Nursing Handbook 2024

Page 1

Welcome by the Vice Chancellor & President


Your online gateway - enrolling with the University

Why do I need to enrol with the University?

Pre-enrolment checklist of things to do

How do I enrol with the University?

What do I need to provide to enrol online?

Updating personal details and enrolling in person

What if I am unable to update my details?

Late registration and enrolment

How to obtain your Student ID Card

Your pre-arrival course information

Post-enrolment checklist of things to do

Accessing your pre-arrival pages



Other travel options

Parking on campus

Useful travel telephone numbers

What is Your Course Welcome Week?

Your course welcome week programme

Tick list - what I should have done by the end of Welcome Week

What your week will look like

How to find your way around UEL’s campuses


How to study at University

How school and college are different from university

Academic advice on how to prepare for your first year of study

A guide to learning and teaching methods

10 tips for study success

Nursing requirements and etiquette

Online learning

What hardware will I need?

What software will I need?


Top tips for going digital - getting ready for a lecture

Cyber security advice

Cyber Security precautions

For your devices

For your UEL account:

Training available

Managing my money

Top tips on balancing income and expenditure

Health and safety on campus

Emergency on campus

What to do if you discover a fire

What to do if you hear a fire alarm

What to do if you have a disability in an emergency

Five seconds of safety advice

Where to eat during arrival weekend and Welcome Week

Food available on the Docklands and Stratford campuses

The UEL Jargon Buster

Useful UEL contact details

Campus maps


Welcome to the University of East London! Congratulations on all you have achieved this past year and for your resilience and hard work through the exceptional circumstances of the pandemic. We are looking forward to you joining our community and taking the next steps towards your ambitions. I am delighted that you have chosen to invest in your future with us.

The University of East London priorities a safe, welcoming, fulfilling, inclusive environment of success for all and your wellbeing is key to this. We have many resources to support all forms of wellness and a comprehensive extra-curricular programme of events, activities, clubs and societies for you to explore exciting new opportunities, meet new friends and discover new horizons.

Our UEL Community Wellness Pledge requires all members of the University community to commit to expected behaviours to keep ourselves and our community healthy, safe and supported.

The University of East London has galvanised around our commitment to deliver the highest quality, careers-first education. You’ll find we’ve invested and transformed the way we do things to give you a flying start, leading the way education should be delivered. Our ground-breaking curriculum is delivered through our innovative Technology Enhanced Active Learning (TEAL) framework. This offers a holistic approach to teaching and learning that focuses on developing your academic and personal skills to prepare you for the jobs of the future. TEAL enables you to engage in a wide range of inspiring learning and development opportunities through a flexible, personalised, careers-focussed educational experience.

You are joining a thriving and vibrant community on campus. You will find that the friendly and diverse nature of campus life is shared by the community at large. On our campuses, we have a wide range of services devoted to supporting your studies. You will have access to libraries, computing facilities, welfare, advice and many social and sporting facilities. The Students’ Union at the University also aims to help you love your time at UEL, to help you make friends and discover new activities and to represent your academic interests to the University.

We want you to hit the ground running when you enrol with us. This ‘Welcome and Orientation Handbook’ is designed to help you settle into your studies and life on campus as soon as possible by providing you with a range of important and interesting information. So please do make sure you read this document and keep it safe.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

With best wishes,


Making the transition to university

Whether you left school or college years ago and are returning to study, you will find studying at university is different to what you have previously experienced. The aim of this guide is to help you make a smooth transition into a new learning environment. It will provide you with general preparation and settling-in advice, as well as study tips and guidance.

On your course, you will be learning in much larger groups than you have done before, and the staff teaching your classes will change from one module to the next. It is important that you prepare yourself for these differences.

There are a range of things you can do to help familiarise yourself with our systems before you start. This will ease the pressure during the first few weeks of term and give you a real advantage in settling in as a student. You will find a suggested list of key activities to undertake later in this guide. They include:

– Visiting the campus if you haven’t already done so.

– Sorting out accommodation, if you are planning to move away from home to study.

– Planning travel arrangements to and from campus.

As a new student, it is completely normal to experience some concerns, worries and anxieties. Rest assured, everyone is feeling the same - so do not think you are different or alone! This guide will help you to identify what you need to do, when and how. By following advice in this guide, a lot of the uncertainty should be eased.

If you have any questions about beginning your UEL journey, during your preparation or settling-in period, our friendly staff at the Student Hub can help. No issue is too big or too small. Whether it is a course-related enquiry, a question about status letters or ID cards, or a more personal issue such as mental health, disability or your finances, talk to people at the Student Hub first. Our Hub team are experts on support provision. They will either provide you with an immediate answer, refer your query to the appropriate professional service team for resolution, or book you an appointment with a specialist advisor.

To get in contact with The Hub, phone: +44 (0) 208 223 4444 or visit On campus, there are also face-to-face Hub helpdesks situated on the ground floor of the East Building at Docklands campus, the ground floor of University House at our Stratford campus, and the front reception desk at University Square Stratford (USS).

Further contact details for where you can get support and advice are in the Contact section at the back of this handbook.



Why do I need to enrol with the University?

Online Enrolment is our registration process. It’s like signing-up for an online service: you confirm your personal information and check it’s accurate; you choose your options; agree to terms and conditions; and pay your registration fee. Once complete, you are registered and can begin to use the service.

Online enrolment involves: confirmation of the details you entered on your application form; paying your tuition fees; registering your course modules; and agreeing to the terms and conditions for your course of study. Once complete, you will officially become a student of the University of East London.

Online Enrolment is a critical step – if you do not enrol you do not become a student.

Checklist for Pre-Enrolment

There are several practical activities you need to complete before online enrolment. These include sorting out your accommodation and funding. Once these are organised, you don’t have to worry about them. Check that you have:

– Accepted your offer to study at the University of East London.

– Arranged your accommodation, if moving away to study.

– Understood what equipment is required for your course (eg, laptop, books, specialist equipment, etc).

– Planned travel arrangements.

– Made childcare arrangements, if required.

– Read the government’s Covid-19 guidance for higher education

How do I enrol with the University?

To complete online enrolment, follow these steps.

Step 1 - Complete Acceptance: accept our offer and confirm your place at the University of East London. If you still need to do this, visit our website at accept

Step 2 - Activate your University IT Account. Once you complete the Acceptance stage, you will be issued with your University of East London username and password. We will send these to your personal email address, and you will be able to use them to log in to our systems.

The first time you log in, you will be required to change the default password we emailed to you. This ensures your account is kept secure. Please create a password of your choice, that is private to you and which meets the following criteria:

– A minimum of 8 characters.

– A mix of upper and lower case (a-z).

– At least one number (0-9).

– One special character (such as %).

Once you have changed your password, we encourage you to set up further security measures, using Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). There is a guide to help you to do this with step-by-step instructions:

Once you have set up your security, another email will be sent to you within 24 hours containing information about how to keep your account secure.

Step 3 - Commencing Online Enrolment. Go to Track My Future: trackmyfuture.

Track My Future is the University’s internal website for students. It is where you can access resources and information relating to your academic studies and our services, such as the Career Zone. Track My Future will enable you to complete your online enrolment, access pre-arrival information and study tools, find support, book appointments online, and much more.

a. Login using your username (eg, and use the password you created in step 2.

b. You will be asked to authenticate your login. Use the additional security method you chose for authentication during step 2.

c. A video is available on YouTube providing a step-by-step guide to logging in for the first time:

d. If you get stuck, you can email IT for login support at

Step 4 - Once logged in, select ‘Complete Online Enrolment’ from the Track My Future homepage. This will take you to an area with information and video guidance on how to complete the formal process. You can refer to guidance in this section if you have any difficulty during the next steps.

Step 5 - Select ‘Complete Online Enrolment UEL Direct’. This will take you into UEL Direct, which is another of our online systems. It has a different look and feel to Track My Future. It is a tool you will use solely to manage and view your student record.

Step 6 - Once you have logged in to UEL Direct, click on the enrolment button on your homepage to begin online enrolment. To move through each section, click ‘Save and proceed’ or to move back a stage, click ‘Back’. Fields marked with [*] are compulsory. You can click the [?] symbol at any point for more details about a particular field. The following steps may differ slightly, depending on the individual applicant, but the typical stages of online enrolment are as follows:

a. Check your course details are correct.

i. If the details are correct, click ‘Yes’. You will then be asked to read and agree to our policies.

ii. If the details are incorrect, select ‘No’ and enter as much information as possible about the changes required.

b. Check your personal details are correct.

i. We use the information you provided on your application form in this section.

ii. If your forename(s) or surname/family name have changed since you completed your application, you will need to change them. This will require you to upload official documentary evidence, such as a passport or driving licence as proof of the change.

c. Check your contact details are correct.

i. Please provide your up-to-date email address and phone number(s).

d. Confirm your permanent home address.

i. Some students have a home address and a temporary address where they live during term-time.

ii. If your home address is in the UK, you can enter your postcode and search for the address.

iii. If your home address is outside the UK, the search will not work. You will need to type in all the details manually.

e. Confirm your term-time address.

i. Use the drop-down menu to make your selection.

ii. If your home address and term-time address are the same, select ‘Other’.

iii. You will need to confirm your UK term-time address before the University can provide a letter to open a student bank account.

f. Emergency contact person details.

i. This person may be contacted by the University in the event of a serious concern about your health or wellbeing.

ii. Enter the details of your nominated person.

iii. You can add a second contact using the ‘Add second contact’ button if you wish.

iv. It does not need to be a family member; it could be a friend or neighbour.

v. You can change this contact at any time during your studies by logging into

g. Other information.

i. This information is collected for reporting purposes.

ii. The University is required by various regulatory bodies to collect these details.

iii. The data is reported in a way that does not identify you as an individual.

h. Your previous study information.

i. Provide your previous place of study (eg, school/college) using the drop-down menu.

Guidance on Module Registration

If you need any help with viewing or selecting your modules, complete step 4 again (above) and select ‘I need to see/select my modules’. Please note, modules are automatically assigned for the first year of your course.

What do I need to provide to enrol online?

The enrolment task in UEL Direct uses the information you supplied on your application form. The process involves verifying information. As long as you are confident about the course you have chosen and your personal details and addresses, you should be fine. You will need official documents, such as a passport, if you wish to change some details.

Updating personal details and enrolling in person

If any of your names have changed since you submitted your application (eg, you got married and changed surnames), you will need to upload evidence to prove this. An official document, such as your passport or driving licence will be needed. We know that some students would prefer to do things in person, but for online enrolment that option is not available. By its nature, ‘online enrolment’ must be done online. That is why we have provided this step-by-step guide to help.

What if I am unable to update my details?

If you need assistance with following these steps, you can contact our Student Hub team on +44 (0) 208 223 4444 or by visiting

Late registration and enrolment

Don’t worry if you’re joining the University later than other applicants. This process is the same for UCAS applicants, direct applicants and for students who apply through Clearing.

