INTO Exeter pre sessional english 2016

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Application form 2 of 2

Want to find out more? If you would like to find out more about any of our courses or services, please visit our website. You can also contact the Centre via email or phone, or visit one of our education counsellors in your home country.

Enquiries and applications

Section 5

Current English language proficiency

Please tick and enter details of your most recent English language test.

Have you arranged to take any other English language test(s) before starting your INTO course?

Note: students will be assessed upon arrival and study plans WILL be altered if there is any discrepancy. Please



provide a copy of your certificate.





Trinity College London

Other (please specify)

Name of exam Date due to be taken    /   /   (dd/mm/yy)

INTO University of Exeter Admissions University of Exeter INTO Building Stocker Road Exeter EX4 4PY United Kingdom T: +44 1392 724282 E:

Section 6 Welfare Do you have any conditions, medical or otherwise, that may impact your time in the UK? exeter intouniversityofexeter into_exeter intoexevideos Download the mobile app at: intoexeter

Travel and medical insurance  Yes


Completion and signing of this form gives INTO permission to administer first aid by trained staff first aiders if required.

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?



Have you been convicted of a relevant criminal offence?



If you have answered yes to any of the above, please provide full details with your application on a separate sheet.

The full cost of Uniplan insurance will be added to the invoice unless proof of alternative adequate cover is attached. For full details on insurance packages and prices see page 83 of the brochure.

© INTO University of Exeter LLP, October 2015. All content published in this document is believed accurate at time of publication. INTO reserves the right to alter details of all aspects of its operation without notice.

I understand that Uniplan insurance will be added to the invoice Uniplan Insurance cover commences one week before your programme start date and finishes one week after your programme end date. If you require a longer period of cover please complete the start and end dates below:




Start date            (dd/mm/yy)

IUP 2 LLP is a limited liability partnership registered in England and Wales, registered number OC376452. Registered office: One Gloucester Place, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4AA, UK. Education provider sponsor number 3FMMCWWY2


End date            (dd/mm/yy)

I have my own insurance and enclose a copy

Section 7

Accommodation options

INTO accommodation required?



Please indicate the building and room type you would prefer by ticking 3 boxes below to indicate your 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice of accommodation. Please note that INTO aims to provide the highest preference requested but, if this is not available, INTO reserves the right to provide or suggest alternative accommodation.

1st preference: 2nd preference: 3rd preference: Halls of residence – Shared studio

Halls of residence – Studio

Halls of residence – Superior en suite

Homestay – Standard

Section 8



Do you envisage that you will have any specific requirements in student accommodation as a result of a disability/medical condition?



Dietary requirements Please give details of special dietary requirements e.g. halal, vegetarian, no pork, any food allergies.

Airport pickup

Flight details including arrival date and flight number should be emailed to as soon as possible. All under 18 students must either book an INTO airport pickup or provide evidence of alternative arrangements.

Section 9

Do you require homestay during the holiday periods?

Do you require an airport pickup? London Gatwick (£255)

London Heathrow (£235)

Bristol International (£125)

Exeter (£30)


I declare that the information I have supplied on and with this form is complete and correct   I have read and understood and agree to abide by the terms and conditions available at:   I agree to abide by the Cancellation and Refund Policy



Signed Date            (dd/mm/yy) (Parent/guardian) For students under 18

6 and 10 week courses available


I agree to pay all tuition and accommodation and sundry expense fees as they become due



Signed Date            (dd/mm/yy)

Education counsellor’s stamp

Iagree that my records and achievements may be used for promotional purposes, without further notification

INTO Giving Support our charity INTO Giving helps transform lives by supporting educational projects around the world. We work with projects that provide access to good quality education for young people living in difficult circumstances. Before you arrive at the centre, you can donate £25 to help provide an education for one of the 57 million out-of-school children by ticking the box below. To find out more about INTO Giving, visit our website   I confirm that I would like to make a donation of £25 to INTO Giving and agree for this donation to be added to my invoice/financial statement.   I am happy to receive INTO Giving newsletters and project updates via email.



