The One Planet MBA Prospectus 2014

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2014 Entry



University of Exeter Business School

Our programme will immerse, excite and challenge you. You will be joining a global network of new leaders – leaders who view the planet differently and have the skills and motivation to make a difference. Professor Robin Mason, Dean, University of Exeter Business School



University of Exeter Business School




Built on strong foundations


Recognised for research excellence


The One Planet MBA

10 – 17

Your MBA Project

18 – 19

International experiences

20 – 21

Engage with enlightened corporate partners

22 – 23

Learn from the experts

24 – 25

Our global community

26 – 27

How we developed the One Planet MBA

28 – 29

Why choose an MBA?

30 – 31

Celebrating 25 years of excellence

32 – 33

Exeter – simply a great place to be

34 – 35

Supporting you to succeed

36 – 37

One Planet MBA scholarships

38 – 39

Come and join us

40 – 41

Come and meet us


How to find us


I wanted to obtain a qualification that would enable me to leap-frog the competition, hone my leadership and management skills, and have my capabilities recognised through a reputable university. Satadru Roy (India), One Planet MBA 2011–12

The University of Exeter Business School is the destination for forward thinking managers who want to take their place as future leaders of innovative, enlightened and commercially sustainable organisations.

Building on our 25 years experience of delivering the MBA qualification, we are now at the leading edge of MBA innovation, re-defining the classic, traditional MBA to meet the challenges of the future.



University of Exeter Business School

Built on strong foundations The University of Exeter Business School is recognised as one of the best in the UK. Our dual EQUIS and AMBA accreditation puts us in the top league and is recognition of our academic quality, professional relevance, international corporate connections and research impact. Now is a particularly exciting time to be joining us. In the last three years we have attracted an increasing number of international students, grown our faculty by over 75% and invested over £21m in new teaching, research and social space - including world-class Harvard style lecture theatres and conference rooms. Alongside this rapid growth and internationalism, we have maintained the highest standards: we are in the top 10 of UK business schools for all our subject areas, one of only three in the UK to achieve this. Our rankings and recognition EQUIS Institutions that are accredited by EQUIS must demonstrate academic quality, professional relevance provided by close interaction with the corporate world, strong research potential and a high degree of internationalisation. EQUIS accreditation places us amongst an elite group of business schools worldwide who have achieved this prestigious quality mark.

Top 10 ranking and UK University of the Year The University is ranked 7th in the Sunday Times University Guide and 10th in The Complete University Guide. We also won the Sunday Times University of the Year Award for 2012/13. Both guides are invaluable first references for students who want to select the best UK institution for their higher education. The Russell Group The University of Exeter is a member of the Russell Group which represents 24 leading UK universities, all of whom play a major role in the intellectual, cultural and economic life of the UK and have an international reputation for the high quality of their research and teaching. In an increasingly global higher education market, Russell Group universities attract the very best academics and students from around the world, as well as investment from multinational, research intensive businesses. Placed in the top 200 by international league tables The University of Exeter is one of the top 200 universities in the world according to leading international league tables: the Times Higher Education’s World University Rankings and the QS World University Rankings. This puts us firmly into the top 1% of higher education institutions globally.

Association of MBAs Recognised as the international impartial authority on postgraduate business education, AMBA’s accreditation service is the global standard for all MBA programmes, and they accredit MBA provision at 168 schools in 72 countries. AMBA accreditation represents the highest standard of achievement in postgraduate business education and is earned only by the best programmes.

Exeter’s success as The Sunday Times University of the Year is richly deserved. Shortlisted for the top award no less than four times in the past decade, it has consistently embodied the very best in British higher education. ALASTAIR MCCALL, EDITOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES UNIVERSITY GUIDE

One Planet MBA Consultancy Project 2011-12 Coca Cola Enterprises Ltd Solutions for Material Assessment of Incoming Feedstock at a PET Plastics Recycling Facility Selected to receive the Coca Cola Corporate Partnership Scholarship, Yui negotiated with his sponsor to take on a consultancy project with Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE), an independent Coca-Cola bottler. CCE, as part of a joint venture with ECO Plastics, have recently opened the largest plastic recycling facility in Western Europe, and Yui’s brief was to work with ECO Plastics to improve their processes for assessing the quality of recycling material being delivered to the new plant. Accurate assessment of input waste materials has a direct impact on the company’s yield and margins, so the project had very real implications, and it gave Yui the opportunity to combine his expertise and experience in engineering with CCE’s commitment to recycling and sustainable packaging.

His diligence and professionalism impressed Coca Cola Enterprises Ltd and Yui is now working as their Sustainable Packaging Senior Manager.

Yui undertook a complex and critical project in partnership with CCE during his Exeter MBA. Yui’s project looked at the quality of material supplied for recycling at our Joint Venture plastic reprocessing facility in Lincolnshire. The project results were dynamic and meaningful, helping the business to develop our technical and purchasing strategy. Yui brought real subject matter expertise that encouraged us to find an appropriate permanent role for him at Coca-Cola Enterprises. Patrick McGuirk, Recycling Director, Coca-Cola Enterprises

Yuichiro Kamikawa, One Planet MBA 2011–12 Sustainable Packaging Senior Manager, Coco Cola Enterprises Ltd



University of Exeter Business School

Recognised for research excellence We know that business takes place in a world that continually throws up new challenges and new problems. Our staff and students are engaged in research programmes that meet these challenges, forging strong relationships with organisations of all sizes in both the public and private sectors. The Business School is recognised internationally for the calibre of its research, much of which is considered to be world-leading or of an internationally excellent standard. Our research-led culture informs both our programme development and our consultancy with industry. Our faculty already publish their research in the highest quality internationally peer-reviewed academic journals. But increasingly we are extending our research impact by helping businesses and government to improve their policies and practices based on rigorous research conducted in collaboration with the Business School. Home to five leading research establishments We have five distinct and leading research centres within the School, backed by public organisations and private benefactors: n

