Victoria is passionate about Sport and experienced great success as a National Competitor in Squash both individually and in the England Squad. These achievements and competitive drive led Victoria to achieve her Sports Science Degree and Masters in Education and progress in her career in the Education Sector. Victoria is a practising Ofsted Inspector and passionate to ensure students are inspired through excellent education supporting them in their next steps. Victoria is married and has two young children and enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Gillian Monk JP DipOH, Managing Director, All Health Matters Gill’s background includes sales, commerce, medical and legal experience and she is responsible for driving the business forward to achieve sustainable growth without compromising quality. She began her company in a garden shed nearly 12 years ago. Now employing 23+ people, with offices in London, Kent and Sussex, in 2021 Gill formed a Trust and converted the company to that of the ‘employee ownership’ model, creating a legacy which benefits all employees, present and future. Wife, Mum, Grandmother, Magistrate and member of several committees, Gill has many stories to tell. Dr Lex Mauger, Reader in Exercise Physiology, School of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Kent. His research primarily investigates the body’s perceptual response to exercise, and how painful and unpleasant sensations might impair exercise performance or capacity. In this field he has worked with a number of businesses and tech startups, working on projects including ‘smart’ pressure sensitise insoles, holographic heads-up display goggle mounts, and immersive learning platforms that integrate wearables.
Dr Sarah Hotham, Senior Research Fellow and BPS Chartered Psychologist based at the Centre for Health Service Studies (CHSS) Sarah’s expertise is in applied public health research and behavioural psychology. She has successfully secured funding from the NIHR, Local Authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) and Voluntary Community & Social Enterprise organisations to develop, implement and evaluate behaviour change interventions and prevention schemes. Sarah also leads a portfolio of projects focused on social prescribing and the training of healthcare professionals in primary care. Professor Aylish Wood, Professor of Film, School of Arts My research is informed by an interest in the relationships between technology and moving image media. Since undertaking a PhD on images of technoscience in American Cinema, I have developed a cross media approach, working with animation, digital games, installation art and cinema. Areas of study have included images of humans and technologies, and the impact of digital media on the creative work in the industries of cinema, animation, and digital games.
Sustainable innovation Kresse Wesling CBE, founder Elvis and Kresse, co-farmer, New Barns Farm Kresse is a multi-award winning environmental entrepreneur and Young Global Leader with a background in venture capital and significant start-up experience.