Once you have completed your course you will be welcomed into the Salford Alumni community of over 175,000 graduates worldwide. We recognise that our graduates may need support in taking the next step and we are here to help. Our online networking and mentoring hub, From Salford, is a service dedicated to supporting you as you enter the next stage of your life and career.
WITH FROM SALFORD YOU CAN: / N etwork exclusively with Salford graduates / See who is willing to mentor you before you approach them and inspire others as a mentor yourself / Continue learning through access to online journals and e-books / Find your next job opportunity and post jobs / Join a group of like-minded alumni in your area / Share news of an event or register to join us at one / Trade ideas, explore career options and support others
To find out more about the benefits and services available to Salford graduates visit www.salford.ac.uk/alumni