University of Pittsburgh Business & Operations Strategic Plan 2017-2020

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Business & Operations


A LETTER from Greg Scott

Senior Vice Chancellor, Business & Operations

I am excited to present the very first Business & Operations Strategic Plan. The purpose of this strategic plan is to provide Business & Operations with a clarity of direction as we work toward our vision of providing world-class service through our amazing employees and innovative spirit. As we work together toward this goal, I look forward to conducting our business in a way that exemplifies our core values – Community, Excellence, Fun, Integrity, Ownership and Respect. I would be remiss if I did not thank the members of the planning team who have worked diligently to assemble this strategic plan. The process to get to this point was both challenging and rewarding and I am proud of their efforts. I look forward to working with all of the members of this very special Business & Operations team as we work together to make this plan come to life. I hope you enjoy reading our plan and will reach out to me if you have any questions or comments. For all of us in Business & Operations, we look forward to an exciting future for Pitt.

- Greg

Business & Operations Auxiliary Services Business & Real Estate Human Resources Facilities Management Public Safety & Emergency Management

OUR VISION Be recognized nationally for our amazing employees, innovative spirit, and world-class service.

OUR MISSION Lead, plan, and manage Pitt’s human, physical, safety, and hospitality resources to create a positive and memorable experience. In order to do this, we will: • Attract, develop, engage, and retain quality talent • Ensure the safety of the campus community • Use resources effectively to design, build, operate and manage the campus • Deliver excellent service • Collaborate to provide optimal solutions

OUR VALUES Our work is guided by these values, and we are committed to:

Community Excellence Fun Integrity Ownership Respect


Business and Operations is a proud member of

We aspire to be a team that strengthens all of the

the Pitt community. We are a strong and inclusive

communities that we touch – our campus, our region,

team that works together to support the entire

our country and our world.

campus and beyond. We acknowledge that our Pitt community is stronger than any individual and that we

We know that community involves an unselfish

need to engage the entire community to achieve our

commitment to others and we are fully dedicated

vision of world-class service.

to our service through collaborating, engaging, and helping others.

“We aspire to be a team that strengthens all of the communities that we touch – our campus, our region, our country and our world.”

You will feel the sense of community in all we do because:

• We recognize our role is to serve others, and

we maintain an understanding of those whom we serve.

• We are helpful and always do what we can to assist others.

• We support each other and work together. • We share our knowledge, experience, and expertise freely.

• You hear laughter and see joy in our workplace. • We celebrate the great work we are doing. • People – both our team and our customers – talk openly and freely and feel safe to provide honest thoughts and feedback.

• We are intentional about building a safe and trusting environment.


Business and Operations strives for excellence in

level of service. We are a collaborative team that

everything we do. We are never complacent, nor are

shares ideas and knowledge freely and supports each

we satisfied with just being good or merely getting the other to achieve excellence and greatness. job done. We expect excellence. We are a learning organization that understands we Excellence is part of our culture. It is consistent

can only move closer to excellence by acknowledging

throughout our organization. We recruit and retain

that we still have much to learn. We challenge

only the best talent. We strive for the most creative

ourselves to continually grow and improve so that

and innovative solutions in our work, and expect

we can develop the skills and tools to help make

the highest quality outcomes. We are committed

us excellent. We also take the time to celebrate

to ensuring our processes are clearly and efficiently

our successes, as we know that this shared bond is

designed to enable our team to provide the highest

important to fostering our culture of excellence.

“We are never complacent, nor are we satisfied with just being good or merely getting the job done. We expect excellence.�

You sense the excellence in our culture because:

• We are never content with where we are today. • Learning, reading, listening, and growing happen here every day.

• We practice the motto, “Be better today than yesterday.”

• Growth and improvement are constant and continual.

• We never dwell on mistakes. We fix mistakes,

remain positive, and learn from them to get better next time.


“Our smiles are part of our uniform.”

Business and Operations is an enthusiastic team that

Being an enthusiastic team enables us to achieve our

brings fun to work every day. From the moment we

vision of Innovative Spirit:

arrive until the moment we leave, our fun fills the campus with positive energy. We are committed to a

• The fun that we have in our organization leads to a creative environment that fosters diverse

healthy lifestyle that allows us to stay energetic about

ideas, opinions, and solutions. Fun is derived

our work and our collaborative mission.

from collaborating and sharing with members of our team at all levels of the organization. Our

Being an enthusiastic team enables us to achieve our

forgiveness and willingness to accept mistakes

vision of Amazing Employees:

allows us to be adventurous and to take calculated

• A fun work environment allows us to attract and

risks for the betterment of our organization.

retain amazing employees who enjoy working on the Business and Operations team. Amazing

Being an enthusiastic team enables us to achieve our

employees bring life to our organization and

vision of World-class Service:

with a balanced and healthy lifestyle we are more productive and resourceful.

• We have the unique privilege of serving many different customers – students, faculty, staff, parents, community, and partners – in a beautiful and safe environment. All of these customers will experience the fun and energy of our team through our enthusiasm while we provide worldclass service.

