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EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hubs

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The EPSRC Future Metrology Hub is addressing major, longterm manufacturing challenges facing UK industries through innovative research and the development of enabling technologies in metrology.


The Hub is led by the University of Huddersfield, with research spokes at Sheffield, Loughborough and Bath universities, and an innovation spoke at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) in Sheffield.

Key strategic partners include the National Physical Laboratory (NPL), Renishaw, Rolls-Royce, Taylor Hobson, GKN Aerospace, MTT, Reliance Precision, Craftsman Tools, Digital Surf and TWI. The Hub’s overarching vision is to create ground-breaking embedded metrology and universal metrology informatics technologies, providing a critical enabling infrastructure for increasing productivity through future smart and connected manufacturing systems.

Specific objectives to support this vision are:

1. Delivering high-quality research programmes in grand challenge themes of: i. sensors, instruments, controllers and measurement technologies; and ii. mathematics, semantics and data analytics. 2. Developing pan-sector impact through extensive industry collaboration to help transform UK manufacturing performance.

3. Acting as a national focus and facilitator to build UK research leadership and capability in manufacturing metrology both nationally and internationally.

Ultimately, the Hub aims to transform the UK’s manufacturing performance by delivering significant improvements in the speed, accuracy and cost of measurement.

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