Obtaining your Student ID Card and why it is important

At UEL we have secure access to our buildings, lecture halls and recreational facilities. Your Student ID Card is unique to you and will be your university ‘passport’, giving you access to campus, library borrowing and printing facilities, as well as recording class attendance on-campus.

Your first card is provided free of charge. You can request it once you have accepted your place at UEL, but for it work properly, you will need to complete enrolment.

Your ID card is not transferable and should not be duplicated or loaned to anyone else. Please note that the University takes misusing the card and/or being noncompliant of the Terms and Conditions required at UEL very seriously. In event of this occurring, the card can be removed, and disciplinary and/or criminal proceedings can be taken.

Receiving Your Student ID Card by post

Before you begin your course, you will be sent an email with a link to the UEL Photo and Identity Verification Portal. This service is provided by one of the University’s partners so, just as you did with your University account, you will need to set up an account with the provider and create a password the first time you use it.

Before we can issue your Student ID Card, we need to carry out a verification check. For this step, you will need provide a suitable and current photo/identity document. Instructions will be provided in the portal. Once we have received your photo and identity documentation and checked they match your personal details, we will post your card to the term-time address you saved during enrolment.

Collecting Your Student ID Card from the Hub

If you were unable to obtain your Student ID Card by post, you will need to collect it from the Student Hub on campus. Please note, you should expect to queue for this service at the beginning of the year as the Hubs are extremely busy with new student enquiries. We employ additional staff during this period to help manage the peak hours.

The Hub will require supporting paperwork proving your identity in order to issue your card. To get your access card, you will need to provide the Hub with: EITHER

– A FULL, valid passport.


Two of the following:

– A (full or provisional) driving licence showing current address.

– An international driving licence.

– An original birth certificate (in English).

– A debit or credit card (one only).

– A benefit book or benefit award letter (dated within the last three months).

– An Armed Forces Identity card.

– A police warrant card.

There is no need to bring a photo as your picture will be taken on the day using a digital camera.

Please note that your Student ID Card remains the property of UEL. It may be disabled and your access to buildings and other facilities denied if you fail to pay tuition fees/debts to UEL or breach other University regulations.


Post enrolment

Your tick list of things to do before you come to University After you enrol, your next step is to view your course pre-arrival pages. Key information and advice are provided on these pages to help you personalise your unique study journey. It includes a welcome from your course leader, your course handbook, your welcome and orientation schedule, and wellness and career information. The information we provide at this stage is designed to help reduce your worries and concerns.

– Finalise travel arrangements.

– Agree with your line manager protected time and engagement with the course.

– Obtain and set up equipment required for course including remote learning

– Check your pre-arrival pages

Accessing your pre-arrival pages

The first steps are similar to the enrolment process:

1. Log in to our online system, Track My Future -

a. Log in using your username (eg, and the pass word you created in step 2 (above).

b. You will be asked to authenticate your login. Use the enrolment process.

c. A video is available on YouTube providing a step-by-step guide to logging in for the first time: Watch this before proceeding.

d. If you get stuck, please contact our IT Service desk or call us Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5pm on 020 8223 2468.

2. Once logged in, select ‘New Students Pre-Arrival Information’

3. Once logged on, select nursing apprenticships course preprartion from the Track my future make the transition to university.

This includes:

– Your course handbook and instructions for accessing course materials.

– An electronic copy of this Next Step - Welcome and Orientation Guide.

– Key course contact details (eg, course leader email address).

– Information about your Welcome Week schedule.

– Required pre-arrival work to undertake in preparation for your studies.

– Information on success in learning at university.

– Support and Wellbeing information.

– Teaching Enhanced Learning (TEAL).

– Introduction to Track My Future.

What on-campus activities will be available?

Our programme of co-curricular experiences is designed to promote your professional development and enhance personal skills through the following opportunities:

– Sport, physical activity and health.

– Student societies and groups.

– Industry speakers, events and visits.

– Cultural and social events.

– Volunteering.

– Student enterprise.

– Internships.

– Events for students living in on-campus accommodation.

– Academic enrichment activities, including personalised support opportunities.


UEL Edge Programme

Launching in September, the UEL Edge Programme will provide opportunities to achieve micro-credentials and badges that can be achieved within one or more of four pathways:

– Internship & Work Experience.

– Student Life.

– Volunteering & Community Engagement.

– Entrepreneurship & Innovation.

Students will develop core competencies in these areas, keep a record of this valuable learning within the Career Passport (see Career Zone in Track My Future for more details), and learn to articulate their accomplishments.

We will continue to regularly review government and public health guidance and may have to adapt course delivery methods throughout your study to help keep everyone safe. This may include taking actions such as restricting class sizes or switching to remote learning for a period of time.

We are committed to delivering face-to-face teaching and other engaging learning experiences, minimising change as far as possible, and keeping you informed of what you can expect from your education experience at UEL.


At UEL, our priority is to provide a safe, welcoming and fulfilling, inclusive environment of success for all. This requires all of us to take an active role in promoting the safety, health and wellbeing of every community member.

This helps to protect to focus on wellness in all aspects of our lives, including by protecting ourselves and each other against transmittable illnesses, such as Covid-19 and influenza.

The University has a comprehensive range of wellbeing initiatives and services in place available for students and staff, to support your mental and physical health, and we encourage everyone to make use of these.

University of East London Wellness Pledge

As a member of the UEL community, I am committed to supporting the wellness of everyone, including my own. I pledge to take the following actions:

1. I will play a proactive and considerate role in the health, safety and wellbeing of the UEL community by signposting support services, and raising any concerns as appropriate

2. I will practise good hygiene, including regular handwashing and consider using a face covering in crowded, enclosed spaces and take Covid-19 tests when required

3. I will consciously take responsibility for health, and discuss any adjustments I may need to make to avoid spreading transmissible illnesses with my line manager / course leader, as well as reporting any Covid-19 symptoms via the University Health Update Notifier

4. I will regularly and consciously assess my mental wellbeing and access support services when needed, and communicate any challenges with my line manager / course leader

5. I will behave with kindness and respect towards others and encourage other members of the University community to follow this pledge.


How to get to the Docklands campus

By public transport, the Docklands campus is served by the Docklands Light Railway (DLR), with trains running every 5-10 minutes from the campus station called Cyprus.

Bus routes serving Docklands include: the 101, 173, 262, 300, 366, 376, 474 and N551.

By road, the campus is accessible via the A12, A13 roads, and the A406 London Circular.

Address of the Docklands campus: University Way London

E16 2RD

How to get to the Stratford campus

The Stratford campus is a short walk from the Stratford and Stratford International rail stations. It’s also served by the Jubilee and Central Underground lines, the DLR and a busy bus station. In addition, overland, cross rail and international lines meet in Stratford and you will find good options to travel to and across London.

Bus routes calling at Stratford station include: the 25, 69, 86, 104, 108, 158, 238, 241, 257, 262, 276, 308, 425, and the D8.

By road, the campus is accessible via the A12, A13 roads, and the A406 London Circular.

Address of the Stratford campus: Water Lane, London

E15 4LZ

How to get to University Square Stratford (USS)

University Square Stratford is in the centre of Stratford - five minutes’ walk from Stratford station.

By public transport, it is served by national and London Overground rail services, as well as the Underground Central and Jubilee lines, and the DLR. Bus routes calling at Stratford station include: the 25, 69, 86, 104, 108, 158, 238, 241, 257, 262, 276, 308, 425, and the D8.

By road, the campus is accessible via the A12, A13 roads, and the A406 London circular.

Address of USS building:

University Square Stratford 1 Salway Road

London E15 1NF

Other Travel Options

UEL Inter-Campus Bus

The University provides a free inter-campus bus service during term-time. The first service leaves the Docklands campus at 8am and drops-off at our main Stratford campus and University Stratford Square (USS). To view the full timetable and details of bus stops, visit our website: professional-services/estates-and-facilities/bus-timetable


If you are planning to use a taxi, Uber or ride sharing service to drop you off/pick you up from the campus, you must have your UEL Student ID card for the car to be permitted access to the campus car park. If you do not have a UEL Student ID card, you must inform Security in advance that you’re coming. You can phone security on +44 (0) 208 223 5599 (Docklands) or +44 (0) 208 223 4073 (Stratford, Water Lane). If Security is not informed in advance, then the taxi will need to drop you off/ pick you up at the campus entrance roadside, just outside the security barrier.

Parking on campus

Please note that parking enforcement is always in operation and vehicles not displaying a valid permit are liable to receive a penalty charge notice. Peak Times (8am-5pm)

There is no parking available for students during peak hours, except for Blue Badge holders who may apply for a student peak hours parking permit. Application forms are available from Docklands Reception on request, email: Students who have a significant health condition but do not hold a Blue Badge may also be considered for a peak permit. To apply on these grounds, you must complete a peak permit application form and have it verified by a member of the Disability, Dyslexia and Access Centre. Off-Peak Times (5.01pm – 7.59am)

If you wish to apply for an off-peak permit you should complete the relevant application form. Application forms are available from Docklands Reception on request, email:

Useful travel telephone numbers

National Rail Enquiries

Telephone: +44 (0) 3457 48 49 50

National Rail Enquiries from overseas: international rates apply.

Gatwick Airport Enquiries and General information

Telephone: +44 (0) 344 892 0322

Heathrow Airport Enquiries

Telephone: +44 (0)844 335 1801

If you use a textphone please call: 0844 571 7410

National Express Coaches

Telephone: +44 (0)8717 8181 78 Website:

Transport for London

Telephone: +44 (0)843 222 1234


The first week or two at university can be very busy as you settle into new routines and sort out practical issues. As a result, your Welcome Week programme has been designed with targeted activities which will provide you with the key information you need to help you get through the first two weeks, while also giving you time to sort out any issues relating to settling in.

Your Welcome Week schedule will be available on your course pre-arrival page under ‘Your Welcome Week schedule’ button. How you can access your course prearrival pages is explained in this guide.

Tick list of what I should have done by the end of Your Course Welcome Week By the end of the week, you should have:

Met your course leader and academic advisor.

Acquired your course handbook.

Taken part in a fun activity to get to know your department. Been introduced to the key support services you can access on campus to support and develop your learning and broader social life. Received your teaching timetable and understood how to use it.

Completed enrolment and obtained your UEL Student ID Card, which you will need to access buildings and register class attendance.

Taken time to walk the campus so you know where key buildings are located. Learnt what equipment is required for your course.

Started to get used to travelling to the University.

Been introduced to Moodle (see Course Materials on Pre-Arrival Course Page) and logged on to Track My Future.

Started your academic work and the process of reflecting on what you learn and on how you learn.

Started to feel at home at UEL (although this takes time to achieve so do not compare yourself with others).

And importantly:

Started to make friends. Had fun!

What your first week will look like (draft outline and may be subject to change)

The activities you will experience include:

Course leader welcome and introduction

In this session, you will:

– Meet your course leader

– Be introduced to your course team

– Obtain advice and information on your teaching timetable, course handbook and what to expect in your first year of study at UEL.