Iagree that copies of my academic progress and performance reports can be supplied to parents, sponsors or education counsellors without further notification

Through innovative partnerships with leading universities, we expand opportunities for higher education, ensuring success and transforming the lives of our students and staff.


I understand that the giving of false or incomplete information may lead to the refusal of my application or cancellation of my enrolment

Pre-sessional English 2016

English language preparation for international students

of Pre-sessional English students progressed to the University of Exeter in 2015

INTO University of Exeter

Pre-sessional English 2016

Application form 1 of 2

Education counsellor's stamp

You should return your application pack to your local education counsellor or directly to the INTO Admissions Office at least one

Pre-sessional English

Key course facts Start dates

University courses A

June and July

The Pre-sessional English course provides intensive preparation in academic English for students who are academically qualified and hold an offer to start an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at the University of Exeter in September 2016.

Research degrees (MbyRes/ MPhil/PhD) in: Anthropology; Arab and Islamic Studies; Archaeology; Art History; Classics and Ancient History; Drama; Education; English; Film Studies; History; Law; Liberal Arts; Modern Languages; Philosophy; Politics and International Relations; Sociology; Strategy and Security; Theology and Religion; MA Translation; BSc Medical Sciences.

Course dates Mon 20 Jun 2016–Fri 26 Aug 2016 (10 weeks) Mon 18 Jul 2016–Fri 26 Aug 2016 (6 weeks) Due to the intense nature of these programmes late starts will not be permitted.

Course length 10 or 6 weeks

ACCOMMODATION INTO student residences

This course is suitable for you if you are academically qualified, hold an offer from the University of Exeter, and need to improve your English language level before starting an undergraduate or postgraduate degree at the University of Exeter.

An integrated environment where you will quickly become part of a friendly student community.

WHAT IS SPECIAL ABOUT THIS COURSE? • Intensive English language and study skills preparation in a university environment. • Language development within your area of study. • Highly experienced teachers offering the best preparation. • Opportunity to make friends and develop a support network before your university course begins. • Familiarise yourself with the University’s facilities and services.

ASSESSMENT You will be internally assessed to discover whether you have achieved the appropriate level of English language for your intended degree course. Methods of assessment are: a reading test, a writing test, a long essay, listening tests and a short presentation. You will be fully prepared for these tests in class and online.

COURSE OUTCOMES You must meet the University’s academic requirements and any other outstanding conditions. If you have done this then achieving the required level of English language in the Pre-sessional course will allow you to progress to the University without needing to retake an IELTS test.

20 hours per week

• Single studio with en suite bathroom and kitchenette.

Class size Maximum of 18 students per class

Age requirement 17 years and above

Academic requirement

• Shared studio with shared bathroom and kitchenette.

Applicants must hold an offer of a place on a degree course at the University of Exeter.

• Superior single bedroom with en suite bathroom and shared kitchen.

English language entry requirement

Accommodation prices 2016 Start dates Shared studio 10-week course 6-week course

£1,700 £1,020


Superior Homestay en suite

£2,000 £1,800 £1,200 £1,080

£1,800 £1,080

Please note that there is variation in requirements depending on intended degree programme. See the table on opposite page for further details. 6 weeks: IELTS 6.0 (with a minimum of 6.0 in all subskills) 10 weeks: IELTS 5.5 (with a minimum of 5.0 in all subskills)

Tuition fee 10 weeks: £4,600 6 weeks: £2,800


Tuition fees do not include:

Complete the application form and send it along with your supporting documentation to:

• Textbooks and other learning materials: £70 (10 weeks) and £40 (6 weeks).

INTO University of Exeter Admissions University of Exeter INTO Building Stocker Road Exeter EX4 4PY E:

Further guidance

You can also apply online at:

For further guidance please check with the INTO Admissions Office or your education counsellor.

Student scoring

Class hours


month before your intended start date.


