2016-17 Faculty Scholarship

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David A. Brennen

dean and professor of law

Douglas Michael

associate dean of academic affairs and dorothy salmon professor of law

Richard C. Ausness

associate dean for faculty research and stites & harbison professor of law

Susan B. Steele

associate dean of career development

Daniel P. Murphy, Jr.

assistant dean of community engagement & diversity




Albertina Antognini

Assistant Professor of Law articles The Law of Nonmarriage, 58 Boston College Law Review 1 (2017).

Richard C. Ausness

Associate Dean for Faculty Research and Stites & Harbison Professor of Law articles Discretionary Trusts: An Update, 43 ACTEC L.J. __ (forthcoming). Gun Control through Tort Law: A Reply to Professor McClurg, 68 Fla. L. Rev. Forum 89 (2017). Non-Charitable Purpose Trusts: Past, Present and Future, 51 Real Prop., Tr. & Est. L.J. 321 (2016).

books Rewritten Opinion of Magdalin v. Commissioner, in Feminist Tax Judgments (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2017). Philosophical Foundations of Wealth Transfer Taxation, in Philosophical Foundations of Tax Law, published by Oxford University Press (2017). articles Utilitarianism and Wealth Transfer Taxation, 69 Ark. L. Rev. 695 (2016). Why Tax Wealth Transfers?: A Philosophical Analysis, 57 B.C. L. Rev. 859 (2016).

Zachary A. Bray

Planned Parenthood: Adult Adoption and the Right of Adoptees to Inherit, 41 ACTEC L.J. 241 (2016).

H. Wendell Cherry Associate Professor of Law

Book Review: A Review of Alexander A. Bove, Jr., Trust Protectors: A Practice Manual with Forms, 29 Quinnipiac Prob. L.J. 112 (2016).

articles RLUIPA and the Limits of Religious Institutionalism, 2016 Utah L. Rev. 41 (2016), reprinted in Leslie Griffin, Law And Religion: Cases And Materials 428-440 (4th ed. 2017); and Patricia E. Salkin, Zoning And Planning Law Handbook (2017 ed.).

Scott R. Bauries

Willburt D. Ham Professor of Law books State Constitutional Provisions Prohibiting Aid to Religious Institutions, in Law, Religion, and Education (Charles Russo, ed., 2016).


Jennifer Bird-Pollan

James and Mary Lassiter Associate Professor of Law


David A. Brennen

Dean and Professor of Law books Chapter 13: Bob Jones University v. United States, 461 U.S. 574 (1983), Author of Rewritten Opinion, in Feminist Judgments: Rewritten Tax Opinions (Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2017).

Tina M. Brooks

Electronic Services Librarian

books Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research, (2015-2017) (with Beau Steenken) (Annual Update). Bibliography of General and StateSpecific Research Guides, in Kentucky Legal Research Manual, University of Kentucky Office of Continuing Legal Education (2016). articles Keeping Up with New Legal Titles: Voters’ Verdicts: Citizens, Campaigns, and Institutions in State Supreme Court Elections, 108 Law Libr. J. 279 (2016).

Rutheford B Campbell

William T. Lafferty Professor of Law articles The Case for Federal Preemption of State Blue Sky Laws, in Prosperity Unleashed: Smarter Financial Regulation (Norbert J. Michel, ed.) (2017).

The Role of Blue Sky Laws After the National Securities Markets Improvement Act and the JOBS Act, Columbia Law School’s Blog on Corporations and the Capital Markets, The CLS Blue Sky Blog (2017). Bumping Along the Bottom: Abandoned Principles and Failed Fiduciary Standards in Uniform Partnership and LLC Statutes, 96 Ky. L.J. 163 (20072008) reprinted in Agency And Partnership (Mark J. Loewenstein & Robert W. Hillman, eds. Edward Elgar Publishing, Ltd.) (2017). The SEC’s Regulation A+: Small Business Goes Under the Bus Again, 104 Ky. L.J. 325 (2016). Selected for inclusion and reprinted in Securities Law Review 2017 (Langevoort, ed.); selected for inclusion and reprinted in Commentator (Thompson, ed.). The Role of Blue Sky Laws After NSMIA and the Jobs Act, 66 Duke L.J. 605 (2016).

Allison Connelly

Director of the Legal Clinic and H. Wendell Cherry Professor of Law

books Laws and Programs for Older Kentuckians (5th ed. 2016). Baldwin’s Kentucky Lawyer’s Handbook, vol. 2, Criminal Practice, (contributing author and editor) (Thompson/West 2016) (Annual Update). Criminal Law of Kentucky, (contributing author and editor) (Thompson/West 2016) (Annual Update).