Centre for Innovation and Service Research (ISR)


Centre for Sport, Leisure and Tourism Research

n Tax

Administration Research Centre


Centre for the Study of Risk and Ambiguity


Centre for Leadership Studies (CLS)

Sustainability Research Exeter has a growing reputation as a centre of excellence for cross-disciplinary research on energy policy, climate change, sustainable futures, ecology, conservation and renewable energy. We have particular expertise in climate change research, and experts from the University participate in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). World-class research with a high impact on society underpins our goal to transform lives at home and around the world. As is widely recognised, a major challenge confronting businesses and society is the sustainability of current practices, activities and resources. Addressing this challenge will involve transforming the ways we work, live and compete. Our research activity is showing how this transformation can happen and what it will look like. Recent contract research has been completed with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation and the Canadian Network for Business Sustainability. A major project with WWF China is also providing connections to global companies in the Global Climate Savers Network and the development of new teaching case studies on sustainable business transformation with Tetra Pak, Nokia, Lafarge, HP, Sony and others. Our expertise in sustainability has been recognised with the recent announcement of European FP7 funding for 2013, bringing us into a new collaboration with EABIS and France-based Atos Consulting. Linking our core strengths in innovation and sustainability, the Business School has also established a Sustainable Innovation Lab. This involves a series of workshops with UK companies, exploring how sustainability can drive innovation strategy. The Labs include representation from Philips, Akzonobel, Laing, Shell, Reckitt Benckiser, Solar Century, Canon, Environment Agency, Unipart, Cambridge Consultants, SAB Miller and the Carbon Trust.



University of Exeter Business School


The One Planet MBA – unique and innovative Our insight into the business world has enabled us to develop, in partnership with business leaders, educators and students from across the globe, a unique and innovative MBA programme that focuses on the core business disciplines that are a pre-requisite for senior managers whilst advocating for commercial sustainability and responsible business practices to become the norm for organisations worldwide. Environmental, financial and social changes are challenging traditional business models. Developing your skills in the core business disciplines of finance, economics, accounting, operations, HR and strategy is fundamental to the programme, but you will go beyond this and gain the skills and understanding to become a successful business leader in a rapidly changing and resource-constrained world. Our aim is to show that conserving resources is entirely compatible with winning and maintaining customer and shareholder value and confidence.

We are really excited about working with a new generation of business leaders who are ready to meet the global challenges head-on and help to create a world with a future. Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud, Director of Corporate Relations, WWF International



University of Exeter Business School

The One Planet MBA – about the programme n

Sustainability is at the core of the One Planet MBA. You will be introduced to the history of sustainability and the evolving debates and thinking that relate to sustainability in business, the economy and how sustainability impacts on communities. The key message of the One Planet MBA is that the challenges sustainability presents are often opportunities for business development and sustainable growth.

n Teaching

will be interactive and stimulating. The MBA teaching team includes our own top-flight teaching faculty, but you will also learn from leading practitioners and experts. Our teaching approach includes formal lectures and seminars, but a significant amount of learning is achieved via debate and interaction between students during group projects.


A range of additional extra-curricular activities, such as our Guest Speaker programme, take place throughout the year to complement your learning and provide opportunities for you to further build your skills, knowledge and understanding. You will be able to attend additional non-assessed Master Classes to extend your learning and understanding, and the programme includes two non-assessed compulsory activities designed to build your skills as a business leader.


Methods of assessment are varied and complement the module content. Conventional assessed assignments are combined with practical and applied assessments including presentations, reflective diaries, peer review and client feedback.

n The

programme is built around the latest thinking and techniques from a wide range of business and management disciplines. Beginning with an induction programme to support your return to education, you will then go on to complete core modules and elective specialist modules, followed by your One Planet MBA Project.

n The

taught programme takes an international perspective on business, and your learning is enhanced by case studies drawn from our international corporate partners. Study trips, consultancy work and projects are embedded into the programme, and there are opportunities to study alongside students from other international MBA programmes. The programme culminates in your MBA Project which is your opportunity to apply your learning to a substantial real world project in collaboration with our corporate partners.

The One Planet MBA is the first of its kind – delivering contemporary core business skills alongside the latest thinking on how to adapt, innovate and prosper within a low carbon economy. DR MARTIN A BLAKE HEAD OF SUSTAINABILITY, ROYAL MAIL UK

If businesses want to develop sustainable strategies they need to be good at innovating. On the One Planet MBA we explore and apply the latest thinking on innovation and the key tools and techniques. The students also directly apply these skills through management consultancy projects with external companies. Professor John Bessant, Responsible Innovation



University of Exeter Business School

The One Planet MBA – full-time programme Start Date: September 2014

Core modules

Duration: 12 months

n The

The full-time programme is intensive and challenging, but this route will enable you to focus entirely on your studies and complete your MBA in a single year. Combining university-based studies with field trips and consultancy opportunities, the full-time One Planet MBA is an opportunity to take a career break that will enhance your skills as a future business leader and enable you to build strong and lasting relationships with your MBA colleagues.

