Proposed OHR Agenda

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PROPOSED OHR AGENDA 2019-2025 The OHR Agenda is predicated on approval of the Chancellor and the Senior Leadership Team. As a next step, OHR will hold one-to-one validation sessions with the Senior Leadership Team.

"Crawl" Stage 2019 - 2022

Ensure Wise Stewardship Be a good steward of human capital by examining and improving core processes and systems to ensure an exceptional employee and candidate experience while focusing on cost containment.

Implement Talent Acquisition Enhancements Assist in attracting and retaining a diverse regional population and University community through the recruitment of a diverse staff.

Employee Engagement Analyze data on staff experience via climate and engagement survey; present results to responsibility centers; assist in improving overall employee experience and engagement.



Redesign and Build Staff Job and Compensation Architecture Create a new staff job structure that will provide flexibility for competitive compensation and drive organizational efficiencies in the context of institutional funding realities.

Implement Oracle Cloud HCM Implement an accessible, efficient, and streamlined Oracle Cloud HCM; assess and manage organizational readiness of the Pitt community for acceptance and demonstrative support of a system that simplifies everyday work.

Build HR Excellence and Enhance Collaboration/Outreach Continue to build HR capability, ensuring that future hires possess the needed competencies while recognizing and rewarding those who excel. Continue collaboration with HR Liaisons on HR matters. Collaborate with and outreach to University community.


"Walk" Stage 2022 - 2025

Workforce Planning

Talent Management

Establish a workforce planning methodology framework, process, and metrics piloted within a school or functional area; evaluate effectiveness of the process, ensure scalability, and finalize the plan for monitoring workforce plans over time.

OHR proposes that the Chancellor charges a cross-functional committee to evaluate the performance management processes and systems used at Pitt. Establish a Leadership Academy to develop leaders who inspire others to contribute to Pitt to their fullest potential.

"Run" Stage 2025 and Beyond

Sustain HR Excellence Refine the HR community. Provide educational workshops on relevant HR topics and create a strong network of individuals across the University community.



OHR SWOT ANALYSIS The Office of Human Resources recognizes the following strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in preparation of identifying strategic initiatives. This SWOT analysis provides a baseline understanding of OHR's current state.


Functional expertise Customer focused Flat organizational structure No abrupt retirement cliff (provides space for workforce planning development) Well-networked with other higher education institutions (allows for sharing of best practices) Strong work ethic Collaborative relationships University-wide as thought partners and solution builders Well-respected childcare center Strong relationship with UPMC (allows for high quality healthcare coverage while ensuring cost containment for both employer and employee) Evolving data analytics to inform recommendations and determine ROI Improved external communications using a variety of mediums to meet the needs of a generationally diverse workforce Lean Six Sigma methodology for continuous process improvements: 14 staff certified Green Belt Lean Six Sigma

Data-driven customer support and consultation in deploying enabling technology (e.g., Salesforce) Career management fluidity (e.g., career pathing) University-wide Establish a clear "seat at the table"




Fragmentation, weak processes, and limited enabling technology has led to an overabundance of transactional tasks and limited focus on consultative and strategic work Lack of integrated and synchronized services No systemic leadership development Universitywide for people leaders (e.g., supervisors, managers) Limited methods for ensuring that needed changes complement and align with organizational maturity and readiness (i.e., change management) Outdated compensation architecture The need to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations Lack of holistic employee recognition protocol Lack of holistic performance management

Inability to predict future PA state appropriations Labor shortage in the region creating a war on talent


HR OPTIMIZATION "CRAWL" STAGE 2019-2022 Begin the initial phase of the HR transformation journey "optimization" (Appendix A) by examining and improving processes and systems. This phase began in 2017, but moving forward will be predicated on the Chancellor's and the Senior Leadership Team's approval. The "crawl" phase includes the establishment of: HR Steering Committee led by the Senior Leadership Team (Appendix B), HR Transformation Council, continued and effective collaboration with the Office of the CFO and Internal Auditing stakeholders, HR metrics (Appendix C), learning outcomes, measurements for program effectiveness, compliance of HR processes, thoughtful and impactful employee relations interventions and solutions while supporting wise stewardship of Pitt’s operational expenses.

