong, A SC 128 Chong, A SC 119 SC 128 SC 119 SC 128 SC 107 Brecha, R SC 107 Brecha, R SC 107 Brecha, R SC 201 SC 201 SC 201 SC 201 SC 201 SC 201 SC 102 Ballard, B SC 107 Pedrotti, L SC 106 Pedrotti, L SC 021 Powers, P SC 106 Craver, B SC 111 Erdei, J SC 111 Erdei, J SC 106 O’Hare, J SC 021 Ahoujja, M SC 021 Ahoujja, M SC 111 Erdei, J SC 111 Erdei, J SC 111 Erdei, J SC 111 Erdei, J SC 111 Erdei, J


PHY/PCS Majors only Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session Prob Session University Honors Prob Session

Perm-arranged Perm-arranged

University Honors University Honors Perm-arranged Perm-arranged Perm-arranged

Integrated Natural Science Sequence Courses — Physics 6488 SCI 180 01 Fins1:Dynamic Univrse 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 181 Johnson, D Smith, T 9:00 10:15 SC 278 Johnson, D Smith, T 1388 SCI 190 01 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 119 Kariyawasam, T 1394 SCI 190 02 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 119 Erdei, J 1391 SCI 190 03 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 119 Elhamri, S 1396 SCI 190 07 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 SC 107 Kariyawasam, T 1397 SCI 190 08 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 119 Craver, B 1400 SCI 190 K1 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 119 Elhamri, S 1404 SCI 190 K2 The Physical Universe 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 119 Elhamri, S 1414 SCI 190L 01 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:30 10:15 SC 206 Erdei, L 1418 SCI 190L 02 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:30 10:15 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1420 SCI 190L 03 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1422 SCI 190L 04 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 11:00 12:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1423 SCI 190L 05 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1424 SCI 190L 06 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 3:00 4:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1425 SCI 190L 07 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 10:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1426 SCI 190L 08 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 10:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1428 SCI 190L 09 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 11:00 12:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1429 SCI 190L 10 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 11:00 12:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1430 SCI 190L 11 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 10:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1432 SCI 190L 12 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 10:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1437 SCI 190L K1 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:30 10:15 SC 206 Erdei, L 1439 SCI 190L K2 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:30 10:15 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1441 SCI 190L K3 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:00 2:45 SC 206 Erdei, L

Perm Educ only - CIC LLC 47 cap Perm Educ only - CIC LLC 47 cap

Perm-16 cap CIC LLC Perm-16 cap CIC LLC Perm-16 cap CIC LLC




1442 SCI 190L K4 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 1:00 2:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 1444 SCI 190L K5 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 3:00 4:45 SC 206 Erdei, L 1445 SCI 190L K6 Physical Univrse Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 3:00 4:45 SC 204 Schaurer, R 6578 SCI 310 01 Earth and Sky 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 106 Koziol, A Smith, T


Perm-16 cap CIC LLC Perm-16 cap CIC LLC Perm-16 cap CIC LLC

Political Science  •  Dr. Jason Pierce  •  SJ227B  •  937-229-3626

281 POL 101 01 Global Politics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 025 Talbott, A 289 POL 101 02 Global Politics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 231 Talbott, A 6495 POL 200 02 Intro to Pol Science 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 231 Watkins, D 5203 POL 200 A1 Intro to Pol Science 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 231 Watkins, D 498 POL 201 01 Amer Political Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 231 Birdsong, D 501 POL 201 02 Amer Political Systems 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 231 Birdsong, D 508 POL 202 01 Intro Comp Politics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 231 Talbott, A 512 POL 207 01 Political Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 023 Miller, N 4201 POL 207 02 Political Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 231 Miller, N 6496 POL 207 03 Political Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 434 Neeley, G 515 POL 214 01 Intro-Intrntl Poltcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 023 Bilocerkowycz, J 527 POL 300 01 Adv Rsrch Hum Trffck 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 434 Ensalaco, M 6497 POL 300 02 Civic Engagement 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 025 Neiheisel, S 543 POL 300 03 Media in Amer Pol 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 434 Birdsong, D 6498 POL 300 04 Human Trafficking 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 209 Talbott, A 3803 POL 300 H1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J 533 POL 300 P1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J 6499 POL 301 01 Amer Judicl Process 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 231 Pierce, J 5207 POL 310 01 Pol Prts,Cmpns&Eltns 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 209 Birdsong, D 6500 POL 319 01 20th Cent Pol Thgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 231 Watkins, D 568 POL 321 01 Russia&New States 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 013 Bilocerkowycz, J 571 POL 331 01 Ntlsm & Ethno Poltcs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 013 Bilocerkowycz, J 577 POL 333 01 Pol of Human Rghts I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 231 Hudson, N 6501 POL 334 01 Pol-Human Rights II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 013 Pruce, J 6502 POL 340 01 Gender&Internatnl Rel 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 434 Hudson, N 593 POL 350 01 Legislative Politics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 231 Taft, R 6576 POL 361 01 Leadership in NGO 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 209 Ghere, R 596 POL 371 01 Environmental Policy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 013 Pautz, M 603 POL 426 H1 Ldrshp-Communities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:00 7:30 LTC Ferguson, R Fitz, R Vermillion, D 605 POL 431 01 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J 628 POL 431 WC Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 6503 POL 452 01 Political Violence 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 013 Ensalaco, M 633 POL 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J 636 POL 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J 645 POL 495 P1 Govt Intership 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 656 POL 495 P2 Govt Intership 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 664 POL 495 P3 Govt Internship 9.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 666 POL 495 P4 Hum Rgts Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 670 POL 495 P5 Internship/Legal 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 677 POL 495 WC Govt Internship 9.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Jones, J 688 POL 497 P1 Service Learning Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J

First Year POL Mjrs only


University Honors Same as ASI358

POL, INS and Human Rights Mjrs only

Perm Same as MPA526P1 and SOC426P1, University Honors Washington Ctr University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Washington Ctr Perm

Social Science Interdisciplinary 5225 SSC 200 01 Cities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 023 Ambrosius, J 5288 SSC 200 02 Grps,Ident&Movmnts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 5290 SSC 200 03 Childhood Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 211 Holcomb, J 5264 SSC 200 04 Soc Sci-Crim Inv & Pros 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 023 Rodriguez, D 5265 SSC 200 05 Deconstructing Dinner 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 023 Engle, M





5266 SSC 200 06 Poverty&Chld Devlpmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 023 Fuhs, M 6415 SSC 200 07 Growg Up Lge-America 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 025 Kirschman, K 6738 SSC 200 08 Analyzing Media Mess 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 025 Robinson, J

Pre-Law  •  Dr. Laura Hume  •  AL124  •  937-229-4229

4225 PLW 301 M1 Mock Trial I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 HM 125 Hume, L 4226 PLW 301 M2 Mock Trial I 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:30 HM 126 Hume, L

Pre-Medical Program  •  Dr. Kathy Scheltens  •  SC375  •  937-229-3545 3095 3096

MED 477 H1 MED 478 H1

Honors Thesis Honors Thesis

3.0 3.0

08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA

Psychology  •  Dr. Carolyn Roecker-Phelps  •  SJ329  •  937-229-2713

2051 2055 4281 5205 6389 2023 4277 3337 2104 2107 2111 2116 2117 2158 2159 5229 3339 2165 2170 2181 2182 2184 5232 2187 2193 2195 4287 5234 2203 2205 2206 6393 2244 2245 2249 2250 6395 2253 2259 4290 2288 2289 2290 2291 6396 2294 2295 2296

PSY 101 01 PSY 101 02 PSY 101 03 PSY 101 04 PSY 101 05 PSY 101 A1 PSY 101 A2 PSY 216 01 PSY 216 02 PSY 216 03 PSY 216 04 PSY 217 01 PSY 217 02 PSY 217 03 PSY 217 04 PSY 217 05 PSY 251 01 PSY 321 01 PSY 321 02 PSY 322 01 PSY 322 02 PSY 323 01 PSY 323 02 PSY 333 01 PSY 341 01 PSY 341 02 PSY 341 03 PSY 341 H1 PSY 351 01 PSY 351 02 PSY 351 03 PSY 351 04 PSY 363 01 PSY 363 02 PSY 363 03 PSY 363 04 PSY 375 01 PSY 422 01 PSY 431 01 PSY 431 02 PSY 435 N1 PSY 443 01 PSY 443 02 PSY 445 01 PSY 461 01 PSY 462 01 PSY 477 H1 PSY 478 H1

