UOS - Six Fundamentals Guide

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SIX FUNDAMENTALS / At the University of Salford we have developed our Six Fundamentals to support you to successfully complete your apprenticeship and enhance your employability / As part of your induction you will need to complete e-learning on the Six Fundamentals including a module on safeguarding / The Six Fundamentals are embedded throughout your apprenticeship and will be discussed at your Progress Review Meetings (PRMs)

Safeguarding & Prevent Health, wellbeing & enrichment

Careers & employability Six Fundamentals End Point Assessment (EPA)

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Maths, English & digital




How? Ask yourself:

Safeguarding & Prevent

Protecting the health, wellbeing and human rights of individuals. Prevention of being drawn into extremism/terrorism

We have a duty to protect ourselves and those around us. Legislation – Counter Terrorism & Security ACT (2015)

/ Do you feel safe at Uni, work and home? / Do you understand the Prevent duty? / Do you know who to raise concerns to at Uni and in the workplace?

Health, wellbeing & enrichment

Health & wellbeing, disability, opportunities beyond the curriculum

It is important that all apprentices are supported to achieve. Being an apprentice and an employee are both challenging as well as rewarding

/A re you having any issues with your health and or wellbeing? /D o you need any reasonable adjustments to support your learning? /H ow can you engage in wider work, community or university activities such as charity events, community projects or groups?

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

EDI is integral to promoting fundamental British values that shape society:: (i) Democracy (ii) Rule of Law (iii) Respect & Tolerance (iv) Individual Liberty

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion are key values for creating a fair and respectful workplace and society

/ Do you feel respected? / Can you voice your opinions? /C onsider how topical local and/or national issues relate to your industry/life e.g. civil war abroad increasing refugees accessing UK healthcare, being victims of crime, requiring suitable accommodation, jobs

Maths, English & digital skills

Continued development of maths, English and digital skills applied to the job

Developing these skills and applying them to the job role is an important element of the apprenticeship

/D o you understand how maths, English & Digital skills are relevant to your job? e.g. Blood-alcohol levels/medicine management/writing notes/ reports/ /H ow are these topics developed and assessed on programme? /A re you aware of the resources available and do you need any additional support?

End Point Assessment (EPA)

The EPA is the final assessment of occupational competence

A requirement of the apprenticeship standard as the final test of occupational competence

/D o you understand the EPA? /C an you see how the KSBs are preparing you for your EPA? /D o you need any support at this time for the EPA?

It is important that apprentices are aware of their career options and support available from the University both as a current apprentice and once they graduate/complete their course

/H ave you considered and explored your longerterm career progression options? / I f relevant, have you considered options such as working for yourself? /H ow can you explore further study options relevant to your career options? /A re you able to reflect on, develop and evidence your employability skills? /A re you aware of the support available from the Careers & Enterprise team?

Careers & Employability

Careers and enterprise impartial information, advice, and guidance

SAFEGUARDING AND PREVENT People can experience abuse from people they know such as family and friends, or from people within their communities or strangers. The duty to safeguard apprentices from harm extends to preventing them being drawn into terrorism At the University of Salford, we take our responsibility to ensure the safety of our learners seriously. This includes aspects of the apprentices experience, both in and outside of the workplace, as well as during any attendance at University We have prepared some e-learning on these topics which you will complete during your induction

SIDE BY SIDE PREVENT MODULE As part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, universities are required to pay ‘due regard to the need to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism’. All apprentices must complete the Side by Side Prevent module within the first 3 months of their apprenticeship. This is in addition to the induction e-learning you are required to complete. The link to the side-by-side training can be found on the apprenticeship hub: testlivesalfordac.sharepoint.com/sites/Apprenticeships

It should take around an hour to complete all sections. Once completed, you need to upload the certificate to the document section in OneFile. There is a guide in OneFile on how to upload, or your Learning and Development Coach can help you. This training is mandatory for all apprentices.

SAFEGUARDING SUPPORT All staff at the university are required to undertake safeguarding and Prevent training and some staff are required to undertake additional training. Our Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead oversee our safeguarding across the University. Academic Schools are supported by teams of Designated Safeguarding Officers (DSOs). Apprentices can talk to any member of staff or use Report + Support to raise any safeguarding concerns reportandsupport.salford.ac.uk If your situation is an emergency or you are in danger, please report the incident to Security by ringing 0161 295 3333 and/ or the Police on 999 (for emergencies) or 101 for non-emergencies BEFORE you use Report & Support.

