HOW ARE YOU FEELING? / Even though Covid restrictions in England have eased, we are still emerging from the pandemic and so your safety remains our number one priority. / It might feel a bit different from other areas of your life but we will be here to help you and we will keep things as normal as possible. / In the meantime we are working to keep you safe and give you a great experience.
WHAT DOES ‘SAFE’ MEAN TO US? / Unless exempt, please wear a face covering when moving around our buildings / Don’t gather in groups indoors, adhere to the one metre social distancing rule and where a face covering where required unless you are exempt / Please don’t move or rearrange furniture. All spaces have been risk assessed and set up in accordance with social distancing guidance. / Be considerate and kind at all times, we all feel differently about our personal space and boundaries post-pandemic / In some areas, mainly specialist teaching spaces, face coverings will be mandatory as they are required by the relevant risk assessment. / Wash your hands regularly! / Regular cleaning of touch point surfaces
PLANNING FOR YOUR SAFETY ON-CAMPUS What we’ve been doing on campus to keep you safe: / Allowing extra space in teaching rooms and managing the number of people who can enter
/ Providing signage in buildings to make it clear how to use spaces safely
/ Carry out a risk assessment of all planned activities to identify any additional requirements
/ Putting in extra sanitisation points and increasing our cleaning regimes.
WHAT DO YOU NEED TO DO? ü Take the time to read and understand this information and national guidance ü Commit to the community pledge and make sure you’re aware of the safety information at ü Consider your own circumstances and whether to take any additional health and safety precautions. ü Plan ahead for time on-campus (e.g. allowing extra time to travel if needed) and asking any questions ü Follow all relevant guidance to protect yourself and others
FIRST DAY ON CAMPUS… On your first day back you can expect to: / Wear a face covering when moving around our buildings, unless exempt / See new signage advising you of the safety measures in place / Comply with all safety measures / Meet old and new friends! / Start the next stage of your learning
ACCESSING FURTHER SUPPORT AND FAQs If you have any concerns, questions or specific issues relating to: / Your teaching and learning, please talk to your tutor about it. / I f you are having practical problems such as with money or accommodation, or issues which are affecting your emotional or mental health, or have any other practical concerns please contact askUS VISIT THE STUDENT HUB TO READ THE FAQs
AND FINALLY… /W e look forward to welcoming you on to campus /W e know this may be difficult /W e’ll keep everything as normal as possible /W e’ll help you get through it /W e are working to ensure you have a great experience /P lease talk to us if you need to
Please note: we are all responsible for keeping the campus safe. Anyone not meeting the requirements may be asked to leave a building or area, or in the most serious cases disciplinary action may be taken.