Changing Business Environment

n Integrated n Finance


and Responsible Investment

n Economics n Managing

Strategic Resources and Operations

n Leadership n Marketing n The

for a Sustainable World Development

and Customer Engagement

Human Factor in Sustainable Organisations

n Strategic

and Responsible Innovation Management


n Global

n An

Elective modules

induction programme that will support your return to education.

n You

will complete 10 core modules during Term One and Term Two and Three elective specialist modules during Term Two and Three.

n In

Term Three you will also complete two non-assessed compulsory activities that will help prepare you for your MBA Project and your future career.

n The

culmination of your MBA studies is your MBA Project which is carried out between June and September.

n The

Guest Speaker programme and Master Classes run throughout the year.

Strategic Analysis and Management

n Governance n Sustainable n Solutions

and Ethics in Business

Supply Management

for Environmental Management

n Collaborating

and Partnering

n Biomimicry

and Business

n Innovations

in Sustainable Finance

n Managing

Around the World

n Entrepreneurship n Business

to Business Marketing

n Customer

Focussed Organisations

n Sustainability

in Context (overseas)

Master Classes n Crisis


n Social


n Sustainability


Note: Programme content, including available core and elective modules may be updated, deleted or replaced due to programme development.


I am excited about taking what I am learning on the One Planet MBA back to China. There is huge potential for making the Chinese supply chain more efficient and more sustainable in all kinds of areas, from energy use to customer service. This MBA is helping me develop the skills I need to help logistics companies in my country achieve efficiencies and access capital for growth in a sustainable way. I have been with the shipping company, Orient Overseas Container Line Limited, since 2000 and recognise the opportunities for the industry to adapt to strong sustainable operating techniques. For this reason, I was attracted by Exeter’s planet-minded business approach. I am confident that this revolutionary course will help me to succeed in the industry and create momentum for sustainable development in the container shipping sector.

Bruce Hui, One Planet MBA 2012–13



University of Exeter Business School

The One Planet MBA – executive programme Start Date: September 2014, although later start dates can be accommodated.


Economics for a Sustainable World


Managing Strategic Resources and Operations

Duration: 24 – 30 months


Exploring Leadership: Changing Perspectives for a Changing World


Marketing and Customer Engagement

The Executive One Planet MBA allows you to remain working whilst completing your MBA. It is a part-time programme that combines the innovation and rigour of the full-time MBA with the flexibility required to remain committed to your current job. This is a flexible programme which can be completed at a speed that suits you. Structure n 11

core modules and two elective modules plus your MBA project.

n Most

modules are delivered intensively over a period of 4-5 days. Typically there is a 6-8 week break between each module.

n You

can take advantage of our Guest Speaker and Master Class programmes and will also be required to complete two non-assessed compulsory activities that will help build your skills and experience as a business leader.

n Your

One Planet MBA Project can be started at any time in your second year and can be undertaken remotely and submitted after the completion of your final taught module.

Core modules n The

n The

Human Factor in Sustainable Organisations


Strategic and Responsible Innovation Management


Global Strategic Analysis and Management

Elective modules n Governance n Sustainable n Solutions

and Ethics in Business

Supply Management

for Environmental Management

n Collaborating

and Partnering

n Biomimicry

and Business

n Innovations

in Sustainable Finance

n Managing

Around the World

n Entrepreneurship n Business

to Business Marketing

n Customer

Focussed Organisations

n Sustainability

in Context (overseas)

Master Classes n Crisis


n Social


n Sustainability


Changing Business Environment


Integrated Accounting


Finance and Responsible Investment

Note: Programme content, including available core and elective modules may be updated, deleted or replaced due to programme development.


With a diverse pool of external speakers and leading lecturers, the One Planet MBA delivers on its goals from day one, facilitating a diverse network of contacts to challenge, support and promote your learning. This programme manages to produce all the core content of a traditional MBA, while exploring the global issues each and every business leader will need to address in the future. I am part of a new generation of business leaders and have no doubt we will make a lasting impression on this planet – but with a lighter footprint. To find a course that enables me to gain a core understanding of business within the field I am passionate about, has given me the proposal of a lifetime to work on. I believe this is a unique course that will put me in a position where I can influence and drive change in the field of conservation I am committed to.

Alexia Massey, One Planet MBA 2012–13



University of Exeter Business School

Your MBA project – consulting in the real world The culmination of your MBA is your MBA Project which gives you the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills you have developed and mastered to a real world practical issue. You can pursue a project that chimes with your specific interests and career aspirations – this is your chance to show your next employer what you are capable of. There are two distinct options for your MBA Project: The Sustainability Consulting Project Sustainability consulting is a rapidly growing field. By choosing to undertake your own sustainability consulting project, you will develop an understanding of the principles, tools and processes involved in the field of applied sustainability consulting. This will be a fully ‘hands-on’ experience working with one of our business partners, or an organisation of your choice, addressing a real sustainability issue they are facing. You will negotiate a project task, build and manage the client relationship, apply a range of frameworks to structure your thinking, undertake relevant research and demonstrate effective communication skills in delivering your final results and recommendations to the client. The Sustainability Research Project MBA graduates need to be able to unravel complex situations, think critically, diagnose problems and justify choices and actions based on sound evidence. Choosing a research dissertation as your final MBA Project means you will develop an in-depth knowledge and understanding of a highly specialised subject or business issue and have the opportunity to apply and integrate the knowledge and skills that have been developed thoughout your MBA. The Sustainability Research Project will help you gain a critical understanding of research methods and the ability to apply research and project management skills in practice.