Introductory Psych 3.0 Introductory Psych 3.0 Introductory Psych 3.0 Introductory Psych 3.0 Introductory Psych 3.0 Introductory Psych 3.0 Introductory Psych 3.0 Elementary Statistic 3.0 Elementary Statistic 3.0 Elementary Statistic 3.0 Elementary Statistic 3.0 Expermntl Psychology 3.0 Expermntl Psychology 3.0 Expermntl Psychology 3.0 Expermntl Psychology 3.0 Expermntl Psychology 3.0 Hum Growth & Develop 3.0 Cognitive Processes 3.0 Cognitive Processes 3.0 Learning 3.0 Learning 3.0 Psy of Perception 3.0 Psy of Perception 3.0 PSY Tests&Measurmnts 3.0 Social Psychology 3.0 Social Psychology 3.0 Social Psychology 3.0 Social Psychology 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Child Psychology 3.0 Abnormal Psychology 3.0 Abnormal Psychology 3.0 Abnormal Psychology 3.0 Abnormal Psychology 3.0 Psychlgy of the Arts 3.0 Physiological Psy 3.0 Intervwng & Counslng 3.0 Intervwng & Counslng 3.0 Human Factors 3.0 Psychology of Women 3.0 Psychology of Women 3.0 Tech,Envrmnt,Behavr 3.0 Curr Impl-Drug Depnd 3.0 Human Sexuality 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0 Honors Thesis 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 255 TR 9:00 10:15 MH 119 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 119 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 255 MWF 2:00 2:50 MH 119 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 320 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 320 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 3 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 3 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 3 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 3 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 3 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 3 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 3 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 3 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 3 MWF 2:00 2:50 SC 320 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 221 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 221 MWF 10:00 10:50 ZH 101 MWF 12:00 12:50 ZH 101 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 221 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 221 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 3 TR 9:00 10:15 SJ 221 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 221 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 221 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 320 MWF 9:00 9:50 SJ 221 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 221 TR 12:00 1:15 SC 320 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 025 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 320 MWF 1:00 1:50 SC 320 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 221 TR 4:30 5:45 SC 320 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 221 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 023 TR 9:00 10:15 ZH 101 TR 10:30 11:45 ZH 101 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 206 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 320 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 320 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 221 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 320 M 5:55 8:35 SC 320 TBA TBA

Kearns, R Kearns, R



Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail

University Honors University Honors

Berry, M Engle, M Engle, M Bengough, B Dixon, L Layman-Guadalupe, M C21 LLC Layman-Guadalupe, M C12 LCC Elvers, G Crutcher, R Rodriguez, D Rodriguez, D Rodriguez, D Elvers, G Elvers, G Kunz, B Montoya, R Layman-Guadalupe, M Crutcher, R Crutcher, R Davis, S Davis, S Kunz, B Kunz, B Phelps, C O’Mara, E O’Mara, E Berry, M Montoya, R University Honors Ferra, S Ferra, S Fuhs, M Kirschman, K Goodnight, J Goodnight, J Farnsworth, T Farnsworth, T Davis, S Engle, M Wallace, M Wallace, M Quill, L Colisted w/IET435 Zois, C Zois, C Timbrook, J Farnsworth, T Carter, R Phelps, C University Honors Phelps, C University Honors




5059 PSY 478 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dixon, L 5060 PSY 478 H3 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Goodnight, J 5062 PSY 478 H5 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kirschman, K 2297 PSY 490 P1 Internshp-Psychology 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kirschman, K 2299 PSY 490 P2 Internshp-Psychology 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kirschman, K 2303 PSY 490 P3 Internshp-Psychology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kirschman, K 2304 PSY 490 P4 Internshp-Psychology 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kirschman, K 4666 PSY 493 P1 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 4667 PSY 493 P2 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 4668 PSY 493 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 5063 PSY 493 P4 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Bauer, J 5064 PSY 493 P5 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dixon, L 5065 PSY 493 P6 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Goodnight, J 5066 PSY 493 P7 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Bauer, J 5067 PSY 493 P8 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Davis, S 5068 PSY 493 P9 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Katsuyama, R 5069 PSY 493 PA Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Zois, C



University Honors University Honors University Honors Students wishing to register for PSY490 must complete a contract with dept internship director prior to registration Pass/Fail Students wishing to register for PSY490 must complete a contract with dept internship director prior to registration Pass/Fail Students wishing to register for PSY490 must complete a contract with dept internship director prior to registration Pass/Fail Students wishing to register for PSY490 must complete a contract with dept internship director prior to registration Pass/Fail Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registraton Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Perm Students wishing to register for PSY493 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration



2312 PSY 494 P1 Readings 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 2322 PSY 494 P2 Readings 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 2324 PSY 494 P3 Readings 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 6401 PSY 495 02 Homelessness 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SC 320 Reeb, R 5643 PSY 495 H1 Special Top:Forensic 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 325 Berry, M 6405 PSY 495 H2 ST:Personality Dev 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 11:30 SJ 325 Bauer, J 2326 PSY 497 P1 Service Learning Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Reeb, R


Students wishing to register for PSY494 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY494 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Students wishing to register for PSY494 must complete a contract with the supervising faculty member prior to registration Service Learng Req University Honors or permission of instructor Unversity Honors or permission of instructor Perm

Social Science Interdisciplinary 5225 SSC 200 01 Cities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 023 Ambrosius, J 5288 SSC 200 02 Grps,Ident&Movmnts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 5290 SSC 200 03 Childhood Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 211 Holcomb, J 5264 SSC 200 04 Soc Sci-Crim Inv & Pros 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 023 Rodriguez, D 5265 SSC 200 05 Deconstructing Dinner 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 023 Engle, M 5266 SSC 200 06 Poverty&Chld Devlpmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 023 Fuhs, M 6415 SSC 200 07 Growg Up Lge-America 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 025 Kirschman, K 6738 SSC 200 08 Analyzing Media Mess 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 025 Robinson, J

Religious Studies  •  Dr. Daniel Thompson  •  HM300  •  937-229-4321

1734 1742 1746 1748 1751 1753 1755 1759 1761 6598 1766 1773 1775 5512 1781 1819 1821 1822 1823 1824 5513 1828 3423 3424 4774 5633 5634

REL 103 01 REL 103 02 REL 103 03 REL 103 04 REL 103 05 REL 103 06 REL 103 07 REL 103 08 REL 103 09 REL 103 10 REL 103 11 REL 103 12 REL 103 13 REL 103 14 REL 103 15 REL 103 16 REL 103 17 REL 103 18 REL 103 19 REL 103 20 REL 103 21 REL 103 22 REL 103 23 REL 103 24 REL 103 25 REL 103 27 REL 103 28

Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies Int Rel&Theo Studies

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13


8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 8:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 9:00 10:00 10:00 9:00 11:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 2:00 3:00 3:00 9:00 10:30

8:50 8:50 8:50 8:50 8:50 9:50 9:50 9:50 9:50 10:50 10:50 9:50 11:50 11:50 11:50 12:50 12:50 12:50 12:50 1:50 1:50 2:50 2:50 4:15 4:15 10:15 11:45

HM 06 HM 112 HM 117 HM 119 HM 205 HM 06 HM 112 HM 117 HM 119 HM 119 HM 06 HM 205 HM 06 HM 205 HM 112 HM 112 HM 117 HM 119 HM 205 HM 06 HM 112 HM 06 HM 112 HM 117 HM 119 HM 205 HM 205


Heron, J Hentschel, J Mayrand, N Brown, J Heron, J Hentschel, J Farnsworth, E McGuigan, C Brown, J McDaniel, S Doyle, D Archer, M Diaz, M Barnes, M Barnes, M Moore, C Mostrom, A McGowin, E Heidgerken, B Mostrom, A Heidgerken, B Black, A Reed, D Yocum, S Salih, J