Lunch on your first day

Lunch will be provided free and give you the chance to talk to fellow students and staff. A range of dietary options will be available, and we will do everything to meet your needs. However, if you have very specific dietary requirements and you are worried about not being able to obtain a meal, please feel free to bring your own lunch.

Library resources

This session will introduce the library and learning services available.

Tour of USS and Stratford campuses

You will do a short tour of the USS and Stratford campuses.

Introduction to Wellness and Success

Getting to grips with how to study at university can be quite daunting. This essential session will provide you with key techniques and advice on how to survive the first few weeks and beyond.

Academic writing

This session will provide advice and guidance to the support available to develop your academic skills.

Adult safeguarding

This session will introduce safeguarding for adults.

Child safeguarding

This session will introduce safeguarding for children.

Course activity

This session is designed to get you to start thinking about and interacting with your discipline and fellow students.

How to find your way around UEL’s campuses - Understanding our building codes

One of the most important tasks to undertake in your first couple weeks at UEL is to orientate yourself. It is no mean feat to find your way around, but you will quickly learn where everything is. If you can’t find a building or room, don’t feel embarrassed or fretful, just stop and ask someone. There will be Student Ambassadors walking around the campus during the first week to help you. Once you get your timetable, it is a good idea to spend some time finding out where your lecture and seminar rooms are located before teaching starts.

At the back of this handbook, there are maps of the campuses showing the location and name of all the buildings on our campuses. Clear signage and banners around campus will point you in the direction of the buildings. Please note that buildings on each campus may have multiple entrances.

When you enter a building, how do you work out the direction in which to go? Look at the room number directions which tend to be by the door openings and by stairs. This will guide you. Overall, room numbers follow on from one another. However, always remember that there are exceptions to the rule. Generally, when you are given a room number, it should contain all the information you need to identify where the room is based. It should tell you the building, the floor, and the number of the room. Below are two examples.

Building Name Floor Room Number



University Square Stratford First 01

University House Stratford Third 13

There are some exceptions to this rule, but if ever you are struggling to find your room, our campus community is extremely friendly, and you can always ask someone to help.

If you are a student with a mobility or sensory impairment and you need further advice, ask at the main reception at each campus. Don’t forget, if you are confused or lost, just stop someone and ask for directions. Staff and students will be happy to help you.


Starting university is exciting and often a seminal moment for many students. There are many things that you can do to help make the transition easier. The general advice provided below has been written by students for students.

Getting to know people

Getting to know people on a large course can be exciting and daunting. When you turn up to your first class and you know no-one, but others seem to know one another, it can sometimes feel overwhelming and uncomfortable. This is normal.

For those of you who are in university accommodation, it is easy to assume that all the people you see talking to each other have been friends for years. It’s not true! Most new arrivals will be speaking with family members or friends from home. Other new students may simply be sticking with, and talking to, the first person they met.

Getting your bearings

The stress of new situations can be reduced if you get to know the campus and local area as well as people. If you live locally, other new students may seek your advice and help. There are several things you can do to help you get your bearings.

– Don’t be afraid to ask for help around campus. In the first week, there will be lots of helpers to guide you. Look out for their distinctive University hoodies. If you can’t find an official helper, grab anyone. When someone asks you for directions, that’s when you will know you’re starting to look like you belong!

Do exploit your local knowledge. Whenever you meet someone new, don’t hide the fact that you know the area. Tell them you would be happy to show them round the local coffee bar or the best student shops. It is also a good way of making friends.

Preparing for the start of term during the first few weeks

Teaching doesn’t start right away, so use Welcome Week to sort out the basics.

– Sort out travel passes and transport timetables if you are travelling into campus each day. There’s a handy guide to student travel in London at

– You will have a session with your academic advisor as part of your welcome and orientation programme. This person will be your key academic advisor for the rest of your course so make sure you attend these sessions.

– Find out how to locate books in the library. If you can borrow all the main books mentioned on your reading list early on, you won’t have to spend money buying your own copies. Don’t forget to check the online library resources – many books will be available for free that way.

– Research shows that good attendance at classes and other study-based events has a significant effect on how well students do in all areas of their life at university. Even if a lecture or social event is not compulsory, do make the effort to attend.

– Do speak to your module or course leader if you are confused or feel daunted by anything they have set for you. Some students may be pretending to understand, so set a good example by being honest about your concerns.

– Don’t assume that other students know more than you just because they appear to express themselves fluently. Some students sound very assured from day one. If you’re struggling for something to say, ask questions. You’ll learn more and will make a better contribution to the group than someone who pretends to know it all.

– Do remember what got you here in the first place: brains and determination. Remember starting something new is daunting for everyone but you have started lots of new things before and been successful – otherwise you would not be here.


Our 10 spheres of wellness

At UEL, we are aware that overall wellbeing is built upon different types of wellness. So we have developed a practical wellness map to help you in your unique student learner journey. This short guide: provides an overview and explanation of the 10 spheres of wellness; highlights some of the support and advice that is available; and provides top tips to help empower you to maximise your wellness and succeed at UEL and beyond.

Type of wellness What is it?


Community wellbeing is feeling part of, and contributing to, a healthy environment where individuals respect themselves and interact respectfully with people in and outside of UEL, thus enabling everyone to flourish and fulfil their potential.

Cultural Cultural wellness is about respecting and appreciating people with different backgrounds, lifestyles, genders, ethnicities, abilities and ages, understanding the UEL environment and community, and building positive cultural relationships.



Digital wellness is about understanding the impact of technology and digital services on one’s mental, physical, and emotional health; understanding how to stay safe and well using it; and finding a healthy balance.

Emotional wellness is about being aware of, and accepting of, the wide range of feelings one experiences; the ability to cope with stress in a healthy way; managing feelings effectively; the capability of adjusting to change; and the ability to enjoy life.

Environmental Environmental wellness is about having respect for, and awareness of, our surroundings; caring for our environment; being aware of risks in various settings; and recognising the need to keep a healthy personal environment.



Financial wellness is about learning how to manage money and establishing a personal budget; setting realistic goals and living within your means; not getting into credit card debt; and thinking long term and saving for the future.

Physical wellness is about being active, eating well and having balanced nutrition; feeling safe and secure; and getting adequate sleep.

Residential Residential wellness is about keeping one’s living space clean and tidy, safe and secure. It includes achieving a healthy study/life balance; creating effective study space; and creating a living environment free from anti-social behaviour.

Social Social wellness is about establishing meaningful and healthy relationships; communicating effectively with others; and creating, and being a part of, a support system; and creating networks with classmates, academic, and future employers.

Financial Study and career wellness are all about setting challenging and healthy academic and career goals; seeking resources to help you make decisions and succeed; continuously striving to learn and improve your skills; being open-minded to new life experiences and career paths; and creating a positive and healthy study and life balance

10 things you can do for success

While we work hard to create and highlight the best possible learning and development opportunities, we encourage you to maximise your engagement with the University, your chosen course of study, the professional services available to support you, extra-curricular activities and broader campus life. We expect all our students to:

1. As a professionally accredited course, you are required to attend all face to face teaching unless you have exceptional circumstances. If this is the case, please discuss with your line manager and the Apprenticeship Team.

2. Participate actively in class and group discussions, keeping up to date with tasks between classes and ensuring you communicate proactively with your tutor if problems arise.

3. Plan your own time effectively, aiming to submit coursework to published guidelines.

4. Aspire for high achievement by carefully considering feedback about your work and using this to improve its quality.

5. Proactively engage in all scheduled meetings with your academic advisor and use this as an opportunity to receive advice about learning and professional development.

6. Make good use of wider learning opportunities and specialist support from our professional services, seeking guidance from your academic advisor and school staff to ensure you are receiving the right opportunities.

7. Actively seek help, support and guidance about academic, career related or personal issues.

8. Plan ahead for your career throughout your time at UEL, interact with the Career Zone every term and keep your Career Passport up to date as you develop new skills and experiences.

9. Seek out opportunities to develop new skills and join in as much of campus life as possible.

10. Take responsibility for your own actions and personal conduct and play an active role in keeping all members of our community safe in a respectful and fulfilling environment.


How school and college are different to university

Whether you are coming straight from school or college or have been out of education for a while, it is important to recognise that your last learning experience will be different to university. Some of the typical differences are listed below. This section provides advice on how you can prepare for your first year of study.

When and where students learn

Time management

The amount of feedback students receive

Different kinds of information

Types of assignments

Amount of contact with teaching staff

Kinds of lessons

Class size


Opportunity for assessment

What is expected from student work




Mostly formal study in class Lots of independent study outside the classroom

Time is arranged and managed for you.

Constant feedback on your progress

Learning what is already known

Limited forms of assessment

Frequent access to teaching staff

Face to face teaching. Mostly take place in a classroom

Limited class size

Time management is selfmanaged

Less frequent feedback

Critical and analytical thinking

Varied forms of assessment

Less frequent access to academic staff

A range of different classes taught in different ways

Classes might be large especially in the first year

Set and coordinated programme. Subjects marry Flexible and varied programme

Work towards a single set of exams

Limited range of acceptable responses

Students are all the same age and local

Continued assessment over 3 to 5 year period

Broader range of acceptable responses

Students very diverse

Hours Contact approx 30 hours a week 7 hours a day

Academic year

Daily study



39 weeks divided into 4 terms


Academic and non-academic curriculum

Short and related to what taught in class

Notes Provided with a core text or handouts and take notes

Dependent on your cohort and start date.

8am-10pm (inc PT study)

Academic only

Lot of recommended and required reading

Usually take own notes and copy notes themselves

Academic advice on how to prepare for your first year of study

The first year on your course should be exciting, rewarding and challenging. We want you to enjoy your subject, gain experience in different ways of thinking and working, and leave with the knowledge and skills that will help you take control of your future. You will be studying new and fascinating ideas in ways that may be very different to those you will be used to. University study involves approaches that you may never have experienced before.

As a first-year student, you will:

– Have access to a wide range of resources and support.

– Make your own decisions and study topics that really interest you.

– Become increasingly independent in your work, yet adept at working with others.

Your patterns of study will vary depending on your degree and your year, but the opportunity to study at the cutting edge of your subject and to commit yourself to achieving your full potential is the same for everyone. Your studies so far will have provided you with a combination of academic and technical knowledge. One of the most important sources of information is your course handbook which contains information on:

– Study support and advice for your course.

– Term and examination dates.

– Assessments and assessment rules and regulations.

– Useful contact numbers for academic and non-academic issues.

There are also key skills that employers are increasingly demanding. You will have already studied a range of disciplines that may not be part of your chosen pathway. This is very beneficial as it means you not only have specific discipline knowledge, but you have a wide understanding of other subject areas. Try not to forget all the knowledge and skills you obtained from previous study, and where you can, incorporate them into your studies here.

A guide to learning and teaching methods

For most students the workload will involve a combination of lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials, as well as time for independent and group preparatory work. The number of teaching sessions you will have will vary according to your subject and your level of study, but they normally occupy most days of the week. For the remainder of the time, you will be expected to study independently and prepare for assessments, so you will need to organise your time efficiently and develop good study habits.

