n o t y a D f o y t i s Univer
M R E T SPRING 3 1 0 2 – 2 1 20
Spring term: January 14– May 3 Graduate School — St. Mary’s 200, 229-2390 Office for Graduate Registration — St. Mary’s 411, 229-3723 Office of the Bursar — St. Mary’s 105, 229-4111
Telephone Numbers for the Graduate Deans: 229-2390 229-4411 229-2611 229-3733 229-2241 229-3146
Dr. Paul Vanderburgh, Dean of the Graduate School Office of Admission Dr. Paul Benson, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences Dr. Janice Glynn, Director of MBA Dr. John G. Weber, Associate Dean and Director of Engineering, Graduate Studies and Research Dr. Kevin R. Kelly, Dean, School of Education and Allied Professions
Avoid class closings — register early on the Web: porches.udayton.edu The registration form is located in the back of this book.
Service at your fingertips Office of Undergraduate Admission dial
1-800-UD PRIDE 1-800-837-7433 or 937-229-4411
Please call this office if you have a question about: admission requirements admission status application materials campus visits catalogs
Student Financial Services OFFICE OF Scholarships AND Financial Aid dial
1-800-427-5029 or 937-229-4311
Please call this number if you have a question about: status of aid package award letter loan disbursements available programs You may speak with a representative during business hours or use the Student Financial Services Voice Response System for 24-hour-aday service.
Bursar dial
1-800-259-7117 or 937-229-4111
Please call this number for information concerning: account balance bills and payments tuition charges finance charges payment plans refunds financial holds credit card payment bank loan disbursements Automated payments* can be made 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via telephone or by going online to www.udayton.edu/~bursar.
Student Support Services dial
Please call this number if you have a question about: 1. Registrar (937-229-4141) undergraduate registration graduate registration transcript information change of address information 2. Residential Services (937-229-3317) residential assignments residential charges adjustments to student accounts occupancy of facilities
*Automated credit card payments may be made during the hours of 4:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. only.
3. Food Services (937-229-2441) meal plans declining balance student ID / Campus One Card Flyer Express accounts nutrition services
Graduate school of of Education and allied professions dial
1-800-259-8710 or 937-229-4003
Please call this number if you have a question about: educational administration counselor education teacher education
graduate Programs directory Biology...........................................................................................229-2521 Jayne Robinson, Ph.D., Chairperson Mark Nielson, Director Chemistry......................................................................................229-2631 Mark Masthay, Ph.D., Chairperson Kevin Church, Ph.D., Director Communication.............................................................................229-2028 Jonathan Hess, Ph.D., Chairperson Donald Yoder, Ph.D., Director Computer Science........................................................................229-3831 Dale Courte, Ph.D., Chairperson Counselor Education and Human Services..............................229-3644 Molly Schaller, Ph.D., Chairperson Doctoral Studies...........................................................................229-4003 Charles Russo, Ph.D., Interim Director
CONTENTS Spring Calendar........................................... 2 Graduate Fees.............................................. 3 General Information................................. 4–5 Registration Instructions................................ 6 Exam Schedule............................................ 7 Course Listings
College of Arts & Sciences Biology......................................................... 8 Chemistry.................................................... 8 Communication............................................ 8 Computer Science........................................ 9 English ....................................................... 9 Geology ..................................................... 9 Master in Public Administration..................... 9 Mathematics................................................ 9 Music........................................................... 9 Psychology ............................................... 10 Religious Studies ...................................... 10
Educational Leadership...............................................................229-3737 David Dolph, Ph.D., Chairperson
School of Business Master of Business Administration............... 12
English...........................................................................................229-3434 Sheila H. Hughes, Ph.D., Chairperson Andrew Slade, Ph.D., Director
School of Education and Allied Professions Counselor Education.................................. 13 Main campus........................................ 13 Off campus..................................... 14 –15 Doctor of Physical Therapy......................... 15 Distance Learning Courses.................... 15 Doctoral Studies ....................................... 16 Educational Leadership.............................. 16 On campus........................................... 16 Off campus........................................... 17 Distance Learning Courses........................ Health & Sport Science............................... 18 Teacher Education...................................... 18 On campus...........................................18–20
Graduate Engineering and Research........................................229-2241 John Weber, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Engineering for Graduate Studies Health and Sport Science............................................................229-4225 Lloyd Laubach, Ph.D., Chairperson International Studies ................................................................. 229-4326 Juan C. Santamarina, Ph.D., Director Mathematics..................................................................................229-2511 Joe Mashburn, Ph.D., Chairperson Becky Krakowski, Ph.D, Director MBA Program...............................................................................229-3733 Janice Glynn, Director Music..............................................................................................229-3936 Sharon Gratto, Ph.D., Chairperson Public Administration..................................................................229-3650 Grant Neely, Ph.D., Director Psychology....................................................................................229-2713 Carolyn Roecker Phelps, Ph.D., Chairperson Clinical....................................................................................229-2164 General...................................................................................229-2168 Religious Studies..........................................................................229-4321 Daniel Thompson, Ph.D., Chairperson Teacher Education........................................................................229-3346 Connie Bowman, Ph.D., Chairperson
School of Engineering Aerospace Engineering............................... 21 Bioengineering........................................... 21 Chemical Engineering................................. 22 Civil Engineering........................................ 21 Electrical & Computer Engineering.............. 22 Engineering Mechanics .............................. 23 Engineering Management and Systems....... 22 Management Science............................. 24 Electro-Optics............................................ 24 Materials Engineering ................................ 25 Mechanical Engineering ........................... 25 Renewable Clean Energy .......................... 26 Graduate Registration Form...................27–28 Campus Map............................... View Online
(Area code for all of above 937)
SPRING 2013 ACADEMIC CALENDAR — subject to change
Fri., Jan. 11
Spring New Student Orientation
Fri., Jan. 11
Last day to complete registration
Mon., Jan. 14
Classes begin at 8:00 a.m.
Fri., Jan. 18
Academic Senate Meeting (Ballroom) at 3:00 p.m.
Fri., Jan. 18
Last day for late registration, change of grading options and schedules
Mon., Jan. 21
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day — no classes
Tue., Jan. 22
Last day to change Fall Term grades
Fri., Jan. 25
Joint Academic Senate/Faculty Meeting (Boll Theatre/Torch) at 3:00 p.m.
Fri., Feb. 1
Last day for Graduate and Doctoral students to apply for May 2013 graduation
Mon., Feb. 4
Last day to drop classes without record
Fri., Feb. 15
Academic Senate Meeting (Ballroom) at 3:00 p.m.
Wed., Feb. 27
Mid-Term Break begins after last class
Mon., Mar. 4
Classes resume at 8:00 a.m.
Wed., Mar. 13
First-Year students’ midterm progress grades due by 4:00 p.m.
Fri., Mar. 15
Academic Senate Meeting (Ballroom) at 3:00 p.m.
Fri., Mar. 15
Last day for Undergraduate students to apply for August 2013 graduation
Wed., Mar. 27
Easter Recess begins after last class
Mon., Apr. 1
Easter Monday — no day classes — classes resume at 4:30 p.m.
Mon., Apr. 1
Last day for Undergraduate students to apply for December 2013 graduation
Wed., Apr. 3
Last day to drop classes with record of W
Wed., Apr. 17
Bro. Joseph W. Stander Symposium — Alternate Day of Learning
Fri., Apr. 19
Academic Senate Meeting (Ballroom) at 3:00 p.m.
Fri., Apr. 26
Last day of classes
Sat ., Apr. 27
Study Day
Sun., Apr. 28
Study Day
Mon.–Fri.., Apr. 29–May 3
Exams — Spring Term ends after final examinations
Sat., May 4
Doctoral/Graduate Commencement Exercises at TBD
Sun., May 5
Undergraduate Commencement Exercises at 9:45 a.m.
Tue., May 7
Grades due by 9:00 a.m. Deficiency slips due in Deans’ offices
Thu., May 9
Grades posted
Fri., May 10
Faculty Meeting at 3:00 p.m. (Boll Theatre)
Mon, Jun. 10
Last day to change Spring Term grades.
bookstore hours for SPRING term 2012–2013 Extended hours during the first two weeks of the term (posted at the bookstore). Last day to return textbooks for a full refund with receipt: January 23, 2013. Order online: http://bookstore.udayton.edu M–Th 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. Fri. 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Sat. 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
graduate FEES Tuition for undergraduate semester hour credit .................................................................................................................. $1,067.00 Tuition for graduate semester hour (Arts & Sciences and Engineering) ............................................................................... 788.00 Tuition for graduate semester hour (Business) ......................................................................................................................... 858.00 Tuition for graduate semester hour (Master in Public Administration) ................................................................................ 541.00 Doctoral student per semester credit hour (including Engineering) ..................................................................................... 858.00 Religious Studies courses (per semester credit hour) Fall and Winter only ......................................................................... 541.00 Religious Studies Ph.D. ................................................................................................................................................................. 649.00 On/off campus for School of Education and Allied Professions per credit (including Graduate Arts & Sciences courses) ...................................................................................................................... 541.00 Graduate Program for Education Specialist per semester hour (800 level courses) ........................................................... 649.00 Doctoral (per semester hour) ....................................................................................................................................................... 702.00
MISCELLANEOUS Per laboratory course clock hour (Maximum $325) .................................................................................................................... 65.00 University fee ................................................................................................................................................................................... 25.00 Graduation fee (including doctoral) .............................................................................................................................................. 90.00 Audit per semester hour — Arts & Sciences Engineering ....................................................................................................... 394.00 Audit per semester hour — Religious Studies............................................................................................................................ 271.00 Audit per semester hours — Business......................................................................................................................................... 429.00 Audit on/off campus — Education (including Graduate Arts and Sciences courses ............................................................ 271.00 Audit — Doctoral semester hour (Education) ............................................................................................................................. 351.00 Audit per semester hour — Education Specialist Program ..................................................................................................... 325.00 Audit — Doctoral Religious Studies ............................................................................................................................................ 324.00 Audit for master in Public Administration per semester hour ............................................................................................... 271.00 Audit Doctoral per credit hour (including Engineering) ......................................................................................................... 429.00 Registration late fee — beginning the first day of the three .................................................................................... 25.00 per week to a maximum of 75.00
CANCELLATION AND REFUNDS If registration is cancelled before the first day of classes, full refunds will be made, with the exception of admission deposits. Cancellation must be in writing on the proper form, the withdrawal or drop form for registration or in written form to the Residential Services Office for housing. For non-local students a letter to the appropriate dean may be used as notification of cancellation. Students who do not attend classes and do not officially complete withdrawal procedures during the cancellation period will be responsible for the full amount of the applicable tuition and fees. During the four-week cancellation period for the first and second terms, tuition and housing credits will be given according to the following schedule:
During first week of classes .......... 80% During second week ........................ 60% During third week ............................ 40% During fourth week ......................... 25% During or after fifth week ................ 0%
The first week starts on the first day of a term; the second week begins seven days later, etc.) Special course fees: 100% through the first week of classes. Thereafter, on the same schedule as tuition. Laboratory fees: 100% through the first week of classes. Thereafter, on the same schedule as tuition. Special rules may apply for students who withdraw and who receive Title IV funds. Please contact the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid if additional information is needed.
After classes have begun, the University fee for student activities is not refundable. All tuition refund requests and appeals must be in writing and directed to the attention of David J. Necessary, Director of Student Accounts/Bursar. Students suspended/dismissed from the University or from University residence facilities as a result of disciplinary action are not eligible for any refund of tuition and fees or room and board charges under the University’s Cancellation and Refund policy. Exceptions to this position will be made to comply with refund requirements of federal financial aid programs.