Recent examples of MBA Projects: n Branding

and Customer Engagement (Coca Cola)

n Contributing

to Social Welfare (Nokia)

n The

Future Programme Manager (The Environment Agency)

n Biodiversity

Strategies (KLM)

n Innovation

in Energy Management (The Met Office)

n Biomimicry

and Business Design (Atos Consulting)

n Information

Management (South West Water)

n Diversity

in Company Governance (The Co-operative Group)

n Strategic

Benchmarking (Thomson Reuters)

n Luxury

Positioning and Sustainable Consumption (Elvis and Kresse)

n Green

Game Changers (WWF)

n Superfast

Broadband Impacts (British Telecom)

n Stakeholder n New

Engagement (Lafarge)

Green Markets (Lloyds Banking Group)

One Planet MBA Consultancy Project 2011-12 CleanStar Ventures The Barriers to New Product Adoption and Sustained Use in Developing Countries: An Exploration of Clean Cooking Fuel Adoption in Haiti By working closely and openly with the client throughout the spring of 2012 and exchanging ideas over a few months, a project brief was developed for Shannon to manage a pre-feasibility study that explored the adoption and use of cooking stoves in Haiti. The project involved field work and research in Cap-Haitien, Haiti and focussed on evaluating the realities of innovation adoption and base of the pyramid (BOP) marketing. Shannon’s findings led to the development of a new, enhanced framework for BOP product adoption and long-term use which incorporated the dimension of ‘accountability’. The new model highlights a lack of trust in new initiatives, the impact of past NGO or government failures and a strong tendency to revert to traditional methods. These are significant barriers for CleanStar and their attempt to establish sustainable systems of food production and cooking in Haiti. As well as gaining valuable experience, Shannon was able to access many areas of a dynamic, early stage business. The pre-feasibility study required a well rounded approach and knowledge of all areas of business development from product design to marketing and finance. This was a natural fit with the MBA mindset and one that engaged Shannon’s recent diverse learning but also provided an opportunity to broaden her professional experience in a challenging country and society.

Shannon Springer, One Planet MBA 2011–12 Business Development Manager, IBM



University of Exeter Business School

The One Planet MBA – international experiences Engaging with businesses, business leaders and experts worldwide is a fundamental part of the One Planet MBA programme. The specific financial, social and environmental challenges facing businesses can vary from one country to another, depending on local circumstances. We believe it is important to examine these differences and to see how they impact on sustainability and leadership priorities for business. Each year we take our MBA students to a different country to study leadership and sustainability in a very different context. MBA students from leading international business schools come together to explore how things get done in a cross-cultural world and how to work more efficiently through networks and relationships.

An international MBA project Students wishing to extend their international experience still further have the opportunity to undertake their MBA consultancy project or research dissertation in another country. In the last two years, companies have offered our students projects in countries as diverse as Holland, Haiti, Madagascar, Kenya, Nigeria, Honduras, Italy, UAE, Galapagos Islands, Malaysia, USA and Poland. The International Water Challenge

In 2013 we ventured to South Africa. We were hosted by the University of Stellenbosch Business School who introduced us to the economic, social, political and ecological challenges facing South African businesses as they continue to struggle to overcome the legacies of apartheid.

In June 2013, One Planet MBA students organised a ground-breaking international competition. Focusing on the global challenge of water shortages for communities and businesses, MBA teams from Europe, Australasia and South America were invited to the University of Exeter Business School to explore innovative solutions. Coca Cola, SABMiller and South West Water sponsored the event, with prizes including trips to water projects in India and Europe funded by the sponsoring companies.

We visited a range of different businesses during the trip including SABMiller, the Spier and Backsberg wine estates and social enterprises in one of Cape Town’s poorest townships. In addition trips were arranged to the Department of Agriculture, the Sustainability Institute and an emotive journey to Robben Island.

The winning solution (Exeter, of course!) so impressed the judges that it was taken forward to be presented at the World Economic Forum in Italy. This achievement is an indication of the international quality of the One Planet MBA and evidence that our students are already making a real difference to the world.

In 2014 we venture to Colombia – one of the most bio-diverse countries in the world, but struggling to protect the environment in the face of rapid economic growth.



University of Exeter Business School

Engage with enlightened corporate partners The University of Exeter Business School brings together inspirational and renowned business experts from around the world. This ensures that we are able to draw on an extensive network of business leaders, entrepreneurs, consultants and leading academics who contribute to the MBA programme. The benefit they bring to your experience is beyond measure. Each provides unrivalled opportunities for collaboration and is a valued source of ideas, information and resources. They are excited to be part of our innovative MBA programme, contributing to the development of future business leaders who can recognise and embrace the challenges and opportunities inherent in the transition to more sustainable business practices. How do successful business partnerships benefit the MBA? n They ensure the MBA is innovative, up-to-date and infused with the latest business ideas and insightful real-life case studies.

An exciting feature of the MBA is the opportunity to work on consulting assignments with external clients both as part of individual module assessment and for your final MBA Project. These projects will help you develop valuable experience, knowledge and skills that will propel you into senior management or consultancy roles after graduation.

Our MBA partners WWF – co-founder of the One Planet MBA Atos Coca Cola Enterprises (CCE) IBM Lafarge Group Thomson Reuters Nokia Canon The Co-operative Group IKEA Lloyds Banking Group

n They

enable co-delivery of the MBA programme. Our partners work alongside Business School faculty to bring their own knowledge and experience to the programme by contributing as guest speakers and visiting lecturers.

Consultancy and collaboration

n They provide opportunities for you to work with an inspirational range of organisations to support your learning and extend your experience through case study analysis, project consultancy and study trips. n They support extra-curricular events led by business practitioners from local, national and international business designed to enhance and develop the taught programme. n They

could offer scholarships, work placements, internships and employment to you as a student or graduate.

Corporate Scholarships Our strong links with major international companies enables our One Planet MBA students to apply for a number of corporate scholarships, including two prestigious full-fee scholarships sponsored by Afren and by Syngenta.

