My Exeter Student Community Guide 2018/19

Page 1

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too… emates ving s u o h mo new maybe ut when house, ink abo to the experts w th e n to , s g rm New te be lots of thin hy we’ve gone y Wardens, w an s c t’ munit a re h e T th us Com e students lace. p io v w re e p n : into a wer urse, th advice uld ans d, of co ct their to colle t residents an This guide sho ct your te en u. perman me before yo om how to pro more… o fr c h – c e u s who’v estion and m your qu recycle a lot of what you can to laptop ents all stud ens are tudents’ rd ? a e W w y e S Who ar ent Communit work with the d cil to e n tu W u S o i. r n C u o U y Y e Cit y the b th n d d e n c y a e lice .W a emplo local Po g off campus gs and e th , d in il liv Gu longin students your be as give support ecurity-mark e as well t, c je s ro u ur hous p o ce y y y help you, o munit introdu cy. p m e to o e c k h s a to u e p is w an n o n ig a h b org on our te ke a rmation will ma t the start of y fo e in W ld help u . o y ff safe ally cou ving you a tu re h s it r it u w , o e e li uid joy and y -to-fac short g ou’ll en es face ad this efully y re p o ourselv to H e r. Exete the tim se take ur time here in o. d So plea o y e t w h as oth ou as muc to smo y it c t a re in this g mail – just e sist you ns? al area io c as t s lo t ’t e r n u u a ’t forge we c Any q s in yo If m k le .u b c an. Don a ro c r. p o te y h e n w x a @e Or one eetwise d some us at str e’ll help to fin ou live in. o to: ,w ns are g eet y e tr s rd a directly h W ic ity ate wh ommun to indic local C ywardens r u o y o unit out wh k/comm To find t e x .e www

e’re yo

Hello, w

















Exeter Central ET



John Lewis



Exeter Cathedral










James Owen Court

St James’ Park


















Accommodation buildings Main city centre and shops Bus stops

Forum to John Lewis 19 mins Forum to St Luke’s 30 mins Forum to St David’s 16 mins Rowancroft to John Lewis 17 mins Duryard to High Street 30 mins St Luke’s to John Lewis 12 mins






Princesshay Shopping Centre

Harlequins Shopping Centre

Guidhall Shopping Centre

Exeter Phoenix

Railway line & station

Bus stops

Uni-managed residences

Bottle bank (visit: www.exeter. for a more detailed list of bottle bank locations).

Drinking Ban Area

t it ha d for t e are tte aw er mi nsumithin e o B tp oc cw t o t li ha ). is n yone pub r y (t ntre! te n a an ol i und ty ce sca oh o nfi se ci alc this bs the an co d tho en n v c e lud olice hol, a uld e c n o i e P lco e c t! Th ur a efus ar res o r y ho ace f w POLSLOE BRIDGE















Walking M ap of Exe



Exeter St Davids



















ial checklist Here’s the essent you’ve of stuff to do now home: arrived in your new

Any proble ms or ques tions? The the Studen lovely peo ts’ Guild A ple in d vice Unit ca informatio n give advi n and sup ce, port on a w housing q hole host ueries. Th o f e office in Monday – the Forum Friday and is open there is also St Luke’s a service at Mondays, Wednesday See their w s and Frid eb pages ays. at www.e advice for xe terguild.c more detai om/ ls on conta frequently cting them asked ques an d tions.

1.Meet your neighbours - pop over and say hello or invite them round for a cup of tea. Get to know them BEFORE you throw a house warming party. Friendly neighbours can watch your house while you’re away and lend a potato peeler!

2. Check your inventory - your landlord should provide you with an inventory (if they don’t, make sure you write your own) so that you can both agree on the initial contents and state of the house!

