University of Redlands Our House 2013

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House 2013



A message from the VPAA

House 2013

The ideals of a University of Redlands education that guide our work as teachers, researchers, mentors, and academic program leaders permeate all aspects of university life. These ideals of academic rigor, innovative teaching, and curricular diversity have been crucial to creating and sustaining a university culture in which such characteristics as critical thinking, global perspectives, service to others, and an interdisciplinary approach to scholarly and creative pursuits form the cornerstones of Redlands student experience—both undergraduate and graduate.

CONTENTS 3 Books 3 Edited Books and Translations 3 Chapters in Books 4 Faculty Feature – Julius Bailey, Associate Professor, Religious Studies 5 Faculty Feature – Catherine Salmon, Associate Professor, Psychology 6 Journal Articles 7 Faculty Feature – Jeffery Smith, Associate Professor, Business Ethics 8 Faculty Feature – Lisa Olson, Associate Professor, Biology; Fran Grace, Professor, Religious Studies; and Celine Ko, Assistant Professor, Psychology 10 Faculty Feature – Leslie Brody, Professor, Creative Writing 10 Performances, Exhibitions, and Productions 10 Grants and Sponsored Research 11 Feature – Redlands Institute: A leader in spatial decision support and geodesign


Our House 2013


The research and creative work of our faculty and staff reflects these ideals and shows the power of such standards in practice. The research, scholarship, and creative activity of our faculty and staff contribute to knowledge and apply disciplinary and artistic expertise to the exploration of intellectual, social, and cultural issues and problems. The research and creative activities of faculty and staff infuse our teaching and curriculum, and play an important role in our students’ lives both in the classroom and beyond. The scholarly and creative works represented in this booklet show how our faculty and staff are striving to expand their students’ opportunities to learn, and to inspire them to go beyond the requirements of the classroom in their own pursuit and discovery of new knowledge. The University of Redlands fosters a community of scholars and encourages a pluralistic notion of values by challenging assumptions and stereotypes in both classes and activities. A Redlands education goes beyond training to embrace a reflective understanding of our world; it proceeds from information to insight, from knowledge to meaning. Students work closely with professors, and receive extensive individual attention. Faculty members bring current developments in their fields to their teaching and courses, model for their students a life of involvement with their disciplines and professions, and invite students to participate with them in their research and creative work. In future editions of this booklet, we will showcase more of our notable faculty-student collaborations. This compilation represents the discourse, disciplined inquiry, and creative activity of the academy of the past two years at the University of Redlands, featuring work from the College of Arts and Sciences, School of Business, and School of Education, as well as our administrators and staff members. I hope you enjoy reviewing the exciting scholarly and creative accomplishments of our faculty, staff, and administrators depicted in these pages. Sincerely,

David Fite Vice President for Academic Affairs University of Redlands

BOOKS Bailey, Julius. Race Patriotism: Protest and Print Culture in the African Methodist Episcopal Church (University of Tennessee Press, 2012). Brody, Leslie. Irrepressible: The Life and Times of Jessica Mitford (Paperback, October 2011, Counterpoint Press). Cornez, Trish, and Cornez, Richard. A First Course in Programming Using ActionScript. Jones and Bartlett Publishers. June 2011. Gallagher, K. S., Goodyear, Rodney K., Brewer, D., & Rueda, R. (Eds.) (2012). Urban Education: A Model for Leadership and Policy. London: Routledge. Greene, Richard P., and Pick, James B. 2012. Exploring the Urban Community: A GIS Approach. Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Salmon, Catherine A. & Schumann, K. (2011) The Secret Power of Middle Children. N.Y.: Hudson St. Press. Wingenbach, Ed, Institutionalizing Agonistic Democracy: Post-Foundationalism and Political Liberalism (Surrey, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2011). Wuhs, Steven T. Savage Democracy: Institutional Change and Party Development in Mexico. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press (paperback edition 2011; hardback published 2008).

EDITED BOOKS AND TRANSLATIONS Simmer-Brown, Judith, and Grace, Fran, editors, Meditation and the Classroom (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2011). Hawkins, David R. Power vs. Force: Anatomy of Consciousness, revised edition, edited with a new foreword by Fran Grace (Sedona: Veritas Publishing, 2012). Hawkins, David R. Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender, edited with a foreword by Fran Grace (Sedona: Veritas Publishing, 2012). Rosny Aine, J.-H. From Prehistory to the End of the World: Three Novellas of J.-H. Rosny Aine. Translation and critical edition, Danièle Slusser with George Slusser (Middletown CT: Wesleyan University Press, 2012). Includes an 80-page coauthored essay, “Rosny’s Evolutionary Ecology,” pp. ix-lxxxiii. Salmon, Catherine A., and Shackelford, T.K., Ed. (2011) The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Family Psychology. Oxford University Press.