5909 REL 103 29 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 06 6078 REL 103 30 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 117 Salih, J 5510 REL 103 32 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 112 Parks, R 6092 REL 103 33 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 06 Parks, J 5667 REL 103 34 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 112 Parks, R 6783 REL 103 35 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 205 Doyle, D 1831 REL 103 B1 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 112 Schmidt, K 1832 REL 103 B2 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 112 Schmidt, K 6784 REL 103 B3 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 06 Sheridan, A 6785 REL 103 P1 Int Rel&Theo Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 117 Reed, D TR 7:20 8:35 HM 117 Reed, D 6720 REL 282 01 Forum Cat Lead II 1.0 08/24/13 11/23/13 S 9:00 4:00 ML 217 Zukowski, A 1847 REL 306 01 Buddhism 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 LTC 042 Harrison, E 5515 REL 307 01 Judaism 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 112 Bluestein, J 5516 REL 308 01 Islam 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 205 Salih, J 5517 REL 311 01 The Prophets 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 119 Branick, V 6611 REL 311 02 The Prophets 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 119 Branick, V 1860 REL 315 01 The Gospels 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 119 Kozar, J 5518 REL 316 01 New Testmnt Theolgs 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 117 Reed, D 6788 REL 319 01 Book of Revelation 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 205 Bunta, S 6789 REL 319 02 Book of Revelation 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 205 Bunta, S 1861 REL 323 01 Hst-Christianty I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 117 Moore, C 6623 REL 326 01 Protestant Christnty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 112 Black, A 1863 REL 328 01 US Cath Experience 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 117 Moore, C 6655 REL 330 01 Faith of Immgrnts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 119 Jacobs, J 6627 REL 352 01 Undrstnd Sacred Mus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 442 Cox, D 6628 REL 352 H1 Undrstnd Sacred Mus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 442 Cox, D 1873 REL 356 P1 Chr Tradition-Prayer 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 205 Diaz, M 4284 REL 358 01 Incultur/Liberatn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 HM 112 Luzarraga, R 1874 REL 360 01 Christian Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 HM 06 Luzarraga, R 5649 REL 360 02 Christian Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 117 Bennett, J 6787 REL 363 01 Faith & Justice 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 117 Johnson, K 2014 REL 363 C1 Faith & Justice 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML 218 Cardilino, N 2019 2020 2024 2025 6657 2028 2030 2032 2033 4286 6659 2035 2037 2038 6660 2042 2043 2044 2045 2048 2049 4597 6786


REL 366 01 REL 367 01 REL 368 01 REL 368 02 REL 369 01 REL 369 02 REL 372 01 REL 374 01 REL 375 H1 REL 377 01 REL 378 01 REL 399 P1 REL 399 P2 REL 399 P3 REL 444 01 REL 471 01 REL 477 H1 REL 478 H1 REL 484 01 REL 492 01 REL 492 02 REL 492 04 REL 492 05

The Holocaust Chr Ethics&Hlth Care Chr Ethics&Bus World Chr Ethics&Bus World Ethics by Design Ethics by Design Religion & Film Religion & the Arts Religion & Science In Jrny:Myth,Bibl&Lt NeoRealism Mod Rel Rdgs in Rel Studies Rdgs in Rel Studies Rdgs in Rel Studies God-Christn Tradtn Women and Religion Honors Thesis Honors Thesis Practicum Ecclesiasticl Latin LdrSkillCmprYthMnstr Ubn Jst&Cth Soc Trd CS Lewis Chesterton

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

MW 4:30 5:45 HM 112 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 117 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 112 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 112 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 06 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 06 TR 10:30 11:45 AL 09 MW 3:00 4:15 ML COMM MW 4:30 5:45 HM 119 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 205 T 4:30 7:00 HM 117 TBA TBA TBA MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 119 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 06 TBA TBA TBA MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 119 R 9:30 12:30 OFF MW 3:00 4:15 HM 344 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 119

Bluestein, J Bennett, J Luzarraga, R Luzarraga, R Kallenberg, B Kallenberg, B Zukowski, A Hardware, L Barnes, M Werner, J Smith, A Thompson, D Thompson, D Thompson, D Reed, K Thompson, D Thompson, D Thompson, D Jenkins, F Colbert, T Fitz, R Levering, M


BSJ LLC BSJ LLC BSJ LLC SI 08/24, 09/21, 10/19, 11/23

CAP Pilot University Honors Same class as REL35201 and MUS35201 Perm Chaminade Scholars Only CAP Pilot

CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/SOC339C1 or SOC352C1

CAP Pilot CAP Pilot

University Honors CAP Pilot Perm Perm Perm

University Honors University Honors

Off campus




Sociology  •  Dr. Laura Leming, FMI  •  SJ429  •  937-229-2138

1794 SOC 101 01 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 1795 SOC 101 02 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 013 Becker, P 1796 SOC 101 03 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 013 Thompson-Miller, R 1797 SOC 101 04 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 1798 SOC 101 05 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 230 Becker, P 1800 SOC 101 06 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 5280 SOC 101 07 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 013 Longazel, J 5281 SOC 101 08 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 013 Longazel, J 1801 SOC 101 A1 Prin of Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 230 Jipson, A 1809 SOC 208 01 Social Resrch Methds 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 413 Holcomb, J 1810 SOC 303 P1 Modern Social Theory 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 413 Forbis, J 5284 SOC 305 01 Criminological Thry 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 230 Becker, P 1812 SOC 308 01 Data Analysis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 413 Forbis, J 1814 SOC 308L 01 Data Analysis Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Forbis, J 6711 SOC 327 01 Criminology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 013 Longazel, J 1818 SOC 328 01 Racial&Eth Minorties 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 211 Thompson-Miller, R 1880 SOC 331 01 Marriage & Family 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 025 Holcomb, J 1882 SOC 339 01 Social Inequality 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 230 Majka, L 1884 SOC 339 C1 Social Inequality 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 230 Majka, L 6712 SOC 341 01 Self & Society 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 211 Miller, D 1890 SOC 343 01 Mass Comm-Mdrn Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 025 Miller, D 5286 SOC 343 02 Mass Comm-Mdrn Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 025 Miller, D 1893 SOC 351 01 Urban Sociology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 025 Majka, T 1894 SOC 352 C1 Community 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 ZH 101 Majka, T 5287 SOC 368 01 Immigration 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 211 Majka, T 4369 SOC 371 01 Soc of Human Rights 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 230 Majka, L Thompson-Miller, R 5644 SOC 408 01 Sr Project Design 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 9:50 SJ 413 Forbis, J 6713 SOC 409 01 Senior Project 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 3:00 5:40 SJ 413 Leming, L 1900 SOC 426 P1 Ldrshp-Communities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:00 7:30 LTC 044 Ferguson, R 1902 SOC 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1915 SOC 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1917 SOC 495 P1 Sociology Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1918 SOC 495 P2 Sociology Internship 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1920 SOC 495 P3 Sociology Internship 5.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1921 SOC 497 P1 Service Learning Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1922 SOC 498 P1 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1923 SOC 498 P2 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L 1925 SOC 498 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Leming, L

SOC & CJS 1ST yr mjrs take this sctn:LLC Comm in 21st Century C21 LLC SOC Majors Perm


CORE Serv Learnq Req Take W/PHL310C1 or REL363C1

CORE Serv Learng Req Take w/PHL310C1 or REL363C1 Same as ANT368

Same as CJS34701

University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Perm Perm Perm

Anthroplogy 1754 ANT 150 01 Cultural Anthropolgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 SJ 230 Litka, S 1758 ANT 150 02 Cultural Anthropolgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 230 Litka, S 1760 ANT 150 03 Cultural Anthropolgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SJ 230 Litka, S 3457 ANT 150 04 Cultural Anthropolgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 230 Abney Korn, K 5267 ANT 150 05 Cultural Anthropolgy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 013 Dasgupta, S 1765 ANT 306 01 Culture and Power 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 ZH 104 Dasgupta, S 5270 ANT 368 01 Immigration 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 211 Majka, T 5271 ANT 392 01 ST:Archaelgy&Hum Pst 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 211 Sawyer, A 5587 ANT 392 02 ST:Ethnogrphc Fldwrk 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 7:05 CPC 469 Litka, S MacLachlan, H 5272 ANT 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dasgupta, S