3. Read your meters - if your gas and electricity bills are quarterly you’ll need to do this asap so you don’t risk getting charged for the previous tenants fuel use. Contact your gas and electricity providers (see contacts on back page) to give them the reading and ask them to put the names of all the tenants on the bill. Check your meter even if your bills are included! 4.Take date-stamped photos of every room - especially anything that’s not in good, clean condition. This means you’ll have evidence of what the house was like when you got the keys, which could save you trouble later.

e: tation Schem lord Accredi lords to nd la e Unipol Land at iv couraging pr en is ity rs l scheme The Unive This Nationa creditation. ac e th ed in e nt participat student re standards in e th e ov pr aims to im ion. scheme accommodat ited via this come accred be ho w the s ith rd w Landlo properties vertise their ad to knowing le nt ab de will be will be confi ts en ud st e’s d go an g the schem scheme’s lo ed to meetin itt m m co is lord that the Land e. tic ac pr ur of code or whether yo the scheme t ou ab exeter e k/ or To find out m to www.uni go , ed er st gi re Landlord is

5. Do you have the correct bins or have you ‘inherited’ rubbish? - sometimes students move into a new property with either the wrong refuse bins or no bins at all! Check what you’re entitled to by looking at the refuse section of this guide. New bins can be ordered by contacting the City Council on: 01392 265010. If your bins are already full of waste at the start of tenancy, it is important to ask your Landlord/agent to remove the material. Contact the Student Wardens on for advice on challenging waste issues. 6. Something wrong? - if it’s a dodgy doorknob or a window that won’t shut properly – inform your landlord IN WRITING and keep a copy. List exactly what’s wrong and agree a reasonable deadline for when it should be sorted. 7. Gas Safety Certificate - your landlord is legally obliged to make sure all the appliances in the house are safe. Check you’ve got a copy of this! 8. Make sure to pay your TV license if you watch TV live on any device or catch up programmes on iPlayer. Unsure if you need one? check:

Getting Involved to meet Like living in Exeter? Want ? nts ide res some of your fellow you l fee to y There’s no better wa ed in the belong than getting involv ld up bui sly community. It’ll seriou nce erie exp e your CV with invaluabl s, Plu e. lov which employers will count most of the things below can . too ard Aw towards your Exeter rd wa era xet e som Here’s a glimpse of olved… opportunities for getting inv

Do you have an idea for a community project? From street socials to community gardening days, the StreetWise Fund offers up to £300 for projects which help address local issues or simply bring neighbours together. community/streetwisefund

The Guild offers support, advice, academic representation, entertainment and loads of other activities to every student attending the University. Find out more about your Sabbatical Officers and explore the Students’ Guild at



Want to volunteer? ESV matches students with a project or club that suits their interests and provides them with support throughout their placement. There are a wide range of projects running on and off campus, email or visit Exeter Student Volunteers at to find out about current projects.

Within the Guild there are

over 240 diverse and exciting

societies that you can join: ranging from shared hobbies through

to sports. societies

Local Democracy

sity During your time at univer unity to ort opp the e hav l wil you uncil vote in the Exeter City Co uncil Co y unt Co von and/or the De in e vot can you s Plu ns. electio ropean the UK Parliament and Eu e that sur En ns. Parliament electio rd! hea is ce voi t your studen e international (Please be aware that som to vote in the UK) students will not be able

To find out more ab out registering to vote visit: www.ab

The University holds two free English language classes per week during term time for the families of international students. Teaching is informal and very flexible, depending on the needs and ability levels of the group. It’s a great way to improve your language skills and meet new people. For more information email


Your green bins or bo xes are always collected once a fortnight. Make sure you put rec ycling loose in the bin s and don’t contaminate it with an ything that isn’t on the list – or you could be left with the whole lot for another two weeks! For detailed informati on about recycling an d rubbish visit cling


The bin-ch

If you down

You can recycle: •A LL paper and card, including magazines, junk mail, envelopes and old notes • Cans, tins, foil and aerosols •A LL household plastic, including food tubs, bottles with lids, containers, packaging and bubble wrap •N O GLASS, LIQUID, FOOD WASTE OR JUICE CARTONS!!! REMEMBER -– You can put out extra recycling beside your green bin on recycling day – but these extra bags must be labelled ‘recycling’ with the first line of your address on the label too.