The role of insurers is to quantify and price risk effectively. In the face of new challenges such as climate change, sickness epidemics and environmental liability, we are taking sustainability issues increasingly seriously. Within our own business, and indeed in all businesses, we need managers who really understand the sustainability issues and can respond accordingly. Richard Ward, CEO, Lloyd’s of London



University of Exeter Business School

Learn from the experts Our MBA teaching team includes a diverse range of faculty experts and business leaders. You will have access to the latest ideas, theories and approaches and be able to discuss and debate the current challenges and opportunities facing businesses around the globe.

Recent guest speakers include:

Our teaching team includes:

Fulai Sheng, Chief of UNEP’s Research and Partnership Unit Green Economy Initiative

Associate Professor Nicolas Forsans – Director of the MBA and Associate Professor in International Strategic Management Professor Malcolm Kirkup – Sustainability Marketing Dr Stephen Jollands – Integrated Accounting Professor Ben Zissimos – Economics Professor Richard Owen – Responsible Innovation Professor John Bessant – Responsible Innovation Alistair Clark – Finance Jackie Bagnall – Leadership Professor Jonathan Gosling – Leadership Professor Steve Brown – Operations Ward Crawford – Collaboration and Partnering Morgan Witzel – Global Economics and Sustainable Organisations Dr Sally Jeanrenaud – Sustainable Development and Biomimicry Jean-Paul Jeanrenaud – Environmental Change and Biomimicry Dr Ajit Nayak – Sustainable Strategy Professor Mairi Maclean – Governance and Ethics Professor Mickey Howard – Sustainable Supply Management

Jake Backus, Customer Sustainability Director, Coca-Cola Europe Group Catherine Cameron, Director, Agulhas: Applied Knowledge

Henry Mintzberg, Cleghorn Professor of Management at McGill University Pip Frankish, Head of Sustainablity at 3M Danny Blanchflower, Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College, New Hampshire Dr Alan Knight OBE, Sustainability Director at Business in the Community Sarah Murray, Financial Times journalist and freelance writer Isabelle Sebastian, Business Development Manager, Bhutan Luminos Consultancy David Bevan, CEIBS, Shanghai Miriam Turner, AVP Co-innovation, Interface Inc Mike Bernard, Large Enterprise Marketing, IBM Chris Loughlin, CEO, South West Water David Grant, SAB Miller

Exeter has an excellent reputation for the quality of its teaching – particularly in finance, accounting, entrepreneurship, leadership, economics and operations. The One Planet MBA is a great example of how Exeter is leading at the cutting edge of business education. BARRY BATEMAN, VICE CHAIRMAN, FIDELITY INTERNATIONAL

The world needs business managers and leaders who understand the pressures on global resources and can proactively deliver innovative solutions – in product development, sourcing, reporting, the supply chain, marketing, financing, production and, indeed, every facet of business. Equally importantly, business needs them too. In my sessions with the MBA students at Exeter we explore how businesses can innovate and thrive through sustainable approaches. Professor Alan Knight OBE, Sustainability Director, Business in the Community, UK



University of Exeter Business School

Our global community Our reputation as a leading business school means we attract high-achieving, highly focussed students who are looking for the highest quality business education. With students choosing Exeter from locations across the globe and a faculty from 19 different counties, we are proud to be a truly international business school.

You will be part of a global community of MBA students from a diverse range of countries who are destined to become the next generation of international business leaders. Our MBA students tell us that the experience of collaborating with a like-minded group of colleagues is a hugely rewarding part of their MBA experience.

When I saw the ad for this MBA, I thought that’s what I want to be doing. I liked especially that it talked about business not just in terms of making money, but in terms of making a difference. Irene Marushko, Canada

I am interested in using what I am learning on the MBA to develop educational projects that help small neglected communities in Colombia to live more sustainably. Angela Corredor-Oviedo, Colombia

It’s fantastic to be part of an international network of business managers who share the same values I have. I think that’s what makes this programme really unique. Fuji Kimura-Gomez, Brazil

The quality of the teaching and debate at Exeter is second to none, and you will gain new insights, perspectives and self confidence. Tony Cooke, UK

As a concept, people in Russia aren’t as aware about sustainability as in the UK. It’s not yet at the same level over there. I think I could be one of the people who could start to change that. Sofia Vakhidova, Russia

Studying in a multinational context with students from over 20 countries is giving me a global understanding of sustainable business and preparing me for a future as a planet-minded business leader. Yoshiyuki Hiranuma, Japan

The One Planet MBA is a unique course which is very relevant for today’s time. It is helping to generate future leaders, and I hope to become one of them. Parag Kulkarni, India

I came to Exeter from Ghana. I can’t quite believe the mix of students I joined. It’s hard work but the classes and the practical emphasis is stimulating and so topical.

I’m not a typical MBA candidate, but the One Planet MBA offered exactly what I was looking for to equip me for a career in sustainability and teaching me business essentials.

Keren Asante, Ghana

Elaine Yong, Australia



University of Exeter Business School


How we developed the One Planet MBA Our partnership with WWF International, the world’s largest and most respected environment and conservation organisation, was fundamental to the development of the One Planet MBA. In addition we engaged with multinationals, UK companies, the public sector and the voluntary sector to ensure a broad range of insights and management practices informed the development of the programme. Global partnerships forged during the programme’s development continue to contribute to the delivery of the One Planet MBA through our Guest Speaker programme, opportunities for study visits and consultancy projects. Many of these partners have also contributed scholarships to the programme. Rewarding our innovative approach When the One Planet MBA launched in 2010 it immediately attracted a lot of attention from academics, thought-leaders, business experts, students and the media worldwide. It has already been recognised as an exceptionally high-quality, unique and transformative MBA programme that is tackling head-on one of the primary critical business challenges of today – the challenge of sustainability.