CHAPTERS IN BOOKS Bailey, Julius. “‘Cult’ Knowledge: The Challenges of Studying New Religious Movements in America,” in Doing Recent History: On Privacy, Copyright, Video Games, Institutional Review Boards, Activist Scholarship, and History That Talks Back (University of Georgia Press, 2012).

Bailey, Julius. “Masculinizing the Pulpit: Images of the Black Preacher in Nineteenth-Century America,” in Fathers, Preachers, Rebels, Men: Black Masculinity in U.S. History and Literature, 1820-1945 (Ohio State University Press, 2011). Bailey, Julius. “Classifying the ‘Great World Religions’: The Legacy of Darwinism in the Study of African Traditional Religions,” in 150 Years of Evolution: Darwin’s Impact on Contemporary Thought and Culture (San Diego State University Press, 2011). Bai, Bing, and Sun, J. (2011). “Service Industry in China,” in P. Sheldon, S. Kim, and Y. Li (Eds.), China’s Changing Workplace (pp. 220-237). London: Routledge. Cha, Heung Joo. “Reconsidering Stock Returns and Equity Mutual Fund Flows in the U.S. Stock Market: A Macro Approach” with Jaebeom Kim, in The Stock Market: Crisis, Recovery and Emerging Economies, ed. Allison S. Wetherby (Nova Publisher, 2011). pp. 151-160.

EDITOR’S NOTE Using diverse formats such as MLA, APA, and others representing the disciplines of the modern University, we highlight Redlands faculty and staff by first name in the bibliographic entries in this booklet. In cases where there are multiple authors listed, we provide the full first name of the University of Redlands author(s) listed. Citations are presented in alphabetical order by the University of Redlands faculty or staff authorship. The submissions in this booklet were voluntarily provided by the authors and should not be considered the definitive list of all University of Redlands scholarship and creative work.

Derris, Karen. “Picturing Buddhism: Nurturing Buddhist Worldviews through Children’s Books,” in Little Buddhas, ed. Vanessa Sasson (Oxford University Press, 2012). pp. 206-226. Lichtenberg, J. W., & Goodyear, Rodney K. (2012). “Informal Learning, Incidental Learning, and Deliberate Continuing Education: Preparing Psychologists to Be Effective Lifelong Learners,” in G. J. Neimeyer, & J. M. Taylor (Eds.), Continuing

Our House 2013



Education: Types, Roles, and Societal Impacts (pp. 71-80). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. Goodyear, Rodney K., & Rodolfa, E. (2012). “Negotiating the Complex Ethical Terrain of Clinical Supervision,” in Handbook on Ethics in Psychology (S. Knapp, Ed). Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. Goodyear, Rodney K., Tracey, T. J. G., Claiborn, C. D., Lichtenberg, J. W., Wampold, B., & Gutierrez, M. (2012). “Prototypic Characteristics of Urban Education,” in K. S. Gallagher, R. Goodyear, & D. Brewer (Eds.). Urban Education: A Model for Leadership and Policy. London: Routledge.

Grace, Fran. “The ‘Map of Consciousness’: A New Paradigm for Mysticism and Healing,” in Perceiving the Divine through the Human Body, ed. June McDaniel and Thomas Cattoi (Palgrave MacMillan, 2011), 197-221.

Henk, Jordan, Li, Naicong, Murphy, Philip, Strout, Nathan, Ong, Serene, and Desmarais, Anne (2011). “Spatial Decision Support and Geodesign Case Study Findings,” in Proceedings of the 34th Applied Geography Conference, Redlands, Calif.

Grace, Fran. “From Content, to Context, to Contemplation: One Professor’s Journey,” in Meditation and the Classroom, ed. Judith Simmer-Brown and Fran Grace (SUNY, 2011), 47-64.

Jenni, Kathie. “The Morality of Awareness,” in Animals and Society: An Introduction to Human-Animal Studies, ed. Margo DeMello, Columbia University Press, 2012.

Grace, Fran. “Meditation in the Classroom: What Do the Students Say They Learn?” in Meditation and the Classroom, ed. Judith Simmer-Brown and Fran Grace (SUNY, 2011), 237-250.