ecking App

load the iExe ter App you can add your address instantly see and when your b ins go out. The feature remembers your address so you can ch eck again at the touch of a button. This feature will also tell you about b ank holiday changes. www.exete ents/iexeter

ove Students on the Mrsity pays the Council to

rm 3 the Unive Every summer in Te be collected that the waste can so s on cti lle co tra arrange ex t for ‘Students on ction times. Look ou outside normal colle ser to the time. the Move’ info. clo how to get rid of on collection days, on ati orm inf re mo For compost bin: extra bin or even a an er ord to , ms ite large k/recycling can get personal anything else, you If you need to know 01392 265010. attention by calling

Glass, Text and Cartoniles s

(The stuff that can’t be recycled)

There are o ver 60 glass and textile bank sites in Exeter as w ell as seven carton recy cling banks ar ound the city. Most st udents find it simpler to recycle at th e same time th at they go shopping: al l the big sup er m arkets have recycl ing points. Find your n earest recycl ing sites: www.recyc /map

When putting out the rubbish remember:

•C heck where and when your rubbish is collected either by talking to neighbours or by downloading the iExeter App and clicking on . •B ins or bags should only be put out after 6pm the evening before collections and before 6am on collection day. You could receive a fine if you put them out too early! •O verfilled black bins (i.e. bin lid sticking up) and extra black bags of rubbish won’t be collected. •T ake your bin in after collection. Don’t leave it on the street – this is against the law and can be a real pain for pedestrians. Look after your bins because you can get charged for new ones. Call 01392 265010 or visit for advice.

nts tude s e re in th ictim One ill be a v f crime w rt o e so ying at m o of s ile stud iversity n wh or u t likely e g e l os col ’s m theft. t i d – an e from to b

ow? Did you knries are crimes of

es ll burgla ts themselv • 35% of a e burglar le th re e h w y ows. opportunit ors or wind nlocked do u h g u if ro th in be burgled re likely to o m s e m ti 0 • You are 1 curity. ave basic se you don’t h

u e yo ents r u cid ke s Ma any in e (see e). lic or t pag rep the po back rime to ts on he c r be tac ed t con u’ll ne ce numke an Yo feren u ma m. re re yo lai o ance c f e b sur in

• Always lock your windows and doors! Sounds obvious but if you don’t then you’re more likely to be burgled and your insurance won’t cover you.

“I had m y la nicked last yea ptop r-s just ope ned my omeone ground unlocke floor d and gra bedroom wind bbed it ow . It security marked wasn’t and I h loads o ad f perso n a l stuff on there – in my diss cluding er tation …” 3 rd Yea r S tu d en t

• Keep valuables out of sight, away from windows or doors and never leave them on your car seat. Don’t advertise your valuables to the local burglar! • Security-mark your valuables. Write on your name and HOME postcode with a UV pen or ask your Community Warden for a mark-up pack. Register your items for free at – so they can be traced back to you. • Don’t keep spare keys ‘hidden’ anywhere ays Over the holid n be obvious! That includes the shed and garage ca s student house rglary. as well as the disused flowerpot by the u b to le ab er vuln student to e front door. Thieves com they’ll elp

ing h me or gett ri c g in rt o Rep an ever. is easier th You can:

101 k or phone ns dc.police.u @ 1 0 ost questio 1 m il: to a m rs e •E sw n a d line and fin k • Report on all.police.u e von-cornw rt, for all th le A ll a at nd Cornw a n t vo a e D lp e nd h • Sign up to formation a ts, crime in latest even rts.dc.polic https://ale

know areas as they cupied, so oc n u e b often with you, s take valuable secure put them in k a friend storage or as them. to look after

t lly a safe city, bu Exeter is genera of e ar aw be it’s always best to d take an s er ng da ial nt pote … some precautions

