11 minute read

Kentucky Horticulture Council

Kentucky Favorites


Granny Ball’s Cream Candy


Beth Mekus Lexington, Kentucky

Annabelle Ball grew up during The Great Depression, and lived to the ripe old age of 102. She made this recipe every year, watching for nights that dipped below freezing to put the marble slab outside. In our family, it is customary for every member to receive a marble slab as a gift, so they can carry on the tradition of cream candy in the winter.

Prep/Cook Time: 15 minutes cook time, 30-45 minutes prep


3 cups sugar 1 cup light brown sugar 1 cup water 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 stick Blue Bonnet margarine (I’ve always used butter) plus more for hands and greasing marble slab Optional food coloring


Butter a frozen marble slab. Combine sugars and water in a pot. Stir while bringing to a boil. Once boiling, DO NOT STIR. Cover pot, and continue boiling 2-3 minutes. Uncover, and using a candy thermometer, bring to a soft boil (235 degrees). Add butter. Remove pot from heat. Add vanilla. Pour onto a buttered marble slab and turn with a spatula or scraper until cool enough to pull with hands. Butter hands and pull candy until hard. Food coloring can be added during the pulling process if wanted. Twist the candy into stripes, and cut into bitesize pieces with scissors. Store in an airtight container. Cooking Tips: Food always tastes better when it is made while having fun!

Great Granny Ball would make her cream candy recipe during the holidays, taking orders and selling it across the tri-state area to help support her family. This was especially important during the Depression. Though no one else in our family continued making and selling candy for a profit, spending time together in the kitchen became an important part of our holiday tradition. She taught her children and her grandchildren. Then the grandchildren taught my generation. Now we are passing it on to our children. It is my pleasure to share Granny Ball’s recipe and tradition with our UK Family!



Kentucky Hot Brown Casserole

Lisa Echsner Louisville, Kentucky

I attended UK from 1981-85, and both of my daughters attended UK, their dad is a University of Louisville alum. The recipe is one that my mother originally found in a Louisville Junior League cookbook and we have adapted over the years to fit our tastes. It is great with leftover holiday turkey, can be made with chicken or on a busy weeknight I have used deli turkey!

Prep/Cook Time: 30 minutes prep, 30 minutes cook time.


12 slices white bread toast, crust removed 12-18 slices roasted turkey - homemade or from deli roasted turkey 1/3 cup butter + 1 tablespoons butter 1/3 cup flour 1 teaspoons salt 3 cups milk 2 egg yolks, beaten 1/2 cup fresh grated parmesan 1/2 cup shredded cheddar 10 -12 slices bacon, cooked and drained Sliced fresh tomatoes


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place toast in bottom or 9 x 13 pan - note it is easier to serve if you cut toast into halves or tear into pieces. Top with turkey slices. Melt the 1/3 cup butter and whisk in flour. Add salt and milk, slowly, stirring constantly until thick and smooth. Blend in yolks, then cheeses and the remaining tablespoon of butter. Pour sauce over toast and turkey, top with bacon and tomatoes, sprinkle a little more cheese over all - if desired. Place in 350-degree oven until heated through (25-30 minutes).

Pasta e Fajole soup



Lori Meredith Paducah, Kentucky

Prep/Cook Time: 30 minutes prep; 8 hours crockpot


2 pounds ground beef, browned and drained 1 (14-ounce) can red kidney beans, drained 1 (14-ounce) canned white kidney beans, drained 2 (14- ounce) cans petite diced tomatoes 3 (8-ounce) cans beef broth 1/2 cup chopped celery 1/2 cup shredded carrots 1/4 cup chopped onion 1 (24-ounce) can spaghetti sauce 1 1/2 teaspoons oregano 1/8 cup hot sauce (more or less to taste) One teaspoon salt 1 cup small cooked pasta (small shells) One teaspoon pepper


Combine all ingredients EXCEPT cooked noodles. Cook in crockpot 8 to 10 hours on low or 4 to 5 hours on high. Put the cooked pasta in the last 30 minutes of cooking. This soup is especially good if eaten with hard crusty French bread.

Kentucky Favorites

The following three recipes were submitted by the Kentucky Horticulture Council, and feature vegatables and products that are grown and distrubed in the local area.