The Exeter programme is truly innovative and interdisciplinary. The impact is international and evidence clearly shows demand is high for a transformational curriculum. Exeter deserves recognition for being brave and bold. EUAC GREEN GOWN JUDGES

Aspen Institute’s Beyond Grey Pinstripes Rankings The One Planet MBA is 2nd in the UK, 9th in Europe and 47th in the world in the biennial Beyond Grey Pinstripes Rankings. The Aspen Institute looks beyond reputation and test scores to measure something of increasing importance: how well schools are preparing students for the environmental, social and ethical complexities of modern-day business. Green Gown Award In only its second year, the One Planet MBA won a prestigious Green Gown Award in the Courses category. Organised by the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC), the Green Gown Awards recognise exceptional environmental and sustainability initiatives being undertaken by universities, colleges and the learning and skills sector across the UK. Corporate Knights Global Green MBA Award The One Planet MBA is the first winner of the small MBA programmes category and is third overall globally in this annual award that measures the sustainability of MBA programmes across the world. Corporate Knights is a media, research and financial products company focused on quantifying and animating clean capitalism drivers for decision makers. They produce a highly regarded business publication that highlights and analyses trends around sustainable corporate practices worldwide.

Shweta Lal, One Planet MBA 2010–11 Risk Consultant, Thomson Reuter



University of Exeter Business School

Why choose an MBA?

An MBA is recognised by employers all over the world. It provides the essential training needed for business leadership. Designed to develop managers into confident, strategic, critical and global thinkers who have the potential to lead change in a wide range of organisations, an MBA covers a broad range of business subjects including finance, accounting, economics, strategy, marketing, operations, human resources, information management and entrepreneurship.

As a post-experience qualification which only accepts experienced managers, an MBA offers a significant advantage over other business qualifications – the opportunity to gain a vast amount of knowledge and understanding from your peers, as well as your lecturers. RICHARD SLATTER (UK), ONE PLANET MBA 2011–12

It is also an opportunity to reflect and update your business knowledge before pushing ahead with your career. You can immerse yourself in a stimulating learning environment with like-minded colleagues and explore new ways of thinking, managing and leading. Enhanced promotion and career prospects An MBA will provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to compete successfully for senior management and leadership roles. Employers recognise the value of an MBA, and holding this prestigious qualification will enhance your job opportunities and earning potential. You may be in an operational role and wish to progress to a more strategic position, or work in the public sector and want to switch to a more commercial role. Whatever you want to achieve, if you have the ambition and drive to succeed, an MBA can help you achieve your goals. Build your global networks, establish new relationships You will make excellent business contacts, discover many new opportunities and benefit from a diverse cultural community. When you graduate you will join an international alumni network and have access to the Business School’s excellent contacts with the corporate world.

Sustainability is rapidly moving into the mainstream for business. Our students will graduate with strong business, analytical and leadership skills but also, uniquely, a deep understanding of how businesses can use sustainability as a source of real innovation and business transformation. Malcolm Kirkup, Professor of Marketing

My MBA comes into play all the time. Only yesterday I was working on a business plan, which I am able to do very easily, thanks to the skills and understanding I gained at Exeter. I think doing a programme such as this prepares you very well for working at a high level in business. It makes you ready to take on bigger challenges and gives you the confidence and tools to go after bigger goals. I’m sure I wouldn’t have had the chance to build the career I have without my MBA. For the last seven years I have been with South West Screen, and now Creative England, working with the Government to support film and other creative industries across the country. As Director of Finance and Operations I have a lot of responsibility and also a lot of freedom to shape the company.

Mehjabeen Price, Exeter MBA 2001 Director of Finance and Operations, Creative England



University of Exeter Business School



25 YEARS OF This year we celebrate 25 years of the MBA at Exeter. This milestone represents over 1200 Exeter MBA graduates and distinguished alumni who have influenced and transformed the development and growth of some of the best known multi-nationals, companies and organisations in the UK, Europe and beyond. Stay connected When you graduate you will join the Business School alumni community which extends to over 10,000 people in over 80 countries worldwide. Our alumni community offers great opportunities to network with like-minded business professionals, stay involved with the Business School and enjoy privileged access to valuable resources to support your ongoing professional development.

As a One Planet MBA graduate you will also be a part of the One Planet Leaders Community – a growing network of students and executives who have benefited from WWF, IMD and Exeter Business School programmes. We hope you will engage with and contribute to these communities and share your experiences for everyone’s benefit.