Don’t let your drink get spiked* by taking a shot of each of these safety measures:

g’ pikin s ‘ k n * dri es the act rib ed desc creas n i g n di er of ad ol (or oth ls) alcoh mica e h c nted unwa a drink. to

•D on’t leave your drink unattended and never accept a drink if you haven’t seen it being poured/opened. • I f you feel odd, nauseous, slightly drunk, or wasted when you know that you shouldn’t feel like that, tell someone that you can trust and get yourself immediately to a place of safety.


wever nces and fun, ho e for new experie tim a is . ity no rs ns ive ea Un en it m eone says no, th when you or som r: Always remembe it could be RAPE th parties, or else bo by . d ire qu re is becoming a victim • Consent urself in trouble or yo d fin uld co u ea and yo worried to sp k ed, ashamed or ar sc el fe r ve ne ort at any time – • You should t advice and supp ge n ca u e. Yo e. lic to the po back of this guid ts section at the ac nt co e th e se please

The best way to stay safe at night is to stick with your friends. It doesn’t happen often, but students have been assaulted in the past when walking home alone Always remember: •D uring darkness you are safest in well-lit and busy areas. Avoid badly lit car parks, underground walkways and open areas. • Cover up expensive-looking jewellery, mobile phones, keys, cash and cards. •G et a taxi - save some cash for the end of the night so you can be brought straight home - it’s much safer. Please be aware that official taxis will display a green or yellow license number. • I f you find yourself in trouble the best form of defence is to get away and head towards busier areas. • I f you are trapped bring attention to yourself and make as much noise as possible by shouting or screaming. •C ALL 999 as soon as it is possible to do so and never feel ashamed to report something.

B S A & e s Noi-siocial behaviour) (Ant

which causes or is ehaviour by a person ASB is defined as “B ss to one or more tre dis ment, alarm or likely to cause harass son”. e household as the per 1). persons not of the sam Responsibility Act 201 orm and Social Act 2003 & Police Ref (Antisocial Behaviour

e a really dents living in Exeter hav t the vast majority of stu students raise of ber num The good news is tha all sm ghbours. Only a very nei ir the h wit p shi including the Police. tion positive rela rsity or other agencies, ive Un the from n ntio interve concerns that result in facts: aware of the following us it is important to be mp -ca When living off sideration con e are expected to hav arly state that students cle s tion t issues ula duc reg con ent lore tud • S , and do, exp ours. The University can and respect for neighb campus boundaries. that occur outside the turbances. campus to explore dis nd student premises offatte can rol Pat ate ance Est • reporting noise/disturb d a surge in students nce erie exp s before has our y ghb rsit nei he Unive •T nt to consult with your in the city. It is importa ties per pro er oth from dent neighbours! al – including your stu impact organising a party/soci ice cautions can really but arrests and even Pol ed, est ting arr get get of s ely rar nce • Students not only harm your cha criminal conviction can a g es. vin ntri Ha . cou CV er r oth you on unteer or travel to act on your ability to vol services a job, it can even imp and DJ’s offering their in promotion companies rise a d sometimes nce can erie ent exp ipm • Exeter has ent. The use of such equ ipm equ nd ent. sou g din tion/seizure of equipm for house parties or len lead to statutory convic can and l nci cou the require licensing from ether. DJ’s) are convicted tog Often tenants (and the

y – some ouse part h d o iends o g ea roup of fr We all lik s and a g k n sult ri n d o c w fe failing to t u music, a B ? ga e not to lik r receivin – what’s g fined o in e b o , s rs e hbou NOT b your neig uncil will ips m the Co o fr rty Top T g a P in r warn read ou e s a le P . much fun xt page. on the ne

Don ’t t your aint CV!

