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Inspired Ministry and Purposeful Leadership Interfaith and interdisciplinary, the Graduate School of Theology (GST) prepares students for theological engagement, transformational impact, and active leadership in communities and public life. GST faculty members are committed to research and teaching that leads to expanded knowledge and a better world. Within the GST, a variety of degree programs and nondegree opportunities are offered through four divisions: San Francisco Theological Seminary; Shaw Chaplaincy Institute for Spiritual Care and Compassionate Leadership; Applied Wisdom Institute; and Center for Innovation in Ministry. A member of the Graduate Theological Union, one of the world’s largest multifaith educational consortiums, the GST also provides students with access to resources from institutions ranging from the Institute for Buddhist Studies to the University of California, Berkeley. The GST structure introduces new opportunities for students to engage in joint programs of study and bi-vocational degrees, combining a focus on spirituality and organizational leadership, pastoral care and counseling, worship and music. Ministry comes in many forms and can be applied across many professions. GST programs are based in a picturesque campus in San Anselmo, California, just north of San Francisco, one of the most eclectic and exciting cities in the nation. The surrounding Marin County area is replete with redwood forests, wine vineyards, houseboat communities, and hundreds of miles of hiking and biking trails—serenity for the soul as you embark on new pathways.
The Graduate School of Theology (GST) was created in 2019, with the merger of the San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS) and the University of Redlands, a liberal arts, graduate, and professional school. The union brings together the best of two venerable institutions with a combined 250 years of history, building on their common commitment to students, scholarship, and service.
WHO WE ARE SPIRITUALITY We awaken our hearts to the divine and to others through practice, study, and community.
SOCIAL JUSTICE We believe that social justice and spirituality intersect.
INNOVATION We discover and create community collaborations to address pervasive social challenges.
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DIVISIONS U of R Graduate School of Theology San Francisco Theological Seminary At San Francisco Theological Seminary (SFTS), ecumenical Christian graduate programs inspire students to be a positive force for good in the world. SFTS strives to make the world a better place, not just for some, but for everyone. Originally founded in 1871, SFTS values dialogue and engagement with other religions and faith traditions. SFTS’s roots in the Reformed tradition of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) fosters faith-filled engagement in public life and service to others. All the GST’s graduate degree programs are offered through SFTS, with a variety of academic concentrations, diploma, and certificate programs available to students as well.
Shaw Chaplaincy Institute for Spiritual Care and Compassionate Leadership The Shaw Chaplaincy Institute for Spiritual Care and Compassionate Leadership is a multicultural, interpersonal, and interfaith education program that provides opportunities for intellectual and inspirational development of religious leaders, spiritual care clinicians, health care professionals, and people in other service-oriented vocations. The Shaw Chaplaincy Institute is an ACPE-accredited Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) center, and one of the only CPE centers in the country at a seminary offering community-based chaplaincy sites, instead of training only in a hospital or military setting.
Applied Wisdom Institute The Applied Wisdom Institute (AWI) is built around the idea that combining wisdom, spirituality, and ethics is urgently needed in a constantly changing political and technological climate. The institute provides certificate programs for emerging leaders to apply their passion for social change to real-world projects and community action. The focus of AWI is “wisdom in doing, and doing in wisdom.”
Center for Innovation in Ministry AWI grew out of the Center for Innovation in Ministry, which brings the tools of ministry to actively embrace social suffering and heal divides outside the walls of the graduate school. Systemic and behavioral change requires the spiritual tools of deep compassion and collaboration to understand and work through opposing points of view. The Center embraces this work by discovering, creating, and incubating community collaborations that address pervasive social challenges.
San Francisco Theological Seminary
Where Christianity meets spirituality and social justice The Master of Divinity (M.Div.) is the foundational degree for ministry and is required for ordination in many Christian traditions. An M.Div. degree prepares students for ordination or for other professional ministries for which advanced leadership skills are essential. These ministries may include congregational pastorship, chaplaincy, campus ministry, spiritual direction, counseling, not-for-profit work, and other community-based ministries. The M.Div. program combines a framework of academic disciplines—Biblical studies, theology, history, homiletics, liturgics, counseling, and Christian spirituality—with practical ministry experience through required field education. Elements of spiritual, pastoral, and professional development are woven throughout the academic program. Our innovative curriculum features campus-wide interdisciplinary lectures and personalized tutorial-style teaching models.
