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Class Notes Reporters
(Above) In 1959, Allen Braxton “Curly” Griffin ’34 brought his newborn Gina Griffin Hurlbut ’81 to his 25th class reunion and posed with U of R President George Armacost.

Gina Griffin Hurlbut ’81 and Brad Hurlbut ’81
Let us celebrate you
My first introduction to the University of Redlands was in 1959 at the 25th class reunion of my father, Allen Braxton “Curly” Griffin ’34. As a newborn, I was held in the arms of President George Armacost. My father loved Redlands, and I knew many of his U of R friends, including classmates Ralph Sanders ’34, George Stevens ’35, and Clarence Niedermeyer ’34, as well as administrators Jack Cummings and Doug Moore. I learned the “Och Tamale” before I was 5 years old and was strongly encouraged to become a Bulldog, too. I was roommates with George’s granddaughter, Martha Armacost ’81, and I was in the same sorority as Ralph’s daughter, Jodi Sanders Parvin ’80. I married Brad Hurlbut ’81, and, between our two families, we have 14 U of R alumni, including our daughter, Carolyn Hurlbut Cullen ’08, who earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Redlands. I really enjoy being a class reporter and reconnecting with my classmates. I am so proud of their accomplishments. I have visited a classmate in Hawaii, and another gave me an insider tour of the Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens. I can say, “Hey, I knew you when!” Plus, I want to visit more classmates and take more tours! —Gina Griffin Hurlbut ’81
1937 Martha Farmer Forth ochtamale@redlands.edu 1949 Alice Lane Wymer grammy1925@gmail.com 1950 Janet Gall Lynes janetgall@mac.com 1951 Diana Copulos Holmes dvholmes@verizon.net 1952 Joan Gartner Macon mrs.j.macon@gmail.com 1954 Don Ruh donruh@aol.com 1955 MaryAnn Black Easley authormaryanneasley@ gmail.com 1957 Pat James Fobair pfobair1@gmail.com 1958 Stennis & Joanne Waldon stennisjoanne2@ roadrunner.com
1959 Marilyn Kerr Solter mjsolter@verizon.net 1960 Joan Habbick Kalin joaniebev1@aol.com 1961 Judy May Sisk judysisk@sbcglobal.net 1962 Judy Smith Gilmer jagilly@aol.com 1963 Dan King danandlindaking@ montanasky.net 1964 William Bruns wbruns8@gmail.com Sandy Taylor Golnick sandy@relationshipby design.com 1965 Nancy Wheeler Durein dureins@comcast.net 1966 Carol Rice Williams carolwilliams62@gmail.com 1967 Steve Carmichael scarmic264@aol.com 1968 Nancy Bailey Franich MightyLF@aol.com 1969 Becky Campbell Garnett beckycgarnett@gmail.com 1970 Sally Bauman Trost sallytrost@roadrunner.com 1971 Teri Allard Grossman terigrossman@earthlink.net 1972 Katy Hucklebridge Schneider kathryn.schneider2@gmail.com 1973 Lyndy Barcus Dye pldye@sbcglobal.net 1974 Heather Carmichael Olson quiddity@u.washington.edu 1975 Maureen McElligott mkmcelligott@gmail.com 1976 LeAnn Zunich SmartWomn2@yahoo.com 1977 Mark Myers mmyers@greaterjob.com 1978 David David revdaviddavid@gmail.com 1979 Renee Maclaughlin Bozarth reneemac@sbcglobal.net 1980 Anita Hicks Latch anita.latch@gmail.com 1981 Gina Griffin Hurlbut bghurlbut@verizon.net 1982 John Grant (JC) jjgrant@earthlink.net 1983 Nathan Truman truman_nate@yahoo.com 1984 Linda Schulman Uithoven lindau5@yahoo.com 1985 David Enzminger denzminger@winston.com 1986 Douglas Mende doug_mende@redlands.edu 1987 Cynthia Gonzalez Broadbent broadbentj5c@gmail.com 1988 Tim Altanero timaltanero@gmail.com 1989 Chris Condon condonmanor@mac.com 1990 Kelly Mullen Feeney Kelly.Feeney@disney.com Diana Herweck drdipsyd@yahoo.com 1991–1992 Sue Schroeder shakasue23@yahoo.com 1993 Joseph Richardson Jr. joespeak@gmail.com 1994 Heather Pescosolido Thomas lilfishslo@gmail.com 1995 Ashley Payne Laird alaird@chandlerschool.org 1996 Heather Hunt Dugdale heatherhdugdale@gmail.com 1997 Adrienne Hynek Montgomery amontgomery2000@ yahoo.com 1998 Julie Kramer Fingersh julesif@yahoo.com 1999 Stacie McRae Marshall stacie.mcrae@gmail.com 2000 Rebecca Romo Weir rebecca.d.weir@gmail.com 2001 Maggie Brothers brothers.maggie@gmail.com Kelly McGehee Hons kellyhons@gmail.com 2002 John-Paul Wolf johnpaulwolf@me.com 2003 Brianne Webb Lucero briannelucero03@gmail.com 2004 Stasi Phillips stasiredlands04@gmail.com 2005 Katherine E. Deponty squeeker_kd@yahoo.com 2006 Jocelyn Buzzas Arthun jbuzzas@gmail.com 2007 Annie Freshwater annie.freshwater@gmail.com 2008 Alana Martinez alanamartinez10@gmail.com 2009 Steven Halligan steventhalligan@gmail.com 2010 Samantha Coe Byron samantha.byron88@gmail.com 2012 Porscha Soto Guillot porscha.guillot@outlook.com 2013 Jacque Balderas jacqueleen.balderas@ gmail.com 2014 Alyssa Good alyssaleegood@gmail.com 2015 Samantha Townsend Bundy samanthaptownsend@ gmail.com 2016 Isabella Raymond isabella.a.raymond@gmail.com 2017 Megan Feeney megan.feeney@comcast.net 2018 Emily Dabrow erdabrow@gmail.com Retired Faculty and Staff Elaine Brubacher elaine_brubacher@ redlands.edu