GENERAL INFORMATION Graduate school of education and allied professions admission standard Applicants for admission to the Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions must have attained an undergraduate cumulative average of 2.75 or higher on a 4.0 scale. Students whose undergraduate grade point average is less than 2.75 may be admitted if a score of 40 or higher is achieved on the Miller Analogies Test (MAT) or scaled minimum scores of 430 and 490 on the verbal and analytical ability sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE). Applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and submit an official transcript from that institution and three references from qualified professionals in the field.
PROGRAM ADMISSION Students seeking admission to the Graduate School of Education and Allied Professions are permitted to enroll for one term only and for no more than six hours prior to being admitted. Hours completed in excess of the six will not be accepted toward completion of degree requirements. If you have questions on either policy, contact the Office of Graduate Education Programs 937-229-3103 or 1-800-259-8710, extension 7.
PROCEDURE FOR ACCEPTANCE INTO A GRADUATE PROGRAM IN THE SCHOOL OF EDUCATION AND ALLIED PROFESSIONS Students registering for more than six (6) semester hours of Graded Credit will receive an advisor hold placed on their student account unless a major is claimed or they have approval from an advisor. To contact an advisor, please call 937-229-3348. Students may take unlimited graduate workshops for Non-graded Credit or CR. However, these workshops are generally valid for renewal of licenses and pay increases but may not necessarily be used toward an initial license or degree.
Graduating? If you are planning to graduate in May 2013, you must declare your candidacy for graduation by applying online at porches.udayton.edu by Feb. 1, 2013. Apply to graduate by going to porches. udayton.edu, select the Academics tab and under Registration Tools is the Apply to Graduate link.
Wright-Patterson AFB Students who are registering for courses to be taught at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base must be eligible for access to the base and have appropriate picture ID. Non-base connected civilians should contact the SOCHE office on base at 937-252-4888 or 937-904-4890 for information about eligibility and instructions on obtaining the ID.
PUBLIC LAW 93-380 In compliance with the Act, this is a public notice of public directory information which is a} listed in the student roster (student’s name, local address and phone listing, entrance date, level of study, school or college, enrollment status); and b) maintained in a file in the Office of the Registrar (date of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards, most recent educational institution attended). Students not wishing to have this information made available to anyone outside the university are to make this request in St. Mary’s Room 411 within the first five class days of each term. Students must report in person and present a validated identification card.
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATORY POLICY The University of Dayton does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, national or ethnic origin, color, creed, sex, nor against otherwise qualified handicapped students in its admissions and academic standards, nor in the granting of scholarships, loans, and other financial aid, nor in the planning and administering of its admissions, academic, athletic, housing, and other policies, nor in any other programs, services and activities.
Anyone who needs to park on campus two weeks or more must purchase a parking permit. Campus parking facilities are limited. Graduate students and graduate assistants may purchase student parking permits. Commuting students may purchase permits to park on Lot S1. Resident students parking priority will be given to upperclass students with the highest priority being given to students with an internship or co-op, or senior education major. The Web site, parking. udayton.edu will provide updates on the status of the online parking application program. All students must apply online.
Evening students are sold permits which are valid ONLY after 4:30 p.m. weekdays and anytime weekends in any ON-CAMPUS parking lit, except those marked with a double letter. Vehicles parked on roadways without authorization or in grass/dirt areas will be towed. Students may contact Parking Services at 937-229-2128.
To receive a transcript, a student must make a written request to the Registrar’s Office, 300 College Park, Dayton, Ohio 45469-1330, or come in person to fill in a request form. The cost of the transcript is $2 for one and $1 for each additional copy when issued at the same time. For more information, phone 937-229-4141. Transcripts can also be ordered by phone (1-800-799-6869) or through the internet (www.getmytranscript.com). There is a charge of $4 per transcript ordered to use this service. For more information, phone 937-229-4141 or go to registrar.udayton.edu.
did you know? You can access the following information through the Web at the University of Dayton home page, porches.udayton.edu. Grades Class schedule Course availability Address verification Summary Advertising report Unofficial transcript Account status Financial aid Registration
Entering College Park Center (CPC) and 1700 South Patterson Building (1700) It is mandatory for all students to have a University of Dayton student identification card to enter this secured building.
Two ways to obtain a student identification card:
located in the Powerhouse (behind Chaminade Hall) between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (telephone 937-2292456) to have your ID made.
Parking in S1 parking lot Graduate students attending evening classes in College Park Center must purchase an S1 parking pass or an evening parking pass to park before 7:30 p.m. After 7:30 p.m. is open parking. Parking passes can be purchased at our Web site: www.udayton.edu (click on Most Requested Offices, Public Safety and Online parking). You will be required to enter your student identification number and Novell password. To obtain a Novell password, visit Miriam Hall, Room 53 or end an email to: pchelp@udayton.edu. Temporary passes can be obtained through the Welcome Station (guard station) across the street on College Park Drive.
FlyerCard The FlyerCard is the official photo identification card. Not only is it your student ID card, but it’s also your library card, meal card and access card for the RecPlex, residence halls and labs. Students may obtain the FlyerCard at 102 Powerhouse. Hours of operation are Monday through Friday 8:30–4:30. You may call 937-229-2456 or 1-800-259-8864, option 4.
1) Send an email with your full name and University ID number along with a picture (must be a color head and shoulders photo of you facing camera with plain background with no sunglasses, hats, funny faces, or outside photos) to: flyercard@notes.udayton. edu and we will notify you when it is ready. 2) Stop by the FlyerCard office
ONLINE REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS graduate/doctoral students Web registration begins Nov. 1 at 8:00 a.m. for degree students and Nov. 2 at 8:00 a.m. for non-degree students. Login to Porches at http://porches. udayton.edu with your LDAP/Novell username and password, go to the Academics tab and select Search and Register for Classes in the Registration Tools channel. 1. Determine the courses you want to take. 2.
It is recommended — though not required — that you meet with your advisor to ensure you are scheduled for the correct courses.
Return to the Search and Register for Classes link indicated in step 1 to register on your assigned date and time. Note: The Registration Status link will display your registration date and show any outstanding holds. Unresolved holds will prohibit you from registering.
4. There are two registration methods: a. Add all courses to a worksheet similar to a shopping card): Locate your preferred course section and click the box next to the preferred CRN (course registration number) to add it to your worksheet. Once you’ve selected all of the courses you want to take, submit your schedule.
This method allows you to build an entire schedule at once; only after submission do you see potential registration errors and closed classes.
b. Search and register for courses one at a time: Click the register button each time you select a course.
This method of registering ensures that you will have a seat in the class if no other errors or section closings prevent you from registering. This method is recommended when you are aware that space in a particular course is limited or close to being full.
Students may change their classes online prior to the first day of the term by selecting the Add or Drop Classes link under the Registration Tools channel. More details about registering online are available on the Academics tab at http://porches.udayton.edu. You may use Web Registration: • If you have attended UD in the past year • If you are newly accepted and have confirmed your acceptance or if you have been reactivated by your school/college • To process drop/adds • To review or print your class schedule (times, building, room You may not use Web Registration: • If you are a first time non-degree student
• If you have a registration hold • For change of level • To register or add/drop for audit Mail or Walk-in Registration begins Nov. 5. Upon viewing this information, you will find a registration form in the back of this book. If you have any demographic changes, please go to registrar.udayton.edu, general information, Demographic Info Change Form. If you have taken a graduate course at the university, complete sections 1 & 3. If you are a first-time graduate student (either degree or non-degree, you need to complete sections 1, 2 and 3. Fill in requested courses, fold form, seal and mail to the Registration Office as printed on the reverse side of the form. First time non-degree students may now register on the Web by going to adulteducation.udayton.edu beginning Nov. 5. It is imperative that we have your current email address. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Registration Office at 937-229-3723 or 1-800-259-8864, or in the Flyers First area, St. Mary’s 411.
Drop/Adds By Web You may drop/add using the Web until the first day of each session. Beginning the first day of each session, you must process a Drop/ Add Form. If you are unable to pick up a form, call your Dean/Advisor/ Registration Office to process the change.
We recommend that all students contact their advisor/ chairperson before making any course selections. Drop/adds made without discussion with your advisor, which may result in non-fulfillment of requirements, will not be corrected by substitutions and waivers.
EXAMINATION SCHEDULE — SPRING 2013 For classes meeting multiple days per week April 30
May 1
May 2
May 3
10:10 to 12:00
12:20 to 2:10
2:30 to 4:20
4:30 to 6:20
5:55 to 7:45
6:30 to 8:20
April 29
time 8:00 to 9:50
For classes meeting ONE DAY per week 4:30 to 6:20
6:30 to 8:20
7:55to 9:45
–– ––
Block exams may be scheduled through the Registrar’s Office by the chairperson on the dates and times shown above provided they meet the following criteria: • Combining multiple sections with multiple instructors. • Exceptions must be approved by the Dean’s office.
