High-quality educational activities We value teaching and ensure its
curriculum development
continuous quality development. We
cycle includes a systematic
secure equal and non-discriminating
evaluation study conducted
opportunities for our students for
by the Finnish Institute for
their learning and the development
Educational Research.
of their expertise. We support and promote students’ learning capacity and take care of their wellbeing.
The feedback system for education is one of the main tools for educational quality
“For me, quality means above all high-quality teaching. Of the kind that inspires you to gain new insights and develop yourself as a critical thinker.”
The education development pro-
management. Student feed-
gramme included in the university’s
back on teaching, guidance
strategy, “Educating experts with
and education is used in re-
influence”, guides the university’s
lated development activities.
Nina Kumpulainen
We develop our teaching
educational activities and related development. The Education Council monitors the state of education, the implementation of the strategy development programme as well as the progress of evaluation-based development measures.
and educational activities in a research-based way in multidisciplinary and international collaboration. Students are actively
involved in educational development, in preparing curricular policies, in cur-
Educational activities are strongly
riculum planning, andas members of
directed by various regulations. The
development groups of their faculties
quality assurance criteria for the
and departments as well as serving as
university’s education programmes
liaisons toward their subject associa-
are applied when establishing new
degree programmes or when revising or discontinuing existing ones. Shared policies guide curriculum planning, setting learning outcomes, supervision and study planning (personal study plans). In addition, the three-year
We promote the high quality of education and teaching by, for example, ensuring appropriate weighting of teaching merits in recruitment, providing training in university pedagogy, funding teaching-related develop-
ment projects and teachers’ research periods. Our JYULearn concept helps us develop learning environments in a research-based way and promote teachers’ pedagogical expertise in these developing digital environments. Within the Student Life concept, we develop and examine services and programmes that promote students’ learning capacity and wellbeing. By following the principles of high-quality guidance and providing supportive training for the application of these, we ensure equitable support for the advancement of our students’ studies.