Tukkie 1 2017

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Alumni magazine of the University of Pretoria | Alumnitydskrif van die Universiteit van Pretoria

Winter/Marega 2017 Volume 23 Number 1

Olympic medals for TuksSport athletes

UP your university of choice DEGREES 2016

13 732



Cover photo/Voorbladfoto

UP has seven campuses as well as a number of other sites of operation, such as the Pretoria Academic Hospital. Central administration is located at the Hatfield Campus.


Onderstepoort Campus


Faculty of Veterinary Science



TuksSport and High Performance Centre South Street

Opinions expressed in Tukkie are those of the individual concerned and not necessarily the view of the University of Pretoria. Tukkie is published by the University of Pretoria’s Department of University Relations. Menings in Tukkie is dié van die betrokke persoon en nie noodwendig die standpunt van die Universiteit van Pretoria nie. Tukkie word uitgegee deur die Universiteit van Pretoria se Departement Universiteitsbetrekkinge. Any editorial queries or information can be sent to:

Quote the code that appears on the address label in all correspondence. Meld die kode wat op u adresetiket verskyn in alle korrespondensie.

Hatfield (main) Campus


Rektor se boodskap


Open Day in UP style


UP committed to students’ academic success


Choosing the best


New appointments/nuwe aanstellings


Academic achievers: UP awards excellence


Autumn Graduation Ceremonies: More than 11 000 degrees conferred


Education researcher honoured


Honorary doctorate in Theology awarded


Vyf tandartse in een gesin


Quintine graduates at 19


GIBS graduate PhD abstract in Sepedi


Ontvanger van Kanseliersmedalje


100 years of Theology at UP


Oudste teologiese fakulteit in die land


Mamelodi Campus • Selected BCom and BSc Extended programmes • Post-school mathematics and science programmes • A variety of community engagement programmes

Faculty of Education Leyds Street

Contact information Website: www.up.ac.za

Student Service Centre: +27 (0)12 420 3111 +27 (0)12 420 4111 Email: ssc@up.ac.za

23 24 25

UP addressing health care at community level


Celebrating 90 years of excellence in Consumer Science


Writers /Skrywers:

Aiming to support stroke victims everywhere


Nico de Bruyn Wilhelm de Swardt Marissa Greeff Denver Hendricks Candice Jooste Mikateko Mbambo Martie Meyer Navorsingseenheid vir Bewaringsekologie ScienceLink

Anchoring upliftment for a whole community


Moving towards The Javett-UP


Mapungubwe Gold Collection on loan to British Museum


Beskermde gebiede het te min olifante


Photos/Foto’s: EYEscape Studios, unless otherwise indicated EYEscape Studios, tensy anders vermeld UP Archives/UP Argief

Decades of subantarctic research documented


Impressive achievements by TuksSport athletes


In memoriam


Editor/Redakteur: Marissa Greeff

cnr Lynnwood Road and Roper Street

26 Melville Road, Illovo, Johannesburg

Die Universiteit het eerstejaarstudente en hulle familie en vriende aan die begin van die akademiese jaar verwelkom.

Principal’s message

Focusing on the century ahead Please send notification of change of address or cancellations to: Gee asseblief kennis van adresveranderings of kansellasies deur na: E-pos/Email: alumni@up.ac.za Die hekke bly oop Tel: 012 420 3533 Faks/Fax: 012 362 5088 Theology honours its heroes

Faculty of Health Sciences Bophelo Road

Gordon Institute of Business

The University welcomed first-year students with their families and friends at the start of the academic year.

Change of address/Adresveranderings

Prinshof Campus

• Economic and Management Sciences • Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology • Humanities • Law • Natural and Agricultural Sciences • Theology

Olympic medals for TuksSport athletes

Enige redaksionele navrae of inligting kan gerig word aan: Marissa Greeff E-pos/Email: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za Tel: 012 420 5193

Hillcrest Campus

Groenkloof Campus

Contents Inhoud

Subediting/Redigering: UP Language Unit/UP Taaleenheid



Principal’s message

instance – and were among the top performers in their provinces. For example, there are the two top performers in Gauteng, Marlé Grabe and Rhoda Hartzer and Karl Hellberg who was placed third overall in KwaZulu-Natal. Also among our award recipients is the youngest ever first-year student at UP. At only 14 years of age, when most teenagers are still at high school, Hjalmar Rall from Riebeek Kasteel in the Western Cape, is pursuing his dream to become a scientist at UP. 2017 is proving to be an outstanding year for TuksSport. In the first months of the year our athletes made us proud with world class performances on the athletics track that led to Tuks being crowned 2017 Varsity Athletics Champions. Not long afterwards, rugby emulated when both the Young Guns and the Tuks1 Rugby team lifted the Varsity Rugby Trophies. This is the third time since 2010! And then just a few weeks’ ago our women’s hockey team followed suit when they beat Maties to become the 2017 VarsitySport Hockey Champions. For both rugby and hockey the finals were against our old rivals Maties!

Dear Tukkie reader Halfway into the academic year, the University’s Autumn Graduation ceremonies have concluded and our 2017 students are about to begin the June examinations. More than 11 000 students who completed their studies in 2016 graduated during the series of ceremonies that concluded in May. Graduation is always a cause for celebration, and the University is especially proud of our 2016 cohort of graduates who succeeded in spite of the challenges brought about by the volatility that impacted the 2016 academic year across the entire higher education sector. Thus far 2017 has been a much better year for South African universities as there has not been a resurgence of nation-wide student protests. The future funding framework for universities, including the future of tuition fees is still under review. The Presidential Commission to investigate the feasibility of fee-free higher education is due to conclude its


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

report by the end of June. In the meantime, UP has been making a concerted effort to increase the available funds for student bursaries and scholarships. I am very pleased to share with you that we have had considerable success. In total for 2016, the University disbursed over R1.1 billion (R1 135 742 115) to students in the form of bursaries and scholarships (including NSFAS allocations of approximately R408m) with over R180m coming from UP’s own funds. I wish to express our sincere appreciation to all those who have made donations and grants to support our students. One of the new awards is the Vice-Chancellor’s Discretionary Merit Awards. A total of 46 awards, to the value of R130 000 per student over three years, were made to the top performing matric students among the 2017 first year class. All 46 recipients achieved an excellent average for their matric. In fact, most maintained an average of 90% or higher, with numerous distinctions – up to ten in one

The UP Faculty of Theology is celebrating its centenary this year. Theology was one of the first two faculties established at UP and today it is South Africa’s oldest fully fledged faculty of theology. Over the decades there have been a number of changes in structure, staffing and curriculum but what is very gratifying is that partnerships and networks have grown and expanded beyond our borders. Today the Faculty of Theology, in addition to its traditional church partners, the NederduitsHervormde Kerk van Afrika and the NederduitsGereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika, works with the Uniting Presbyterian Church of SA, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of SA, the Uniting Reformed Church of SA, the Anglican Church of SA, the Lutheran Church and the Baptist Church. It also has academic partnerships with universities across the globe, such as the Universities of Vienna, Utrecht and Edinburgh, Fordham and Princeton University and the Universities of Ghana and Nairobi, to name a few.

It is through alumni, networks of support and partnerships that the University as a whole will continue to advance and thrive regardless of the challenges of the current times. Thank you to all our alumni for your ongoing support. It was heartening to meet among our 2017 first-year class many second, or even third generation Tukkies such as Makgwale Mangwato, a second generation UP student following in the footsteps of her mother and Marlie Harris, who joined her brother Sybrand Harris who is in his fourth year of studies. They are following in the footsteps of their father and mother, their uncle and their cousin, all of them Tukkies. There are many other family stories of inter-generational continuity at UP. We are gratified that so many parents and families have chosen to entrust us with the future of such exceptional young people. Warmest Tukkie greetings Prof Cheryl de la Rey Vice-Chancellor and Principal



Rektor se boodskap

Beste Tukkieleser Die eerste helfte van die akademiese jaar is verby, die Universiteit se Herfspromosieplegtighede is agter die rug en ons 2017-studente begin binnekort met die Junie-eksamens. Tydens die reeks gradeplegtighede wat in Mei afgehandel is, het meer as 11 000 studente wat hul studie in 2016 voltooi het hul grade ontvang. Die verwerwing van ’n graad is altyd iets om te vier en die Universiteit is besonder trots op die groep studente van 2016 wat sukses behaal het ten spyte van ʼn onbestendige 2016 akademiese jaar, wat studente asook die hoëronderwyssektor as geheel voor ongekende uitdagings te staan gebring het. Tot dusver was 2017 ’n baie beter jaar vir Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite en was daar nog nie weer ʼn oplewing van landswye studentebetogings nie. Die toekomstige befondsingsraamwerk vir universiteite asook


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

die toekoms van klasgelde is steeds onder hersiening. Die verslag van die Presidensiële Kommissie wat aangestel is om ondersoek in te stel na die haalbaarheid van gratis hoër onderwys word teen die einde van Junie verwag. Intussen wend UP ’n daadwerklike poging aan om meer fondse vir studiebeurse beskikbaar te stel, en dit is aangenaam om te kan bevestig dat ons reeds aansienlike sukses behaal het. Vir 2016 het die Universiteit studiefondse ten bedrae van R1 135 742 115 (wat NSFAS-toekennings van ongeveer R408 miljoen insluit) aan studente uitbetaal. Die bydrae uit UP se eie fondse beloop meer as R180 miljoen. Ek wil graag die Universiteit se opregte dank uitspreek teenoor almal van wie skenkings en bydraes ontvang is om ons studente te ondersteun. Een van die nuwe toekennings is die Visekanselier se Diskresionêre Merietetoekennings. Altesaam 46 toekennings

ter waarde R130 000 per student oor ’n tydperk van drie jaar is gemaak aan toppresteerders in matriek wat in 2017 eerstejaarstudente aan UP is. Al dié studente het matriek met ʼn uitnemende gemiddelde persentasie geslaag. Trouens, die meeste van hulle het ’n gemiddeld van 90% of meer gehandhaaf, met talle onderskeidings – in een geval nie minder as tien nie – en was onder die toppresteerders in hul onderskeie provinsies. Die groep sluit byvoorbeeld die twee toppresteerders in Gauteng, Marlé Grabe en Rhoda Hartzer in, asook Karl Hellberg, wat die derde plek in KwaZulu-Natal behaal het. Die jongste eerstejaarstudent in UP se geskiedenis is ook een van die ontvangers van hierdie toekennings. Op die ouderdom waarop die meeste tieners nog op skool is, is die 14-jarige Hjalmar Rall van Riebeek Kasteel in die Wes-Kaap besig om by UP sy droom om ’n wetenskaplike te word, te verwesenlik. Die jaar 2017 was tot dusver ’n uitstekende jaar vir TuksSport. Ons atlete het ons in die eerste paar maande van die jaar trots gemaak met vertonings van wêreldgehalte op die atletiekbaan en Tuks is as die 2017 Varsityatletiekkampioene gekroon. Nie lank daarna nie het TuksRugby in hul voetspore gevolg toe die Young Guns en die Tuks1 Rugbyspan met die Varsity Rugby-trofeë weggestap het – vir die derde keer sedert 2010! En toe, enkele weke later, het ons vrouehokkiespan as die 2017 VarsitySport hokkiekampioene uit die stryd getree. Beide die rugby- en hokkiespanne het in hul eindwedstryde met ons ou teenstaanders Maties afgereken. Die Fakulteit Teologie by UP vier vanjaar sy honderdste bestaansjaar. Teologie was een van die eerste twee fakulteite wat by UP gestig is, en is vandag die oudste volwaardige teologiese fakulteit in Suid-Afrika. Oor die dekades heen was daar verskeie veranderinge ten opsigte van struktuur, personeelvoorsiening en die kurrikulum, maar iets wat baie bemoedigend is, is dat die Fakulteit se vennootskappe en netwerke voortdurend gegroei en tot buite ons landsgrense uitgebrei het. Tans werk die Fakulteit Teologie, naas sy tradisionele