Same as SOC368 CAP Pilot same as MUS460 University Honors Perm




5273 ANT 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dasgupta, S 5275 ANT 497 P1 Service Learning Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dasgupta, S 4706 ANT 498 P1 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dasgupta, S 5276 ANT 498 P2 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dasgupta, S 5279 ANT 498 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dasgupta, S


University Honors Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm

Social Work 1926 SWK 201 01 SWK-Prac and Prof 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 413 Cassiman, S 3901 SWK 307 01 Mental Health Serv 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 211 Davis-Berman, J 1928 SWK 325 01 Child Abuse 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 230 Cassiman, S 4606 SWK 325 02 Child Abuse 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 5:55 7:05 SJ 230 Currell, C 4370 SWK 331 01 Death,Dying&Suicide 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 211 Davis-Berman, J 1933 SWK 401 X1 Community Field Exp 5.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 4:30 5:45 SJ 413 Davis-Berman, J 1935 SWK 465 P1 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Davis-Berman, J 1937 SWK 465 P2 Independent Study 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Davis-Berman, J 1938 SWK 465 P3 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Davis-Berman, J 1940 SWK 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Davis-Berman, J 1943 SWK 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Davis-Berman, J 1946 SWK 497 P1 Service Learning Exp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Davis-Berman, J

Serv Learng Req Perm Perm Perm Perm University Honors University Honors Perm

Social Science Interdisciplinary 5225 SSC 200 01 Cities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SJ 023 Ambrosius, J 5288 SSC 200 02 Grps,Ident&Movmnts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SJ 211 Kim, S 5290 SSC 200 03 Childhood Studies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 SJ 211 Holcomb, J 5264 SSC 200 04 Soc Sci-Crim Inv & Pros 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 SJ 023 Rodriguez, D 5265 SSC 200 05 Deconstructing Dinner 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 023 Engle, M 5266 SSC 200 06 Poverty&Chld Devlpmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 023 Fuhs, M 6415 SSC 200 07 Growg Up Lge-America 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 SJ 025 Kirschman, K 6738 SSC 200 08 Analyzing Media Mess 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 025 Robinson, J


Sustainability, Energy & Environment  •  Dr. Robert Brecha  •  SC025  •  937-229-2727

4644 SEE 250 01 Intr-Sustn Ergy&Envr 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 LTC 044 Abney Korn, K Brecha, R 3046 SEE 303 01 Constructns of Place 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 11:45 CPC 243 Jennings, G 3048 SEE 401 01 Sustnblty Research I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 ML 218 Brecha, R Fouke, D

Teacher Education  •  Dr. Connie Bowman  •  CH112  •  937-229-3344

791 EDT 109 01 Persnl Aspcts-Tchng 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 10:00 10:50 CH 322 Engelhardt, E F 10:00 10:50 CH 204 Engelhardt, E 6744 EDT 109 03 Persnl Aspcts-Tchng 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 11:00 11:50 CH 322 Engelhardt, E 793 EDT 109 H1 Persnl Aspcts-Tchng 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 8:00 8:50 CH 315 Ferguson, S 796 EDT 109 K1 Persnl Aspcts-Tchng 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 9:00 9:50 CH 322 Nenonene, R W 9:00 9:50 CH 322 Nenonene, R 4234 EDT 109 K3 Persnl Aspcts-Tchng 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 WF 8:00 8:50 CH 204 Engelhardt, E 5839 EDT 109 K4 Persnl Aspcts-Tchng 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 8:00 8:50 CH 322 Nenonene, R 840 EDT 110 P1 Profession-Teachng 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 10:00 11:50 CH 208 848 EDT 110 P2 Profession-Teachng 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 10:50 CH 208


Meets 2nd & 4th Wed of the month PC Notebook Req University Honors Meets 1st & 3rd Wed of the month Meets 1st & 3rd Wed of the month CIC LLC Meets 2nd & 4th CIC LLC Must register for EDT110LP1 Perm Must register for EDT110LP1 Perm




867 EDT 110L P1 Prfssn Tchng Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 886 EDT 110L P2 Prfssn Tchng Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 9:00 11:45 TBA 959 EDT 207 01 Chld&Adol In Eductn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CH 322 Engelhardt, E 967 EDT 207L 01 Chld & Adlsct Ed Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 971 EDT 211 01 Chld Dev Birth-8 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 BC Adams, S 1130 EDT 211 02 Chld Dev Birth-8 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:30 9:45 BC Comingore, J 1132 EDT 211L 01 Chld Dev Brth-8 Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA

Reserve 1- 4 hr time block 8-3 M-F fld exp BCI/FBI reqd Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Perm Must register for EDT207L Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Must register for EDT211L Classroom Must register for EDT211L Classroom Reserve 1- 4 hr time block M-F for fld exp Sign up at BCL BCI/FBI reqd

1136 EDT 222 01 Devlpmnt-MC & AYA 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 CH 315 Collopy, R 1138 EDT 222 02 Devlpmnt-MC & AYA 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CH 315 Collopy, R 1140 EDT 222L 01 Dvplmt MC & AYA lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1143 EDT 222L 02 Dvplmt MC & AYA lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1144 EDT 305 01 Phil&Hist of Amer Ed 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 CH 315 Watras, J 1145 EDT 305 02 Phil&Hist of Amer Ed 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CH 315 Biddle, J 3338 EDT 305 03 Phil&Hist of Amer Ed 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 1:15 CH 315 Biddle, J 4681 EDT 305 04 Phil&Hist of Amer Ed 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 CH 315 Watras, J 1148 EDT 312 01 Infant/Toddler Pract 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:00 6:00 BC Ilic-Downing, L 1153 EDT 314 01 Coll Asmnt&Team Mdls 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 BC Baldwin, J 1155 EDT 318 P1 Urban Tchr Academy 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 5:45 CH 315 Berry, D Nenonene, R Robinson, D 1156 EDT 318 P2 Urban Tchr Academy 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 5:45 CH 315 Berry, D Nenonene, R Robinson, D 1160 EDT 321 P1 Clrm Env Mid Chdhd 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:30 11:45 CH 322 Mathes, C 1162 EDT 321 P2 Clrm Env Mid Chdhd 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:30 11:45 CH 322 Mathes, C 1164 EDT 321L P1 Clsrm Envmnt MC Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 9:00 11:45 TBA 1165 EDT 321L P2 Clsrm Envmnt MC Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 11:45 TBA 1349 EDT 331L 01 Religion Methods Lab 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Ferguson, S 1353 EDT 331L 02 Religion Methods Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Ferguson, S 1166 EDT 338 01 Teaching & Learning 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:30 10:45 CH 315 Bowman, C 1167 EDT 338L 01 Teach & Learn 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1169 EDT 340 01 Ed Dvse St Pop -Incl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:00 9:15 CH 315 Hart, P

Must register for EDT222L01 Must register for EDT222L02 Reserve 1-4 hr time block 8-3 M-F for fld exp BCI/FBI reqd Reserve 1-4 hr time block 8-3 M-F for fld exp BCI/FBI reqd

Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Classroom Resrv 4 hrs M-F w/EDT516 classroom w/EDT659WW & EDT318P2

w/EDT659WW & EDT318P1

Must register for EDT321LP1 Perm Must register for EDT321LP2 Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Perm Off campus Off campus Must register for EDT338L01 Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd w/EDT340H1 Must register for EDT340L01