Party* Top Tips

any gathering likely to generate also refers to pre-drinks, after-parties or *Please note that the ‘party’ advice below tial area. Lack of planning would are NEVER a good idea in a mixed residen ngs gatheri ned’ ‘unplan or ’ ‘Ad-hoc noise. go wrong. that might be made by the University if things be factored into any disciplinary decisions

1. Consult your neighbours.

6. Watch out for gatecrashers

a Don’t just ‘tell’ your neigbours you are having good party, talk with them in advance, and give ours living notice If you cannot speak with neighb before. around you, write a short letter 3 4 days finish and Describe when your party will start and t if give them the number of someone to contac If your they have any problems with your plans. more neighbour has your number they are much rather likely to come to you if there is a problem than the Police.

2. Bad vibrations. really A booming bass on your sound system sweet can travel further than you think Keep things speakers with your neighbours by moving all TVs, and and sound systems away from the walls lowering the bass level

3 Keep it inside.

Keep it inside and close the windows and doors. It can make all the difference

4. Party at the weekend. There’ll be more people free to come, fewer round complaints and less sleep deprivation all for Remember those who have to get up early deadlines work and friends who may have essay night y or exams. Remember partying on a Sunda is NOT the weekend

5. DJ’s and Speaker Hire

speaker In the vast majority of instances DJ’s and systems are not appropriate for domestic parties rary even if they do offer you soundproofing Tempo control noise soundproofing is unlikely to be sufficient to urs and this could lead to complaints from neighbo ive The more neigbours that complain about excess ion noise the more likely the prospect of convict

As far as landlords are concerned, you’ve rented the house so you are the ones who’ll ed. If be held responsible if anything gets damag have gatecrashers enter your property and you ‘ignore’ concerns, ring 999. Be aware that if you wrong/ uninvited guests and they do something illegal on your property, you could be liable

7. Use of Social Media and Event Organising Apps

via social Take care, if you are organising a party want to media Only include those people you really enough attend If you are organising a party large is likely to require an event planning App, the party consider to be too big for a residential property so holding it at a professional venue

8. It is not just students who make a noise!

Notices, The council can dish out Noise Abatement unruly fines and even prosecutions to combat noise from any resident! If you are being troubled by excessive noise you can call 01392 265147 for advice.

“I ha d my and d speak ecks taken ers City C b made ouncil bec y the ause too m we uch n didn’ o neigh t consult w ise and b that t ours – I ha ith the he Co d no sound uncil coul idea ds equip ment eize Seco !” n d Ye a r Stud en





Miles 0



0 Kilometres



On your bike

Whether you’re heading from campus to the cathedral grounds or from the shops to seashores. With fantastic cycle routes and ample cycle parking city wide, you can get almost anywhere in Exeter by bike! It’ll save you time and money too!

DON’T BE DIM: If you chose to cycle, please ensure you are road legal with front and rear lights.