kerkvennote, die Nederduits-Hervormde Kerk van Afrika en die Nederduits-Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika, ook saam met die Verenigende Presbiteriaanse Kerk in SA, die Evangeliese Presbiteriaanse Kerk van SA, die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk van SA, die Anglikaanse Kerk van SA, die Lutherse Kerk en die Baptiste-kerk. Die Fakulteit handhaaf ook akademiese vennootskappe met universiteite dwarsoor die wêreld, byvoorbeeld die Universiteite van Wene, Utrecht en Edinburgh, die Fordham- en Princeton-universiteite en die Universiteite van Ghana en Nairobi, om maar enkeles te noem. Danksy ons alumni, ondersteuningsnetwerke en vennootskappe, sal die Universiteit as geheel steeds voortbestaan en floreer ten spyte van die uitdagings waarvoor ons tans te staan kom. Ons bedank graag al ons alumni vir hul voortgesette ondersteuning. Dit was bemoedigend om onder die eerstejaarstudente van 2017 talle tweede- en selfs derdegenerasie Tukkies te ontmoet, soos Makgwale Mangwato, wat in haar moeder se voetspore volg, en Marlie Harris, wat by haar broer Sybrand, ’n vierdejaarstudent, aangesluit het. Marlie en Sybrand se ouers, oom en neef is ook almal oud-Tukkies. Daar is nog baie ander familieverhale van opeenvolgende geslagte wat by UP gestudeer het. Ons is dankbaar dat soveel ouers en families die toekoms van sulke uitsonderlike jong mense aan ons toevertrou. Opregte Tukkiegroete Prof Cheryl de la Rey Visekanselier en Rektor



Open Day in UP style Talk


to faculty members about study programmes, explore the Hatfield Campus and its infrastructure and find out about student life and residences. Deal with online applications and visit the Groenkloof and Mamelodi campuses . This is what Open Day at the University of Pretoria is all about for high school learners from Grades 9 to 12.

In general, graduates reported a high level of satisfaction with the various aspects of their overall university experience. UP was commended on its excellent (world-class) facilities to its students, and the overwhelming majority indicated that their university experience encouraged them to value perspectives other than their own

On the Hatfield Campus the area around the Aula was a hive of activity with the faculties’ information stalls set up on the lawn and the hugely popular Natural and Agricultural Sciences exhibition taking place in the Rautenbach Hall. The Department of Enrolment and Student Administration was on hand to help learners and parents deal with online applications and with matters related to fees and funding.

UP has adopted a holistic life-cycle approach to the undergraduate student experience and can help prospective students to make the right course and career choices through the #Choose UP campaign. The FLY@UP campaign aims to help students to complete their degrees in minimum time through workshops on time-management, goal-setting and study skills. The acronym FLY stands for “Finish Line is Yours’.

The Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, assured parents in her welcome address in the Aula that the University’s first priority remained focused on academic excellence to ensure the employability of its graduates. “UP has gone some way in addressing graduate employment as is evident from the fact that the University consistently emerges as one of the top universities in South Africa in employer surveys our graduates are preferred by employers across disciplines and fields of study. In the most recent QS University Rankings published in June 2017, UP ranks at number 255 globally for employer reputation."

UP invests significantly in sport, arts and culture because well-rounded graduates are more likely to succeed in their later careers. “Through participation in the arts, sport and societies we provide students opportunities to acquire what many define as the softer or as I see it, psychosocial skills, essential in a globalised world,’ said Prof De la Rey

Surveys showed that UP graduates were very satisfied with their study programme. Areas recording the highest satisfaction included that teaching staff were knowledgeable in their fields of expertise, that the study programme provided students with a broad overview of their field of knowledge and developed their problem-solving skills.

“It is estimated that globally there are about 8 billion internet-connected devices. By 2020 it is expected to grow to 50 billion and a decade thereafter to a trillion. At UP we see this as an opportunity. So we embrace the advances in technology as tools to enable teaching and learning.” n

Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

She added that UP has embraced a hybrid teaching and learning model using the latest educational technology to accommodate the fact that the pace of change is happening faster than ever before in the history of humanity.



Welcome Day 2017

Welcome Day 2017

of the

4 174 learners with six or

more distinctions, 40% applied to study at UP



University's Annual Welcome Day is one of her favourite events on the University calendar, said the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, when she welcomed new students, their family and friends to the University. ‘The sense of hope, anticipation and excitement among our new first-year students is both energising and inspiring.’ Prof De la Rey said the first-year class of 2017 is particularly inspiring. Of the 4 174 learners who obtained the National Senior Certificate (NSC) with six or more distinctions, 40% applied to study at UP. Moreover, more than half of the 26 learners with nine or more distinctions applied to study at UP.


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

There was a similar pattern among those who wrote the examinations of the Independent Examination Board (IEB). Of the 925 learners with six or more distinctions, 51% applied at UP. There were 68 learners in total with eight or more distinctions, 40 (59%) of whom applied for enrolment at UP.

joined her brother Sybrand Harris, who is in his fourth year of studies. They are both following in the footsteps of their father, mother, uncle and cousin, training to be veterinarians. “There are many other family stories of intergenerational continuity at UP. We are heartened that so many parents and families have chosen to entrust us with the future of such exceptional young people, especially so because of the unprecedented volatility and protest action that characterized the higher education environment in South Africa in 2016. “

Prof De la Rey pointed out that many of the new students are second-, or even third-generation Tukkies. Makgwale Mangwato, who obtained a matriculation average of 87,8%, will be a secondgeneration UP student, following in the footsteps of her mother.

Many people may be wondering what the 2017 year holds for the university sector, the ViceChancellor continued. “Our national landscape is currently marked by a great deal of political flux and fluidity. Universities are not islands or insulated institutions separate from the general society so whatever happens socio-politically could have an impact on us.”

Marlie Harris obtained an average of 95,8% at Pretoria Afrikaanse Hoër Meisieskool, and has

Prof De la Rey assured the audience that the University is totally committed to the academic

success of its students at the highest level of quality. At the end of 2016 the University delivered on its promise to ensure that its students completed the academic year in spite of the threats it faced. They were true to their word and the final examinations and supplementary examinations were completed by early December. She related how the parents of a second-year student wrote to her at the end of 2016 to express their appreciation and absolute awe that the University was doing everything in its power to enable its students to complete the year. ‘Please never get weary,’ they said. Prof De la Rey assured the audience that she and her team are not, and will not become weary because they know that what really transforms lives is quality education. ‘If we continue transforming young lives through quality education, one by one for each of our 50 000 students, we will be changing the future of South Africa for the better,’ she said. n



Welcome Day 2017

Choosing the best

NEW APPOINTMENTS/NUWE AANSTELLINGS is perfect for me. I love the sports facilities and I am hoping to become involved in soccer and cricket. I might even try rugby if Mom allows it. But more important is the fact that I wanted to study law. Many students who have been here really recommend UP as the best place to study law.’

Nuwe Dekaan vir Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe Prof Tiaan de Jager is as Dekaan van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe aangestel nadat hy sedert Julie 2016 waargeneem het. Hy was voorheen Adjunkdekaan: Navorsing en Nagraadse Studies, Professor: Omgewingsgesondheid in die Skool vir Gesondheidstelsels en Openbare Gesondheid (SGSOG) en Direkteur van die UP Instituut vir Volhoubare Malariabeheer. Hy is ook Buitengewone Dosent in Andrologie in die Skool vir Geneeskunde se Departement Urologie.


University of Pretoria (UP) held its annual Welcome Day on 28 January 2017. Candice Jooste asked some of the thousands of first-year students who attended the event at the Rembrandt Hall on the LC de Villiers Sport Grounds why they chose to study at UP. Hjamar Rall (left), from Riebeek Kasteel in the Western Cape, at 14 years of age, is pursuing his dream of becoming a scientist. He is studying for a BSc in Physics. When asked why he chose UP, his response was short and to the point. ‘It is the best there is.’

‘I applied to UP, the University of Cape Town, the University of Johannesburg (UJ), Stellenbosch University and the University of the Witwatersrand (Wits). They all accepted me but I chose UP because I have been to the campus twice and it is beautiful. I liked the environment, so I decided UP was the one, “ said Mulisa Ramalisa who is studying accounting science. She is from Midrand and her sister, Rudzani, who is in Grade 12 in Midrand High says: “I want to follow my sister and my cousins who are already here at UP.’ Tyrelle Toorn from Reiger Park is enrolled for an LLB and says his first choices were Wits and UJ but he changed his mind and came to UP. His reasoning was as follows: ‘I looked at what each university could offer me rather than what I could offer them, and I think that the University of Pretoria

Ms Nonhlakanipho Radebe (Sasolburg High School): ‘The University of Pretoria is the best. I am very glad to have been accepted here.’

Prof De Jager het sy BSc, BSc Hons en MSc in dierkunde aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat behaal voordat hy ’n PhD in reproduktiewe biologie: urologie aan die Universiteit van Pretoria verwerf het. Hy het ’n nadoktorale genootskap aan die Université Laval in Quebec City, Kanada, voltooi, asook ’n program in navorsingsvaardighede vir gesondheidsberoepslui aan die Universiteit van Oxford en ’n reproduksietoksikologieprogram in omgewingsgesondheid en veiligheid aan die Universiteit van Surrey in Guildford, VK.

Khotsofalo Pheko (on the right) and his family, who hail from Sasolburg

Khotsofalo Pheko from Sasolburg High, who is studying for a BSc in Biological Sciences to become a physiotherapist, says: ‘I applied to UP because the University has a strong sports programme and I am an athlete. I hope to be successful in my physiotherapy course and do well in athletics.’ Ifrah Rage and Deane Roos both took part in the University’s UP with Science programme and supported each other through the Welcome Day process as their parents could not attend. Rage, who enrolled for a BSc in Mathematical Sciences, chose UP because it is close to home ‘and offers a vast range of options for study, more faculties and many more courses than other universities.’ Deane, who is studying for a BSc in IT, said he was really looking forward to life in residence, but says: ‘I am feeling very anxious now.’ Shao-Fei Chiu matriculated from Crawford College, Pretoria, and is studying architecture. He is a first-generation Taiwanese South African. Regarding his choice to study at UP, he says: ‘Besides being close to where I live, UP is one of the top universities for studying architecture. My dad is an architect and I find it very interesting because of what we can do with artificial materials and natural resources.’ n

Prof Tiaan de Jager

Hy het ’n C1 gradering van die Nasionale Navorsingstigting (NRF) en geniet internasionale erkenning. Hy is tans betrokke by verskeie navorsingsprojekte, insluitende projekte oor malaria, reproduksietoksikologie en omgewingsgesondheid.