The Black church

finds its voice

Julius Bailey, Associate Professor, Religious Studies


Our House 2013


Julius Bailey’s Race Patriotism: Protest and Print Culture in the AME Church published in 2012 explores the ways in which leaders and laity constructed historical narratives to sway public opinion. According to Bailey, previous studies suggest that late nineteenth century African American historical writing emphasized the “politics of uplift” and sought to instill bourgeois social values in black society. In his book, Bailey makes the case that many black authors, intellectuals and editors used institutional histories and other writings for activist purposes and reframed protest in the post-bellum period. Shifting the focus from secular sources to religious literature such as African Methodist Episcopal (AME) print culture recovers the voices of black religious leaders and writers to provide a more comprehensive portrayal of the social issues facing African Americans of the time.

Kaboudan, Mak. (2011). “A Multi-agent System Forecast of the S&P/Case-Shiller LA Home Price Index,” in S.H. Chen, Y. Kambayashi, and H. Sato, editors, Multi-Agent Applications with Evolutionary Computation and Biologically Inspired Technologies: Intelligent Techniques for Ubiquity and Optimization, Idea Group Inc. Larsen, Lillian I. “Early Monastic Meals,” in Meals and Religious Identity. Ed. Matthias Klinghardt. Texte und Arbeiten zum Neutestamentlichen Zeitalter. Tübingen: A. Francke, 2012, pp. 307-328. Larsen, Lillian I. “Resisting a Reclining Culture,” in Social Conflict, Experimentation and Formation at the Meal. Meals in the Greco-Roman World 1. Ed. Dennis Smith and Hal Taussig. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, pp. 245-260. Larsen, Lillian I. “Early Christian Meals and Slavery,” in Social Conflict, Experimentation and Formation. Meals in the Greco-Roman World 1. Ed, Dennis Smith and Hal Taussig. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. pp 191-203.

Mitchell, Ross E., & Mitchell, D. E. (2012). “The Limits of Desegregation Accountability,” in K. Gallagher, Rodney K. Goodyear, D. Brewer, & R. Rueda (Eds.), Urban Education: A Model for Leadership and Policy (pp. 186-199). New York: Routledge.

Book dispels myths

about middle children

Mitchell, Ross E., & Karchmer, M. A. (2011). “Demographic and Achievement Characteristics of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students,” in M. Marschark & P. E. Spencer (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Deaf Studies, Language, and Education (vol. 1, 2nd ed.) (pp. 18-31). New York: Oxford University Press. Rabinowitz, Fred E. (2012). “Afterword: Understanding the Impact of Therapy with Men from a Male Perspective,” in H.B. Sweet (Ed.), Gender in the Therapy Hour. (pp. 281-288). New York: Routledge. Rabinowitz, Fred E. (2011). “Behind the Mask: A Primer on Understanding the Male Partner in Couples Therapy,” in D. Shepard & M. Harway (Eds.), Counseling Men in Couples Therapy. (pp. 37-55). New York: Routledge. Salmon, Catherine A. (2012). “Siblicide in Humans and Other Species,” in: T.K. Shackelford & V.A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Perspectives on Violence, Homicide, and War. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 106-116. Salmon, Catherine A. (2012). “Birth Order, Effect on Personality, and Behavior,” in: V.S. Ramachandran (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, vol. 1, pp. 353-359. Academic Press.

Catherine Salmon, Associate Professor, Psychology

Salmon, Catherine A. & Crawford, C. (2012). “When Intersexual Conflict Leads to Intrasexual Competition: The Reproductive Suppression Hypothesis,” in Goetz, A.T., & Shackelford, T.K. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Sexual Conflict in Humans. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 134-147. Crawford, C. & Salmon, Catherine A. (2012). “Integrating Social Exchange and Sexual Selection Theory in the Study of Mating Interactions,” in Goetz, A.T., & Shackelford, T.K. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Sexual Conflict in Humans. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 33-48. Shackelford, T.K., Weekes-Shackelford, V.A., Schmitt, D.P., & Salmon, Catherine A. (2012). “Deadbeat Dads: Evolutionary

The Secret Power of Middle Children, co-authored by Catherine Salmon and Katrin Schumann in 2011, illustrates what it really means to grow up in between, including how despite—or perhaps because of—the fact that middleborns receive less financial and emotional parental support, they become remarkably successful and innovative adults. Middles are also often stubbornly independent teens who become extraordinary team players later in life. The book not only offers insight into how birth order affects children, it offers constructive advice on how to maximize advantages and overcome drawbacks. Salmon’s book has had popular appeal and drew media attention from national outlets such as the “Today” Show, “Anderson Cooper” and TIME magazine among other regional and local news outlets.

Perspectives on Providing Child Support,” in Goetz, A.T, & Shackelford, T.K. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Sexual Conflict in Humans. New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 302-314. Salmon, Catherine A. & Shackelford, T.K. (2011). “Toward an Evolutionary Psychology of the Family,” in C.A. Salmon & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Family Psychology, Oxford University Press, pp. 3-11. Salmon, Catherine A. & Malcolm, J. (2011). “Parent-offspring Conflict,” in C.A. Salmon & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Family Psychology, Oxford University Press, pp. 83-96.