1180 EDT 340 02 Ed Dvse St Pop -Incl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 CH 323 Hart, P 1187 EDT 340 03 Ed Dvse St Pop -Incl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 7:05 CH 322 Tillman, B 6664 EDT 340 H1 Ed Dvse St Pop -Incl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:00 9:15 CH 315 Hart, P 1200 EDT 340L 01 Ed Dvs st Pop Inc Lb 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1202 EDT 340L 02 Ed Dvs st Pop Inc Lb 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1204 EDT 340L 03 Ed Dvs st Pop Inc Lb 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1208 EDT 341 N1 Lng Dvlp&Emergnt Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 1:00 3:45 CH 323 Schwendeman, H 1210 EDT 341 N2 Lng Dvlp&Emergnt Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 7:05 CH 323 Schwendeman, H 1212 EDT 342 N1 Behavior Management 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 010F Richards, S 1215 EDT 344 01 Coll w/Prnt/Coll/Agn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 CH 204 Tillman, B 1213 EDT 344 N1 Coll w/Prnt/Coll/Agn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 7:05 CH 315 Tillman, B 1217 EDT 350 01 Find Literacy Thr Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CH 323 Mathes, C 1219 EDT 350 02 Find Literacy Thr Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 10:15 CH 204 Coovert, K 1221 EDT 350 03 Find Literacy Thr Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 1:15 CH 204 Weckesser, G 3398 EDT 350 04 Find Literacy Thr Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 322 Weckesser, G 3709 EDT 400 P1 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 3710 EDT 400 P2 Independent Study 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 5058 EDT 400 P3 Independent Study 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 5094 EDT 400 P4 Independent Study 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1356 EDT 409 01 Math 4&5 Grades 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 322 McCue, L 3366 EDT 411 01 Soc Stud 4&5 Grades 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 010F White, J 1223 EDT 412 01 Dev App Prc Mth-ECE 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:30 9:45 CH 010E McCue, L 1226 EDT 412 02 Dev App Prc Mth-ECE 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:00 11:15 CH 010E McCue, L 1227 EDT 413 01 Dv App Prc SocSt-ECE 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 9:00 10:45 CH 010F Idzakovich, N 4648 EDT 413 02 Dv App Prc SocSt-ECE 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 11:00 12:45 CH 010F Idzakovich, N 1229 EDT 414 01 Dev App Prac Sci-ECE 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:30 9:45 CH 010F Kelly, M 1233 EDT 414 02 Dev App Prac Sci-ECE 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:00 11:15 CH 010F Kelly, M 1236 EDT 415 01 Wk w/Lrnr Mld/Mod Ed 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 2:45 CH 322 Lawless, C 1240 EDT 415 02 Wk w/Lrnr Mld/Mod Ed 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 2:45 CH 322 Lawless, C 1241 EDT 415L 01 ECE K-3 Fld Intrnshp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 4:00 T 4:30 5:30 BC F 8:00 12:00 1242 EDT 415L 02 ECE K-3 Fld Intrnshp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 4:00 M 11:00 4:00 T 4:30 5:30 BC 1243 EDT 418 P1 Urban Tchr Academy 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 4:30 6:00 CH 315 Nenonene, R 1245 EDT 418 P2 Urban Tchr Academy 0.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 4:30 6:00 CH 315 Nenonene, R 1246 EDT 426 01 Rdg/Lng Arts-MC 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:00 11:50 CH 204 Sableski, M 1247 EDT 427 01 Math-Middle Childhd 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 11:50 CH 010F Herrelko, J 1249 EDT 428 01 Sci-Middle Childhd 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 8:00 11:50 CH 208 Kelly, M 1251 EDT 429 01 Soc Std-Middle Chld 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 8:00 11:50 CH 010F White, J 1252 EDT 431 P1 Lang Arts Mthds-AYA 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 11:50 CH 208 Bogard, T 1255 EDT 431L P1 Int Lng Md AYA Fd In 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MF 8:00 11:50 1257 EDT 432 P1 Mth Mthds-AYA 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 11:50 CH 010F Herrelko, J 1258 EDT 432L P1 Math Md AYA Fld Int 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MF 8:00 11:50 1261 EDT 433 P1 Foreign Lng-AYA 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 11:50 CH 114 Gallagher, C 1264 EDT 433L P1 Frn Lng Mth Fld Intp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1266 EDT 434 P1 Sciene Mthds-AYA 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 11:50 CH 010D Hunn, D



Must register for EDT340L02 Must register for EDT340L03 w/EDT34001 University Honors Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd


Reserve one 4hr block 8am-4pm for fld exp BCI/FBI reqrd w/EDT521P1 w/EDT519N1

PC Notebook Req

ECE only or ECE & 4th/5th classroom ECE & PKSN classroom

Perm w/EDT418P2 Perm w/EDT418P1 Must register for EDT45802 w/EDT432P1

Perm Off campus Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd w/EDT42701 Off campus Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd w/EDT554P1



1268 EDT 434L P1 Sci Mth AYA Fld Intr 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MF 8:00 11:50 Hunn, D 1270 EDT 435 P1 Soc Std Mthds-AYA 4.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 8:00 11:50 CH 010E White, J 1272 EDT 435L P1 Int Sc St SYA Fd Inst 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MF 8:00 11:50 6681 EDT 437 01 L2 Learning & Tchng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 315 Gallagher, C 1278 EDT 442 P1 Assmt:Mld/Moderate 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 8:00 11:50 CH 323 Richards, S 1282 EDT 442L P1 IS Mld/Mod Fld Intp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1283 EDT 443 P1 Curriculum M/M 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:00 11:50 CH 323 Richards, S 1284 EDT 444 01 Instr Strat:Mld/Mod 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 8:00 11:50 CH 323 Lawless, C 1285 EDT 445 01 Appl-Cmputr&Technlgy 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 6:15 CH 201 Scheuermann, G 1286 EDT 450 01 Phonics,Spell,Voc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 10:30 11:45 CH 204 Parker, D 1287 EDT 450 N2 Phonics,Spell,Voc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 7:05 CH 010F 1292 EDT 452 01 Readng-Contnt Areas 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CH 204 Coovert, K 3399 EDT 452 N1 Readng-Contnt Areas 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Coovert, K 1296 EDT 454 01 Mth Lit Instr Asmt EC 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 2:45 CH 208 Arnold, J 1300 EDT 454 02 Mth Lit Instr Asmt EC 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 2:45 CH 208 Arnold, J 1303 EDT 454 03 Mth Lit Instr Asmt EC 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CH 204 Sableski, M 1304 EDT 458 01 Reading Methods MCE 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 8:30 11:50 CH 208 Arnold, J 1322 EDT 458 02 Reading Methods MCE 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 8:30 11:50 CH 208 Arnold, J 1324 EDT 458L 01 MCE Ml Fld Intnshp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1325 EDT 459 P1 Crt Rdg Wrtg Cnt Ar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:00 9:50 CH 010D Lewellen, C 1327 EDT 459 P2 Crt Rdg Wrtg Cnt Ar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:00 11:50 CH 010D Lewellen, C 5743 EDT 459 P3 Crt Rdg Wrtg Cnt Ar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Meyer, M 6746 EDT 459 P4 Crt Rdg Wrtg Cnt Ar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 8:00 11:50 CH 322 Collopy, R 6747 EDT 459 P5 Crt Rdg Wrtg Cnt Ar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CH 204 Bogard, T 1329 EDT 460E 01 ErlyChldPrgmPersnlMng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Engelhardt, E 1330 EDT 460EL 01 ErlyDhdPrPrsnlMngLb 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1361 EDT 464E 01 AdvcyErlyCreEd 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Perrino, P 4813 EDT 465E 01 ItrnPrctmErlyChldAdm 6.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA WEB Smith, A 6748 EDT 473 01 Stdnt Tchng-Prim 12.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McDowell, H 6084 EDT 475 P1 Student Teachng AYA 12.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 6080 EDT 479 P1 Stdt Tchng-Mus K-12 12.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kizer, T Kronour, D 1333 EDT 498 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CH 010F Hart, P 1334 EDT 499 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hart, P Tillman, B 1335 EDT 499 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lasley, T 1336 EDT 499 H3 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA

Theatre  •  Dr. Darrell Anderson  •  MT134  •  937-229-3950

492 THR 100 P1 Theatre Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 495 THR 100 P2 Theatre Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 509 THR 100 P3 Theatre Lab 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 514 THR 105 01 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 CPC 479 Beal, A 526 THR 105 02 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 CPC 479 Beal, A 5791 THR 105 03 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 AS STDC Dunlevy, L 4618 THR 105 04 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 CPC 479 Beran, D 4619 THR 105 05 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 CPC 479 Bosse, K 3470 THR 105 06 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 479 Bosse, K 5965 THR 105 07 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 CPC 479 Bosse, K 6721 THR 105 08 Intro to Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 AS STDB Dunlevy, L