Academic Concentrations and Specializations • History/Theology • Biblical Studies • Chaplaincy and Pastoral Care • Christian Spirituality
Learning Outcomes • Lead and order services of Christian worship • Reflect theologically on Christian faith, the Church, and the world
Degree Requirements • Three years full-time (with the option to add a full-year internship); up to six years part-time • 24 courses; 72 units • Competence in one Biblical language • Field education consisting of Clinical Pastoral Education or a ministry internship
• Provide pastoral care and spiritual formation for individuals and communities • Equip churches and communities for mission and ministry in a multicultural and pluralistic context
“One of the joys of my calling is the gift of exposing my students to the world of ancient Israel, the world of the Hebrew Bible, and the world in which we live. Global theological education—that is, theological education on the move—gives students new opportunities to step outside of the classroom to learn something about the world and themselves.”
Rev. Yolanda Norton Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Eugene Farlough Chair of Black Church Studies 6 | G R A D UAT E S C H O O L O F T H E O LO G Y
“Being in a community of diversity and inclusion, where we can be ourselves, is a formative process as much as an academic environment—where we can learn the Bible well, we can learn these writings, we can learn these thoughts—we can actually be shaped through this experience, and on the other side, be well-equipped Christians who are able to go out in the world and deliver this message of grace and love.”
John L. M.Div.
Flexible academic development of your theological understanding The Master of Arts in Theological Studies (M.A.T.S.) fosters development of theological understanding as part of educational, professional, and spiritual growth. This two-year degree program is a general academic degree, providing balanced exposure to theological disciplines while allowing for focus on an area of interest. This degree is for spiritual “generalists” who want to apply the principles of compassion to their vocations and professions, but do not necessarily want to seek a formal vocation path into religious leadership. It is ideal for those looking to enrich personal or professional development through theological education.
The M.A.T.S. offers the same breadth as the M.Div., but with greater flexibility. M.A.T.S. students develop a final paper integrating their learning and are not required to complete an internship. The M.A.T.S. may also be pursued part-time, and with options to study online, on campus, or a combination of the two.
3. M inistry/Spirituality
This degree is designed for students who:
• Know a selected theological discipline
• Are not seeking ordination, but wish to work in a ministry or public service setting—individuals such as healthcare professionals, attorneys, teachers, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) and other first responders
The program allows for concentration in a field of study to a greater extent than the M.Div. requirements generally permit. The faculty and disciplines are organized into the following curricular areas: 1. Biblical Studies 2. History/Theology/Ethics 4. Spiritual Care and Compassionate Leadership for Service Professionals
Learning Outcomes
• Analyze and comprehend major questions in the field and alternative solutions to them • Formulate and effectively explain an original solution to a theological problem • Learn to focus care on discovering and meeting the needs of those served, through spiritual care theory, practice, and research methods
Degree Requirements • Two years full-time; up to four years part-time • 16 courses; 48 units
• Are ordained, but desire further academic work in theological studies • Wish to enhance their understanding of theological perspectives, religious practices, and/or principles of compassion to their vocations and professions
San Francisco Theological Seminary
An international and innovative environment for contemporary ministry The Doctor of Ministry degree does more than update professional skills and encourage individual growth; it also seeks to tap into the very wellspring of creative ministry. The program brings together a wide variety of active ministries to learn, explore, and envision creative approaches to community growth and spiritual connection. Throughout its 50-year history, the program’s hallmark has been the interfaith and international character of the student body and faculty, as well as its engagement with forward-looking scholarship at the intersection of spirituality and social justice. The seminary’s collaborative environment is an incubator for the research and development of alternative understandings, new tools, and novel resources for ministry in a rapidly changing world. It is also the only Doctor of Ministry program in the country to feature a concentration in Chaplaincy/Spiritual Care Research Literacy. The interdisciplinary/contextual focus of the D.Min. degree provides students with a framework to integrate critical theological analysis and Biblical reflection with contextually applied social analysis to examine current issues in ministry. It also opens the door to the development of innovative and creative approaches to the challenges of ministry today. In preparation for their dissertation project, students take a combination of required foundational and elective seminars, tailoring their coursework to their research interests. Within the broad spectrum of an interdisciplinary/ contextual curriculum, students may opt to focus on one of four program concentrations.