Our House 2013



Gorelik, G., Shackelford, T.K., & Salmon, Catherine A. (2011). “Between Conflict and Cooperation: New Horizons in the Evolutionary Science of the Family,” in Salmon, Catherine A. & T.K. Shackelford (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Evolutionary Family Psychology, Oxford University Press, pp. 286-298. Sinton, Diana (2011). “Making the Case for GIS in Higher Education,” pp. 17-36 in D. Unwin, N. Tate, K. Foote and D. Di Biase (eds.), in Teaching Geographic Information Science and Technology in Higher Education. London: John Wiley & Sons (UK).


Our House 2013


Spickard, Jim. “Centered in Time: A Sociological Phenomenology of Religious Rituals” in Understanding Religious Ritual, ed. John P. Hoffman. Routledge, 2012, pp. 154-167. Spickard, Jim. “Making Religion Irrelevant: The ‘Resurgent Religion’ Narrative and the Critique of Neo-Liberalism,” in Religion and Neo-Liberalism: Political Economy and Governance, ed. Tuomas Martikainen and François Gauthier. Ashgate, 2012, pp. 37-52.

Sinton, Diana (2011). “Spatial Thinking,” pp. 733-744 in Stoltman, J. (ed.), 21st Century Geography: A Reference Handbook. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.

Townsend, Julie. “Autobiography and the Coulisses: Narrator, Dancer, Spectator,” in Emerging Bodies: The Performance of Worldmaking in Dance and Choreography, Eds. Gabriele Klein and Sandra Noeth, Transcript Verlag, 2011.

Smith, Jeffery D. “Corporate Social Purpose and the Task of Management,” in Corporations and Citizenship, ed. Greg Urban (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012).

Vailakis, Ivonne Gordon. “The Marginalization of Ecuadorian Literature,” in La Panorámica Actual de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, ed. Rocío Durán-Barba (Paris, Allpamanda Press, 2011).

Smith, Jeffery D. “Corporate Duties of Virtue: Making (Kantian) Sense of CSR,” in Kantian Business Ethics: Critical Perspectives, eds. Denis Arnold and Jared Harris (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012): pp. 58-75.

Wuhs, Steven T. (2011). “Holding Power: The PAN as Mexico’s Incumbent Party,” in Roderic Ai Camp, ed., Oxford University Handbook on Mexican Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.

Sonntag, Gabriela (2012) “Las Mejores Prácticas en la Pedagogía de la Alfabetización Informacional,” in Tarango, J. & G. Mendoza-Guillen (eds.) Didáctica Básica para la Alfabetización Informacional. Alfagrama, pp. 303-319.

JOURNAL ARTICLES Lawler, J. J., Chen, S. J., Wu, P. C., Bae, J., and Bai, Bing. (2011). “High Performance Work Systems in Foreign Subsidiaries of American Multinationals: An Institutional Model.” Journal of International Business Studies, 42: 202-220.

Bieri, Joanna, and M.A. Matalon. “Edge Flames Stabilized in a Non-premixed Microcombustor,” Combustion Theory and Modeling, vol. 15, No 6, 2011, pp. 911-932. Cha, Heung Joo. “Financial Effects of the Right-To-Use Model for Lessees,” PanPacific Journal of Business Research, with Drs. Hong S. Pak, Byunghwan Lee, Vol. 3, No 1, 2012, pp. 56-87. Cha, Heung Joo. “Dynamic Relationship between Stock Prices and Equity Unit Trust Flows in the U.K. Market,” Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, Vol. 2, No 2, 2011, pp. 18-33. Cha, Heung Joo. “Capital Market Integration: U.S. and Japan Equity and Debt Markets,” Pan-Pacific Journal of Business Research, Vol. 2, No 1, 2011, pp. 28-44. Coles, Kimberley (2012) “Ethnographic Reform: A Technical Turn,” Law, Culture, and the Humanities, 8 (3): 398-408. Garbo, Lorenzo (2012) “Early Evolution of the Assumption of Non-Satiation.” Review of Political Economy, Vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 15-32. Gollakota, Kamala, and Doshi, K. (2011). “Diffusion of Technological Innovation in Rural Areas.” Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Vol. 41, pp. 68-82. Gollakota, Kamala, Pick, James B., and P. Sathyapriya. 2012. “Using Technology to Alleviate Poverty: Diffusion of Telecenters in Rural India.” Information Technology for Development, 18 (3): 185-208.

