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Studying at the University of Exeter
Independent study
British higher education places a large emphasis on independent study. On all courses you will be expected to study extensively on your own. You will be asked to read widely on a subject, make notes, research, write and revise outside of formal teaching. This is especially the case at postgraduate level. Advisers and supervisors will be ready to help but you will have to plan your own learning. You will be encouraged to be an active and independent learner. There are lots of study spaces on campus for you to use. Learn more here: About study spaces – Accessing and Using Study Spaces –LibGuides at University of Exeter.
The following list gives some examples of how you may be assessed: examinations, course work, assignments, projects, presentations or essays. It is your responsibility to check the requirements for each form of assessment at the University of Exeter.
Academic honesty and plagiarism
Plagiarism means copying work from another student, or using, in your work, text or ideas from a publication or any other source, without referencing it correctly. Plagiarism is not acceptable at UK universities and the penalties are severe. Further information will be given to you by your Faculty at orientation. You will also be able to access guidance on how to avoid plagiarism, how to reference correctly, and how to ensure your work is academically honest. libguides.exeter.ac.uk/ referencing citethemrightonline.com
English language skills development
There is free English Language Support available across all our campuses.
At the Exeter campuses, students can access the credit and non-credit rated Insessional English Programme including workshops in English for academic purposes, writing tutorials and resources for independent study. General English classes cover speaking practice, British culture, intercultural Communications and language for employability. Full information can be found at: exeter.ac.uk/international/ into/programmes/insessional
On the Cornwall Campuses, the free insessional programme includes subject-specific Academic Language Skills workshops, e.g. Language Skills for Engineering, Language Skills for Ecology and Conservation or Language Skills for Law, and 1-1 tutorials for feedback on written work. You can also join sessions focussing on Social English, Professional Communication or Speaking and Pronunciation.
Contact: Languages@ fxplus.ac.uk
Webpage: studyhub.fxplus. ac.uk/languages
Academic Skills Development
Study skills support is provided by Study Zone on the Exeter campuses (exeter.ac.uk/ studyzone) and ASK: Academic Skills (studyhub.fxplus.ac.uk/ ask) on Penryn Campus. Advisers can help with a range of skills from academic writing, referencing and group work to assessments, revision and exams. Both services also provide digital resources to help with your studies.
Problems with your studies (taught students)
If you are worried about your progress on your course, or any aspect of your study, speak to the lecturer concerned. You can also seek advice from Study Zone (Exeter), ASK: Academic Skills, or Studiosity.
If your mental or physical health or wellbeing is having an effect on your ability to study, or your studying is creating health problems for you, then our helpful and experienced Education Welfare Team (Exeter campuses: exeter.ac.uk/ students/wellbeing/talk/welfare Penryn Campus: exeter.ac.uk/ students/wellbeing/cornwallstudent-welfare) are available to talk to you in a confidential and non-judgemental way about any issues you may need support with. Should sickness or other circumstances affect your ability to complete an assessment, you should let your Hub/Info Point team know, as you may be eligible for an extension or deferral via a process called mitigation.