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The continuous straight axis of Brick Lane reaches a breaking point where the upper and lower-level railways meet. The area is also connected to the Bishopsgate Goodsyard, an abandoned area where an approved future redevelopment will soon happen.
The first phase of the project will focus on the redevelopment of the Cut, which is now being used as a circulation space for both people and vehicles. Part of the development will happen alongside the new masterplan, focusing on the access between the street and the Goodsyard and in the way people access and interact with the top part of the Goodsyard. The abandoned Goodsyard presented a lot of interesting remnants of the old Bishopsgate station that people seemed to overlook while experiencing and moving in the Lane. The first part of the project thus seeks to create a new walkway.
The second part of the project will focus on the reestablishment of the top part of the Goodsyard, now an abandoned roof with ubiquitous wild flora. The project will make use of the large soil excavation of the masterplan housing to create a brand-new natural landscaping on top of the Goodsyard old structure. Moreover, an Urban Garden Centre, designed to sit on top of the new landscape, will provide a vertical farming fo the community.
The landscape of the top floor is designed as to be “a room to get lost”. The journey plays a crucial role on this matter, as the space-time experience of the journey is the means necessary to explore the area by entering new realms but be constantly reminded of the context people are in.
5.1 Life happens near ground. 5.2 Pushing and pulling. 5.3 Food education centre. 5.4 Food banks + (s)eating space. 5.5 Food museum. 6.6 Welding. 6.7 1:200 massing model. 6.8 Food education centre. 6.9 Framing the street. 6.10 How it all comes together. 6.11 Food museum. 6.12 Long section. 6.13 Light study. (Project done by Viktor Telecky).
Proposal for cricket practice room in Pedley Street. Partly occupying the former Brick Lane rail station. Embankment condition on the north and Pedly Alley way (street) on the south 7.1 Wall Brick lane 7.2 Room and threshold proposal for Bricklane and Goodsyard 7.3 Bricklane Station North facade 7.4 Proposed Lower Basement Plan 7.5 Proposed Upper Basement Plan 7.6 Proposed Ground Floor Plan 7.7 .Study model north facade 7.8 West facade facing Allen Gardens 7.9 structural diagram 7.10 Brick lane meeting Pedley street 7.11 Proposed long section (Project done by Delrick Adikari)
8.1 Model of the proposal development 8.2 Ground floor of the new residential buildings 8.3 Section of the new proposal and the existing Truman brewery 8.4 New courtyard in conversation with the historical site.
8.5 Nature and light experience in the courtyard 8.6 View of the courtyard from the new housing complex.
The Project looked into the social, political and spatial complexities of Brick Lane in relation to the city of London. The Project responds to the proposed large scale redevelopment master plan for the Goodsyard and Truman Brewery, shaping an architecture of the in between- A public room for London. The architectural idea of the project is the journey through a series of courtyards experiencing threshold between public and private spaces. The co housing project for Truman Brewery site is designed for the local Bangladeshi community by involving the existing building with the new built to form a courtyard in between- a place to gather. (Project done by Sumaiyabinte Ismail)
10 ‘Gabriel Rebec Permo:The focus was the abrupt ending of west part of the lanes building fabric. The buildings on the south are concluded Pedley Street the building row with a designed façade facing the north. Reference Smithson’s Summer Pavilion and Assemble where discussions point in the design process. Social Club “Art Academy” “The Belt Shop “where integrated in “The neighbourhood workshop for brick lane” the celebration of the North Façade of the urban block. The replacement of the connection of the West with East with a room Bridge connecting the workshops with the proposed Brick Lane Gallery in the former station.
10.1 Located Site and Wall of interest 10.2 Day & Night Render of Proposal 10.3 Sketch model workshop space
10.4 Diagraming new ending to bricklane 10.5 1-25 Section in Context 10.6 First Floor Proposal Plan 10.7 Second Floor Proposal Plan 10.8 1-100 Section through Proposal