Philosophical foundations lead to noteworthy

research in business ethics

An associate professor of business and philosopher by training, Jeffery Smith’s unique take on business ethics produced an award-winning article, “Understanding the Role of Moral Principles in Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective.” In 2012 Business Ethics Quarterly, considered the premier interdisciplinary journal in the field of business ethics, named Smith’s article its “Best Published Paper.” In addition, Smith was invited in 2012 to participate in one of the nation’s leading interdisciplinary symposiums on corporate citizenship at the University of Pennsylvania, joining scholars from Columbia Law, UCSD, Harvard Business School and Johns Hopkins. Smith presented his paper, “Corporate Social Purpose and the Task of Management,” which offers a moral case for corporate social responsibility rather than the more common, profit-centered justifications.

Grace, Fran. “Beyond Reason: The Certitude of the Mystic from Al-Hallaj to David R. Hawkins.” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 1, No. 13 (September 2011), 147-156. Grace, Fran. “Learning Is a Path, not a Goal: Contemplative Pedagogy—Its Principles and Practices.” Teaching Theology and Religion, Vol. 14, No. 2 (April 2011), 99-124. Grace, Fran, Thomas Coburn, Anne Carolyn Klein, Louis Komjathy, Harold Roth and Judith Simmer-Brown, “Contemplative Pedagogy: FAQS,” Teaching Theology and Religion, Vol. 14, No. 2 (April 2011), 167-174. Yoshikawa, M., Yoshida, M., Tsuga, K., Akagawa, Y., and Groher, Michael. “Comparison of Three Types of Tongue Pressure Measurement Devices.” Dysphagia 26: 232-238, 2011. Takahashi, N., Kikutani, T., Tamura, F., Groher, Michael, and Kuboki, T.

“Videoendoscopic Assessment of Swallowing Function to Predict the Future Incidence of Pneumonia of the Elderly.” J. Oral Rehabilitation 39: 429-437, 2012.

Jiang, Xinyan. “The Study of Chinese Philosophy in the English Speaking World,” Philosophy Compass 6:3 (March 2011), 168-79.

Groher, Michael, and Groher, T. “When Safe Feeding Is Threatened: End-of-life Options and Decisions.” Top Lang Disorders 32: 149-167, 2012.

Kaboudan, Mak. 2012. “Genetic Programming and Neural Networks Forecasting of Monthly Sunspot Numbers.” New Mathematics and Natural Computing, Vol. 8.2: 167-182.

Hankin, Kelly. “LUNAFEST on Campus.” Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies, 27.3 (2012): 159-67. Hankin, Kelly. “Corporate Philanthropy, College Students, and the LUNAFEST Film Festival.” Feminist Teacher, 21.3 (2011): 229-47. Jiang, Xinyan. “Rationality and Moral Agency—A Study of Xunzi’s Philosophy,” Journal of East-West Thought 2:2 (June 2012): 95-105. Jiang, Xinyan. “Confucius’s View of Courage,” Journal of Chinese Philosophy 39:1 (March 2012), 44-59.

Jeffery Smith, Associate Professor, Business Ethics

Greenberg SA, Salajegheh M, Judge DP, Feldman MW, Kuncl Ralph W, Waldon Z, Steen H, Wagner KR. “Etiology of Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 1D/1E Determined by Laser Capture Microdissection Proteomics.” Ann Neurol 71: 141-145, 2012. Larsen, Lillian I., Moore, Alyssa K.* and Sinton, Diana. “The Spatially Interactive Literature Analysis System Study Tool: A GIS Classroom Tool for Interpreting History.” International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research 3.3 (2012): 70-85. (*University of Redlands undergraduate co-author)

Our House 2013



Impacts of meditation explored in

cross-disciplinary collaboration

Lisa Olson, Associate Professor, Biology; Fran Grace, Professor, Religious Studies; and Celine Ko, Assistant Professor, Psychology

In a unique cross-discipline collaboration, Professors Lisa Olson, Fran Grace and Celine Ko are conducting a multi-year grant-funded research project on the effect of meditation in the University of Redlands curriculum, each examining different aspects of the overall hypothesis. Meditation has for several decades been offered as part of the curriculum, along with the observation that students who meditate become more resilient to stress, have improved academic achievement, and achieve an increased sense of well-being. In the first-ever attempt to quantify this effect of the Redlands curriculum, Olson measures physiological stress response, while Ko examines psychological correlates of academic success and health, and Grace chronicles qualitative observations about the perceived impact of meditation on a student’s well-being and learning capacities.

Li, Naicong, Ervin, S., Flaxman, M., Goodchild, M. and Steinitz, C. (2012). “Design and Application of an Ontology for Geodesign.” Revue Internationale de Geomatique: 22 (2): 145–168.