Ensure Wise Stewardship Overall Goal(s)

Be a good steward of human capital by examining and improving core HR processes and systems to ensure an exceptional employee and candidate experience while focusing on cost containment.


OHR has the potential to affect the culture of the University, recognizing the Plan for Pitt, in a myriad of ways beyond its traditional role of administrator of transactional processes and systems to become a transformative strategic leader. Understanding that a solid and effective foundation must first be in place, OHR is undergoing a paradigm shift by fully embracing the power of interdisciplinary, cross-functional collaboration that is proactive within both OHR and external with stakeholders, such as our colleagues in the Office of the CFO, Internal Audit, and the Katz School of Business. Ensuring direction from the Senior Leadership Team, OHR will conduct more cost modeling and will deploy metrics to provide Leadership with a big picture perspective, ensure wise stewardship and guarantee HR processes are efficient, customer-centric, and agile. What and how work gets done will have equal attention.



Ensure Wise Stewardship Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) Improved Defined Contribution Program Reduced TIAA administrative fees by $5.4 million, a savings for plan participants Streamlined portfolio of funding options from 110 to 50, and added a 457(b) plan Average income replacement ratio for plan participants is 110% (Appendix D) Customized educational strategy to meet the needs of Pitt's generationally diverse community Awarded nationally acclaimed 2019 Eddy Award and a finalist of the 2019 Plan Sponsor of the Year, Public Defined Contribution (DC)

$5.4M Reduction in TIAA administrative fees

Provided more strategic thought to the collective bargaining process Shifted from "me too" bargaining strategies by providing thoughtful use of market data to determine proposals, resulting in salary containment Negotiated out of defined benefit programs for new entrants by offering a defined contribution program

For Pitt: reduces financial risk to the University by improving Pitt's ability to forecast costs and reduce the uncertainty of ongoing liabilities as part of the balance sheet For union staff: provides a benefit that is portable and offers sufficient income replacement (ratio is 110%) Increased compliance of core HR processes and policies Collaborating closely with Internal Audit, identified, improved, and outsourced the Child Protection Clearance process to a third-party vendor Implemented background checks for all new staff hires, including "ban the box," and education verification in September 2017 Removed salary history question from employment application to facilitate hiring decisions based on aptitude, experience, and knowledge Optimized Form I-9 facilitation: tool kits and other resources to be provided to administrators that process employment eligibility verification 7


Ensure Wise Stewardship Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) - cont'd Contained cost of medical plan while also ensuring quality and competitive healthcare offerings for faculty, staff, students, and retirees

Medical premiums held to an increase of only

Premiums held to a 2.9% increase, which fall well below national trends of 6-8%, thanks to our partnership with UPMC Established HR metrics and measurements


Established HR metrics to support Pitt Leadership in making decisions that are more informed Data includes headcount trends, hiring trends, turnover, churn, and process performance metrics for hiring An analytics dashboard was created through collaboration with the Business Intelligence team in CSSD Certified 14 OHR staff in Lean Six Sigma (Green Belt), which provides the science and the discipline for the OHR community to examine and improve processes, leading to a better employment and candidate experience,

Kaizen Events & Reduction Percentages

Reduced process steps by 74% and decision points by 88% for staff hiring, resulting in a time-to-fill improvement from 110 days to 65 days Collaborated with 160 colleagues in the Pitt community to improve 12 core HR processes


These steps/reductions represent an optimal/ future state. Various process improvements are implemented as feasible with new systems, etc. OHR AGENDA

Redesign and Build Staff Job and Compensation Architecture Overall Goal(s)

Propose a new staff job structure that could replace specialized job descriptions with standardized descriptions, balance compensation and benefits costs to employee needs, clarify staff roles and responsibilities, group jobs into new more appropriate job families and classifications, reduce or eliminate the need for frequent reclassifications, help illuminate career paths, and better brand Pitt’s total rewards offerings. The new architecture proposes to offer flexibility for competitive compensation while also acknowledging an existing rich benefits program with affordability considerations as a total rewards platform. The goal is to: Identify areas of task redundancy and implement better workforce planning approaches to vacant or soon to be vacant positions Use the study to identify cost effective approaches to employee benefits and how those benefits meet the needs of our current demographics Balance any potential recommended compensation increase results with costly and less competitive benefits offerings to ensure total university cost does not grow Reduce turnover/increase retention Design a compensation architecture that drives organizational efficiencies and balances total rewards in the context of institutional funding realities