Bob Caton

John Cheele

Wol Kolade

Richard Stones

Martin Wood

MBA 1990 Owner, Caton Search

MBA 1991 Retired

MBA 1992 Managing Partner, ISIS Equity Partners

MBA 1993 Tourism and Corporate Development Specialist

MBA 1994 Owner, Vicarage Capital Ltd

Christos Savvides

Greg Edwards

Jim Masters

Dr Nick Frampton

Akiko Ueno

MBA 1995 Group Managing Director, Eastern Europe EOS Group

MBA 1996 Head of eCommerce Sales, Deutsche Bank

MBA 1997 Projects Director, NHS

MBA 1998 Managing Director, Torbay Pharmacy, South Devon NHS

MBA 1999 Senior Lecturer, University of East London


Mehjabeen Price

Betty B. Dale

Paul Banks

David Markham

MBA 2000 Export Sales Manager, NBC Group

MBA 2001 Director of Finance and Operations, Creative England

MBA 2002 Principal, Banking Trust and Investment, Bermuda Monetary Authority

MBA 2003 Owner, Fresha

MBA 2004 Sales Director, The Blue Sea Food Company

Alasdair Thompson

Tayo Olatunde

Renee Ann Butler

Juliet Hall

Richard Dawson

MBA 2005 Business Development Director, Mott Macdonald

MBA 2006 Business Owner

MBA 2007 Corporate Finance writer

MBA 2008 Post Graduate Researcher, University of Exeter Business School

MBA 2009

Stephen Lewis

Fabian King

Shweta Lal

Mandie Quartly

Tony Cooke

MBA 2010 Unified Communiations Technical Director, AVM Ltd

MBA 2011 Business Owner

OPMBA 2012 Implementation and Support Consultant, Thomson Reuters

OPMBA 2013 IBM, Business Development Manager

OPMBA 2014 CEO, TCA Consulting

Owner, VirtualOfficeMedia Ltd

Note: All course dates relate to graduation year.



University of Exeter Business School

Exeter – simply a great place to be Being at the University of Exeter Business School is a great experience. We are renowned for our stunning campus located in the heart of one of the most beautiful parts of the UK. Devon is a beautiful place to be and the city of Exeter is the major business city in the south west of England. Exeter has fast rail links to London and the other main cities in the UK and is close to the M4 motorway which takes you to Bristol and on to the North of England, or to London in the east.

A vibrant and friendly place, Exeter has all the facilities of a large city with a real sense of history and an exciting arts and social scene. When it is time to unwind, relax and take some time out, you will find yourself surrounded by stunning coastline and the rugged wilderness of the moors. Opportunities for walking, cycling or surfing are on your doorstep and you can take advantage of theatre, live-music and the pubs, restaurants and shops of Exeter itself or in the towns and villages nearby.

World class facilities in an exceptional location Our Streatham campus has recently benefited from a £350 million investment programme in new buildings, research centres, student accommodation and campus facilities. Our library and IT facilities have undergone a £9 million refurbishment and are available 24/7. Over £11 million of capital investment has given the University some of the best sports facilities in the UK, including a new indoor tennis centre to LTA (Lawn Tennis Association) standards and a £2 million cricket centre.

Exeter is consistently rated as one of the best places to live in the UK. With a population of around 120,000, it is a safe, student-friendly city, with a vibrant culture and a beautiful historic setting.



University of Exeter Business School

Supporting you to succeed


Career coaching

Moving to a new city or country to study is a big decision and we understand how important it is to have somewhere to call ‘home’. Each of our student residences has its own distinctive character and offers you a safe and secure environment in which to live and study.

Your MBA is about developing your capability to progress into a senior management or leadership position. To help you succeed, throughout the programme you will have a mentor who will coach and advise on how your management and leadership skills can best be developed. Our dedicated MBA career coach can advise you on opportunities for job shadowing, placements and suitable dissertation topics to maximise your chances of career success.

In recent years the University has made a multi-million pound investment in modern, safe and secure accommodation which is designed to the highest standard. We have a wide range of self-catered accommodation, from shared flats to self-contained family flats, and rooms specifically designed for students with disabilities. All are conveniently situated either on campus or only a short walk from campus. The University of Exeter guarantees an offer of a place in University owned, managed or approved accommodation for all international MBA students in their first year of study, so long as you apply by the stated deadline (31 July 2014).

We will also support you in your search for the next stage of your career by helping you to: n Articulate n Plan

your personal brand proposition

your career strategy

n Refine

your CV and prepare for interviews

We will also introduce you to our extensive network of employer contacts, further enhanced by our association with WWF and our other key MBA corporate partners.

Once international students have been housed – and if there is any further accommodation available – applications from EU and UK postgraduates are considered.

After your MBA we hope you will secure your dream role whether you aspire to work in industry, commerce, the professions, the public sector, for a not-for-profit organisation or intend to set up your own business as an entrepreneur.

More information on University accommodation can be found at

Armed with your MBA you will be equipped with a mindset, and the knowledge and skills, to be a catalyst for change wherever your career takes you.

The Accommodation Office also maintains a database of privately-owned rental property at



University of Exeter Business School

One Planet MBA Scholarships 2014/15

Corporate Partnership Scholarships

Full-fee Scholarships

A number of MBA Scholarships of £5,000 are available and supported by the following companies:

Afren Scholarship (£35,000)

Atos, Canon, Coca Cola, The Co-operative Group, IBM, IKEA, Lafarge, Lloyds Banking Group and Thomson Reuters. These scholarships include the opportunity of an internship or a consultancy assignment with the sponsoring company. Business School Scholarships We offer a number of additional £5,000 scholarships for selected MBA students to help towards tuition fees.

This scholarship covers the full One Planet MBA tuition fee for 2014/15, as well as a contribution towards accommodation and living expenses. Eligible candidates will need to: n Meet

the full entry requirements for the One Planet MBA.

n Have

a background or demonstrable interest in the oil and gas sector.

n Be

a resident of one of the following countries/ regions: Cote D’Ivoire, Ghana, Iraqi Kurdistan, Kenya, Madagascar, Nigeria, Seychelles, Tanzania.

Syngenta Scholarship (£19,500)

Applying for a Scholarship You need to have received an offer of a place on the One Planet MBA before you apply for a scholarship. You can then complete and return the relevant scholarship application form. You can only qualify for one MBA scholarship. All scholarships are awarded on a discretionary basis, with eligibility assessed on the basis of your academic qualifications, work experience and your personal statement. Please visit or contact the MBA Administrator for an application form, or more information.