Deputy Dean for EMS Prof Jenny Hoobler was appointed as Deputy Dean: Research and Postgraduate Studies in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, with effect from 1 April 2017. Prof Hoobler was the Acting Head of Department of Human Resource Management and previously held the positions of co-director, Institute for Leadership Excellence and Development (iLead), associate professor, assistant professor at the University of Illinois and assistant professor at the Northern Illinois University. She received a Fulbright Scholar Research Award to do research at the University of Pretoria from 2011 to 2012. She obtained the degrees PhD in Business Administration from the University of Kentucky, an MBA from the University of Illinois at Springfield and an MS in Secondary English from the University of Illinois, Urbana. Prof Hoobler is an established scholar in the fields of human resource management and organisational behaviour. She received a B3 rating from the NRF and is internationally recognised for her research contribution. She has supervised a number of master’s and doctoral students and has published widely in the areas of gender and diversity in organisations, work and family intersections, and abusive supervision. Her publications include book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals. n Prof Jenny Hoobler


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria





UP awards excellence Celebrating our academic stars The

University of Pretoria’s annual academic achievers event took place on 9 May, when the University acknowledged an array of academic achievers.

81 UP staff members received ratings from the National Research Foundation, 34 of which were new ratings. Prof Stella Nkomo, professor in the Department of Human Resource Management of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, received an A rating. Her internationally recognised research on gender and diversity in organisations has been published in numerous journals and books. There were 17 B ratings, 50 C ratings and 13 Y ratings. The Chancellor’s Award for Teaching and Learning went to Prof Tania Hanekom of the Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology. She was recognised for her contribution to the development and practice of excellence and innovation in engineering teaching and learning. Prof Charles van Onselen received the ViceChancellor’s Book Award for his book titled Showdown at the Red Lion: The life and times of Jack McLoughlin, while the Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellent Supervision went to Prof Nigel Bennett, a Professor of Zoology as well as incumbent of the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Chair in Mammalian Behavioural Ecology and


Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

Physiology and the Austin Roberts Chair of African Mammology. Five professors from the Department of Natural and Agricultural Sciences were acknowledged as Exceptional Academic Achievers, namely Profs Fanus Venter (Microbiology), Roumen Anguelov (Mathematics), Jolanda Roux (Plant and Soil Sciences), Zander Myburg and Jaco Greeff (both from the Department of Genetics). Profs Josua Meyer and Ian Craig from the Faculty of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology were also honoured as Exceptional Academic Achievers, as were Prof Robert Pattinson (Faculty of Health Sciences), Prof Johan Schoeman (Faculty of Veterinary Science) and Prof Alexander Zimper (Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences). Six academics were honoured as Exceptional Young Researchers and the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences was represented by Dr Vinet Coetzee (Genetics) and Dr Brett Hurley from the Department of Zoology and Entomology. Others recognised in this category were Dr Alison Phulukdaree (Physiology in Health Sciences), Prof Stephen Coetzee (Financial Accounting), Dr Martina Crole (Anatomy and Physiology in the Faculty of Veterinary Science) and Dr Reza Malekian (Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering).

From top left: Prof Tania Hamekom, Prof Charles van Onselen, Prof Nigel Bennett, Prof Fanus Venter, Prof Roumen Anguelov, Second row from left: Prof Jolanda Roux, Prof Zander Myburg, Prof Jaco Greeff, Prof Josua Meyer, Prof Ian Craig, Third row from left: Prof Robert Pattinson, Prof Johan Schoeman, Prof Alex Zimper, Prof Vinet Coetzee (in red), Prof Brett Hurley, Bottom row from left: Prof Alisa Phulukdaree, Prof Stephen Coetzee, Prof Martina Crole, Prof Reza Malekian, Prof Stella Nkomo.



ACADEMIC ACHIEVERS AWARDS Showdown at the Red Lion Prof Charles van Onselen received the ViceChancellor's Book Award 2016 for his book Showdown at the Red Lion: The life and times of Jack McLoughlin. Prof Van Onselen’s ability to find titles that suggest that the reader is about to enjoy a novel is borne out, as his meticulous research and deep historical knowledge are matched by an elegance and fluidity of style and writing that turn serious historical issues into compelling reading. Although he is central to the book, Showdown at the Red Lion is much more than the life story of Jack McLoughlin. It also describes a critical period in Johannesburg’s history and is an exhaustive investigation that ranges the length and breadth of Britain's imperialist adventures, from William Blake’s ‘dark Satanic Mills’ of 1850s industrial Manchester to the Australian outback, via the goldfields of the Witwatersrand. This is a history which draws uncanny, if not disquieting, parallels between the past and the present. Johannesburg remains a frontier town: McLoughlin's act of murder was as characteristic of South Africa in the late 19th century as it is in the early 21st. Showdown at the Red Lion is a brilliant and deeply revealing history that changes the way we understand our own histories.

Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellent Supervision Prof Nigel Bennett was honoured at the academic achievers event with this award. He is a Professor of Zoology as well as incumbent of the

South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Chair in Mammalian Behavioural Ecology and Physiology and the Austin Roberts Chair of African Mammology. Prof Bennett’s research is focused on ecology, animal physiology and animal behaviour. He and his co-workers and students study the sociobiology of African rodent moles. He holds an NRF A rating and has authored or coauthored more than 300 research publications. He has supervised the completion of higher degrees of 25 master’s students, 20 of whom received their degrees cum laude, and 13 PhDs. He has mentored 25 postdoctoral fellows and research fellows. His students describe him as a dedicated and meticulous, but caring supervisor who inspires his students and supports them in publishing excellent work and building their own research careers.

NRF A rated researcher Prof Stella M Nkomo holds a strategic appointment as professor in the Department of Human Resource Management of the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. She was Deputy Dean: Research in the Faculty and now is an Emeritus Professor. Her internationally recognised research on gender and diversity in organisations has been published in numerous journals and books. She is listed in the International Who’s Who in the Management Sciences and serves on the editorial boards of top journals in the field. n

In the middle of the picture, next to the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, is Dr Khotso Mokhele, special advisor to the Minister of Science and Technology, who was the guest speaker at the academic achievers function. With them are the 2017 Excellence in Teaching Laureates. On the far left are Mss Corlia Joynt and Madelyn Cloete, team winners, and on the far right is Prof Ernst Wolff, the individual winner. Mr Marco van Dijk, second from right, received the award for community involvement. 16

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More than 11 000 degrees conferred During the 2017 Autumn Graduation Ceremonies 11 835 degrees and certificates were awarded. Of the total number of qualifications conferred 10 859 were degrees and 976 certificates. The University awarded 186 doctoral degrees with 31 doctorates in the faculties of Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology (EBIT) and 28 in Humanities respectively. The Faculty of Law awarded eight doctorates and 83 master’s degrees while the Faculty of Theology awarded 22 doctorates and 83 master’s degrees. A total of 1 430 master’s degrees and 2 815 honours degrees were awarded. The Faculty of Health Sciences awarded 236 Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB) degrees and 921 health related degrees, totalling 1 157 degrees.

The Faculty of Veterinary Science awarded 126 Bachelor of Veterinary Science degrees. The total number of degrees awarded in the EBIT faculty was 2 359 degrees. The Faculty of Education awarded 2 727 degrees and diplomas.

The 2016 academic year To students completing their studies during the 2016 academic year the University of Pretoria awarded a total of 13 732 degrees in two seasons of graduation ceremonies, namely the 2016 Spring Graduation Ceremonies and the 2017 Autumn Graduation Ceremonies. The latter took place from 30 March to 23 May. n

Education researcher honoured


the 2017 Autumn Graduation Ceremonies, the University of Pretoria awarded an honorary doctorate to Prof D Jean Clandinin, founding Director of the Centre for Research for Teacher Education and Development at the University of Alberta, Canada. Within the field of education, Prof Clandinin's research has had a profound impact on the related areas of teacher knowledge, teacher education and narrative inquiry. Her research on teachers' personal, practical knowledge has altered our understanding of the role that teachers play in curriculum-making in their classrooms, and of the need to incorporate this knowledge into teacher education programmes. She has been instrumental in the development of narrative inquiry as a methodology for conducting research in the social sciences.

A former teacher, counsellor, and psychologist, Prof Clandinin has been author or co-author of 17 books and many articles and book chapters. Her first book, Classroom practice: Teacher images in action, was based on her doctoral research. Other books were based on research into teachers’ and children’s experiences in and out of schools. She co-authored Composing lives in transition (2013), a narrative inquiry into the experiences of youth who left school before graduating, and Narrative conceptions of knowledge, based on research around early-career teacher attrition. She authored three books on narrative inquiry, Narrative inquiry, Engaging in narrative inquiry and Engaging in narrative inquiry with children and youth. Her books have won Outstanding Book awards from the American Educational Research Association. n




Honorary doctorate in Theology awarded

Jürgen Moltmann was born in Hamburg, Germany, on 8 April 1926. He was raised in an enlightened, secular home. As a young boy, he grew up ‘far from Christianity, the church, and the Bible’. It was much later in his life, while he was prisoner-of-war (POW), that the existential importance of hope dawned on him and the significance of Christianity personally overwhelmed him.


of the celebratory events in the centenary year of the Faculty of Theology was the awarding of an honorary doctorate in Theology to one of the most influential Christian thinkers of our time, Prof Jürgen Moltmann, emeritus Prof of Theology at Tübingen University, Germany. Since the end of World War II, Prof Moltmann’s life and work have had an unparalleled impact on the history of theology in Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. He has established himself as possibly the most influential Christian theologian of his generation, both through his many books (translated into 20 languages) and through his tireless visiting and lecturing in many parts of the world throughout his career. His systematic work thrives on the cutting edge of Christian theology in the 21st century, challenging and stimulating a whole generation of theologians to look at theology in different and more comprehensive ways. He is the most widely read, quoted and translated theologian of our time, with his theological works being taught, read or engaged with in almost all notable theological faculties – including the University of Pretoria - and seminaries in the world. In both Protestant and Roman Catholic circles, all contemporary theological textbooks in Systematic Theology give extensive attention to the theological contribution of Prof Moltmann. He holds honorary degrees from 12 universities. n


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In 1944 at the age of 18 he was drafted into the German army to fight in World War II. He served as a soldier for six months before surrendering in Belgium, in 1945; to the first British soldier he met. He spent three years in prisoner-of-war camps in Belgium, Scotland, and England. In a camp in Belgium he saw how other prisoners collapsed inwardly, how they gave up all hope, sickening and dying for the lack of it. Moltmann was saved from the same fate by a religious conversion that began in a POW camp in Belgium. An American military chaplain gave him a Bible – a copy of the New Testament and Psalms – that he started to read largely out of boredom. He was surprised to find that the words of Scripture fed his emotional need and he found the God who was with him behind the barbed wire. But whenever he tried to profess or grasp this experience of the presence of God, it evaded him. These inexpressible experiences led Moltmann to become interested in theology. He was allowed to study theology in a Protestant theologians’ camp, Norton Camp near Nottingham in England. His experiences of life as a prisoner have left a lasting mark on him of the suffering and the hope that reinforce one another. n


Quintine graduates at 19

Vyf tandartse in een gesin Toe Amandie Cronjé oor die verhoog gestap het om haar graad in Tandheelkunde te ontvang, het sy in die voetspore van amper haar hele gesin geloop wat almal hulle grade in Tandheelkunde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria behaal het. Haar pa, Chris, het in 1979 gegradueer en praktiseer al vir 35 jaar. Die ander Tuks-gekwalifiseerde tandartse in die gesin is haar oudste suster, Ezette, haar broer, Chris en Maryke, nog ‘n sussie. Amandie se ma, Amanda, is ‘n apteker maar werk as stoelassistent in Chris snr se praktyk in Pretoria-Noord. Amandie doen nou haar gemeenskapsdiensjaar by die provinsiale hospitaal in Parys.