The University implemented its staff classification system on July 1, 1999. Except for the addition of a Research Scientist classification, the staff classification system has since remained static. Â The University, however, has not remained static. Over the past 19 years, the University has grown exponentially as a research and educational organization, and its continued growth has been supported by an outdated compensation structure that limits flexibility, mobility and career development.


Redesign and Build Staff Job and Compensation Architecture Context (cont'd)

These limitations result in challenges such as: Pitt’s competitive benefit program and mission-driven culture that may be under-promoted and therefore under-appreciated by current and prospective staff 1:1 job descriptions Nearly every staff member at the University has been identified as doing unique one-off work Outdated classification system A compensation structure focused primarily on internal equity with minimal consideration given to market factors or cost of labor Minimal market data in which leaders can make informed decisions Outdated nomenclature (e.g., system programmer, secretary, buyer) that does not take into account technological advances and changes in the higher education organizational design Misaligned salary ranges An unusual horizontal spread in salary and limiting number of ranges Organizational "workarounds" with departments/schools finding ways to "be creative," which may result in inflated salary expenditures

Cost of Salary Expenditures (FY14 - 18)



Redesign and Build Staff Job and Compensation Architecture Context (cont'd)

Undefined career paths Resulting in high organizational churn as staff hops from one position to another Churn refers to movement in an organization as existing employees resign, make lateral job moves, and/or new ones are hired Separated consists of terminations and transfers from one department to another

University Churn, Separated, FY19 (July - December, 2018) Staff, Executive, and Union

From this context, OHR proposes that the staff compensation architecture be redesigned with guidance and strategic direction from the Chancellor and his Senior Leadership Team.



Redesign and Build Staff Job and Compensation Architecture Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) Introduced new brand with Defined Contribution enhancements, "Write Your Own Financial Story," Follow-through with the "Write Your Own Financial Story" brand Continue pursuit of financial wellness through financial literacy programming, which includes learning outcomes, metrics, and customized education Assessment of competitiveness of benefits offers with peer institutions This study was completed by Sibson Consulting

Overall Competitiveness of Pitt Benefits



Implement Talent Acquisition Enhancements Overall Goal(s)

Assist in attracting and retaining a diverse population and University community through the recruitment of a high-performing staff. Once University Communications has developed a University brand, collaborate to ensure alignment with Pitt’s employer brand.


While Pitt has significant hiring activity year over year, it has been supported by laborious administrative processes and limited ability to use modern techniques, such as social recruiting through sources like LinkedIn. Historically, recruiters managed the administrative aspects of staffing. In 2018, OHR began to advance recruiters’ skill sets to offer full life cycle recruiting. Additional improvements include adoption of metrics and procurement of LinkedIn Talent Solutions. With an enhanced candidate experience, hiring managers seek the support and consultation of recruiters to help source and recruit top talent.

University New Hires - Staff, Faculty, & Union


Note: FY19 data is for July - December 2018 (six months) versus the full fiscal years 17 and 18 (12 months).


Implement Talent Acquisition Enhancements Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) Introduced full life cycle recruiting Formerly deploying a "post and pray" methodology, Talent Acquisition now offers a holistic solution, which ranges from talent sourcing to offer processing For FY18: hired or transferred 1,534 staff Hires include new hires, re-hires, and those shifting from temporary to regular positions Transfers include employees moving from one position or department to another

1,534 Staff hired or transferred in FY18

Reduced time-to-fill from 110 days to 65 days Time-to-fill refers to the number of days between when a position is posted and when an offer on the position is accepted Career Transition Project: Since 2015, this program is dedicated to the recruitment of veterans and individuals with disabilities 41 employed, 700 vetted, outreach to 500, referrals of 300 Individuals within these programs looking for employment at Pitt have the opportunity to apply to a faculty, staff, temporary hire, or student worker position Received the 2018 UPSIDE Award, which acknowledges programs that increase access to and full participation in all aspects of the University by minorities, women, and other protected classes under the law



500 300

Outreach Referrals


41 700



Implement Oracle Cloud HCM Overall Goal(s)

Implement Oracle Cloud in a way that assesses and manages organizational readiness so that the Pitt community provides demonstrative support of the system that aims to simplify the everyday actions in their professional lives.