College of Arts & Sciences Biology • Dr. Jayne Robinson • SC211 • 937-229-2521
7280 BIO 501 P1 Seminar 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 6:00 SC 114 Robinson, J 10499 BIO 503 P1 College Teach Sem 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 F 10:00 12:00 SC 142 Hanley, C 8824 BIO 545 P1 Evolution & Develop 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 146 Williams, T 8888 BIO 554 P1 Scientific Practice 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 7290 BIO 594 P1 Molecular Biology 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 F 9:00 12:00 SC 064 Tsonis, P 7292 BIO 596 P1 Biodiversity 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA McEwan, R 7293 BIO 596 P2 Biosensor Design 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 11:00 11:50 SC 064 Hansen, K 7296 BIO 596 P3 Reg/Grwth-Dev&Cancer 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Kango-Singh, M 10500 BIO 596 P4 Multivariate Biostat 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Benbow, M 7320 BIO 599 P1 Thesis 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 7322 BIO 599 P2 Thesis 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8889 BIO 599 P3 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8890 BIO 599 P4 Thesis 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8891 BIO 599 P5 Thesis 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8892 BIO 599 P6 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 7323 BIO 601 P1 ST:Biomedical 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 12:00 12:50 SC 064 Tsonis, P 7325 BIO 601 P2 ST:Ecological 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 12:00 12:50 SC 064 Nielsen, M 7327 BIO 699 P1 Dissertation 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 7328 BIO 699 P2 Dissertation 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8893 BIO 699 P3 Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8894 BIO 699 P4 Dissertation 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8895 BIO 699 P5 Dissertation 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M 8896 BIO 699 P6 Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Nielsen, M
Chemistry • Dr. Mark Masthay • SC178 • 937-229-2631
7739 CHM 517 01 Inorganic Chemistry 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MWF 12:00 12:50 SC 271 Swavey, S 7742 CHM 528 01 Theoretical Prin Chm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 SC 271 Crosson, G 7744 CHM 528L P1 Theor Prin Chm Lab 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 1:30 4:15 SC 386 Keil, R LAB-195 10067 CHM 536 01 Biosynthetic Org Chm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MWF 11:00 11:50 SC 181 Morrow, G 10516 CHM 546 01 Sp Top: Mod Anly Chem 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 181 Johnson, D Masthay, M 7749 CHM 552 01 General Biochem II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 150 Lopper, M 8349 CHM 560 P1 Research I 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 8350 CHM 560 P2 Research I 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 7750 CHM 560 P3 Research I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 7751 CHM 561 P1 Research II 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 7752 CHM 561 P2 Research II 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 7753 CHM 561 P3 Research II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 7757 CHM 561 P4 Research II 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 7759 CHM 561 P5 Research II 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K 7760 CHM 561 P6 Research II 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Church, K
Communication • Dr. Jonathan Hess • SJ121 • 937-229-2028
10090 COM 502 01 Rhetorical Criticism 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:55 8:30 SJ 119 Valenzano, J 5280 COM 503 01 Comm Resrch Seminar 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 SJ 125 Oh, K 10091 COM 517 01 Organizational Comm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:30 SJ 119 Langhorne, A 5284 COM 531 P1 Directed Study-Comm 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Yoder, D Perm 5285 COM 531 P2 Directed Study-Comm 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Yoder, D Perm 5286 COM 531 P3 Directed Study-Comm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Yoder, D Perm 9868 COM 555 01 Public Relations 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:55 8:30 SJ 119 Han, J 5287 COM 562 01 Com for Hlth Profnls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 233 Thompson, T CrossingBoundariesCAP 5288 COM 598 P1 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Yoder, D Perm 5289 COM 599 P1 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Yoder, D Perm
Computer Science • Dr. Dale Courte • AN1139 • 937-229-3831
8858 CPS 512 N1 Systems Design 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 203 Gowda, R 8065 CPS 522 N1 Software Proj Mgmt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 MH 201 Gowda, R 6894 CPS 536 N1 Operating Systms I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 MH 203 Courte, D 10148 CPS 542 01 Database Mgt Sys I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 1:30 2:45 MH 201 Buckley, J 10149 CPS 543 01 Comparatve Languages 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 MH 205 Perugini, S 8859 CPS 552 01 Discrte Evnt Simultn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 10:30 11:45 MH 207 Yao, Z 6896 CPS 560 01 Computer Graphics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 207 Gothard, S 9641 CPS 562 01 Database Mgt Sys II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 201 Buckley, J 6898 CPS 572 01 Computer Networking 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:00 4:15 MH 207 Yao, Z 6902 CPS 592 N1 ST:Softwre Revrs Egr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:35 MH 207 Deep, B 10150 CPS 592 N2 ST:Mobile App Dev 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:35 MH 203 Smith, B
English • Dr. Sheila H. Hughes • HM200A • 937-229-3434
10379 ENG 505 01 Creative Writing 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 468 Carrillo, A 8486 ENG 507 01 Argumentation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 HM 202 Boehnlein, J 7039 ENG 590 01 Teaching College Eng 0.5 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 3:00 4:15 HM 257 Bardine, B 10381 ENG 591 01 Lit & Ethics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 HM 202 Potter, R 7040 ENG 592 N1 History of English 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 207 Krummel, M 10383 ENG 596 01 Composition Theory 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:20 9:55 HM 118 Strain, M 7042 ENG 599 01 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Slade, R Perm 7043 ENG 599 02 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Slade, R Perm 8396 ENG 609 01 Gothic Literature 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 HM 05 Bardine, B
Geology • Dr. Daniel Goldman • SC17 • 937-229-3432
7138 GEO 560 01 Adv Appl of GIS 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 SC 397 Wu, S PC Notebook Required 6197 GEO 598 01 Capstone Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA SC 394 Wu, S
Master in Public Administration • Dr. Jason Pierce • 937-229-3626
5697 MPA 508 01 NGO Leadership 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 3:00 5:30 SJ 434 Ghere, R 9082 MPA 508 02 Govt & Business 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:00 7:30 SJ 231 Vermillion, D Same as POL30010 5698 MPA 511 01 Applied Res Techs 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 SJ 231 Neeley, G 5704 MPA 520 01 Organiztn Theory 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:55 8:30 SJ 231 Ghere, R 5705 MPA 530 01 Fiscal Administn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:30 SJ 023 Ambrosius, J 9085 MPA 551 01 Intro-Public Policy 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:30 SJ 434 Pautz, M 5709 MPA 593 P1 Indp Sty-Public Adm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G 5710 MPA 593 P2 IS:Community Fellows 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Fitz, R 8406 MPA 593 P3 IS:Grad Comm Fellows 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Fitz, R 9881 MPA 593 P4 Indp Sty-Public Adm 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G 5712 MPA 595 P1 Governmnt Internshp 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G 5713 MPA 595 P2 Governmnt Internshp 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G 5714 MPA 595 P3 Governmnt Internshp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G 5716 MPA 595 P4 Governmnt Internshp 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G 5717 MPA 597 P1 Public Serv Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G 5718 MPA 597 P2 Public Serv Project 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Neeley, G
Mathematics • Dr. Joe Mashburn • SC313 • 937-229-2511
7132 MTH 527 01 Biostatistics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 SC 323 Hovey, P 7133 MTH 544 01 Time Series 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SC 216 Qumsiyeh, M 10199 MTH 551 01 Methods Mathmtl Phys 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SC 328 Eloe, P 7135 MTH 556 01 Numerical Analysis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 108 Usman, M 7136 MTH 559 01 Financial Math II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 SC 108 Liu, R
Music • Dr. Sharon Gratto • MT101 • 937-229-3936
5785 MUS 599 01 Grad Perf Studies 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hartley, L 5790 MUS 599 02 Grad Perf Studies 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hartley, L 5792 MUS 599 03 Grd Prf Stdy-Ens 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hartley, L
Lessons SPE-150 Lessons SPE-205 Approval of Advisor
Psychology • Dr. Carolyn Roecker-Phelps • SJ329 • 937-229-2713
5113 PSY 502 01 Exprmt Degn&Stat II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 3:00 5:30 SJ 3 O’Mara, E Students must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 5115 PSY 551 01 Assmt-Intelligence 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 SJ 325 Reeb, R Student must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 5116 PSY 555 01 Thry-Psnlty&Psthrpy 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:00 4:15 SJ 325 Dixon, L Student must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 5117 PSY 565 01 Ethics in Assess PSY 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SJ 325 Farnsworth, T Student must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 5118 PSY 566 01 Family&Marrg Therapy 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 SJ 325 Goodnight, J Student must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 5119 PSY 569 01 Clinical Practicum 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Reeb, R Student must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 5121 PSY 569 02 Clinical Practicum 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Reeb, R Student must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permisson of instructor 10215 PSY 588 01 Intrprsnl Processes 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 1:30 4:10 SJ 336 Montoya, R Students must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 9753 PSY 595 01 ST:Research 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 1:30 2:20 SJ 336 Montoya, R Students must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 10455 PSY 595 02 ST:CogNeuro 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 1:30 2:45 SJ 325 Crutcher, R Students must be currently enrolled in the MA program in PSY or by Permission of instructor 8404 PSY 595 P3 IS:Grad Comm Fellows 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Fitz, R 5128 PSY 596 P1 Experimentl Research 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Phelps, C 5129 PSY 596 P2 Experimentl Research 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Phelps, C 5130 PSY 596 P3 Experimentl Research 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Phelps, C 5131 PSY 597 P1 Readings 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Phelps, C 5132 PSY 597 P2 Readings 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Phelps, C 5133 PSY 597 P3 Readings 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Phelps, C 9678 PSY 599 01 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Phelps, C 9905 PSY 599 02 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Dixon, L 9908 PSY 599 03 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Zois, C 9906 PSY 599 04 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Goodnight, J 9907 PSY 599 06 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Reeb, R
Religious Studies • Dr. Daniel Thompson • HM300 • 937-229-4321