Cycle Support

bli nd s o Ex c t all f p ha mo ra ns are ossib ru lf h uth po ea o n u rt: sy ilitie Ex s fr r – Tr to s n ev mou om and ain ge ea e s E S t tt r h, xe er ru ho ry Da o se urly 15 m Mon ter B vice n ev rvi Th rtm e u i d ( 57 ry ns e s a c e v ou e y Da ha hi is eni , (da to stat bu th s ev ng i be s a p stor ra wlis er ). ytim Satu on t i i c in h n i y 3 Th va g ctu po o r er se Wa lle bu re rt 0 m e S e) an day D y h rv y sq o r il a ins und d da ou ice ren fro rt. T ove t on ue f Da . ay ys r d a – ma m D he rloo a st sett rtm w . Se urin nd S Fre P i k n a rv li th rt ilgr ing eep ng, outh y e q g 0 msh a ice 2 the rvic uen Da is pe histo mou im the wo F r t r wi da e B t inu nd a Ho tm iod ric h i th Riv ode rin te Tei ll t y, a ru Ply wh use out rem buil n 16 ers er d g t s d gn ake nd ns mo s. m he ur W us ile and h Ca ain ding 20 a saile o y hy ed Ba ev ing out ou n s d ut , s n t t m i en th h n in yar he le, A ncl fro d a h o ing e d As riti t v ma ds Ch re gin udi m Th me isi e C w gu n n an ay, r s tt in y t ov ub co g ho ell C d to lar u e gs Ta ele P Dr ps as ity he r n vis has ub, t sta an buse to Riv ke a yo ake inclu a w of P histo ion be tio d T s t e t do se r L rip fo u ca s Cir din ide lym ric n. or o se en qu rie of rvice ink on So r a g n w cus g th sele outh s ay a t t s . up he w nd he Ba und rea alk shop e re ction . Ch rive Dar ill ta Gre rive th rbic , vis t vie up t pin now of Sid t r r k e e s an it r g w o wa isti to to e y nw – r hip , o the ov the cen ned mo sh y to e’s f Gre view ou ay egu Ta s i r ta hi er P Ho tre t o F o k l n o e s ut , se ps To rm nw th th e a De ke a tor lym e th err ar e i c vo o an lecti – th tnes er h ay, e ca e m y of hi trip h ut np trip d p on ere . S ou Ag stl ou Sid sto h t J t e o t u r s r len to ’s a ol e, at , o th Vi m i o rt. o v alo rass ou c Re the iew ty vis n i l ar or ha r th sit D ng ic C th, ge sea of it a nte ou all e t a h n Ca bo rtm o s l pla s w re nd th Co e to the ast. oca cy t ide ce ell stin th e 13 stle at f ou nn wn Esp Ta ted ow at e st ke n au o gu 88 u , wh rom th C o e as g g l o a r n gh st na a ar nt ich To as at alle Th din il t G ro de str the w tl . rie ll a , e ol in g t the was n Q e – c a Ba l s r gs Ta de ro xp at he Se in u rn ns un lor to sp ke a Da con use ay t ch Ta . sta dt e e k rt d W fr o t w c d he an ta ma e a om he a es o ple l tu orl Th Ga d co cula k u th in t trip ar d p e r i r a o y. ng W to an de st. vie Pe w h o Vi a l ar, n st sh d ca ns w Visi ws ak H in ving dest , w Nor Aq sit th o an owh rniv ith t th ove ill, of 930 be bor hich th D do sp uar e N e . d a ou or a c e C r th for o e s c e i t a P u o o o Th cie m tio o s a ho Th n g ug lai vo e by piar vari e, a us p llect nna tow a v nnie ps, w ere’s ran h in ms t n’s cre ere s spr , wh nal te Sir y, im ety sun lan ion ug isi r M h E n a at are ea ich Ma d n o t. h “P o k ts Jo ur d o h ri ar ile t wid its gla be Ta hn mor f pl en in of c t n es all ke he e ch nd Th to ause ga th ac a kin ver as o e v t se ke a t f B n a a r ti is tra ri arte , i et lis ts rd e om d si ve Co the on we di et jem ed an en ha e wh wa Vis ngs r se s of x zo r 40 an nna tow Pea ll w tio y in d a a t ve er lk 0 t l it m n

st o

Fa th ncy e Th be a tr Ex ere ac ip e a h? to by ter re pu , a lot

The University’s Sustainability team hosts regular events, to keep your cycle safe and in good shape. Monthly ‘Dr Bike’ sessions offer free safety checks to all Univeristy members.

Advice on cycle purchasing, cycle routes and handy discounts is regularly circulated to members of the Unicycle mailing list: For information on these events and the support available email


Cars and parking allenge at Exeter Car parking is a real ch ere is no parking u not to bring a car. Th yo e vis ad gly dary on str we and ide within the city boun ff or students who res sta w ne for eatham us Str e mp Th ca on in the vicinity. us parking is available mp -ca off y the city an y of rdl ce ha tan and walking dis are located within easy s use mp ca s ke’ Lu St and arges are high. centre and parking ch park ase ensure you always ng a car to Exeter ple vise ad we it rm If you DO decide to bri pe N s parking . If you have a resident’ in ult res n ca h ac safely and considerately W , as any bre E and conditions carefully ng rki pa t ou ab on you to read the terms ati ral inform S al of permits. For gene of n tio sec us’ mp the permanent withdraw ca dents off view the ‘Parking for Stu regulations in the city rparking ca ts/ en ud this web page: www.e 0.2