Pitt’s current Oracle E-Business Suite (PRISM) platform is the University’s enterprise system for financial and human capital management (HCM). As a catalyst for innovation and change, Pitt has an opportunity to modernize our Human Resources systems by migrating to a cloud-based environment (Pitt Worx) that better aligns with our practices and processes, and that supports the Plan for Pitt. This change keeps Pitt on the upward trajectory of being a leading research and educational institution that continues to attract, retain, reward, and develop exemplary staff and faculty while providing exceptional student experiences.

Pitt Worx Modules for Design and Deployment



Implement Oracle Cloud HCM Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) Adopted a change management model incorporating 110 change readiness champions across Pitt and its regional campuses providing support, information, and feedback Launched Talent Center, the University's new recruiting and onboarding system, in December 2018 impacting hiring for staff, temps, and students for each of Pitt's campuses, as well as faculty at the Greensburg campus Developed an attractive and intuitive website for prospective candidates and current staff and students: Implemented Salesforce to address internal and external customer inquiries via phone, email, and online form As of January 31, 2019, the OHR Customer Support team responded to 1,355 cases via the Salesforce solution

1,355 Cases responded to via Salesforce since launching in December 2018

Oracle Cloud Roadmap: Go Live Jan. 2020



Employee Engagement Overall Goal(s)

Collect data on staff experience via climate and engagement survey. Analyze data to improve experience and engagement. Present results to responsibility centers and assist in improving overall staff experience and engagement.


The first staff climate and engagement survey at Pitt conducted in late 2017 realized an overall response rate of 46%. Data analysis and results show an overall engagement rate of 76%, four points above higher education peer institutions. Engagement is measured by rating the following statements: 1) I would recommend Pitt to a friend as a good place to work; 2) I find personal meaning and fulfillment in my work; and 3) I feel valued as an employee of Pitt (Appendix E). Research shows that the organizational impact of improved employee engagement includes lower absenteeism, lower turnover, increased workplace safety, increased productivity, and higher student retention.

Accomplishments & Impact (To Date)


Dissemination of data results is occurring through OHR roadshows, which addresses how to improve engagement, while also sharing headcount/roster analytics. Where applicable, OHR assesses current scenarios/situations and applies the data to tell a story.

Overall engagement rate

OHR Roadshows Completed

Office of the Chancellor Secretary of the Board of Trustees Athletics Office of CFO SVC Research Office of Research SVC Institutional Advancement CSSD


Office of SVC and Provost Office of Provost Swanson School of Engineering University Library System Katz Graduate School of Business SVC Business Operations VC Human Resources Business Operations Facilities Management OHR AGENDA

Build HR Excellence and Enhance Collaboration/Outreach Overall Goal(s)

Continue to build HR capability via education, experiential learning, job rotations, mentoring, networking, and performance management with clear levels of accountability. Ensure that future hires possess the needed competencies to be high performers. Recognize and reward those who excel in the HR profession. Â Collaborate with HR Liaisons on HR matters, consider and utilize their feedback when creating processes and systems. Continue OHR town hall meetings and regular communications with HR Liaisons to ensure the necessary, two-way dialogue happens. Â Collaborate with and outreach to University community. OHR began outreach in late 2016 with listening sessions, incorporating shared governance, establishing a communications team, and collaborating on various initiatives.


Prior to 2017, no effort existed for HR to build excellence or enhance any type of collaboration or outreach. Collaboration allows OHR to further relationships, provide consultation, and initiate partnerships with mutual benefits. In the past two years, OHR has increased its reputation by offering consultation and strategy to various areas of the University, utilizing various in-person, digital, and written communications.