The Kentucky Horticulture Council is a 501(c)-5 non-profit organization established to support the state horticulture industry and be a resource for information and education for growers, business owners, and the public. Our board is comprised of thirteen member organization partners and encompasses a wide range of Kentucky horticultural avenues. KHC is working hard to support the specialty crop growers in Kentucky. Our organization manages a number of programs like our agriculture water testing program, two different farm to school programs, and many direct marketing initiatives.

Fall Harvest Salad with Chimichurri Vinaigrette

Ingredients: Salad:

Arugula leaves Spinach leaves Radishes Carrots Broccoli Turnips Squash Cherry tomatoes Salt Pepper Olive oil


1. After cleaning the vegetables, take the squash and cut it in half lengthwise. Scoop out the seeds, brush with olive oil, and add a pinch of salt and pepper to each half. Place the halves onto a parchment lined baking sheet.

2. Trim broccoli into bite-sized pieces. Use the carrot peeler on the stem and slice it as well. Add a drizzle of olive oil, a pinch of salt & pepper, and mix to coat the broccoli. Add this to the baking sheet with the squash.

3. Take turnips and peel the skin if need be. Slice turnips and coat them in olive oil and salt & pepper. Add the turnips to another parchment lined baking sheet.

4. Slice the leeks and repeat the olive oil steps from above. Add these to the baking sheet with the turnips to soften and roast.

5. The broccoli and turnips should roast at 400F for 20 minutes. The leeks should be done in 30 minutes, stirring often. The squash will take closer to 35-40 minutes, depending on the size—use a fork to test whether the middle is hard. Don’t let the squash get mushy!

6. While these roast, assemble the vinaigrette.

Fall Harvest Salad with Chimichurri Vinaigrette


2 leeks 2 cloves garlic Pinch of salt ½ tsp red chili flakes 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar ½ cup cilantro, minced ½ cup parlsey, minced ¼ cup olive oil

1. Mince garlic cloves and place in a bowl. Add roasted and chopped leeks (from above) to the bowl and give it a nice pinch of salt.

2. Measure out ½ tsp of red chili flakes and add those to the garlic and leeks. Pour in the 2 tablespoons of vinegar over the mixture and let it sit to the side for 10 minutes.

3. While that rests, mince the cilantro leaves and parsley leaves. Add those to the bowl after the 10 minutes and mix to combine.

4. Add in the olive oil and stir. The vinaigrette is ready to serve. You can also process this in the food processor for a smoother final vinaigrette.

5. Drizzle the vinaigrette across the top of the salad and enjoy!

*Please note that vegetables can be swapped and measurements are up to you

Fried Green Tomatoes with Green Goddess Dressing

Ingredients: Fried Green Tomatoes:

Green tomatoes, sliced 2 cups self-rising cornmeal 1 heaping tablespoon self-rising flour Pinch of salt & pepper Crisco

Green Goddess Dressing:

1 bunch parsley leaves ½ bunch cilantro leaves 2 basil leaves 1 cup mayonnaise 1 medium shallot, roughly chopped 1 lime, juiced 2 cloves garlic, smashed ½ tsp cayenne pepper ¼ cup olive oil 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar ½ cup of jarred jalapeno (or 1 whole fresh jalapeno) Salt & pepper to taste

Fried Green Tomatoes Directions:

1. Wash tomatoes and slice them to the desired thickness.

2. Using a cast iron skillet, heat the Crisco on high heat until completely melted. You want enough to generously coat the bottom of the skillet.

3. Mix together the cornmeal, flour, and salt & pepper.

4. Dredge the tomatoes in the flour mixture and place them in a single layer in the cast iron. The pan will be hot so be sure to place the tomato in slowly and away from you.

5. Don’t overcrowd the skillet! For a typical cast iron size, four tomatoes at a time is plenty.

6. Lower the heat to medium to not burn the tomatoes. Once the outer edges start to brown, carefully flip them.

Fried Green Tomatoes Directions Contiuned:

7. Let the other side brown and then placed the hot fried green tomatoes on a paper towel lined baking sheet to drain.

8. Feel free to add whatever spices you like to the flour mixture. This is the most basic recipe and how I grew up eating them! The dressing adds plenty of flavor as well.

Green Goddess Dressing Directions:

1. Gather the ingredients and chop the shallot and garlic cloves.

2. Add the shallot, garlic cloves, and rest of the ingredients to a food processor and pulse until the dressing is smooth and the herbs are completely combined.