Pitts, B. J. “Analysis of Secondary Organic Aerosols in Air Using Extractive Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry (EESI-MS).” RSC Advances, 2012, 2, 29302938.

Tharayil, Priya H., James, Sigrid, Morgan, Ronald, and Freeman, Kimberly. “Examining Outcomes of Acute Psychiatric Hospitalization Among Children.” Social Work in Mental Health, 10: 2012, 205-232.

Li, Naicong, Raskin, R., Goodchild, M. and Janowicz, K. (2012) “An Ontology-Driven Framework and Web Portal for Spatial Decision Support.” Transactions in GIS 16 (3): 313-329.

Lu, Hongwei. “Cruel Youth, Urban Linglei, and Special Economic Zone Syndrome in Mian Mian’s Candy.” Chinese Literature Today, 1.2 (2011): 40-47.

Fox, C. and Murphy, Philip J. (2012). “Ethics of Public Participation.” Environmental Practice 14 (3) pp. 212-219.

Li, Naicong. (2012) “Accessing Knowledge, Information and Resources for Planning and Spatial Decision Support: Introducing the Spatial Decision Support Knowledge Portal.” International Journal of E-Planning Research, 1 (1), 90-97, January-March 2012. Doezema, L. A.; Longin, Teri; Cody, W.; Perraud, V.; Dawson, M. L.; Ezell, M. J.; Greaves, J.; Johnson, K. R.; Finlayson8

Our House 2013


McLaughlin, Eric (2012). “Electoral Regimes and Party Switching: Floor-crossing in South Africa’s Local Legislatures.” Party Politics, 18:4, 563-580. Qi, S., & Mitchell, Ross E. (2012). “Largescale Academic Achievement Testing of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Students: Past, Present, and Future.” Journal of Deaf Studies & Deaf Education, 17 (1), 1-18.

Fox, C. and Murphy, Philip J. (2011). “Faceto-face and Internet Collaboration for the Giant Sequoia National Monument,” Report for the U.S. Institute of Conflict Resolution. *Freeland, M.M., *Angulo J., *Davis, A.L., *Flook, A.M., *Garcia, B.L., *King, N.A., *Mangibin, S.K., *Paul, K.M., *Prosser, M.E., *Sata, N., Bentley, J.L., and Olson, Lisa E. 2012. “Sex Differences in Improved Efficacy of Doxorubicin Chemotherapy

in Cbr1+/- Mice.” Anticancer Drugs 23 (6), 584-589. (*University of Redlands undergraduate co-authors) Olson, Lisa E. and Mohan S. 2011. “Bone Density Phenotypes in Mice Aneuploid for the Down Syndrome Critical Region.” American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A 155A (10), 2436-2445. Olson, Lisa E., Ohlsson C., and Mohan S. 2011. “The Role of GH/IGF-I-mediated Mechanisms in Sex Differences in Cortical Bone Size in Mice.” Calcified Tissue International 88 (1),1-8. Pick, James B. and Azari, Rasool. 2011. “A Global Model of Utilization of Technology Based on Governmental, Social, Economic, and Business Investment Factors.” Journal of Management Information Systems, 28 (1): 51-85. Romano, Nicolas C. and Pick, James B. 2012. “Cross-Organizational and CrossBorder IS/IT Collaboration, Preface.” Electronic Markets, 22 (1): 5-7. Robinson, Jill L. & Le Comte-Hinely, J. R. (2012). “Gender Bias in On-line Car Price Quotes.” Electronic Markets, 22, 185-194. Salmon, Catherine A. & Diamond, A. (2012) “Evolutionary Perspectives on the Content Analysis of Heterosexual and Homosexual Pornography.” Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology, 6 (2), 193-202. Salmon, Catherine A. (2012). “The Pop Culture of Sex: An Evolutionary Window on the Worlds of Pornography and

Romance.” Review of General Psychology, 16, 152-160. Fisher, M. & Salmon, Catherine A. (2012). “Human Nature and Pop Culture.” Review of General Psychology, 16, 104-108. Salmon, Catherine A. (2012). “The World of Sports Entertainment: Evolutionary Drama in the Squared Circle.” The Evolutionary Review, 3 (1), 108-115. Salmon, Catherine A., Shackelford, T.K., & Michalski, R. (2012). “Birth Order, Sex of Child, and Perceptions of Parental Favoritism.” Personality and Individual Differences, 52, 357–362. Schoonmaker, Sara. “Hacking the Global: Constructing Markets and Commons through Free Software.” Information, Communication & Society 15 (4), 2012, pp. 502-518. Boudreau, James W., and Shunda, Nicholas (2012). “On the Evolution of Prize Perceptions in Contests.” Economics Letters, 116 (3), 498-501. Howarth, J. T. and Sinton, Diana. “Sequencing Spatial Concepts in Problem Based GIS Instruction.” International Conference: Spatial Thinking and Geographic Information Science. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 21 (2011): 253-259. Slusser, Danièle. “The Creation of Scientific Wonder: Jules Verne’s Dialogue with Claude Bernard.” Verniana (2), 2011, 86-128.

