University oK f entucky
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
1 hip at members anhellenic information P t u o b a form you u can find ned to in tents, yo se this t is desig in its con h le to join. U it k s o y W o a b y. w k c d n tu This a n d other e rs n K a te f rsity o ent week ncil, chap u m o it C ru c r primary the Unive ic n re e enjoy you primary r r Panhell u u o fo y o e t t a u id o u k forward th b a ag ope cky. I loo serve as nities. I h y of Kentu it rs booklet to bership opportu e iv n em at the U sorority m week experience t n e m it ru rec n! g you soo to meetin
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Go Cats!
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The Panhellenic Creed
We, as undergraduate members of women’s fraternities, stand for good scholarship, for guarding of good health, for maintenance of fine standards, and for serving, to the best of our ability, our college community. Cooperation for furthering fraternity life, in harmony with its best possibilities, is the ideal that shall guide our fraternity activities. We, as fraternity women, stand for service through the development of character inspired by the close contact and deep friendship of individual fraternity and Panhellenic life. The opportunity for wide and wise human service, through mutual respect and helpfulness, is the tenet for which we strive to live. University of Kentucky
Peyton McCarroll, president-elect Ellie Cahill, president Christine Vazquez, vice president of recruitment-elect Mary Ann Miller, vice president of recruitment
What is Panhellenic? The University of Kentucky Panhellenic Association is the second largest organization on campus with nearly 4,000 members. The Panhellenic Council serves as the governing body for 15 national sororities at UK. Panhellenic works to unite sorority women together to focus on common goals and to create a network of support for chapters and members.
Potential New Members have the right to... • Be treated as an individual • Be fully informed about the recruitment process • Ask questions and receive true and objective answers from recruitment counselors and members
We provide interactive programs and activities for sorority women and all University of Kentucky students. Every sorority woman belongs to the Panhellenic Association immediately upon pledging. Panhellenic annually works with the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council and the United Greek Council to sponsor educational and leadership programs.
Values-Based Recruitment Panhellenic describes the recruitment process as values-based because the organizations are rooted in values that guide our activities, behavior and what our chapters seek in potential members. The values-based recruitment process at the University of Kentucky is to ensure the future of chapters; to make connections and build relationships between chapter members and potential new members; to discover shared interests and values among chapter members and potential new members; and to display the high standards held by all National Panhellenic Conference member organizations. During primary recruitment week, potential new members should seek to find the chapter that has similar core values, principles and standards as themselves. Sorority membership is a lifetime commitment, and values-based recruitment supports that commitment by encouraging women to first examine the values of the group before personalities or other characteristics.
• Be treated with respect • Be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized • Ask how and why and receive straight answers • Have and express opinion to recruitment counselors • Have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with recruitment counselors • Make informed choices without undue pressure from others • Be fully informed about the binding agreements implicit in the acceptance card signing • Make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that decision • Have a positive, safe and enriching recruitment and new member experience
DURING RECRUITMENT Open house Philanthropy Sisterhood Preference
Questions to Ask
Why did you choose the University of Kentucky? What do you enjoy most about your college experience? Besides Greek life, what are you involved in on campus? How do you like to spend your free time? What service activities are you involved with as a sorority member? What is your chapter’s philanthropy? Why is that cause important to you? What is the most exciting thing about sorority membership? What is your favorite chapter event? How did you balance sorority obligations and academics in college? What have you gained from sorority membership? What about your chapter sets your sisterhood apart? How did you know this was the right chapter for you?
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
3 The Fraternity and Sorority Life Office operates as a unit within the Division of Student and Academic Life, an integral part of the University of Kentucky. The office is comprised of seven full-time staff members, three council advisers and four house directors. The staff offers education, guidance and advocacy to potential members, student leaders, sorority and fraternity chapters, alumni boards and national headquarters staff. The key areas of focus for the Fraternity and Sorority Life staff include academic excellence, member wellness, membership development and chapter growth. They also focus on leadership development, community service and friendship.