Mary J. Davis

Joshua A. Douglas

books Products Liability and Safety: Cases and Materials, 7th ed. Case and Statute Supplement (20162017) (with David G. Owen).

books Election Law Stories (Foundation Press 2016) (editor, with Eugene D. Mazo).

Brown, Todd & Heyburn Professor of Law

Products Liability and Safety: Cases and Materials, 7th ed. (2016) (with David G. Owen). Owen & Davis on Products Liability, 4th (West) (with David G. Owen) (Annual Update).

James M. Donovan

Library Director and James and Mary Lassiter Associate Professor of Law books Reciprocity as a Species of Fairness: Completing Malinowski’s Theory of Law, in Bronislaw Malinowski’s Concept of Law (Mateusz Stepien ed., 2016). articles Diversity: How is AALL Doing?, 109 Law Libr. J. 7 (2017). Half-Baked: The Demand by For-Profit Businesses for Religious Exemptions from Selling to Same-Sex Couples, 49 Loyola Los Angeles L. Rev. 39 (2016).



Robert G. Lawson & William H. Fortune Associate Professor of Law

The Story of Crawford v. Marion County Election Board and the History of Voter ID Laws, in Election Law Stories (2016). articles The Right to Vote Under Local Law, 85 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2017). Local Democracy on the Ballot, 111 Nw. U. L. Rev. Online 173 (2017). In Defense of Lowering the Voting Age, 165 U. Pa. L. Rev. Online 63 (2017). A Checklist Manifesto for Election Day: How to Prevent Mistakes at the Polls, 43 Fla. St. L. Rev. 353 (2016). State Judges and the Right to Vote, 77 Ohio St. L.J. 1 (2016). A Pivotal Moment in Election Law, 104 Ky. L.J. 547 (2016). Election Law at the Local Level, 15 Election L.J. 232 (2016).

Brian L. Frye

Spears-Gilbert Associate Professor of Law books The Zapruder Film, in A History Of Intellectual Property In 50 Objects (Daniel Hunter & Claudy Op den Kamp eds., Cambridge University Press 2018). A Revolution in Favor of Television: WCVB-TV and Robert Gardner’s Screening Room, in Looking (Rebecca Meyers, William Rothman & Charles Warren eds., SUNY Press 2016). articles A Revealed Preferences Approach to Ranking Law Schools, Ala. L. Rev. (forthcoming) (with Christopher J. Ryan, Jr.). An Empirical Study of University Patent Activity, 7 NYU J. Intell. Prop. & Ent. L. __ (2017) (with Christopher J. Ryan, Jr.).

An Empirical Study of the Copyright Practices of American Law Journals, 16 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 207 (2017) (with Franklin L. Runge & Christopher J. Ryan, Jr.). Reflections on Motion Picture Evidence, 12 world picture (Winter 2017). Aesthetic Nondiscrimination & Fair Use, 3 Belmont L. Rev. 29 (2016). Machiavellian Intellectual Property, 78 Univ. of Pittsburgh L. Rev. 1 (2016). Art & the “Public Trust” in Municipal Bankruptcy, 93 U. Detroit Mercy L. Rev. 629 (2016). Copyright in a Nutshell for Found Footage Filmmakers, Found Footage Magazine No. 2 (2016). Copyright in Pantomime, 34 Cardozo Arts & Ent. L. Rev. 413 (2016). Plagiarism is Not a Crime, 54 Duquesne L. Rev. 133 (2016).

Against Creativity, N.Y.U. J.L. & Liberty (forthcoming).

Social Technology & the Origins of Popular Philanthropy, 32 Ga. State. L. Rev. 413 (2016).

Invention of a Slave, Syracuse L. Rev. (forthcoming).

Scenes from the Copyright Office, 32 Touro L. Rev. 83 (2016).

The Athlete’s Two Bodies: Reflections on the Ontology of Celebrity, Incite! Journal of Experimental Media, Issue 7 (forthcoming).

Three Great Phonographers: Warhol, Nixon & Kaufman, Incite! Journal of Experimental Media, Issue 6 (2016).

Equitable Resale Royalties, 24 J. Intell. Prop. L. 1 (2017). Fixing Forum Selling, 25 U. Miami Bus. L. Rev. 1 (2017) (with Christopher J. Ryan, Jr.). Incidental Intellectual Property, 33 Ent. & Sports Lawyer 24 (2017).



Louise E. Graham

Robert G. Lawson & William H. Fortune Professor of Law

books Kentucky Practice: Domestic Relations Law, 3rd ed., (West 2009–2016) (with James E. Keller) (Annual Update).

