SWEEP - Delivering Economic and Community Benefits The South West Partnership for Environmental and Economic Prosperity (SWEEP) is helping the South West of the UK become a national exemplar for sustainable economic growth, social gains, and environmental improvements built on the regions’ natural capital. Led by Professor Ian Bateman OBE, SWEEP is a major Natural Environment Research Council impact programme, running from 2017‐2022. They connect expertise from the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth, and Plymouth Marine Laboratory with a large group (200+) of highly engaged, regional and national businesses, policymakers, and community partners. The programme aims to support the regions’ decision‐makers to adopt a Natural Capital Approach to investments and policy by developing bespoke guidance, decision support and mapping tools. Together, they are working towards a future where the South West builds on a restored, more resilient and enhanced natural environment, producing gains for business, government and society. So far, they have helped leverage over £43 million of new funding, influenced over £95 million of partner investments and business cases, supported partner cost saving in excess of £200 million, and created or safeguarded 47 jobs. In terms of positive environmental impacts, they have helped protect 117 square miles of seabed from near-shore trawling and 8,416 hectares of land planted for pollinators. Please contact the Environment and Clean Growth team to find out more.
CREWW Managing Natural Resources The Centre for Resilience in the Environment, Water and Waste (CREWW) is an exciting new research centre at the University of Exeter, established through funding from Research England and South West Water.