Signed cycle

On-road cycle


Advisory cycle

Cycle shop


All Aboard! d track Footpath National Cycl e Network with route number Cycle shop

© Crown cop Cycle park yright ing and databa

You can get 1/ 3 off tickets w ith a Young Perso n’s Railcard www.16-25ra So get away from essays fo r the day and ex plore what th e South West ha s to offer… Bus station

Railway with train 0.6

with cycle

Cycle locke

One-way stree




cycle rout route



/ Unsurface



t / Cycle cont

se rights 201


School / Colle ge / Universit y Tourist Infor mation Cent re Place of wors hip




6 Ordnance

On-road cycle

Signed cycle



Cycle shop

Bus station

School / Colle

Railway with train

cycle route

Survey 100




Advisory cycle

/ Unsurface

National Cycl 0.8 e Network with route number Cycle shop 0.8


d track

with cycle



One-way stree


ge / Universit y Tourist Infor mation Cent re Place of wors hip




Cycle locke

Cycle park




t / Cycle cont



w an n n ah m ne 0 to e p re a a to lea th wo ona u ve . or ar s. bo d in ugh n, t k H rth l do To eng laye Fra p to rse hu rn m e M se ine De wer the t Ga hen ill, lo st lig wer age d b ncis the dis man ore useu os s v r t o s , o d o h D o h H i p his ab m ha wa th s th the wl ra oe n fl I se elt en th k e l a S a n p o y as o rk ow e i er s w e th s re ouse e o Arm s be ke is an Ro d th s in tory ut t f No tw Th end s. Co ts o a ya e r clu of he rt ar pp Ply e to buil , wh ld E ad fore sai d pe e be som ers” bri f its nde les l D eg de th p h D d T g . ton r b t a a e i e e Ad mo p fo t on ich ddy a. Sm sail d to h ro do me the a hys ev Ja ble ch ke v e t t s o u i i p r i t c rea ca on an jac th th th wh to me ng wn Ti he a b n Y nt o s n e i C T c , s b a e n a l i h do al bu xt ar ta en So e b e H en e . T an to t s r T e o i e o o k k a C o l v c l i a G he d n’s rka e r cli te ad t w to n t red n t de t t un es oe re tm u o e m Bic r t l T l r mb e de a ide ito an lec al he siz 18 t k h mi he , w o th d a t vi . C pla T l h C o d n l e r ry. tio ler r k e e a b ut Bid se 0 m ail, alo ta to litar late hich e H nd ews limb ced no y th fé o Jaco by h bea up Esp eac k h att efo ction iles whi ng a e b r C bs ig ch th la h. ft O an urs a y us 166 wa oe i Drak ove to N 12 e th r e i n c h k ew he ea on lad c is s h ad eha Ta at ract d o s fro n a h st sec d T re e t 0’s s o s th es r e 0 ton ch na d liff an ill mp e hu av od an rig e R Isla wh bus trai Ex St Sa ke t th Barn ive r r Bra m B figu retc tion . ton ug er t s. 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Explore: connected to a

Double Lock

s Inn


Useful websites

To Turf Lock , Starcross and Dawlish

If you have the week’s shopping to carry, or want to avoid the rain catch one of the regular buses which run from the city centre to the Streatham and St Luke’s campuses. The University-funded D bus service runs from morning until late at night every 15 minutes from Monday to Saturday and every 30 minutes on Sundays. You can purchase a discounted Unirider season ticket online at or check out sustainability/travel/buscoach for more information.


ea e a sy i re y ma g a you nfo p, ou to roun wan rma gre d D t to tio g at e mo von be, n to oin t e ne h y-s asy, ere help g . av ing from are lo yo .. u

r uk/sustainabilit y/travel – find out all you need to know ab out travelling to, from and between the Exeter campuses.