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Degree Requirements
• Pastoral Care and Counseling
• Six 3-unit seminars
• Pastor as Spiritual Leader • Chaplaincy/Spiritual Care Research Literacy
• Dissertation/project orientation and proposal seminars
• Executive Leadership
• Final dissertation/project
• Interdisciplinary Studies of Ministry
• Designed to be completed within a five-year period; most students are expected to begin with a summer session.
Learning Outcomes • Reflect independently, critically, and theologically upon the issues in society, mission, and ministry today • Build relationships based on trust and cooperation among peers in ministry • Use interdisciplinary and research skills to develop innovative approaches to ministry and pastoral work
Students may complete coursework in a variety of ways, including regular academicyear courses and/or intensive January and summer courses. The January and summer courses are taught in one- and/or twoweek formats, designed to fit in with a pastor’s study leave. We offer affordable campus housing during these events, subject to availability.
“At SFTS, all of the knowledge—the Biblical, the theological, the spiritual— will come together to provide that intentional foundation that I’ll use when I leave here. Not necessarily to become a pastor, but to create community that is unique and brings about social change.”
Ashley P. M.Div.
Discover innovative and creative approaches to the challenges of today’s ministry
Short-term study to strengthen your skills and deepen your knowledge
This program is for those who seek to deepen their knowledge and broaden their ministry skills through a structured course of study like that of the D.Min. program, but does not require a dissertation or final project. Students may participate in any of the D.Min. courses, and the January and Summer seminars as well.
Continuing education opportunities are offered each year through the Advanced Pastoral Studies program. Doctoral-level seminars are also offered as continuing education seminars for pastors, chaplains, and other religious professionals with an M.Div. or equivalent and at least three years of professional experience. Courses are offered in the January Intersession and the Summer Session in one- or two-week formats.
Diploma Requirements The diploma is granted upon satisfactory completion of six D.Min. courses: Three foundational seminars: • Pastor as Person • Theology of Ministry • Theology of Culture and Mission Three elective seminars
San Francisco Theological Seminary
PROGR AM IN CHRISTIAN SPIRITUALIT Y Studies in spiritual direction and formation “I have been so blessed by the community and leadership of the program. I can genuinely say that the D.A.S.D. program helped save my faith. It’s been a community of grace, generosity, and encouragement, as well as a welcome challenge in the academic sense.”
Adam L. D.A.S.D.
In our Spiritual Direction and Formation programs, we celebrate the depth and beauty of human spirituality in its many cultural and religious expressions and are thirsty for open-hearted companions who can contribute to the mending of the world. We believe that we are called to awaken our hearts to others through practice, study, and community. We encourage practices of compassion, justice, and prayer to enhance our capacities for contemplative listening to one another, the current situation, and the divine. These programs integrate spiritual formation, contemplative listening, and social awareness. We welcome inquirers who strongly identify with the Church as well as those who wander among spiritual traditions or whose primary spiritual communities are ones of care or activism. We invite spiritual directors, pastors, and social activists. We invite teachers, nurses, and social workers. We invite spiritual seekers, the multifaith, and the nonaffiliated. Through our diploma, certificate, and M.Div. concentration, we hope to support the many ways people seek the divine and contribute to their communities. The programs are made up of three primary components: classes, a practicum, and additional reading and online training. In addition to these core components, all participants are expected to be in spiritual direction with a mentor and are encouraged to maintain spiritual disciplines of their choice.
Diploma vs. Certificate? SFTS offers both a certificate and a diploma in spiritual direction and formation, with the difference being the number of classes and academic credits.