Please send to: INTO University of Exeter Admissions, University of Exeter, INTO Building, Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4PY, UK

Counsellor’s name:

T: +44 1392 724282 | E:





Research degrees (MbyRes/ MPhil/PhD) in Medical Sciences at the Medical School; MA Creative Writing; MA English Literary Studies; One Planet MBA; MSc Financial Analysis and Fund Management; MSc Human Resource Management; MSc International Management; MSc Marketing. Undergraduate degrees in Accountancy, Business, Economics, English, History, Psychology (including, Combined Honours in these subjects).

All Research degrees (MbyRes/ MPhil/PhD) other than those listed in Columns A, B and E All Masters degrees other than those listed in Columns A and B.

All undergraduate degrees other than Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery (BMBS); BSc Medical Imaging or those listed in Column B.

Research degrees (MbyRes/MPhil/PhD) in: Biosciences; Computer Science; Engineering; Geology; Mathematics; Mining; Physics; Renewable Energy.

For University English language/linguistic entry requirements please visit or

Counsellor’s email:

You can also apply online at

Section 1 Student details (You must complete this section accurately otherwise your visa application may be affected) Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms)

Nationality / citizenship

Family name

Do you have or are you applying for permanent residence in the UK?



Other names

Are you a US citizen or a US permanent resident?



Do you have dual nationality status?






Date of birth

/   /   (dd/mm/yy) Current age

If yes, please provide full details

What type of visa do you intend to apply for?   Student Tier 4 visa

IELTS 7.0 with no section less than 6.0 PTE Academic 65 with no less than 55 in all skills Cambridge English: Advanced and Proficiency – at least 185 overall and no less than 169 in any section TOEFL IBT: 100 overall, writing 24, listening 21, reading 22, speaking 23

If writing IELTS 6.0, PTE 55, No compulsory Pre-sessional TOEFL 21 or Cambridge English 169: 10 week Pre-sessional required

IELTS 6.5 with no section less than 6.0 PTE Academic 58 with no less than 55 in all skills Cambridge English: Advanced and Proficiency – overall score 176 with no less than 169 in any section TOEFL IBT: 90 overall, writing 21, listening 21, reading 22, speaking 23

If writing IELTS 6.0, PTE 55, 6 week Pre-sessional required TOEFL 21 or Cambridge English 169: 10 week Pre-sessional required. If writing IELTS 6.5, PTE 58, TOEFL 25 or Cambridge English 176: 6 week Pre-sessional required

No compulsory Pre-sessional

IELTS 6.5 with one section at 5.5 PTE Academic 58 with one section at 51 and all other sections at 55 Cambridge English: Advanced and Proficiency – overall score 176 with one section at 162 TOEFL IBT: 90 overall with one section less than the required level

If writing is IELTS 6.5, PTE 58, TOEFL 25 or Cambridge English 176: 10 week Pre-sessional required In all other cases at least 20 weeks’ tuition is required

If writing is IELTS 5.5, TOEFL 18, PTE 51 or Cambridge English 162: 10 week Pre-sessional required If writing is at least IELTS 6.0, PTE 55, TOEFL 21 or Cambridge English 169: 6 week Pre-sessional required

If writing IELTS 5.5, TOEFL 18, PTE 51 or Cambridge English 162: 10 week Pre-sessional required. In all other cases 6 week Pre-sessional required

If writing is IELTS 5.5, PTE 51 or Cambridge English 162: 10 week Pre-sessional required In all other cases: 6 week Pre-sessional

IELTS 6.0 with no section less than 6.0 10 week Pre-sessional required 10 week Pre-sessional required PTE Academic 55 overall with no less than 55 in all skills Cambridge English: Advanced and Proficiency – overall score 169 with no less than 169 in any section TOEFL IBT: 87 overall, writing 21, listening 21, reading 22, speaking 23

6 week Pre-sessional required

6 week Pre-sessional required

No compulsory Pre-sessional

IELTS 6.0 with 6.0 in writing and one other At least 20 weeks’ tuition section at 5.5 needed. PTE Academic 55 overall with no less than 51 in any section Cambridge English: Advanced and Proficiency – overall score 169 with 169 in writing and one other section at 162 TOEFL IBT: 80-87 overall with 21 in writing and no more than one other section below the required level