10488 REL 500D 01 Fdns Theo & Ethics 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Luzarraga, R Distance Learning Trinidad-Same as REL500D02 10489 REL 500D 02 Fdns Theo & Ethics 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Luzarraga, R Distance Learning Same as REL500D01 9159 REL 501 01 Biblical Hebrew I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 117 Bunta, S 5996 REL 502 01 Biblical Greek I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MWF 1:00 1:50 HM 06 Jenkins, F 9160 REL 503 01 Biblical Hebrew II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 9:00 10:15 HM 117 Bunta, S 10130 REL 518 01 NT Exegesis:Gospels 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 3:00 5:30 HM 344 Branick, V 10161 REL 529 01 African Amer Rel 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 3:00 5:30 HM 468 Moore, C 10132 REL 540 01 Ecclesiology 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Thompson, D Distance Learning Trinidad, same as REL-540-02 10133 REL 540 02 Ecclesiology 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Thompson, D Distance Learning Same as REL 540-01 10137 REL 545 01 God&HumExp:Newman 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:30 HM 117 Portier, W 10138 REL 563 01 Christn Discipleship 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:50 8:20 HM 119 Johnson, K 6015 REL 581 01 Pastoral Minstry Sem 0.0 01/24/13 01/24/13 R 6:00 8:00 HM 344 Johnston, W 10139 REL 585 01 Pastoral Counseling 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:50 8:20 HM 344 Doorley, A 6017 REL 589 P1 Practicum 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Johnston, W Perm 6025 REL 593 P1 Directed Study 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D Perm 8659 REL 593 P2 Directed Study 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D Perm 6027 REL 593 P3 Directed Study 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D Perm 6028 REL 598 P1 Comprehensive Proj 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 9169 REL 599 P1 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 10140 REL 604 01 Theo Rsrch:Am Cath 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 9:00 12:00 HM 344 Inglis, J Smith, A 10141 REL 610 P1 Gen Exam-Bibl St 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 10142 REL 611 P1 Gen Exam-Hist Theo 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 10143 REL 612 P1 Gen Exam-Sys Theo 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 10144 REL 615 P1 Qual Exam 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 10163 REL 640 01 Ecclesiology & Space 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 6:00 9:00 HM 468 Miller, V 6058 REL 645 01 Newman&Doct Devlp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:30 HM 344 Levering, M 6062 REL 697 P1 Directed Readings 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 6063 REL 697 P2 Directed Readings 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 6064 REL 697 P3 Directed Readings 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 6066 REL 699 P1 Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D 6067 REL 699 P2 Dissertation 12.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Thompson, D
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School of Business Master in Business Administration • Janice Glynn • 1700 South patterson blvd • 937-229-3733
5135 MBA 600A 01 Financial Accounting 1.5 01/14/13 03/4/13 M 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 Giffen, M 5136 MBA 601A 01 Managerial Accounting 1.5 03/11/13 04/29/13 M 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 Giffen, M 9117 MBA 602A 01 Informatn Assurance 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 103 Archambeault, D 5137 MBA 603A P1 Adv Financial Acctg 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 MH 214 Berger, S 9146 MBA 605C P1 Internatl Acc-IFRS 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Berger, S 9147 MBA 605D P1 Internatl Acc-IFRS 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Berger, S 9119 MBA 607A P1 Strat Prf Meas&Con 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:55 8:30 1700 S2005 Castellano, J 5143 MBA 609B P1 Acc Indiv Research 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Street, D 5144 MBA 612 01 Mfg/Service Systems 1.5 01/17/13 03/7/13 R 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Hoff, J 10219 MBA 619 01 Prjct Mgt for Prof 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 S2005 Hall, S 9120 MBA 620A 01 Prin of Corp Fin Mgt 1.5 01/15/13 03/5/13 T 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Livesay, A 9121 MBA 620B 01 Prn Crp Invt&Ast Mgt 1.5 03/12/13 04/30/13 T 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Livesay, A 5147 MBA 621 01 Fin Deriva&Risk Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:55 8:30 1700 S2005 Chen, R 9568 MBA 629 P1 Applied Optns Tradng 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 F 7:45 10:15 MH 107 McNew, L 10220 MBA 629 P2 Algorithmc Modling 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 1:30 4:00 MH 107 McNew, L 5307 MBA 629B P1 ST:Energy Mkts 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 7:45 10:15 MH 107 McNew, L 5150 MBA 630 01 Marketing Essentials 1.5 01/14/13 03/8/13 TBA WEB Pan, Y 5151 MBA 634 01 Consumer Behavior 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:55 8:30 1700 S2035 Watson, S 10221 MBA 635 01 MKT Analysis & Rsrch 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 S2035 10222 MBA 639 P1 Sport Marketing 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 M2300 Titlebaum, P 5155 MBA 660 01 Informtn Tech&Systems 1.5 03/14/13 05/2/13 R 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Quigley, D 10225 MBA 662B 01 Managing Internet Sec 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:55 8:30 OFF 5310 MBA 664 01 Database Managemnt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 101 Wynn, D 5311 MBA 665 01 Systms Analysis&Dsgn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 12:00 1:15 MH 102 Ferratt, T 5312 MBA 667A P1 Business Intelligence 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:30 MH 121 Salisbury, W 5313 MBA 670 01 Prin of Org Behvr 1.5 03/11/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Sweeney, P 9126 MBA 682 01 New Venture Mangmnt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 S2055 Kenworthy, T 5324 MBA 695 P1 Individual Research 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Glynn, J 5327 MBA 695 P2 Individual Research 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Glynn, J 5328 MBA 695 P3 Individual Research 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Glynn, J 5330 MBA 695 P4 Individual Research 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Glynn, J 5332 MBA 695 P5 Individual Research 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Glynn, J 5335 MBA 695 P6 Individual Research 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Glynn, J 9123 MBA 758 01 Principled Organization 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Forlani, V 9124 MBA 758 02 Principled Organization 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Ulrich, L 9127 MBA 790 01 Manag Economics 1.5 01/17/13 03/7/13 R 12:00 2:30 MH 109 Ruggiero, J 9128 MBA 790 02 Manag Economics 1.5 03/14/13 05/2/13 R 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 Ruggiero, J 9129 MBA 791 01 Mdl&Anal for Bus Dec 1.5 01/15/13 03/3/13 T 12:00 2:30 MH 109 Dunne, E 9130 MBA 791 02 Mdl&Anal for Bus Dec 1.5 03/12/13 04/30/13 T 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 Dunne, E 9131 MBA 792 01 Prf Meas&Ctrl Sys Pr 1.5 01/16/13 03/6/13 W 12:00 2:30 MH 102 Castellano, J 9132 MBA 792 02 Prf Meas&Ctrl Sys Pr 1.5 01/16/13 03/6/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 Castellano, J 9133 MBA 793 01 Operational Effect 1.5 03/11/13 04/29/13 M 12:00 2:30 MH 102 Jacobs, M 9134 MBA 793 02 Operational Effect 1.5 03/11/13 04/29/13 M 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Jacobs, M 9135 MBA 794 01 Info Sys & Bus Dec 1.5 01/14/13 03/4/13 M 12:00 2:30 MH 102 Enns, H 9136 MBA 794 02 Info Sys & Bus Dec 1.5 01/14/13 03/4/13 M 5:55 8:30 1700 S2060 Enns, H 9137 MBA 795 01 Org Behavior 1.5 01/14/13 04/30/13 T 12:00 2:30 MH 109 King, W 9138 MBA 795 02 Org Behavior 1.5 03/12/13 05/2/13 T 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 King, W 9139 MBA 796 01 Corporate Finance 1.5 01/17/13 03/7/13 R 12:00 2:30 MH 109 Mohan, N 9140 MBA 796 02 Corporate Finance 1.5 03/14/13 05/2/13 R 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 Mohan, N 9141 MBA 797 01 Marketing Mgt 1.5 03/13/13 05/1/13 W 12:00 2:30 MH 102 Dickey, I 9142 MBA 797 02 Marketing Management 1.5 03/13/13 05/1/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 S2080 Dickey, I 9143 MBA 798 P1 Strategic Stkhld Mgtmt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:30 1700 S2006 Gentner, J 9144 MBA 799 P1 Capstone Integ Pjct 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:55 8:30 1700 S2006 Gentner, J
Perm Perm Distance Learning Non-refundable fee Perm SPE-500 Distance Learning Non-refundable fee Perm SPE-500 Perm 1st half SPE-250
Perm Perm Perm Perm Distance Learning
Perm 2nd half Off campus-Riverside SPE-750
Perm Distance Learning Second half Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Distance Learning
1st half 2nd half
2nd half 2nd half 1st half 1st half
Perm Meets on 1/16 only Perm
School of Education & Allied Professions Counselor Education • Dr. Molly Schaller • CH301 • 937-229-3644
Visit http://www.udayton.edu/education/edc/student_resources//handouts.php to view program prerequisites prior to registering for individual classes. 8118 EDC 514 D1 Acad Assess/Intervn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 1700 M2440 Hunley, S Sch Psy Only 8119 EDC 515 D1 Prac:Acad Assess/Int 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 7:20 8:35 1700 M2440 Hunley, S Sch Psy Only 10251 EDC 516 D1 Acad/Behav Asses Ins 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 308 Bernstein, E Sch Psy Only Fiori, B SPE-150 8122 EDC 529 D1 Career Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 7:20 9:25 1700 M2380 Hall, A 8123 EDC 529L D1 Career Counslng Lab 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 9:30 10:25 1700 M2380 Hall, A Sch Couns only 8128 EDC 547 D1 Cnsltn/Ldrshp Schls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 1700 M2380 Arndt, K 8129 EDC 553 D1 Intern-Coll Std Pers 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:20 9:25 CH 315 Abd El Razek, A ECP & EAH only 8131 EDC 555 D1 Adm&Orgn-CSP 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 HM 118 Schuerman, W ECP & EAH only 8132 EDC 556 D1 Adm&Org-Hghr Edu 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 HM 118 Schuerman, W ECP & EAH only 8133 EDC 557 D1 Learng in Community 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 208 Welkener, M ECP & EAH only 9669 EDC 562 D1 Intervention-CSP 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 CPC Schaller, M 8385 EDC 564 D1 Practicum in Hghr Ed 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Schaller, M 6297 EDC 568 D1 Research/Eval/HS 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 1700 M2225 Abd El Razek, A 9534 EDC 569 D1 Scholarly Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 308 Abd El Razek, A ECP & EAH only 10258 EDC 571 D1 Biol Bases Behav 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 1700 M2300 Bernstein, E Hybrid course 6301 EDC 574 D1 Indep Study-Counslng 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 3:30 4:30 1700 M2440 Moulin, E First mtg,TBA then arranged 6302 EDC 574 D2 Indep Study-Counslng 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 3:30 4:30 1700 M2440 Moulin, E First mtg, TBA then arranged 6303 EDC 574 D3 Indep Study-Counslng 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 3:30 4:30 1700 M2440 Moulin, E First mtg,TBA then arranged 6304 EDC 574 D4 IS:Couns w/Clin Imp 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 3:30 4:30 1700 M2440 Moulin, E First mtg, TBA then arranged 6305 EDC 575 D1 Coun Diverse Pop 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 1700 M2320 Moulin, E 6306 EDC 583 D1 Thr&Tchnq-Grp Couns 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 1700 M2380 Polanski, P 6308 EDC 584 D1 Practicum-CommCnslg 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 1700 M2320 CMH Couns only Orientation 8899 EDC 585 D1 Prac-Sch Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:20 1700 M2225 Visit the web site for addtnl crse reqrmts & anncmnts Orntatn TBA 6309 EDC 585 D2 Prac-Sch Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:20 1700 M2245 Visit the web site for addtnl crse reqrmts & anncmnts Orntatn TBA 6310 EDC 598 D1 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:20 9:25 1700 M2440 6311 EDC 598 D2 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:20 9:25 1700 M2440 Additonal hrs section 6314 EDC 599 D1 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:20 9:25 1700 M2245 Arndt, K 6315 EDC 599 D2 Intrnshp-Sch Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:20 9:25 1700 M2245 Arndt, K Additional hrs section 6316 EDC 599 D3 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 1700 M2440 Moulin, E 6317 EDC 599 D4 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 1700 M2440 Moulin, E Additional hrs section 6318 EDC 600 D1 Culminating Seminar 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 7:20 8:20 1700 M2240 Moulin, E 6320 EDC 605 D1 Professional Seminar 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 F 5:00 10:00 CH 315 S 8:30 5:00 CH 315 6321 EDC 612 D1 Asses-Intr&Accblty 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 1700 M2245 Fiori, B Sch Psy only 6322 EDC 613 D1 Prac:Assess/Intr/Acc 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 7:20 8:25 1700 M2245 Fiori, B Sch Psy only 6324 EDC 635 D1 Couples&Fmly Couns 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 1700 M2225 Demmitt, A 6325 EDC 683 D1 Trt-Mntl&Emotnl Dis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 1700 M2380 Hall, S 6326 EDC 700 D1 Scholarly Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 1700 M2440 Moulin, E First mtg, TBA then arranged 6327 EDC 711 D1 Intern:Sch Psych 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bernstein, E Sch Psy only 6328 EDC 711 D2 Intern:Sch Psych 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Davies, S Sch Psy only 8900 EDC 800 D1 Thesis 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:20 9:25 CH 308 Bernstein, E Sch Psy only
