Confirming your attendance at the University of Kentucky is completed by signing up to attend a “see blue.” U Summer Orientation and paying your enrollment deposit. This brochure will assist you in selecting the date for your “see blue.” U Summer Orientation if you have not already done so. It also provides details about your orientation and K Week. Please contact us if you have questions. We look forward to having you as a part of the UK family!
All UK freshmen are required to attend a two-day “see blue.” U Orientation. Registration for your “see blue.” U Orientation is on a first-come, first-served basis. During this orientation you will: • Meet other freshmen • Meet your academic advisor and talk about your educational interests and goals • Complete required ALEKS math placement exam prior to arrival
• Meet with representatives from offices around campus including Campus Housing, Dining, Financial Aid and many more • Learn about expectations in the college classroom
• Register for your fall semester courses
• Find out about getting involved in activities and organizations on campus
• Learn about special academic opportunities
• Discuss life at UK with current students • Find out about residence hall life
• June 19-20 • June 20-21 • June 21-22 • June 22-23
DATE OPTIONS • June 26-27
• July 10-11
• July 5-6
• July 12-13
• June 27-28 • July 6-7
• July 11-12 • July 13-14
Important Note: The College of Design will not be available July 5-6 and July 6-7. The College of Health Sciences will not be available July 5-6 and July 12-13. Be sure to attend the correct date or your advisor will not be available.
REGISTRATION If you have not activated your link blue account, please do so at using the information provided in your admission letter.
If you have not registered for “see blue.” U Orientation Sign into the myUK web portal; Select Student Services; Select Admissions; Select “see blue.” U Orientation Registration; Select Register for an Orientation; Select the orientation date of choice; Select the number of guests attending with you (DO NOT include yourself in this number); Select Continue and choose your payment method. Once you have selected your payment method click the Next button to enter your payment method information. Click Accept Terms and Process Payment to process your payment and complete the registration for your orientation.
If you need to change your “see blue.” U Orientation Sign into the myUK web portal; Select Student Services; Select Admissions; Select “see blue.” U Orientation Registration; Select Switch Orientation; Select the orientation you would like to attend and click Continue. There will be no additional charges for switching your orientation unless you add additional guests.
If you need to add an additional guest to your “see blue.” U Orientation Sign into the myUK web portal; Select Student Services; Select Admissions; Select “see blue.” U Orientation Registration; Add additional guest(s), then select Continue and choose your payment method. Once you have selected your payment method click the Next button to enter your payment method information. Click Accept Terms and Process Payment to process your payment and complete the registration for your orientation.
DEADLINE - MAY 1, 2017 If you plan to attend UK, you MUST confirm your “see blue.” U Orientation date and pay the enrollment deposit no later than May 1, 2017. In order to make adequate plans for all students, “see blue.” U Orientation registration is mandatory. If you do not confirm your “see blue.” U Orientation by May 1, 2017, your admission to UK may be canceled. Students who reply after May 1, 2017, will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Students will be notified if space becomes available or if their admission is deferred to spring 2018.
Your parents/guardians or guests are strongly encouraged to accompany you to your orientation. A family/guest program has been designed to familiarize them with UK and give insights into the kinds of adjustments you and your family/guests might experience during the college years. The majority of our students have family/guests attend these orientations. There is a $30 fee per guest. The guest fee includes: lunch on Day 1, refreshments on both days, parking and orientation family/guest packet. The fee for parents/guardians and guests will be assessed at the time of paying the enrollment deposit and confirming your orientation date.
Your current major is listed in your acceptance letter. To investigate majors more thoroughly before making a final decision, see our website: Changing majors during the orientation is restricted, so plan to make changes at least two weeks in advance of your arrival. To change your major, send and email with your name, student ID number and preferred major to
THE SECOND STEP K WEEK - FRIDAY, AUGUST 18 THROUGH TUESDAY, AUGUST 22 After completing your “see blue.” U, you can look forward to the second step of the orientation process at UK. K Week, UK’s official welcome program all new students are expected to attend, begins Friday, Aug. 18. The tradition of K Week includes: • Meeting new people and attending events with your K Team, a small group of new UK students led by a member of the K Crew • Being formally inducted into the Wildcat family at the New Student Induction Ceremony • Meeting with your academic college and learning how they can support your academic success • Becoming a part of UK’s storied athletic traditions at Big Blue U • Learning how to get involved on campus and in the community at favorite events like Campus Ruckus, We Are UK and UK FUSION
Parents, guests and family members are encouraged to participate in K Week programming on Friday, Aug. 18, and Saturday, Aug. 19. Some K Week events for parents and families are coordinated by the UK Parent and Family Association. For more information on joining, visit or look for the UKPFA table at “see blue.” U Orientation. We look forward to seeing you and your family in August!
To learn more about K Week, visit, call 859-257-6597 or email
“see blue.” U Orientation Office 859-257-3256 Financial Aid 859-257-3172 Housing 859-257-1866 K Week Office 859-257-6597 UK Information 859-257-9000 Residence Life 859-257-4784 For further information, call the “see blue.” U Orientation Office at 859-257-3256, email or visit our website
Be on the lookout for our “see blue.” U Orientation mobile app, available in Spring 2017.
An Equal Opportunity University