3. Taste and add salt/pepper as needed.

4. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to one week. Enjoy with the fried green tomatoes, salads, or as a vegetable dip!

Kentucky Favorites

Winter Squash & White Bean Crostini with Mushrooms & Boursin

Prep/Cook Time: Ingredients:

1 butternut squash or winter squash of your choice 2 cans of white beans—I use 2 cans of northern, drained 2 8oz. packages of cream cheese, softened 1 cup unsalted butter, softened 1 yellow onion 3 sprigs of thyme 1 head of garlic 1 bunch of chives, chopped 1 bunch of parsley, chopped 1 baguette loaf Salt Pepper Olive Oil


1. After washing the outside of the squash, cut it in half longways (carefully!). Place the two halves skin side down on a parchment lined baking sheet.

2. Take the onion and cut both the root and stem ends off. Cut the onion in half, longways and then in quarter chunks. Add these to the baking sheet with your squash.

3. Brush the squash and onion pieces with olive oil and give them all a big pinch of salt and pepper.

4. Roast the squash and onion pieces in the oven at 400F until the squash is fork tender, roughly 30 minutes depending on size. Be sure to keep an eye on the browning of the onions and be ready to take them out early if they are starting to crisp up before the squash is finished.

Winter Squash & White Bean Crostini with Mushroom and Boursin Directions Continued:

5. Cut the top off of the head of garlic, making sure to cut the top off of each clove. Place the intact head on a piece of tinfoil. Cover the exposed clove tops with olive oil and a pinch of salt. Bring the tinfoil around the head of garlic and seal it around the top. Place on a baking sheet and place in the 400F degree oven for about 40 minutes or until the cloves have roasted and caramelized to a golden color. This will be for the boursin!

6. Once those come out of the oven, place the onions into your food processor bowl and set to the side. When the squash is cool enough to handle, cut the skin off and cube it. Add the cubes to food processor. Pull the thyme from the stem and add it into the food processor as well.

7. Pulse the squash and onions until you get a slightly smooth mixture. You don’t want big chunks!

8. Add in beans and pulse for a smooth spread or use a potato masher to get a chunkier texture.

9. To make the boursin, add the cream cheese, butter, chopped chives, chopped parsley, 3 roasted garlic cloves, and salt/pepper to taste to a bowl. You can mix this by hand, hand-mixer, or food processor.

10. Toast up some slices from the baguette and spread the squash mixture on first. Then do a dollop of boursin and top with a sprig of thyme.

State Staples

Boston Baked Beans

Denise Stanley Scituate, Massachusetts

A traditional family supper every Saturday growing up was hot dogs, homemade baked beans, and homemade brown bread! This is something that my father’s family did and he continued the tradition with his children, and we have continued it today!

Prep/Cook Time: 60 minutes


2 (16 ounce) cans pinto beans, drained and rinsed 2 (16 ounce) cans canellini beans (or Northern), drained and rinsed 1 (16 ounce) can red kidney beans, drained and rinsed 1 pound thick cut bacon, uncooked (divided) 1/2 medium onion, diced 3/4 cup ketchup 1/4 cup molasses 1/2 cup maple syrup 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard 1 teaspoon black pepper


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pour rinsed and drained beans into a 9x13 baking dish. Set aside. Reserve enough bacon to cover the top of your baking dish (I use 5 slices). Using kitchen shears, cut the remaining bacon into bite-size pieces and place into casserole dish. Dice onion and add to casserole dish. Set aside. In a 4-cup bowl, combine ketchup, molasses, maple syrup, mustard, and pepper. Whisk to combine. Pour sauce over bean mixture and gently stir to combine. Cut reserved bacon into bite-sized pieces and place on top of bean mixture. Bake beans in a preheated oven for 60 minutes, or until sauce is thickened and bacon is cooked through.

Boston Brown Bread

Prep/Cook Time: 2 1/2 hours


Butter for greasing loaf pans or coffee cans 1/2 cup (heaping) rye flour 1/2 cup (heaping) all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup (heaping) finely ground corn meal (must be finely ground) 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon allspice 1/2 cup molasses (any kind) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) 1 cup buttermilk 1/2 cup raisins (optional)

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