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6333 EDC 529 C1 Career Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP Hall, S EDC529L is a lab with focus on school counseling. It is required for School Counseling students admitted after summer, 2006. It is an elective for school counseling students admitted before summer 2006. 6335 EDC 529L C1 Career Counslng Lab 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 9:20 10:20 CAP Hall, S Sch Couns only 6339 EDC 547 C1 Cnsltn/Ldrshp Schls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 CAP Arndt, K 6340 EDC 568 C1 Research/Eval/HS 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 CAP 6341 EDC 574 C1 Indep Study-Counslng 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 7:10 9:15 CAP Hall, A First mgt, TBA then arranged 6342 EDC 574 C2 Indep Study-Counslng 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 7:10 9:15 CAP Hall, A First mtg, TBA then arranged 6343 EDC 574 C3 Indep Study-Counslng 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 7:10 9:15 CAP Hall, A First mtg, TBA then arranged 6344 EDC 574 C4 IS:Couns w/Clin Imp 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 7:10 9:15 CAP Hall, A First mtg, TBA then arranged 6345 EDC 575 C1 Coun Diverse Pop 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 CAP Hall, A 6346 EDC 583 C1 Thr&Tchnq-Grp Couns 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 CAP 6348 EDC 584 C1 Practicum-CommCnslg 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CAP CMH Couns only Requird orientatn December5,2012 :30 - 5:30pm 10269 EDC 584 C2 Practicum-CommCnslg 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CAP CMH Couns only Requird orientatn December5,2012 4:30-5:30pm Required orientation for students taking EDC585 TBA 6350 EDC 585 C1 Prac-Sch Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:20 CAP Visit the web site for addtnl crse reqrmts & anncmnts Orntatn TBA 6351 EDC 585 C2 Prac-Sch Counselng 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:20 CAP Visit the web site for addtnl crse reqrmts & anncmnts Orntatn TBA 6352 EDC 585 C3 Prac-Sch Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:20 CAP Visit the web site for addtnl crse reqrmts & anncmnts Orntatn TBA 9240 EDC 585 C4 Prac-Sch Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:20 CAP Visit the web site for addtnl crse reqrmts & anncmnts Orntatn TBA 6354 EDC 598 C1 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP 6355 EDC 598 C2 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP Additonal hrs section 6356 EDC 598 C3 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP 6357 EDC 598 C4 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP Additional hrs section 9589 EDC 598 C7 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP 9590 EDC 598 C8 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP Additional hrs section 6360 EDC 599 C1 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP Arndt, K 6361 EDC 599 C2 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 7:10 9:15 CAP Arndt, K Addional hrs section 9243 EDC 599 C5 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 7:10 9:15 CAP 9244 EDC 599 C6 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 7:10 9:15 CAP Additional hrs section 6370 EDC 600 C1 Culminating Seminar 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 5:30 CAP Comm Couns only 6371 EDC 600 C2 Culminating Seminar 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 8:10 CAP Sch Couns only
6372 EDC 605 C1 Professional Seminar 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 F 5:00 10:00 CAP Wagner, J S 8:30 5:00 CAP Wagner, J 9245 EDC 605 C2 Professional Seminar 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 F 5:00 10:00 CAP S 8:30 5:00 CAP Must be admitted to PC program or perm of dept 6374 EDC 630 C1 Evl-Mntl&Emotnl Cond 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 CAP 6375 EDC 631 C2 Diag-Emotnl&Mntl Dis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CAP 6376 EDC 635 C1 Couples&Fmly Couns 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CAP Demmitt, A 6779 EDC 683 C1 Trt-Mntl&Emotnl Dis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 CAP Hall, S 6377 EDC 700 C1 Scholarly Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 CAP Demmitt, A First mtg, TBA then arranged
10253 EDC 529 N1 Career Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 7:10 9:15 DUBL Berrios-Allison, A 10260 EDC 574 N1 Indep Study-Counslng 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL Kurt, L 10261 EDC 574 N2 Indep Study-Counslng 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL Kurt, L 10262 EDC 574 N3 Indep Study-Counslng 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL Kurt, L 10263 EDC 574 N4 IS:Couns W/Clin Imp 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL Kurt, L 10264 EDC 575 N1 Coun Diverse Pop 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 DUBL Kurt, L 10265 EDC 583 N1 Thr&Tchnq-Grp Couns 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 DUBL Kurt, L 10522 EDC 583 N2 Thr&Tchnq-Grp Couns 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:39 7:05 DUBL Polanski, P 10268 EDC 584 N1 Practicum-CommCnslg 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 DUBL 10270 EDC 585 N1 Prac - Sch Counseling 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 DUBL 10274 EDC 598 N1 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL 10275 EDC 598 N2 Intern-Commnty Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL 10279 EDC 599 N1 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL 10281 EDC 599 N2 Internshp-Schl Couns 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:10 9:15 DUBL
First mtg, then arranged First mtg, then arranged First mtg, then arranged
School Couns students only CMH students only CMH Couns only Orientation Visit the website for additiona course requirements Orientation TBA Additional hrs section Additional hrs section
Distance Learning Classes
8124 EDC 531 D1 Pers&HumDvlpAcrssLfSp 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Hall, A Distance Learning 10254 EDC 532 D1 Spc Ed&the Sch Cnslr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Distance Learning 10256 EDC 532 D2 Spc Ed&the Sch Cnslr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Distance Learning 8669 EDC 535 D2 Assess/Cnslg 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Oswalt, C Distance Learning 10498 EDC 544 D2 Phl,Prf,Et,Lg Asp-Cn 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Kurt, L Distance Learning 6300 EDC 573 D1 Orient-The Sch Proc 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Davies, S Distance Learning
Doctoral of Physical Therapy • Dr. Phillip Anloague • CPC207 • 937-229-5600
10238 DPT 806 01 Physiology II 2.5 01/14/13 05/3/13 MWF 8:00 8:50 CPC 210 6861 DPT 811 01 Prof Seminar II 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 10:30 1:00 CPC 220D Donahoe-Fillmore, B TBA CPC 220E Donahoe-Fillmore, B 6862 DPT 818 01 Neuroscience 4.5 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 8:00 11:00 CPC 220D Jackson, K W 2:00 4:00 CPC 220D Jackson, K F 10:00 1:00 CPC 220D Jackson, K 6863 DPT 825 01 Pharmaco Thrapeutics 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 10:30 12:00 CPC 220D Glenn, T T 12:00 1:30 CPC 210 Glenn, T 6864 DPT 841 01 Clinical Science II 2.5 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 1:00 4:00 CPC 207L Anloague, P CPC 220D Anloague, P T 1:30 4:30 CPC 207L Anloague, P CPC 220D Anloague, P 6865 DPT 842 01 Clinical Science III 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 1:00 3:00 CPC 207L Glenn, T 10:00 12:00 CPC 210 Glenn, T 6866 DPT 846 01 Maturation Science I 1.5 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 12:30 5:00 CPC 207L Donahoe-Fillmore, B CPC 220D Donahoe-Fillmore, B 6867 DPT 912 01 Prof Seminar V 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MTWRF 8:00 12:00 CPC 210 Donahoe-Fillmore, B 6868 DPT 952 01 Clinical II 7.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MTWRF Gallivan, S Off site Starts 1/3
3 15
6869 DPT 954 01 Clinical IV 10.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MTWRF Gallivan, S Off site 6870 DPT 961 01 Pathology Gen Med I 1.5 01/14/13 05/3/13 TF 9:00 11:30 CPC 213 Merriman, H 6871 DPT 965 01 Pathology Ortho I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 1:00 3:30 CPC 213 Barrios, J R 9:00 11:30 CPC 213 Barrios, J 10243 DPT 971L 01 Skills Lab Gen Med I 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:45 6:45 CPC 207L Merriman, H W 1:00 4:00 CPC 207L Merriman, H 10245 DPT 975L 01 Skills Lab Ortho I 1.5 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 12:30 3:30 CPC 207L Barrios, J W 1:00 4:00 CPC 220B Barrios, J 6874 DPT 981 01 Seminar Gen Med I 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 9:00 12:00 CPC 220D Merriman, H 6875 DPT 985 01 Seminar-Ortho I 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 9:00 12:00 CPC 220E Barrios, J W 9:00 12:00 CPC 220E Barrios, J 6876 DPT 988 01 Practice Electives 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MTWRF Fisher, M Off site — Starts 1/3 6877 DPT 991 01 Research I 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 9:00 2:00 CPC 220D Barrios, J 6878 DPT 993 01 Research III 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 8:30 11:30 CPC 220D Barrios, J 9186 DPT 995 01 Research V 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MTWRF 12:00 4:00 CPC 210 Brahler, C 5369 EDU 821 01 Organiztnl Theory 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Kowalski, T 4:30 time meets 7:20 9:55 CH 204 Kowalski, T 1st & 3rd odd ; 7:20 time meets 2nd & 4th even numbered classes
Doctoral Studies • DR. CHARLES RUSSO • CH207 • 937-229-4003
10013 EDU 847 01 The Professoriate 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Welkener, M 5388 EDU 904 01 Dissertation 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Russo, C 5400 EDU 904 02 Dissertation 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Russo, C 5405 EDU 904 03 Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Russo, C 5407 EDU 904 04 Dissertation 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Russo, C EDU919 is offered for 1-4 semester hours with permission. Call 229-4003 before registering. 8137 EDU 919 P1 Independent Study 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Russo, C 5416 EDU 921 01 Organztnl Theory 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Kowalski, T 4:30 time meets 7:20 9:55 CH 204 Kowalski, T 1st & 3rd odd ; 7:20 time meets 2nd & 4th even numbered classes 10014 EDU 947 01 The Professoriate 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Welkener, M 10015 EDU 992 01 Quant Rsch&Stats 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CH 204 De Luca, B 4:30 time meets TBA CH 204 De Luca, B 2nd & 4th even ; 7:20 time meets 1st & 3rd odd numbered classes 5472 EDU 993 01 Adv Res Stat&Data Anl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Ridenour, C
Educational Leadership • Dr. David Dolph • CH324 • 937-229-3737
6112 EDA 511 01 Curriculum 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 7:20 9:55 1700 M2300 Young, P 6120 EDA 551 01 Research 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 1700 M2320 Ridenour, C 6163 EDA 655 01 Principalship 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 1700 M2225 Baker, J 9190 EDA 712 01 Program & Staff Dev 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 1700 M2245 Young, P 10475 EDA 760 05 Sem:Dist Lev Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Dolph, D 10476 EDA 760 06 Sem:Dist Lev Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Burkhardt, N 9723 EDA 760 04 Sem:Dist Lev Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Hamilton, R 10075 EDA 761 04 Distr Level Leadrshp 3.0 03/15/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Klenke, J 9191 EDA 812 01 Program&Staff Dev 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 1700 M2245 Young, P
Public Edu Only Public Edu Only Public Edu Only Public Edu Only Ctrvl Cohort Public Edu Only Perm only Miami Co Cohort Public Edu Only Perm only BASA Cohort Public Edu Only Perm only BASA Cohort Public Edu Only Perm only Public Edu Only
6205 EDA 851 01 Research 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 1700 M2320 Ridenour, C Public Edu Only Dublin 6069 EDA 505 02 Educational Leadrshp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 DUBL Public Edu Only 10073 EDA 515 02 School Law 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 7:10 9:45 DUBL Public Edu Only 10473 EDA 557 02 School Finance 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 DUBL Public Edu Only 6159 EDA 626 02 Staff Personnel 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 DUBL Public Edu Only
Distance Learning Classes