Off campus Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Perm Off campus Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd w/EDT53701 Perm Perm Evidence of BCI/FBI in past 12 mths reqd Perm


ECE only ECE only IS only Register for EDT458L01 Lang Arts only Must register for EDT458L01 Reserve M-F morning for MC lab Evidence of BCI/FBI reqd Perm Perm

CAP Pilot Distance Learning ECE Ldrshp & Advoc only ECE Lrdshp Distance Learning Distance Learning

University Honors & by appointment University Honors University Honors University Honors

Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail




5651 THR 206 02 Stage Management 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 10:00 10:50 CPC 568 Evans, M 545 THR 251 01 Beginning Tap Dance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 CPC 159 Ueber, J 6722 THR 261 01 Beginning Jazz Dance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 10:30 11:45 CPC 159 Blunden-Diggs, D 6723 THR 271 01 Beginning Ballet 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 159 Mosley, R 557 THR 300 P1 Theatre Lab 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 579 THR 300 P2 Theatre Lab 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 583 THR 300 P3 Theatre Lab 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 6724 THR 305 01 Theatre Stagecraft 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KU KTH Evans, M 597 THR 310 01 Acting I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 155 Miller, S 6725 THR 310 02 Acting I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 CPC 155 Miller, S 611 THR 310 03 Acting I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 155 Miller, S 5372 THR 323 01 Acting II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 155 Beran, D 618 THR 330 01 Concepts Scene Desgn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 CPC 479 Anderson, D 6727 THR 351 01 Intermed Tap Dance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 5:45 CPC 159 Ueber, J 6726 THR 361 01 Intermed Jazz Dance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 1:15 CPC 159 Blunden-Diggs, D 6728 THR 370 01 Thr & Transformation 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 479 Dunlevy, L 5376 THR 370 02 Hip Hop Dance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 159 Mosley, R 6729 THR 370 03 Comtemp Afr Dance 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 159 Mosley, R 6771 THR 371 01 Intermediate Ballet 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 6:00 7:15 CPC 159 Ueber, J 638 THR 440 P1 Prob Thr Prod&Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 640 THR 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 641 THR 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 4624 THR 490 P1 Spec Prob Theatre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 496 Dunlevy, L 646 THR 498 P1 Theatre Internship 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 648 THR 498 P2 Theatre Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 651 THR 498 P3 Theatre Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D

University Honors Program  •  Dr. David Darrow  •  AL125  •  937-229-4615

742 ACC 207 H1 Intro-Financial Acc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 103 Castellano, J 927 ACC 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 938 ACC 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Street, D 3043 ASI 358 H1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J 6386 BIO 359 H1 Sustainable Biosphre 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 064 Friese, C 5219 CEE 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Chase, D 5220 CEE 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Chase, D 5210 CME 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Wilkens, R 5613 CME 493 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA OFF Wilkens, R 5211 CME 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Wilkens, R 5614 CME 494 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA OFF Wilkens, R 467 CMM 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hess, J 468 CMM 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hess, J 6475 DSC 211 H1 Stats For Bus II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 MH 102 Dunne, E 223 DSC 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J



Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail

CAP Pilot

Perm University Honors University Honors Perm Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail

University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm-POL Dept Chair or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA



227 DSC 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 5661 ECE 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 5660 ECE 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 3101 ECO 203 H1 Prin of Microecon 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 109 Collier, T 569 ECO 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Gustafson, E 573 ECO 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Gustafson, E 793 EDT 109 H1 Persnl Aspcts-Tchng 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 8:00 8:50 CH 315 Ferguson, S 6664 EDT 340 H1 Ed Dvse St Pop -Incl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 8:00 9:15 CH 315 Hart, P 1333 EDT 498 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CH 010F Hart, P 1334 EDT 499 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Hart, P Tillman, B 1335 EDT 499 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lasley, T 1336 EDT 499 H3 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1732 EGR 201 H1 Engr Mechanics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 KL 203 Taylor, W 5635 EGR 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 5636 EGR 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1757 EGR 498 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1768 EGR 498 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1772 EGR 498 H3 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1776 EGR 498 H4 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 1777 EGR 498 H5 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA KL 266 Alakkad, R 5626 ENG 200H B1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 110 Strain, M 5736 ENG 200H B2 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 402 Phillips-Young, L 5439 ENG 200H H1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 ML 218 DeAloia, L 5440 ENG 200H H2 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 ML 218 DeAloia, L 5441 ENG 200H H3 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 207 Morgan, T 5442 ENG 200H H4 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 05 Biswas, A 5443 ENG 200H H5 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 110 McCombe, J


University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors BMV LLC University Honors University Honors University Honors Meets 1st & 3rd Wed of the month w/EDT34001 University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors & by appointment or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm only or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors CME Majors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors CEE Majors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors MEE Majors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors ELE Majors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors ET Majors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors BSJ LLC Social Justice First Year only University Honors BSJ LLC Social Justice First Year only University Honors Obedience First Year only University Honors Obedience First Year only University Honors Culture of Hiphop First Year only University Honors Authorship First Year only University Honors First Year only




5444 ENG 200H H6 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 CH 208 Burnside, C 5445 ENG 200H H7 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 LTC 042 Bardine, B 5446 ENG 200H H8 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 202 Szeghi Dempster, T 5447 ENG 200H H9 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 202 Burnside, C 5448 ENG 200H HA Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 ML 218 DeAloia, L 5768 ENG 200H HB Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 ML 206 Martin, E 5772 ENG 200H HD Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 207 Macleod, A 5774 ENG 200H HE Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 403 Gadson, J 5789 ENG 200H HF Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 12:00 1:15 HM 118 Krummel, M 6560 ENG 200H HG Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 205 5560 ENG 200H S1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 KL 204 Potter, R 5561 ENG 200H S2 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 269 Potter, R 5562 ENG 200H W1 Writing Seminar II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 HM 202 Boehnlein, J 1932 ENG 322 H1 Mastrpc-World Lit 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 207 Marre, K 5689 ENG 326 H1 Sport & Literature 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 HM 110 Pici, J 1949 ENG 362 H1 Shakespeare 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 202 Macleod, A 1954 ENG 370 H1 Rprt&Proposal Wrtng 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 202 Adams, N 6573 ENG 383 H1 Tragic Dilemma 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 HM 202 Slade, R 1965 ENG 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 1966 ENG 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA 639 FIN 301 H1 Intro to Financial Mgt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 106 Mundew, L 718 FIN 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Gustafson, E 721 FIN 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Gustafson, E 2450 GEO 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Goldman, D 2453 GEO 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Goldman, D 2517 HSS 498 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L 2519 HSS 499 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA TF 40 Laubach, L 6739 HST 303 H1 Hst Roman Rep&Emp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 271 Borbonus, D 882 HST 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Santamarina, J



University Honors Buffy: Girls & Vampires First Year only University Honors Heavy Metal Music First Year only University Honors Global Perspectives First Year only University Honors Buffy: Girls & Vampires University Honors Obedience First Year only University Honors Cancer First Year only Unversity Honors Art of War First Year only University Honors Lit’s Child Stars University Honors Getting Medieval First Year only University Honors First Year only University Honors SEE LLC University Honors SEE LLC University Honors Voices & Visions WAA LLC University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Srs only or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Core or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA



892 HST 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Santamarina, J 3038 INB 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lau, T 3039 INB 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Lau, T 911 INS 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 913 INS 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Carlson, M 3095 MED 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kearns, R 3096 MED 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kearns, R 5662 MEE 493 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 5663 MEE 494 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Alakkad, R 2175 MGT 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2177 MGT 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 5277 MIS 301 H1 Info Sys in Org 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 AN 129 Ferratt, T 558 MIS 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 560 MIS 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 2263 MKT 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 2264 MKT 492 H1 Honor Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA McFarlin, D 5711 MUS 201 H1 Music in Concert 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 CPC 469 6513 MUS 352 H1 Sacred Mus & Wrshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 442 Cox, D 2649 MUS 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Street, P 2655 MUS 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Gratto, S 6599 MUS 479 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Rush, T 6592 MUS 480 H1 Honor Thesis 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Hartley, L 6593 MUS 481 H1 Honors Thesis 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC Dorf, S 668 OPS 491 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 671 OPS 492 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Prasad, J 2493 PHL 103 S1 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 ML COMM Fouke, D 2497 PHL 103 S2 Intro To Philosophy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 HM 204 Paslaru, V 5572 PHL 313 H1 Business Ethics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 ML 217 Cheung, K 2617 PHL 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Inglis, J 2621 PHL 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Inglis, J 4211 PHY 201 H1 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 119 Ahoujja, M W 12:00 12:50 SC 107 Ahoujja, M 5238 PHY 201 H2 General Physics 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 119 Ahoujja, M W 3:00 4:15 SC 107 Ahoujja, M