The Syngenta scholarship covers the full One Planet MBA tuition fee for 2014/15. Eligible candidates will need to: n Meet

the full entry requirements for the One Planet MBA.

n Have

a background or demonstrable interest in food security. The Ayudar Colombia Scholarships (£25,000) Two scholarships are offered for 2014/15 to cover the One Planet MBA tuition fee and a contribution towards accommodation and living expenses in the UK during the course. Eligible candidates will need to:

n Meet

the full entry requirements for the One Planet MBA.

n Be

a Colombian citizen who plans to return to Colombia to develop a business career in the country after graduation.

n Demonstrate

a clear desire to make a difference in helping business to contribute back to society and/ or improve the environment. You will need to write a compelling personal statement to demonstrate this.

Note: Scholarship details may be subject to change. Please visit or contact the MBA Programme Manager at for the latest information.

I was privileged to be awarded the IBM Corporate Partnership Scholarship. It has given me the opportunity to explore how IBM – through their Smart Planet strategy – is using smarter technology, systems and processes to tackle social issues associated with finite natural resources and an expanding population.

Jon Siddall, One Planet MBA 2012–13



University of Exeter Business School

Come and join us

Entry requirements

How to apply

Admission to the One Planet MBA programme is usually dependent upon a good first degree and a minimum of three years managerial experience.

We give priority to applications for MBA programmes, and all admissions decisions are made by the MBA Director. We guarantee to ensure all applications are given full and careful consideration.

Some applicants have extensive work experience but no formal degree. If this applies to you, we may consider your application if you can demonstrate evidence of professional training or professional qualifications of an equivalent standing to a degree. In very exceptional circumstances we may consider applicants without qualifications, although this will be subject to a test to establish your suitability and potential for Masters study. English language International students must show proficiency in the English language and have an appropriate qualification. You must therefore be able to provide evidence of the following at the level stated; n Certificate

of Proficiency in English of the Cambridge Local Examinations Grade B or above n IELTS 7.00 n TOEFL 250 n iBT TOEFL 100 + Additional requirements We also require two references (ideally including one from your last university) together with a personal statement explaining why you are interested in studying for the One Planet MBA. Tuition Fees 2014/15 The tuition fee for the One Planet MBA is £19,500*. Fees can either be paid in full at the start of the programme, or in 2 equal instalments. 1. Autumn (Term 1) – 50% to be paid by 26 September 2014 2. Spring (Term 2) – 50% to be paid by 9 January 2015

Online applications We accept applications online via a secure electronic application form, and encourage you to use this method as it is the quickest and most efficient way to submit your application. The online application system provides you with a personalised area where you can manage your MBA application. You can save unfinished applications to edit or continue at a later date. You will need to send supporting documents by post or email once you have submitted your online application. There is a one off non-refundable application fee of £50. Application checklist Please make sure that you send us: 1. Transcript and degree certificate for first/second degree 2. Two professional reference letters – originals and on company letterhead 3. A personal statement supporting your application, detailing your achievements in your career so far, what experiences you will bring to the programme, how you think the One Planet MBA will enhance your career and your future aspirations 4. A detailed CV 5. If applicable, evidence of English language proficiency 6. Your completed application form.

3. Executive route students can choose to pay in advance module by module.

Note: Tuition fee is subject to change. Please visit or contact the MBA Programme Manager at for the latest information.

I can’t overstate the value of being put together with like-minded and experienced business peers from around the world. There is such a vast range of people doing the MBA, from all sorts of roles and many different counties. I’ve learnt a lot from them.

Mandie Quartly, One Planet MBA 2011–12 Business Development Manager, IBM



University of Exeter Business School

Come and meet us

Come along and meet our staff and advisors who will be able to help you make an informed decision about your choice of MBA.

Contact us

2013/14 MBA Open Days All our Open Days are from 5.00pm – 7.30pm Wednesday Thursday Thursday Tuesday

30 October 2013 15 May 2014 12 June 2014 15 July 2014

Please contact the MBA Administrator for exact dates and to book a place. Talk to an MBA Ambassador Our MBA Ambassadors are all managers who have completed an MBA at the University of Exeter, they can talk to you about their experience of studying here and how their MBA has helped them since. If you would like to talk to an Ambassador please contact the MBA Administrator who can put you in touch with someone in your country. Please note: We cannot guarantee to have an Ambassador in every country, but will endeavour to help you with your query.

Julie Hargreaves MBA Programme Manager You can find out more about The University of Exeter Business School and the MBA programme at: For general enquiries, please contact the MBA Administrator at: The MBA Office University of Exeter Business School Building:One Rennes Drive Exeter UK EX4 4SF Tel: +44 (0)1392 724494 Email: University of Exeter Business School UofEBusiness




1 hr by train from Exeter


2.5 hrs by train from Exeter

Newquay Truro

How to find us

By rail

By car

Exeter St David’s (the main station) is a 10 minute walk from the Streatham Campus. A regular University bus service operates from the station to the campus, or taxis are available.

The M4/M5 motorway links Exeter directly to London, the Midlands, South Wales and the North.

Average journey time from: Bristol Temple Meads – 1hr London Paddington – 2 hr 30 minutes Manchester – 4 hr 20 mins For more information: tel: 08457 484950 By coach National Express coaches call at Exeter Coach Station. The local D bus connects the coach station to Streatham campus. Get off the bus at the top of The Queen’s Drive. For more information: tel: 08705 808080

The average journey time from either London or the Midlands is 3 hours. By plane Direct flights operate into Exeter Airport from across Europe including Paris, Dublin, Amsterdam and Geneva and from airports in the United Kingdom including Aberdeen, Belfast, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds/Bradford, Manchester and Newcastle.


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