As a Nursing Apprentice, you will use Aptem Apprentice which is a complete end-to-end apprenticeship and vocational training online delivery platform for your apprenticeship journey. Initially you will use Aptem to complete the onboarding recruitment application. The features of the system are in one, easyto-use interface. As an Aptem Apprentice you will combine learning delivery with ePortfolio, so evidence can be viewed as part of a learning plan. ePortfolio functionality is blended into the learning delivery system.


– Many modules are built around a series of lectures.

– Lectures usually take place in specially designed lecture theatres and offer a regular opportunity for the whole student group to be taught together.

– Lectures are given by members of teaching team on a particular subject.

– Often a number of different lecturers will contribute to a series covering a broad subject area.

– Lectures provide a number of opportunities for you to learn. Key information is disseminated for further study. A framework of ideas can be established for exploration through further reading and research within the format of the lecture. Small break-out discussion groups help define, explain and apply complex information.

– Notes from a lecture that will be posted on Moodle are essential, but they only represent a starting point. The notes will not contain all the information that you will cover in the lecture, so it is essential you attend and that you do any preparatory work. You will need to build on what you learn through your own reading and independent study.


Lectures are often supported by seminars. This is where a group of students and their tutor talkthrough ideas, question assumptions and discuss aspects of a topic in depth. Sometimes a student presentation or problem exercise provides the starting point for discussion. Again, it is essential you attend and that you do any preparatory work. Other key skills you will develop will include writing and working collaboratively.


In a tutorial you can ask questions, check your understanding, solve problems and discuss work assignments individually with a tutor or in a small group. This encourages you to be self-reliant, analyse problems, think imaginatively, develop new ideas and argue your case.


Workshops are an important opportunity for you to develop practical competencies essential for your development and future employment.

Group work

You may be involved in group work, in which you collaborate with other students on a presentation or project. This encourages you to take different roles and responsibilities, to share expertise, and tackle tasks that you would not be able to undertake alone. The ability to work effectively in groups is much sought after by employers.

Independent study

Independent reading and activities, guided by lecturers, will enable you to prepare for – and follow up on – topics in greater depth. This is especially important when you are undertaking an assignment or preparing for an exam.

Much of your learning will depend on:

– How you use the learning resources available to you.

– The extent to which you participate in discussions and practical or group work.

– How you tackle course assignments and assessments.

– How you make use of the time when you are not on campus, gaining insight from colleagues and where possible, applying what you have learned.

During your second and third year of undergraduate study, there is greater emphasis on seminars, tutorials and project work. In many disciplines, greater independence in the final year is combined with more in-depth study of a topic. So, as well as having a broad understanding of your subject and its context, you develop a specialist interest and expertise. This breadth and depth of study – and the skills that it nurtures – will prove invaluable in your future career.

Learning support

We understand that starting anything new can seem overwhelming, so we put a lot of effort into ensuring that your first semesters go well and leave you feeling positive and confident. Some of the things we do to support you will be organised alongside your studies. You will have a thorough orientation programme to get you going. Your module tutor is your first point of contact for module specific learning. Your academic advisor can help you review how you are progressing across modules.

Learning resources

It is important to use a range of resources, such as books and journals, rather than just articles that you have found on the internet. The University Library and Archive Service has many free resources, so do use them.


At the University, a range of assessments is designed to give you the best opportunities to demonstrate your learning and achievements. A variety of assessment methods measure different aspects of your progress. For example:

– A project evaluates your capacity to apply knowledge and understanding.

– An exam tests your grasp of the breadth of a subject.

– A dissertation examines your ability to conduct research and sustain an original argument.

– An essay encourages you to read widely to answer a specific question.

Other methods of assessment can also include:

– Oral tests.

– Poster presentations.

– Practical competence tests.

– Portfolios of material compiled during a course.

Top 10 tips to study success

Remember that your university learning experience is unique to you. Students have different learning and experiences, so don’t compare yourself to others. There are key practical things that you can do to organise your study and get the most out of it.

1. Read your course handbook. It contains valuable information on a variety of key topics such as: Term dates, Student support. Exam dates and resit dates. Academic misconduct offences to avoid.

2. Read and keep revisiting your assignment briefs. Make sure that you keep reminding yourself of what will maximise the marks for an assignment by revisiting the assignment brief. Don’t be tempted to do extra work that will not get you any more marks. If you are unclear about the assignment brief, ask the module leader.

3. Plan your study time on a daily and weekly basis. By planning your study daily and weekly, you will keep on top of your work.

4. Check your teaching timetable weekly. Your teaching timetable is designed to be varied and provide you with a range of learning experiences. This means that your teaching timetable may be different from week to week.

5. Start your assignments early. Plan the work for your assignments to give you plenty of time to research and complete it. Don’t be tempted to leave it until a few days before it is due.

6. Attend all your lectures, seminars and workshops. By attending all your scheduled sessions, you will be better placed to access all the relevant information that will help you succeed in your studies.

7. Read your feedback. Make sure that you collect and read the feedback on your assignments. Using the feedback to help you undertake further assignments will help you improve your study skills and marks.

8. Take advantage of the learning resources available. Take advantage of the University’s learning resources. These include tips on borrowing library resources and accessing them online. You can also book a training session on study tools. Our Student Mentoring Programme can match you with an experienced fellow student from your programme who can share learning advice with you.

9. Don’t panic. If you are worried about anything to do with your course, don’t panic. Talk to your course or module leader or academic advisor.

10. Enjoy your studies. Being at university is a transformational experience. As well as working hard, try to enjoy yourself.


The following sections of the handbook are crucial to your journey in your nursing apprenticeship. Please read both sections through and understand the importance of your declaration of good health and character, and how this links to your NMC registration. As well as understanding the uniform policy for skills teaching, to ensure that you are maintaining your professional values throughout your time with us at the University of East London. These are vital sections for you to read and understand, so please take your time and ask any questions to the teaching team throughout your induction.

Guidance notes for enhanced criminal conviction checks declaration form

The Nursing and Midwifery Council need to make sure nurses, midwives and nursing associates have the skills, knowledge, health and character to be able to care for people safely. They do this in line with the standards of health and character set out in our Code. This can be accessed by going to: code/

As part of this process we ask people to complete a number of declarations in relation to their health and character. This helps us to decide whether they meet the NMC requirements.

We’ll consider each application on a case-by-case basis, taking into account all relevant circumstances and information. We may ask you for more information to help us make a decision.

Please read this carefully

1. Every candidate must complete this form whether they have a previous conviction or not. Previous convictions include warnings, reprimands and some driving offences.

2. For candidates who have previously been convicted of a criminal offence, or disclose a pending court appearance or current charge:

2.1 Any details that you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence and will not automatically exclude you from being considered for this or any programme.

2.2 We may wish to ask you about any disclosures once they are disclosed.

3. The amendments to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 provide that certain spent convictions and cautions are "protected" and are not subject to disclosure to employers and cannot be taken into account. For details see DBS(Disclosure and Barring Service) website.

4. You must provide information of convictions within the armed services, outside the United Kingdom.

Please note:

– Having a criminal conviction does not automatically bar you from entering a FdSc Nursing Associate or BSc (Hons) Adult Nursing programme but it does depend on the nature of the offence and when it occurred.

– If anything later comes to light that is not declared now, this may lead to Fitness to Practice proceedings and dismissal from the programme.

By completing this declaration form you are agreeing that you have read and understood this. Q9KkVaCLdFl4ijxeY1Q51UNTRJUUQ1NE85TTRBWDRHQTQ5RkpWS0RTWi4u&wdL OR=cB8661A95-75C2-BF48-BB3E-6A0762712FEB

Uniform Policy

The simulation labs are a resource provided with specific purpose of enabling healthcare students to learn, develop and enhance safe effective care.

Whilst in the simulation labs both teaching staff and students are expected behave as they would in real practice. This is both to enhance realism making the learning experience more effective, as well as enabling rehearsal and role modelling of professional standards of behaviour.

All students are expected to attend sessions in the simulation centre in uniform. Those students for whom the wearing uniform in practice is not required or newly enrolled students prior to being issued with a uniform must attend in appropriate professional dress as detailed below.

Teaching staff will ensure that they role model standards of dress which adhere to the policy opposite.



Full uniform should be worn.

Uniform must not be worn to travel to and from the University unless it is completely covered.

Those students not required to wear uniform should wear short sleeved tops and clothing that provides mobility and comfort and projects a professional image.

Shoes should be soft soled and closed.

Presents a professional appearance and allows staff to check adherence to uniform policy.

Even though there is no evidence of infection risk the public perceive there is one if staff are seen outside of work in their uniform. This may decrease public confidence.

Cuffs at the wrists become heavily contaminated and are likely to come into contact with patients. Work wear should appear professional and inspire patient and public confidence

Closed shoes offer protection from spillages and dropped sharps. Soft soles reduce the noise levels in healthcare settings.

Name badges must be worn.

Long hair should be tied up and away from the collar.

Patients generally like to know the names and roles of staff that are caring for them.

Fingernails should be short and unvarnished false nails must not be worn.

Presents a professional appearance.

False nails and long nails may harbour microorganisms and reduce the effectiveness of hand hygiene they also present a potential hazard to patients.

No jewellery except plain wedding band and plain small stud earrings.

No wrist watches.

Jewellery can harbour microorganisms and may reduce the effectiveness of hand hygiene. Jewellery may also present a potential hazard to the patient and the practitioner

Wristwatches can harbour microorganisms may reduce the effectiveness of hand hygiene.


Learning online is very different to learning in-person using a course textbook and making handwritten notes. You can access more information provided in this section by going to:

What hardware will I need?

A good, stable internet connection. Advice for a strong internet connection at home can be found here:

– A quiet space at home with a desk, if possible.

– A web enabled device (laptop or desktop).

– We recommend a laptop with Core i5 8th gen or above, or Ryzen 5; 8GB of RAM; currently supported 64-bit Windows 10 OS; SSD storage of 128GB min.

For a full online experience, a webcam with integrated microphone or separate microphone is recommended but are optional, as you can still communicate through other methods such as Chat (Teams) / Forums.

– Your lecturers may hold a meeting where you may be asked to contribute through a microphone.

– A webcam if you want/need to hold a discussion face-to-face online.

– Mobile devices such as a tablet or smartphone could be used. However, they are not recommended and should be considered as a last resort.

What software will I need?

As a UEL student and once you have enrolled, you will receive the most up-todate Office365 for free. You can download desktop versions of the Office365 applications.

You will be able to download Microsoft Teams desktop client although you can also access it via Edge or Chrome browser. Please sign in using your UEL username and password. The desktop version offers users more functionality.

Please note, all departments operate differently. Your lecturer will confirm with you their favoured delivery method.


Lecture presentations will be made available at the discretion of the lecturer.

Lecturers will use their chosen delivery method:

– Microsoft Teams synchronously (during a Teams meeting) or asynchronously recorded in Teams.

– Recorded using PowerPoint, then circulated via Teams / Moodle / email.