10 week Pre-sessional required

10 week Pre-sessional required 6 week Pre-sessional required

IELTS 6.0 with 5.5 in writing and one other section at 5.0 Cambridge English: Advanced and Proficiency: overall 169 with 162 in writing and one other section at 154 PTE not accepted TOEFL IBT: 80-87 overall with 18-20 in writing and no more than one other section below the required level

At least 20 weeks’ tuition needed

At least 20 weeks’ tuition required

IELTS 5.5 overall with no section less than 5.0 Cambridge English: Advanced and Proficiency: overall 162 and no section less than 154 PTE not accepted TOEFL IBT: 71 overall with writing 17, reading 8, listening 13 and speaking 19.

At least 30 weeks’ tuition needed

No compulsory Pre-sessional

No compulsory Pre-sessional

No compulsory Pre-sessional

Short term study visa

No visa

Permanent country of residence

Name as written on passport

Student’s home address (you must complete this accurately as it may affect your visa application)

Passport number City Postcode Country

If writing is IELTS 6.0, , TOEFL 21 PTE 55 or Cambridge English 169: 10 week Pre-sessional required If writing is IELTS 5.5, TOEFL 18, PTE 51 or Cambridge English 162 at least 20 weeks’ tuition is required

No compulsory Pre-sessional

Student’s telephone numbers in country of residence (including international code)

No compulsory Pre-sessional

Tel Mobile telephone Student’s email address

Section 2

Parent/Spouse/Family member and Sponsor details

Title (Mr/Mrs/Ms)

Postcode Country

Family name

Telephone (including international code)

Other names

Email address

Relationship to student

How do you intend to fund your studies?

Contact address





*Name of employer/sponsor: City

6 week Pre-sessional required

Section 3

INTO course selection

Pre-sessional English   Jun 2016 (10 weeks)

Jul 2016 (6 weeks)

Proposed undergraduate or postgraduate programme (Must be completed for visa purposes) 10 week Pre-sessional required 10 weeks Pre-sessional required

10 week Pre-sessional required

Please provide the name of the degree programme you intend to study at University: University student number as given on your University offer letter:

Section 4 At least 30 weeks’ tuition needed 10 weeks Pre-sessional required 10 weeks Pre-sessional required

10 week Pre-sessional required

NOTE: Pre-sessional English is not accepted for degrees in medical related disciplines such as BMBS and BSc Medical Imaging. In the event that UKVI legislation with regard to linguistic minima changes post publication (October 2015) the University reserves the right to change a) acceptable English language tests and/or b) minimum overall and/or subscores required to enter either or both degree programmes or Pre-sessional English programmes. Pre-sessional offer holders will be sent further guidance about their visa application within three months of the Pre-sessional start date. Advice may vary according to their linguistic scores and the test taken to evidence these.

Student’s education history

Please give full details of your current or most recent school, college or university. For visa purposes we must have a full history of your academic background. Please ensure any gaps in your education are fully explained either on the application form or enclosed with your supporting documentation. All official institution transcripts, latest available results or forecast results must be submitted in English.   I confirm that I have included full details of all of my academic studies and do not have any plans to study further prior to enrolling on my programme with INTO. I understand that failure to provide full information on my academic studies may result in a visa refusal and/or dismissal from the Centre. Institution name

/   /   to    /   /   (dd/mm/yy) Date you received (or will receive) your certificate     /   /   (dd/mm/yy) Dates of study

Highest educational qualification name Language of instruction

Institution city/town Postcode Country Email address  Have you ever studied in the UK?



If yes, please provide full details of study durations. Please also include a copy of your previous visa (must be completed for visa purposes).





From           to            (dd/mm/yy) Have you ever been refused a visa for the UK?



Have you ever been refused a visa application to any country?



If yes, please provide full details

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