Diploma in Spiritual Direction and Formation
Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Formation
• Course work that can be completed through three January terms, but that may be taken at one’s own pace
• Four classes • Written reflections on assigned readings
• Five classes
• Course requirements that can be completed in 13 months
• Online academic sessions, made up of 1.5 academic credit hours
• Ongoing work with a spiritual director
• Work involving a required set of readings and reflection papers • Practice in contemplative listening with a designated spiritual companion • Two years of supervised practice of one-on-one spiritual direction • Ongoing work with a spiritual director
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S P I R I T U A L I T Y R E T R E AT S SFTS offers a series of retreats designed to deepen the spiritual practice of individuals who are restless and wandering; fatigued by work on the front lines of ministry, care, or activism; or experienced directors and new inquirers seeking opportunities to explore practices, communities, and ways of thinking that enrich their life and vocation. These retreats nurture spiritual formation and deepen capacities to engage the world with compassion and justice. These retreats can be taken individually or used to build toward a certificate or diploma. In addition to contemplative listening, sample retreat topics include:
Sample Courses • Wilderness spirituality • Practices of discernment • Buddhist-Christian compassion practices • Spiritual practice and social justice • Lives of women mystics
“It’s part of the Christian tradition—all the way back to its roots—to connect desire for God and desire for the wellbeing of humanity. Spiritual practices help mold and form us and our desires for the Beloved and for humanity to come together. We do spiritual practices to hone our desire for good, and we act in the world to express that desire.”
Professor Wendy Farley Director of the Program in Christian Spirituality, Rice Family Professor of Spirituality A C A D E M I C O V E R V I E W | 11
Shaw Chaplaincy Institute
CHAPL AINCY AND SPIRITUAL CARE C L I N I C A L PA S T O R A L E D U C AT I O N At the center of the Shaw Chaplaincy Institute for Spiritual Care and Compassionate Leadership is our renowned Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program, fully accredited to offer Level I, Level II, and Supervisory CPEs. The Shaw Chaplaincy Institute is one the only ACPE-accredited centers offering a full CPE program on a campus with a seminary with an endowed chair—made possible by Rev. John F. Shaw (M.Div. ’54) and Julia Shaw—ensuring the longevity of the program. This CPE program is offered for pastors, religious professionals, theology students, and qualified laypersons who seek further development of their pastoral skills. Students learn how to integrate knowledge from theological, psychological, and social science disciplines into the practice of pastoral ministry. The Shaw Chaplaincy Institute offers a Supervisory Education Fellowship to one student preparing to become a certified ACPE supervisor. The Institute provides students with the flexibility of choosing a community-based learning center, instead of only learning and training in a hospital or military program. Affiliate learning sites include a variety of venues, such as congregational and parishbased settings; state, police, and firefighting agencies; prisons; and addiction recovery facilities. During CPE training, students receive close supervision while involved with persons seeking spiritual and/or religious care. Out of meaningful involvement with persons in various levels of crisis and need, and with feedback from peers and teachers, CPE students develop a new awareness of themselves and the needs of those they serve.
Program Structure • Three sessions of CPE, which coincide with the academic calendar for degree programs • 13–17 weeks of class • 11 hours of structured education each week • 22–30 hours of direct spiritual care each week
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DIPLOMA IN CHAPL AINCY AND S PIR ITUAL C AR E R ES E ARCH LITE R AC Y In this program offered through the seminary, clinical pastoral educators, board-certified chaplains, and spiritual care providers who often work in research-based care environments will learn to use the tools needed to work alongside interdisciplinary colleagues in developing practices informed by scientific inquiry and designing and implementing evidence-based research. Courses are be taught in a hybrid format that includes both an online component and a two-to three-day meeting on campus.
Diploma Requirements • Three required courses (9 units) that will provide a framework for evaluating research; methods of data collection; and theological reflection on the history and politics of research • One elective seminar based on students’ professional needs • A field research project (6 units) through the required core courses
C E R T I F I C AT E I N T R A U M A AND S PIR ITUAL C AR E Through this certificate, we provide working professionals in both clinical and pastoral settings with the skills needed to adequately care for and help people during life’s most difficult situations. Focusing on a spiritual understanding of trauma and healing, this intensive program combines crisis intervention training and trauma counseling education to give caregivers a comprehensive set of skills to help trauma survivors recover from their experiences.
Sample Courses • Dynamics of Trauma: A Spiritual Care Approach to Theory and Practice • Trauma Care Resiliency: Developing Transformative Emotional Intelligence • God and Human Suffering • Collective Trauma, Collective Memory: Systemic Issues of Trauma
“What sets the Shaw Institute apart is the recognition that among all service-oriented professions, spiritual care practitioners uniquely symbolize the presence of the ‘Holy’ in human interactions.”