– Panopto Lecture Capture, then circulated via Teams / Moodle / email.

– Video files will remain online. Videos will be available to download, where possible.

Top Tips for Going Digital - getting ready for the lecture

– Make sure your equipment is working.

– Ensure you have a quiet environment free from any distractions.

– If using a webcam, ensure you have no personal information on show in the background that you don’t want to be seen.

– Open application windows on your computer, so you can take notes and follow the action.

– Place your mobile phone on silent. You may be using it as a study aid but remember incoming calls will override a Teams meeting.

– Complete any pre-lecture activities in good time to get the most out of the experience.

– Ensure you know how to access the lecture if synchronous (live) so you start on time. Your lecturer will circulate the link.

– Participate, and enjoy the experience. Your lecture may set a task mid-lecture or ask for questions at the end when delivering a live synchronous lecture. Please be aware, questions may be directed via chat posts on Teams or there might be a time to verbally ask questions.

– Netiquette – ‘network and etiquette’ - is defined as a set of rules for acceptable online behaviour. Respect others, listen and speak as directed by your lecturer.

– If you have time, upload an image of yourself to your Office 365 account, so your fellow students and lecturers can identify you.


Cyber Security precautions

With reliance on IT, there is an increased risk of cyber-attacks against organisations and individuals. The following advice is sound for good practice at any time, but more important currently.

For your devices:

– Keep your device patched. Promptly update the Operating System when notified that an update is available. Update applications you have on your device, ideally automate this process.

– It is good practice to run Anti-Virus or Anti-Malware software on your device. Free products are better than none. These can include extensions to protect you when browsing.

– Enable a PIN, Password or Biometric login on your device.

For your UEL account:

For student accounts the password must:

– Be at least 8 characters

– Include at least 3 of these 4 character types -Upper and lower alpha, numeric and special characters (symbols and punctuation)

– Not include a single dictionary word or ‘common’ passwords

– Not include all or part of your username or obvious link to you, such as a pet or relatives’ name

– Be unique to your UEL account and not used by you for any personal accounts

Be changed promptly after the user or UEL knows or suspects an account has been compromised

– Not be disclosed to anyone, including IT staff

– Not be written down so that they may be available to others

– An account will be locked out after 6 unsuccessful attempts for a day, it can be reset using the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR) service but enrolment in SSPR is required prior to this, click here to be taken to the SSPR

– Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is in place for all student accounts when off site or when not physically connected to the UEL network. This was introduced specifically to protect your account from compromise.

It is good practice to set up more than one method to use for MFA, Authenticator and email are good alternatives to text messages or calls. For advice on setting up MFA, go to SitePages/Digital_Training/Passwords/MFA.aspx

For your personal accounts:

Most services will now enforce minimum password complexity rules now, like those applied by UEL. Always try to use strong passwords.

– Do not use the same password for accounts, as any breach of your account details on one external service could result in access using your credentials on another service. Do not use the same password you use for your UEL account for personal accounts.

– Keep your password to yourself, don’t share it. If you need to share a device, create individual accounts on it.

– If a service ‘offers’ MFA, set it up.

Use ‘Report Phish’ if in an email to your UEL account.

When working with emails:

Please ensure that you remain alert to cyber threats especially in emails. Attackers will often use compromised accounts to make use of contact lists for sending emails, knowing that your guard will be down if you recognise the sender. Links and attachments in emails are often used to expose recipients to dangerous malware and while UEL has controls in place to detect these this will not be the case with your personal emails.

– Hover mouse over sender details and any links so that they are expanded to reveal more detail. If the sender address or underlying link do not match those displayed, be wary. Note: Any email to your UEL account will have Mimecast inserted in the link, which is our email Filter.

– With your UEL email account, if you have any doubt about an email or any link contained, please either use the ‘Report Phishing’ feature on the top right of the Outlook toolbar, or email

For more information, see Welcome to UEL’s Information Security pages! (

Training available

The Metropolitan Police Service have set up a series of free online webinars to raise awareness and to provide useful, practical information to keep you safe from cyber criminality:

The webinars address the following topics:

– Cyber Behaviours – what anyone can do to protect themselves from online threats

Book onto these webinars at:


Budgeting is a vital part of getting to grips with your finances and, while living on a limited student income, it can be the key to avoiding financial difficulties. Knowing exactly how much money you have to spend is the only way to avoid overspending. Being able to account for exactly where your money goes will help if you come to apply for an overdraft or a bursary.

When drawing up a budget, remember to list all your income - and be realistic. Remember, too, that you must plan for the long summer vacation.

If you are worried about your finances, the University’s Student Money Advice and Rights Team (SMART) is here to help with any money-related issues you may have.

The SMART team offers daily drop-in and appointment sessions at both Docklands and Stratford campuses. Appointments can be booked via the Hub. Telephone: 020 8223 4444


You can find out more about what’s available from SMART on Track My Future. Visit the Support & Resources area from the homepage, then click on ‘Money & Bursaries’ in the Support and Advice section.

Do: Don’t:

– Thoroughly check any tenancy agreement before signing it. Are any bills included? Will you be liable for full rent at times when you won’t be there, such as holidays?

– Feed yourself properly and cheaply. You can economise on food by using local markets, looking out for special offers in supermarkets or buying economy brands, and learning how to cook. Take advantage of any student discounts.

– Budget – keep a record of what and where you spend.

– Have a list of priority spending (the difference between things you need to buy and things you want to buy).

– Reply to all letters from your bank or creditors and keep copies of all correspondence. Sign up for online banking so you can keep track of your spending more easily.

– Make sure that you pay your bills on time.

– Acknowledge that if things go wrong, it can affect you emotionally and distract you from your studies. Seek advice immediately. The longer you leave it, the harder it becomes to sort out.

– Allow some money for a social life.

– Overspend at the beginning of the first term.

– Rush out and buy all the course text books and equipment on your list. Wait until your course gets going and assess which ones are essential. Remember, you can use the library and KeyText instead of buying them.

– Buy non-essentials when struggling to pay for the essentials.

– Ignore signs that spending is getting out of control.

– Be afraid to talk to someone and seek advice if you are having problems financially. Speak to friends, family or the SMART team at UEL.

– Exceed your bank overdraft limit without authorisation. Unauthorised overdraft rates are very high when compared with what is offered if you stick within agreed limits.


You have a responsibility to yourself and others to look after your health and safety. This means acting in a responsible way and reporting anything you think could cause injury or harm. This section provides advice on what to do in an emergency. Emergency on campus

For any emergency, incident or accident call the Emergency Hotline on +44 (0) 20 8223 7771 for all campuses. The Emergency Hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, all year round. If you call 999, please also call Security as well as they are trained first aiders

General security enquiries (Including reporting thefts, lost property etc.)




Fire alarms

+44 (0)208 223 5599

+44 (0)208 223 4073

+44 (0)208 223 7888

We have fire safety notices which offer information on what to do in the event of a fire or other emergency in every building on both campuses.

What to do if you discover a fire:

– Operate the nearest emergency call point if the fire alarm has not already activated. This will alert Security who will investigate the alarm activation and alert the London Fire Brigade if required.

– Leave the building by the nearest exit and proceed to your nearest Fire Assembly Point, which will be signposted. Follow the instructions of any fire marshals in the area.

– Do not stop to collect personal belongings.

– Do not use the lifts.

What to do if you hear the alarm:

– Leave the building by the nearest exit.

– Do not stop to collect any personal belongings.

– Go to the local building Fire Assembly Point so that staff know you are safely out of the building.

– Keep away from exits and allow response staff and emergency services to do their work.

– Keep clear of buildings windows and doors to avoid possible flying glass and debris.

– Stay at the Fire Assembly Point – if you need to be moved it saves valuable time and you will also get the all-clear quicker.

– Maintain social distancing wherever possible.

You must never go back into the building until the fire brigade, or a member of security, or the emergency team say it is safe to do so.

If you accidentally set off a fire alarm, call the Emergency Hotline immediately on +44 (0)20 8223 7771.

What to do if you have a disability

Fire evacuation procedures for disabled people, including personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEP) will be developed with you by your School PEEP coordinator. If you have not already declared a disability which may prevent you from evacuation unaided, please do so.

You will need to book an appointment with a disability advisor. During this appointment an Institutional Support Package will be designed and implemented. Appointments are booked via the Student Hub on +44 (0)20 8223 4444 or email with your availability. You will be advised what information you need to provide in advance.

5 seconds of safety advice

These are important things to consider:

1. Is what I am doing safe?

2. What could go wrong?

3. Who could be injured?

4. What Improvements could be made to make the task safer?

5. Consider the overall consequences if you carry on and ignore any problems identified.

If in doubt, stop.


Food available on campus

The University has a wide variety of catering outlets across Docklands and Stratford campuses, offering menus to suit all tastes, from hot and cold snacks to substantial meals.

Food outlets will open Monday 13 September to Friday 17 December 2021 inclusive. All outlets have varying hours of operation.

Stratford Campus

The Buzz Café

The Buzz Café is located inside the Arthur Edwards building and serves Starbucks coffee. You can get your favourite speciality coffee, Frappuccinos, iced coffees and sweet and savoury pastries, confectionery, sandwiches, paninis as well as a range of grab-and-go foods.


Subway is on the Stratford campus located in the Arthur Edwards building in the food hall along with the Green Restaurant and Buzz Café. It offers all the High Street options of a Subway – six-inch to Footlongs, crisp fresh salads and meal deals with great offers available with a Subcard or Subway app.

Green Restaurant

The Green Restaurant is based on the Stratford campus in the Arthur Edwards Building and offers home comfort food, meal deals, soft drinks and grab-and-go food.


The Bean Machine Café

The Bean Machine Café is a Starbucks outlet located at University Square Stratford in the reception area. It provides speciality coffee, Frappuccinos and sweet and savoury snack along with confectionery and soft drinks.

Upay is a global payments, loyalty and promotions platform, used in all the retail and hospitality outlets at UEL operated by UEATWELL (excluding the retail shop and Costa Coffee). The app can be used for both redemption and collections of points for use against future

Docklands Campus

Costa Coffee

Costa Coffee is a fully franchised store located in the West Building on the Docklands campus. Fully trained baristas deliver hand-crafted speciality coffees made to your dietary needs or preference. The counter service offers hot drinks, iced coolers, sweet snacks and sandwiches.

The Edge

The Edge Restaurant is a food court emporium, offering home comfort meals, meal deals, rotating guest street foods, a salad bar, jacket potatoes, freshly made soup and a live theatre station with chefs cooking food to order. It is open for breakfast from 8am.

Munch Café

The Munch Café is located the SportsDock building on the Docklands campus and serves 53 Degrees Fairtrade coffee as well as iced drinks, sandwiches, sweet and savoury treats and grab-and-go snacks with nutritional and healthy takeaway options available. It is open from 8am.