University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Perm or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors SEE LLC or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors SEE LLC or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors




945 PHY 207 H1 Gen Phy II Ele & Mag 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 10:00 10:50 SC 107 Brecha, R T 1:30 2:45 SC 107 Brecha, R 1368 PHY 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SC 111 Erdei, J 1371 PHY 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA SC 111 Erdei, J 3803 POL 300 H1 Chrstny,Ctzshp&Socty 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 SJ 413 Ambrosius, J 603 POL 426 H1 Ldrshp-Communities 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 5:00 7:30 LTC Ferguson, R Fitz, R Vermillion, D 633 POL 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J 636 POL 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Pierce, J 5234 PSY 341 H1 Social Psychology 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 320 Montoya, R 2295 PSY 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 2296 PSY 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Phelps, C 5059 PSY 478 H2 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Dixon, L 5060 PSY 478 H3 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Goodnight, J 5062 PSY 478 H5 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kirschman, K 5643 PSY 495 H1 Special Top:Forensic 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SJ 325 Berry, M 6405 PSY 495 H2 ST:Personality Dev 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 9:00 11:30 SJ 325 Bauer, J 6628 REL 352 H1 Undrstnd Sacred Mus 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 442 Cox, D 2033 REL 375 H1 Religion & Science 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 5:45 HM 119 Barnes, M 2043 REL 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Thompson, D 2044 REL 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Thompson, D 869 SCI 230 H1 Org,Evol,Envrmnt 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SC 064 Friese, C 640 THR 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 641 THR 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA CPC 475B Anderson, D 4349 WGS 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R 4351 WGS 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R


University Honors Prob Session or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Same as ASI358 or minimum 3.4 GPA Perm Same as MPA526P1 and SOC426P1, University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or permission of instructor or minimum 3.4 GPA Unversity Honors or permission of instructor or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors Same class as REL35201 and MUS35201 or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA University Honors or minimum 3.4 GPA

Visual Arts  •  DR. Judith Huacuja  •  CPC250 937-229-3237

Graphic Design 5148 VAD 220 01 Design Processes I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 11:45 CPC 238Q 5672 VAD 220 02 Design Processes I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 11:45 CPC 238Q Kwon, S 5168 VAD 240 01 Form and Concept 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 2:45 CPC 242 Kwon, S 5181 VAD 240 02 Form and Concept 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 4:15 CPC 238R Kwon, S 5182 VAD 310 01 Computer Illustratn 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 4:15 CPC 238Q Smith, G


VAF112, Majors only Majors only VAF112, VAF216 Laptop & software req VAF112, VAF216 Laptop & software req VAD215 or 218, VAD245 Laptop & software req



2702 VAD 320 01 Design Processes II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:45 CPC 238R Kargl, K 4322 VAD 345 01 Typography II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 11:45 CPC 238R Clarke, J 4653 VAD 345 02 Typography II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 5:45 CPC 238R Clarke, J 6762 VAD 395 N1 Advertising Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 7:15 CPC 238R Sorg, K 2715 VAD 412 01 Graphic Design II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 11:45 CPC 242 Kargl, K 2717 VAD 412 02 Graphic Design II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 5:45 CPC 242 Whitaker, J 6453 VAD 412 03 Graphic Design II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 11:45 CPC 242 Whitaker, J 2802 VAD 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Huacuja, J 2814 VAD 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Huacuja, J 2817 VAD 480 P1 Design Internship 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Clarke, J 2819 VAD 480 P2 Design Internship 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Clarke, J 2822 VAD 480 P3 Design Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Clarke, J 4312 VAD 490 01 SP: Design 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Clarke, J 4313 VAD 490 02 SP: Design 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Clarke, J 4314 VAD 490 03 SP: Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Clarke, J 2825 VAD 490 04 SP: Design 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kwon, S 2827 VAD 490 05 SP: Design 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kwon, S 2829 VAD 490 06 SP: Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kwon, S 2831 VAD 490 07 SP: Design 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kargl, K 2833 VAD 490 08 SP: Design 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kargl, K 2834 VAD 490 09 SP: Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Kargl, K 2841 VAD 490 10 SP: Design 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2845 VAD 490 11 SP: Design 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2847 VAD 490 12 SP: Design 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 5170 VAD 490 P1 SP:Design/Science 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 4:15 CPC 242 Clarke, J 2850 VAD 498 01 Senior/Prof Seminar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 12:00 12:50 CPC 243 Kargl, K 2852 VAD 499 01 Portfolio&Paper-GD 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 T 12:00 1:15 CPC 242 Kargl, K Art Education 2857 VAE 101 01 Early Chldhd Art Ed 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 1:00 2:50 CPC 284 Kessler, B 2859 VAE 101 N1 Early Chldhd Art Ed 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:00 2:50 CPC 284 5171 VAE 101 N2 Early Chldhd Art Ed 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 4:30 6:20 CPC 284 Watras, L 2860 VAE 231 01 Intro-Art Ed 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 10:30 11:20 CPC 284 6454 VAE 232 01 Integrating the Arts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:50 CPC 284 Kessler, B 2861 VAE 483 P1 Tch Visual Arts 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 4:30 7:20 CPC 284 Fine Arts 2864 VAF 104 01 2865 VAF 104 02 2866 VAF 104 03 4316 VAF 104 04 2868 VAF 104 N1 2869 VAF 112 01 4362 VAF 112 02 2870 VAF 112 03 2908 VAF 112 04 2910 VAF 117 01 2911 VAF 117 02 2912 VAF 117 03 2914 VAF 216 01 2917 VAF 226 02 2918 VAF 232 01 2920 VAF 240 01 6455 VAF 240 02

Foundation Drawing Foundation Drawing Foundation Drawing Foundation Drawing Foundation Drawing Foundation 2-D Dsgn Foundation 2-D Dsgn Foundation 2-D Dsgn Foundation 2-D Dsgn Foundation 3-D Dsgn Foundation 3-D Dsgn Foundation 3-D Dsgn Design and Color Painting I Sculpture I Ceramics I Ceramics I

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13


9:00 12:00 9:00 1:30 4:30 9:00 9:00 3:00 1:30 9:00 12:00 9:00 12:00 9:00 9:00 12:00 3:00

11:45 2:45 11:45 4:15 7:15 11:45 11:45 5:45 4:15 11:45 2:45 11:45 2:45 11:45 11:45 2:45 5:45

CPC 292 Dean, D CPC 292 Dean, D CPC 292 Scrimenti, N CPC 292 CPC 292 CPC 293 Jones, J CPC 293 CPC 293 CPC 293 Smyth, N CPC 290 Hoeting, C CPC 290 Hoeting, C CPC 290 Phelps, K CPC 293 Scrimenti, N CPC 280 Scrimenti, N CPC 291 Marcinowski, M CPC 285 Phelps, K CPC 285 Phelps, K


VAD215,245 Majors only Laptop & software req VAD245 Laptop & software req VAD245 Laptop & software req Laptop & software req VAD 411 Majors only Laptop & software req VAD411 Majors only Laptop & software req VAD411 Majors only Laptop & software req University Honors University Honors Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail Perm Pass/Fail

CAP Pilot Perm SR standing Majors only VAD 498 Audit First year & soph only First year & soph only First year & soph only 20hrs observation req CAP Arts Non-majors CAP Arts Perm

Majors only Majors only Majors only Majors only Open-CAP Arts Majors only Majors only Majors Majors only Majors only Majors only Majors only VAF 112 VAF 104, 112, 216 Open Open