You will know how fun we are because:

• Our smiles are part of our uniform. • We greet customers and fellow employees promptly and with great enthusiasm.

• We practice conversation generosity and listen to our customers and co-workers.

• Laughter and joy are the sounds of our work. • Positive, supportive, and encouraging words are used often.

• Like everyone, we occasionally have bad days, but we promise that our customers and colleagues will never see them.


“We hold ourselves to the highest moral and ethical standards in all situations. We act with honesty and integrity. We treat others fairly and respectfully.” Business and Operations will always try to do the “right” thing. We hold ourselves to the highest moral and ethical standards in all situations. We act with

Integrity is evident in our work because:

• We do what is right.

honesty and integrity. We treat others fairly and

• We own and acknowledge mistakes.


• Honest feedback occurs daily.

We know we will make mistakes, but when we do,

• We have pride in what we do because we know

we will own them and be honest about them.

that even when things go wrong, we have made

We recognize that unless we own our mistakes, we

the good and honest choice.

cannot get better. We are individuals of high moral character and words like decent, honest and good are used to describe our team members. We place the team above any personal gain, recognition, or reward. We are committed to the good of the community, our University, our Business and Operations co-workers, and our department.

• We treat all persons with kindness and goodness, always.


“We follow through because we know what needs to be done and we have pride in the work we do, not merely because someone else expects it.” Business and Operations takes great pride in owning

Ownership is critical to our long-term, sustainable

the projects, tasks, problems, and challenges we face.

success and can be seen and heard in what we do:

We do not pass things on for others to address, but rather, we own our tasks until the projects are complete or the issues are resolved. True ownership means we follow through because we know what needs to be done and we have pride in the work we do, not merely because someone else expects it. Ownership means that we show initiative in starting projects, tasks, and duties and follow through in seeing them to completion. We don’t let unfinished business

• Phrases like “I’ve got this” and “I’ll handle it” are used frequently, and we follow through.

• We do what we say we are going to do. • We respond promptly to others so they know we are claiming ownership.

• We do not transfer problems to others. • Action is in all we do: we own it until the job is done, and WE DO get it done.

• We are self-starters who do not need to be told

sit and linger. We also own the outcome of our work

what to do. When we see the need, we get things

and are accountable for the end product.



Business and Operations expects all of its team

Our respect is evident in all we do and can be seen

members to be respectful individuals who treat

and heard in our actions:

all persons in a dignified and courteous manner. Customers and members of our team feel valued and

• “Please” and “Thank you” are common phrases.


• We listen first and speak second.

We exhibit an understanding of ethnic and cultural

• We perform random acts of kindness and

diversity, in both our professional and personal endeavors. We value and appreciate differences of opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Being respectful allows us to build positive and encouraging partnerships that are critical to our vision and mission. Our respectful environment allows us to recruit and retain only the best talent. With respect as a core value, we deliver excellent

goodness daily.

• We value and embrace all members of our team. • We want all to be heard and we encourage everyone to respectfully share their thoughts and opinions.

• We control our negative emotions and avoid showing anger or frustration.

service to our internal and external customers.

“Customers and members of our team feel valued and appreciated.”


STRATEGIC FOCUS The following are our primary areas of focus that enable us to fulfill our mission and achieve our vision. • Service: Deliver best in class service. • People: Enable an engaged workforce in a climate that values diversity and inclusion. • Safety: Protect our community’s health and welfare. • Stewardship: Responsibly lead and manage Pitt’s resources. • Innovation: Encourage optimal solutions through creative ideas and emerging technologies.


Deliver best in class service. The Plan for Pitt - Strengthen Communities


Be a customer-first, service organization.

Give our customers a voice – solicit and learn from their perspectives.

Celebrate outstanding service.


Enable an engaged workforce in a climate that values diversity and inclusion. The Plan for Pitt - Promote Diversity and Inclusion


Create a culture of growth and development.

Recruit and retain top talent.

Improve employee engagement.

Embrace diversity and inclusion.


Protect our community’s health and welfare. The Plan for Pitt - Strengthen Communities


Create a culture of safety and wellness.

Quickly restore peace and certainty during emergency situations.

Reduce risk and incident.


Responsibly lead and manage Pitt’s resources. The Plan for Pitt - Build Foundational Strength


Improve productivity.

Efficiently use and preserve our assets.

Improve financial rigor.


Encourage optimal solutions through creative ideas and emerging technologies. The Plan for Pitt - Build Foundational Strength


Create a culture and environment that supports and sustains innovation.

Reward creativity, technology, and enthusiasm.

Use and share business intelligence through technology solutions.

“Business and Operations is poised and ready to pursue service through our amazing employees and innovative s Community, Excellence, Fun, Integrity, Ownership and Res -Greg Scott

our vision of providing world-class spirit, exemplifying our core values of spect.�

The University of Pittsburgh is an affirmative action, equal opportunity institution.

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