Build HR Excellence and Enhance Collaboration/Outreach All-Temps Fees

Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) All-Temps (OHR's unique in-house temp agency) offers solutions for areas with talent need, but with limited resources 1,064 total All-Temps hires in FY18 20% conversion rate of All-Temp to Staff, with 209 individuals becoming regular staff In-house agency reduces costs and increases conversion rates rather than outsourcing, which estimates to cost 50% more in administrative fees

1,064 All-Temps hires (FY18)


Self-identify as diverse (majority, African American)


Self-identify as person with a disability or veteran

12% Administrative Service Fee

7.6% Fringes

$1,212,454 Total Revenue (FY18), 3.3% increase from FY17 Revenue is used to further support AllTemps, initiatives, and mission.

Kenneth R. Woodcock Leadership Fellows: Pitt Business students surveyed and analyzed current All-Temps satisfaction among departments and suggested improvements The program provides students the opportunity to work on strategic leadership initiatives for cross-development and impact for both the student and the organization School of Education: partnership with UCDC aids in early education research for students (observation at childcare center) and assists in grant procurement



Build HR Excellence and Enhance Collaboration/Outreach Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) - cont'd Certified 14 OHR staff as Lean Six Sigma Green Belts Built HR competency model and are in the process of developing staff based on the model Held four HR Liaisons Town Hall Meetings during 2017-18 Piloted a model for converting HR liaison to HR generalist/business partner: School of Nursing HR liaison job shadowed every department in OHR to learn core business and best practices Dedicated recruiter for CSSD (decrease in turnover, etc)

73 full life cycle recruitments to date, with 58 in CSSD and 15 in Bioinformatics (recruitment of IT professionals occurs for other departments, approximately four per week)

CIO/CSSD Turnover (FY16 - FY18)



Build HR Excellence and Enhance Collaboration/Outreach Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) - cont'd Asked to manage faculty tuition remission program (previously facilitated by Faculty Records) Collaborated with School of Pharmacy to offer free medication consultation program Redesigned OHR website to introduce a mobile-friendly, easy-tonavigate, interactive experience: Transferred internal OHR guides and forms to SharePoint website, featuring authenticated access and easy-to-navigate and user-friendly design Created a website for Pitt Worx (Oracle Cloud information hub): Created new career-seeker website that showcases University and City of Pittsburgh: Produced Visitor’s Guide to aid in recruitment of executives: Produced first-ever OHR Annual Report:


223,412 Users

1,050,994 Page Views

124,837 Impressions

8,948 Reach

Introduced social media platforms for OHR on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram



HR TRANSFORMATION "WALK" STAGE 2022-2025 With an effective foundation in place, migrate to the “transformation” phase (Appendix A). This phase supports the organization by providing solutions that refine leadership skills and service delivery. This phase asks the Senior Leadership Team to assess the HR Service Delivery model. With over 336 staff across the University involved in HR-related work, potential exists to enhance the current model to deliver an improved employee and candidate experience, lowering cost while increasing quality. After guidance from the OHR Steering Committee, OHR proposes the following HR Agenda.

Workforce Planning Overall Goal(s)

OHR proposes to establish a workforce planning methodology framework, process, and metrics piloted within a school or functional area (e.g., information technology, biostatistics, finance, etc.) to fully understand Pitt’s current and future staffing needs. After the pilot, evaluate the effectiveness of the process, ensure scalability, and finalize the baseline metrics and the plan for monitoring workforce plans over time.


While the current data does not suggest a retirement cliff for staff, Pitt does experience significant organizational churn. While organizational churn is not necessarily negative, it can be problematic if not planned appropriately. The constant vacating of positions can lead to disruption in service for students, the loss of the incumbent’s knowledge of how to perform the tasks end-to-end, and backfill options that limit the organization’s ability to move with agility.