Quintine Mkhondo, an extraordinary student, graduated at the age of 19 with a degree in Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics. He matriculated from Hoedspruit Independent College in 2012 at the age of 14. As a prerequisite for admission to the Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics programme at UP, he enrolled in the UP Extended Programme in Mathematical Sciences on the Mamelodi Campus to improve his marks in mathematics. He passed all his modules and transferred to the Hatfield Campus to complete his degree. This year Quintine is enrolled for his honours degree in Mathematical Statistics and works as a teaching assistant on campus.

GIBS graduate PhD abstract in Sepedi During the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) graduation ceremony PhD graduate Anastacia Mamabolo’s abstract was read out in Sepedi. It marked the first time that UP and GIBS had an abstract read in the third of the University’s official languages of communication which is also the newly capped Doctor of Philosophy’s mother tongue. The MBA ignited her passion for entrepreneurship and inspired the subject of her PhD thesis which investigated human capital investments and skills specific to the different entrepreneurship phases, namely the nascent, new business and established phases.

Ontvanger van Kanseliersmedalje Megan Labuschagne, wat die LLB-graad in die Fakulteit Regsgeleerdheid (UP) behaal het, was die ontvanger van die Kanseliersmedalje, die Adams & Adams-prys, die Grotiusmedalje, die Harold Galasko-prys, die LexisNexis-prys en die Suid-Afrikaanse Vereniging vir Arbeidsreg-medalje.



100 YEARS of Theology at UP By Marissa Greeff


1890 the government of the ZuidAfrikaansche Republiek proposed a university in Pretoria with three faculties, namely Arts, Law and Theology. It approached the Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk (NHKA) for support regarding the Faculty of Theology; however, after the Anglo-Boer War, the NHKA continued to send students to the Netherlands.

The Transvaal Technical Institute In 1908, the opened its doors in Transvaal University 1904 and, as one College, Pretoria, of the constituting (TUC) opened with colleges of the University of South four lecturers and 32 Africa, was allowed students. to offer courses towards a degree in Theology. In 1908, the Transvaal University College, Pretoria, (TUC) opened with four lecturers and 32 students. One of the lecturers was Prof Alfred Croom Paterson, who taught Hebrew, Latin and German. The Faculty of Theology was established in 1917 with the support of the NHKA and the Presbyterian Church of South Africa (PCSA). It had two full-time lecturers, Dr JHJA Greyvenstein and Rev E MacMillan, with Prof Paterson teaching Old Testament subjects in the Faculty. Prof Paterson became Registrar in 1916 and was appointed Principal of the TUC in 1917, but still taught Biblical Hebrew. He resigned in 1924. By 1926 there were four professors – three from the NHKA and one from the Presbyterian Church. The latter position became vacant in 1935. After intense debate and discussions within the Nederduits


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Hervormde of Gereformeerde Kerk (today’s Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk (NGK)), it joined the Faculty on 16 March 1938. Two independent sections were formed: Section A for the NHKA and Section B for the NGK. In the 1960s the Lutheran Church requested the establishment of a Section C in the Faculty, but that came to nothing.

sought greater unity, compassion and reconciliation among different groups and peoples. The Faculty’s two other memorial lectures are the annual Johan Heyns Commemoration Lecture and the Dawid and Etienne de Villiers Lecture, the latter being held in collaboration with the University of Stellenbosch. On 1 January 2000 the two sections amalgamated to establish a multi-ecclesial Faculty. Before 2011 three churches had formal agreements with the University to train their ministers namely the NGK, the Dutch Reformed Church (NHK) and the Uniting Presbyterian Church in Southern Africa. In 2011 an agreement was signed with the Uniting Reformed Church in South Africa, making it the fourth ecclesial partner.

The Faculty is currently officially acknowledged as a training institution by these churches as well as the Evangelical Presbyterian Church, the Anglican Church, the Lutheran Church and the Baptist Church. The first female minister to be ordained in an Afrikaans church was a product of the Faculty, Rev Yolanda Dreyer, who was appointed as Professor in Practical Theology at UP in 2000. The first black student to receive a doctorate in Theology was Dr HY Hara from Malawi in 1989. Archbishop Desmond Tutu received an honorary doctorate in Theology from UP in 2001. n Material supplied by the UP Archive is gratefully acknowledged.

Lecturers and students in front of the Old Arts Building in 1922. (Photo: UP Archive)

In the early years, students had to complete a BA degree with Hebrew, Latin, Greek and Philosophy before they could gain entrance into the Faculty of Theology. The TUC became the University of Pretoria (UP) in 1930 and adopted Afrikaans as its medium of instruction in 1932. In 1938 the Faculty had four departments and in 1952 the Department of History of Christianity and Church Polity was added, headed by Prof Ben Marais from 1953 to 1974. Prof Albert Geyser succeeded Prof Greyvenstein as head of the Department of New Testament Studies (A) in 1947, and taught there for the next 16 years. Prof Geyser received the very first doctorate from the Faculty (1945). On 21 March 1960, the Sharpeville massacre took place and that same year Prof Geyser co-published a Christian critique of apartheid entitled Vertraagde aksie. Prof Geyser left the University of Pretoria in 1962 amid accusations of heresy from the NHK, although he successfully contested these in the Supreme Court. He then took up the position as the first professor and Head of the Department of Divinity (now the Department of Religious Studies) at the University of the Witwatersrand. He retired from Wits in 1983. UP’s Faculty of Theology instituted the annual Albert Geyser Memorial Lecture on 17 February 2014 to honour his intellectual legacy and his theology that




Focusing on the century ahead The

Faculty of Theology at the University of Pretoria celebrates its centenary this year. The Faculty did not start as a seminary, but was developed from the outset as a faculty with full academic status and is the oldest fully fledged academic Faculty of Theology in South Africa.

Gradedag 1922 met graduandi op Kerkplein. Die Teologie-fakulteit staan aan die regterkant voor. Let op die marsorkes heel voor. (Foto: UP Argief))


Fakulteit Teologie is in 1917 gestig en het van toe af as ’n fakulteit met volle akademiese status ontwikkel. Dit was nooit ’n teologiese kweekskool nie en is die oudste volwaardige teologiefakulteit in Suid-Afrika. Die vroegste beslissende stelling oor die aard van die Fakulteit is waarskynlik in 1888 deur ds MJ Goddefroy gemaak toe hy teologiese opleiding as akademiese aktiwiteit bestempel het; dus as opleiding deur ’n fakulteit aan ’n universiteit en nie opleiding deur ’n kweekskool nie: ‘Wij moeten een Hoogeschool hebben – geen Kweekschool ... een kweekschool is tegen ons Nederduitsch Hervormde beginsel. In onze kerk word nooit leeraars toegelaten of zij moesten hunne opleiding aan een werklijke universiteit gehad hebben.’ Dit is die aard van teologie aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, en die uitgangspunt van intellektuele bevraagtekening is ’n onomstootlike waarde wat


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deur die Fakulteit nagestreef word. Die vernaamste rolspelers gedurende die eerste 100 jaar van die Fakulteit se geskiedenis was die Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk van Afrika (NHKA) sedert 1917, en die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk in Suid-Afrika (NGKSA) sedert 1938. Die Presbiteriaanse Kerk van Suider-Afrika (PKSA) was aanvanklik betrokke, alhoewel hulle geen studente gestuur het nie en het weer in 2002 as ’n vennoot aangesluit.

The theme of the centenary celebrations is ‘Gateway to…’, symbolised by the open gates in front of the Theology Building. The Faculty’s mission is to practise theology in such a way that the love of God reaches all. In the past, the gates were closed to the marginalised because of ideologies such as nationalism, racism, sexism, dogmatism and homophobia. Although in many instances theologians at the University of Pretoria were proponents of these ideologies, there were others who chose a different path. Now God has opened the gates. The challenge is to recognise that God will always open the gates and, despite resistance, the message will continue on the path of radical inclusivity. The Faculty has chosen as a research theme the challenging concept of ecodomy, as an umbrella term for its focus on ‘life in its fullness’. Global justice entails the whole of creation, the human and non-human world. The all-inclusive word

ecodomy articulates the Faculty’s vision and the challenges it will face in the next 100 years. It provides for the reconciliatory diversity that the Faculty embraces and actively promotes in all its research, teaching and learning. As important as the past hundred years were, the emphasis of any centenary celebration should be on the century ahead. History is not a destination, but an orientation. n Vision: To be a faculty recognised for its creative engagement with life-giving theology, religious insight and service to academia, church and community. Mission: In order to achieve this, we commit ourselves to: •

providing relevant theological and religious education;

nurturing transformative leaders;

undertaking quality research;

promoting justice, peace, the integrity of creation and a reconciling diversity; and

engaging with people on the margins of society.

Op 1 Januarie 2000 het die twee afsonderlike afdelings saamgesmelt om die huidige veelkerklike fakulteit te vorm. Die Fakulteit word tans amptelik as ’n opleidingsinstelling erken deur die NG Kerk (NGKSA), Hervormde Kerk (NHKA), Verenigende Presbiteriaanse Kerk (VPKSA), Evangeliese Presbiteriaanse Kerk (EPKSA), Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk (VGKSA), Anglikaanse Kerk (ACSA), Lutherse Kerk (FELSISA) en die Baptistekerk (CTBS). n




Die Fakulteit se Eeufeesembleem – die oop hekke – vergestalt ’n uitnodiging aan almal wat soek, om in te kom. Dit onderskryf die missie om mense wat in die verlede op grond van ras, gender, ideologie, taal of belydenis uitgeskuif is, in te sluit. Dit is ook ’n belydenis van die Universiteit se historiese eksklusiwiteit. Die Visekanselier en Rektor, prof Cheryl de la Rey, sê in haar boodskap in die Fakulteit se eeufeesboek dat die oopmaak van die hekke ’n akkurate weerspieëling is van die Fakulteit se benadering, aangesien die hekke oopgemaak is om ’n magdom vennote en belanghebbendes in te sluit. Kerke van agt denominasies erken die Universiteit se multikerklike Fakulteit as ’n opleidingsinstelling. Net 50% van die studente behoort aan enige van die kerkvennote, wat ’n nog groter diversiteit weerspieël. Die Universiteit se oorspronklike houthekke is simbolies in ’n oop posisie voor die Teologie-gebou vasgemaak. Die hekke kan nie toegemaak word nie. So bely hulle UP se historiese eksklusiwiteit en die Fakulteit se orientëring vir die toekoms. n

Theology honours its heroes

Profs Ben Engelbrecht (former Dean: NHKA), CH Rautenbach, Danie Joubert (both former vicechancellors) and Johan Heyns (former Dean: NGK) photographed at the inauguration of the Theology Building in 1983. (Photo: UP Archive)

The Faculty acknowledged ten people who made it what it is today during its centenary celebration ceremony of the reinstatement of the gates on 6 March 2017. At the event, which took place in front of the Theology Building, the Dean of the Faculty, Prof Johan Buitendag, said: ‘We have to acknowledge our predecessors – inside and outside the Faculty – that have contributed to our nature and ethos today, as expressed in our Faculty’s vision and mission.’ The Faculty conducted a survey to identify the sung and unsung giants of the past. A conference on deconstructing the past took place on 5 April, with Prof Jürgen Moltmann delivering a public

lecture. The Faculty paid tribute to its ‘sung and unsung giants’ at the conference. They are:

Prof Johan A. Heyns Mandela said about Prof Johan Heyns: ‘Heyns was my favourite kind of Afrikaner. Morally and physically brave, honest to the core, he had the courage late in his life to admit to the error of his ways.’ He was assassinated on 5 November 1994.