HEALTH, WELLBEING & ENRICHMENT University can be a busy time, which can make it harder for you to take the time to look after your physical and mental wellbeing. We have a range of fun and social events available to help you feel part of our university community and when you need some extra support our student experience services are here to help. / askUS is our one stop shop for a wide range of things to help you during your studies salford.ac.uk/askus Wellbeing and counselling Disability Inclusion Service Financial support / Uni Life shows our many events taking place on campus and virtually salford.ac.uk/askus/topics/uni-life / The Students’ Union hold social events, societies and workshops to enhance your university experience salfordstudents.com / The Faith Centre is open to all, regardless of your beliefs salford.ac.uk/askus/support/faith / The Sports Centre is a multi-purpose recreational facility salford.ac.uk/sports-centre

EQUITY, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION / Our ambition is to be a university where inclusivity is intentionally designed and embedded into all that we do, where everyone feels like they matter and belong / Our culture and institutional values support an inspirational learning and working environment which empowers people to lead with creativity and innovation that advances equity for all / We promote fundamental British values which underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain, valuing our community and celebrating the diversity of the UK / The University of Salford is committed to upholding and actively promoting these values that are embedded in our Student Charter and our Salford Behaviours / We believe that bullying, harassment, sexual harassment, discrimination, domestic violence, stalking, physical violence, racism, microaggressions and hate crime are never OK / It is important to speak up so that we can act and support you. Report + Support is a safe and confidential way to report any of these unacceptable experiences / Read our British Values Statement on the Apprenticeship hub site


This is about making decisions together and making sure that everyone has a voice and the right to express their opinion. Examples include voting for student representatives, debates and receiving and giving feedback.


The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work in. Examples include university policies and procedures and the Student Charter.


Protection of your rights and the right of others you work with. This is about being able to live the life you want to lead without discrimination. This gives us the right to make our own choices. Examples include encouraging the values of freedom of speech without causing offence to others.


Understanding that we all do not share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own on others. Examples include our multi faith centre, as well as embracing diversity through our wide range of societies and social events.

MATHS, ENGLISH & DIGITAL All jobs require maths, English and digital skills and developing these will build employability skills, increase your confidence, enhance your career prospects and improve opportunities in life. / It is a requirement that all apprentices studying at Level 4 and above have functional skills level 2 or equivalent in maths and English. At the University of Salford we require these qualifications before you start on your apprenticeship / We are required to assess your current level of maths and English when you start your apprenticeship, we do this during onboarding using tests called BKSB (Basic and Key Skills Builder). You will discuss your results with your Learning and Development Coach and each programme has a bespoke maths, English and digital support plan for apprentices / During the apprenticeship all apprentices will further develop their maths, English and digital skills whilst on programme apply these in the workplace / Our Library has comprehensive support, guidance and resources to help you develop your academic skills salford.ac.uk/skills

END POINT ASSESSMENT / All apprenticeships have an end point assessment (EPA) / The EPA is documented in the apprenticeship standard on the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) website instituteforapprenticeships.org/apprenticeshipstandards / Your EPA will be explained to you at induction and you will be prepared for EPA throughout your apprenticeship / You must successfully complete the EPA as well as any academic qualification in order to achieve the Apprenticeship Certificate / EPA is a mandatory element of your apprenticeship

CAREERS & EMPLOYABILITY / Our dedicated Careers and Enterprise team offer impartial careers advice, guidance and information, including: Workshops Online learning Careers appointments CV and application support Interview preparation Advice on further study / There is a dedicated area for apprentices where you can find out more about what employability skills employers are looking for: salford.ac.uk/careers/support/our-offer-to-you/apprentices / Careers and employability are embedded throughout your programme

SUPPORT AND FURTHER INFORMATION The University of Salford’s Individual Learning Model and Six Fundamentals Apprenticeship Guides are on the Apprentice Hub site along with lots of other useful information: testlivesalfordac.sharepoint.com/sites/Apprenticeships/ All of our student services can be found at AskUS including Disability and Learner Support and Wellbeing and Counselling: salford.ac.uk/askus The Student Union has lots of clubs, societies and activities to get involved in: salfordstudents.com/your-union Check out our first class sports facilities: salford.ac.uk/sports-centre The Library’s Skills website offers a wide range of study skills training. If you need to improve your IT skills, learn how to find information for your assignments and improve your studey skills this is a great place to start: salford.ac.uk/skills To complement specialist Library support we also provide free online English, maths and digital support: Wordscope for help with common writing issues salford.ac.uk/skills/writing-support/wordscope Mathscope helps with maths and statistics problems salford.ac.uk/skills/maths-and-numeracy-support/mathscope Microsoft Office courses are located here: salford.ac.uk/skills/it-skills/microsoft-office-courses The Careers and Enterprise Service offer a range of services, including impartial advice and guidance, plus employability workshops and resources. Visit: salford.ac.uk/careers





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