The Pump House

The Pump House caters as a space for students and has a vegan / flexitarian menu. Open 11.00-16.00 Monday to Friday


Starbucks is located in the East building along the Atrium on the Docklands campus. It provides speciality coffees, Frappuccinos, iced teas, freshly baked pastries, sandwiches, paninis and delicious cakes for a morning, mid-morning or afternoon treat. It opens at 8am and meal deals are available.

Premier Retail Shop

The shop is located in the East Building opposite the Hub. It is a one-stop campus shop for all snacking and household needs. Rollover hot dogs are available at lunch time and, in the morning, there are also freshly baked savoury pastries and sandwiches. Ready meals and refrigerated snacks are also provided.

Underground Bar

The Underground Bar is based on the Docklands campus and plays host to regular comedy, karaoke, open mic, sports and party nights attracting DJs and bands from across the musical spectrum. It is a student meeting point for socialising and meeting new friends. It is located on the Docklands campus between main reception and Cyprus DLR Station and is open Monday to Friday and some weekends. The bar offers competitively priced drinks from draught beers to cocktails and all inbetween.


As a student at UEL, you will hear a lot of names, abbreviations and acronyms used verbally and in writing in the first few weeks. This can feel like another language to learn. This Jargon Buster provides you with a list of definitions for abbreviations, acronyms and nicknames which should help you settle in. You will get another one when you arrive that focuses on Study Jargon.

Academic advisor is a member of academic staff to whom students can go for advice. You will meet them as part of your course orientation programme and at several points in the first year. They will help you review your academic requirements and can refer you on for non-academic support requirements.

Academic services librarian is a named librarian available to help you find information for your assignments. They can also help with citing and referencing. You will meet the academic services librarian for your school during the first few weeks of term.

Academic Student Group is a type of Students’ Union group which is linked to an academic subject. Academic student groups organise lots of social activities and events, and also subject-related talks, presentations and trips. A full list of academic Student Groups is available on the Students’ Union website:

ACE is the School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering and based in the East Building on the Docklands campus. It is made up of two departments: the Department of Architecture and Visual Arts and the Department of Engineering and Computing.

ACI is the School of Arts and Creative Industries and located across the Docklands and USS campuses. The school is made up of three departments: the Department of Fashion, Department of Media, and the Department of Music, Writing and Performance.

Ailsa House is a student residential block, one of the West Halls on the Docklands campus.

Alumni is the term given to a person who has attended or has graduated from a university or college.

AMR stands for Annual Monitoring and Review. The Annual Monitoring and Review process happens every year for full- and part-time students and provides you and the School with an opportunity to assess your progress over the last 12 months.

Application to Register is the formal process that all PGR students must go through in order to proceed with their research. The application to register is submitted through PhD Manager and is reviewed and approved by the School’s RDSC – Research Degrees Sub-Committee, and the URDSC – University’s Research Degrees Sub-Committee.

Aqua East is our gym and medical facility for UEL’s student athletes who are part of the East London Sport High Performance Programme.

Aramark (UK) is the University of East London catering provider, offering catering options across all campuses, with outlets offering hot meals, snacks and recognised High Street brands.

Atrium is the long corridor down the middle of the ground floor of our East Building at the Docklands campus.

Bean Machine is a Starbucks ‘Proud To Serve’ outlet located at University Square Stratford in the reception area. It sells speciality coffee, Frappuccinos, and sweet and savoury snacks, along with confectionery and soft drinks.

Being Well, Living Well is a Moodle course which takes a positive, preventative approach to equip students with the practical tools and knowledge needed to develop strategies to improve their mental, physical, emotional and financial wellbeing. Search for Being Well, Living Well on Moodle.

Blackbullion is a financial education tool specifically for university students and is free for UEL students to use. Sign up at using your UEL email address.

BUCS is British Universities & Colleges Sport, the national governing body for higher education sport in the UK. It runs all the local and national student sports leagues and competitions, which East London Sport clubs compete in on a weekly or yearly basis.

Building abbreviations are used on your teaching timetable and campus maps. They include:

AE Arthur Edwards Stratford

AVA Architecture & Visual Arts Building Docklands

DL Docklands Library Docklands

CC Conference and Computer Centre Stratford

CE Clinical Education Building Stratford

CW C-Wing of University House Stratford

EB East Building Docklands

ED School of Education and Communities Stratford

ITC IT clusters - Library Docklands

KD Knowledge Dock Docklands

LT Lecture Theatres Stratford

MLT Main Lecture Theatre Docklands

NB North Building Docklands

SD Sports Dock Docklands

SL Stratford Library Stratford

UH University House Stratford

US University Square Stratford (USS) USS

WB West Building Docklands

Bus stops at Docklands campus are on Cyprus Place and near the Cyprus DLR station. Both are opposite the North Building on the Docklands campus. Additional bus stops can be located on Sir Steve Redgrave Bridge at the east end of the campus. At the Stratford campus, there are bus stops on Water Lane and Romford Road. For University Square Stratford, there are stops on Great Eastern Road and Stratford Broadway.

Bus routes for the Stratford campus call at Stratford station. They include: the 25, 69, 86, 104, 108, 158, 238, 241, 257, 262, 276, 308, 425, and the D8. By road, the campus is accessible via the A12, A13 roads, and the A406 London Circular.

Bus routes for the Docklands campus call at Cyprus bus station. Bus routes serving Docklands include: the 101, 173, 262, 300, 366, 376, 474 and N551. By road, the campus is accessible via the A12, A13 roads, and the A406 London Circular.

Buzz Café is based on the Stratford Campus located inside the Arthur Edwards building and is a ‘Proud To Serve’ Starbucks coffee outlet. Get your favourite speciality coffee, Frappuccinos, iced coffees and sweet and savoury pastries, confectionery, sandwiches, paninis as well as a range of grab-and-go foods.

Campus is the term given to buildings and grounds at which a university or college is based. UEL has two main campuses. The word campus is generally used to refer to buildings grouped together in one area. University Square Stratford, UEL’s third site, is a single, stand-alone building but is occasionally referred to as a campus for the sake of convenience.

Career coach is someone who provides professional, high quality, impartial and confidential information, advice and guidance to support all your employability needs and help you progress your career goals.

Career Passport is a digital toolkit that evidences the acquisition of key skills and knowledge, over and beyond what a graduate is generally expected to possess. It is a portfolio you can keep adding to as your experience build.

Career Zone Platform is an online careers management platform, built specifically for UEL students, to help support your career goals. You have access to a jobs board with internships and flexible part-time jobs, mentoring programmes with industry leaders, employer events and volunteering opportunities with our community partners. You can also access learning pathways to take you stepby-step through a number of career topics. You can use the system to book appointments to see a careers coach or advisors from our Volunteering, Enterprise and Placements teams.

Career Zone Spaces are available on all three UEL sites for students to visit to discuss their career goals.

Cash points (also known as ATMs) are available outside the North Building at Docklands campus and inside the Conference and Computer Centre at the Stratford campus. At University Square Stratford, the closest cash points are inside the Stratford Shopping Centre, just a short walk from the building.

CCC is the abbreviation for the Conference and Computer Centre based at the Stratford campus. This building accommodates open-access computers, a 400seat lecture theatre, seminar rooms and an entrance foyer.

CELCAT is the timetabling software used by the University.

Citing and Referencing is how you acknowledge the articles, books and other resources that you have used to gather information and evidence when doing your assignments. Accurate referencing and citing are essential academic practices which help you to avoid plagiarism (see Plagiarism below). Citations appear in your essay and show what source you are referring to. References are at the end of your work and give the full details of the source so the person reading it can find it. There are many styles of citing and referencing. Your module handbooks will give guidance on what style you should use, and your lecturer will be able to help if you are in any doubt. Your academic services librarian can help you with citing and referencing.

Clare House is a student residential block, one of the West Halls, on the Docklands campus.

Collaborative study spaces are areas in the libraries where you can talk and work together in groups.

Community Group is a type of Students’ Union Group which brings together students who want to meet other students like themselves or facing similar challenges. They organise social activities and events but also have a role in representing the members of the group. A full list of Community Groups is available on the Students’ Union’s website.

Consent to share is where we will require your written consent to share information with relevant staff in the University and/or external support providers in order to facilitate reasonable adjustments for your course of study.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is the name that describes activities which help you develop experience and key skills for your career. You will be encouraged to undertake CPD activities as part of your studies as they will enhance your learning and employability.

Convocation is the name given to a key event to mark the beginning of the academic year. It’s an exciting occasion in which the University welcomes its new cohort and showcases its wide array of services and opportunities.

Course refers to an undergraduate or postgraduate degree which is made up of modules (see Modules below). An undergraduate part-time degree or postgraduate degree can vary in duration. At UEL, they are called courses, but they are also known at other universities as programmes.

Course coach is a member of academic staff to whom students can go for advice. You will meet them as part of your course orientation programme and at several points in the first year. They will help you review your academic requirements and can refer you on for non-academic support requirements.

Course leader (CL) is the person who looks after the management of your course. They are supported by a course team.

Course representative is an elected student representative. Every course at every level elects a student from that course to represent their course mates for one year. Every student in the course can run to be the course representative and can also vote in the election. Course representatives are one of the most important aspects of the Students’ Union’s role and they play a key role in shaping the development of our University. Elections are usually held within three weeks of the start of term.

Costa Coffee is a fully franchised store located in the West Building on the Docklands campus. Trained baristas deliver hand crafted speciality coffees made to your dietary needs or preference. A counter service offers hot drinks, iced coolers, sweet snacks and sandwiches.

Credit is earned through learning and assessment. There is a specified amount of credit attached to each module you study (see Module below). As modules are completed, your credit will build up. Once enough credit is built up through successful completion of coursework, exams and other assessments, students are deemed to have earned their degree and are ready to graduate. Credit will be acquired at a specified level.

Credit Level represents the difficulty of your module. Normally, foundation year modules are rated Level 3, first-year modules are rated as Level 4, second year modules as Level 5 and your final year modules as Level 6. Postgraduate modules are rated as Level M or 7. Occasionally, you may take modules where the level does not equate with your year of study. For example, in some degrees, you may take some Level 5 work in your first year, which is Level 4.

Credit Control is a finance team based in the East Building on the Docklands campus. The team can provide you with support and advice for paying your fees and tuition.

Cyprus DLR Station is connected to the campus entrance, behind North Building at Docklands campus. It is part of the Transport for London network. DDT stands for Disability and Dyslexia Team.

Dean is an academic leadership role, responsible for the overall management of your School (see School below) and the welfare of its staff and students.

Diagnostic assessment explores an individual’s learning profile in more depth to establish strengths and challenges in the learning or work environment. It is used to identify and diagnose special learning difficulties (SpLD) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and ADHD.

Digital First Aid (DFA) is the library’s service to help you with a range of IT and digital skills. Digital first aiders are also students at UEL and can help with a range of IT-related queries, including connecting to Wi-Fi and using Microsoft Teams and other software packages. Enquiries relating to passwords should be directed to IT Services.

Dissertation is a long-form essay (see Essay below), usually written in the final part of a degree course. The dissertation is distinct from a standard essay as it will include some new research (eg, a survey) undertaken by the author to prove their answer to a question.