Continue on p 26


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From p 25

Prof Maake Masango

Dr André Bartlett

Prof Maake Masango joined the Faculty in 2000 as its first permanent black academic. He is a truly ecumenical theologian, known for his concern with the upliftment of disadvantaged people.

Dr Andre Bartlett champions the theological investigation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights in the Dutch Reformed Church and in the South African society.

Prof Ben J Marais In his address to the Dutch Reformed Synod, Nelson Mandela hailed Prof Ben Marais as one of the true prophets of our time. Marais opposed the Afrikaner churches’ support of apartheid and co-authored the ground-breaking publication, Delayed action: An ecumenical witness from the Afrikaner church (Vertraagde Aksie), which challenged the theological support of apartheid.

Prof Albert S Geyser Prof Albert Geyser’s was the doyen of Afrikaner theologians who actively resisted apartheid legislation.

Prof Andries G van Aarde Employing the methodology of engaged hermeneutics and focusing on the historical Jesus, Prof Andries van Aarde is concerned with the poor, marginalised and oppressed.

Prof Berend J Gemser Prof Berend Gemser was the pioneer of the academic study of Semitic languages in South Africa and the driving force behind the establishment of HTS Theology Studies, South Africa’s oldest theological journal.

Prof Chris R de Beer As Vice-Rector, Prof Chris de Beer was responsible for the amalgamation of the two Faculties of Theology in 2000.

The Reverend C Louis Brandt The Reverend Louis Brandt, Moderator of the Hervormde Kerk, described the Faculty of Theology as a multi-ecclesial institution In 1927.

Prof Adrianus van Selms He was known for his academic excellence and uncompromising devotion to Christ, both of which assume radical inclusivity. This became evident in his strong opposition to the racially prejudiced Article 3 of the Hervormde Church. Professor Buitendag said the Faculty was enthusiastic about the proposed Research Commons to be built on the east side of the building. ‘We trust that we shall raise the R15m needed to do justice to our values of pluriversality and inclusivity. 'The Research Commons will be a space that does justice to our view of what a university is, namely a place of debate and contestation which provides space for new knowledge to be created, intellectual activity and freedom of thought.’ He announced that in its 101st year (2018), the Faculty of Theology will officially become known as the Faculty of Theology and Religion. n


South Africa

faces four epidemics – Infectious diseases (especially HIV/AIDs and TB), non-communicable diseases (especially diabetes and cardiovascular diseases), high levels of violence and injury, and mother and child illness and death. These are interlinked by persistent social inequality and together they account for the top ten causes of preventable death and avoidable ill health in South Africa.

introduced the concept of ward-based health teams, where community health workers (CHWs) take primary care to communities.

The Department of Family Medicine at the University of Pretoria (UP) took this opportunity to integrate service, learning and research into a community health platform in a way that had not previously been possible. Profs Jannie Hugo and Tessa Marcus built their intervention on the principles of communityoriented primary care The National (COPC), a model of Department of Health health care developed (DoH) has recognised by Drs Sydney and Emily that the health care Kark in rural Kwa-Zulu system is unable to Natal in the 1940s. meet its challenges COPC is a geographically owing to the scale based collaborative and complexity of the approach to health that disease burden and starts with individuals the current structure of and families in their the health care system. homes. Services and capacity Profs Jannie Hugo (left) and Tessa Marcus UP’s Department of development in South (right) built their community health care Family Medicine worked Africa’s health care model on the principles of communityto establish a version of system are skewed oriented primary care (COPC), a model of COPC that would work in away from general health care developed by Drs Sydney and South Africa in the 21st primary healthcare and Emily Kark in rural Kwa-Zulu Natal in the century. Supported by towards specialist care. 1940s. the Gauteng Provincial While intensifying its efforts to tame the Department of Health (GPDoH), the University devastating effects of HIV/AIDS and TB, in 2010 of Limpopo, and the Sefako Makgatho Health the DoH introduced policies designed to make Sciences University, the process was started in primary health care more effective. These 2011 in Tshwane District as a pilot. Teams were policies included national health insurance and set up in nine communities in partnership with an overhaul of primary health care to achieve local NGOs. universal health coverage. The Department also Continue on p 28


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From p 27

Education’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programme. To date, the Department of Family Medicine team has directly and indirectly contributed to the training of some 1 000 learners in communityoriented primary care. This education covers such diverse topics as the theory and practice of community-based healthcare, diseases and disorders common to South Africa, community health, and monitoring and evaluation.

To support the COPC approach, Prof Hugo and the Family Medicine team have collaborated with private sector partners to create AitaHealth™, a purpose-built data-collection, support and management system. Using web and mobile phone technology, team leaders and CHWs, assisted by doctors and other specialists, work with real-time information to make decisions and provide care. Parallel to this, Prof Marcus, Prof Hugo and the team are developing a formal system of learning that is integrated into delivering services. The idea is to empower health care workers at all levels to deal with the complex demands of their work. In this model, constant learning is an integral part of the service. The COPC curriculum addresses service providers working at all levels of the system. It engages CHWs, medical professionals and health system managers from the classroom through postgraduate studies to the workplace. The School of Medicine’s existing community placement programme for undergraduate medical students has been extended from clinics into people’s homes and places of work. Through it, medical students and CHWs learn from each other. The Department of Family Medicine links education, training and research to service through collaborations within the Faculty of Health Sciences, and with UP’s Institute for Food Nutrition and Wellbeing (IFNuW), the DST-NRF Food Security Centre of Excellence and the Department of Social Development, as well as with the National Department of Higher


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Team leaders and community healthcare workers have significantly changed the model of care in communities.

What is community-oriented primary care?

Image credit: T Marcus, N Honiball

In 2014 the City of Tshwane Municipality entered into an agreement with the Department of Family Medicine to use a COPC approach to health in the municipality. Through this collaboration, the model has expanded and matured. Presently, there are 43 ward-based health teams, led by professional nurses, with 370 CHWs deployed in defined geographical areas across the city – from Mamelodi, through the inner city, to Atteridgeville, Soshanguve and Olievenhoutbosch. To date, community health workers have registered 230 000 individuals in 77 000 households, with CHWs providing immediate and follow-up support to individuals and families in need. The number of households serviced by the programme is growing every day.

The power of COPC lies in comprehensive care that integrates the home, the clinic, the doctor’s practice and the hospital, and that consistently improves people’s ability to manage their own health. It will take time and persistence to realise the full impact of the approach; however, by combining service, research and education through technology-enabled data collection, COPC is set to revolutionise health in South Africa.

What is wrong with modern health care? In the last 150 years, healthcare has become increasingly hospital-centred, disease-focused and specialised. While this has led to major medical advances, has improved access to health care and has proven to be highly profitable, it excludes large parts of the population and cannot provide universal access to health care. The system as it stands tries to categorise every patient very narrowly and find a narrow cure, effectively simplifying health issues by removing all context. This ignores the obvious truth that specific health issues cannot be dissociated from the overall health of a person.

Drs Sydney (1911–1998) and Emily Kark (1913–2006) were physicians working in Pholela, an impoverished, segregated reserve in what is now KwaZulu-Natal. For 15 years in the 1940s, they and their small team were the de facto health care system for an entire population that did not have access to Western medicine. They pioneered a new approach to primary health care, which entailed surveying the health of the local population, establishing relationships with the tribal leaders in the area, and training local people as health workers. After

It consequently resolves health problems on the scale of disease, rather than on the scale of the individual.

Technology enables the COPC programme The UP Department of Family Medicine worked with specialists in the private sector to build the smartphone-enabled, web-linked AitaHealth™ platform. AitaHealth™ is a smartphone app used by CHWs to do community-oriented primary care. The CHWs use modules on the app to collect information and guide their responses, including scheduling follow-up visits. The information collected by CHWs is available to team leaders via a centralised database. This enables them to support CHWs in real time. It also supports planning and management of individual CHWs and teams. AitaHealth™ was designed and built by the UP Department of Family Medicine in partnership with Mezzanineware, a mobile software company owned by Vodacom. All content was created by the UP Family Medicine team and the app has been rigorously tested both at the University and in the field to ensure that it achieves its purpose. Community-oriented primary care has been around for about 75 years. The National Department of Health’s primary care reengineering provided UP’s Department of Family

they left the country in 1958, they continued to build international capacity in COPC. Their work changed the thinking about, and delivery of, primary health care. COPC challenges the industrialised health care model by addressing health problems at the community level. It is defined as follows: ‘COPC is primary care where professionals from different disciplines and approaches work together with organisations and people in defined communities to identify and respond systematically to health and healthrelated needs in order to improve health.’ – Tessa S Marcus, ‘Community oriented primary care’, 2013.

Medicine with a chance to test the concept in South Africa. In its current iteration, however, the system has no precedent anywhere in the world. The combination of academic rigour, a public health focus, clinical care and technological innovation has yielded a novel and transformative platform for improving society-wide health outcomes.

Projects in the COPC initiative Research that is being carried out in partnership with COPC initiative includes using Umbiflow (developed by the CSIR) to detect growth delays in pregnancy, under the leadership of Prof Robert Pattinson (Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and the South African Medical Research Council’s Maternal and Infant Health Care Strategies Unit); Hearscreen™, an on-site hearing test developed by Prof De Wet Swanepoel (Department of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology); screening for substance abuse and addiction (with City of Tshwane Department of Social Development); and health education research through the Community Health Education Research Initiative (CHERI). In addition, individual health status assessment modules on the AitaHealth™ app are collecting information on reproductive health, general health and lifestyle, non-communicable diseases, and infant and child development. n



Celebrating years


of excellence in Consumer Science By Martie Meyer


years is a long period in the life of any company, and even more so in an academic department. The question is not only how old a department is, but did it stand the test of time in terms of academic quality and relevance? Prof Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, was the keynote speaker at the official unveiling of the newly renovated foods laboratories on 18 April. This occasion also marked the 90th year anniversary celebrations of the Department of Consumer Science and it confirmed and reiterated that this Department did stand the test of time and even excelled. Prof De La Rey congratulated the Department on its tireless commitment to the University’s vision of being a research-intensive university by increasing its NRF ratings and research outputs as just two examples of its achievements. The Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Prof Jean Lubuma, shared his pride in the Department’s success and celebrations and explained that the 90th anniversary is indeed worthy of celebration as it is a *‘polite number’. “The only certainty in life is change and change is indeed part of the DNA of this Department. The


