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Healthcare and Medical Insurance
Have medical examination and vaccinations (if applicable)
Register with a health centre before your arrival in the UK so you can obtain an NHS number and access medical care
Book an appointment at the health centre if you have an existing medical condition or take medication.
Arrange medical insurance if studying in the UK for less than six months.
Registering for NHS medical care
If you are on a course lasting for six months or more you, and dependant members of your family, can access full healthcare under the National Health Service (NHS). You will be required to pay an immigration ‘health surcharge’ to enable access to NHS Healthcare when you apply for a Student or Student Dependant Visa. The amount will vary depending on the length of your stay in the UK. Once you have paid this charge, most healthcare will be free but you will still pay for prescriptions for medicines (currently £9.65 per item) optician and dental services. Prescriptions are issued by a doctor and the medicines are dispensed at a pharmacy.
To be able to access NHS healthcare you must register with a General Practitioner (GP – doctor) at a GP surgery. Once registered you will be allocated an NHS number which you will need to receive any NHS healthcare.