Disabled Students’ Allowance is government money that students with a disability, learning difficulty or a long-term health condition can receive if eligible. Contact the Disability and Dyslexia Team for more information at

The Dome is part of University House. It was originally built as a public museum as a result of a generous donation from a Victorian era journalist, philanthropist and MP John Passmore Edwards.

East London Edge Awards are rewards for those who take on significant extracurricular activity.

East London Edge Pathways are extra-curricular opportunities we promote through the Career Zone.

East London Sport is a UEL student support service that provides UEL students with a wide range of programmes to help students get active, compete in sports competitions, support elite student athletes and gain work-based learning experiences in a sport and leisure environment. East London Sport also runs the SportsDock at the Docklands campus.

Edge Restaurant is a food court emporium, offering home comfort meals, meal deals, rotating guest street food concepts, a salad bar, jacket potatoes, freshly made soup and a live theatre station with chefs cooking food to order. It opens for breakfast from 8am.

Educom is the abbreviation for the School of Education and Communities which is based on the Stratford campus in the ED Building. It is made up of six departments: the Department of Social Sciences and Social Work, Department of Initial Teacher Education and Training, Department of Psychological Studies, Department of Sociology, Department of Global Studies and the Department of Early Childhood and Education.

Enrolment is an activity a student must undertake to officially join their course. After enrolling a student obtains their ID card enabling use of University facilities. See the enrolment section at the beginning of this handbook for more details.

Essays are a style of writing. Often consisting of around 2,000-3000 words (but sometimes longer), they are written in response to a question and set out the author’s response in a logical format: an introduction to set the direction, a middle section containing the responses to the question and supporting evidence, then a conclusion which sums everything up.

EU Student are students whose normal home is outside the UK, within one of the 27 member countries of the European Union, and who are registered on a full-time degree programme of more than one year.

Extenuating circumstances are when something occurs that is unforeseeable, unpreventable, and likely to have a serious impact upon your academic performance.

Felix House is a student residential block, one of the West Halls on the Docklands campus.

First Degree This is normally a bachelor’s degree, eg, BA, BSc, BEng, LLB (see Honours Degree).

Foundation Certificate is the course completed at Level 3.

Fresher is a term sometimes used to describe a new undergraduate student. GIN stands for Get Into Nursing, which is a short course designed to widen access to our nursing course.

Graduate is a person who has completed and passed their degree and had it officially conferred by a graduation ceremony. In the period between passing your assessments and the graduation ceremony, you are officially termed a graduand.

Green Restaurant is based on the Stratford campus in the Arthur Edwards Building and offers home comfort food, meal deals, soft drinks and grab-and-go food.

Group study rooms are rooms in the libraries that you can book to study together in groups.

Halls of Residence are University-owned accommodation in which students often live while studying. At UEL, our accommodation sits on the waterfront of our Docklands campus.

HE stands for higher education. Higher education courses normally occur at university.

Higher Degree is a postgraduate degree such as Master’s degree or Doctorate. Masters’ (MA / MSc) degrees are awarded to graduates who have undertaken an additional course of study after an honours first degree. Master’s degrees may be taken following a period of work experience, and some courses take the form of company training programmes. MPhil degrees are a Master’s degree which a student is awarded after a period of research or a taught course.

High Performance Sport Programme supports all UEL students who receive sport scholarships or are part of East London Sport’s selected high-performance sport teams.

Honours Degree is a first course of higher education study undertaken at university, normally lasting three or four years if undertaken full-time.

HSB is the abbreviation for the School of Health, Sport and Bioscience and is based on the Stratford campus in University House in the Dome. It is made up of four departments: the Department of Applied and Public Health Professions, Department of Bioscience, Department of Nursing and Department of Sport.

The Hub is UEL’s Information Access Point for student information, advisory services and documents.

IAG stands for Information, Advice and Guidance and is important for any students who may be thinking about their postgraduate or exit plan. The department is located in USS.

ILSC stands for Introduction to Law Short Course. This is a short course designed to widen access to our law courses.

International Student is the term used to describe students whose permanent home is usually outside the UK and European Union. This term is sometimes used to include those from the European Union.

Knowledge Dock Café is based in the Knowledge Dock Building on the Docklands campus. It serves Triple Fairtrade coffee and has a hot deli counter.

Jamillah House is a student residential block, one of the West Halls on the Docklands campus.

Kwame House is a student residential block, one of the West Halls on the Docklands campus.

LALS refers to the Library, Archives and Learning Services at UEL. There are two libraries, one at Docklands in the Docklands Library building and one at Stratford in the Stratford Library building.

LEA is the Local Education Authority, to which UK undergraduates apply for assessment (in full or part) of their contribution towards tuition fees, which are then processed via the Student Loan Company (SLC). Your application to your LEA should be made before arrival, although in some cases the outcome may not be known until after term begins.

Lecture is a formal learning event, led by an academic or subject specialist to a group of students. You are expected to prepare for and attend lectures. In this setting, students normally listen and make notes, although some sessions involve interaction between the lecturer and students.

Lecture Theatre 2 to 6 are rooms based on the Stratford campus near the Arthur Edwards Building.

Leisure Hub is the online booking and membership system for SportsDock that can be accessed via the SportsDock website.

Level 3 is the term used to describe a student in their foundation year of undergraduate study. In other universities, it is sometimes referred to as Year 0.

Level 4 is the term used to describe a student in their first full-time year of undergraduate study. In other universities, it is sometimes referred to as Year 1.

Level 5 is the term used to describe a student in their second full-time year of undergraduate study. In other universities, it is sometimes referred to as Year 2.

Level 6 is the term used to describe a student in their final full-time year of undergraduate study. A student whose has taken a year out to undertake a placement will return to Level 6. In other universities, it is sometimes referred to as Year 3.

Longbridge House is a student residential block on the east of the Docklands campus

M365/O365 refers to Microsoft 365/Office365 which is online cloud-based software, through which students can access their email (Outlook) as well as other Office apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, OneDrive, etc.

Main Lecture Theatre (MLT) is based on the Docklands campus. It holds 400 students.

Marley House is a student residential block on the east of the Docklands campus.

Mature student is a student over 21 years of age at the beginning of their undergraduate studies, or over 25 years of age at the beginning of their postgraduate studies. Over half of mature students in the UK are aged between 21 and 24.

Mentoring programmes have been designed to help students and graduates develop their professional and personal skills. You can be mentored by a professional, a fellow student or become a mentor yourself for new students.

MFA stands for Multi Factor Authentication. We’re all used to having a username and password to login to our accounts. MFA is where you add extra layers of security to stop people hacking into your accounts. For example, you might set up the system to send you a code number by text message to your phone after you have entered your standard password. By doing this, it means if someone discovers what your password is, they still can’t get into your account. At UEL, we use Microsoft Authenticator to protect our users’ online accounts from malicious access. This allows you to add additional information, for example, something you know, such as a user name and password; something you have, such as a mobile phone or landline, personal email account, bank card or digital token (often called a ‘dongle’); or something you are, such as your fingerprint on your phone’s or laptop’s reader.

M level is another term used to describe a student studying at Master’s level. This could apply to an undergraduate student who is undertaking an integrated degree (3/4 year Bachelor’s degree plus one year masters) or a Postgraduate Master’s student.

Modules explore a specific area within subject. A number of modules make up a course which then leads to a degree. Courses all have code and a title. Each module has a set number of credits which will vary from course to course. Modules are also referred to as Units in other universities.

Module leader is an academic who organises a module. This is your first point of contact if you are having difficulties or there is a problem with the running of a module.

Module team is made up technical, support and academic staff who help run a module.

Moodle is the online virtual learning platform used at University of East London (also known as a VLE). Most taught courses have a Moodle course which either students are automatically enrolled onto or they can self-enrol. Moodle courses contain course materials, such as audio and video files, lecture slides, links to recordings of lectures and reading lists. You can submit your work electronically to Moodle and tutors can provide feedback and provisional marks to you via Moodle. It’s accessible on Track My Future or directly on

Moves App is UEL’s new app which rewards students with points for every step they take. It is a physical activity social network to help to motivate UEL students and staff community to stay active during their busy schedules. Points can be cashed in to claim rewards such as Nando’s vouchers and East London Sport hoodies.

Move East London refers to UEL’s programme enabling all students to take part in sport and physical activity across the Docklands and Stratford campuses. All our drop-in sessions are free to attend and vary from circus skills, yoga and boxing to basketball, volleyball and football. They are organised by East London Sport and run by our sports reps and sports scholars, so they are a great opportunity to learn a new sport, hang out with friends, or take a break from studies.

Multi-Faith Facilities at Docklands and Stratford are for prayer and reflection. Munch Café is located the Sports Dock Building on the Docklands campus and serves 53 Degrees Fairtrade coffee. Iced drinks, sandwiches sweet and savoury treats, grab-and-go food, nutritional and healthy takeaway options are available. Open from 8am.

My Dashboard (Engagement Dashboard, the Dashboard) is a tool created for you to support your successful progression in studies. It allows you to monitor weekly activity on Moodle and on Teams and check your attendance in the on-campus classes (if scheduled). In addition, it gives you an overall engagement score based on a series of weightings with recommendations for action. You can access it via Track My Future My Study page.

My Study is a section within Track My Future. It is your go-to place for studyrelated resources and tools (such as Moodle, your timetable, My Dashboard etc).

My Voice is a section within Track My Future. It is a space for sharing feedback, participating in surveys and learning about student representation.

Parking on the Stratford campus is not available for students during peak hours (8am-5pm, Monday-Friday), although Blue Badge holders can apply for a peak hours parking permit. All students can apply for an off-peak parking permit, allowing them to use the campus car parks at Docklands and Stratford outside these times.

PEP refers to Pre-Entry Programmes which are based in University Square Stratford.

PEEP is a personal emergency evacuation plan. If you have a disability which means you would need specialised support in case of emergency, please contact the Disability and Dyslexia Team via the Hub and arrange for a PEEP to be created.

Performance studios are based at University Square Stratford.

PhD Manager is the online system used by all PGR Students to support their journey through their Doctoral degree. The PhD Manager system allows PGR students to record supervisory meetings and submit various applications, including application to register, transfer from MPhil to PhD and Annual Monitoring and Review.

PGTA stands for postgraduate teaching assistant. You may find some attached to your classes. They have a wealth of knowledge and experience so do use them if you have one.

PGR stands for postgraduate research.

PGT stands for postgraduate taught and includes postgraduate master’s study.

Placement is where a student can gain experience in the workplace as part of their course.

Plagiarism is the term used to describe using or copying another person’s work without using proper citations and references (see Citing and referencing above).

Proper acknowledgement of ideas, research evidence or historical findings are key to academic integrity. Integrity and ethics are deemed so important at universitylevel that plagiarism is considered a form of cheating and is subject to disciplinary procedures at UEL.

PFMW is the Professional Fitness & Mental Wealth programme all students undertake. The components go beyond subject knowledge and this is the part of your course that will nurture skills for life.