Panhellenic officers will conduct an informational session during “see blue.” U where sorority members will be available to answer your questions about recruitment, sororities and UK. Primary recruitment is organized into four rounds – Open House, Philanthropy, Sisterhood and Preference – which are structured to give potential new members a well-rounded view of each chapter and meet a variety of chapter members. Activities and presentations will provide information about each sorority’s values and what means most to them. Membership selection is a mutual process where both potential members and chapters consider several factors when making decisions. Throughout Primary Recruitment Week potential members prioritize the chapters they are interested in returning to visit and sororities prioritize which potential members they wish to invite for a return visit. After the last round of Primary Recruitment Week, potential members go directly to Memorial Hall to list their membership preferences in order. The sororities will be doing the same thing, thereby making the mutual selective process. Thereby making this a mutual selection process. However, a computer program does the actual preference matching. Potential member preferences receive priority over the sorority’s preferences in the final round. Panhellenic limits the size of each sorority’s new member class so it is a possibility that someone may not match with her first choice. The matching process is then applied to her second choice. It is an advantage to list as many preferences as possible.
University of Kentucky
Does it cost a lot to be a sorority member?
Sororities charge membership dues to cover the costs of activities and programs of both the local chapter and the national organization. Though financial commitment is necessary, that commitment comes with many benefits.The cost of dues for each chapter is available to women who register.
Will being in a sorority affect my grades?
We see that women in sororities have their academic performance impacted in positive ways. The all-sorority grade point average consistently exceeds the all-female average. Sororities offer programs and incentives to help members achieve scholastic success; these include study groups, peer tutoring, required study hours and rewards for outstanding performance.
Will I still be able to work while in a sorority?
In today’s world, very few students can attend college without outside employment. Chapters recognize this and work with members to meet financial and attendance obligations. Many students find sorority membership an advantage, in that networking with alumnae sometimes produces job possibilities.
Do I need alumnae references?
Some sororities require a recommendation from an alumnae member of the sorority before they can pledge a woman. It is the responsibility of the sorority to obtain a recommendation if one is needed. Recommendations simply introduce a potential member to the chapter before primary recruitment week starts. “Recs” tell the sorority a little more about your personality, scholarship and activities. Potential members are NOT required to secure recommendations in order to receive bids. Alumnae members may visit the organization website or contact the national office to obtain a form.
How much time does a sorority take? Will I have time for school?
There is a time commitment to membership and and what you put in, you get out. As a general rule, most chapters have Monday night meetings and offer other optional sisterhood, scholarship and philanthropy opportunities throughout the week. Your first semester will give you plenty of chances to meet other members through social events and campuswide activities. In the fraternity and sorority community there is always a wide variety of activities for you to be involved.
What is a legacy? Do I need to be one to join a sorority?
A legacy is a close relative of a member of a particular chapter (usually mothers, grandmothers and sisters) but each chapter has a different policy on recruiting legacies. Legacies are not guaranteed a bid and all potential members are expected to consider all chapters equally. It is important that each potential member find a chapter with whom she shares values and feels comfortable.
Does everyone receive a bid?
The purpose of the recruitment process is to allow you and the chapters to decide on the best fit. The reality is that not everybody who goes through recruitment finds a match, but every effort is made to provide opportunities for involvement to any young woman who is interested in the sorority.
Does it mat ter if I’m a sophomore, junior or senior in college going through recruitment ? No, it does not matter what year you are in school. Every woman going through the recruitment process is treated fairly.
Can I join a sorority if I’m in a Living Learning Program, Fast Track program, at hlet ic team, etc.?
Yes, you are still able to join sorority. The recruitment staff works to accommodate your schedule during the week of recruitment to make sure you are able to have the same recruitment experience as every other woman going through recruitment! Be sure to indicate those activities on your registration form and register early so that the recruitment staff can accommodate your scheduling needs.