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Department is yet again going through further changes as it will merge with the Department of Food Science later in the year. Furthermore this Department is the largest and oldest of its kind in the country,” Prof De la Rey added. The refurbished food laboratories were also unveiled during this event. According to Prof Alet Erasmus, Head of the Department (HoD) of Consumer Science, “the redesigned facilities have improved the training potential of the Department to match and even exceed the level of quality set by industry. The training capacity of the Foods Division of the Department has increased from 30 students in two training laboratories to 56 students. Each student now has his/her own work station and it is no longer necessary to share space as it was in the past. The experimental research laboratory is multi-functional and provides space for consumer scientists as well as food scientists to work side-by-side doing consumer-led product development. Over a period of time this facility could establish itself as a world class facility in the field of culinary science, expanding ties with partners in industry with whom they already closely liaise.” Two previous heads of the Department, Prof Elizabeth Boshoff (1979 to 1999) and Prof Elmarie de Klerk (2000 to 2014) were guests of honour at this prestigious event. The University of Pretoria provided R15 million for the project. In addition the Department also received substantial donations from suppliers. Culinary Equipment Company donated R500 000 worth of industrial food preparation equipment, DeLonghi donated various small appliances such as mixers and food processors to the value of R300 000, MacBrothers gave a generous discount on all large cooling equipment and McCater made a donation towards the stainless steel construction of the demonstration station. Contributions of Miele and Whirlpool were also acknowledged. While the guests visited the laboratories to appreciate the impressive design and novel technologies, food that was prepared and served by students of the Department, refreshing guests’ memories of changes in cuisine since the 1920’s. * A polite number is the sum of two or more consecutive numbers, for example 29 + 30 + 31 = 90 - the age of the Department. n From left: Prof Jean Lubuma, Dean of the Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences; Prof Alet Erasmus, Head of the Department of Consumer Science; Prof Elmarie de Klerk, former HoD, Prof Elizabeth Boshoff, former HoD, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal and Prof Anton Ströh, Vice-Principal: Institutional Planning. TUKKIE


By Mikateko Mbambo




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people know their destiny from an early age, and for alumna Ingrid Vorwerk Marren, working in neurology has always been a passion. Ingrid is one of the founding members of the Stroke Support Group (Beroerte Steungroep) in Pretoria, which was established in 1983, then known as Stroke Aid Society of Pretoria. The group focuses on supporting ‘strokies’ (as people who have suffered a stroke call themselves) and their families with physical, social and mental support. Although Ingrid knew from an early age what she wanted to do with her life, the way the disabled are treated and the experience of a school mate cemented her path. When a high school friend and rugby player was paralysed, it had a profound impact on her life. ‘It was sad to see his life change so dramatically, yet he never stopped living. He motivated and inspired everyone around him,’ she says. Ingrid obtained her National Diploma in Physiotherapy at the College of Physiotherapy (Pretoria) and a Teaching Diploma in Physiotherapy at the University of Pretoria (UP). She also lectured in Physiotherapy at UP for many years. However, it was not easy to get where she is today and she still strives to see the Stroke Support Group grow. Stroke is the second most common cause of death in South Africa, after HIV/AIDS, and the leading cause of disability, according to the Second national burden of disease study South Africa: National and subnational mortality trends. It is therefore imperative to have a support structure for those affected. Ingrid strongly believes that there is life after a stroke and the mission statement of the Stroke Support Group reads, ‘To collectively encourage people who have had a traumatic brain injury as well as their family and their caregivers. To socially regenerate and uncover each one’s maximum potential. To empower them to attain their justifiable position in humanity.’ Getting volunteers, both professional and non-professional, is a challenge for the group committee. Having the right complement of volunteers will ensure the success of the support group and give stroke victims a better chance at rehabilitation. ‘We try so hard to get people involved but they are not taking this seriously,’ Ingrid says. What many people do not realise is that serving the vulnerable in society is an

‘We need professional physiotherapists and other therapists and professionals to come and impart their skills. New graduates can volunteer and build a portfolio,’ Ingrid Vorwerk Marren

exercise in self-development as it provides an opportunity to enhance one’s skills. ‘We need professional physiotherapists, other therapists and professionals to come and impart their skills. New graduates can volunteer and build a portfolio,’ she says. Even though Ingrid faces financial and capacity challenges, she keeps pushing. She is motivated by the improvements stroke victims make throughout their rehabilitation. ‘When people come in for the first time they are tearful and unsure because they think they are alone in their suffering. Seeing them improve over time is fantastic.’ Another challenge the support group faces is the constant battle to get professionals to refer stroke victims to them. The support group meets every Tuesday and Ingrid wants the group to grow, with branches across Pretoria and even South Africa. ‘One doesn’t need a lot of money to run a support group; drive is what one needs,’ she says. It is disheartening to see how people avoid getting involved in processes that mend societies and restore hope in people’s lives. Ingrid emphasises the importance of raising awareness about stroke support groups, so that doctors can refer patients to them and volunteers can take part in the rehabilitation process. ‘If you don’t participate in societal development, you are making yourself poorer,’ she concludes. The Stroke Support Group has published a book, Strokies’ stories: encouraging stories after life changing events. The Group’s website can be found at: http://www.strokesupport.co.za n



Anchoring upliftment for a whole community By Denver Hendricks

can impact on its community in a number of ways, such as: • directing a greater percentage of its purchasing power towards local vendors; • providing workforce training for people in need of such assistance; • incubating new business ventures by community and student entrepreneurs; • serving as an advisor or network builder to small businesses; • leveraging real estate development to promote local retail and to provide employee-assisted housing;


and institutions such as hospitals, schools, museums and art galleries are spatially immobile, or anchored, and are hence called anchor institutions. Anchor institutions are not only spatially immobile, they also have strong ties with their geographic location. They are generally large institutions employing substantial numbers of people, and they have significant purchasing power. The University of Pretoria (UP) is an example of such an institution. It employs in excess of 7 000 people and, according to 2012 figures, contributed approximately 4% to the gross domestic product of the City of Tshwane. UP is committed to its role as an anchor institution within its community as one of its priorities for the next five-year cycle of its long-term strategic plan, UP 2025. The University is highly cognisant of the difficult economic times the country and its community are traversing. It experiences first-hand the difficulties that an increasing number of students are faced with in meeting their higher education fee obligations, as manifested in the #FeesMustFall campaign. Other difficulties include the number of unemployed people in communities and the concomitant rise in poverty levels. In the suburbs surrounding the Hatfield Campus, these difficult circumstances are manifested in creeping urban decay, both in terms of the physical environment as well as in the deteriorating social fabric. Urban decay impacts on the student (and staff) experience in that they have to contend with a potentially unsafe environment around the campus. While the situation on campus is different, students and staff must live and


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• investing in local job-creation projects; interact in the community. In the long term, should degeneration around the campus persist or worsen, the University may become a less attractive option for the calibre of staff and students that it wants to attract, who have many other options in a highly competitive higher education space. This threatens the sustainability of the University enterprise.

• investing in community development projects; • contributing to the improvement of local public schools; and

Businesses and developers could decide to relocate from Hatfield if the situation continues to deteriorate. The University, however, does not have that option. The size of its plant alone makes it impossible.

• taking the lead in developing an anchor strategy to benefit the broader community, which involves encouraging other anchors (other universities, schools, hospitals, museums, etc) to adopt a similar approach in the areas where they are located, to grow community wealth and, by appropriately integrating and harmonising their respective initiatives in this regard, across the city.

Although the City of Tshwane is doing its utmost to counter urban decay, it has limited capacity to make a difference in the light of its obligations to the City as a whole. The University needs to intervene in its environment in support of the City.

The Hatfield Campus Village is a pilot project that will eventually be implemented at all UP campuses. A similar initiative has already started at the Mamelodi Campus and is soon to be implemented at the Prinshof Campus.

During 2015, the University undertook a study tour of two cities in the USA where universities had experienced similar challenges and successfully intervened to turn the circumstances around. Although there are obvious differences between the situations in the USA and in South Africa, there are also similarities in the experiences of Wayne State University in Detroit, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, and UP in Hatfield. Visiting consultants from Philadelphia confirmed that the circumstances around the Hatfield Campus are more favourable for successful interventions than those that prevailed in Philadelphia.

The typical anchor institution interventions that UP will attempt to implement will revolve around amenities, safety, and security and cleanliness in the Hatfield Campus’s environment. The University will also champion the provision of

affordable student housing and food outlets close to the campus, adequate and appropriate recreational and social amenities, and the creation of opportunities for part-time employment, especially for needy students, which will enhance access to higher education, diversity, academic success and work readiness. Moreover, UP will strive to support a sustainable, primary economy in Hatfield based on a mixed-use residential and business model for the suburb. The interventions might also involve providing opportunities for community engagement, workintegrated learning and internships that will promote students’ prospects for employment after graduation. The University works closely with the City of Tshwane on the project. In Philadelphia and Detroit, the partnerships between the cities and the higher education institutions have resulted in mutually beneficial outcomes.

The Hatfield Campus Village and the Hatfield City Improvement District (CID) UP is a part of, and collaborates closely with, the Hatfield CID that implements aspects pertaining to safety and security, and the cleanliness and attractiveness of the Hatfield area. The CID was established in 2003 to top up the services provided by the City of Tshwane, and is supported by property owners in the area. For example, the CID complements the City’s once daily garbage collection service by collecting accumulating garbage on two further occasions per day. The CID employs security guards to complement the services of the Metro Police and collaborates with the South African Police Service, private security companies in the area, and with the University’s Campus Security department. n

The role of an anchor institution is to contribute actively to building wealth in its community. This aligns with UP’s commitment to socio-economic development and social justice. The University



Moving towards


sod-turning ceremony for the building of the Javett Art Centre at the University of Pretoria on the Hatfield and South campuses, to be completed in 2018, took place in January 2017. The art centre, which will known as the Javett-UP, is being built by the University thanks to a substantial donation by the Javett Foundation. The idea is to establish Africa’s foremost art gallery here in the City of Tshwane to exhibit art of the highest quality on a permanent basis, with a specific focus on the art of Africa. The JavettUP will provide a permanent home for the Javett Foundation’s seminal collection of 20th century South African art; for the iconic Mapungubwe collection of which UP is the custodian, for selected pieces from the University’s various collections and for its own, curated and visiting collections. UP has a number of art collections and collections of artefacts of international artistic and archaeological significance, as well as an exceptional collection of ceramics. These collections grow annually, either through donations or purchases by the University’s art committee. At the sod-turning event, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Prof Cheryl de la Rey, said that the University had first recognised the need for an art centre some ten years ago. The idea was passionately championed by Prof Antony Melck, a former member of the UP executive, now retired. It came to fruition when Prof Melck was approached by the late Mr Stephen Welz, wellknown South African art expert, on behalf of the


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Javett Foundation, with a proposal to establish what became the Javett-UP. Significant progress has been made in the past three years. After obtaining the necessary building approvals from the City of Tshwane, construction of the building complex started in the second half of 2016. The Javett-UP aims to champion South African and African art and culture, alongside other international works in an environment characterised by research, study and exploration. The building will house the Mapungubwe collection in a purpose-designed gallery, which will guarantee an African perspective. Temporary exhibitions will be curated in support of these aims. The University and the Javett Foundation share a firm belief in the indisputable value of the arts for society in general, and for education in particular, which underlies their commitment to this project. Apart from the large capital donation for the construction of the complex, the Javett Foundation will make further annual donations over ten years to assist with operating costs and for the establishment of an endowment fund for the Centre. The Javett-UP will be run and managed by an independent trust, the recently established Arts Centre Foundation (ACF) to which the University appoints some trustees. The ACF appointed Mr Christopher Till, currently Director of the Apartheid Museum in Johannesburg, as the Director of the Javett-UP, albeit presently still in a part-time capacity pending completion of the building.