CRN COURSE TITLE CR. BEGIN SECTION DATE 6464 2929 2931 2935 2936 2941 4317 2953 2958 2965 2970 2974 2977 2978 4935 5176 4698 2996 2999 3002 3004 3007

VAF 242 N1 VAF 253 01 VAF 304 01 VAF 326 01 VAF 332 01 VAF 370 01 VAF 380 01 VAF 426 01 VAF 470 01 VAF 477 H1 VAF 478 H1 VAF 490 01 VAF 490 02 VAF 490 03 VAF 490 07 VAF 490 08 VAF 490 09 VAF 490 13 VAF 490 14 VAF 490 15 VAF 498 01 VAF 499 N1

Art History 3009 VAH 101 01 3014 VAH 101 N1 3469 VAH 101 N2 4318 VAH 101 N3 3017 VAH 201 01 3023 VAH 202 01 3026 VAH 203 N1 5177 VAH 360 N1 3036 VAH 383 01 3034 VAH 477 H1 3033 VAH 478 H1 6457 VAH 480 01 3027 VAH 490 01 3025 VAH 490 02 3022 VAH 490 03 5178 VAH 490 07 6459 VAH 490 08 5185 VAH 490 N1


Ceramics II Printmaking I Drawing III Painting II Sculpture II Illustration I Illustration II Painting III Illustration III Honors Thesis Honors Thesis SP: Ceramics SP: Ceramics SP: Ceramics SP:Painting SP:Painting SP:Painting SP: Sculpture SP: Sculpture SP: Sculpture Senior/Prof Seminar Portfolio & Paper:FA

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 1.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13 12/13/13

TR 4:30 7:15 CPC 285 Chesar, D TR 4:30 7:15 CPC 283 Peffley, T MW 3:00 5:45 CPC 292 TR 1:30 4:15 CPC 280 Jones, J MW 12:00 2:45 CPC 291 Marcinowski, M TR 9:00 11:45 CPC 284 Langenderfer, T TR 9:00 11:45 CPC 284 Langenderfer, T TR 1:30 4:15 CPC 280 Jones, J TR 9:00 11:45 CPC 284 Langenderfer, T TBA Huacuja, J TBA Huacuja, J TBA Phelps, K TBA Phelps, K TBA Phelps, K TBA Jones, J TBA Jones, J TBA Jones, J TBA Marcinowski, M TBA Marcinowski, M TBA Marcinowski, M T 7:30 9:30 CPC 254 Marcinowski, M R 7:30 8:20 CPC 254 Marcinowski, M

Open-CAP Pilot VAF 104, 112 VAF 204 VAF 226 VAF 232 VAF 104, 204

Intro-Visual Arts Intro-Visual Arts Intro-Visual Arts Intro-Visual Arts Survey of Art I Survey of Art II Survey of Art III Art History&Feminsm Hst-Graphic Design Honors Thesis Honors Thesis 20th Century Art I SP: Art History SP: Art History SP: Art History SP:Ancient Art SP:Asian Art SP:Art & Activism

3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0

08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13 08/21/13

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MW 3:00 4:15 CPC 243 MW 4:30 5:45 CPC 243 MW 5:55 7:10 CPC 243 TR 4:30 5:45 CPC 243 TR 9:00 10:15 CPC 243 TR 10:30 11:45 CPC 243 TR 5:55 7:10 CPC 243 TR 5:55 7:10 AS STDC MW 1:00 2:15 CPC 243 TBA TBA TR 3:00 4:15 AS STDC TBA TBA TBA TR 1:30 2:45 AS STDC TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 243 TR 4:30 5:45 AS STDC

Open-CAP Arts Open-CAP Arts Open-CAP Arts Open-CAP Arts Open-CAP Arts Open-CAP Arts Open-CAP Arts Open

Tsen, H Mitchel, D Mitchel, D Tsen, H Crum, R Crum, R Tsen, H Philipp, J Whitaker, J Huacuja, J Huacuja, J Evilsizor, S Huacuja, J Huacuja, J Huacuja, J Evilsizor, S Tsen, H Philipp, J

Photography 6583 VAP 100 01 Darkroom Photo 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 9:00 12:15 CPC 238O 3010 VAP 101 01 Foundatn Photogrphy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 11:45 CPC 238O Whitaker, J 3006 VAP 101 02 Foundatn Photogrphy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 4:15 CPC 238O Whitaker, J 3003 VAP 101 N1 Foundatn Photogrphy 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 7:15 CPC 238O 2913 VAP 240 01 Digital Processes I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 11:45 CPC 238P Jennings, G 6461 VAP 240 02 Digital Processes I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 4:15 CPC 238P Jennings, G 2915 VAP 302 01 Color Photography I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 1:00 3:45 CPC 238P 6584 VAP 321 01 Studio Practice II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 1:00 3:45 CPC 238O Jennings, G 2919 VAP 330 01 Alternative Photo I 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 9:00 11:45 CPC 238O 2921 VAP 340 N1 Digital Processes II 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 4:30 7:15 CPC 238P 2922 VAP 430 N1 Prof Phtogrphc Appl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 7:45 CPC 238O 2924 VAP 450 P1 Photogrphy Internshp 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2927 VAP 450 P2 Photogrphy Internshp 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2933 VAP 450 P3 Photogrphy Internshp 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2937 VAP 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Huacuja, J 2943 VAP 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Huacuja, J 2972 VAP 490 01 SP: Photo 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2976 VAP 490 02 SP: Photo 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2979 VAP 490 03 SP: Photo 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Whitaker, J 2980 VAP 498 01 Senior/Prof Seminar 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 W 9:00 11:45 CPC 254 Whitaker, J



VAF 326 VAF 380 University Honors University Honors

University Honors University Honors Open

Open Open CAP Pilot

Non-majors CAP Arts

VAP101,201 VAP101 VAP320 Perm Perm Perm University Honors University Honors



Visual Arts 2983 VAR 100 01 Vis Arts Foundatn 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 12:00 12:50 CPC 243 Huacuja, J 2987 VAR 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Huacuja, J 2990 VAR 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Huacuja, J 6463 VAR 490 01 SP:Anatomy Drawing 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 CPC 283 Langenderfer, T 6465 VAR 490 02 SP:Creatve Solutions 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 F 12:00 3:00 AS STDC Schanberger, F 6273 VAR 490 P3 Vis Arts Internship 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA Huacuja, J 5652 VAR 495 N1 Senior Project Seminar 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 R 4:30 5:20 CPC 254 Huacuja, J


First year Majors only University Honors University Honors Crossing Boundaries-Inquiry Pre-med majors Non-majors CAP Crossing Boundaries-Integrative Majors only

Women & Gender Studies  •  Dr. Rebecca Whisnant  •  AL208  •  937-229-4285

5467 ENG 336 01 Gender in Fiction 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 207 Szeghi Dempster, T 862 HST 353 01 Hst-Wom in Eurp Soc 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 HM 126 Carlson, M 2506 PHL 307 01 Philosophy and Women 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 HM 109 Whisnant, R 6650 PHL 364 01 Race, Gender&Phl 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 ML 206 Velasquez, E 6502 POL 340 01 Gender&Internatnl Rel 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 434 Hudson, N 2289 PSY 443 01 Psychology of Women 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 9:00 10:15 SC 320 Zois, C 2290 PSY 443 02 Psychology of Women 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 SC 320 Zois, C 2294 PSY 462 01 Human Sexuality 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 M 5:55 8:35 SC 320 Carter, R 2042 REL 471 01 Women and Religion 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 1:30 2:45 HM 06 4348 WGS 150 01 Intro Wm&Gndr Stdies 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TR 10:30 11:45 ML 206 DesAutels, P 2989 WGS 310 01 Fem Thry & Mthd 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 MW 3:00 4:15 LTC 042 Merithew, C 2992 WGS 390 01 Service Lrng in WGS 1.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R 2994 WGS 390 02 Service Lrng in WGS 2.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R 2998 WGS 390 03 Service Lrng in WGS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R 4349 WGS 477 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R University Honors 4351 WGS 478 H1 Honors Thesis 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R University Honors 3008 WGS 480 01 Ind Study in WGS 3.0 08/21/13 12/13/13 TBA AL 202 Whisnant, R



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