well The city is alking and www.cyclestreet ffic-free w a tr f o – plan your prefer ty e vari routes ether you h w fro , m A to B by bike o s s te u t ro o n g using their UK-w y lin h w , cyc e id s ide a cycle journey plan yside or se ner system. e W . a the countr re a e th d explore www.stagecoach xe get out an – find a with the E g in rt ta s d n g tim e n etable, plan your lo m a m o te u rec ro l fu journey or buy yo ti u ur ail – a bea ecting tickets online for bus tra n n o Estuary Tr c ry a ve tu s l ar e ou e nd th De f vo o n and beyond. both sides to Exeter d Dawlish n a th u fo o n m Ex www.nationalra elevon.i – book in www.trav advance n. o ti Quay. Visit fo a r cheap train ticke ir p s in d n a ts. Or go with frien n o ti a rm fo in ds r fo and grab the grou p discount.


Choosing to travel around on foot or by bike is a great way of keeping active and enjoying the health and wellbeing benefits that physical activity brings. It also saves money and helps to reduce local congestion and air quality issues.

Tra by vel De tra ling vo in i n n




Get Active

now but the ems far away We know it se be time to and it’ll soon year will fly by e are some use again. Her leave your ho before… e who’ve fled hints from thos

1. Change your address 2-3 weeks before the move so you don’t miss out on any essential post. You could have your mail re-directed, you could also leave the next residents your new address so they could forward anything you’ve forgotten to change.

2. Unsubscribe the gas, electricity, water, phone etc, otherwise

they’ll keep charging you. Try to call them as soon as you know your moving out date and take meter readings on the day you leave.

3. Check the photos from when you moved in to ensure that everything is still in order. This includes going through the house inventory. 4. Too much stuff? Old pots and pans you don’t need? There are collection points in University managed accommodation at the end of the year. Alternatively, take your items to one of Exeter’s many charity shops

5. Good clean fun! Book a day with all your housemates to clean up and put furniture back in the right place. Leaving it all for the last person is not what you want to do! But remember - at the end of term use your ‘Students on the Move’ stickers to make sure that you don’t get fined for putting your rubbish out after collection. Email to place an order. If you missed the

last bin day or want other advice go to 6. Speak to the landlord to set up an inspection date when you are still around to inspect the house together. 7. If you are the lead tenant, make sure you are contactable after moving out so that you can receive information about the return of deposits. Make sure your landlord or Estate Agents know how to get a hold of you. If there are any problems involving the return of your deposit or additional charges from your landlord/agent, contact the Students’ Guild Advice Unit for info.


Estate Patrol: for issues connected to security on campus and to investigate noise/disturbances in private student accommodation: 01392 263999 Students’ Guild VP Welfare and Equality:

Guild Advice Unit:

free and impartial information and advice on a range of issues: 01392 723520 or email

Nightline: completely confidential and

anonymous student-run listening and information service: The number is on the back of your student cards. (8pm – 8am every night during term time) or email

Chaplaincy: for a directory of contact

numbers for various faiths 01392 723649

StreetWise Helpline: for highlighting

non-emergency community issues direct to the University or to schedule a meeting with your Student Community Wardens: 01392 726252

OTHER CONTACTS Police Emergencies: 999 Police non-emergencies: 101 Fire Service Emergencies: 999 Fire Service non-emergencies:

(community safety) enquiries: 01392 872288

Medical Emergencies: 999 NHS Direct: For health Advice and Information: 111

University of Exeter Student Health Centre: 01392 676606 Electricity: to find out your supplier: 0845 330 0889

Gas: to find out your supplier: 0870 608 1524

Water: To set up an account: 0800 169 1144 For an existing account: 0800 169 1133

Environmental Health: if you are bothered by ongoing noise from premises that requires investigation: 01392 265147 Exeter City Council’s Cleansing Services: for missed bin collections, to

request additional bins or to make recycling enquiries: 01392 265010

Exeter City Council’s Flytipping Service: for removing rubbish that you think is the result of flytipping:


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