The Javett-UP The Javett-UP has the dual aim of enhancing academic programmes presented at UP pertaining to the arts, culture and heritage studies, and academic departments and disciplines that make use of these collections in teaching and research, and of promoting appreciation of the arts, not only within the University community, but also to the wider South African and African community. The Javett-UP will also promote new developments in conservation and storage methods. With funding from the Andrew W Mellon Foundation, the University will be the first in the country to develop a postgraduate Arts Conservation course, utilising the Javett-UP’s facilities. A number of academic departments and disciplines in the Faculty of Humanities benefit from the existing art and archaeological collections, which are used for teaching and research purposes. These include the departments of Visual Arts, Archaeology, Anthropology, History and Heritage Studies. The exhibition of the collections will contribute to the creation of a rich learning environment for students and a cultural haven for all people living in the City of Tshwane. Focusing on research, the Javett-UP will ensure the availability of extensive and rich materials in a research-friendly environment to staff and students, not only of UP, but to the wider national and international arts community. The intention is also to develop and present extensive educational outreach programmes. An important focus of the Javett-UP will be engagement with the community

Photographed at the launch were, from left, Prof Theo van Wyk, Director of UP Arts, Prof Vasu Reddy, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Messrs Christopher Till, Director of the Javett-UP and of the Apartheid Museum and Daniel Mosako, Curator of the UP Sculpture Collections.

through well-developed educational outreach programmes and school visits. The Javett-UP building complex will be truly unique. A bridge gallery will span Lynnwood Road to connect the main building housing various galleries on UP’s South Campus with an Art Square and a student gallery on the main Hatfield Campus. The latter will arise at the southernmost point of the historic Tukkielaan, completing the University's budding arts precinct. The arts precinct will also be enhanced by a Rand Merchant Bank (RMB) THINK Bench to be placed in the vicinity of Tukkielaan in an area frequented by students, making UP the first educational institution selected by RMB to receive this unique donation. In 2013, RMB launched the THINK Bench initiative in collaboration with sculptor Louis Olivier at the Workhorse Bronze Foundry. The brief was to conceptualise, create and roll out a limited edition of seven significant 13-metre long outdoor benches, classified as functional public art. Once installed, the THINK Bench is sure to become a distinctive campus landmark. For more information on the Javett-UP, visit www. javettup.org.za. n TUKKIE


Mapungubwe Gold Collection on loan to British Museum By Sian Tiley-Nel


British Museum hosted the first major UK exhibition on South African art from 27 October 2016 until 26 February 2017. The exhibition explored a 100,000 year history through archaeological, historic and contemporary artworks.

Head of the Department of UP Arts, Prof Theo van Wyk, who took part in the consignment to and from the British Museum, states that it was ‘perhaps one of the most monumental and significant temporary loans ever achieved by the University of Pretoria'. The British Museum's request for the loan goes back to 2015 and it took 14 months of intensive curatorial planning and negotiation as the request focused on the iconic gold treasures of Mapungubwe which are declared national heritage objects. It was the first time in history that the Mapungubwe collection left South Africa. The original gold rhino, gold sceptre, gold vessel and two other gold animal figurines from the Mapungubwe Collection were key choices by the British Museum curators. Also requested was a J Pierneef artwork titled, Wild Fig Tree from the UP Art Collection. Hartwig Fischer, Director of the British Museum, said that the exhibition was a chance to explore the long and diverse history of South African heritage, the colonial and apartheid struggles through to the birth of a 'rainbow nation'. The Mapungubwe Collection was one of the most iconic museum collections loaned from South Africa and accompanied another 200 objects


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arranged chronologically across seven key episodes from prehistory to the present. 'Working with the British Museum exhibition team was both a professional honour and a personal pleasure,' says Sian Tiley-Nel, the Chief Curator of the Mapungubwe Collection who has been curating the gold treasures for 17 years. Being part of a major international exhibition is no easy feat, particularly for a museum, which is London's most popular attraction drawing more than 6.5 million visitors a year. Permissions for export from the South African Heritage Resources Agency, logistics, terms and conditions, the strict curatorial negotiations of displays, transport, conservation needs and other requirements took months of painstaking planning. This exhibition marks a significant moment for the University of Pretoria. It was especially pleasing to see South African art in all its diversity so well represented. The art objects on display – such as the original gold rhino - told their own stories. The University of Pretoria's Mapungubwe gold collection together with an extraordinary range of ancient objects and works from the cutting edge of the contemporary art scene was certainly a star attraction in the UK, even if only for a few months. The exhibition was covered extensively in international media and included a beautifully illustrated exhibition catalogue and British Museum postcards featuring the gold rhino. n

Deur Navorsingseenheid vir Bewaringsekologie


olifantbewaringsdeskundiges. Dis 'n positiewe stap vir olifante.'

Op sterkte van onlangse opnames word driekwart van die olifante, sowat 730 000 diere, uit hierdie bewaringsgebiede vermis. Een derde van die areas bevat minder as 5% van die olifante wat hulle behoort te hê en dit word hoofsaaklik aan stropery gewyt. Die studie dui vir die eerste keer aan watter areas geprioritiseer behoort te word vir die bewaring van olifante.

Prof Rudi van Aarde, projekleier en voorsitter van CERU by UP, sê: 'Olifante floreer in 'n groot verskeidenheid omstandighede — van woestyne tot woude, so olifantdigtheid wissel volgens plaaslike hulpbronne. Daar is nie een enkele ideale olifantdigtheid nie. Ekoloë weet dit lank reeds, maar dit is nou vir die eerste keer gekwantifiseer. Verbeterde afstandswaarneming, dekades se teldata en 'n reusepoging van my navorsingspan het dit vir ons moontlik gemaak om norme vir olifantbevolkings te formuleer. Die huidige studie is die hoogtepunt van 'n dekade se werk.'

Studie van die Navorsingseenheid vir Bewaringsekologie (CERU) by die Universiteit van Pretoria verskaf 'n raming van die aantal olifante wat in 73 beskermde gebiede oor 21 Afrika-lande teenwoordig moet wees.

Die studie is onlangs in PLOS ONE gepubliseer en het gebruik gemaak van afstandswaarneming van die belangrikste hulpbronne vir olifante (plantegroei en water), stropingsdata en die grootste bevolkingsdatabasis vir enige soogdierspesie om 'n model te skep vir die digtheid waarop individuele bevolkings behoort te stabiliseer. Die hoofouteur van die studie, Ashley Robson, sê: 'In die verlede het ons relatief goeie skattings gehad van hoeveel olifante daar is en hoeveel van hulle gestroop word. Maar nou het ons bepaal hoeveel olifante daar eerstens moet wees. Terwyl die omvang van die verlies as gevolg van stroping onherstelbaar is — 730 000 olifante word vermis oor die 73 beskermde areas wat geassesseer is — dink ek nie ons werk is net nóg doemprofesieë nie. In teendeel, ons bepaal ekologies sinvolle doelwitte vir nastrewing deur

'Die historiese handel in ivoor en stropers se hernude aanslag op olifante regoor die kontinent het die verband tussen bevolkingsgrootte en omgewingsomstandighede verbloem,' sê Van Aarde. 'Ons het die impak van stropery in ons modelle verreken om ekologiese norme daar te stel — die grootte wat bevolkings sal behaal as omgewingsfaktore, eerder as menslike invloede, bevolkingsgroei beheer. Dit is ‘n kwessie wat al hewig gedebatteer is, veral hier in suidelike Afrika.' Volgens Robson speel olifante 'n belangrike rol in die ontwikkeling van grasvelde wat in Afrika 'n oppervlakte beslaan so groot soos die VSA en kontinentale Europa saam. Die verlies aan olifante is nadelig vir grasvelde en die spesies wat daarop aangewese is. n



The title Pain Forms the Character is a saying from Prof Bester, used throughout the years to motivate and inspire both cat hunters and sealers. It also encapsulates the extraordinary lengths to which all have gone in pursuit of knowledge and conservation. The phrase is dotted throughout the anecdotes in the book.

Photo: Marissa Greeff

Decades of


Forms the Character documents a journey through decades of extraordinary subantarctic environmental research and wilderness adventure. It captures the nostalgia the blood, sweat and tears of those who have worked on Marion Island, midway between South Africa and Antarctica, home to a flourishing, globally recognised seal research programme under the auspices of the University of Pretoria’s Mammal Research Institute. The book captures what the substantial scientific output and conservation benefits do not manage to reflect: how the lives of many were influenced through participation in the endeavours at Marion and several other Southern Ocean islands. Pain Forms the Character tells the stories of those who have been fortunate enough to spend time in this pristine environment with its unique inhabitants. Scientific research at the Prince Edward Islands commenced in earnest during the first South African Biological and Geological Expedition to the Prince Edward Islands group (Marion and Prince Edward Island) in 1965−6. The 450-page book gives a first-hand account of the 'cat hunters' and 'sealers' of Marion Island – the stories of those who worked with the colourful and enormously

By Nico de Bruyn

influential 'Doc' Marthán Bester, Prof at the University of Pretoria. Prof Nico de Bruyn from the Mammal Research Institute (MRI) at the University of Pretoria and a former student of Prof Bester, is the principal investigator of seal and killer whale research, collectively managed as the Marion Island Marine Mammal Programme (MIMMP). Prof Marthán Bester, who started the seal programme and is now heading into retirement, remains actively involved as co-investigator of the programme. The book started when Prof De Bruyn collected information for a small personalised book with a few thank you notes from cat hunters and sealers in acknowledgement of the work done and the legacy built largely by Prof Bester. This escalated into an enormous project encapsulating the legacy of all those involved in these efforts since the inception of the programme under the auspices of the Mammal Research Institute. Prof De Bruyn and Dr Chris Oosthuizen (postdoctoral fellow, MRI) compiled and edited all material and produced this book as a dedication, not only to Prof Bester, but to all who have worked within these unique Mammal Research Institute programmes.

In the foreword to the book, Polar Medal recipient, Chief Scientific Adviser for Food and Rural Affairs to the UK Government and Prof of Biology at the University of St Andrews, Prof Ian Boyd, writes the following: 'The 1980s were a great time to be doing field science in the Southern Ocean, and especially on animals like seals. Marine mammal science was in transition at that time from an activity that happened in conjunction with harvesting or culling of marine mammals to one that was standing up for itself as a field that was asking fundamental questions in ecology. It was finding its feet and competing successfully for funding in its own right and I, with Marthán Bester and others, were part of a group of scientists from around the world who were brought together by the common interest in studying the structure and function of Southern Ocean ecology as seen through the window of marine mammals. These species cast light on this complex system that could come from nowhere else. Marthán has been one of the pioneers. Most of us came together between extended and sometimes gruelling field work for regular meetings under the auspices of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Group of Specialists on Seals. This group had been built out of the need to ensure sealing activities in the Southern Ocean were supported by sound scientific advice.' Fortunately sealing was a thing of the past and the group found a new function around coordination of the scientific research being carried out on seals by various nations. The Marion Island studies were an essential part of this mix and, in particular, the long-term population studies of elephant seals at Marion Island became one of the globally important examples of long-term studies of large mammals. These delivered huge leaps forward in our understanding of population processes in large mammals during the latter decades of the 20th century. Keeping long-term studies going requires vision, tenacity and leadership and Marthán has these qualities in abundance. But it also requires

mutual support among a small international community of scientists and Marthán has always been there to support the wider cause. New ideas and techniques would be shared and data were pooled to help provide a synoptic view of the state of the ecosystem. All this contributed to building what is now a very effective system for monitoring the state of the Southern Ocean ecosystem through the changing performance of the predators at the top of the food chain.