Smith, Jeffery D. and Dubbink, G.W. “Understanding the Role of Moral Principles in Business Ethics: A Kantian Perspective.” Business Ethics Quarterly, Vol. 21, no. 2 (2011): 205-231. (Recipient of the Editors’ Award for the Best Published Paper for Volume 21). Dubbink, G.W. and Smith, Jeffery D. “A Political Conception of Corporate Moral Responsibility.” Ethical Theory and Moral Practice,” Vol. 14, no. 2 (2011): 223-246. Soulsby, David. “Using Cloud Storage for NMR Data Distribution,” Chem. Educ., 2012, 89, 1007-1011. Spee, Jim C., and Tompkins, T. C. (2012). “Innovations in Curriculum Program Delivery: Hub and Wheel Design.” The Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 8 (2), 20-25. Spickard, Jim. “Faith, Hope, and Regulative Ideals: Epistemological Reflexivity in the Sociology of Religion.” Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion Vol. 3: 2012, 1-23. Spickard, Jim. “A Sociologist Re-reads Niebuhr’s Christ and Culture.” Ogbomoso Journal of Theology (Nigeria), 17/1, 2012. Jaggia, Sanjiv and Thosar, Satish. 2012, “The Role of Investor Sentiment in the IPO Aftermarket.” Journal of Investing, Vol. 21, No. 4, 99-110. Young, T. Lorraine, Riggs, M., and Robinson, Jill L. (2011). “Child Sexual Abuse Reconsidered: A Factor Structure of CSA Characteristics.” Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 20, 373–395.

Our House 2013



PERFORMANCES, EXHIBITIONS, AND PRODUCTIONS Andonyadis, Nephelie. “Absurd Person Singular.” Costume Designer. Director: David Emmes, South Coast Repertory, September 2012. Andonyadis, Nephelie. “Flor.” Set Designer. Director: Mark Valdez, Cornerstone Theater Company, August 2012. Andonyadis, Nephelie. “Café Vida.” Set Designer. Director: Michael John Garcès, Cornerstone Theater Company, May 2012.

Andonyadis, Nephelie.“The Unrequited.” Set Designer. Director: Shishir Kurup, Cornerstone Theater Company, May 2011.

Cahill, Tommi. “Los Angeles.” Group Exhibition. Musee 16, Los Angeles, CA. June 2012.

Andonyadis, Nephelie. “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” Costume Designer. Director: Mark Rucker, South Coast Repertory, January 2011.

Cahill, Tommi. “Limelight.” Solo Exhibition. Kings Art Center, Hanford, CA. March-May 2011.

Azenaro, Renée. “create/re/create.” TwoPerson Exhibition. Den Contemporary Gallery at the Pacific Design Center, West Hollywood, CA. July 27–August 24, 2012. Batta, Julio. “Su Majestad La Voz.” Sábado Gigante. Univisión. Miami, FL: WLTV-DT, February 5, 2011.

Cahill, Tommi. “In Remote.” Group Exhibition. Brighton, England. November 2011. Grace, Fran. Creator and Producer, “Love Is the Ultimate Law of the Universe,” 18-minute film featured at event in Prescott, Arizona, with 1,700 attendees (Sedona: Institute for Spiritual Research, 2011).

Mitford biography draws

international attention, praise

Leslie Brody, Professor, Creative Writing

Leslie Brody, professor of creative writing, who left home to become an underground reporter at the age of 17, found a kindred spirit in the subject of her seven-year research project, Jessica Mitford. Brody captured Mitford’s indomitable spirit in her 2011 book, Irrepressible: The Life and Times of Jessica Mitford. Mitford, who ran away from her aristocratic family in England to fight fascism in the Spanish Civil War at the age of 19, later became widely known as one of the U.S.’s most notable muckraking investigative journalists. Mitford also became well known for her best-selling book, The American Way of Death, published in 1963. Brody’s biography of Mitford was well received in the U.S. and in England, where she was in demand for book readings and signings, at conferences and in bookstores. Brody has also been interviewed on C-span TV, radio and book blogs.