Rev. Laurie Garrett-Cobbina, Ph.D. Director, Shaw Chaplaincy Institute and Shaw Family Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Education; ACPE Certified Educator
AC A D E M I C O V E R V I E W | 13
“The faculty members of San Francisco Theological Seminary are unique in that they
have social justice in their DNA, rigorous scholarship on their minds, and spiritual formation in their hearts. Above all else, they have
Guiding theological inquiry and spiritual formation
a deep commitment to the world God loves at its very foundation.”
Rev. Jana Childers, Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School of Theology and Newhall Professor of Homiletics and Speech Communication
The faculty members and program directors of the University of Redlands Graduate School of Theology are a diverse group of theologians and academics who personify the commitment to spiritual formation, critical theological reflection, and the skills and arts of ministry. They are passionate about the pursuit of justice, peace and healing in congregations, the classroom, and the public sphere. They apply their intellectual power to questions about ancient Persia and the Old Testament; white privilege and education; the problem of human suffering; and provide inspiration for the “spiritual but not religious” generation. This is a pride of scholars, a brigade of activists, a clowder of gentle spirits who have dedicated their lives to learning, teaching, and the success of their students.
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Rev. Jana Childers, Ph.D. Dean of the Graduate School of Theology Newhall Professor of Homiletics and Speech Communication
Rev. Gregory Love, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Systematic Theology
Rev. Teresa Chรกvez-Sauceda, Ph.D. Director, Advanced Pastoral Studies Assistant Professor of Ministry
Marcia McFee, Ph.D. Ford Fellow, Center for Innovation In Ministry Visiting Professor in Worship
Wendy Farley, Ph.D. Director, Program in Christian Spirituality Rice Family Professor of Spirituality
Rev. Yolanda Norton Assistant Professor of Old Testament, Eugene Farlough Chair of Black Church Studies
Rev. Laurie Garrett-Cobbina, Ph.D. Director, Shaw Chaplaincy Institute, Shaw Family Associate Professor of Pastoral Care and Education
Christopher Ocker, Ph.D. Professor of Church History
MEET US We invite you to contact us for a visit to our campus, a conversation with our admissions team, and an opportunity to meet the esteemed faculty of the Graduate School of Theology.
Rev. Eugene Eung-Chun Park, Ph.D. David and Dana Dornsife Professor of New Testament
GSTAdmissions@redlands.edu | 415-451-2800 www.redlands.edu/gst
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GROUNDBREAKING INTERRELIGIOUS S C H O L A R S H I P AT T H E G R A D UAT E THEOLO GIC AL UNION Pioneering multicultural, multifaith studies
The San Francisco Theological Seminary is a founding member of the Graduate Theological Union (GTU), which was created in 1962 in the Bay Area with the certainty that the future of religious renewal and theological education depends on the willingness of faith traditions to come together. Today, the GTU flourishes as a leading haven for interdisciplinary religious thought, study, and practice, serving as a place where religion meets the world. The GTU provides students with the opportunity for intensive study of many religious traditions, including various forms of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, and Judaism, as well as interdisciplinary topics such as art and religion or theology and science.
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Scholarly Institutions Combining to form a diverse community for religious study
Faculty Members Broaden Your Education Exponentially Our students have the opportunity to attend classes at any of the seven other seminaries or nine multifaith centers and affiliates in the GTU. They also have full access to more than 500,000 volumes in the Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, known as one of the largest theological libraries in the country. Additionally, our students have access to the Doe Library at the University of California, Berkeley, which features more than 11 million volumes, and ranks as the fourth-largest university library in the nation.
Ramp up your studies and attend classes at any of the GTU member or sister schools: • American Baptist Seminary of the West
Working and teaching at the GTU
10 Faith Traditions Available for study through GTU’s many programs, centers, and schools
• Church Divinity School of the Pacific • Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology • Jesuit School of Theology at Santa Clara University • Pacific Lutheran School of Theology at California Lutheran University • Pacific School of Religion • Starr King School of Ministry • University of California, Berkeley • Mills College • Holy Names University
GTU centers and affiliates include: • Center for the Arts & Religion • The Mira and Ajay Shingal Center for Dharma Studies • The Center for Islamic Studies • The Richard S. Dinner Center for Jewish Studies • The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences • Center for Swedenborgian Studies • Institute of Buddhist Studies • New College Berkeley • The Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute
Common Master of Arts (M.A.) at the GTU Affiliated with SFTS, this two-year intensive program focuses on one theological discipline and draws on a close working relationship with a faculty advisor in an area of study. This is a good choice for those who plan to pursue doctoral studies or wish to fine-tune scholarship in a specific area. A substantial, research-based thesis is required, as is basic competency in a modern foreign language for research purposes.
