Sociology BSc(Hons)
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Course info
How does society shape us? How do relationships between people and institutions affect the way we act? In what way is society changing and what does this mean for our identities and everyday lives? If you’re interested in these fundamental questions, then this could be the course for you.
Course length: 3yrs full-time
On this course you’ll explore a range of techniques for investigating the social world in which we live. You’ll look at important sociological questions, such as how societies operate, exploring areas such as diversity, power, inequality, identity, health and well-being, and how identities are constructed. You’ll have the opportunity to go on a 30-hour work placement in your second year, giving you hands-on experience. You may also have the opportunity to study abroad for a term in your second year, previous students have studied in America, France and Italy. In your second and third years you’ll be able to tailor your studies and choose from a range of modules, so you could specialise in an area that really interests you.
Example modules • Human Rights in Contemporary Society • The Body and Society
• Sociological Imagination • Culture and Society
“There’s a lot of support to prepare you for the world of work, through modules and access to a helpful careers service on campus. The lecturers are great, they’re always happy to help and there is additional support through student services and the library. The lecture content is varied, and the teaching styles are very accessible.” Chloe Holland currently studying Sociology BSc(Hons) 6
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Entry requirements: BBC/DMM/112 inc. a grade B in an A Level or a Distinction in BTEC Subsidiary Diploma
Professional membership By studying this course, you’ll become eligible for student membership of the British Sociological Association (BSA).