TIPS FOR SUCCESS 1. Be yourself. Each chapter on the University of Kentucky’s campus has its own personality and characteristics. The best way to find the perfect home for you is to be yourself throughout the entire week! 2. Manage your time wisely. Recruitment functions are scheduled to begin and end at certain times. Be sure that you are prompt and prepared for each day. 3. Ask about financial requirements. Discuss these expectations with each chapter you are considering before you make a final decision. In addition, we recommend that you discuss financial obligations with your parents. 4. Get to know your Gamma Chi group. Your Gamma Chi group is going to be the first group of women you are going to meet in college, so it’s a great opportunity to get a head start on making new friends! In addition, the women in your Gamma Chi group are going through the same process as you, so it will be helpful to confide and receive support from them. 5. Be prepared for walking around campus. Recruitment involves a lot of walking to functions and other events during the week. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes that you can walk easily in so that you will be on time for your events!
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
Recruitment Informat ion On Saturday, Aug. 12, women living in the residence halls will move in between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Families are invited to attend an orientation at 5 p.m. in the Singletary Center, which covers important information for parents and other family members about sorority life. All potential members will be meeting their Gamma Chi groups for the first time at 5 p.m. to review the schedule for the week and get to know the women in their group. Remember you are moving in during August in Kentucky, so comfort is key!
Move-In Orientation AUGUST 12
On Sunday, Aug. 13, you will attend potential new member orientation with your Gamma Chi group. Potential new member orientation gives you a great overview of the recruitment process, what to expect and how you can be most prepared for the week. We encourage everyone participating to bring school supplies to participate in your first philanthropy event supporting children in Fayette County Public Schools.
Do’s: Comfortable clothing, T-shirt, shorts Don’ts: Heavy clothing, uncomfortable shoes
You will be having basic get to know you conversations in this round. The conversations will be about what you did over the summer, what talents and interests you have, where you are from and much more.
During open house you will be attending functions at each of the 14 chapters participating in primary recruitment week. You will visit half of the chapters on day one and the other half on day two. These initial functions are designed to familiarize you with UK’s sorority community and share the benefits of “going Greek.” Your Gamma Chi group will accompany you to each chapter throughout this round. These first two days are designed to be relaxing, so have fun! Dress for open house is casual. Wear comfortable shoes for walking and the recruitment T-shirt that your Gamma Chi will provide you at your first meeting. Remember, you will be walking from house to house all week and August in Kentucky is hot and humid!
AUGUST 14 and 15 University of Kentucky
Do’s: Comfortable clothing, T-shirt, shorts Don’ts: Heavy clothing, uncomfortable shoes
Second Round AUGUST 16-17
The second round marks the beginning of the invitational rounds and you may attend up to 10 events for this round. You will attend these functions by yourself, because each potential member will have an individual schedule. Gamma Chis will be stationed around campus to help you and answer any of your questions. This round of recruitment focuses on each chapter’s community service activities and explains the sorority’s philanthropy.
Dressy shorts or casual skirts and dressy sandals
Casual shorts, fancy dress, uncomfortable shoes
TYPES OF CONVERSATIONS: You should expect to talk about what you have been involved in with community service; how you see yourself contributing to UK and the community; and to learn about each philanthropy. You should expect to come out of each chapter knowing more about the service opportunities provided for you.
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
T hird Round AUGUST 18
The third round, or second invitational, allows potential members to attend up to six chapters. Each function lasts longer to allow more in-depth conversations. Sororities will share information about the ideals, responsibilities and bonds that unite their members. By this round you may begin to recognize faces in the chapters you visit. You will also be able to recognize the individuality and spirit of each sorority. This is a time to ask as many questions as you like. Sorority members may share personal feelings about their chapter to assist you in understanding the uniqueness of each sorority. During third round recruitment functions, you may want to dress up a bit more.
Do’s: Casual dresses, skirt outfits,
During this round you will be talking about what means the most to you. This can range from family to friends and other important aspects of your life. The organizations will be talking about their values and how they relate to your own.
blouse and dress pants, dressy sandals
Don’ts: Shorts, fancy dresses, uncomfortable shoes
Preference AUGUST 19
Preference is the last day of membership recruitment functions. An invitation to a preference party indicates a sorority’s strong interest in you as a future member. You may attend up to two preference functions on this day. Throughout the preference round, a sorority’s presentation will reflect the values and ideals held in esteem by its members. Listen carefully to what the women say; they are revealing the strongest characteristics of their chapter to you. Preference functions have a more serious tone. Therefore, you may feel more comfortable in an outfit you would wear to a reception or a formal setting.