10069 EDA 505 10 Educational Leadrshp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Massucci, J Distance Learning Public Edu Only 10070 EDA 505 20 Educational Leadrshp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Massucci, J Distance Learning Cath Edu Only 10252 EDA 505 21 Educational Leadrshp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Bowman, L Distance Learning TRINIDAD-Cath Only by Perm Public Edu Only Courses including EDA 507 and EDA 607 are available and listed in EDA course listings and in the separate Distance Learning section. Books for EDA courses may be ordered online at http://www.edmapbookstore.com//storefront/index/ UDESP, http://bookstore.udayton.edu or by calling 1-800-543-4825. Courses for PUBLIC EDUCATORS and CATHOLIC EDUCATORS — online courses will begin Jan. 14th, 2013 at 8:00 am at http://isidore.udayton.edu and cannot be accessed until that time. Instructors for accessing your online courses will be sent to your University Gmail email account, available online at http://edonline.udayton.edu 6084 EDA 507 10 Internship I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Ilg, T Distance Learning 6086 EDA 507 20 Internship I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Massucci, J Distance Learning Cath Edu Only Pub Edu Only 10072 EDA 509 20 Supervisn&Prof Dvlp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Dispenzieri, M Distance Learning Cath Edu Only 8540 EDA 511 21 Curriculum 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Oldenski, T Distance Learning TRINIDAD Catholic Only by Perm 9194 EDA 555 10 Cmmnty Rel-Sch Ldrs 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Kowalski, T Distance Learning Public Edu Only 9203 EDA 555 21 Cmmnty Rel-Sch Ldrs 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Britt, K Distance Learning TRINIDAD Only by Perm 8536 EDA 556 10 Ldrshp-Divrs Comm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Andrews, M Distance Learning ECLA Students only by Perm only 9561 EDA 556 20 Ldrshp-Divrs Comm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Oldenski, T Distance Learning TRINIDAD Catholic Only by Perm 8541 EDA 556 21 Ldrshp-Divrs Comm 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Zukowski, A Distance Learning TRINIDAD Catholic Only by Perm 10255 EDA 557 10 School Finance 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Distance Learning Public Edu Only 9673 EDA 557 20 School Finance 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Compagnone, N Distance Learning Cath Edu Only 6152 EDA 607 10 Internship II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Ilg, T Distance Learning Public Edu Only 6155 EDA 611 10 Assess&Instr/Sch Imp 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Grant, S Distance Learning Public Edu Only 9711 EDA 655 21 Principalship 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Bowman, L Distance Learning TRINIDAD Catholic Only by Perm 6177 EDA 733 10 Internship III 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Raisch, C Distance Learning Public Edu Only 10474 EDA 759 10 Law of Special Educ 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Russo, C Distance Learning Public Edu Only 9195 EDA 760 10 Sem:Dist Lev Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Burkhardt, N Distance Learning Public Edu Only 6203 EDA 833 10 Internship III 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Raisch, C Distance Learning
3 17
9698 EDA 852 10 Assess&Instr Sch Impr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Grant, S 9196 EDA 860 10 District Level Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Burkhardt, N
Health & Sport Science • Dr. Lloyd Laubach • TF50 • 937-229-4225
Public Edu Only Distance Learning Public Edu Only Distance Learning Public Edu Only
6784 HSS 548 01 Safty&Law-Sprt Sci 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 9:00 10:15 TF 50 Daprano, C SPE-15 6786 HSS 555 01 Srv-Rs Prc/Dsn-Sp Sc 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 9:00 10:15 TF 10 DeMarco, G 6790 HSS 575 01 Ind Std-Phy Ed/Sp Sc 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6791 HSS 575 P2 Ind Std-Phy Ed/Sp Sc 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6792 HSS 575 P3 Ind Std-Phy Ed/Sp Sc 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6793 HSS 575 P4 Ind Std-Phy Ed/Sp Sc 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6794 HSS 575 P5 Ind Std-Phy Ed/Sp Sc 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6795 HSS 591 P1 Research Project 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6796 HSS 591 P2 Research Project 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6797 HSS 591 P3 Research Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6798 HSS 591 P4 Research Project 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6799 HSS 591 P5 Research Project 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 6800 HSS 591 P6 Research Project 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Laubach, L 8933 HSS 537 01 Biomechanics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 1:30 2:45 TF 10 Haas, D
Teacher Education • Dr. Connie Bowman • CH112 • 937-229-3346
5944 EDT 503 N1 History of Educ-US 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 CH 323 Biddle, J 8153 EDT 507 N1 Profession of Tchng 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 6:15 CH 208 Talbert-Johnson, C 8154 EDT 507L 01 Prof of Teaching Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Talbert-Johnson, C 8155 EDT 507L 02 Prof of Teaching Lab 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Talbert-Johnson, C 8975 EDT 510 N1 Int Trn-Erly Chl Ed 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:00 7:05 BC TBA Adams, S 10506 EDT 510L 02 Int Tran EC Lab 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Ilic-Downing, L 5945 EDT 515 01 Inf/Tod Dvlpmt Prac 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Berus, M 5946 EDT 516 01 Assmnt Brth to Age 8 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 BC TBA Baldwin, J 5948 EDT 518 N1 Intgrtd Curr&Inst-Kn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:00 7:35 BC TBA McDowell, H 5949 EDT 518L 01 Int Cur&Inst K-P Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF McDowell, H 5950 EDT 524 01 Science 4&5 Grades 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 010F Kelly, M 5960 EDT 526 P1 Studnt Teach-K-Prim 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Comingore, J 8368 EDT 527 P1 Studnt Tchng: K-Prim 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Comingore, J 5965 EDT 527 P3 Studnt Tchng: K-Prim 7.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Comingore, J 5967 EDT 528 P1 Intrn Trnsds ECE 3-5 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Baldwin, J 5969 EDT 532 N1 MC Lang&Arts Mthds 3.0 01/14/13 02/1/13 MTWRF 1:00 5:00 CH 010E Bogard, T 5972 EDT 532L 01 Rgd/LA Meth MC Lab 0.0 02/25/13 02/25/13 M 4:30 6:30 OFF Kelly, M 5974 EDT 533 N1 MC Math Methods 3.0 01/14/13 02/1/13 MTWRF 8:00 12:00 CH 010E Herrelko, J 5976 EDT 533L 01 Math Medhods MC Lab 0.0 02/25/13 02/25/13 M 4:30 6:30 OFF Kelly, M 5977 EDT 534 N1 MC Science Methods 3.0 01/14/13 02/1/13 MTWRF 8:00 12:00 CH 010D Kelly, M 5979 EDT 534L 01 Science Meth MC Lab 0.0 02/25/13 02/25/13 M 4:30 6:30 OFF Kelly, M 5980 EDT 535 N1 MC Social St Mthds 3.0 01/14/13 02/1/13 MTWRF 1:00 5:00 CH 010E White, J 5981 EDT 535L 01 Soc Stud Meth MC Lab 0.0 02/25/13 02/25/13 M 4:30 6:30 OFF Kelly, M
Sat required 2/25 9-12 & 3/10 or 24th 10:30-12:00
Perm SPE-52 SPE-212 Perm SPE-212 Perm SPE-212 Reserve 70 hrs in schools through Jan.31, M-F 800-300 SPE-200 Reserve 70 hrs in schools through Jan.31, M-F 800-300 SPE-200 Reserve 70 hrs in schools through Jan 31, M-F 800-300 SPE-200 Reserve 70 hrs in schools through Jan.31, M-F 800-300
5983 EDT 549 P1 Student Teachng-MC 7.0 01/14/13 02/2/13 MTWRF 7:00 4:00 OFF TBA Kelly, M 5987 EDT 550 N1 Mthds Tchg-LA (AYA) 3.0 01/14/13 02/1/13 MTWRF 1:00 5:00 CH 010E Bogard, T 5990 EDT 550L 01 Int Lang/Art AYA Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bowman, C 5991 EDT 551 N1 Mthds Soc Std (AYA) 3.0 01/14/13 02/1/13 MTWRF 1:00 5:00 CH 010D White, J 5993 EDT 551L 01 In Soc StdMth AYA lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bowman, C 5995 EDT 553 N1 Mthds Math (AYA) 3.0 01/14/13 02/1/13 MTWRF 8:00 12:00 CH 010E Herrelko, J 10362 EDT 553 WB Mthds Math (AYA) 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 010E Herrelko, J 5997 EDT 553L 01 Math Meth AYA Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bowman, C 10363 EDT 554 WB Mthds Science (AYA) 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 010F Hunn, D 9565 EDT 559 P1 Music Stdnt Teaching 7.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hartley, L 6006 EDT 568 P1 Stdnt Tch-Lng Pk-12 7.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bowman, C Meyer, M 6008 EDT 568 P2 Stdnt Tch-Lng Pk-12 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bowman, C Meyer, M 6009 EDT 568 P3 Stdnt Tch-Lng Pk-12 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bowman, C Meyer, M 6010 EDT 569 P1 Student Teachng-AYA 7.0 01/14/13 02/2/13 MTWRF 7:00 4:00 OFF TBA Bowman, C Meyer, M 6012 EDT 569 P2 Student Teachng-AYA 5.0 01/14/13 02/2/13 MTWRF 7:00 4:00 OFF TBA Bowman, C Meyer, M 6014 EDT 569 P3 Student Teachng-AYA 3.0 01/14/13 02/2/13 MTWRF 7:00 4:00 OFF TBA Bowman, C Meyer, M 6018 EDT 570 N1 Ed Dvse St Pop-Incl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 322 Richards, S 6020 EDT 570L 01 Ed Dvrs St Pop Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Hart, P 6022 EDT 570L N1 Ed Dvrs St Pop Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Richards, S 6023 EDT 571 N1 Lng Dvlp&Emergnt Lit 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 CH 315 Gallagher, C 6032 EDT 587 P1 Stdnt Tchng Mild.Mod 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Richards, S 6033 EDT 589 P1 Std Tchg:Mild/Mod 7.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Richards, S 6034 EDT 589 P2 Std Tchg:Mild/Mod 5.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Richards, S 6035 EDT 589 P3 Std Tchg:Mild/Mod 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Richards, S 8156 EDT 600 N1 Reading Methods 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 CPC 220E 8157 EDT 600L 01 Reading Methods lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF 6039 EDT 601 N1 Phonics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 CH 315 Coovert, K 6041 EDT 603 N1 Found of Literacy 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 4:30 7:05 CH 323 Bowman, E 10372 EDT 607 G1 Prac In Rd Intgrv Tch 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Bogard, T 6044 EDT 607 N1 Prac In Rd Intgrv Tch 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Sableski, M 6047 EDT 658 P1 Indivdl Stdy-Tchng 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 10513 EDT 658 P2 Indivdl Stdy-Tchng 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 6049 EDT 658 P3 Indivdl Stdy-Tchng 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 6050 EDT 659 P1 Curr Topics-Tchng 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 10514 EDT 659 P2 Curr Topics-Tchng 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 6052 EDT 659 P3 Curr Topics-Tchng 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 10375 EDT 659 W1 Classroom Managemnt 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 5:45 CPC 210 Miller, K 6054 EDT 662 01 Thesis 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 6055 EDT 663 01 Thesis 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA
SPE-200 Full days in schools SPE-300 Reserve 70 hrs in schools through Jan.31, M-F 800-300 SPE-200 Reserve 70 hrs in schools through Jan.31, M-F 800-300 SPE-200 SPE-5 SPE-5 Reserve 70 hrs in schools through Jan.31, M-F 800-300 SPE-200 SPE-50 Full days in schools SPE-300 Full days in schools SPE-300 Full days in schools SPE-300 Full days in schools SPE-300 Full days in schools SPE-300 Full days in schools SPE-300
SPE-52 SPE-300 SPE-300 SPE-300
TGE-271 Prereq:EDT606 Field Exper at Dayton Kroc Center
TGE-271 Prereq:EDT660 Reg by calling 229-3346 Prereq:EDT662 Reg by calling
3 19
229-3346 6065 EDT 667 N1 Ed Research Seminar 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 4:30 7:05 CH 204 Hunn, D Prereq:EDT660 9709 EDT 510L 01 Int Tran EC Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Ilic-Downing, L 10507 EDT 569 WW Student Teachng-AYA 7.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MT 8:00 4:00 OFF Miller, K TGE-271 10437 EDT 576L 01 Currclm Mild Mod Lab 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Scheuermann, G 10515 EDT 659 TT PRAXIS II Review 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Scheuermann, G
Distance Learning Classes
5940 EDT 500 01 Models of Teaching 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Rowley, J 5939 EDT 500 N1 Models of Teaching 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Rowley, J 5942 EDT 502 01 Philosphcl Study-Edu 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Mullins, M 6003 EDT 562E 01 RgnsLcsLwErlyCreEd 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Engelhardt, E 6004 EDT 562EL 01 RgnsLcsLwErlyCrEdLb 0.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Engelhardt, E 6005 EDT 565E 01 ECL Internship Sem 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Smith, A 6016 EDT 570 01 Ed Dvse St Pop-Incl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Hart, P 10509 EDT 570 TA Ed Dvse St Pop-Incl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Hart, P 10510 EDT 570 TB Ed Dvse St Pop-Incl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Hart, P 10508 EDT 570 TT Ed Dvse St Pop-Incl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Hart, P 9738 EDT 576 01 Curriculum:Mild/Mod 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Scheuermann, G 9742 EDT 576 TA Curriculum:Mild/Mod 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Scheuermann, G 10511 EDT 576 TB Curriculum:Mild/Mod 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Scheuermann, G 9740 EDT 577 TT Career Ed/Spec Ed 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB 8976 EDT 579 01 Inst Str/Mld/Mod 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Scheuermann, G 9743 EDT 579 TA Inst Str/Mld/Mod 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Scheuermann, G 10512 EDT 579 TB Inst Str/Mld/Mod 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Scheuermann, G 6040 EDT 602 01 Crtl Rdg-Cntnt Areas 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Meyer, M 6042 EDT 605 N1 Adv Stdy-Rdg-Lng Art 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Sableski, M 6045 EDT 609 01 Iss,Trnds&Res in Rdg 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Arnold, J 6046 EDT 632 01 Dist Learn-Dgtl Age 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB 6053 EDT 660 01 Intro to Ed Research 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB McCue, L 6056 EDT 667 01 Ed Research Seminar 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Talbert-Johnson, C 6057 EDT 667 02 Ed Research Seminar 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB McCue, L
Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Cohort 1A TGE-266 Distance Learning Cohort 1B Distance Learning Cohort 11 Distance Learning Distance Learning Cohort 1A TGE-266 Distance Learning Cohort 1B Distance Learning Cohort 11 IS PBIL only Distance Learning Distance Learning Cohort 1A TGE-266 Distance Learning Cohort 1B Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Distance Learning Lalanne, MusED or TT only.To reg call 229-3346 Distance Learning
School of Engineering Aerospace Engineering • Dr. Kelly Kisock • KL361 • 937-229-2835
6070 AEE 501 01 Adv Aerodynamics I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 382 Doyle, G Same as MEE401 10378 AEE 505 01 Adv Aero Sys Des&Int 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 223 Altman, A 6074 AEE 543 01 Analy Mech-Cmp Matls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 405 Whitney, J Dual w/EGM543 MEE543 6075 AEE 546 01 Finite Elmnt Anly I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Hoffman, R Dual w/EGM546,MEE546 6080 AEE 558 01 Compu Fluid Dyn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 223 Rumpfkeil, M 10380 AEE 590 01 Structural Optmztn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 223 Kolonay, R 9750 AEE 590 02 Expermentl Aerdynmcs 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 223 Altman, A 10382 AEE 595 01 AEE Engineering Proj 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Altman, A 6093 AEE 599 01 AEE Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Altman, A 6094 AEE 599 02 AEE Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Altman, A 6095 AEE 599 03 AEE Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Altman, A 6097 AEE 599 04 AEE Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Altman, A 6098 AEE 699 01 PHD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Altman, A 6099 AEE 699 02 PHD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Altman, A
Bioengineering • Dr. Robert Wilkens • KL445 • 937-229-2627
5366 BIE 521 01 Biomechanical Egr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 223 Bigelow, K 10424 BIE 551 01 Trans Phen Bio Sys 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:25 KL 403 Comfort, K Dual listed w/CME523 10425 BIE 560 01 Bio Proc Wastewatr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 312 Taylor, D 9018 BIE 561 01 Biomed Engr I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:55 8:25 KL 403 Justice, R Dual listed w/CME591 5343 BIE 590 01 Selected Readings 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Wilkens, R 5344 BIE 595 01 Special Problems 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 403 Wilkens, R 5351 BIE 598 01 Capstone Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Wilkens, R 5356 BIE 599 01 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Wilkens, R 9099 BIE 599 02 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Wilkens, R
Civil & Environmental Engineering • Dr. Donald Chase • KL422 • 937-229-3847
10360 CEE 507 01 Masonry Design 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 312 Toubia, E 5350 CEE 533 01 Theory of Elasticty 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Whitney, T 5353 CEE 543 01 Analy Mech-Cmp Matls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 405 Whitney, J 5361 CEE 546 01 Finite Elmnt Anly I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Hoffman, R 5362 CEE 560 01 Bio Proc Wastewatr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 312 Taylor, D 5363 CEE 562 01 Phy & Chm Wastewatr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 312 Crosson, K 10402 ECE 564 01 3D Computer Vision 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 204 Loomis, J 8579 CEE 590 P1 Sel Readings-Constr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D 10364 CEE 590 P2 Sel Readings-Envrnml 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Toubia, E 10366 CEE 590 P3 Sel Readings-Geotech 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Taylor, D 10367 CEE 590 P4 Sel Readings-Structl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Bilgin, O 10397 CEE 590 P5 Sel Readings-Transpr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Toubia, E 10399 CEE 590 P6 Sel Readings-Watr Res 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Eustace, D 10433 CEE 595 01 LEED Bldg Design 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 8:00 10:50 KL 351G Turek, N 10407 CEE 595 03 Soil Dyn&Erthgk Engr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 203 Bilgin, O 10409 CEE 595 05 Traf Anal for Site Dev 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 303 Eustace, D 10410 CEE 595 06 Flow Thru Prs Media 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 405 Chase, D 9173 CEE 595 P1 LEED Bldg Design 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 8:00 10:50 KL 351G Turek, N 5375 CEE 595 P3 Retaing Strct & Slps 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Bilgin, O 5378 CEE 598 P2 Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D 10417 CEE 598 P3 Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D 5381 CEE 599 P1 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D 5382 CEE 599 P2 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D
Also offered as MEE, EGM Also offered as AEE,EGM,MAT,MEE Also offered as AEE,EGM,MEE Also offered as CME560/BIE560 Also offered as CME Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Perm Co-listed as RCL59006
Co-listed as RCL59006 Perm Perm Perm Perm
3 21
Chemical Engineering • Dr. Robert Wilkens • KL445 • 937-229-2627
5597 CME 510 01 High Prf Therm-Polymr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:55 8:30 KL 402 Klosterman, D 10416 CME 523 01 Trans Phen Biol Sys 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:55 8:25 KL 403 Comfort, K Dual listed w/BIE551 5599 CME 528 01 Chem Behav of Matls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 401 Browning, C 10418 CME 543 01 Chm Reactr Analy&Des 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 401 Sandhu, S 10419 CME 560 01 Bio Proc Wastewatr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 312 Taylor, D 5601 CME 562 01 Phy&Chm Wast Trmt Pr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 312 Crosson, K 5602 CME 579 01 Mtls Adv Enrgy Appl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:15 7:45 WPAT Kramer, D 10420 CME 580 01 Polymers Durability 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:15 7:45 WPAT Klosterman, D 5603 CME 582 01 Adv CME Calc II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MWF 9:00 9:50 KL 401 Flach, L 5604 CME 591 01 Biomed Engr I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:55 8:30 KL 403 Justice, R 5605 CME 595 01 Special Problems 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 403 Wilkens, R 9026 CME 595 02 SP: Adv Separations 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MWF 2:00 2:50 KL 402 Ciric, A 9032 CME 595 03 Special Problems 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Wilkens, R 10465 CME 595 04 Special Problems 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA OFF Wilkens, R 5606 CME 599 P1 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Wilkens, R 5607 CME 599 P2 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Wilkens, R 5608 CME 599 P3 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Wilkens, R 5609 CME 599 P4 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Wilkens, R
Electrical & Computer Engineering Dr. Guru Subramanyam KL341 937-229-3611
7824 7826 7827 7829 7830 7831 7832 7834 7835 7836 10404 7839 8410 10458 7842 7844 7845 7848 7852 7854 7855 7857 7861 7862 7863 7866 7868 7871 7872 7874 7876 7877 7879 7881 7883 7886 7887 7888
ECE 506 01 ECE 509 01 ECE 510 01 ECE 521 01 ECE 532 01 ECE 533 01 ECE 536 01 ECE 563 01 ECE 573 01 ECE 574 01 ECE 581 01 ECE 595 01 ECE 595 02 ECE 595 03 ECE 599 01 ECE 599 02 ECE 599 03 ECE 599 04 ECE 599 05 ECE 599 06 ECE 599 07 ECE 599 08 ECE 599 09 ECE 599 10 ECE 599 11 ECE 599 12 ECE 599 13 ECE 599 14 ECE 599 15 ECE 599 16 ECE 599 17 ECE 599 18 ECE 599 19 ECE 599 20 ECE 599 21 ECE 599 22 ECE 599 23 ECE 599 24
Microelectronic Dev Analy-Linear Systms MicrowvCirctsforComm Digital Communctn I Embedded Systems Computer Design Microprocessr Appl Image Processing Electro-Optcl Dev&Sys Guided Wave Optics Nanoelctronics Machine Learning Detectn & Estimatn Intro to Radar Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis Thesis
3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 3.0 6.0
01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13 01/14/13
05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13 05/3/13
TR 4:30 5:45 KL 224 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 224 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 304 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 213 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 213 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 351G MW 5:55 7:10 KL 224 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 204 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 568 MW 4:30 5:45 CPC 568 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 252 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 304 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 231 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 231 TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA TBA
Banerjee, P Balster, E Penno, R Chatterjee, M Weber, J Taha, T Barrera, R Hardie, R Nehmetallah, G Chong, A Guliants, E Asari, V Hirakawa, K Wicks, M Banerjee, P Banerjee, P Chatterjee, M Chatterjee, M Hardie, R Hardie, R Loomis, J Loomis, J Ordonez, R Ordonez, R Hardie, R Hardie, R Penno, R Penno, R Scarpino, F Scarpino, F Taha, T Taha, T Subramanyam, G Subramanyam, G Weber, J Weber, J Hirakawa, K Hirakawa, K
Cross listed w/EOP506 Cross listed w/EOP514
8452 ECE 599 25 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Balster, E 9043 ECE 599 26 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Balster, E 9623 ECE 599 27 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Asari, V 9624 ECE 599 28 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Asari, V 10406 ECE 642 01 Optimal Cntrl&Estmtn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 231 Ordonez, R 10408 ECE 661 01 Statistcl Sign Proc 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 252 Malas, J 7893 ECE 682 01 Nano-Fabrication Lab 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 064 Sarangan, A Cross listed w/ EOP632 SPE-300 7896 ECE 699 01 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Banerjee, P 7898 ECE 699 02 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Banerjee, P 7899 ECE 699 03 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chatterjee, M 7901 ECE 699 04 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chatterjee, M 7902 ECE 699 05 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hardie, R 7905 ECE 699 06 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hardie, R 7906 ECE 699 07 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Loomis, J 7907 ECE 699 08 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Loomis, J 7909 ECE 699 09 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Ordonez, R 7910 ECE 699 10 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Ordonez, R 7912 ECE 699 11 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hirakawa, K 7913 ECE 699 12 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Hirakawa, K 7914 ECE 699 13 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Penno, R 7916 ECE 699 14 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Penno, R 7917 ECE 699 15 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Scarpino, F 7918 ECE 699 16 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Scarpino, F 7920 ECE 699 17 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Taha, T 7921 ECE 699 18 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Taha, T 7923 ECE 699 19 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Subramanyam, G 7926 ECE 699 20 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Subramanyam, G 7927 ECE 699 21 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Weber, J 7928 ECE 699 22 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Weber, J 7929 ECE 699 23 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Asari, V 7930 ECE 699 24 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Asari, V 8453 ECE 699 25 PhD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Balster, E 8481 ECE 699 26 PhD Dissertation 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Penno, R 8546 ECE 699 27 PhD Dissertation 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Ordonez, R 9556 ECE 699 28 PhD Dissertation 9.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Weber, J 9566 ECE 699 29 PhD Dissertation 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Loomis, J 9667 ECE 699 30 PhD Dissertation 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Penno, R 9714 ECE 699 31 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Sarangan, A 9713 ECE 699 32 PhD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Balster, E