Doctoral Programs at the GTU When you are affiliated with SFTS, you can pursue a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree at the GTU. This advanced academic degree is intended to prepare students for professional careers in teaching, writing, and scholarship, as well as for leadership opportunities with religious organizations, social service agencies, foundations, museums, libraries, publishing, and educational institutions. Students entering the Ph.D. program at the GTU can choose from among more than 30 concentrations grouped into four interdisciplinary departments. A C A D E M I C O V E R V I E W | 17
Applied Wisdom Institute
OPEN STUDIES Whether you are an emerging leader ready to apply your passion for social change into community action or a lifelong learner, our certificate courses can meet your needs.
C E R T I F I C AT E I N LGBTQ LEADERSHIP Designed for mission-driven individuals, aspiring leaders, teachers, and community activists committed to allying with LGBTQ communities, this certificate offered by AWI will connect you to mission-driven LGBTQ thought leaders and organizations while you develop the skills to ignite positive social transformation. Work on a mentored community project of your choosing, as well as glean insights from cohort feedback and collaboration. Whether completing the entire certificate or just one module, you will immediately gain wisdom to make a lasting impact.
The accelerated, six-month program includes: • Three required seminars – Intersectional Diversity: Facing Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia – Trans-Affirming: Gender Identity and Expression – Creating Safe Spaces • Three seminars of your choosing
– Community-Based Activism – Political Advocacy and Social Change – Structures of Acceptance: Family, Community – Building Bridges: Religion and Spirituality – Human Rights and Global Advocacy • Internship
Register Today! Redlands.edu/AWI
Questions? Please contact the School of Continuing Studies Info-scs@redlands.edu
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C E R T I F I C AT E I N M E N TA L H E A LT H A N D S P I R I T U A L I T Y Designed for working professionals, the Certificate in Mental Health and Spirituality—offered through a collaboration between U of R’s Applied Wisdom Institute and its School of Education— builds greater spiritual and religious competencies to help you connect with people of all faiths. Pastors, pastor counselors, chaplains, healthcare providers, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, social workers, educational psychologists, clinical counsellors, and marriage and family therapists will learn to identify the mental health and spiritual needs of members of their respective communities, as well as to work collaboratively to provide sensitive and effective care. Six synchronous interactive and immersive online seminars taken over six months first ground students in the connection between spirit and health, and then go deeper into chronic illness, bereavement, bipolar faith, healing, and clinical practice. Each seminar comes with valuable continuing education credits that can satisfy skills acquisition requirements for those certified by the American Psychological Association, Board of Behavioral Sciences, and Board of Registered Nursing.*
Six online seminars • Paradigms of Healing and Wholeness • Integrating Spirituality in Clinical Practice • Spirituality in Mental Health • Spirituality in Bereavement • Bi-Polar Faith • Spiritual Journeys in Chronic Illness * Twenty-four contact hours are available to pastors, pastor counselors, nurses, and chaplains whose certifying agencies or organizations require continuing education (CE) hours. To determine whether or not your seminar qualities for continuing education units (CEUs), please consult with your certifying body, such as the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16881) or California Emergency Medical Services. California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for license renewals from CE-approved sponsors. Licensed PCCs and MFTs from states other than California need to check with their state licensing board for approval.
HOUSING AND STUDENT LIFE A vibrant, diverse community from around the world On our campus, you can experience the formational power of our programs and develop lifelong friendships within a diverse community of colleagues. You will also benefit from a substantial alumni support system. Our exceptionally beautiful location in Marin County, California, just 20 minutes north of the Golden Gate Bridge, gives you access to extraordinary cultural, recreational, educational, and professional opportunities in an area of pristine beaches, rugged mountains, and vast wild spaces. San Francisco—the global gateway—introduces you to highly diverse communities, congregations, and nonprofits.