Do’s: Reception dress or pants attire, comfortable dress shoes
Don’ts: Prom/sequined dresses, shorts University of Kentucky
CONVERSATIONS: This day you should be having deeper conversations about how you could fit into the organization. You will be talking to the women in the chapters about why they chose their organization and how you would contribute to that sisterhood. This day you should focus on what group is going to make you the best version of yourself.
8 On bid day, potential members receive their invitations, or bids, to join a sorority. It’s an exciting day when potential members meet their new sisters and pledge the sorority. Bid day is fun with activities planned for you to get to know the chapter and your new member class. Your Gamma Chi will provide you with a T-shirt for you to wear with shorts or jeans for this day. Chapters’ pledging ceremonies will be held later that evening or in the couple of days following bid day. Pledging ceremonies mark the beginning of a pledgeship, the period between the time a woman joins her sorority and is initiated. The new member period can last as few as four weeks or up to a whole semester, depending on the chapter.
Bid Day AUGUST 20
New member meetings are typically held one night a week. During this time you learn about the history of your chapter, your national organization and other fraternities and sororities at UK. Many scholarship, philanthropy and social activities are planned by the chapter to help you get to know your sisters and other members of your new member class.
Do’s: Bid Day T-Shirt (provided), casual shorts, jeans, comfortable walking shoes
Don’ts: Dresses, uncomfortable shoes
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
Alpha Chi Omega Alpha Chi Omega works to build real, strong women through
leadership opportunities, sisterhood activities and the work we do for our national philanthropy. It is our hope that the women of Alpha Chi Omega leave the University of Kentucky ready to make a difference in the world around them. Nickname: Alpha Chi Values: Wisdom, Devotion, Achievement Philanthropy: Domestic Violence Awareness Minimum High School GPA: 3.0 Minimum College GPA: 2.5 Twitter: UK_AXO Instagram: uk_axo Website:
Alpha Delta Pi Alpha Delta Pi at the University of Kentucky is committed to our sisterhood; our values and ethics; our high academic standards; and our social and philanthropic involvement. Nickname: ADPi Values: Intelligence, Compassion, Humility Philanthropy: Ronald McDonald House Charities Minimum High School GPA: 3.2 Minimum College GPA: 3.0 Twitter: ukadpi Instagram: ukadpi Website:
University of Kentucky
Alpha Gamma Delta At the University of Kentucky, Alpha Gamma Delta members
strive to “live with purpose� everyday, as exhibited in our commitment to scholarship, community, self and sisterhood. As an Alpha Gam, your college experience will be enriched with life-long memories, a foundation for leadership, opportunities for philanthropic involvement and a sisterhood that will last a lifetime. Nickname: Alpha Gam Values: Leadership, Service, Relationships Philanthropy: Fighting Hunger Minimum High School GPA: 3.0 Minimum College GPA: 3.2 Twitter: @AlphaGamEpsilon Instagram: @ukalphagam Website:
Alpha Omicron Pi
The Kappa Omega chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi at the University of Kentucky is a collection of genuine, diverse women who strive to better the community, campus and each other through life-long friendship and dedication to exceeding the expectation. Nickname: AO Pi, Alpha O Values: Service, Leadership, Sincerity Philanthropy: Arthritis Research Minimum High School GPA: 3.0 Minimum College GPA: 3.0 Twitter: uk_aoii Instagram: uk_aoii Website:
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
Alpha Phi Alpha Phi at the University of Kentucky is a group of closely bonded women, students and leaders. We are striving to positively impact our campus and make a difference in our local community. Our sisterhood is supportive, strong and everlasting. Nickname: APhi Values: Loyalty, Service, Scholarship Philanthropy: The Alpha Phi Foundation Minimum High School GPA: 2.95 Minimum College GPA: 3.1 Twitter: UK_AlphaPhi Instagram: ukalphaphi Website:
Chi Omega The Lambda Alpha chapter of Chi Omega is a diverse and
inclusive group of women. We strive to maintain academic excellence and philanthropic success, while keeping our six purposes ever at heart. Nickname: Chi O Values: Integrity, Service, Academics Philanthropy: Make-A-Wish Minimum High School GPA: 3.2 Minimum College GPA: 3.0 Twitter: UK_ChiOmega Instagram: ukchiomega Website:
University of Kentucky
Delta Delta Delta Becoming a Tri Delta is a life-changing experience filled with
new friends, responsibilities and exciting character-building opportunities. Tri Delta is an organization founded by women to provide opportunities for women to live, learn and lead . . with purpose, for a lifetime. Nickname: Tri Delt Values: Live, Learn, Lead Philanthropy: Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital Minimum High School GPA: 3.2 Minimum College GPA: 3.0 Twitter: @UKTriDelta Instagram: UKTriDelta Website:
Delta Gamma Delta Gamma offers to women of all ages a rich heritage based
on principles of personal integrity, personal responsibility and intellectual honesty. Our purpose is to foster high ideals of friendship, promote educational and cultural interests, create a true sense of social responsibility and develop the finest qualities of character. Nickname: DG Values: Friendship, Education, Social Responsibility Philanthropy: Service for Sight Minimum High School GPA: 3.2 Minimum College GPA: 2.75 Twitter: ukdeltagamma Instagram: ukdeltagamma Website:
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
Delta Zeta Delta Zeta at the University of Kentucky exists to enrich the lives of
its members in all aspects. We love one another unconditionally and encourage each other to be the best women that we can be. Nickname: DZ Values: Sincerity, Leadership, Passion Philanthropy: Speech and Hearing Minimum High School GPA: 3.2 Minimum College GPA: 3.2 Twitter: UKDeltaZeta Instagram: ukdeltazeta Website:
Kappa Alpha T heta Kappa Alpha Theta’s mission is to grow as individuals, strive for
excellence, accept diversity and create lasting friendships. The Gamma Iota chapter focuses on creating leaders who empower others. Nickname: Theta Values: Faith, Hope, Love Philanthropy: Court Appointed Special Advocates Minimum High School GPA: 3.2 Minimum College GPA: 3.0 Twitter: @UKTheta Instagram: @UKTheta Website:
University of Kentucky
Kappa Delta The Epsilon Omega chapter of Kappa Delta is a group of diverse,
genuine women that are committed to becoming the best version of ourselves academically and as members of the Greek community. We work with both national and local philanthropies in hopes to instill confidence in everyone we meet. Nickname: KD Values: Confidence, Authenticity, Sincerity Philanthropy: Girl Scouts of the USA, Prevent Child Abuse America, The Nest Minimum High School GPA: 3.2 Minimum College GPA: 3.0 Twitter: uk_kappadelta Instagram: uk_kappadelta Website:
Kappa Kappa Gamma Kappa Kappa Gamma recognizes the value in
striving for intellectual excellence and pursuing opportunities for self-growth. Nickname: Kappa Values: Individuality, Education, Merit Philanthropy: Reading is Fundamental, GIRLS Academy, Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation Minimum High School GPA: 3.3 Minimum College GPA: 2.7 Twitter: KKGBetaChi Instagram: kentuckykkg Website:
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
Phi Mu Phi Mu is filled with a diverse group of women who promote leadership development, community involvement, academic achievement and lifelong friendships. Nickname: Phi Mu Values: Love, Honor, Truth Philanthropy: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals Minimum High School GPA: 3.0 Minimum College GPA: 2.75 Twitter: PhiMu_UK Instagram: phimu_uk Website:
Pi Beta Phi The Kentucky Beta chapter of Pi Beta Phi, strives to
promote academic success, true sisterhood and community outreach here on the University of Kentucky’s campus. Nickname: Pi Phi Values: Integrity, Service, Friendship Philanthropy: Literacy Minimum High School GPA: 3.0 Minimum College GPA: 2.5 Instagram: ukpiphi
University of Kentucky
Membership Expectat ions Academic
Panhellenic does not require a specific grade point average to participate in the recruitment week process, but all participants must be fulltime students at the University of Kentucky. Each of the women’s fraternity chapters takes great pride in its level of scholastic achievement and has a minimum grade point average for pledging. Both the new member and the all-Panhellenic grade point average exceed the university all-women’s average. Sororities place great emphasis on encouraging, developing and maintaining academic progress. Chapters frequently provide tutors, study programs and other incentives to promote academic improvement. Additionally, time management skills of sorority women improve as they work to attain desired scholastic goals while meeting chapter responsibilities.