How expeditions to Marion Island work Every year around the end of March, the SA Agulhas II heads down to subantarctic Marion Island. The voyage to the island takes about five days, traversing some of the fiercest waters in the world. The outbound ship will have a new expedition (overwintering) team, a host of scientists and their collaborators and students, Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) officials and National Department of Public Works personnel on board — nearly 100 individuals aside from the ship’s crew. During the five subsequent weeks (known as 'Takeover' or 'Relief' and generally spanning the whole of April) the base station is a crowded place as research programmes are fine-tuned, new personnel are trained, the base station and field huts are maintained and stock is consolidated. During this time, the ship is involved in oceanographic research in the regional waters before returning to the island in early May for back-loading, bringing the crowded takeover period to an end. The ship returns to South Africa, leaving only the new expedition team at the island until the next year’s 'Takeover'. Every annual expedition team remains at Marion Island for about 13 months.

Pain Forms the Character Doc Bester, Cat Hunters and Sealers Compiled and edited by Nico de Bruyn and Chris Oosthuizen Visit: www.marionseals.com/shop/ ISBN 9780620749121 Price R650 Collector’s Edition Numbered Copies R900 All proceeds from the sale of the book go to the seal research programme. n

Prof Nico de Bruyn 40

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Impressive achievements by TuksSport athletes By Wilhelm de Swardt


Latin phrase ‘veni, vidi, vici’ aptly describes the performances of the TuksSport teams and athletes in the first four months of 2017. Tuks certainly came, saw and conquered, as evidenced by the results on the rugby field, athletics track and cricket pitch, as well as the swimming and rowing results.


A definite highlight was UP-Tuks1’s 28–21 victory over Maties (Stellenbosch University) in the Varsity Cup final. This was the third time the ‘Striped-UP Team’ won the popular tournament and the first time in the ten-year history of the Varsity Cup that Tuks has managed to beat Maties twice in the same year.

Hockey The Tuks Women’s Hockey Team earned the bragging rights when they became the first female team in the sports history of the University of Pretoria to win a Varsity Tournament when they beat Maties 1-0 in the final. Professor Cheryl de la Rey, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, was absolutely over the moon moments after the final whistle had blown to indicate the end of the titanic final at the Tuks Astro-turf. “I so wanted one of our women’s teams to succeed and now the hockey team has done so. Their performance is something everyone involved at Tuks justly can feel proud about.”

Cricket Assupol TuksCricket is certainly doing something right as Lungi Ngidi, Heinrich Klaasen and Aiden Markram were selected for Protea squads to compete in England. Assupol TuksCricket won the National Cricket Union (NCU) Premier League for the seventh

year in a row. Assupol TuksCricket also managed to defend their title in the NCU T20 competition for the fifth year running, as well as winning the inaugural NCU Time Cricket Competition.

Athletics TuksAthletics was the overall winner of the Varsity Athletics Series for a second time. Luvo Manyonga is currently shifting the boundaries in international long jump. At the Gauteng North Championships he set a new South African record, jumping 8,62 m. He bettered that at the South African Championships with a jump of 8,65 m. Akani Simbine has definitely established himself as a world-class sprinter. On 12 May he outsprinted Justin Gatlin to win the 100 metres (9.99 s) at the Diamond League Meeting in Doha (Qatar) - a feat no other local sprinter has yet been able to accomplish. At both the Gauteng North Championships and the South African Championships, he managed to run two sub-tensecond races on the same day. He is also one of just seven athletes ever to have clocked both a sub-ten-second race in the 100 metres (9,92 s) and a sub-20-second race (19,95 s) in the 200 metres on the same day. He has regained his SA title in the 100 metres. Clarence Munyai (TuksSport High School) set a new South African junior record in the 200 metres, clocking a time of 20,1 s. He also improved his best time in the 100 metres to 10,2 s. Gift Leotlela set a new South African junior record in the 100 metres, running a time of 10,12 s. At the South African Junior Championships he won the 200 metres in 20,28 s, the second fastest time at sea level in a local race. Thando Roto became the fifth South African sprinter ever to dip under ten seconds in the 100 metres when he ran it in 9,95 s at the Gauteng North Championships.

Top: TuksHockey won the Varsity Tournament for the first time in UP history. Middle left: UP-Tuks 1 won the Varsity Cup for a third time. Middle right: TuksAthletics win the Varsity Athletics Series again. Bottom: Assupol TuksCricket won the National Cricket Union (NCU) Premier League for the seventh year in a row.

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From p 43

Akani Simbi

Gift Leotlela

Clarence Munyai

Sokwakhana Zazini (TuksSport High School) set a new world youth record in the 400 metres hurdles, running it in 48,84 s at the Gauteng North Championships. Rikenette Steenkamp, who overcame a serious injury that led to her having to learn to walk again, is on the verge of becoming the second South African 100 metres hurdler ever to break 13 seconds. She won at the National Championships in a time of 13,02 s.

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Olympians Kirsten McCann and Nicole van Wyk raced to gold in their respective events at the Regata Internazionale Memorial Paolo d'Aloja in Italy in April.

Sokwakhana Zazini



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Tatjana Schoenmaker is the first female to clock a World Championships qualifying time since 2013. She qualified in the 200 metres breaststroke, swimming it in 2:25,31. Doug Erasmus qualified for the World Championships with a time of 22,39 s in the 50 metres freestyle at the National Championships in Durban. n


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Tatjana Schoenmaker

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Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria





Joost van der Westhuizen

Dr Nic van der Berg

Joost het by Tukkies gestudeer, rugby gespeel en rugby afgerig. Hy was nie net ‘n sportheld nie, maar het as mens met sy stryd teen motorneuronsiekte en die J9-stigting ‘n uitsonderlike en navolgenswaardige voorbeeld gestel. Hy het die J9-stigting begin nadat motorneuronsiekte (MNS) in 2011 by hom gediagnoseer is.

Dr Nic van der Berg van die Departement Fisika is op 1 Maart 2017 oorlede. Hy het in 1972 ’n pos as navorsingsassistent by die Departement Fisika aan die Universiteit van Pretoria aanvaar en in 2011 as ’n senior lektor afgetree.

Joost het in 1993 TuksRugby se derde Springbokskrumskakel geword en in 1999 die derde Tukkie wat die nasionale span aangevoer het na Wynand Claassen in 1981 en Naas Botha in 1986. Hy is op 6 Februarie 2017 oorlede.

Dr André Francois Boshoff Dr André Boshoff (1945 – 18 November 2016) studied Botany and Zoology at Rhodes University and did a BSc (Honours) in Wildlife Management at the University of Pretoria. He spent the bulk of his career working as a nature conservation scientist with the then Cape Province government (1975–1996) and then as a Research Fellow at the Terrestrial Ecology Research Unit (later the Centre for African Conservation Ecology) at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (1996–2016). Extract from a tribute by Mark Anderson, Chief Executive Officer, BirdLife South Africa

Alumni in memoriam

Tukkie nooi sy lesers om die name en besonderhede oor die afsterwe van alumni vir hierdie bladsy te stuur na: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za. 46

Universiteit van Pretoria | University of Pretoria | Yunibesithi ya Pretoria

Hy verwerf sy DSc aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Ná sy aftrede het hy as tydelike dosent by UP gewerk. Dr Van der Berg was ’n kenner in vastetoestandfisika, met spesialisering in die verskeie vorme van mikroskopie.

Dr Frikkie Liebenberg Dr George Frederik Liebenberg, agricultural economist, joined the Department of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development on 1 November 2010 as a temporary full-time research officer. He was appointed as a senior lecturer on 1 April 2013, a position he held until his passing on 10 March 2017. Dr Liebenberg analysed data on commercial agriculture (starting from 1910) and a significant part of his career was focused on documenting historic statistics on South African agriculture. In the last ten years, his research was focused on estimation of returns to agricultural research and the contribution of agricultural research to agricultural productivity growth.

Tukkie would like to invite you to send the names and details of alumni who passed away for inclusion on this page to: marissa.greeff@up.ac.za.

Nancy Labuschagne Nancy was 'n Asterhoffer in die vroeë 1960s. Sy was vir 49 jaar getroud met die argitek Pieter Labuschagne, ook ʼn UP alumnus, wat vir baie jare betrokke was by die ontwikkeling en oprigting van nuwe geboue en infrastruktuur by die Universiteit. Hulle seun, Jean Pierre, was in 1995 op die VSR by Tukkies. Nancy het in 1976 ’n meestersgraad in AfrikaansNederlands aan UP behaal en het taalkundige poste by verskeie instansies beklee. Sy was akademiese uitgewer en bemarker by JP Van der Walt Uitgewers van 1990 tot 1995. Sy is op 9 Mei 2015 skielik oorlede na 'n onverwagse stryd van 11 maande met beenmurgkanker.

Dr Renato Alfredo (Count) Lippi Dr Lippi was born in Pretoria and studied at the University of Pretoria. He completed his BChD in dentistry in 1969, after which he worked in London for two years. Upon his return, he started a practice in the Pretoria CBD and in 1982 he moved his practice to Garsfontein, where he worked until his retirement due to an incurable illness in May 2011. He passed away on 11 November 2016

Pierette Roux Pierrette J Roux, was ʼn maatskaplike werkster wat in 1956 haar studies by Maties begin het en dit vanaf haar tweede jaar by Tukkies voortgesit het. Sy was ’n inwoner van Damestehuis (Die Fant) en het die grade BA(SW) in 1958 en die BA Hons (SW) in 1961 ontvang, albei van UP. Sy het haar loopbaan as maatskaplike werkster by die Christelike Maatskaplike Raad (CMR) in Pretoria begin. Sy het in 1984 Direkteur van die Kempton Parkse Raad vir Bejaardes geword en in 2002 afgetree. Die Pierette Roux Hulpsorgsentrum in Kempton Park is na haar vernoem. Sy is op 16 Maart 2016 oorlede.

Prof Gerhard von Gruenewaldt Prof Von Gruenewaldt studied Geology at the University of Pretoria where he obtained his BSc, honours, master’s and doctorate degrees. At UP he was a lecturer in and Head of the Geology Department for 13 years. In 1974 he received a Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Munich. In 2002 he was appointed as an honorary professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at UP. Prof Von Gruenewaldt joined the National Research Foundation’s (NRF’s) forerunner, the Foundation for Research Development (FRD) in 1992 as vice-president for programmes and planning. On establishment of the NRF, he became vice-president and managing director for the Research Support Division. The University and the NRF gratefully acknowledges Prof Von Gruenewaldt’s contribution to the advancement of science.

Prof Ronel Erwee Prof Erwee was professor in the Graduate School of Management at UP and taught in the MBA and Executive Development Programmes. She was one of the first women to be appointed as full professor in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. She served on the boards of directors of several institutions and founded the National Association of Women Business Owners and designed the Women as Executives programme. She transferred to the University of Southern Queensland, Australia in 1998 where she served as Head of Department, Head of School, and Director of the Australian Graduate School of Business, MBA Director and Professor of Management. Prof Erwee passed away on 10 March 2017. n




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