Workforce Planning Potential Accomplishments & Impact Potential outcomes for the workforce planning process would: Attract, retain, and develop diverse and talented individuals Foster cross-organizational planning and shift paradigms to view talent as a shared resource, with emphasis on career development Support succession planning (if this concept is palatable at Pitt) and identify development programs to meet requirements for future leaders Creation of a Talent Alliance with neighboring higher education institutions The program trains individuals as "fellows," bringing them into available administrative assistant and custodial positions at participating universities Graduates of the program are considered for All-Temps positions at Pitt Participating universities in the Talent Alliance include: Pitt, Carnegie Mellon, Chatham, Carlow, Duquesne, and the Community College of Allegheny College



Talent Management Overall Goal(s)

OHR proposes that the Chancellor charges a cross-functional committee to evaluate the performance management processes and systems used at Pitt. The assessment would determine needed improvements to harmonize the most important elements of performance management across schools and departments. Following this assessment, OHR proposes that the committee recommend revisions to the performance management process, including any necessary system changes, and then create and pilot the agreed-upon changes. The goal is to embed a performance management system that is complementary to Pitt’s culture, while ensuring both effective feedback that drives a performance-based culture and the alignment of goals to improve staff’s understanding of how their work connects with Pitt’s mission.


Currently, Pitt does not have a standard of excellence for managing performance. Often, managers are not equipped to provide feedback or opportunities for performance development. While OHR has provided a toolkit to support both managers and staff in the area of performance management, there is opportunity to implement more effective processes, systems, and measurements. In addition, in the inaugural staff climate and engagement survey, respondents indicated that opportunity for improvement exists in supervisors increasing communication among everyone, especially communication about organizational change and its effect on staff.



Talent Management Potential Accomplishments & Impact Potential outcomes for an improved performance management system: A staff whose work contributions are more closely linked to the mission and vision of Pitt A staff who find more meaning in their work because their work contributions are better linked to Pitt’s vision and mission An organizational construct that is more efficient and cost-effective (i.e. the right people, doing the right work at the right time) Leadership development programs for front line leaders: In Pitt’s current state, front line leaders may be appointed to leadership roles because they are subject matter experts, rather than skilled people leaders. Leaders are often expected to assume people leadership roles by an on-the-job training with limited development support. In collaboration with the Office of the Provost, OHR proposes the establishment of a Leadership Academy designed to develop leaders who inspire others to contribute to Pitt to their fullest potential. The Academy will offer programs that are designed to provide leaders with the self-awareness skills, tools, action plans, and commitment to be proactive within their schools and departments.

Goals of the Leadership Academy Increasing self-awareness of participants about their personal leadership style, attitudes, skills, and behavioral impact on others Improving communication and relationshipbuilding skills for inspiring, engaging, and motivating others within Pitt’s diverse and multi-generational environment Creating new experiences in developing and leading cross-functional or interdisciplinary project teams Developing and practicing methodologies for facilitating and leading groups, managing projects, and supporting change 25

Building University-wide networks to increase partnerships, collaboration, and alignment with Pitt’s mission Developing a working knowledge of data and predictive data analytics to help drive organizational decision making Creating and sustaining a welcoming community, within one’s circle of influence, in a way that engages all of its diversity in the service of students and Pitt’s organizational mission


Talent Management Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) OHR currently offers two leadership development series through the Faculty and Staff Development Program, Supervisor Foundation Skills (SFS) provides supervisors the skills needed to successfully manage their staff Topics include communicating effectively, coaching, delegating, and managing performance Content is designed for those new to supervising as well as seasoned managers Since its inception in 2016, 186 supervisors have participated in and completed the SFS program Certificate in Organizational Leadership and Ethics (COLE) Co-sponsored by OHR and the David Berg Center for Ethics in Leadership in the College of Business Administration Series of eight workshops that are designed for supervisors and administrators who want to maximize their ability to have impacts as ethical leaders within their unit/department or overall workplace From 2016-2018, the COLE program had 1,010 participants



HR 2.0 "RUN" STAGE 2025 AND BEYOND The HR 2.0 trajectory builds out all other aspects of HR infrastructure and programs. A comprehensive review of performance and impact is conducted for the purposes of re-alignment, mid-course corrections, and continuous improvement.