F inancial
Joining a sorority carries a financial commitment. However, that commitment is usually less than what a student spends on housing, food and entertainment as a non-member. UK residence halls cost approximately $6,000 each semester and this does not include a meal plan or activities. The average cost per semester of sorority membership, including dues, rent and food is $3,500 for women living in the chapter house. Women not living in the chapter house pay an average of $700 each semester. The first semester of membership is usually more expensive than the second because of one-time initiation fees. The first semester of membership is $1,200 on average.
Generally, sorority housing costs less than campus housing or living in an apartment. Most sororities offer payment plans, allowing you to spread payments throughout the semester.
University of Kentucky Panhellenic chapters support a strong tradition of service to the UK campus and Lexington community. Being a member of a sorority requires students to donate some of their time to giving back to the local community as well as the national philanthropy. Every chapter has its own requirements for members that may range from donating individual service hours to attending chapter philanthropic events. Participating in these service events provides members with great ways to get involved in their community, get to know their sisters better, as well as learn the importance of giving back to others.
Living in a sorority house has all the same benefits as the residence halls plus the opportunity to live with your pledge class and chapter executive officers. Advantages of living in a sorority house typically include being in the central location of all chapter activities, meals served Monday through Friday and rooming with at least one other sorority sister. If a chapter has housing, then there is a good chance that students may be required to live in the house for at least two semesters. Most sorority houses are operated by chapter house corporations that, much like a landlord, must have all available spots
occupied with a signed contract and possibly a deposit. Each chapter has a house director who lives in an apartment within the house to provide security along with food, maintenance and housekeeping supervision. All sorority housing is different so this is an important conversation topic during recruitment.
Sorority membership offers women a variety of positions to sharpen their leadership skills. Sorority women also serve in UK’s Student Government Association, Student Activities Board, academic and leadership honoraries and as student ambassadors for their colleges. Sorority women don’t just belong to these organizations; many hold the highest leadership positions. Involvement and active participation in leadership activities enable sorority women to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in today’s fast-paced job market.
University of Kentucky fraternity and sorority life provides a diverse array of events to expose members to a wide variety of social programs. Formals, Homecoming, exchange dinners and chapter retreats all support the goal of bringing women together to develop bonds of friendship. Development of values, traditions and honor contribute to the Panhellenic commitment for social programs to enrich personal development. All sororities maintain a responsible social policy promoting Panhellenic standards for careful planning of safe social activities.
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
Recruitment Counselors Panhellenic trains a group of women, known as Gamma Chis, for the purpose of providing a more enjoyable and less stressful atmosphere during primary recruitment week. All Gamma Chis remain disaffiliated from their own chapters during the week. Disaffiliation enables Gamma Chis to answer questions and guide potential members without bias or preference to a particular chapter. Each Gamma Chi will provide information about the week, accompany potential new members to recruitment week functions and provides a listening ear as decisions are made concerning sorority membership. Each recruitment, or Gamma Chi, group has about 15 women who live in the same residence hall or area off campus. Panhellenic chooses Gamma Chis based on enthusiasm for UK and sorority life, objectivity and dependability. Take advantage of the Gamma Chis because they can offer valuable information regarding sorority life, academics and other opportunities waiting for students at the University of Kentucky. A Gamma Chi’s job during primary recruitment week is to help potential new members and to make the week easier for everyone in whatever way she is able..