Jane Grisé

Director of Academic Enhancement and Assistant Professor of Legal Research and Writing books Critical Reading for Law School Success (forthcoming 2017). articles Critical Reading Instruction: The Road to Successful Legal Writing Skills, 18 W. Mich. Univ. Cooley J. of Prac. & Clinical L. __ (forthcoming 2017).

Roberta M. Harding

Professor of Law

articles Rubbing the Rabbit’s Foot: Gallows Superstitions and Public Healthcare in England during the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, 25 B.U. Pub. Int. L.J. 359 (2016).

Melissa N. Henke

Director of Legal Research and Writing and Robert G. Lawson & William H. Fortune Associate Professor of Law articles Polishing Makes Perfect . . . Or Maybe Not, Bench & B. (Nov./Dec. 2016).

Diane B. Kraft

Wyatt, Tarrant, & Combs Associate Professor of Law II articles Do Real Lawyers Use CREAC? Bench & B. (May 2016).

Cortney E. Lollar

James and Mary Lassiter Associate Professor of Law articles Criminalizing Pregnancy, Ind. L.J. (forthcoming 2017).

Kathryn L. Moore

Ashland-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law books The Future of the Cadillac Tax, in 20168 New York University Review of Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation (LexisNexis). articles Closing the Retirement Savings Gap: Are State Automatic Enrollment IRAs the Answer?, 24 Geo. Mason L. Rev. 35 (2016).



A Closer Look at the IRAs in State Automatic Enrollment IRA Programs, 23 Conn. Ins. L.J. 217 (2016).

Franklin L. Runge

Faculty Services Librarian books Kentucky Case Law Research, in Kentucky Legal Research Manual, University of Kentucky Office of Continuing Legal Education (2016). Secondary Sources on Kentucky Law, in Kentucky Legal Research Manual, University of Kentucky Office of Continuing Legal Education (2016). articles Online Multimedia: Government Research, in Modern Legal Research, University of Kentucky Office of Continuing Legal Education (2017). An Empirical Study of the Copyright Practices of American Law Journals, 16 J. Marshall Rev. Intell. Prop. L. 207 (2017) (with Brian L. Frye & Christopher J. Ryan, Jr.). Keeping Up with New Legal Titles, 109 Law Libr. J. 143 (2017) (reviewing Laura K. Donohue, The Future of Foreign Intelligence: Privacy and Surveillance in a Digital Age (2016)). The Future of Law Libraries, Bench & B. (July/Aug. 2016) (with Tina M. Brooks & Beau Steenken).

Paul E. Salamanca

Wendell H. Ford Professor of Law articles Another Look at Skelky Oil and Franchise Tax Board, 80 Alb. L. Rev. 53 (2017).

Robert G. Schwemm

Ashland-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law and Everett H. Metcalf, Jr. Professor of Law books Housing Discrimination: Law and Litigation (Thomson-West 1990, revised 2001) (Annual Update). articles Proving Disparate Impact in Fair Housing Cases After Inclusive Communities, 19 N.Y.U. J. Leg. & Pub. Pol’y 685 (2016) (with Calvin Bradford).

Beau Steenken Instructional Services Librarian books Sources of American Law: An Introduction to Legal Research (2015-2017) (with Tina M. Brooks) (Annual Update). Local Legislation, in Kentucky Legal Research Manual, University of Kentucky Office of Continuing Legal Education (2016).



Administrative Law, in Kentucky Legal Research Manual, University of Kentucky Office of Continuing Legal Education (2016) (with Amy Beckham Foster).

Richard H. Underwood

Edward T. Breathitt Professor of Law

books Crimesong: True Crime Stories From Southern Murder Ballads (Shadelandhouse 2016). Kentucky Evidence Courtroom Manual (LexisNexis 2016–2017) (with Glen Weissenberger) (Annual Update). articles A Riff on Billy the Kid, 32 Touro L. Rev. 225 (2016).

Sarah N. Welling

Ashland-Spears Distinguished Research Professor of Law and William L. Matthews, Jr. Professor of Law books Federal Practice and Procedure Treatise, 4th ed., Vol. 3 & 4 (West) (Annual Update). Sixth Circuit Pattern Jury Instructions: Criminal (West) (Annual Update).



Andrew Keane Woods

Assistant Professor of Law

books Mutual Assistance in the Digital Age, in The Cambridge Handbook Of Surveillance Law (Stephen Henderson & David Gray eds., Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2017). articles The Transparency Tax, 71 Vand. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2017). Against Data Exceptionalism, 68 Stan L. Rev. 729 (2016).

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