Research Data Management

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Research Data Management

Patricia Liebetrau 6 June 2016

Background Data sharing = a new paradigm across all disciplines, providing benefits to individual researchers, institutions, funders and more • Good research data management habits are essential to creating data that are suitable for sharing

• Many funders and academic publishers now specify requirements for data handling, including the formulation of a data management plan (DMP).

The questions?

What is Research Data Management? Research data = all information created and used in research  Structured data (in databases, tables, etc.)  Unstructured data (in textual sources, images, audio recordings, personal notes, emails, etc.)

Data management = effective management of the information lifecycle •




Data Management Planning

Important to manage research data well 1.

Data creation in research is often expensive


Data is the cornerstone of research


Good quality data leads to good quality research


Data underpins published findings


Enables compliance with ethical codes, data protection laws, journal requirements and funder policies


To protect data from loss, destruction, corruption

Research data policy at UoE – key points  Joint responsibility between PI and researchers  ALL research proposals to include data management plans (if applicable)  RDM costs costed into research proposals  Publications to include short data access statement - how? - on what terms?  Researchers responsible for data deposit when project complete OA_RDM_Policy_Final.pdf

Funders requirements  Funders are increasingly requiring researchers to meet certain data management criteria

 When applying for funding, you may need to submit a technical or data management plan

 You may be asked to make your data available through an archive  SHERPA JULIET provides a useful summary of funding bodies’ policies

UK research funder expectations timely release of data  once patents are filed or on (acceptance for) publication

open data sharing  minimal or no restrictions  deposit in data centres, structured databases, data enclave

preservation of data  most funders state expect 5-10+ years

submission of data management and sharing plans…

RCUK Common Principles Publicly funded research data are a public good, produced in the public interest, which should be made openly available with as few restrictions as possible in a timely and responsible manner that does not harm intellectual property. Institutional and project specific data management policies and plans should be in accordance with relevant standards and community best practice. Data with acknowledged long-term value should be preserved and remain accessible and usable for future research. To enable research data to be discoverable and effectively re-used by others, sufficient metadata should be recorded and made openly available ....

7 principles agreed by all the UK research councils in May 2011

Data-related policies in the UK

What is a data management plan (DMP)? A formal statement describing how research data will be managed and documented throughout a research project and the terms regarding the subsequent deposit of the data with a data repository for long-term management and preservation.

DMP Online has been developed by the Digital Curation Centre to help you write data management plans.

Common DMP questions  What data will be created (format, types and size) and how

 How will the data be documented and described  How will you manage ethics and Intellectual Property  What are the plans for data sharing and access  What is the strategy for long-term preservation

What does


A web-based tool that enables users to... Create, store and update multiple versions of Data Management Plans across the research lifecycle ii. Meet a variety of specific data-related requirements (from funders, institutions, publishers, etc.) iii. Get tailored guidance on best practice and helpful contacts, at the point of need iv. Customise, export and share DMPs in a variety of formats in order to facilitate communications within and beyond research projects i.

* N.B. The templates have varying degrees of endorsement from funders, stakeholder communities, etc. UoE has created a customised template for researchers‌

DMPonline: possible export formats For human readership‌

For machine readership‌

- Pleasant formatting

- Facilitates quick public sharing

- Editable. Can be used in conjunction with (e.g. MS Sharepoint)

- Compatible with API for linking with other systems

- Removes all formatting

- Minimal formatting

The Data Access Statement All research publications should include a statement on how the underlying data can be accessed (a "data access statement"). This is in line with RCUK and individual funder policies. How the data can be accessed:  where it can be downloaded from  Web link  DOI  Other persistent identifier  who must be contacted to request access  departmental/group email address (not a personal email address). What conditions use of the data is subject to: whether a general licence applies to all users, or whether a data sharing agreement must be entered into before access to the data is granted.

Data sharing  Data sharing = a new paradigm in research  across all disciplines  all types of data  benefits to researchers, institutions, funders  Good research data management essential to creating data suitable for sharing  Funders and academic publishers now specify data handling, including data management plans (DMP).

Open data report

University of Leiden & Elsevier

Key finding…..

Licences to share, remix, reuse legally http://www.copyrightsandwrongs.n

Image: mons_license

Research Data Repositories

Digital Research data is best preserved and published using a research data repository A repository is an online database service, an archive that manages the long-term storage and preservation of digital resources and provides a catalogue for discovery and access Most data repositories do not charge to deposit research data, though many require registration

Deposit in ORE

Dataset > 2GB

Key issues

 All research projects are different  The DMP will depend upon the nature of the research AND the context (funder, domain, institution(s) etc)  DMPs are useful communication tools

Practical steps…. 1. Write a data management plan 2. Make sure data are shareable and can be understood:  Obtain consent to share  Do not share identities without consent  Use open and standard formats  Provide context and documentation  Protect your data at all stages

Need to know more?

Contact: Pat Liebetrau – Research Support Manager

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