Addit ional Opportunit ies Cont inuous Open Bidding Continuous Open Bidding (COB) begins after the conclusion of primary recruitment week and continues throughout the academic year. COB is recommended for anyone who chooses not to participate in primary recruitment week, as it offers women the opportunity to join and participate in sorority life. Not all chapters are eligible to participate in COB because they filled the total allowable chapter size during primary recruitment week. During COB a woman may be offered an invitation from more than one sorority. Only one invitation may be accepted, and the new member must sign an acceptance card within 24 hours of accepting the invitation to join. COB events may include pizza parties, bowling outings or TV nights. Participating sororities will advertise events on social media or contact you by phone, email or personal visit to invite you to attend their membership activities. Potential new members will not hear from all the sororities that are participating in COB. Students interested in COB should register online at beginning August 19. Questions regarding COB can be answered by sorority women or Fraternity and Sorority Life at 859-257-3151. COB has no registration fee. University of Kentucky
Phi Sigma Rho Phi Sigma Rho is a social sorority and is an associate member of the Panhellenic Council. An associate member is a chapter that does not participate in Primary Recruitment Week. What makes Phi Sigma Rho different is that it has a major requirement. Anyone who is pursuing a degree in engineering or the technical studies is welcome to join. Other majors are also welcome as long as they have a math or science core. Phi Sigma Rho participates in many campus activities including DanceBlue, Homecoming and Greek Sing. Phi Sigma Rho holds recruitment events near the third week of school of both fall and spring semesters. Recruitment takes place over a four-day period and attendance at two events is suggested in order to get an opportunity to receive a bid.
Registrat ion Informat ion Saturday, Aug. 12 Participants in primary recruitment week, must be enrolled as full-time UK students during Fall 2017 semester. All participants must register online at (click the “Recruitment” tab) or in person during “see blue.” U orientation. Students participating in other programs during primary recruitment week, such as Living Learning Program, FastTrack, Wildcat Marching Band or UK Dance Team, should register by July 15 in order to help with the coordination of schedules. There is a cost to participate in sorority recruitment.
On or before July 15 - $150 After July 15 - $175 After August 1 - $225 Primary recruitment week starts one week before classes. Participants living in university housing must indicate so on the registration form. Campus housing will bill each student following recruitment for early move in.
9 a.m. or 3 p.m. Move in to residence halls 5 p.m. Family orientation (Singletary Center for the Arts) 5 p.m. Meeting with Gamma Chi group for potential new members 8 p.m. Recruitment kick off
10 a.m., Noon or 2 p.m. 1 – 3 p.m.
9 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Open House round functions
9 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Open House round functions
9 a.m. – 8:35 p.m.
Philanthropy round functions
9 a.m. – 1:20 p.m.
Philanthropy round functions
8 a.m. – 7 p.m. Sisterhood round functions 7:30 p.m. Residence hall floor meetings and K Week activities
8 a.m. – 2:20 p.m. Preference round functions 3:30 p.m. New Student Induction Ceremony
5 p.m. 6 p.m.
Sunday, Aug. 13
Monday, Aug. 14 Tuesday, Aug. 15
Potential new member orientation Gamma Chi group activities
Wednesday, Aug. 16 Thursday, Aug. 17 Friday, Aug. 18
Saturday, Aug. 19 Sunday, Aug. 20
Panhellenic Pledging Ceremony Chapter bid day activities
Panhellenic Recruitment Guide 2017
Sororities have been part of the campus community at the University of Kentucky since 1908 and continue to provide the campus with top leaders in organizations such as Student Government, DanceBlue and the Student Activities Board. Your daughter will have the opportunity of not only exploring the benefits of sorority life at the University of Kentucky, but also become familiar with the myriad of academic programs and other wonderful aspects of college life that the university offers. UK’s research reveals that members of fraternities and sororities are more apt to return to school in the following fall term than students not enrolled in Greek organizations.
Dear parent, I hope that you will be supportive of your daughter’s decision to seek membership in a sorority should she choose to do so. If at any time you have any questions or concerns regarding your daughter’s sorority experience, please feel free to contact me at 518 Patterson Office Tower, 859-257-3151, or email: “see blue.”, Susan West - Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life