Engineering Mechanics • Dr. Donald Chase • KL422 • 937-229-3847
5395 EGM 533 01 Theory of Elasticity 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Whitney, T 10422 EGM 543 01 Analy Mech-Cmp Matls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 405 Whitney, J 5398 EGM 546 01 Finite Elmnt Anly I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Hoffman, R 9174 EGM 590 P1 Sel Readings-EGM 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Donaldson, S 9178 EGM 598 P2 Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D 10426 EGM 598 P3 Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D 9182 EGM 599 P1 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D 9183 EGM 599 P2 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Chase, D
Also offered as MEE,CEE Also offered as MEE,CEE,MEE Also offered as MAT,MEE,AEE Perm Perm Perm Perm Instructor Approval Required
5829 ENM 500 01 Prob&Stat for Engrs 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 11:00 12:15 KL 306 Deep, R 5831 ENM 503 01 Engr Analyses 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 401 Deep, R 5832 ENM 505 01 Mgt of Engr Systms 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 10:30 11:45 KL 353 Deep, R
On campus & Distance Learning
Engineering Management & Systems • Dr. Patrick Sweeney • KL365 • 937-229-2238
On campus &
3 23
5833 ENM 515 01 Human Factors Engr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 6:00 7:15 KL 206 Thal, A 10346 ENM 517 01 Legal Aspects-Engr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 6:00 8:45 KL 304 Pica, M 5835 ENM 530 01 Engineering Economy 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 203 Mykytka, E 5836 ENM 534 01 Decision Making 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 11:50 1:15 KL 304 Sweeney, P 5837 ENM 539 01 Sys Engr/Prjct Mgmt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 402 Zalewski, D 5838 ENM 561 01 Dsgn & Analy Expr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 306 Doty, J 5839 ENM 565 01 Reliability Engr I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 303 Ebeling, C 9107 ENM 585 01 Engr Orgnztnl Sys 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 12:00 1:15 KL 204 Sweeney, P 10350 ENM 587 01 Leading in Tech Envr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 6:00 8:45 KL 304 Back, D Russo, V 5841 ENM 590 01 Case Stds-Engr Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Ebeling, C 5842 ENM 595 01 SP: Engr Mgt 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Sweeney, P 5843 ENM 595 02 SP: Engr Mgt 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 203 Doty, J
Distance Learning On campus and Distance Learning On campus only Co-listed w/ISE417N1 On campus & Distance Learning Co-listed w/ISE401N1, N2, N3 On campus & Distance Learning On campus & Distance Learning On campus and Distance Learning Co-listed w/ISE461N1 On campus and Distance Learning Co-listed w/ISE465N1 On campus and Distance Learning On campus only Co-listed w/ISE 487 N1 On campus and distance learning
Management Science
5855 MSC 521 01 Intro to OPS Rsrch 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 252 Ebeling, C On campus and Distance Learning Co-listed w/ISE421N1 5856 MSC 535 01 App Oper Res/Mgt Sci 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Ebeling, C 10356 MSC 546 01 Queueing Thry&Appl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 6:00 7:15 KL 304 Zalewski, D On campus only Distance Learning 5858 MSC 572 01 System Simulation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 11:00 12:15 KL 304 Mykytka, E On campus and Distance Learning 5859 MSC 595 01 Current Problems 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Sweeney, P 5860 MSC 595 02 Current Problems 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Sweeney, P Electro-Optics • Dr. Joseph Haus • CPC572 • 937-229-2797 6394 EOP 505 01 Introductn-Lasers 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 CPC 568 Zhan, Q 6395 EOP 506 01 Electro-Optc Dev&Sys 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 568 Nehmetallah, G Cross taught ECE573 9187 EOP 514 01 Guided-Wave Optics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 CPC 568 Chong, A Cross taught w/ECE574 Textbook req 9992 EOP 541L 01 Geom & Phys Opt Lab 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 9:00 12:00 CPC 579 Miller, N LAB-195 6398 EOP 542L 02 EO Systems Lab 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 549 Sarangan, A Manual $25.00 LAB-195 6399 EOP 599 P1 Thesis 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6400 EOP 599 P2 Thesis 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6401 EOP 599 P3 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6402 EOP 599 P4 Thesis 4.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6403 EOP 599 P6 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6404 EOP 624 01 Nonlinear Optics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 SC 128 Powers, P 6558 EOP 632 02 Nanophotonics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 4:30 5:45 SC 064 Sarangan, A Cross taught ECE 682
LAB-300 6405 EOP 699 P1 Dissertation 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6406 EOP 699 P2 Dissertation 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6407 EOP 699 P3 Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6408 EOP 699 P4 Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6409 EOP 699 P5 Dissertation 9.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6410 EOP 699 P6 Dissertation 12.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P 6411 EOP 699 P7 Dissertation 10.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA CPC 572 Banerjee, P
Materials Engineering • Dr. Daniel Eylon • KL407 • 937-229-2679
6231 MAT 502 01 Prin of Materials II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 403 Voevodin, A Dual listed w/MEE 6234 MAT 510 01 High Prf Therm-Polymr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:55 8:30 KL 402 Klosterman, D Dual listed w/CME 6236 MAT 528 01 Chem Behav of Matls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 401 Browning, C Dual listed w/CME 10317 MAT 541 01 Exp Mech Cmpsite Mat 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 4:30 7:05 GE Donaldson, S GE Employees Only 8507 MAT 543 01 Analy Mech-Cmp Matls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 405 Whitney, J Dual listed w/CEE, EGM, AEE, MEE 10318 MAT 570 01 Fracture Mechanics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 403 Gallagher, J 6380 MAT 579 01 Mtls Adv Enrgy Appl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:15 7:45 WPAT Kramer, D Dual listed w/CME, MEE507, RCL507 10319 MAT 580 01 Polymer Durability 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 5:15 7:45 WPAT Klosterman, D Dual listed w/CME 6381 MAT 589 01 Graduate Sem Series 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 3:00 4:15 KL 403 Eylon, D 8645 MAT 590 01 Electrospinng Design 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 9696 MAT 590 02 High Temp MAT 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 9833 MAT 590 03 Scrap Melting 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 9856 MAT 590 04 Nano Fabr & Charact 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Murray, P 6383 MAT 595 01 Special Problems 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 6384 MAT 595 02 Alloy Processing 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 401 Malas, J 8934 MAT 595 04 Ceramic Composites 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 W 4:30 7:05 KL 402 Kerans, R 8935 MAT 595 05 Metals Strengthening 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:05 KL 402 Ward, C 6385 MAT 599 01 Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 6386 MAT 599 02 Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 10320 MAT 603 01 Matrls Sci-Thin Films 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 5:15 7:45 WPAT Murray, P 6559 MAT 605 01 Carbon Nanotech 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 R 5:55 8:30 WPAT TBA Lafdi, K 6388 MAT 699 01 PHD Dissertation 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 6389 MAT 699 02 PHD Dissertation 2.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 6390 MAT 699 03 PHD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 6391 MAT 699 04 PHD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 6392 MAT 699 05 PHD Dissertation 9.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D 6393 MAT 699 06 PHD Dissertation 12.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Eylon, D
Mechanical Engineering • Dr. Kelly Kissock • KL361 • 937-229-2835
6171 MEE 502 01 Prin of Materials II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 403 Voevodin, A 10401 MEE 504 01 Fund of Fluid Mech 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 221 Petrykowski, J 6173 MEE 507 01 Mtls Adv Enrgy Appl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:15 7:10 WPAT Kramer, D 6176 MEE 511 01 Adv Thermodynmics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 353 Stouffer, S 6179 MEE 516 01 Conv Heat&Mass Tsfr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 4:30 5:45 KL 221 Petrykowski, J 10403 MEE 527 01 Automatc contrl Thry 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 223 Kashani, A 8144 MEE 530 01 Biomechanical Egr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 3:00 4:15 KL 223 Bigelow, K 6180 MEE 533 01 Theory of Elasticity 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 MW 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Whitney, T 9070 MEE 537 01 Mechatronics 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:00 4:15 CPC 550 Erdahl, D 6182 MEE 543 01 Analy Mech-Cmp Matls 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 405 Whitney, J 10405 MEE 545 01 Computr Methds-Desgn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 4:30 5:45 KL 353 Myszka, D 6183 MEE 546 01 Finite Elmnt Anly I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 5:55 7:10 KL 405 Hoffman, R 6211 MEE 590 01 Geothml Enrgy 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB Chiasson, A 9555 MEE 590 03 Mech Design I 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 1:30 2:45 KL 221 Jain, V 10411 MEE 595 01 MEE Engineering Proj 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Kissock, J 10412 MEE 595 02 MEE Engineering Proj 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Kissock, J 6222 MEE 599 01 MEE Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Kissock, J
Dual w/MAT502 Dual w/MAT579 Bldg 50, Rm 208 Same as AEE516 Dual w/MEE430 Dual w/CEE,EGM Dual w/434 Dual w/EGM543, AEE543 Dual w/EGM546, AEE546 Distance Learning Same as MEE427
3 25
6224 MEE 599 02 MEE Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Kissock, J 6227 MEE 599 03 MEE Thesis 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Kissock, J 6228 MEE 599 04 MEE Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Kissock, J 6230 MEE 699 01 PHD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Kissock, J 6233 MEE 699 02 PHD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA Kissock, J 6238 MEE 699 04 PHD Dissertation 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Kissock, J 6237 MEE 699 05 PHD Dissertation 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WPAT Kissock, J
Renewable Energy • Dr. Kelly Kissock • KL361 • 937-229-2835
6240 RCL 507 01 Mtls Adv Enrgy Appl 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 5:15 7:10 WPAT Visit the website for additional course requirements and announcements. 6245 RCL 550 02 RCL Project 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 9717 RCL 550 03 RCL Project 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 6242 RCL 550 P1 RCL Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 8311 RCL 569 01 Energy Effcnt Bldgs 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 3:00 4:15 KL 221 8364 RCL 569 02 Energy Effcnt Bldgs 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB 8310 RCL 590 01 Wind Energy Engr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 T 6:00 8:30 KL 221 8365 RCL 590 02 Wind Energy Engr 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB 8366 RCL 590 03 Geothml Energy 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB 10415 RCL 590 04 Industrial Ecology 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 12:00 1:15 KL 382 8458 RCL 590 05 Sustnblty Resrch II 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TR 12:00 1:15 ML 218 8483 RCL 590 06 SP:LEED Bldg Desgn 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 M 8:00 10:50 KL 351G 9832 RCL 590 07 Industrail Ecology 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA WEB 10459 RCL 595 02 RCL Project 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 10460 RCL 595 03 RCL Project 1.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 10461 RCL 595 P1 RCL Project 3.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA 9857 RCL 599 01 RCL Thesis 6.0 01/14/13 05/3/13 TBA
Kramer, D
Dual w/MAT579
Kissock, J Hallinan, K Hallinan, K Kissock, J Kissock, J Distance Learning Hallinan, K Hallinan, K Distance Learning Chiasson, A Distance Learning Choi, J Dual w/MEE49001 Fouke, D Dual w/SEE402 Sidhu, S Turek, N Dual w/CEE Choi, J Distance Learning Kissock, J Hallinan, K Hallinan, K Kissock, J
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