Housing Full-time students can enjoy subsidized on-campus housing just a short stroll from downtown San Anselmo, a quaint town with cafes, restaurants, shops, and excellent public schools. San Francisco and Berkeley are a short hop from campus, providing GST students with a culturally rich home-away-from-home while pursuing their studies. We offer housing options for single students, legally partnered or married couples, and small families. Some housing even allows you to bring your family pet. Apartments and townhomes are located in a beautiful, natural setting, in a school district nationally recognized for excellence.
Questions? We’d love to hear from you Student Services and International Programs GSTAdmissions@redlands.edu 415-451-2824
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Worship Our imaginative, purposeful worship services enrich your mind and spirit, while our connective campus hosts informal gatherings of faculty and students and their families. Students enjoy a welcoming community that fosters spiritual growth, social justice, and a vibrant interfaith experience. From Taizé to Lectio Divina to a more traditional communion service, the worship team of students, faculty, and staff designs and hosts a diverse variety of worship experiences, including regular chapel services and special events.
Imago D.E.I. (The Image of God Expressed Through Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) As a community, we are united in the desire to create an inclusive atmosphere where diversity flourishes in all its forms. We are called to live inside God’s beautiful family, and that means pursuing justice, knowledge, dignity, and well-being for all people. From our students to our staff to our faculty to our trustees and beyond, we want to foster a just community that embraces differences—both here on campus and in the world.
Student Groups Our vibrant and diverse community welcomes students from all walks of life around the world. We have established the following student groups to provide cultural and social activities for its members: • Korean Student Association • StAD, Students of the African Diaspora • QUILTBAGS, supporting LGBTQ inclusion • Feminist Perspectives Committee • SAC Student Advisory Council
FINANCIAL AID The Graduate School of Theology provides financial aid assistance to approximately 85 percent of its master’s degree students. We offer a variety of ways to assist you with graduate program costs, through academic-merit scholarships and need-based grants, as well as the federal student loan program. We urge you to schedule an appointment with one of our staff for a personal conversation if you have any thoughts to share or questions to ask.
Key Sources of Financial Aid • Presidential and alumni merit scholarships • Need-based tuition grants • Federal direct loan program • Outside grants and scholarships via Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) or your denomination • Members of Disciples of Christ are eligible for a 100% scholarship towards their tuition
“I enrolled at SFTS to explore what it looks like to create new, experimental, inclusive, open-minded communities of faith in our fast-changing world.
• $5,000 Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation Apollos Scholarship for M.Div. students renewable each year (total of $15,000)
It is an honor to know how much the seminary
• $1,000 Spirituality & Social Justice Scholarship Award to 10 first-year master’s students
me on.”
Other Sources • Graduate Theological Union (GTU) Information about external scholarships as well as loans can be found at their website: gtu.edu/admissions/financial-aid
supports the journey that I believe God has set
Sam L., M.Div.
• Forum for Theological Exploration (FTE) Fund Finder This leadership incubator inspires young people to make a difference in the world through Christian communities. FTE provides grants and fellowships to gifted, purposeful students, young adults and partner organizations. Please visit www.fteleaders.org.
International Students As an international student, you are eligible to apply for GST Merit Scholarships and need-based tuition grants, which may be counted towards your financial resources on the I-20. Detailed information about visa I-20 requirement can be found in the International Student Handbook on our website at www.redlands.edu/admissions-and-aid.