Premier Retail Shop is located in the East Building ground floor opposite the Hub. It is a one-stop campus shop for all snacking and household needs. Rollover hot dogs are available at lunch time and there are freshly baked savoury pastries and sandwiches in the morning. Ready meals and refrigerated snacks are also provided.

Quiet study space are spaces in the libraries reserved for individual quiet study. Brief whispered conversations are permitted, but not group work.

RDSBL is the abbreviation for the Royal Docks School of Business and Law which is based at University Stratford Square. It is made up of two departments and one institute. They are the Department of Business Management, Entrepreneurship and Finance, Department of Law, Policing and Justice and the Institute of Hospitality and Tourism.

RDL stands for research degrees leader. All Schools have a research degrees leader to oversee the MPhil/PhD students in each School.

RDSC is for the Research Degrees Sub-Committee that reviews all applications submitted by PGR Students and discuss PGR student development within each respective School.

Redbridge House is a student residential block on the east of the Docklands campus.

Reasonable adjustment is a change that removes or reduces the effect of a disability and allows disabled people to access the same opportunities and services as non-disabled people. Adjustments vary according to individual circumstances and what is reasonable for an organisation may be impossible for another.

Red Room is social learning space in University House on the Stratford campus. Report and Support is a reporting tool to capture incidents of sexual assault, harassment, bullying and hate crime.

Sandwich is a course of study which includes a year of practical work undertaken in an organisation outside the University, but which has relevance to the student’s programme of study. The sandwich year is usually the penultimate year of a degree programme. (Also see Placement).

Scaffolded information and support refers to support and advice you need at specific points in your study journey. The aim of this approach is to not overload you with information all at once.

School of Psychology is based at the Stratford campus in the Arthur Edwards Building. It is made up of two departments: the Department of Professional Psychology and the Department of Psychological Science.

School representatives are elected School-level representative who work with School leaders to improve the curriculum, student experience and careers opportunities. They are part of the student leadership committee in the Students’ Union and work closely with the student officers and course representatives.

Self-issue are machines you can use to borrow library books. You will need your ID card to use these.

Self-returns are the machines you can use to return library books. These books will be removed from your account when you use the machine.

Shepherds House is a student residential block on the east of the Docklands campus.

Silent study space are spaces in the libraries reserved for studying in silence.

SITS is the student records management system used to store, administer and manage all aspects of student information from initial enquiry and application through to completion of your studies.

SLC refers to the Student Loan Company, which deals with the payment of tuition fees to the University on behalf of eligible UK students and the provision of student loans to UK students. This does not apply to European Union or International students.

Security Team is based on each campus. They can all be reached by dialling internally from a phone extension 7771, or from outside +44 (0)20 8223 7771.

SMART is UEL’s Student Money Advice and Rights Team. It provides advice and information on government and UEL funding, including scholarships and bursaries.

SportsDock is the name for our sports facility based on the Docklands campus run by East London Sport. It has two large arenas, large gym with separate strength and conditioning suite, an outdoor five-a-side football pitch and several conference rooms. It hosts University sports clubs, local, national, and international events and sports fixtures all year round.

SRI refers to the Sustainability Research Institute. It is based in the Knowledge Dock building on the Docklands campus.

SSPR stands for Self-Service Password Reset. It is the portal for users to reset or change their UEL password without the assistance of the IT Team. Users are asked to register for this on first log on.

Standard term dates for the academic year 2022/23 at UEL are listed below and are often called semesters at other universities.


Term 1

Monday 26 September 2022 - Friday 20 January 2023

(New students: week starting Monday 19 September 2022)

Break: 16 December 2022 - 6 January 2023

Term 2

Monday 30 January 2023 - Friday 26 May 2023

Break: 3 April 2023 - 14 April 2023

For courses with a non-standard academic year, please look at the university intranet for your term dates.

Postgraduate Term 1

Monday 26 September 2022 - Friday 20 January 2023

(New students: week starting Monday 19 September 2022)

Break: 16 December 2022 - 6 January 2023

Term 2

Monday 30 January 2023 - Friday 26 May 2023

Break: 3 April 2023 - 14 April 2023

Term 3

Monday 5 June 2023 – 15 September 2023

Starbucks is located in the East Building along the Atrium on the Docklands campus. It provides speciality coffees, Frappuccinos, iced teas, freshly baked pastries, sandwiches, paninis and delicious cakes for a morning, mid-morning or afternoon treat. It normally opens at 8am and meal deals are available.

Student Enterprise Team offers an array of events, competitions, boot camps and other training activities for UEL students and graduates to develop business ideas. Details are available in Career Zone.

Student accommodation is sometimes used to describe the University-owned and operated campus accommodation which houses close to 1,200 students. It is serviced by two on-campus launderettes and other campus amenities.

Student Engagement and Retention Team (SERT) is responsible for managing the data you can see in My Dashboard on Track My Future. The team use it to monitor your engagement and will contact you if you are not attending or using the learning resources provided to you.

Student Wellbeing Service (SWS) provides wellbeing advice, emotional support, counselling mental health support and workshops. Sessions can be booked via the hub or email

Stratford campus is a short walk from the Stratford and Stratford International railway stations. It is also served by the Jubilee and Central Underground lines, the DLR, and a busy bus station.

Student Groups describes all the Students’ Union’s groups such as societies, communities, clubs and campaigns. Student Groups organise all sorts of social activities and events. If a group doesn’t exist for your hobby or campaign, you can start your own. The Students’ Union will provide support, funding and space for you to organise your group. A full list of student groups is available on the Students’ Union website.

Student officers are the three elected leaders of the Students’ Union, each with a specific remit: activities and opportunities officer, education officer, wellbeing and community officer. They work closely with all the sub-groups of the Students’ Union such as Student Groups, Community Groups, course representatives and campaign organisations. They also represent all students in boards and committees in the University. Student officers are elected every spring and work for the Students’ Union full-time for one year.

Students’ Union (SU) is an organisation made up of all students in the University. Every student automatically becomes a member when they enrol on their course. The Students’ Union provides representation, advice, activities and events for all students, and supports Student Groups with funding and space to organise their activities. It also provides training for all its groups and course representatives. The members of the student leadership committee - three student officers and six school representatives - represent students at University and school boards and committees.

Student village is a name sometimes used to describe the Docklands campus accommodation.

Subway is on the Stratford campus located in the Arthur Edwards building in the food hall along with the Green Restaurant and Buzz Café. It offers all the High Street options of a Subway – six-inch to Footlongs, crisp fresh salads, and meal deals with offers available with a Subcard or Subway app.

Supervisory meetings are meetings all Postgraduate Research (PGR) students hold with their supervisors as part of their PGR journey. These meetings will be formally recorded within the PhD Manager system.

Teams refers to Microsoft Teams, a unified communications platform that combines chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration on files) and app integration. It allows you to join classes and events online, record your class attendance, participate in discussions, communicate with your tutors and classmates, collaborate on files, and share content.

Templars House is a student residential block on the east of the Docklands campus.

TEAL stands for Teaching Enhanced Active Learning and is our teaching approach which combines traditional face-to-face, on campus tuition with cutting-edge technology.

TMF/Track My Future is your personalised one-stop-shop to all University’s learning tools, services and resources that will help you to succeed in your studies, career journey and beyond. Track My Future consists of thematic sections (for example My Study, My Voice). Here, you will also find My Dashboard, the tool that will help you to monitor your studies. You can access Track My Future on UEL intranet (, or on your Teams menu.

Togetherall ( is a 24/7 clinically moderated emotional support community with creative tools to allow you to express yourself, find peer support and take part in educational programmes to learn new skills to help with your wellbeing. Sign up using your UEL email account.

TOTUM is the only student discount, proof of age ID and campus life card recommended by the National Union of Students. The basic card is available for free. For every premium card bought by a UEL student, the Students’ Union receives a small donation.

Turnitin is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying. When you submit your paper, Turnitin compares it to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books, articles etc.

UEATWELL is the onsite brand identity for all catering services at UEL. You will come across this terminology on all menu identifiers, catering social media campaigns and catering signage.

Underground Bar is based on the Docklands campus and plays host to regular comedy, karaoke, open mic, sports and party nights attracting DJs and bands from across the musical spectrum. It is a student meeting point for socialising and meeting new friends. It is located on the Docklands campus between main reception and Cyprus DLR Station and is open Monday to Friday and some weekends.

UPay is a global payment, loyalty, and promotions platform, used in all the retail and hospitality outlets at UEL operated by UEATWELL (excluding the retail shop and Costa Coffee). The app can be used for both redemption and collections of points for use against future transactions using preloaded funds onto your UPay account.

UPay – Order Ahead is a means to purchase items from selected UEATWELL outlets. Either use your preloaded funds or your credit / debit card. Collection time can be chosen at time of purchase, save time and beat the queues.

VPN stands for virtual private network (VPN). It gives you online privacy and anonymity by creating a private network from a public internet connection.

Volunteering is an activity where someone gives up some of your free time. New skills can be gained and the experience can build your confidence and boost your career.

Westfield Stratford City is Europe’s largest indoor shopping mall next to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. It is just one of Stratford’s attractions, alongside many other shops, cafés, bars, and restaurants. There are two multiscreen cinemas, a theatre, an arts centre, Olympic sports facilities and stadium and much more.

Weston Learning Centre is a study facility on the ground floor of University Square Stratford (USS) with PCs, study room and printing facilities as well as a book returns bin.

URDSC is the acronym for the University’s Research Degrees Sub-Committee which reviews applications submitted PGR Students and provides an overview of the School Research Degrees Sub-Committees.

UEL is the acronym give to the University of East London.

UG stands for undergraduate which is a person who is studying for a first degree.

UO stands for Unconditional Offer. A student will receive this once they have met our entry requirements.

USS is the abbreviation for University Square Stratford. It serves 3,400 students and is the base for our courses in law and criminology, dance and performing arts, and the Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Viva is the term


University switchboard

Telephone: +44 (02)08 223 3000

Cashiers Office (income team)

Telephone: +44 (0) 20 8223 2974 / 2030


IT Helpdesk

Telephone: +44 (0)208 223 2468


IT Helpdesk can work with you to resolve any issues with logging into your UEL IT Account, software packages or password reset.

General Library Enquiries


Docklands Campus Library

Tel: +44(0) 20 8223 3434

Stratford Campus Library

Telephone: +44 (0)20 8223 4646

Security Campus Team

Telephone: Internal extension 7771

External outside +44 (0)20 8223 7771


Telephone: +44 (0)20 8223 6888


SportsDock has great facilities and provides a friendly and supportive environment for you to get active.

Student Hubs

Telephone: +44 (0)208 223 4444


Student Hubs can support with any question related to your student experience. Either the Hub staff will provide you with the answer you need straight away, or they will refer you on to the team you need to liaise with.

Students’ Union

Telephone: 0208 223 7025



By joining the University of East London, you automatically become a member of the Students’ Union. It exists to represent all UEL students. The SU provides support, representation, facilities, services, entertainment, and activities for all its members.







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