Sustain HR Excellence Overall Goal(s)

HR 2.0 proposes to refine the HR community as it evolves into a world class function that sets the standard for HR solutions and HR service delivery in higher education. Through a strong HR Liaison network, OHR proposes to provide educational workshops on relevant HR topics, creating a strong network where information is shared and feedback is welcomed. The evolution of HR will result in a community that provides HR excellence with every process, system, and solution. The end result is an excellent candidate, faculty, and staff experience.


With over 336 staff performing some level of HR, there is a need to ensure effective working knowledge of HR-related topics. In addition, the current HR Service Delivery system is fragmented with challenges of consistency, quality, and efficiency of service. OHR proposes to explore areas of opportunity for HR excellence across the University.

Accomplishments & Impact (To Date) Conducted a preliminary study to develop baseline knowledge of Pitt’s HR Service Delivery

Formed an HR Liaison network Formed change readiness champions whose purpose is to review and provide feedback on proposed changes and initiatives 27


Change readiness champions



University areas OHR AGENDA


HR Transformation Journey Timeline FY18: 2017-2018 Q1




Ensure Wise Stewardship


Develop and deploy HR metrics and measurements dashboard Implement updated background check process Identify, improve, and outsource Child Protection Clearances process Improve Defined Contribution Program

Redesign/Build Staff Job Compensation Architecture

1.2 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27


HR Optimization "Crawl" Stage


1.11 1.12 1.13 1.13


FY19: 2

Establish Total Compensation philosophy Job analysis and FLSA review Conduct market assessment Salary structure development Establish pay administration guidelines Decision finalization Develop and launch implementation and communications

Talent Acquisition Enhancements


1.31 Introduce and implement full life cycle recruiting 1.32 Reduce time-to-fill for available positions

Implement Oracle Cloud

1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.44

Develop and launch Talent Center (online employment system) Develop and launch Oracle HCM modules Implement Salesforce for internal/external inquiries Communications and education

Employee Engagement


1.51 Collect data on staff climate and engagement survey 1.52 Conduct data analysis 1.53 Dissemination of data results through OHR roadshows

Build HR Excellence and Enhance Collaboration/Outreach


1.61 Establish OHR Communications team 1.62 Develop OHR competency model 1.63 Education on competency focus for OHR staff

These goals predicated upon [and do not commence until] Senior Leadership stage gate approvals. Stage gate approval is sought after deliberation of current process and fu



2018-2019 Q3

FY20: 2019-2020 Q4




FY21: 2020-2021 Q4




FY22: 2021-2022 Q4




uture impact with the Senior Leadership Team.






HR Transformation Journey Timeline FY18




FY22: 20 Q1

HR Transformation "Walk" Stage


Workforce Planning


2.11 Develop and build framework for workforce planning 2.12 Implement process and deploy metrics 2.13 Evaluate the effectiveness of the process

Talent Management

2.2 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24

Chancellor charges cross-functional committee Committee: evaluate existing performance management processes Committee: recommends performance management process/vision Develop leadership development programs (i.e.: Leadership Academy)

HR 2.0 "Run" Stage


Sustain HR Excellence





021-2022 Q3

FY23: 2022-2023 Q4





FY24: 2023-2024 Q4




FY25: 2024-2025 Q4






APPENDIX A HR Transformation Journey Roadmap



APPENDIX B Oracle HCM Cloud Implementation Governance Structure



University Headcount (as of 12/31/2018) Staff, Executive, and Union




University Headcount (as of 12/31/2018) Staff, Executive, Union, and Faculty





University Headcount (as of 12/31/2018) Breakdown: Executive

University Headcount (as of 12/31/2018) Breakdown: Staff



University Headcount (as of 12/31/2018) Breakdown: Faculty

University Headcount (as of 12/31/2018) Breakdown: Union

University New Hires Staff, Executive, and Union





University New Hires Breakdown: Union

University New Hires Breakdown: Staff

APPENDIX D University Defined Contribution Plan Income Replacement Ratio



APPENDIX E Staff Climate and Engagement Survey Sampling of Data Results



Staff Climate and Engagement Survey Filtered by Population/Demographic

Staff Climate and Engagement Survey Key Drivers of Engagement



The content and design of this report were produced within OHR.

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