MDIV Master of Divinity
The M.Div. is the foundational degree for ministry and is required for ordination in many Christian traditions. A Master of Divinity degree prepares students for church ordination or to pursue other professional ministries where advanced leadership skills are essential. • Three years full-time (with the option to add a full-year internship); up to six years part-time • 24 courses; 72 units • Competence in one Biblical language • Field education consisting of Clinical Pastoral Education or a ministry internship
Master of Arts in Theological Studies Ideal for personal enrichment or professional development. This two-year degree program is one of our more flexible degrees, providing balanced exposure to the theological disciplines while allowing for focus on an area of interest. • Two years full-time; up to four years part-time • 16 courses; 48 units
Common Master of Arts (M.A.) at the GTU
Put your passion into action! Apply today at gpe.redlands.edu/apply
Affiliated with SFTS, this two-year intensive program focuses on one theological discipline and draws on a close working relationship with a faculty advisor in an area of study. This is a good choice for those who plan to pursue doctoral studies or who wish to fine-tune scholarship in a specific area. • Two years full-time; up to four years part-time • 16 courses; 48 units
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DMIN Doctor of Ministry
The D.Min. is committed to excellence and innovation in ministry, which combines academic distinction with a pragmatic focus. Our collaborative environment is an incubator for the research and development of alternative understandings, new tools, and novel resources for ministry in a rapidly changing world. • Up to five years • Six courses • Final dissertation/project
Diploma in Advanced Pastoral Studies This diploma program is for those who seek to deepen their knowledge and broaden their ministry skills through a structured course of study like that of the D.Min. program, but does not require a dissertation or final project. Students may participate in any of the D.Min. courses, and the January and Summer intensive seminars as well. The diploma is granted upon satisfactory completion of six D.Min. courses.
Continuing Education for Ministry Continuing education opportunities are offered each year through the Advanced Pastoral Studies program. Doctoral-level seminars are also offered as continuing education seminars for pastors, chaplains, and other religious professionals with an M.Div. or equivalent and at least three years of professional experience. Courses are offered in the January Intersession and the Summer Session in one- or two-week formats.
DASD Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction
The Diploma in the Art of Spiritual Direction (D.A.S.D.) prepares individuals, both ordained and non-ordained, for the ministry of spiritual direction. We blend challenging academic work with time for retreat, worship, celebration, prayer, and contemplation of God’s presence in our lives. • Minimum two years, but classes may be taken at your own pace • Five week-long sessions • Five 1.5-unit online courses that are available in conjunction with each retreat • Readings and short papers • Practice of contemplative listening • Two years of supervised practice of one-onone spiritual direction • Ongoing work with a spiritual director
Certificate in Spiritual Direction and Formation In this program, students undertake serious study and practical training as a spiritual director or as a guide for individuals and communities seeking spiritual formation. Challenging academic work is combined with time for retreat, worship, celebration, prayer, and contemplation of God’s presence in our lives. Certificate requirements • Four classes • Written reflections on assigned readings • Course requirements that can be completed in 13 months • Ongoing work with a spiritual director
Clinical Pastoral Education The Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program is offered for pastors, religious professionals, theology students, and qualified laypersons who seek further development of their pastoral skills. Students learn how to integrate knowledge from theological, psychological, and social science disciplines into the practice of pastoral ministry. The Shaw Chaplaincy Institute offers a Supervisory Education Fellowship to one student preparing to become a certified ACPE supervisor. It is fully accredited to offer Level I, Level II, and Supervisory CPEs.
Diploma in Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Research Literacy Clinical pastoral educators, board-certified chaplains, and those seeking professional chaplaincy vocations often work in researchbased care environments where they are increasingly asked to provide research-based practices that contribute to improvement in delivery of care. This diploma is designed to equip chaplains, spiritual care providers, and pastoral care educators with the tools they need to work alongside interdisciplinary colleagues to develop practices informed by scientific inquiry and design and implement their own evidence-based research.
Certificate in Mental Health and Spirituality Designed for working professionals, the certificate is built upon six online seminars that ground participants in the connection between spirit and health and then go deeper into topics including chronic illness, bereavement, bipolar faith, healing, and clinical practice.
Certificate in LGBTQ Leadership Designed for mission-driven individuals, aspiring leaders, teachers, and community activists committed to allying with LGBTQ communities, this certificate will connect you to mission-driven LGBTQ thought leaders and organizations while you develop the skills to ignite positive social transformation.
Certificate in Trauma and Spiritual Care This intensive program through SFTS combines crisis intervention training and trauma counseling education for working professionals in both clinical and pastoral settings, as well as providing a comprehensive set of skills to help trauma survivors recover from their experiences.
Register today! Register for open studies at www.redlands.edu/awi
The Graduate School of Theology prepares students for purposeful leadership and transformational ministries of justice, peace, and healing to advance a more hopeful, loving engagement with the world.
105 Seminary Road, San Anselmo, CA 94960 | Tel: 415-451-2800 | www.redlands.edu/gst