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Grace, Fran. Creator and Producer, “Power of Love: Guided Meditations for the Heart,” 50-minute CD (Sedona: Inner Pathway Publishing, 2012). Nordgren, Tyler. “National Parks at Night,” Exhibition, Rainforest Art Gallery. New York, 2012. Vailakis, Ivonne Gordon. “La Mirada del Aguila” in The Language of Birds: Anthology. Poem translated to Uzbek. (Uzbekistan, 2012). Vailakis, Ivonne Gordon. “El Vientre Solar.” Poema en Honor a Pablo Neruda. Antología Cien poemas Pablo Neruda. ed. Alfred Asís. Chile. (2012). Vailakis, Ivonne Gordon. “El Atrevimiento” and other poems in Antología de Literatura Ecuatoriana y Mexicana. Mexico. (2012).

GRANTS AND SPONSORED RESEARCH Olson, Lisa, Ko, Celine, and Grace, Fran. “The Impact of Meditation Curriculum on Physiological and Psychosocial Stress, Well-being, and Correlates of Academic Success.” Funded by the Trust for the Meditation Process, 2012-2013. Sinton, Diana. “Visualizing Flow and Movement in the Humanities.” Funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, 2011.

Redlands Institute: A leader in

spatial decision support and geodesign the California Energy Commission to inform conservation planning and alternative energy development. Agencies are using the SDS system to assess the probable impacts of solar energy development projects on the Mojave Desert tortoise, along with potential mitigation actions that would reduce those impacts. This research supports agencies in making better decisions to promote conservation, while reducing uncertainty in the environmental review of solar energy projects. Links: DataExplorer and dtro/ModelExplorer

Redlands Institute

The Redlands Institute (RI) combines collaborative research with technology development, applying Geographic Information System (GIS) and decision analysis to solve problems, inform research and enhance educational experiences. In the last two years, the Institute has worked on several major projects including: 1. The Redlands Institute developed a formal body of knowledge for the emerging fields of spatial decision support (SDS) and geodesign. These two online “knowledge portals” provide resources for understanding and addressing planning and decision problems. Links: and

2. Increasing energy production from renewable sources is a strategic priority for California. Large, utility-scale solar developments have been proposed for the Mojave Desert to help achieve this goal. However, such developments have extensive land and water requirements, and can have negative impacts on ecosystems. The Redlands Institute is working with the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Bureau of Land Management and

3. Non-native invasive plant species (NIS) present a direct and costly threat to land stewardship and natural resource management. On Department of Defense (DoD) installations, NIS may directly interfere with military mission and operations. Federal policies require DoD managers to decide where and when to apply limited resources to control NIS in order to limit impacts to biodiversity, training land use and sustainability. To address this need, the Redlands Institute worked with the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center and Fort Huachuca to develop the NIS Management System (NISMS). This

GIS-based SDS tool guides managers through a multi-objective assessment of potential NIS impacts on military training, operations, natural and cultural resources and installation socioeconomics. The system prioritizes NIS management areas in order to both reduce potential impact to critical resources and to improve management efficiencies. 4. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is responsible for deciding where to invest time and money to manage our nation’s watershed resources and infrastructure assets. In a given year, the Corps can only fund a third of the 15,000+ projects proposed. The Redlands Institute is working with the Corps to develop a SDS system for resource allocation and asset management. This system will allow Corps leaders to be more transparent and objective in their decision making, so that federal funds and organizational resources are applied where they are most needed and can provide greatest benefit. Using an executive dashboard, Corps leaders can evaluate projects based on multiple criteria, and vary the relative importance of these criteria. This allows the Corps to compare projects with different goals and outcomes, and to understand the tradeoffs represented by alternative project portfolios.

Our House 2013

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University of Redlands proudly presents


House 2013

Dr. Art Svenson, David Boies Professor of Government, delivers his “Our House” speech at the Inauguration ceremony of Ralph W. Kuncl in February 2013.

Dr. Art Svenson, beloved professor of three decades at the University of Redlands, has in the past coined the phrase “professors’ paradise” to describe how he feels about spending his days with students “who are as interested in what I do as I am.” An inspired advocate of the University and the community he champions, our David Boies Professor of Government created a “forever moment” in February 2013 with his impassioned rendition of a speech he themed “Our House”—the very, very, very fine kind*—as the featured faculty speaker at the inauguration ceremony of the University’s new president, Ralph W. Kuncl. Using a beat-poet spoken-word style, and bedecked in a silk sapphire-blue jacket from China, Dr. Svenson captured the essence of Our House in his spirited performance that epitomizes the collective joy, wisdom, innovation, and charm of the University of Redlands culture at its heart. Through the pages of this booklet, we welcome you to Our House, the inaugural edition of an annual celebration of the scholarly and creative accomplishments of our faculty and staff that sets the stage for volumes and stories to come. *Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, 1970

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