Och Tamale Fall 2020 - University of Redlands

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(Above) In 1959, Allen Braxton “Curly” Griffin ’34 brought his newborn Gina Griffin Hurlbut ’81 to his 25th class reunion and posed with U of R President George Armacost.

Gina Griffin Hurlbut ’81 and Brad Hurlbut ’81

To volunteer as a class notes reporter or to send contact information updates, please contact ochtamale@redlands.edu.

Let us celebrate you My first introduction to the University of Redlands was in 1959 at the 25th class reunion of my father, Allen Braxton “Curly” Griffin ’34. As a newborn, I was held in the arms of President George Armacost. My father loved Redlands, and I knew many of his U of R friends, including classmates Ralph Sanders ’34, George Stevens ’35, and Clarence Niedermeyer ’34, as well as administrators Jack Cummings and Doug Moore. I learned the “Och Tamale” before I was 5 years old and was strongly encouraged to become a Bulldog, too. I was roommates with George’s granddaughter, Martha Armacost ’81, and I was in the same sorority as Ralph’s daughter, Jodi Sanders Parvin ’80. I married Brad Hurlbut ’81, and, between our two families, we have 14 U of R alumni, including our daughter, Carolyn Hurlbut Cullen ’08, who earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Redlands. I really enjoy being a class reporter and reconnecting with my classmates. I am so proud of their accomplishments. I have visited a classmate in Hawaii, and another gave me an insider tour of the Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens. I can say, “Hey, I knew you when!” Plus, I want to visit more classmates and take more tours! —Gina Griffin Hurlbut ’81

1937 Martha Farmer Forth ochtamale@redlands.edu

1964 William Bruns wbruns8@gmail.com

1978 David David revdaviddavid@gmail.com

1993 Joseph Richardson Jr. joespeak@gmail.com

2007 Annie Freshwater annie.freshwater@gmail.com

1949 Alice Lane Wymer grammy1925@gmail.com

Sandy Taylor Golnick sandy@relationshipby design.com

1979 Renee Maclaughlin Bozarth reneemac@sbcglobal.net

1994 Heather Pescosolido Thomas lilfishslo@gmail.com

2008 Alana Martinez alanamartinez10@gmail.com

1950 Janet Gall Lynes janetgall@mac.com

1965 Nancy Wheeler Durein dureins@comcast.net

1980 Anita Hicks Latch anita.latch@gmail.com

1995 Ashley Payne Laird alaird@chandlerschool.org

2009 Steven Halligan steventhalligan@gmail.com

1951 Diana Copulos Holmes dvholmes@verizon.net

1966 Carol Rice Williams carolwilliams62@gmail.com

1981 Gina Griffin Hurlbut bghurlbut@verizon.net

1996 Heather Hunt Dugdale heatherhdugdale@gmail.com

2010 Samantha Coe Byron samantha.byron88@gmail.com

1952 Joan Gartner Macon mrs.j.macon@gmail.com

1967 Steve Carmichael scarmic264@aol.com

1982 John Grant (JC) jjgrant@earthlink.net

2012 Porscha Soto Guillot porscha.guillot@outlook.com

1954 Don Ruh donruh@aol.com

1968 Nancy Bailey Franich MightyLF@aol.com

1983 Nathan Truman truman_nate@yahoo.com

1997 Adrienne Hynek Montgomery amontgomery2000@ yahoo.com

1955 MaryAnn Black Easley authormaryanneasley@ gmail.com

1969 Becky Campbell Garnett beckycgarnett@gmail.com

1984 Linda Schulman Uithoven lindau5@yahoo.com

1970 Sally Bauman Trost sallytrost@roadrunner.com

1985 David Enzminger denzminger@winston.com

1971 Teri Allard Grossman terigrossman@earthlink.net

1986 Douglas Mende doug_mende@redlands.edu

1972 Katy Hucklebridge Schneider kathryn.schneider2@gmail.com

1987 Cynthia Gonzalez Broadbent broadbentj5c@gmail.com

1973 Lyndy Barcus Dye pldye@sbcglobal.net

1988 Tim Altanero timaltanero@gmail.com

2002 John-Paul Wolf johnpaulwolf@me.com

1974 Heather Carmichael Olson quiddity@u.washington.edu

1989 Chris Condon condonmanor@mac.com

2003 Brianne Webb Lucero briannelucero03@gmail.com

1975 Maureen McElligott mkmcelligott@gmail.com

1990 Kelly Mullen Feeney Kelly.Feeney@disney.com

2004 Stasi Phillips stasiredlands04@gmail.com

1976 LeAnn Zunich SmartWomn2@yahoo.com

Diana Herweck drdipsyd@yahoo.com

2005 Katherine E. Deponty squeeker_kd@yahoo.com

1957 Pat James Fobair pfobair1@gmail.com 1958 Stennis & Joanne Waldon stennisjoanne2@ roadrunner.com 1959 Marilyn Kerr Solter mjsolter@verizon.net 1960 Joan Habbick Kalin joaniebev1@aol.com 1961 Judy May Sisk judysisk@sbcglobal.net 1962 Judy Smith Gilmer jagilly@aol.com 1963 Dan King danandlindaking@ montanasky.net

1977 Mark Myers mmyers@greaterjob.com

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1991–1992 Sue Schroeder shakasue23@yahoo.com

1998 Julie Kramer Fingersh julesif@yahoo.com

2013 Jacque Balderas jacqueleen.balderas@ gmail.com

1999 Stacie McRae Marshall stacie.mcrae@gmail.com

2014 Alyssa Good alyssaleegood@gmail.com

2000 Rebecca Romo Weir rebecca.d.weir@gmail.com

2015 Samantha Townsend Bundy samanthaptownsend@ gmail.com

2001 Maggie Brothers brothers.maggie@gmail.com Kelly McGehee Hons kellyhons@gmail.com

2006 Jocelyn Buzzas Arthun jbuzzas@gmail.com

2016 Isabella Raymond isabella.a.raymond@gmail.com 2017 Megan Feeney megan.feeney@comcast.net 2018 Emily Dabrow erdabrow@gmail.com

Retired Faculty and Staff Elaine Brubacher elaine_brubacher@ redlands.edu



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